Colorful and detailed description of summer nature. Essay on the topic “Nature. June: warmth envelops the earth

Literary reading lesson

Description of nature ( wordscape). Epithet.

according to the program "Literary reading"

Learning Objectives:

· get acquainted with the visual means in a lyric poem;

· develop the ability to analyze a lyric poem, understand the poet’s intention, find the author’s techniques for creating a verbal landscape;

· develop the ability to consciously, competently, expressively read a lyric poem.

Time spending : 2nd quarter.

Student age : 3rd grade.

Number of hours: 2 hours.

Textbook material: Grade 3, book 2, p. 50-51.

For creative work, you can use a portrait of the writer, as well as a small curriculum vitae about him.

TEACHER. Reading various works in textbooks and other books, you often came across descriptions of nature. Remember what wonderful authors (writers and poets) are masters of words landscape. Name the authors whose descriptions of nature you remember!

TEACHER. Let's clarify what a verbal landscape is. Express your version to your neighbor too. And then look at how the concept of “verbal landscape” is defined in Dictionary reader at the end of the textbook. Copy this definition into your notebook.

Scenery– a description of nature, i.e. a verbal depiction of any phenomenon of reality by listing its characteristic features.

(In this case, a more detailed definition of the concept is given than in the textbook “Literary Reading”. You can use it when working with children).

TEACHER. Today we will get acquainted with one of the poems of Ivan Alekseevich Bunin. Meet text of the poem. When you read the work, think about the mood with which the author describes nature.

A note appears on the board: With which mood does the author talk about autumn? Describe author's mood!

Leaf fall

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun,

And autumn is a quiet widow

Today in an empty clearing,

Among the wide yard,

Air web fabric

They shine like a silver net.

Plays all day today

The last moth in the yard

And, like a white petal,

Freezes on the web,

Warmed by the warmth of the sun;

It's so light all around today,

Such dead silence

In the forest and in the blue heights,

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf.

TEACHER. Do you think your mood changes often? Find those fragments of the poem in which you wanted change intonation while reading. Highlight these words and expressions in the text.

(Students take pencils and make highlights in the text according to the proposed task.)

*** Fragments of text in which a change of mood occurs are highlighted. They are indicated in the poem itself in blue. This is exactly how the 3rd grade students themselves suggest highlighting the lines.)

A COMMENT. The poet has an amazingly subtle sense of the state autumn nature. It creates a bright, accurate picture of golden autumn. At the beginning (in stanza 1) intonations sound admiration, sincere admiration this picture: there are so many colors here that you can’t take your eyes off!

Starting from stanza 2, the author writes out in detail every touch of autumn. He's watching autumn forest, and what his eyes see is captured in this stanza. The feeling of admiration for nature does not leave him here either. At the end of the stanza the poem sounds more calm, measured, peaceful , since the poet speaks of autumn fully entering its domain.

What is described in stanza 3 happens in the present tense. The hero, who turns out to be an eyewitness to the autumn “events” (you can name them!), enjoys the colors of the transforming forest and the sounds that autumn gives it. In this stanza the notes sound peace, bliss, tranquility .

Finally, stanza 4, which echoes stanza 1, brings the text into a loop. And again the poet with feeling admiration, even awe describes nature, conveys one’s inner state. He is enchanted by the autumn forest, he is numb from the beauty and many bright shades of autumn.

TEACHER. In previous lessons you became acquainted with a new figurative means of language. (Students name the comparison, remember for what purpose the authors use this means to create an image). Find comparisons in this poem. Highlight them in the text. Read the lines you found.

(Students take pencils and make highlights in the text according to the proposed task. Then read out the fragments indicated in the text.)

The forest is like a painted tower,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

A cheerful, motley wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving

Glisten in the blue azure,

Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,

And between the maples they turn blue

Here and there through the foliage

Clearances in the sky, like a window.

The forest smells of oak and pine,

Over the summer it dried out from the sun,

And autumn is a quiet widow

He enters his colorful mansion.

Today in an empty clearing,

Among the wide yard,

Air web fabric

They shine like a silver net.

Plays all day today

The last moth in the yard

And, like a white petal,

Freezes on the web,

Warmed by the warmth of the sun;

It's so light all around today,

Such dead silence

In the forest and in the blue heights,

What is possible in this silence

Hear the rustle of a leaf.

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
Standing above a sunny meadow,
Fascinated by the silence...

A COMMENT. This poem masterfully uses similes to create an overshadowed landscape. Students gradually, step by step, find each comparison and explain: what object is being compared? On what basis is the comparison with another object made? For example: “The forest is like a painted tower...” In this phrase, it is no coincidence that the autumn forest is compared to a tower.

Terem- the upper residential tier of the mansion (ancient Russian large residential buildings), built above the entryway). Terem is the brightest, top part house that could be seen from afar. Therefore, the autumn forest is compared to a tower on the grounds that its beauty catches the eye of a person. The autumn forest at the time of golden autumn, with all its colors, is truly a royal spectacle. They admire and admire it, like a mansion.

Students must explain the nature of the similarity of these objects, and in dialogue clarify what is not entirely clear after the first reading.

TEACHER. Now find the brightest ones in stanza 1 definitions-signs , with the help of which the author describes autumn forest. Highlight them. Be sure to check yourself, consulting with the guys and the teacher.

A note appears on the board: Find in stanza 1 definitions-signs . For what purpose does the poet use them in the poem?

The forest is definitely towering painted,

Lilac, gold, crimson,

Cheerful, colorful wall

Standing above a bright clearing.

A COMMENT. Words painted, lilac, gold, crimson, cheerful, motley- these are the signs that create bright image autumn forest. Such definitions give the poem liveliness, emotionality, and expressiveness.

In the student's speech primary school adjectives are actively included, so turning to a new figurative means of language is epithet, highlighting it in the text, the ability to admire an accurate, successfully found word becomes relevant and significant in the development of the emotional-speech sphere of the reader’s personality.

TEACHER. Why do we tower painted? Try to give your answer. (Students offer their versions. Then discuss them.)

Listen to the answer another 3rd grade student gave to this question. Discuss it with the guys in the group! Do you agree with the student's opinion?

(Students discuss the student's answer: provide evidence for their discussions.)

TEACHER. Now explain how you understand the meaning of each definition. To check yourself, consult an explanatory dictionary.

What does "lilac" mean?

What does "crimson" mean?

What does the word "golden" mean?

Which question is answered by all three words: painted, purple, crimson?

(Students explain the meaning of words and answer questions.)

*** Painted - painted with a brush, painting, paints; motley.

Lilac – light purple, lilac; a mixture of colors of pink and blue, bluish, scarlet blue.

Crimson – crimson, red.

TEACHER. In this poem, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin used a special figurative means - artistic definition(epithet). And the students of one third grade came up with a model that reflects the characteristics of an epithet. Are they right? Consider Epithet model and look into Reader's dictionary.

*** Students express their opinions, transform the model, and can create their own. But it’s better to do this first, before showing this model.

TEACHER. You have become acquainted with a new visual medium - epithet. It helps authors create images of nature. Each of you will now, I hope, be able to create your own texts in which you will talk about nature and your relationship to it. What is an epithet? Give your definition. Write it down in your notebook.

An epithet is an artistic, colorful definition that gives the text liveliness, emotionality, and expressiveness.

Visual means are means of language based on special techniques the use of words that help the author create images in works.

A lyric poem is a work that depicts the state of mind and the hero’s experiences, acquiring the characteristics of an artistic image.

TEACHER. I think it's time for each of you to try to write creative work! Fill in the blanks in the story. Write down the words that express your (the author's) attitude to the events. Read your essay in class and discuss it with the guys.

A very____________________ story

It’s the third day that it’s ________________ raining outside. It’s as if he __________________, that at night_______________________, and by night_______________ even more. ______________________nonstop.

On the first day, when _____________________umbrellas appeared on the street, from the window it seemed that the street was _____________________. There was _______________ and ______________ mood. And everyone’s faces were such that you would immediately think: “___________________________.” And ___________________rain ___________________. And now on the street___________________, as during_____________________. And ___________________the rain is knocking and________________.

TEACHER. What visual means helped you complement this text? Give examples and explain your point of view.

Additional material for lessons on this topic

TEACHER. You know the wonderful poem about autumn “Falling Leaves”. In it, the author created a bright, unforgettable image of this time of year. I suggest turning to works of other types of art. These are picturesque paintings by artists that represent images of autumn nature. Look at them carefully!

3. Text about the genre of painting

Images in painting

Plein air(translated from French " open air") are called natural landscapes created directly in nature. Planner allows you to track changes environment V different time days, depending on the weather, light, time of year and find new artistic media expressions of various states of nature.

sun day

The night disappeared behind a charming cloud, and a rosy morning descended onto the earth. The sun is about to rise. Its rays are already flashing on the horizon. Everyone is waiting for the morning: plants, animals, people. But why isn’t it there yet? Maybe he's still sleeping sweetly? Or maybe they quarreled with the earth and no longer wants to shine? What now? And yet the east is gradually turning pink. Finally, as if from under a blanket, the sun rose above the horizon, majestic and beautiful.

The beam quickly illuminated the water, the forest, the surrounding fields, and people's houses. The earth sparkled like a green carpet in its radiance. When a ray of sunshine reached my face, I woke up, smiled cheerfully at him, opened my eyes and joyfully greeted the new day.

Favorite season

Most of all I love spring. This, in my opinion, is the time of year.

In spring, everything on earth awakens to new life. The snow melts, young green grass appears. Leaves are blooming on trees and bushes. They come back to us in the spring migratory birds: starlings, rooks, storks. They begin to build nests and prepare housing for future chicks.

I love watching spring nature. Seeing how everything around is renewed and decorated after winter sleep. The streams sing merrily, feathered musicians glorifying the arrival of spring with all their voices. The air is filled with the fragrant smell of plants. Spring is a renewal in nature. This is exactly why I love her.


I really love meeting the first flashes of awakening of a new day. Long before sunrise the sun announces its arrival. It colors the night sky with its rays and extinguishes the stars.

I love to meet the sun, the game and the trembling of the morning flashes of its rays. First, a crimson-red stripe appears on the horizon. Then it turns orange, pink, and then everything around is filled with the sun. And as if for the first time you see a green leaf, a tree that grows up to my window, and a light fog over your hometown, awakening to a new day.

And now the dawn gives way to a new day, is filled with the worries of people’s lives, and I hear a gentle: “ Good morning, son!"

Golden autumn

That's it warm summer. Autumn has come. Unnoticed, she crept up to our gardens, fields, groves, and forests. Back at the end of August, the trees began to be covered with yellow leaves, and now it was already sparkling in the sun like gold. The trees stood in a crimson, yellow letter that slowly came to the floor. The ground was covered with colorful leaves, as if walking on a beautiful carpet. I love listening to the rustling of fallen leaves, looking at the magical autumn paintings on maple leaves. The short Indian summer flashed by, the cold began to bite, and the feathered musicians fell silent. Now it's time to say goodbye to the golden autumn.

Description essay based on the painting by Belokur “Flowers behind the fence”

In Belokur’s painting there are beautiful flowers against the backdrop of a clear, fine sky. They can be divided into two bouquets. One, the closer one, is in the shadow, the second is more expressive, lighter, illuminated sun rays. There are a few colors: red, green, white, blue. But many intermediate colors are accepted.

I think the craftswoman is very fond of nature, immensely in love with flowers. And there are many of them here. Pink mallows reach for the sun. A climbing birch tree trudged along a birch branch. Snow-white daisies and orange lilies, pink-red tulips and nasturtiums with cherry veins on the petals captivate the eye.

The painting captivates with its harmony of colors and shapes, delights with its beauty and craftsmanship.

Essay - description

Nature is the material world of the Universe; in essence, it is the main object of study of science. In everyday life, the word “nature” is often used to mean habitat habitat (everything that is not created by man).
A corner of nature can be found everywhere: on the street, at home, at school, at work in the form of simple pots of flowers or flowers in a vase that people give to please those to whom they present them. But I have a difficult, but let’s say not the worst, task ahead of me - to describe something so beautiful, charmingly fragile, perfect in its beauty, creative, so that the description of “this” does not bore those reading my essay and, of course, is assessed positively. At the very beginning of my thoughts, I thought to describe the nature of my beloved city of Almaty. Trees that give the city life in summer blooming species, despite the clutter and a large number of cars spoiling the air. In autumn, the leaves are painted in different tones of yellow, red, green, but in winter this variety of colors fades and snow appears on the branches, which shelters them from the cold and wet wind. In spring we smell a pleasant smell blooming lilac, apples, apricots, which subsequently take on appetizing shapes and you want to pick, but you are afraid that a neighbor of retirement age will come out and drive you away, with the experience of a soldier driving the enemy away from the battlefield under your belt, and such a desired piece of free happiness turns into “quickly hide and tear it off."
And yet, my thoughts have come to such a pressing solution to the problem, which I hope no one has ever come up with before me! (At this point you need to giggle, rubbing your palms together, at the genius and greatness of my imagination) I decided to describe a flower that grows on high limestone mountains and about which legends were made by those who knew how to do it. This flower for me is the most incomprehensible combination of tenderness, vulnerability, beauty, intertwined with a thirst for life, perseverance and determination. I think everyone knows the legend of Edelweiss, scientists call it Leontopodium, which means lion's paw. It has become a symbol of hardship and good luck. Imagine a steep limestone mountain, and somewhere in the depths of the rocks hides this fragile flower, only 15-25 cm long. Its petals seem to be covered with frost, which surround the inflorescence in the form of a star. It is not at all large in size, it seemed unremarkable, but there is so much mystery and mystery in it that fascinates and makes one marvel at such perfect beauty. A peaceful, beautiful sight, as rare as it is unusual, and it is found in special places where harmony reigns

Music for happiness - gentle guitar

The first chord is light, a breath of wind, your fingers barely touch the strings. A vanishingly quiet sound, E minor, simpler and there is nothing...
The first snowflake is light, translucent, carried by an almost imperceptible wind. She is the harbinger of snowfall, a scout who was the first to descend to the ground...

The second chord – the fingers of the left hand are deftly rearranged, the right one confidently and softly leads along the strings. Down, down, up - simple and gives the simplest sound. It's not a blizzard or a storm - just snowfall. There can be nothing complicated about it. Snowflakes begin to fly more often - the vanguard of the main forces, sparkling ice stars.

Then the chords replace each other more viscously and tenderly, so that the ear almost does not notice the transition from one sound to another. A transition that always sounds harsh. Instead of a fight, it’s too much. Eight. The intro is played and even if it’s not an instrumental that sounds triumphant and joyful during a summer downpour or viscous and bewitching in a snowstorm, even if it’s just chords put together, the music surprisingly suits the snow outside the window, the white butterflies of winter, the icy tiny stars that are all dancing, dancing their dance in the night sky...

Singing is woven into the music - quiet, the words are indistinguishable, elude perception, mixed with the snowfall and the measured, natural beating of the heart. A clear rhythm and calm strength resound in them. The song has no end, it just softly intertwines with the dance of snowflakes and goes away imperceptibly, leaving the sky and snow alone...
Cold and darkness conceal sounds and movements, reconciling the city with winter...

And the Lord of Snowfall, having played his part on one of the roofs, gently puts his guitar, which has power over the elements, into its case. There is snow on his shoulders and hair, red cheerful sparks flash and go out - snowflakes reflect the light of distant lights. There is light in the windows of the house opposite. There are people there who don’t know how to weave the lace of the elements...

The staircase is an ordinary staircase of a nine-story building. Doors, an elevator always occupied by someone, the dim light of a light bulb on the landing... The Lord of Snowfall walks, holding his guitar, quietly and slowly walking up the steps. From the ninth floor to the first, carefully so as not to disturb the warm feeling of relaxed, trusting happiness that comes every time after completing the game...
And the usual angry question from the mother who opened the door:
– When will you stop playing your games and finally start thinking?
hits open mind like a knife. Soft ones break snow wings, given by the fulfillment of the present and only misunderstanding and resentment remain.
Why does she hit where it hurts the most? For what?..

At night, a wild wind mixed with snow blew through the city. Broke tree branches, tore wires, swept roads...
It was the Lord of Snowfall's guitar singing again.

"The fields are spacious, silent
They shine, drenched in dew...
Silent and sad forest high,
The green, dark forest is silent"

The mystery of majestic nature

The famous Russian writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev became famous as a master of landscape. In his work, the description of the picture of nature is inseparable from the life of the characters, their mood and inner experiences. The author’s landscapes are not only filled with colorful, realistic and detailed descriptions, but also carry a psychological and emotional load. With the help of a description of nature, the author reveals inner essence your hero. So in the novel “Fathers and Sons”, Turgenev, using the landscape of nature, shows how the mood of the hero Arkady himself changes, the author very accurately conveys it inner world. Nature in Turgenev’s description is very colorful, the author presents it in such detail that the picture literally comes to life. The words that the writer chooses very accurately convey the landscape presented: “golden and green, ... shiny under the quiet breath of a warm breeze.”

The nature presented in Turgenev's works is very diverse. In the story “Bezhin Meadow,” the July landscape is vividly presented: “the color of the sky, light, pale lilac,” “in dry and clean air it smells of wormwood, compressed rye, buckwheat,” at night, “steel reflections of water, occasionally and dimly flickering, indicated its flow.” The writer is imbued with the description of nature so much that his landscapes become so real, as if they come to life. The colorfulness of his paintings can be compared to the work of an artist’s brush. But with only one difference - Turgenev’s landscapes are dynamic, they are in constant motion. The author very colorfully conveys the beginning of the rain in the story “Biryuk” from the series “Notes of a Hunter”: “ Strong wind Suddenly there was a roar in the heights, the trees began to storm, large drops of rain began to knock sharply, splashed on the leaves, lightning flashed, and a thunderstorm broke out. The rain poured down in streams."

Turgenev understood nature, admired its majesty and the rigor of the laws it established. He noted man's powerlessness before the power of nature and admired, even with some fear, its power. Nature appears as something eternal, unshakable, in contrast to human mortal existence. The writer tries to see the common connection between nature and man, but stumbles over its serene silence. The author has repeatedly noted the independence of the laws of nature from human aspirations, plans, ambitions and human life in general. Nature in Turgenev's works is simple and open in its reality, but complex and mysterious in the manifestations of forces often hostile to man.

He was even frightened by the indifference of nature, embodied in the inviolability of laws over which man had no influence. Everything is in her power, regardless of human desire or consent. The author demonstrates this manifestation especially clearly in the poetic prose “Nature”. Here Turgenev turns to Mother Nature with the question: “What are you thinking about? Isn’t it about the future destinies of humanity ... ”However, the answer surprised him very much; it turns out that at this time she is caring about improving the life of the flea. “Reason is not my law,” she answered in an iron, cold voice.

The endless mysteries of nature and the universe bother the author and disturb his imagination. The image of nature in Turgenev's works is shown very colorfully and professionally, using rich Russian speech, giving the landscape an indescribable beauty, filled with colors and smells.

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