Christina Brodskaya: biography, career and personal life of the actress. Igor Petrenko's wife Kristina Brodskaya took part in a fashion show with her daughter Igor Petrenko's New Love

Actor Igor Petrenko is widely known in Russian cinema. The life of a talented Russian actor filled with exciting events. Igor Petrenko and his new girlfriend are constantly in the lens of persistent journalists.

Igor Petrenko and Christina Brodskaya

Briefly about family and creativity

Igor's date of birth is August 23, 1977. He was born in the German city of Potsdam. As a child, the boy did not think about filming at all. Parents had nothing to do with cinema, but they were educated people. Three years after the birth of their son, the family settled in Moscow.
IN school years the future actor was a prankster, skipped classes, often received deuces. However, I was fascinated English language and martial arts.
After graduating from school, Igor decided for a long time with future specialty. Absolutely by chance, he chose the acting path. While walking around the city, the guy heard about the recruitment of students to a prestigious theater school, easily entered it and completely became interested in dramaturgy.
Thanks to the excellent game, he received numerous film awards:

  • 2002 - was the winner in the categories "Discovery of the Year" and "Best Male Debut" for a talented game in the movie "Star";
  • 2003 - became known as a promising young actor, was awarded the Brigantine-2003 prize for the excellent performance leading role in the movie "Carmen";
  • 2009 - marked as the best male actor in the historical drama "Taras Bulba"

There is an interesting opinion: the actor completely gets used to the image and often repeats the fate of his characters in life.

Two unsuccessful marriages of Igor Petrenko

First experience marital relations came early. The wife of the future movie star was a classmate Leonova Irina.

Student friendship grew into love, and after graduating from college, in 2000, the young people got married. They lived together for four years, then the marriage broke up. The reason was the complex financial situation, to which Irina's romance with actor Yevgeny Tsyganov was added. In 2004, the couple officially divorced.
It is believed that another reason for the breakup was the new passion of the actor - Ekaterina Klimova.

Thanks to joint work in "Moscow Windows" they became very close, on-screen relationships came to life. Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko fell in love, but at that time both were in family relationships. After long hesitation, Catherine left her previous husband at the same time as the beginning of a new romance. ex-wife beloved.
The love story lasted for 10 years. Over the years, the couple managed to have two sons, experienced happiness, envy and separation. The couple successfully starred in numerous films, their duet invariably aroused admiration.
2013 was the beginning of their complete break. The reason for the divorce of Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko is well known. The actor took part in the filming of the series about Sherlock Holmes for 3 years and lived all this time in St. Petersburg. According to Klimova, he rarely visited his family, was not interested in children and abused alcohol. It was rumored that it could not do without adultery.
Coincidentally or in retaliation to her unfaithful husband, Catherine started a relationship during filming in Las Vegas. The soloist of the Chelsea musical group was considered her lover. Journalists managed to collect evidence of her adventures and put it on the Internet.

The reaction of Igor Petrenko to his wife's betrayal was unrestrained. Being beside himself with anger, he crushed everything around. An ideal marriage at first glance has given a deep crack.
The actor was very worried and even noticeably lost weight during this difficult period. Numerous fans were worried along with him. The whole country hoped that the actors would come to an agreement and save the family.
Ekaterina Klimova collected documents for the divorce proceedings in April 2014, and in June the spouses were officially divorced. Sons, Matvey and Korney, stayed with their mother. The rejected father does not forget about his boys and regularly communicates with them. Today, Igor Petrenko and Ekaterina Klimova still communicate, are friendly towards each other, and often act in the same film projects.

Igor Petrenko and Christina Brodskaya

Soon after the divorce from the ex-lover, the celebrity began a romantic relationship. Catherine was replaced by a young actress Christina Brodskaya. Some sources claim that the romance of Igor Petrenko and Christina Brodskaya began at the same time as the divorce. Moreover - new darling Petrenko was already pregnant before meeting him and soon gave birth to a girl, Sophia-Carolina.

Igor Petrenko and Kristina Brodskaya with their daughter Sophia-Carolina

Igor Petrenko and his new girlfriend were not free from a previous relationship at the time of their acquaintance. For the sake of Petrenko, the 24-year-old actress refused an engagement to actor Artem Krylov, whom she had met for years before these events. Kristina Brodskaya is somewhat withdrawn and uncommunicative, she is not a fan of attending secular parties and rarely appears in popular in social networks.
Katya Klimova did not lose heart after the divorce. Keeping up with her ex-husband, she actively began to arrange new life. It became known that she met the actor Gela Meskhi. The guy is 8 years younger than her. Soon the young woman became pregnant from him and gave birth to a daughter, Bella. The actress is still in demand in cinema and theater.
Meanwhile, Igor Petrenko and his new girlfriend were in no hurry to legitimize the relationship. It is interesting that with ex-wife he stamped his passport only after four years of civil marriage.
With my new girl Igor Petrenko got married only in September 2016. The newlyweds chose Kaliningrad as the place for painting, so as not to attract too much attention to the event and hide from the prying eyes of the ubiquitous media.
On January 30, 2016, the film actor again became a dad: the third wife gave him a daughter. The girl became the fourth child of a celebrity. Today actor Petrenko Igor and his new wife Christina Brodskaya happy caring parents two daughters.

The father of many children consistently has a busy filming schedule. Prominent and talented despite mature age, he still remains on the list of the most popular film actors in the country and never ceases to amaze with changes in his personal life.

It seems that the entire female part of the country was worried when the first rumors spread about the breakup of one of the most beautiful and strong Russian couples - Ekaterina Klimova and Igor Petrenko. But almost everyone gasped louder when, not so much time after the final divorce, it became known that Petrenko had a daughter ... from a young actress Christina Brodskaya.

During the first part of this melodramatic story, Igor Petrenko admitted in one of the few interviews: “I myself am to blame for what happened.” Most of The work of the actor took place in St. Petersburg, the couple rarely saw each other, Petrenko was nervous because of the difficult work and began to relax with the help of a drink. Inattention to his wife and children - two common sons and daughter Klimova from a previous marriage - led Katya to slam the door and leave to seek her fortune on the side. She succeeded - now she is married to actor Gela Meskhi, and most recently gave him a daughter.

However, Petrenko was ahead of her. Even during the divorce proceedings, it became known that by the end of 2014 Petrenko would become a father. And this happiness will be given to him by a young actress - pretty Christina Brodskaya, familiar to viewers from the TV series Split, Grigory R., Tatyana's Night. A graduate of the St. Petersburg Academy of Theater Arts was born in Vladivostok, but spent part of her adult life in Omsk - her parents David and Ilona Brodsky were leading actors of the Omsk Drama Theater. Christina herself managed to play a couple of roles in the theater, but went to study in northern capital.

// Photo: Vladimir Andreev/

At the time of the meeting with Igor, Brodskaya was not free - with a colleague Artem Krylov, they planned to get married in the near future. It was in January 2014, and literally three months later, Kristina no longer hid from her friends that she was pregnant from Petrenko. By the way, as soon as it became known about interesting position Christina, her parents moved to the city on the Neva. True, Brodskaya was in no hurry to go on maternity leave - she starred until the eighth month, and in free time visited the father of her child on the set.

The baby was born on December 24, 2014 in one of the St. Petersburg maternity hospitals - it was a real Christmas present. They named the girl Sophia-Carolina: “There were two options, from which it was impossible to choose. I wanted to call Karolina, and Igor - Sofia. As a result, they found a compromise, ”the young mother explained the choice of name. Christina believes that the child was sent to her by heaven. “Contrary to medicine and all indications, a wonderful, smart and incredibly beautiful baby was born. It seems to me that such moments are made somewhere in heaven, and we can only accept them as a blessing. And now I know for sure that if you really want something, it will definitely happen, ”she admitted in a recent interview with Woman`s day.

Brodskaya's parents helped to babysit the baby. But Petrenko's parents got acquainted with their granddaughter from photographs. “The son has not yet introduced us to his beloved,” the father of the actor Petr Petrenko shared with StarHit not so long ago. - Well, master-master, as they say. He only sends us photos with Christina and his granddaughter. Now they are all resting together in the Crimea. Yes, and about the wedding is silent.

In Crimea, however, Igor not only rested, but also worked - it was there that the shooting of a new film with his participation "Viking" took place. Kristina and her daughter were next to their beloved and caring husband and father - on weekends they slept off, rested on the hotel terrace, played. Petrenko spoiled his beloved with strawberries and daisies. “Igor and I really don’t want to miss something important in the development of our daughter. Therefore, she is with us everywhere, ”Brodskaya explained.

Christina very carefully shares photos of the baby on social networks, and about who Sophia-Carolina looks like, she says: “She is very similar to me in that she looks like dad. And we are both Capricorns with her, and both were born in the year of the Horse. The birth of a girl could not but affect the characters of the parents. “They say if a girl needs strong defender, God sends her a son, and if, on the contrary, it would not hurt her to become more elegant, feminine, soft, then he sends her a daughter. I've always been more attached male qualities. By nature, I am a firm, strong person, sometimes forgetting that somewhere inside there is a little girl who still needs love, care and sensitivity. Now I always remember this, ”Brodskaya shared with Woman`s day.

And Petrenko gives this love and care to his girls. A year ago, he admitted: “I realize that in me they live at the same time gouging with a bore. Sometimes some kind of correctness attacks me, even with a bust. And then the mood changes, and I want to open champagne with a saber and give everyone attention and gifts. Apparently, in the current period, all the best of these two states has combined in him: “I really am very happy now!” - he briefly comments on questions about his personal life.

He recently moved new family to Moscow. The real surprise of the public was caused by the fact that Petrenko began to help his ex-wife, Katya Klimova. While she is babysitting the newborn Bella, he took it upon himself to take his sons Matvey and Korney to school and meet them. Which, however, does not prevent him from paying attention to Sophia-Caroline and Christina. So the lost image of a disciplined, loving and tender husband and father returned to Petrenko again. Perhaps not far off and the wedding.

Brodskaya Christina is an actress who has played many bright and interesting roles in TV shows and films. This beauty has many admirers and envious people. And they all want to know the details of her biography. You too? Then we recommend reading this article from the first to the last paragraph.

Childhood and family

Christina Brodskaya (photo above) was born in 1990 (December 28) in Vladivostok. She comes from a respected and intelligent family. Christina's father and mother are directly related to art. They are both dramatic actors.

Our heroine grew up as an active and intelligent child. WITH early years She danced, sang and drew. At school, teachers praised Christina for her diligence, diligence and exemplary behavior.

Student and theater actress

After receiving a matriculation certificate, Brodskaya (younger) went to St. Petersburg. She managed to enter the acting department at SPbGATI on the first attempt. A native of Vladivostok was enrolled in a course with S. Spivak.

In 2014, Christina Brodskaya received a diploma. A graduate of SPbGATI was immediately accepted into the troupe of the youth theater on the Fontanka. On the stage of this institution, she was involved in various performances. For example, in the production of "Metro" she got the role of the daughter of a musician.

Film career

When did Christina Brodskaya first appear on the screens? Her film career began in 2011 and immediately with the title role. In the crime film "A Matter of Honor" she played Kristina Korneeva.

In the same 2011, 6 more paintings with her participation were released. What kind of images did not try on a young actress. She was a second lieutenant, a student, a nurse, and even the daughter of a vampire and a human.

I would especially like to note the role of Christina Brodskaya in the series "Tatiana's Night". Her character is clever and beautiful Tatyana Golubeva. She comes from a respected Moscow family (her mother is a rhythmic gymnastics coach and her father is a professor).

We list her other film works for 2012-2015:

  • melodrama "Underground Passage" (2012) - Nastya;
  • military drama "Scouts" (2013) - cadet Valya Fedotova;
  • historical tape "Gregory R." (2014) - Princess Dolgorukova;
  • retro melodrama " star born"(2015) - Tumanova Irina.

Brodskaya continues filming. In 2017, two tapes with her participation will be released on the screens - the war film "Nevsky Piglet" and the thriller "Mediator".

Personal life

For several years, Christina was the bride of actor Roman Krylov. Their parents hoped that the story would end lavish wedding. But at some point the couple ceased to exist.

During one of the trips to St. Petersburg, our heroine met the actor Igor Petrenko. A romance broke out between them. Soon the girl moved things to her lover's apartment. In December 2014 they had common child- daughter. Igor and Christina gave the baby a double name Sofia-Carolina. Now the family lives in Moscow. The parents of the actress also moved to the capital from Vladivostok.


On September 19, 2016, Christina Brodskaya and Igor Petrenko signed at the registry office of Kaliningrad. They chose this city specifically so that the celebration would take place away from journalists and envious people. The ceremony was attended only by close people: the parents of the bride and groom, as well as Igor's sons from his marriage to Katya Klimova (Korney and Matvey).

A few days after the painting in the registry office, the newlyweds got married in one of the largest churches in Kaliningrad. Then the lovers, along with relatives, went to a local restaurant.

Very soon Christina and Igor will become parents for the second time. Presumably, the actress is in her 7th month of pregnancy. Who are the spouses expecting - a boy or a girl? This information is not disclosed.


We talked about where Christina Brodskaya was born and studied. Details of her personal life and creative activity were also mentioned in the article. So let's wish this charming and talented actress more interesting roles in films and well-being in the family!

39-year-old Igor Petrenko and 25-year-old Christina Brodskaya got married on September 19. The lovers exchanged rings in one of the registry offices of Kaliningrad. As it turned out, the actors chose this city on purpose so that their celebration would take place away from prying eyes.


Only the closest were present at the ceremony: Brodskaya's parents Ilona and David flew from St. Petersburg, and mother and father Petrenko, Peter and Tatyana arrived from Moscow. They brought Igor's sons from marriage with another actress Ekaterina Klimova - Matvey and Korney.

A few days after registration, Brodskaya and Petrenko got married in one of the churches in Kaliningrad. “I received an invitation, but I couldn’t come. It’s just that two holidays coincided with me: the guys got married on September 19 - on my birthday, I was in Krasnodar that day. I congratulated Igor and Christina on the phone,” the deputy quotes State Duma Andrey Lugovoi Starhit.

After the wedding, Petrenko and Brodskaya went to a restaurant. IN close circle newlyweds said:

"Christina had two dresses. The first, in the Greek style, she put on for the wedding, the second, also white, to the floor, at the feast. About 40 people gathered, they were entertained by the presenter and the cover band, and at the end of the celebration they brought out a berry cake".

Recall that shortly after the divorce from actress Ekaterina Klimova, actor Igor Petrenko fell in love with a colleague, 24-year-old Christina Brodskaya. Then the young actress was not free. For several years she had a romantic relationship with Artem Krylov. He stated that he was going to marry Christina, who at that time was already pregnant, but she unexpectedly went to Petrenko. In December 2014, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Sophia-Caroline. Igor's family gladly accepted both the girl and new sweetheart Igor.

Christina Brodskaya is a young actress who managed to build brilliant career in Russian cinema. Are you interested in her biography? Do you want to know the details of Christina's personal life? You will find all the necessary information in the article.

Biography: childhood

Christina Brodskaya was born on December 28, 1990. Her hometown- Vladivostok. This girl was destined to become an actress. After all, she was brought up in a creative and intelligent family. Christina's father and mother are dramatic actors. They managed to build successful career in his native Vladivostok. And their daughter went further - conquered Moscow and gained all-Russian fame. But we will talk about this a little later.

Our heroine grew up as a smart and active girl. She liked to sing, dance and draw. At school, Christina studied for "fours" and "fives". Teachers have always praised her for her exemplary behavior, good academic performance and active participation in the life of the class.

Student years

Who did Christina Brodskaya dream of becoming? Of course, an actress. After graduation high school the girl began to implement plans. To do this, she went to St. Petersburg. Our heroine submitted documents to SPbGATI. A bright and talented girl managed to win over the members admission committee. Christina was enrolled in the course of S. Spivak.

After graduating from high school, she got a job in which only performances Christina Brodskaya did not participate. Photos of the girl flaunted on posters.

Shooting in films

The film debut of our heroine took place in 2011. She was approved for the main role in the film "A Matter of Honor." The young actress successfully got used to the image of Christina Korneeva. In the same year, several more paintings were released with the participation of Brodskaya.

To date, the creative piggy bank of the actress has more than 20 roles in serials and feature films. We list her most successful and memorable work:

"Tatiana's Night"

In the cinema, Christina Brodskaya created many memorable images. But special attention deserves her role in the series "Tatiana's Night" (2014). The plot takes us to the difficult 80s. Tanya Golubeva (Kristina's character) is a native Muscovite, a student at Moscow State University, the daughter of a professor and a coach in rhythmic gymnastics. Soon the life of the main character changes for the worse.

Personal life

Brodskaya Kristina is an actress who does not like to attend social events and nightclubs. She rarely uses social networks and tries to hide her personal life from strangers.

A few years ago young actress started an affair with actor Artem Krylov. Friends and relatives of Christina were sure that it was going to the wedding. However, fate had its own way.

During a trip to St. Petersburg, Kristina Brodskaya (see photo above) met her colleague in the acting department, Igor Petrenko. He is known to many of us from the films Driver for Vera and Lucky Pashka.

Kristina Brodskaya and Igor Petrenko immediately liked each other. But at that time they were both not free. And for the sake of the born love, the actors broke off relations with their former halves. Christina announced Artem about leaving. Igor Petrenko filed for divorce from his wife Katya Klimova. Former spouses maintained friendly relations.

At the beginning of 2014, fans of the acting couple learned good news - Kristina Brodskaya and Igor Petrenko are waiting common child. Many immediately began to congratulate the couple on such a joyful event.

On December 24, 2014, in one of the St. Petersburg clinics, our heroine gave birth to a charming daughter. The baby received a double name Sofia-Carolina. The young family moved to Moscow. Several times a year, Kristina Brodskaya and Igor Petrenko, as well as their daughter, go to sunny Crimea. After all, sea air is good for everyone.

Christina's parents moved from Vladivostok to Moscow to be closer to their daughter and granddaughter. Mom teaches our heroine how to care for the baby, and the father provides moral and financial assistance.

Despite a common child, Christina Brodskaya and Igor Petrenko are in no hurry to formalize the relationship. They live in civil marriage and consider themselves happy people. Well, you can only be happy for them!


Brodskaya Kristina is an actress with a capital "A". She possesses such qualities as purposefulness, diligence, responsibility and perseverance. Thanks to this, our heroine has achieved success in the acting field. We wish her family happiness and more interesting roles!

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