Crossfit at home for girls. CrossFit guide for girls. Time limited WOD

What is LHRH tablet? This is a releasing hormone synthesized by the hypothalamus. The hormone is responsible for the production of luteinizing hormone in the pituitary gland. Taking medications can slow down the natural production of the hormone, and therefore reduce the level of testosterone, which provokes hormonal prostate cancer. The drug (Gocelerin, Lupron) is administered once every 4 weeks.

The dose of the drug and the treatment regimen are prescribed only by a specialist after a preliminary assessment of the risks to the life and health of the patient. Self-medication is deadly.

leuprorelin acetate;
beaded acetate.

LHRH agonists cause the body to produce more testosterone over a short period of time after the first injection. A temporary surge can cause the cancer to grow faster and cause symptoms to worsen.

GnRH antagonists (gonadotropin releasing hormone antagonists) are prescribed less frequently than LHRH agonists. The second name is GnRH blockers.

Representative – Degarelix (Firmagon). The drug competitively binds to pituitary GnRH receptors, which blocks the synthesis of gonadotropins responsible for the production of testosterone.

There is no testosterone surge during treatment, since there is no induction of LH (lutein-stimulating hormone), so antiandrogens are not prescribed. Testosterone begins to decrease immediately after administration, and along with it, bone pain decreases.

Degarelix is ​​suitable for use as first-line therapy for the treatment of prostate cancer with bone metastases. Treatment helps prevent metastatic compression of the spinal cord, which occurs as a result of cancer cell growth and compression.

The most common method of hormone therapy is the injection of GnRH analogues. This substance initially stimulates the production of testosterone, but over time the number of GnRH receptors decreases, and testosterone production decreases to a level corresponding to the synthesis of this hormone after castration.

Medicines in this group are administered once a month. In the first week after the injection, the symptoms worsen due to an increase in the production of male hormones, but over time they decline. In the first days after the injection, patients note:

  • pain in bones and joints;
  • urinary disorders;
  • pain in the perineum;
  • general malaise.

What is CrossFit for women, what are its features, what basic exercises does CrossFit training include, and what rules should women follow in CrossFit.

Friends, hello! Svetlana Morozova is with you. Today we will discuss with you another topic of questions and doubts - crossfit. I'll tell you what it is. Go!

Fashion and power

So, what is CrossFit - this is an intensive complex training, collected from different areas: running, gymnastics, powerlifting, plyometrics, etc. Both aerobic and strength exercises (both with your own weight and with equipment) - all together. The system is based on the method of interval and circuit training. That is, fast speed alternates with calmer speed, and the set of exercises is repeated in a circle.

CrossFit was originally created to develop overall endurance and power. Such a killer full body workout. Then more people started coming to it for “side” effects. Girls are attracted to such workouts as an opportunity for healthy weight loss, while guys build muscle mass.

And that’s why more and more fitness centers and martial arts sections are including crossfit in their program. Even many law enforcement agencies, fire departments, and police departments train their employees (both men and women) using this system.

However, many still have questions and doubts. Especially for girls. Still, the load is quite large, working with additional weight. Doesn't this harm girls? Are there any risks?

Therefore, I propose to take a closer look at the benefits and harms of CrossFit.

What is CrossFit for women: let's start with fears

What girls are most often afraid of:

  • Injuries to muscles, joints, ligaments, spine. High load, intense work at the limit of your capabilities - yes, this can cause harm. If you work without a trainer, do the exercises incorrectly, do not follow the technique, or rush. Or train with fanaticism until you faint.
  • Inflict damage to internal organs, especially reproductive organs. The same as in the previous case. You need to select the load for yourself. If you have weak abs, you need to wait until they get stronger. Don't rush to lift weights on the first day. Don't be shy about finishing your workout before others. These are normal safety rules.
  • "Plant" the heart. Yes, there is such a risk. Therefore, you must initially have at least a minimum level of training. If not, start with cardio 3 times a week. If you are severely obese, you need to lose weight first. If you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, this is one of the contraindications. Then it’s better to give up CrossFit.
  • Spoil your appearance: skin, hair, etc. This can happen with physical overload. And to avoid this, crossfit requires special nutrition. Which will replenish energy reserves and saturate you with all the necessary nutrients in the correct ratio. Below I will talk about this in more detail.

Women's CrossFit champions are smart and beautiful. In the normal feminine sense. They are fit, slender, but not “skin and bones”. These women give birth and raise children, participate in competitions like Fitness Bikini - and you can imagine what beauties are accepted there. Many also run their own businesses.

What is CrossFit for women: advantages

  • Universal system. You can choose workouts that suit your health and physical development. By the way, recently we developed a CrossFit program for children. That is, CrossFit is available for both beginners and real pros. Plus, you can exercise whenever and wherever you want - at home, in the gym, and on the street. For every taste and budget.
  • . CrossFit – interval training. And interval training creates ideal conditions for burning fat: metabolism accelerates, an optimal heart rate is maintained, the body is saturated with oxygen, a lot of energy is spent, and glycogen is quickly consumed.
  • Complexity. All muscle groups are worked at once. The body looks and feels uniformly strong and toned – both skin and muscles. And not what happens when a girl only works on her lower body. As a result, the butt tightens, but the breasts still hang. Or, when for men, exercises for the arms and torso take up all the training time, but nothing for the lower part. Then it looks comical: the upper body is heroic, and the legs are thin.
  • Neat result. The program is designed for general, healthy tone. Without taking anabolic hormones, etc. A woman does not lose her femininity. The skin is tightened and fresh, cellular respiration and blood supply improve, stretch marks become less noticeable. You develop flexibility and improve your posture. Even the gait changes.
  • Increases endurance, ability to work, energy, stress resistance. Work, career growth, any woman's responsibilities - raising children, caring for the house - everything requires endurance. Plus, you will start to sleep well, food will be digested better. You will become healthier overall.
  • Diversity. You can change the program as you like. You won’t be able to get bored with monotony and monotony even after a year. And in 5 (10, 20) years.

What else you should know about women's CrossFit

  • How the program is compiled.

There are 4 types of exercises in CrossFit: pushing, aerobic, pulling and leg exercises. The program must include exercises from all four groups. You decide for yourself at what speed you can work (very quickly or quickly), how long you will pause between approaches - women are allowed to rest from 1 to 3 minutes.

  • How often should you exercise?

At first - once a week and up to 20 minutes, no more needed. If you want to lose weight, then in addition to CrossFit, you must do at least 3 times cardio and 2 times strength training in a week. You can combine them in one day.

You can gradually increase to 3 times a week, replacing other workouts with CrossFit. There should be recovery days between training days.

What are the contraindications for girls:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Breastfeeding period. The body produces a lot of lactic acid during active exercise. The taste of breast milk changes and babies may refuse to breastfeed.
  3. Period of menstruation.
  4. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  5. Osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, calcium deficiency, diseases of the spine and joints.
  6. Breathing disorders. Bronchial asthma, for example.
  • How to eat properly.

There must be the correct ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. 30/30/40% respectively. Main food: lean meat, fish, vegetables, fruits, berries. Be sure to include healthy fats - vegetable oils, nuts, fish oil. Sugar is completely excluded, and salt, if possible, too. We limit milk, legumes, potatoes and all unhealthy foods (fatty, fried, etc.). This diet is sometimes called paleo.

  • What you need.

Clothes are regular sportswear, made of breathable fabric. Ideally, not baggy, but tight-fitting so that nothing gets in the way. There should be good breast support, i.e., a sports bra too.

Shoes – only sneakers. Breathable, tight-fitting, with a hard sole, without shock absorbers.

You may need special gloves or sports mittens, knee pads, and joint braces.

CrossFit for Women: Workout Example

I will describe approximately what one women’s circle could be like:

  1. 1 minute aerobic exercise (running, running in place, jumping);
  2. Pull-ups 10 times;
  3. Push-ups (can be on your knees) – 20 times;
  4. Aerobic;
  5. Burpee (squat - lying down - squat - jump) - 30 times;
  6. Aerobic;
  7. Press (lifting the body from a lying position) – 40 times;
  8. Aerobic;
  9. Lunges -50 times.

And so on for 2-3 laps. Lunges and squats should be complicated with additional weight. And be sure to warm up and cool down - running, brisk walking, jumping rope, stretching exercises. You can watch video tutorials for a more complete understanding.

And, of course, don’t forget about proper nutrition, good sleep and walking. Without this, any sport will not be truly effective.

That’s all I think about what CrossFit is for women.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I will be happy to answer.

CrossFit is one of the most popular fitness trends today. Crowds of athletes, both professionals and amateurs, flock to the competitions. Specialized halls are being developed and created. More and more potential athletes are interested in what crossfit gives, what results to expect, and whether they can cope with the load.

Many people are scared off by this direction after watching videos from championships. The fact is that these athletes are professionals and you don’t have to look up to them. You can master simple training options depending on age, fitness level and gender. You can exercise in the gym, on special sports grounds and at home.

What does a CrossFit workout look like?

First of all, CrossFit is a method of functional loading. Functionality involves training all muscle groups, stabilizer muscles that help a person adapt to all situations in life. As well as improving strength, flexibility, speed, endurance. All physiological indicators increase with stress on the body. The functioning of the cardiorespiratory system improves.

In addition, CrossFit improves the respiratory function of the lungs. The complexes are completed as quickly as possible and in a short period. Therefore, the direction will not lead the development of the body to a dead point, since it constantly requires improving the speed of performing complexes, the quality of the technique of performing exercises and increasing the complexity of the combination of programs.

A CrossFit workout is designed by a professional trainer using various training principles. A circle (round) of one workout includes several exercises that interact and complement each other. The round can be repeated many times, depending on the complexity of the task and the athlete’s preparation, both physical and psychological. Thus, it is unlikely that classes will get boring quickly.

Advantages and disadvantages of training for women

CrossFit can be done both professionally and amateurly - for health. The second is most favorable for the weaker sex, as it can help you acquire a beautiful body without compromising your health. The advantage of training for women is that the complex is selected not for gaining weight and strength, but depending on the wishes. Often this means losing weight, strengthening muscles, and building a beautiful body. Looking at professional athletes, one might decide that sport is not at all feminine. But this is a misconception.

There are a lot of cardio exercises aimed specifically at losing weight. Due to endurance training, a lot of calories are burned, therefore, excess weight is lost. The huge barbells that professionals use can be replaced with a barbell or bodybar that is suitable in weight. Thanks to this, beautiful shapes will be formed. Training with light weights, in a heart rate zone that is comfortable for the heart, improves health.

In this sport, as in many, if safety precautions are not followed, injuries are possible. Firstly, it is important to perform the exercises with strict adherence to the correct technique. Secondly, you only need to take a load that is feasible at this stage of training. Failure to comply with safety standards leads to injury to soft tissues and the skeletal system. In addition, excessive and prolonged stress affects the pelvic organs, which can lead to menstrual irregularities. Thirdly, be sure to monitor your pulse; depending on your age, your pulse should not exceed 160 – 180 beats per minute. Compliance with all safety rules will eliminate possible injuries.

How often should you exercise?

The frequency of training may increase over time, but at first, it is better to train no more than three times a week. This makes it possible for the muscles to recover and prevent general fatigue of the body. Unlike isolation split training, CrossFit targets all muscles in one session. Therefore, you need at least a day to rest. Another interesting feature of this direction is that performing a certain complex can take a maximum of ten minutes. Consequently, the workout will quickly end, as all muscle groups will be worked out and energy will be exhausted. In this way, time is also saved. Trained athletes are allowed to train every day, but this needs to be achieved.

Conditions for starting training

First of all, you must feel comfortable and motivated to train. Sports equipment should be comfortable and not restrict movement. And also loose to prevent overheating.

For effective training, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions: fresh air, a sufficient amount of oxygen to ventilate the lungs; clean, dust-free room.

It will be equally important to check your health status. Consult a doctor if there are any contraindications and undergo the necessary tests.

Women's Frequently Asked Questions

Many girls are concerned about whether it is possible to get pumped up from such workouts? In fact, not having enough testosterone will prevent women from gaining more muscle mass than men. An amateur level of training will not make the body masculine; on the contrary, it will give it a feminine shape.

Also, girls often wonder if they can complete all the exercises in this area. There are simplified versions of exercises for amateurs and beginners that can replace those that are overwhelming. For example, the technique of push-ups, pull-ups and burpees, in a simplified version, is quite possible to perform.

They also often ask how long it will take to achieve results. Of course, all this is individual, but with constant exercise and proper nutrition, the result will be noticeable in a month.

Training program for women

Consider a program that is performed in the gym. You can work out in any gym; any of them will have the necessary equipment. Rounds are performed without pauses at maximum speed. The complex works absolutely all muscle groups. Due to the large number of repetitions with small weights, the program will help you lose excess weight. Start your workouts with light jogging for 7–10 minutes. The workout looks like this:

With each round we decrease the number of repetitions by one until we reach fifteen repetitions per round. This will be the final circle.

Let's consider a detailed description of the technique.

Pause Squats

The technique is similar to the classic one, with the addition of a pause at the bottom point. Feet shoulder width apart, toes apart. We place the barbell on the upper part of the trapezius, just below the cervical spine, without pressing on the vertebrae. While inhaling, we squat and remain for three seconds at the lowest point. The knees are at right angles and do not extend beyond the toes. Emphasis on the heels. Without holding your breath during a pause. With an exhalation we rise.

Burpee (simplified version)

The burpee technique is usually performed with push-ups or touching the torso to the floor. Let's consider a lightweight option that can be done by a beginner. From a sitting position, we jump back into a lying position. We jump back and rise to a standing position. Let's repeat from the beginning.


You will need two small dumbbells. Squats are performed using the classic technique without pauses. As you exhale as you rise from the bottom point, add the dumbbell press upward in front of you. We squat while inhaling.

TRX pull-ups with rings or loops

This is a lightweight version of pull-ups, which is performed with the feet resting on the floor. We take hold of the handles and stand at an angle of 45 degrees. Stretching out on straight arms, keeping your back straight, we pull ourselves up using the efforts of our back as we exhale, bringing our shoulder blades together. Handles on the sides of the chest, elbows along the body. Inhale – return to the starting position.

Jumping onto a bench or special box

Choose any available hill. Let it be at least a high step platform. We jump onto the surface with two feet at the same time, and lower ourselves down with each foot in turn. It is important to jump as softly as possible so as not to injure your joints.

Hanging Leg Raises

To lighten the load, the exercise can be performed on parallel bars, with emphasis on the elbows. If there is not enough load, perform the option on the crossbar. Grip your palms shoulder-width apart. As you exhale, using the press, we raise our legs as much as possible, trying to touch the crossbar with our feet. In a lightweight version, the legs are parallel to the floor.

CrossFit at home

It’s quite possible to train even at home, and this is good news. It is advisable to have at least two small dumbbells; you can replace them with water bottles and jump ropes. Be sure to start by warming up by doing 300 jumping ropes. The home complex looks like this:

  1. Plie squats with a kettlebell or dumbbells 20/15/10/5 reps;
  2. Jump rope: 1 minute;
  3. Push-ups: 20/15/10/5;
  4. Jump rope: 1 minute;
  5. Setups: 20/15/10/5;
  6. Jump rope: 1 minute.

Plie squats

Performed using a dumbbell or kettlebell. We place our feet wide apart from each other, with our toes turned apart. We hold a kettlebell or dumbbell with both hands. Squatting down, we touch the weights to the floor, leaving our arms straight. In the starting position, the elbows and knees are straight.

Push ups

Let's do a simplified version of push-ups on your knees. We place our palms under the shoulders, leaving the body straight, bending the elbows. Hands are pressed as close to the body as possible. As you exhale, push up from the floor. If this option is difficult for you, you can lower yourself as much as possible by lying on the floor.

Setups (body raises)

The usual twisting of the body is performed. Lying on your back, knees bent. Using the press, we twist toward the knees, lifting the spine off the floor. Stretch your arms in front of you and touch your feet. For weights, you can pick up dumbbells.

A tale about what crossfit is for women, whether it is effective or not. You will find out what a killer workout consists of, whether CrossFit is good for losing weight, and get acquainted with a set of exercises for home. Beginners - here too! Go!

Nature is wonderful! And educational. Pick a branch of a weeping birch and see how flexible and strong it is. You can click it like a chambarrière. What if you click three times in a row? Wow! Safe! Five times! What if there are twenty at once? Oops! Broke! And it seemed so strong...

Hello, friends! I love you all, so I will speak seriously and impartially. And I’ll tell you about what CrossFit is for women, without embellishing anything and caring not about income and advertising, but about everyone’s health.

What is CrossFit for women or where legs grow from?

There is nothing new in this type of training. Like any, it is effective and has long been “in service” with special services, firefighters and the military, even if these units never use the name patented by Glassman and Jenay.

Once upon a time these two lived in the States, and they came up with a whole system of training that included cardio, strength training, and a bunch of other exercises. Such a “universal” complex should do everything at once: train and build muscles, develop the heart,...

The Americans are an enterprising nation, business went well, training rooms grew like mushrooms after rain. Now there are more than thirteen thousand of them around the world, with half of them in the USA. And does this make Americans a healthy nation? Of course not!

A tale about scientific justification

Some of the semi-scientific brethren have long been arguing: “We use the reserves of our body only to an insignificant fraction! The liver is ten percent, the heart is fifteen, the lungs are five...” The numbers given are different, but the meaning is the same: “Load the liver one hundred percent, push the maximum out of the heart muscle - and you will be happy!” For what? Maybe it’s better to strain your brains by five percent?

Why do you need a reserve? So that in a stressful situation the body can use it and protect itself:

  • from diseases;
  • from injuries;
  • from hunger;
  • from overload of the nervous system;
  • from hypothermia and overheating;
  • from other unfavorable factors.

The reserve should be used in emergency cases, and not spent every day on efforts, which you can do without.

Why do women need this?

Are their workloads not enough for them? Do you want a toned, slender body? Well, if you want...

It seems to us that “all people are the same.” But a man is prepared for physical effort by nature. He has the distribution of muscle mass, the strength of bones and ligaments, the center of gravity, and the type of breathing that is not the same as that of a woman. This is fine! There is nothing infringing on the dignity of one or the other sex in this.

The woman is adapted for moderate loads, flexibility and dexterity. For her, lifting a barbell is like giving birth to a man.

It is his spine that is so entwined with muscles (especially in the lumbar region) that he is able to lift a barrel or a sack of a hundredweight - and his internal organs will not sink. And her insides are in a freer space, her abdominal cavity is like a bowl, so that there is room for the fetus. Therefore, it is easier for a girl to stretch the mesenteries and lower the uterus or stomach into an unnatural position.

Someone will say: “We must!” Necessarily! But with moderate loads, without jerking.

Do you want to be like a man? Nature can be broken. But in revenge she will certainly break you. Not now, but in five or ten years, but all this carrying of stones, inadequate loads and efforts will not be in vain. If we lived 10-15 years, like most animals, we wouldn't care. But we have a long century ahead of us. How best to spend it? Healthy, with a intact spine and elastic muscles, or torn and mangled?

What is CrossFit for women and what's scary about it?

Never mind! You choose comfortable clothes and shoes, hire a competent trainer, and he will organize a killer workout for you something like this:

Workout of the day, or WOD, which consists of a complex:

  • Warm-up, during which you need to stretch, warm up your muscles, and get into a sporty mood.
  • Rounds, or Circles of sequentially performed exercises (excluding one or another technique from them is not recommended), between which there should be as short intervals as possible. Ideally, no intervals at all, but for a beginner, 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Another warm-up at the end, during which you should again stretch, do breathing exercises, calm your pulse and breathing.

Thanks to the light hand of some figures, the word “hitch” came into use. Like, you have to “hesitate” or “wrinkle” at the end... This is clearly some kind of innovation in sports terminology.

The circles are repeated three to four times with breaks. For beginners - once. You can study at home.

One circle might look like this:

  • minute
  • 10 intense exercises (for example, burpees);

  • another minute of cardio;
  • 10 plyometric reps;

  • again ;
  • push-ups (lunges, squats with a load, etc.);

  • cardio again;
  • 10 abdominal exercises, such as sit-ups;

  • At the end, do some more cardio.

Doesn't remind you of anything? That's right, the initial level of physical training when entering the FSB special forces unit. The CrossFit pattern is also used in some martial arts.

Experts suggest doing such programs 2-3 times a week, and in between them do other available methods. For men, exercise is more intense, in the presence of more loads and weights.

Nutrition is organized from the point of view of, and refusal of, fatty, spicy, salty and harmful.

Here's a video to get an idea of ​​what we're talking about:

CrossFit for women: what it gives and what it takes away

  1. A separate article can be devoted to the benefits and harms, but briefly, a similar sport:
  • universal;
  • democratic;
  • develops endurance;
  • good ;
  • does not require special equipment (stones, logs and water bottles can be found for free);
  • gives results without the use of steroids.
  1. They also like to add about absence. I won’t say that. In itself, such training is stressful for the body, and above all, muscles and joints.
  1. Minuses:
    • Don’t expect real achievements in a particular sport;
    • risk of injury and;
    • rupture and crushing of muscles (destroyed myoglobin goes into the blood, the kidneys cannot filter such a substrate - then hemodialysis and, with great luck, a disabled existence);
    • the presence of a huge number of amateur trainers and the lack of the required number of professionals;
    • the prospect of prolapse of the pelvic organs (uterus, appendages - followed by vaginal prolapse, which can only be corrected by surgery, and even then without a guarantee);
    • compression of intervertebral discs.

I think that's enough.

The popularity of CrossFit, a modern type of fitness, in our country is still only gaining momentum. Developed in the 90s in California by Greg Glassman, the program is aimed at increasing endurance, losing weight, building muscle and overall health. That is, to gain a healthy and beautiful body. Does CrossFit make sense, or is it just a fad?

Pros and cons of CrossFit for girls

According to professionals, no method is comparable to CrossFit in terms of the universality and democracy of this sport. It can be done by anyone, anywhere. There are no age restrictions, but serious strength loads are not recommended for children and young mothers. However, there are special lightweight programs for them.

What are the benefits of CrossFit?

  • Impact on all muscle groups.
  • Versatility. CrossFit involves both strength training and running (cross-country), pulling up, climbing ropes, etc.
  • Diversity. Training programs can be changed every day.
  • No steroids. Since the goal of CrossFit is not to build muscle mass, there is no need for steroids.
  • Development of body endurance.
  • Health benefits with a competent approach (without overload).
  • The ability to lose weight and strengthen muscles.
  • The ability to train anywhere - on the street, in the gym or at home.
  • No age restrictions.
  • Prevention of “aging” of joints.
  • Improving reaction speed and coordination of movements.
  • No stress. Training provides the CrossFitter with a regular release of endorphins.


  • Again, versatility. By “spraying” forces, a CrossFitter cannot achieve any specific effect (for example, build mountains of muscle like a bodybuilder or become a marathon runner).
  • Harm to health due to illiterate distribution of efforts.
  • Risk of injury (muscle rupture).
  • Risk to the cardiovascular system for an untrained person. CrossFit puts a very serious strain on the heart, which is forced to work at high speed.
  • Risk of developing rhabdomyolysis (note: destruction of skeletal muscles). Due to the body working at the limit of its capabilities, muscle fibers are destroyed and myoglobin is released into the blood, which in turn worsens kidney function and leads to more serious pathologies.
  • Risk of pelvic organ prolapse for women during vigorous strength-lifting exercise.


  • Presence of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Joint diseases.
  • Varicose veins
  • Untreated injuries of the limbs or musculoskeletal system.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Underdevelopment of the core muscles.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Children at the age of “weak spines.”
  • Pathologies of muscles, joints and bones.
  • Recent surgeries.

Clothing and shoes for crossfit, sports equipment

Naturally, you can’t do without comfortable clothes/shoes and additional “equipment”.

What will you need for training?

  • Practical, comfortable and beautiful clothes. It should be easy, convenient and joyful for you to do it.
  • Requirements for the suit: lightness, sports purpose (no trousers or denim shorts, belts or shirts), fit to the body (like a second skin), compression properties, chest fixation (so as not to damage the ligaments). A close-fitting bra made of breathable fabric or a similarly supportive top is recommended.
  • Requirements for the suit material: breathable/absorbent, preventing cooling and overheating of the body, with an antibacterial layer applied.
  • Shoes: hard-soled sneakers or weightlifting shoes. No sandals, flip-flops or sneakers! You can't exercise barefoot either. Shoes should securely fit the foot, fit properly and not restrict movement.

Additional “accessories” - special/protective equipment:

  • For training on rings/horizontal bars and with a barbell, use palm pads and special gloves (to protect against calluses).
  • For rope climbing and weightlifting, as well as to protect the knees from injury during constant squats - special/knee pads.
  • Headband – to protect the eyes from drops of sweat.

All questions about women's CrossFit

Girls always ask the most questions about CrossFit.

Experts will answer the most popular ones:

  • Will I lose weight by doing CrossFit?

Well, of course, this is the main goal of most girls who are introduced to CrossFit. The answer is Yes! But with a small condition: following a diet, avoiding refined foods and limiting carbohydrates in the diet. The workout itself is not aimed at getting rid of extra centimeters, but in combination with diet and food quality it will lead to tangible results.

  • What should a CrossFit class schedule look like?

The training regimen is every other day and for the first time no more than 20 minutes.

  • Is CrossFit suitable for home workouts for women?

Yes, it's not prohibited. But first you should contact an instructor, who will draw up a program according to your capabilities, select the exercises you need, monitor the correctness of their implementation and explain all the nuances.

  • Are loads and barbells required in women's CrossFit?

No one can force you to lift weights if you don't want to. This is a personal matter for everyone. But without the hardware, CrossFit isn’t CrossFit at all. Moreover, the weight of the barbell/kettlebell will be set for you by a trainer - personally, according to your capabilities and desires. And calluses from barbells are much nicer than cellulite on your butt.

  • Will my muscles be too toned?

There is no need to be afraid of this moment. CrossFit is not bodybuilding. Yes, it helps build muscle, but, alas, not at the same rate as fat on the waist grows. To outline the relief of pumped up muscles (and even more so to “pump” them), you will have to work hard in the gym, taking into account a certain diet and other factors.

  • Do I need a special diet during CrossFit training?

Yes, yes and yes again. Otherwise, you simply will not be able to maintain the results of your training. The main principles of the Paleo diet:

  1. We forget about dairy products, wheat and its derivatives, legumes and potatoes, as well as smoked meats, sugar and sweets, semi-finished products and sausages, sauces, mayonnaise, and pickles.
  2. We eat only light varieties of meat.
  3. Seafood and light fish - on the table (and more often)!
  4. More berries, fruits (bananas, watermelons and grapes - to a minimum), vegetables (peppers and beets, mushrooms and broccoli, eggplant salad).
  5. Add fish/vegetable oil, dried fruits, and nuts to the diet.
  6. We also remember about a nutritious breakfast, a strict diet, quality food and healthy snacks.

CrossFit complex for women

Where to begin?

We begin to learn how to combine exercises, control the speed/technique and, most importantly, take our time to increase the load! Everything is gradual.

Approximate training plan:

  • Squats with a medicine ball (held at the chest) with legs wide apart or even on one leg.
  • Running (distance or in place).
  • We pump up the abs (raise our legs while hanging on rings or a horizontal bar).
  • Deadlift.

Plan for the next 2 days:

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (approx. - with a jerk).
  • Exercise bike.
  • Pumping the press (from a lying position or on a horizontal bar - at the highest possible speed).
  • Lunges with weights (approx. - a disk held above the head, several kg, for example).


CrossFit involves alternating exercises and minimizing “commercial breaks.” That is, the rest should be short.

Crossfit at home

You will need a medicine ball or kettlebell (any weight that you can lift) and a jump rope. The number of exercises is 15-20 times for each type.

  • Jumping rope. We accelerate metabolism. The choice of jumping option is free.
  • Burpee. A difficult exercise, but very effective. First, we squat down and touch the floor with our hands. Next, we transfer the weight to our hands and through the jump we take a horizontal position. The position of the arms is parallel, we fix the elbows and lower ourselves as low as possible. We rise and through the jump return to the starting position. We get up and jump up. The speed of action is maximum.
  • Kettlebell swings. Its weight is calculated based on 15-20 repetitions of one exercise.
  • Tossing a medicine ball (a flattened leather sphere filled with sand). We throw the medicine/ball as high as possible, increasing the load by squatting before throwing the medicine ball.

Basic rules that every beginner needs to remember:

  • We choose another sport if there are contraindications.
  • We start only with a professional trainer.
  • We strictly follow the laws of technology and speed to avoid injuries.
  • For ligaments and muscles, warm-up (stretching) is mandatory, both before and after training.
  • We don’t expect results after just a week of training.
  • We ignore the heaviness in the muscles after exercise and exercise regularly.
  • We do not drink water during exercise.
  • A set of 4 exercises should include the work of all muscles - legs, traction (barbell, kettlebell), jerks (pull-ups), cardio exercise.
  • During the prescribed 20 minutes of training, all exercises are performed “in a circle” at least 4 times.
  • We are working on grip strength. For a woman this is especially difficult, and therefore especially necessary.
  • We are not afraid of bruises and learn to deal with them.
  • We try not to skip training on “red days of the calendar” (with the exception of especially heavy and painful menstruation).

And yet, we don’t pay attention to strangers. In fact, no one cares what you do there and whether you look beautiful while doing it. Just enjoy your workouts and forget about everything.

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