Who is behind the most mysterious and frightening blonde on the Internet?

Beverly is the quintessential paparazzi. He is simply obsessed with celebrities and strives to capture them in piquant situations, which the celebrities themselves, of course, do not like.

Beverly is not bothered by the fact that security is being set against him and he is being sued, and his competitors are constantly treading on his heels - he believes that people should know everything about their idols, even the most insignificant and intimate details of their lives. And he stops at nothing to get information about the private lives of stars and other public figures, and if possible, to take some exclusive photographs.

Almost nothing is known about Beverly's past and his life outside of work (if there is one at all). On his page on the social network Lifeinvader in the in-game, you can find a message from his father, which says that he and his mother do not approve of his son’s choice of profession. Well, they can be understood: sniffing out the secrets of the powerful and rummaging through someone else's dirty laundry is not the best thing in the world.

Completing Beverly Felton's quests is mandatory to achieve 100 percent in the game's completion statistics.


After completing the story mission, an icon will appear on Eclipse Boulevard in West Vinewood, marking a new mission for Franklin.

When Franklin arrives, he sees Beverly hiding in the bushes near the stairs. The photographer will initially mistake him for the well-known (after all, everyone played the TBOGT add-on for GTA IV, right?) rapper Clay PJ Jackson and will start taking photographs. Perplexed as to why so much attention was paid to his person, Franklin will demand an explanation, and Beverly will tell you that he mistook him for a famous musician.

Franklin finds such racism from the photographer, saying that all blacks look the same, offensive, but Beverly manages to clear up the misunderstanding. And at this moment the famous Vinewood film actress Miranda Cowan appears on the stairs. The paparazzi convinces Franklin to follow the star in order to take some photographs that can later be sold profitably.

In order for the photographer to take high-quality photographs, it is necessary to align with the rear door of the car and stay about one and a half meters away from it. To get gold at the end of this mission, you need to hold the motorcycle in this position until Beverly takes at least three photos. However, the limousine will drive in a straight line, so there is no need to worry about sharp turns, which could significantly complicate matters.

Just past the intersection with North Rockford Drive (about a block from the golf club), the motorcycle slows down a bit, and a competitor's bike, a paparazzo named Madison and his partner, jumps out onto the road. The rivals also take photographs of the star in the limousine, after which they turn onto Del Perro Boulevard. Of course, you can’t miss them - after all, Beverly needs exclusive photos.

To get gold in the mission, you need to catch up with your competitor's motorcycle so that Beverly can push it, and you need to throw Madison off the bike on the first try. It is best to use this - it will greatly simplify the task.

Addressing her defeated opponent, Beverly will shout that it’s time for him to grow up and take a man’s name. This is a joke from the developers - despite the fact that both of these names are given to both boys and girls, Beverly is the traditionally female name in the USA. If getting “gold” for a task is not important, you can simply shoot the fleeing competitors. But in this case you will have to evade the police, so a loss of time is inevitable.

Once Madison is defeated and the manhunt is over, you need to take Beverly to the next observation point - the parking lot of the Redemption cafe located in Morningwood (a nod to the popular game from Rockstar). As payment for the work, the paparazzi will offer Franklin to pick up the motorcycle, although the vehicle clearly does not belong to him. However, who cares about such trifles.

Some time after completing this mission, “returning players”, that is, those who previously played on Xbox 360 or PS3 and switched to the updated version of the game (on the Xbox One and PS4 console or PC), will receive a nice bonus. Beverly sends Franklin a text message: a nosy paparazzo has entered him into a wildlife photography contest run by the local tourism bureau. A little later, a letter with the rules of participation will be sent to the character’s e-mail, and a new contact will appear in the phone’s address book - the Los Santos Travel Bureau. After which players will have access to a new type of entertainment: .

By the way, the prize in the competition is the Kraken mini-submarine, which is a little faster and more maneuverable than the Submersible submarine, so it will be faster and easier to collect submarine parts on assignment and nuclear waste after purchasing an abandoned sonar station.

"Paparazzi - The Sex Tape" (Paparazzo - The Sex Tape)

Some time after Beverly's first mission is completed, an icon will appear on Eclipse Boulevard in West Vinewood, marking a new mission. Arriving at the scene, Franklin will see paparazzi at the entrance to the elite Gentry Manor Hotel. It turns out that this time Beverly is eager to get racy photos of the young but already very famous actress Poppy Mitchell, whom fans of the series could meet in one of the nightclub security missions in the TBOGT add-on for GTA IV.

You need to follow Beverly into the hotel grounds through the side entrance, without making too much noise or attracting attention. The paparazzi states that this is a covert operation and says that he and Franklin must become stealthy as ninjas, which is likely a reference to the game True Crime: Streets of L.A., in which the protagonist mentions "ninja style" before a stealth mission.

You don’t have to pay attention to the guards and the maid - they won’t notice the “crouching tiger and the hidden dragon,” that is, Franklin and Beverly, so there’s no need to hide. Moreover, one of the conditions for receiving “gold” in this task is to jump into the pool, so don’t pass by, as they say.

Finally, the photographer will find the film star in the backyard of the hotel, but in order not to get caught - after all, all the stars (and their security) already recognize the sneak by sight - he will give the camera to Franklin, who is not so “famous” yet. Poppy is in the most piquant situation - apparently, she has changed little since The Ballad of Gay Tony.

You need to point the lens at the passionately copulating couple and keep the camera's green autofocus frame on the actress's face. After a short but very funny dialogue about the difficult realities of modern show business (of course, without interrupting “production”), Poppy and her partner will notice Franklin. It's time to do your legs.

Having reached her car, Beverly will get behind the wheel, and Franklin will ask to continue filming - after all, Poppy has jumped into the blue Dewbauchee Rapid GT sports convertible and is chasing the impudent people. You should try to keep the lens pointed at the actress's face so that the autofocus frame is green at all times - if the movie star disappears from the frame, the frame will turn red.

A prerequisite for getting gold at the end of a mission is to fully recognize Poppy's face during the chase, so it's best to use the camera's zoom, especially when the actress shouts curses and rises above the windshield of her luxury convertible.

A few minutes later, Beverly decides to take a shortcut through the construction site. Poppy, having lost control, will crash into neatly stacked pipes and be forced to stop pursuing. Having broken away from the pursuit, the paparazzi will return back to the road, drop Franklin off at the side of the road and say goodbye.

It's funny that after completing this mission, Poppy will leave a comment on Blitter, and also appear on a radio news broadcast to say that the materials that were leaked to the press were a vile montage, and in fact she was just doing yoga.

"Paparazzi - The Partnership"

Franklin's next meeting with Beverly will take place in West Vinewood. An icon marking the next mission from Beverly on the map will appear some time after completing the previous task, but provided that the story mission is completed.

Arriving at the scene, Franklin discovers the paparazzi in a trash heap on Eclipse Boulevard - the photographer apparently couldn’t find a better place to ambush another celebrity. Beverly tells Franklin that he now has his own reality show on television. However, he still needs help getting exclusive photos of showbiz stars and other famous people. The photographer promises to send details of the work later via text message, and Franklin, although reluctantly, still agrees.

"Paparazzi - Princess" (Paparazzo - The Highness)

Some time after the meeting with Beverly, a text message will be sent to your smartphone - the photographer, as promised, has sent details of the upcoming work. In this case, two zones highlighted in green circles will appear on the map, marking two new tasks. First you should go to the Mirror Park area - a favorite place for hipsters who come here from all over San Andreas. Here Franklin will receive a call from the paparazzi: Beverly will tell her partner that the British Princess Dahlia will soon meet with her drug dealer, and it would be nice to capture this meeting.

The first step is to talk to the informant who gave Beverly the tip. It is marked on the map with a blue dot - it’s very close to go here, the informant is located at the Aqua store. The informant will report that the princess has already arrived for the deal, which is taking place behind the Chico hypermarket in the alley. The august person is well guarded, so the informant recommends filming what is happening from the roof of the store.

In order not to get caught by the princess's vigilant guards, you need to climb onto the blue trash container standing in front of the service annex, from it onto the building, and then onto the roof of the store. Here you need to move very quietly, so it is best to turn on stealth mode. To get “gold” at the end of the task, you need to come and leave unnoticed.

Turning left and approaching the edge of the roof, which hangs over the alley, you need to monitor the progress of the transaction through a smartphone with an activated camera. There is no need to film everything: you need to wait for the dealer to hand over the bundle of marijuana to the princess and her bodyguards, capturing the moment of handing over the goods - this is the second condition for receiving “gold” in this mission.

After taking a photo, you need to send it to Beverly, after which you can go down from the roof. It is best to return to earth the same way, trying not to make any noise. When Franklin leaves the mission area, the paparazzi will call him to compliment him on his work.

Paparazzi - breakdown (Paparazzo - The Meltdown)

The second green circle that appeared after Beverly's call marks the area on Vinewood Boulevard in Central Vinewood. Having arrived at the Doppler cinema, which is located in the very center of the green circle, Franklin will call Beverly, and he will report that right now the police are chasing Poppy Mitchell, and that he needs pictures of this epoch-making race.

To intercept a movie star escaping from the cops, you need to follow the blue dot that marks the movements of young Miss Mitchell on the map. Apparently, the blue luxury sports car-convertible Rapid GT did not survive the race for the paparazzi, because Poppy appears in an elite pink Cognoscenti Cabrio coupe, accompanied by several police cars. Despite the efforts of law enforcement officers, the actress clearly has no plans to stop.

Poppy initially drives along Baytree Canyon Road toward Vinewood Hills, but then makes a sharp right onto North Conker Avenue. Franklin must sit on the film star’s tail and stay close to her all the time. Poppy will race through the hills, past the amphitheater, and then fly through the casino parking lot and back into the city.

To get gold at the end of the mission, Franklin must follow her all the time, trying to keep up. At the same time, you must also try not to crash into police cars - this will lead to Franklin receiving a wanted star and failure of the mission. And since the movement of police cars is unpredictable, you need to keep some distance from them. It may take a couple of tries to find the correct position relative to Poppy's car and the cops.

But let's get back to the chase. Flying at high speed onto Elgin Avenue, Poppy crashes into a tree growing on the lawn in the middle of the intersection. The drunken star will climb out of the broken car and sit next to him, begging the policeman to let her go and promising to do anything.

You need to stop nearby, and, having launched the Snapmatic application on your smartphone, get ready: to get the “gold” in this task, you need to take a photo only after Poppy is in handcuffs. After this, the photo needs to be sent to Beverly. The paparazzi will immediately respond, advising Franklin to get out of there as quickly as possible before he too is arrested. This advice is worth heeding.

By the way, while the police are arresting Miss Mitchell, Franklin can steal her pink Cognoscenti Cabrio coupe with a unique license plate POPPYM15. The car already has many improvements - a third-level engine, road brakes, turbocharging and a musical horn.

"Paparazzi - Reality Check"

When Franklin arrives, an unpleasant surprise awaits him - Beverly has started filming a reality show, and has forgotten about everything else. Simply put, he is not going to pay. Well, you need to decide what to do next. You can turn around and walk away, hoping for karmic justice or that the photographer will be tormented by his conscience. Or he could deal with Beverly once and for all, so that he wouldn’t do this to anyone else. Apparently, the developers consider the second option to be canonical, because the only condition for receiving “gold” at the end of this mission involves the death of not only the paparazzi himself, but also the entire film crew - you need to kill everyone with one shot.

If Franklin has an RPG or grenade launcher in his arsenal, the easiest way is to use these “tools.” If not, then a throwing weapon - a grenade or a sticky bomb - will do. The latter option is preferable, since you can detonate a sticky bomb faster than the film crew has time to run away, whereas when using a grenade they have every chance to run away further, and then to get the “gold” they will have to replay. It will be possible to collect $250 from Beverly’s corpse, although of course it is impossible to call this “payment” commensurate with the work done. But what can you do - even a tuft of wool from a black sheep.

However, if getting “gold” is not a matter of principle (after all, the task can always be replayed), you can steal the photographer’s red compact convertible Weeny Issi. In this case, Franklin will announce that he is taking the car as payment for the work, and Beverly will try to stop him. At the same time, it is completely unclear where the paparazzi took their red Fathom FQ 2 SUV with the unique license plate P4P4R4Z0 - this trophy would have been much more interesting, but, alas.

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Beverly is one of the many photographers eager to capture celebrities in compromising situations, breaking laws, contracts and promises. He is an “idealist” who believes that every vice and shortcoming of a famous person should be known to everyone.

01. Paparazzi / Paparazzo

Assignment for Franklin
Available after quest "Favour" (Tony's first quest)
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

Let's go to the green question mark on Eclipse Boulevard, where Beverly will start taking photos of Franklin, who she will mistake for PJ Jackson (PG Jackson), a hip-hop star who spends his free time in a peculiar way.

First meeting.

Seeing another celebrity, Miranda Cowan, Beverly will ask Franklin for help. We jump on the motorcycle and ride alongside Miranda's limousine while Beverly takes pictures of her. For “gold” you need to drive so that the paparazzi can take 3 photos of Miranda. Then a competing photographer will be on your tail, and it is advisable to shoot him down on the first try. Just drive up to the other motorcycle as close as possible and hold your position, and Beverly will hit Madison himself. If things go wrong, Franklin's special ability can help. Then we return to the cafe in Morningwood.

  • Help Beverly take three photographs.
  • Knock your competitor off his bike on the first try.

02. Paparazzi - Sex video / Paparazzo - The sex tape

Assignment for Franklin
Available after"Paparazzi" quest (Beverly's first quest)
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

Finding Beverly (green icon P?) near the hotel where Poppy Mitchell, the star of the youth series, is right now. A restless photographer wants to capture Poppy's love for the back door. Following Beverly, we will climb into the pool (a condition for receiving a gold medal). As soon as we get there, the camera will be in the hands of Franklin, and we will need to film Poppy and her colleague Justin having anal sex right on the hotel lawn.

Poppy, you got it...

After ten to one and a half seconds of filming, Frankie and Beverly will be noticed, and the couple will call security. There is nothing better than to run. So we run after Beverly and plop into his car. He's driving, we're behind the camera. You need to keep Poppy chasing and spewing curses in the frame so that her face can be recognized. Complete recognition is the second condition for “gold”. Having stopped at the construction site, we will break away from the persistent depraved celebrity. Then Beverly will drop Franklin off nearby.

  • Jump into the pool following Beverly.
  • Achieve full recognition of Poppy's face.

03. Paparazzi - Partnership / Paparazzo - The partnership

Cut scene for Franklin
Available after story mission "Three's Company" (link)
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

This is a short cutscene where Beverly (green icon) P?), hiding in a trash can, asks Franklin to take some revealing photographs. After this, instructions will be sent to your phone, and two green circles will appear on the map.

03-a. Paparazzi - The Meltdown

Assignment for Franklin
Available after
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

First, let's take a fast car. Having gone to Vinewood Boulevard in the area of ​​the Doppler cinema, we will prepare for the chase. Over the phone, Beverly will say that Poppy Mitchell, under the influence of either alcohol or drugs (or maybe both; apparently, she’s worried about the scandal with the sex tape, or she’s just having a day off) is trying to escape from the cops chasing her.

During the chase, you should stay close to Poppy's pink convertible, avoiding the fate of the police, who keep flipping over and crashing into each other. After a short ride, Poppy will drive into a tree and be taken away by a representative of the law. In the meantime, let's get out of the car, take out the phone and take a photo of the star. The moment she is handcuffed. Afterwards we send a photo to Beverly.

The dialogue between Poppy and the policeman who detained her is worth eavesdropping on.

  • Stay close to Poppy's car during the chase.
  • Take a photo of Poppy in handcuffs.

03-b. Paparazzi - Princess / Paparazzo - The Highness

Assignment for Franklin
Available after cutscenes "Paparazzi - Partnership" (third meeting with Beverly)
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

The second green circle is located in the Mirror Park area. There we will meet Beverly's informant. Our goal is to capture the moment when Princess Georgina of England buys goods from a local drug dealer.


Zhit Purchase takes place behind the building in the parking lot. You can climb to the roof, or you can walk along the wall, looking around the corner with your phone. Behaving noisily and coming close is fraught. So as soon as the princess and the dealer are in sight, we take out the smartphone. We enjoy the dialogue and wait until the drug dealer hands over the goods to a high-ranking customer. We photograph it and quietly move away.

  • Take a photo of the princess while buying drugs.
  • Take a photo without being discovered.

04. Paparazzi - Denouement / Paparazzo - Reality check

Assignment for Franklin
Available after tasks "Paparazzi - Disruption" and "Paparazzi - Princess"
Is it necessary for 100%: Yes
Reward: -

Going to the green mark P? On Eclipse Boulevard, we will find Beverly, who has acquired his own TV show and a whole team. When asked about wages, the photographer will answer with a rude refusal. Franklin will turn around and walk away, but after a few steps control will pass to the player. You can leave by resolving the conflict peacefully. But! It's better to take revenge and get a gold medal. The only condition is to kill Beverly and his team in one shot. Of course, neither a pistol nor a machine gun will help here. For something like this you need either an RPG or a sticky bomb. You need to blow them up as quickly as possible, otherwise, while you are aiming, one team member will try to escape.

  • Kill Beverly and his team with one shot.

Paparazzi missions in GTA 5 are available exclusively for Franklin, who is dating Beverly, one of the characters included in the " " section. They open after completing the “Favour” task, which is given to you by the character Tonya, one of the same eccentrics and other strangers.

After completing her mission, you will find a new blue question mark (“?”) icon on the GTA 5 map. Approach the photographer and begin the first of six possible missions. You need to complete them all in order for it to be counted in the statistics.


This is Beverly's first mission. He needs to take a photo of Miranda Cowan while she's doing drugs in her car. After you reach the limousine and Beverly takes a few photos, a competitor will appear and you will need to catch up with him and get as close as possible so that the photographer will hit him.

To do this, get level with the guy and turn on Franklin's special ability, slowing down time.

- Help Beverly take 3 photos.
- Beverly must knock down a competitor with one blow.

Sex video

Beverly's second mission. You need to help him take a photo of Poppy Mitchell, the Los Santos teen star.

Beverly will ask you to make a video with Poppy. When the camera square turns red, you need to either zoom out or zoom in.

100% completion (gold):
- Quickly jump into the pool while following Beverly around the mansion area.
- Provide full facial recognition during the chase.


The third mission from Beverly, opens after completing the main task "". Very light. You need to take a photo of two stars, and the paparazzi will tell you where they are (this is Poppy and the princess from Britain).

Interestingly, if after the cut-scene you place a sticky bomb on the trash container or throw a grenade there, it will not kill Beverly or even harm him.


Fourth mission from Beverly. We're chasing Poppy again, but this time she's surrounded by cops who are chasing her, allegedly for drugs. You will not be allowed to get too close to the escort, and you will not be allowed to move too far away from them. You must maintain eye contact at all times.

Once you see Poppy hit a tree, get out of the car and take out your phone, but don't take a photo of the star until the cops cuff her hands. When the policeman leads Poppy to the car, take another photo and send it to Beverly.

100% completion (gold):
- Don't lose sight of Poppy during the chase.
- Take a photo after the handcuffs are fastened.


Beverly's fifth mission. You need to take a photo of Britain's Princess Georgina when she buys marijuana. First of all, you need to climb onto the roof of the supermarket in stealth mode (there is a trash container on the left, jump on it and cling to the roof). When you see a celebrity, take out your phone and turn on the camera.

Zoom in on the camera and take a photo the moment the dealer hands over the bag of drugs.

100% completion (gold):
- You must not be detected.
- You must take a photo when handing over the goods.


Beverly's last mission. Opens after completing the previous two.

This is a short mission, in the end of which you will have to choose whether to kill the photographer or not.

  • If you want to get a gold medal for this mission, then Beverly will have to be killed.
  • If you leave him alive, then nothing special will happen, Franklin will simply leave.
100% completion (gold):
- Kill Beverly and his team with one shot. To do this you need to use an RPG, sticky bomb, grenade launcher or grenade.

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