Ksenia Bik and Dmitry Maryanov hid the birth of their common child for five years. Ksenia Bik: “Maryanov’s daughter is her own, not adopted! Ksenia Bik in contact psychologist

The actor and confirmed bachelor and his chosen one, 29-year-old Ksenia, have just gotten married at the Kutuzovsky registry office in the capital. During the ceremony, which lasted only a few minutes, the newlyweds received a marriage registration certificate. On the groom's side, his brother and father were present at the painting, and on the bride's side, her mother and 6-year-old daughter Anfisa. “How beautiful my mom and dad are!” - the girl said before the ceremony began. By the way, Maryanov himself already calls the baby his daughter.

The actor came to the registry office to congratulate the couple Mikhail Polizeymako- close family friend. Anfisa immediately asked why he came without his children, to which Mikhail replied that they were sick and, alas, would not be able to attend the holiday.

“Have you changed your mind?” - the 82-year-old grandmother of the bride jokingly asked the groom just before registration. “What are you talking about, I’ve been working towards this for 45 years,” Dmitry answered, but before that he managed to joke, looking at the door: “Let me out!”

As his wife, Maryanov chose a girl of a non-public profession who would not try to compete with her husband. Dmitry has admitted more than once that home comfort and care are very important to him. Ksenia quickly realized this. Perhaps her profession also helps her cope with the difficult character of the actor, because the bride is a candidate of psychological sciences. Sometimes, as a personal consultant, Ksenia accompanies Dmitry on the set.

Dmitry Maryanov with his wife Ksenia and daughter Anfisa Photo: Elizaveta Karpushkina Photo: Elizaveta Karpushkina

The couple first “declassified” three years ago, appearing at a birthday party Nonna Grishaeva. And so, having lived in a civil marriage for three years, Maryanov decided for the first time in his life to go to the registry office. On the eve of the wedding, the groom had a bachelor party, and the bride had a bachelorette party. The morning ceremony took place in a narrow family circle and was modest - by star standards... After all, among the guests there were many movie stars, Maryanov’s colleagues in the sensational play “Ladie’s Night. Only for women.” Don’t miss the detailed report that will appear on our website already in the near future!

Photo: Elizaveta Karpushkina Photo: Elizaveta Karpushkina

Let us remind you that the 45-year-old groom has more than one high-profile romance behind him: with actress Tatyana Skorokhodova, dancer Olga Silaenkova, figure skater Irina Lobacheva. However, Maryanov did not make an official proposal to any of these women. Even the model Olga Anosova, the mother of his only son Danila. And only in the passport of Ksenia, the actor’s current lover, did the treasured stamp appear.

Photo: Elizaveta Karpushkina

Several years ago, I read a story in the magazine “Caravan of Stories” written by Ksenia Bik about how she met her husband Dmitry Maryanov. This entertaining story interested me very much, because it was written easily and with humor, and was accompanied by interesting, surprising details. Whether everything in it is true or not is difficult to judge, but still there are some inconsistencies, from which I concluded that after all, my favorite artist is not telling something, but that’s his right, he probably thought it was so for his new the family will be better. For example, it’s completely unclear where daughter Anfisa suddenly appeared, whom Dmitry affectionately calls Frying Pan. But the girl considers Dmitry Maryanov her dad and even looks a lot like him, and the girl calls Ksenia Bik mom, she loves both parents very much. In any case, the Maryanov family was happy and would have remained so for many, many years if not for the tragic death of the father of the family. On October 15, 2017, Dmitry Maryanov passed away; according to the latest version, the cause of death was a detached blood clot. Dmitry would live and live, please his beloved wife and little daughter, act in new projects, but an unforeseen misfortune happened. It’s hard to imagine how difficult it is for his loved ones now; this loss was a terrible shock for them.

Let's return to the love story of Ksenia Bik and Dmitry Maryanov. He was already a seasoned forty-year-old womanizer, she had just graduated from college and was studying in graduate school. Usually when actors win women’s hearts, everything is pretentious: luxurious bouquets, expensive gifts, restaurants, travel. But for Dmitry and Ksenia Bik everything was a little different. These two met at a performance; Dmitry performed with an enterprise in Kharkov, Ksenia Bik’s hometown. The actor immediately noticed a spectacular girl in the front row and directed all his energy as a ladies' man, the vibes of passion towards her and even threw two roses at her feet. After the performance, going out to bow into the hall, without hesitation, Maryanov invited the stranger to party together in a nightclub, where his colleague Gosha Kutsenko was supposed to give a concert a few hours after the end of the performance. Ksenia had no intention of going to the club, did not take Dmitry’s proposal seriously, but fate itself decided to bring them together at any cost.

Ksenia’s friend Bik called and made an appointment at the same club where Dmitry Maryanov went. From that very day, everything started to spin for the single, broken actor and the young but brave girl.

What attracted the famous creative person to this girl with a core? She surrounded Dmitry Maryanov with care, adjusted his life, made his stay comfortable, literally on the very first date in Moscow she scrubbed his toilet and bathtub, washed the floors, cooked cabbage soup and cooked a delicious compote, but went to bed separately, on the sofa in the living room - perhaps because only by inciting a man to whom beauties probably rarely refused intimacy. And at forty years old, this guy was still a great guy.

Ksenia Bik in her interviews constantly emphasizes that she is a psychologist, saying that from a professional point of view she was interested in understanding what kind of person Dmitry Maryanov was. But our hero is not so simple, do you think he washed the floors, covered the clearing and the guy became weak and gave up? It was not there, for another four years Dmitry and Ksenia lived in two cities, rushing to each other at the first opportunity, but, nevertheless, Maryanov was in no hurry to get married. Although, according to Ksenia Bik, her beloved proposed marriage to her four times! And then one day Dmitry Maryanov and Ksenia Bik became husband and wife, he had high-profile novels behind him, she... Despite the fact that Ksenia Bik was a little over twenty at the time she met Dmitry Maryanov, the girl claims that her heart was already shattered to smithereens more than once, so she didn’t particularly trust men and hadn’t hovered in vanilla clouds for a long time; by the way, Dmitry Maryanov affectionately called his wife Pastila.

As a child, Dima was like this!

Ksenia Bik said that she was the accountant in their family, Dima gave her his entire salary. Before meeting her, he was sure that love lasts three years.

In addition, Ksenia Bik believes that accidental betrayal, out of stupidity or weakness, is not a reason for separation. I wasn’t jealous, I didn’t put pressure. She accepted him as he was.

Wedding photos of Dmitry Maryanov and his wife Ksenia Bik.

With son Daniel. This boy was born to Olga Anosova.

Daniil Maryanov looks very similar to his father.

In this photo, Dmitry Maryanov with his family.

In this photo is Dmitry Maryanov’s daughter Anfisa.

In this photo, Dmitry Maryanov with his wife Ksenia Bik and daughter Anfisa.

The Maryanov family lives with an unusual animal - the pig Avoska.

In this photo, Dmitry Maryanov’s first common-law wife, her name is Olga Anosova, she gave birth to the actor’s son Daniel.

There were many ambiguities in the death of the 47-year-old artist from the very beginning - starting with the place of death (at first it was reported that Maryanov was allegedly relaxing at the dacha with friends) and ending with how and for what he was treated in a paid clinic, where the artist became unwell. Doctors determined that Maryanov’s blood clot had broken off, and this killed him.

Nevertheless, the actor’s former common-law wife, figure skater Irina Lobacheva, told her version of what happened: Dmitry’s death is not accidental and is beneficial to the one who receives the artist’s inheritance - that is, his widow. To find out what really happened, we called the widow of Dmitry Maryanov, Ksenia Bik.

Ksenia, please accept our condolences. They say that the circumstances of Dmitry's death are now being checked?

Yes, that clinic is being checked. I told the Investigative Committee everything I knew.

Did he come to the clinic for prevention or during an acute period (the medical center specialized in the treatment of alcoholism - Ed.)?

I don't comment on this. I told the investigators everything. I remember that day from beginning to end, minute by minute. All this is sealed in my memory forever.

Is it important for you to find out who is to blame for Dmitry’s death?

Very important. But not now, I’m not in a position to find out anything right now (holding back sobs).

Who is supporting you now?

My mom and all my actor friends. They sawed me in half and buried one part! No one had such a relationship as Dima and I had. I am a psychotherapist, a candidate of sciences, people come to me and tell me their destinies. But I have never met such relationships. They are no more and never will be. These or any others. Because no one can replace Dimka! This is the envy of the gods, apparently. Our friends looked at us and looked up to us. They said: “We want the same.”

I have nothing to justify. I saved Dima as best I could! Failed…

They tell me: “There is a possibility that a criminal case may be opened against you because of an inheritance...” I replied: “I will disappoint you very much, but I don’t own anything.” Dima talked about this for a very long time, but never did anything. He said that everything he earned should go to us (Ksenia and daughter Anfisa. - Ed.). But he didn't do anything, so there's no claim.

Actress Lyubov Tolkalina, who played with Dmitry in the same play, said that he had a blood clot last year.

Yes. Then he didn't want to go to the hospital. He woke up and said: “Ksenka, my leg hurts for some reason.” I say: “Which leg? What's happened?" And you know, he’s my stuntman. He's crazy, all broken! I ask: “Does it hurt a lot?” He says: “Yes, I can’t get up.” I touched it, and, you know, it was all swollen, very hot. I say: “Get an ambulance!” He said to me: “Leave me alone, I’m moving on.” As a result, at his insistence, they did not call an ambulance - he hobbled to the car himself. I went with him to the 68th Moscow hospital. He had an ultrasound, and there was a ten-centimeter blood clot. They immediately put him on a gurney, taped his legs and installed a colofilter. He lived on blood thinners.

This summer he went to the clinic, was checked, his legs were examined, everything was fine.

Why did everything turn out tragic this time? After all, you saved him last year...

This was not the only time I saved him! Our mornings began with him kissing my feet and saying: “I live thanks to you.”

I have his last letters that he wrote to me. There is so much love in them!

He said: “I’m so sick of you! How are you still living with me?!” He had a difficult character. It’s not for nothing that he hasn’t married for so many years. It was not easy to live with him, not everyone can do it. A person of a certain type must be next to him. He was very explosive, emotional, even harsh. And I, on the contrary, balanced it. I am a very calm person.

Dmitry's former common-law wife Irina Lobacheva does not believe in the naturalness of the actor's death. He believes that someone wanted his inheritance...

It is nonsense. I spent a lot of time with Dima, we were friends. He and I went on tour for two years, playing a play together. He was healthy, but last summer he was diagnosed with a blood clot. Then he was simply saved by a miracle - they provided help on time. His wife Ksenia was nearby and quickly reacted.

After that incident, Dima began taking medicine that thins the blood. We, friends, tried to convince him that he needed to take care of himself. But artists - they don’t listen to anyone at all!

There is nothing to blame his wife for. She always took care of him. They had not just a tender, but an absolutely ideal relationship. You can count couples like them on your fingers. Ksenia was a guardian angel for him. He began all his stories - and he was generally an amazing storyteller: “But Ksenia...”, “But Ksenia said...”. And then he said something. He needed her just like a child! There was an absolutely trusting relationship between them. They were built on humor and intuitive understanding of each other. Ksenia always knew how to find an approach to him.

We played together for two years in the play “Unreal Show” based on Verber’s play. It was a special performance that made us family. In the performance, fatal phrases sounded from his lips. His character says: “I don’t believe in God, now you know why. If God gives me the person of my whole life, then why does he take him away from me - to look at my suffering?” Now I have this phrase ringing in my head...

The Investigative Committee has already determined that the clinic near Moscow, where the actor came to be treated for alcoholism, operated without a license. In fact, it was a private house in which hired psychologists worked. The director of this “clinic” said that the actor was treated with psychological training, and a personal system of influence was developed for him.

As the source said, Maryanov arrived at the clinic intoxicated and was being taken out of his drinking bout. He spent 5 days in the hospital. At the moment, inspectors are finding out how qualified the assistance was provided to Dmitry - there are suspicions that it was not particularly professional.

My colleague works in the team conducting the pre-investigation check,” said one of the medical experts. - Maryanov’s death was the result of a blood clot that broke off in his leg. The blood clot blocked the pulmonary artery, causing suffocation. If there had been resuscitators nearby who would have connected him to artificial respiration, Maryanov could have been saved.

When the actor felt unwell in the evening, the center staff first tried to help him on their own. They called an ambulance, but after 4 minutes the call was canceled. They thought they could handle it themselves. Then they called an ambulance again, which took Dmitry to the hospital. However, time was lost. The patient died in the car.

There are prerequisites that a criminal case may be opened under the article “negligence leading to grave consequences,” the source said. - There are many questions about how they treated people for alcoholism in this private shop. They say they guaranteed anonymity, so they brought people there who wanted no one to know about their illness.

Dmitry Maryanov was born on December 1, 1969 in Moscow. In 1992, he graduated from the Shchukin Theater School, then was immediately accepted into the troupe of the Lenkom Theater. In 1986, the actor played the main role in the film “Above the Rainbow.” In 1988 he starred in the film “Dear Elena Sergeevna.” And in 1991 he played a role in the film “Love”. These roles secured Maryanov’s status as a star of the new generation. Dmitry is known for dozens of roles in the most famous Russian TV series and films - from “The Countess de Monsoreau” to the series “The Diary of a Murderer”, “Lady Mayor”, “Knights of the Starfish”, “Rostov-Papa”, “The Fighter”.

For the last eight years, the artist has been happy with his wife and daughter

Maryanov had no end to his fans, but he married only once - at the age of 45. In September 2015, actor Dmitry Maryanov married psychologist Ksenia Bik, who is 17 years younger than him. The couple’s daughter, 6-year-old Anfisa, was also at the wedding. Before his marriage, the actor hid his relationship and the birth of his child.

The couple's love story began in Kharkov, where Dmitry Maryanov was on tour. Family friends couldn’t go to the Ladies’ night performance, so they gave the tickets to Ksenia’s mother. And so the girl and her mother were sitting in one of the first rows at the Kharkov Opera and Ballet Theater. Mom noticed that throughout the performance Maryanov periodically glanced at Ksenia, and while bowing, he threw her a rose and shouted to her to come to Kutsenko’s concert, which was to take place in the evening in one of the clubs. Bik said that suddenly some of their friends couldn’t go to the concert: they gave her tickets, and she went there with a friend. At the club, of course, I met Maryanov and started talking. He asked for a phone number and began calling several times a day. Soon Bik flew to visit the star in Moscow. The young woman was amazed by the actor’s bachelor pad: she spent half a day cleaning the apartment, putting things in order, and then Dmitry showed her Moscow. After this, the psychologist from Kharkov began four years of moving and living out of suitcases between Kharkov and Moscow.

Ksenia behaved wisely: she did not impose herself on Maryanov, did not ask when he would take her as his wife. She didn’t even transport her things, but took them with her: she was afraid of reproaches that the provincial girl decided to get a job at the expense of a celebrity in Moscow.

“People from the periphery are often suspected of this: I heard whispers from Dima’s entourage,” Ksenia Bik said in an interview.

When Bik gave birth to her daughter Anfisa, she was still living in Kharkov. Since at that moment she was defending her dissertation in psychology (the woman received a scientific degree), she had a successful practice - Bik worked as a psychologist. By the way, having moved to Moscow, it took her a lot of work to acquire a client base; competition in the capital is high.

Gradually, Maryanov realized that he could not live without his daughter and Ksenia, renovated the apartment, and moved his beloved girls to live with him. Many famous friends of the actor attended the couple’s wedding: Lyubov Tolkalina gave the bride a dress, Mikhail Politseymako was the toastmaster, and Nonna Grishaeva’s husband, Alexander Nesterov, came up with a sketch of wedding rings with emeralds for the newlyweds.

Bik said in an interview that they lived amicably, rarely quarreled, she was a caring wife who collected and packed lunch or dinner for her husband every day for work. They rarely quarreled, Ksenia recalled how Maryanov knew how to make peace: “We’ll quarrel, then we’ll run away to our rooms, then an hour later he throws out a white flag: panties on a Chinese rice stick...”
Maryanov was a fisherman, a hunter, and rode a motorcycle - his wife said that his whole body was covered in scars, as he often fell off his “bike.”
Despite the big difference in age, Dmitry could surprise his wife: once, when it was frosty outside, he stripped down to his underpants in the entrance, took flowers in his teeth and rang the doorbell in this way to make his wife laugh. Maryanov trusted his wife and gave her his entire salary; Ksenia jokingly called herself “the family accountant.”

Dmitry Maryanov said that Ksenia changed his life, he became a monogamist: “Ksenia helps me in many ways. The profession of a psychologist is closely related to the acting profession. There are such concepts: “psychological gesture”, “motivation of actions”, “analysis of scenes”... At the beginning of our relationship, out of habit, I tried to look to the left. Then he began to stop himself: “What? Are you stepping on the same rake again?” Now I reassure Ksenia, reminding her: “I have no desire to cheat on you and thereby ruin our relationship.”
When asked what Dmitry Maryanov would change about himself if he could rewind time, he answered:

“I probably would have quit smoking. I am more than happy with what is happening to me now. I am grateful to those women who loved me, to those people whom I met. I don’t regret anything, it’s good that it all happened.”

His wife had a positive influence on Maryanov: he started playing sports, lost weight, had a lot of plans... But, according to some friends, the actor loved to drink and most recently he was treated in a clinic for alcohol addiction. The actor died at the age of 47; the preliminary cause of death is said to be a detached blood clot.

After the death of the famous Russian theater and film artist Dmitry Maryanov, articles describing his personal life began to appear more and more often in the press. Let us remember that the late actor left behind a wife and daughter. My wife's name is Ksenia Bik. Fans are wondering how the woman will live after the death of her husband and whether she will have enough strength to cope with grief. What is known about the biography of Dmitry Maryanov’s widow, Ksenia Bik, read in our article.

Fans of Dmitry Maryanov believe that his wife’s last name, Bik, is not real. Internet users note that in Kharkov, where the girl is from, there is a completely different type of surname and method of their formation. Most likely, the girl chose such a surname to make it easier for journalists to remember her. It is unknown why Ksenia did not take the surname of her now deceased husband.

Dmitry Maryanov is a popular Russian artist, remembered by domestic audiences thanks to his filming in such films as:

  1. "Radio day".
  2. "How to Marry a Millionaire."
  3. “Personal life of investigator Savelyev” and others.

The actor died on October 15, 2017 in Lobnya (Moscow region). The next day, a criminal case was opened into the death of the artist. At the heart of the case is the accusation of doctors of negligence in relation to clients of non-state clinics and medical centers where they undergo treatment. There is an opinion that the actor could have been saved if he had received medical assistance in a timely manner.

Biography of Ksenia Bik

What is known about the biography of Ksenia Bik and her personal life before meeting Dmitry Maryanov? The artist's fans are concerned about the age of his widow. The girl was born in 1986. She is 31. She is 17 years younger than Dmitry. Many modern artists of Russian theater and cinema choose women younger than themselves as their chosen ones. This is by no means a new practice.

Ksenia Bik was born in Kharkov. It is known that the girl’s father is a retired major general of the counterintelligence of Ukraine, and her mother is a teacher of the Russian language at a department with foreign specialization.

Ksenia Bik and Dmitry Maryanov

Ksenia received her higher education in Kharkov. She is a psychologist by profession. There, in Kharkov, I entered graduate school. Ksenia dreamed of getting a doctorate in psychology.

Where and when did she meet her future husband?

The meeting of Ksenia Bik and Dmitry Maryanov was a real accident for both of them. They met at the artist's performance. The girl remembers that she did not want to go there. Ksenia ended up in the hall quite by accident - she decided to support her mother, who had no one to go with.

The girl was sitting in the front row. The actor noticed her immediately. After the performance, he invited her to a concert at the club, where they met. The man wanted to ask for a tour of Kharkov with a continuation. However, Ksenia refused him - Dmitry did not expect this. He was used to women always fulfilling his wishes. Perhaps it was precisely her refusal that Ksenia interested him. He wanted to conquer this inaccessible beauty and prove to her that he was really worth something.

Ksenia and Dmitry met at a performance

For a long time, Dmitry and Ksenia communicated by phone and also corresponded. A month has passed. Ksenia decided to go to the actor in Moscow. This happened in 2009.

Ksenia Bik's parents were not happy with the changes in their daughter's personal life. They did not expect that she would connect her biography with a famous artist. It seemed to them that this was a real adventure - to go to a strange city to visit an unfamiliar person, and even more so to a man.

How did events develop further?

Dmitry Maryanov was assertive towards his new girlfriend. Ksenia had no choice but to submit to him. A strong passion flared up between them. What happened next is what often happens to couples who have plunged headlong into the abyss of passion - Ksenia became pregnant. At that time, the girl did not think that Dima would ever marry her. She understood that she could become a single mother. However, Ksenia still did not have an abortion. She was even ready to raise a child alone.

When her daughter Anfisa was born, Ksenia lived in Kharkov. The artist often came there to visit his girls. Let us remember that daughter Anfisa was born in 2009.

What did journalists write about the relationship between Maryanov and Bik on the eve of the wedding?

Information about the wedding of Dmitry Maryanov and his beloved woman Ksenia Bik appeared in the press at the end of 2014. Until the moment the artist decided to officially connect his life with his beloved, they said about him that he was a very flighty man. Not a single girl stayed with him for long. For fans of Maryanov, his desire to get married was unexpected. Many could not believe that the man decided to settle down and was ready to start a full-fledged family.

Previously, in his interviews, Dmitry has repeatedly stated that he is not ready for a serious relationship. The man wanted to enjoy the company of beautiful girls without obligations. Only recently did he reconsider his views on life and decide that he was ready to become a husband.

Photos from the wedding of Dmitry and Ksenia

The director of one of the films where Dmitry Maryanov starred, Oleg Fesenko, believes that Dima was lucky to connect his life with Ksenia, and not vice versa. Of course, she is a simple girl from Kharkov, who attracted the attention of a famous artist. Not everyone gets this chance. Ksenia was able to surround Dmitry with care and affection - this is how she bribed him. The man decided that Ksenia was exactly the one he needed.

Mikhail's brother was glad that Dmitry was going to get married. The man approved of the artist's choice. Mikhail also urged Maryanov’s fans not to believe rumors that the artist is a flighty person. Mikhail was sure that Dmitry was not at all what he was portrayed to be in the press. Of course, he had his weaknesses - but he managed to cope with them.

Wedding of Dmitry and Ksenia

Ksenia Bik connected her personal life with Dmitry Maryanov on September 2, 2015. Despite the fact that he is a famous actor, Dima made the decision without any fuss. Only after the wedding did the press learn that the famous actor had legalized his relationship with his beloved woman.

Ksenia admits that Dima proposed to her more than once. She wanted to be sure that she really meant something to this man, so she was in no hurry to marry him.

How did the relationship between Dmitry and Ksenia develop after the wedding?

After the lovers got married, they stopped hiding the truth about Ksenia’s child. Before the wedding, there were rumors among Dmitry’s fans that he was raising someone else’s child. Ksenia Bik was credited with a non-existent first husband, with whom she allegedly broke up. It was believed that Bik gave birth to a daughter from him. Many wondered why the artist married a woman with a child when he could have found himself some lonely young lady. The truth became known closer to the wedding date.

The couple were happily married

Ksenia says that she did not want to advertise information about who the real father of her child is. After all, their relationship with Dima had not yet been formalized. When the lovers got married, everything fell into place. Fans of Dmitry Maryanov learned that Anfisa is really his daughter.

Ksenia got married for the first time - before Dima she did not have an official husband. The press does not know who the widow of the Russian artist previously met with. It is possible that Dmitry Maryanov is the first man in her life.

Dmitry Maryanov with his family

In interviews with the press, Ksenia and Dmitry repeatedly mentioned that their daughter Anfisa literally doted on her father. The artist even managed to come up with a comic nickname for the girl - “Frying Pan”. Anfisa was often offended if her dad called her something else. She wanted to be a “Frying Pan” for him. Fans of the artist considered the nickname completely unkind and even inappropriate for a child. Some were very surprised to learn that Dmitry Maryanov calls his beloved daughter that way.

The actor was a good father. He often took his daughter to the zoo, park and bought her ice cream. Dmitry wanted the girl’s childhood to be as happy as possible. Ksenia believed that her husband was spoiling Anfisa a lot. She told him not to buy Anfisa sweets so often. After all, the girl is growing up to be a gymnast. She doesn't need extra weight.

Reaction of Dmitry Maryanov's wife to his death

Dmitry Maryanov's wife Ksenia Bik is experiencing the death of her husband extremely hard. The woman believes that this is the biggest loss in her personal life. She cannot imagine herself or her biography without her beloved man. Now the woman is supported by her family and friends.

Ksenia Bik at her husband's funeral

Despite the bereavement, Ksenia will still have to pull herself together. She has a little daughter who needs attention and care. It is possible that at first, relatives and close families will help Ksenia raise her daughter until Bik comes to his senses.

It is known from unverified sources that the woman even required medical assistance after she learned of her husband’s death.

How did Ksenia Bik comment on the death of her husband?

Despite her unstable emotional state, Ksenia Bik was still able to give the press several comments about her husband’s death. Naturally, this happened much later than it became known about the death of the popular artist. The biography of Dmitry Maryanov was full of creative people who later became his friends and acquaintances. However, he passed away surrounded by strangers. At the time of his death, there were no friends or relatives near the man.

Ksenia Bik is not yet ready to talk in detail about her personal life with Russian actor Dmitry Maryanov. The woman told only some details of his death. It became known that the actor suffered from thrombosis. This was the cause of the artist’s death. Death occurred literally instantly. Dmitry was diagnosed with a detached blood clot that blocked the pulmonary artery.

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