Who is behind Trump? Experts and journalists are arguing about what forces are behind Donald Trump's victory. "Squadron" is attacking Trump

He will hold another campaign rally on July 17 in the state of North Carolina, where he was only 3% ahead of his rival Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. During his speech, according to the American media, Trump will again touch on the topic of confrontation with Democratic congressmen who accuse him of racism.

On the eve of the lower house of the US Congress, which is controlled by the Democrats, a majority vote passed a resolution condemning the US President. Its text stated that "Trump's racist statements legitimized fear and hatred" against "new Americans", as well as US citizens of a different skin color.

Four Republicans supported the resolution, but the majority of the party members of the head of the White House opposed, which was noted by Trump.

"It was great to see how united the Republican Party was during today's vote on the statements I made to four Democratic congresswomen," he tweeted.

The adoption of the "anti-racist" resolution was initiated by four female Democrats - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (New York State), Rashida Tlaib (Michigan), Ilhan Omar (Minnesota) and Ayanna Pressley (Massachusetts), who received the name "squadron" in the press .

The document was a reaction to Trump's statement on Twitter on July 14. In it, he told four congresswomen that "people from countries ruled by corrupt governments should not "tell the American people how their government should rule." The US President invited his opponents to return and "help fix" the countries they came from.

The statements of the President of the United States caused indignation in the liberal press, which noted that all four ladies are US citizens, and, by the way, only one of them was born outside the United States.

Trump's adviser Kellyanne Conway added fuel to the fire. At the journalist's request to clarify the president's statement, she herself turned to him with a question about his nationality. And then she said that her ancestors came to the United States from Ireland. She stressed that President Trump was only talking about the countries from which the women "originally" came.

However, this statement also caused outrage, and, as TASS notes, Kellyanne had to make excuses for her words.

“Like many, I am proud of my nationality, love the United States and thank God that I am an American,” she said.

Despite the fact that the American press exposes the members of the "squadron" as victims, some of them themselves have been criticized for anti-Semitic statements.

One of the ladies, 37-year-old Ilham Omar, made quite radical statements about Israel. Another member of the Quartet, Rashida Tlaib, an American of Palestinian origin, also found herself at the epicenter of an anti-Semitic scandal. In January, she said that countries that support a bill aimed at punishing those who want to boycott Israel "are forgetting which country they represent." These words were considered an allusion to the well-known statement about "double loyalty", in which Israel's opponents accuse Jews - citizens of other countries.

As noted by the Americanist, a political observer, the statements of these congresswomen are part of the political struggle on the eve of the 2020 elections.

“They often shock the public with their statements, thereby consolidating their electoral base,” the expert tells Gazeta.Ru, adding that, in general, the members of the Quartet do not enjoy much support from voters, but “their recognition in the media” is more than other candidates, and this annoys many.

By attacking them, Taratuta said, wittingly or unwittingly, Trump is “driving a wedge into the Democratic Party” and at the same time mobilizing his electorate.

At the same time, representatives of the opposing political forces treat such statements that Trump will allow himself in the United States in different ways. If for Democrats they sound unambiguously racist, then for conservatives these are quite understandable statements in the spirit of “if you don’t like it, leave.”

Numerous opponents of Trump in the Democratic camp hurried to take advantage of his attack on the representatives of the "squadron". Speaker of the lower house of the US Congress Nancy Pelosi (Democrat) - a tough opponent of Trump - accused the American president of xenophobia.

In her opinion, the president shows his intolerance towards "progressive" Democratic women when he constantly criticizes them. Pelosi stressed that she rejects all Trump's "xenophobic comments" that could divide the nation.

"Instead of attacking members of Congress, he should work with us on a humane immigration policy," Pelosi said.

Trump himself denies such accusations, saying that he "does not have a single racist bone in his body." However, among his electorate there are many right-wing nationalists who do not hide their rather radical views.

Issues of migration and the situation of African Americans and immigrants from other countries are actively raised by Democrats. Former US vice president and potential Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has vowed to fight racism and other inequalities across the United States.

"I promise you that if I am elected president, I will be an anti-racist president," Biden said.

By attacking Trump, the Democrats are actively fighting for an electorate whose representatives do not favor Trump. In 2016, only 8% of African Americans voted for him. According to the Pew Research Center, 32 million Hispanics and 30 million African Americans will be able to vote in the upcoming elections.

If there is a high turnout among them, Trump may miss more than 10% of the vote, as happened with the Republicans in the 2018 midterm elections.

Does anyone rule this world, except, of course, higher powers? Some people think so. The world elite, capital, first of all, controls the situation in the world and can change its trajectory at any moment. Others believe that the world is too complex, there are a huge number of factors at work. You can only influence the course of events to a small extent. Is Donald Trump's victory an unexpected breakthrough by a random person, or is this how the system worked? Or is Trump's victory a consequence of decisions taken by the elite to correct the US political course, and Trump is the figure that is more suitable for this correction than Clinton?

Where is the logic? The question tormenting analysts after Trump's victory. The entire Washington establishment is against him, almost all the media are against him, colored America is against him, what is there, the majority of voters are against him; Clinton's advantage is two million votes, which is more than, say, the population of Latvia. But he won. He had an imperfect electoral system behind him. But is she the only one? If so, then Trump is either incredibly lucky or a brilliant strategist who fundamentally won in the right states. The explanation is too simple, albeit a very popular one: a non-systemic candidate challenged the system and won. This interpretation is the embodiment of the American dream. And it is as far from reality as the American dream is far from it.

“Of course, this is super-super-naivety. There have been no non-systemic candidates in the West for 100-150 years. This is mythology. Trump is a man of the system. The only question is which part of the system,” historian and publicist Andrey Fursov is sure.

Too many who followed the election were caught in a finely woven illusion. When two types came together in a duel - on the one hand, a macho, a rude person and a nonconformist, on the other hand - a lady, a professional politician and the flesh of the flesh of the ruling elite - it seemed to us that it was so. But all this was secondary, even Trump's feigned unpredictability. But what really mattered was that for the first time in many years, representatives of transnational and national interests competed for the presidency of the United States. For decades, globalists from both parties fought for the White House. But the fact that the current American system was honed for globalism does not mean at all that the system was the only one. We were just convinced for a long time that she was like that.

“The global elite is heterogeneous. A certain part of the world elite is looking for new methods, because the global financial speculators, "banksters", whose henchman was Clinton, they, in general, have completed their task - for 30 years of neoliberal counter-revolution, they have brought the world to the handle, and now it is necessary to change the situation. Migration crisis - Brexit - Trump's victory. This is a certain part of the world elite explaining to another part of the world elite that it is losing and that it is necessary to negotiate, moreover, to negotiate on the terms of the winners, ”Andrey Fursov believes.

“The election of Donald Trump, combined with the UK’s exit from the European Union and the rise of populist parties in the West, is evidence of the collapse of the Western model and the liberal establishment. Destabilization in the Middle East, rampant terrorism, confrontation between Moscow and Washington - perhaps the most serious since the Caribbean crisis - the growth of poverty, and so on... We have seen more than once how, under the influence of such factors, countries “pupate”, national tendencies intensify. This is a reaction to globalization, not everyone likes it, not everyone likes to serve the elites from Wall Street, from the City of London, the bankers who led us to the 2008 crisis,” says political scientist John White.

It was like an optical illusion: the American media so vehemently convinced everyone that the Clinton campaign was going so well that almost no one noticed how bad things were for Hillary. Fainting, health speculation, foreign policy failures as secretary of state, correspondence scandal, FBI claims, and finally, just too aggressive rhetoric (in the case of Russia, aggressive to the point of paranoia). But the main thing - a bad political heredity, the very idea that Obama's course will be continued, played against Clinton.

Those who actually create big politics have drawn conclusions. Ten days before the election, American economist Jeffrey Sachs, one of the top 100 most influential world leaders, wrote in the Boston Globe: “If our next president doesn't get out of the trap of costly Middle East wars, budget spending alone could dispel any hope of solving our vast domestic problems. The Soviet Union went bankrupt due to expensive foreign adventures (like Afghanistan) and huge military spending. Today, the US is just as overinvested in the military and is in danger of going down a similar path.”

That is, Sachs says in plain text: the continuation of the existing policy will lead the United States to the collapse of the state. The hint seems to be more than transparent.

“I think the question of whether Clinton or Trump will win was decided literally in recent weeks. The American project of great democratization has run into limits that it cannot overcome. He cannot break China economically and politically, he cannot break Russia politically. The mistake of the globalization project, the systemic mistake, is that it denied sovereignty as such. Practice has shown that an attempt to suppress national ambitions leads not to a new order, but to chaos,” explains political scientist and publicist Leonid Krutakov.

It seems that at some stage, even those who initially bet on Hillary realized that an unhealthy but very aggressive lady who continues her deliberately losing policy is not suitable for the role of head of state. Obama still argued - no, Trump is not suitable. But the world elite, those people for whom the US President is not the ultimate truth, but just a high-ranking hired clerk, have already outplayed and bet on Trump, the rest was a matter of technique.

“There was Assange, who worked constantly, issuing leaks from Podesta, all of which, of course, beat. The FBI blunt that effectively knocked Clinton down. Not only that, we know that, contrary to the holy belief of liberals that American elections are always clean and without problems, we know that 20 million people in the preliminary vote is, whatever you say, 20 million votes that can be turned in any direction. How to make a result is a technology,” says Leonid Krutakov.

“There are a lot of ways in which the world's top can regulate the process. What is the interest of these latest US elections? 90% of the media was against Trump, but Trump outmaneuvered his opponents on social media and the internet. This is a completely new situation. Those people who organized the “Arab spring” from the outside, using social networks, did not realize that this could be used in their own country. And it turned out, as in Pasternak's translation of Hamlet - "go, poisoned steel, to your destination," says Andrey Fursov.

All this would seem to be pure conspiracy theory, if not for one “but”: all other explanations of the Trump phenomenon, in fact, do not explain anything, but offer to take it on faith that an accident of this magnitude can occur in a system specially sharpened so that there is no accidents, ignoring questions, but whether it happens at all. And why is "nonconformist" Trump, "Russophile" Trump, having won, picking up such a team for himself - who is not a Russophobe, is that opportunistic functionary? Why, with one hand, appointing the very radical Steve Bannon as his adviser, with the other hand, Trump, as if in opposition, makes the old party member Priebus, super-loyal to the leadership of the Republicans, head of the administration? Why does the question of the Secretary of State remain open? This is actually a key position, Trump’s name should have bounced off his teeth, but no; either the post of head of the State Department is still the subject of bargaining, or the customers themselves have not yet decided.

And where did Mitt Romney come from, who always had a dislike for Trump? Trump, as you know, does not laugh at jokes about himself and does not forget insults - he could not voluntarily offer Romney a place on the team in exchange for his friend Rudolph Giuliani? Finally, why is Trump, who has paid negligible attention to energy issues throughout the entire campaign, suddenly, as step number one as president, announces a radical decision specifically in energy, promising to lift Obama’s restrictions on offshore oil and gas production and, accordingly, to shake the stock exchanges?

Behind these actions of Trump, the interests of someone else are clearly traced. Let's not call these people puppeteers - after all, Trump is not a puppet, he is just a big businessman and knows how big things are done. Victory is not brought on a silver platter; Of course, I had to give in to something. How much and in what - you will find out by their deeds.

“The strategic goals of the United States, as a global leader, are embedded in the foreign policy doctrine, they are not going anywhere, tactics are changing. We dig trenches, draw a red line where you do not go, and put things in order in our economy. Dealing with the EU, dealing with South America. Therefore, Trump's project is a project to put things in order in his own house," Leonid Krutakov believes.

By the way, perhaps the auction is not yet over at all. Big politics - after all, not a casino, an already made bet can be rearranged during the game, and more than once. This is just as a reminder. Still, the electors will vote in December, and they are now under great pressure from Clinton supporters. They demand to reconsider the results of the elections. So the intrigue remains.

50 years ago, Willy Brandt turned the democratic world's view of Russia upside down. His "Ostpolitik" made realistic relations with Moscow possible. Impressed by this experience, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger developed their own version of the "detente policy". 40 years ago, she improved relations with China and thereby changed the entire world politics.

By now, Europe has been left without a leader: while Germany is preparing for a “life after Merkel”, and the UK, having opted for Brexit, got rid of the need for geopolitical reflections on this topic, French President Emmanuel Macron is demonstrating a willingness to think in long-term terms. He constantly raises the issue of European security and demands the development of a "new security architecture between the EU and Russia." However, the creation of a European security architecture that integrates Russian defense would mean the end of NATO.

Macron’s recent flirting with Vladimir Putin, his provocative diagnosis of NATO brain death, and his vocal doubts that NATO members still remember their commitment to collectively support each other in the event of conflict were all manifestations of his concern that Americans in in the event of a new crisis in Europe will not be able to support it.

Thus, Donald Trump had a chance to develop a new "Eastern policy" of the United States - realistic, not utopian. Since he is neither an ideologue nor an interventionist, he should have taken the historic step of inviting Russia to NATO. Putin, in turn, must commit to stop the aggression against Ukraine.

By initiating a new “Ostpolitik,” President Trump could open a new chapter in US-Russian relations and create a new “peace alliance” with Russia, in which Americans and Russians would jointly take responsibility for European security. In addition, the United States would thereby begin the process of redistributing the balance in the global security system.


British Readers: Macron is right. It's time to disband NATO (The Guardian)

The Guardian 05.12.2019

Público: NATO is OK, but the Alliance is in crisis

Publico 05.12.2019

Die Welt: NATO's most dangerous adversary today is not Russia

Die Welt 04.12.2019

A new "peace alliance" would mean, first and foremost, the transformation of NATO into a transatlantic security organization from Vladivostok to Lisbon. Secondly, in such a case, new negotiations on nuclear disarmament would become possible. And thirdly, a defensive alliance that would unite the transatlantic countries with Russia would help establish a trilateral dialogue between Washington, Moscow and Beijing, since these three nuclear powers bear a special responsibility for peace in the 21st century.

What could an "alliance for peace" look like?

If the US President is to lead this new alliance to success, it will take bold diplomacy with the so-called Normandy format. At the same time, the Minsk agreements of 2015 must be implemented.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky should have signaled that Kyiv is ready to recognize Russia's takeover of Crimea in response to Russia's agreement to reunite Donbass with Ukraine without giving it a special status. This would pave the way for the lifting of anti-Russian sanctions, and Russia could return to the G7, which would again become the G8.

A new "peace alliance" would make Washington and Moscow jointly responsible for European security, and would also spell out the principles of mutual respect, parity and equality. The treaty itself would include all the clauses of the NATO treaty that the members of the new alliance would agree to. Article 5 would be binding on all. Also, the treaty should include a clause allowing Washington, Moscow and all European countries to have different opinions on security issues outside of Europe.

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Brussels would remain the capital of the new security alliance, with a second headquarters in Russia to complement it. Each headquarters should be headed by an American or Russian "four-star" general. A European would continue to be the General Secretary.

The creation of a new “security alliance” would meet the strategic interests of the United States, Europe and Russia: it would strengthen the North Atlantic bloc, because Moscow would be perceived not as an adversary, but as a power guarantor of European security, and the “detente policy” between Washington and Moscow would become at the same time as a counterweight to Russia's rapprochement with China and would force Beijing to agree to a trilateral dialogue on nuclear disarmament.

Just as Richard Nixon once helped the world take a step forward by initiating a “policy of détente” with China, so Donald Trump can now begin a new “Ostpolitik” and make the world more peaceful and secure in the 21st century.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

At the moment, the figure of Donald Trump is presented as something mysterious and obscure. He appeared in power from nowhere and it is not clear how. Ordinary American. And a topical question arises: is the institution of democracy really working in America, or are there “puppeteers” behind the new US president who are playing the game in their own interests? And if there are such "sharks", then who exactly?

Igor Shatrov, deputy director of the National Institute for the Development of Modern Ideology, was also puzzled by these questions. The expert told his vision of the political situation and the role of Donald Trump in the big game.

Before answering the main question “who is behind Trump”, the political scientist briefly told the background of the relationship between the United States and Russia, which largely predetermined the current political agenda. Barack Obama in his foreign policy has staked on a confrontation with Russia. At the same time, the ex-president called on the entire West to do so. However, the victory turned out to be pyrrhic. America began to lose leadership positions, and the entire Western world was waiting for another player to appear on the world stage, with a different opinion. Shatrov noted that Russia also had ambitions for global leadership and constantly stated this.

And as soon as Obama stopped dragging Russia into the "Western project", having actually declared war, everything fell into place. The whole world understood that the Russian Federation is not the West. In this regard, the ex-president can only be thanked for his impatience and desire for an early victory.

But in all this confusion, it is important to understand one thing: Moscow did not specifically interfere with Obama. He is just a manager. The real threat existed for the owners of transnational businesses. And they will not stop in the pursuit of their interests….

Therefore, it is not surprising that now there is an interest in Trump. Isn't he a manager hired by "multinational company sharks"? Today they are trying to prove to us that no one is behind the new head of the United States. He's just a self-confident upstart who was able to take advantage of America's vaunted democracy. An ordinary person who legally came to power. Donald Trump has his own vision of the situation, builds a different foreign policy, conflicts with the US elite and does everything not in the traditional spirit for the States.

Igor Shatrov believes that, as before, there are too many similarities. An ordinary person also came, as before. Therefore, the expert believes that Donald Trump is the same project of transnational companies as Barack Obama. And even Hillary Clinton.

The bet on Trump was made for one simple reason: the last president, continuing his policy, would deprive America of dominance. Now the billionaire's mission is to clean up the dirt from past administrations. We need to re-create the picture that the US is the showcase of the free world. Then TNCs will again be able to quietly manage the planet.

"Do you want better? I'll give you this:
cars, money and love of beauties.
And you will pledge your Soul in exchange.
Well, for beer, and make a deal?

On July 16, 2018, Presidents of Russia and the United States Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin will meet in Helsinki. This fact has already caused a whole range of emotions not only in the West, but also in the information space of Russia. Endless predictions and discussions about who will “merge” what to whom and what benefits they will receive from this fit perfectly into the trend of “good and bad deals” that exists now at the suggestion of Trump. From Trump’s point of view, “bad” deals should be disposed of without regard to international law, and “good” deals should be subject to such conditions over time in order to eventually transform them into an absolute victory. If the leaders of the two strongest countries in the world are guided by such rules, then this will serve as a powerful impetus to the destruction of the entire system of international relations, law and institutions.

Now these institutions are controlled by Trump's main enemies - international globalist forces with neo-Marxist and neo-communist ideologies and seeking to build a new world order by erasing national and state borders and establishing the power of a new one world government. But does Putin need the victory of Trump and the forces behind him in this merciless confrontation? Does Russia need a choice between bad and very bad? Or is the best option for Russia to calmly watch as the two hostile forces weaken and destroy each other? An ordinary Russian is much more aware of the forces opposing Trump, especially since they, in the “Russian” version, have been in power in Russia for more than 70 years. But who is really behind Trump, what kind of forces they are, and what their plans are, are known to ordinary Russians to a much lesser extent. In this article I will try to talk about these forces, their interests and plans, especially about their attitude towards Russia and the Russians. And also to show what Donald Trump is like, what passions and weaknesses he has, which a smart “partner” can play on and use in negotiations.

Donald John Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Drumpft, was born in Kallstadt, Bavaria in 1869. This surname is still the family's legal surname. At 16, Friedrich emigrated to the United States and began working as a hairdresser in New York. It should be noted that Friedrich Trump broke the law for the first time, since the law of 1886 and the decree No. 9916 of the Ministry of the Interior of the Kingdom of Bavaria punished emigration to avoid military conscription. Trump was stripped of his Bavarian citizenship. Realizing the futility of his occupation kuafer, Friedrich moved to Seattle and opened a restaurant in the center of the "red lights" on Washington Street, consisting of many salons, casinos and brothels. Trump family biographer, writer, journalist, Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism professor Gwenda Blair, in The Trumps: Three Generations That Built an Empire, describes Trump's restaurant as "a hotbed of sex, booze and money, [it] was the undeniable center of debauchery in Seattle." In addition to food, drink, and games, the restaurant also contained "lady's rooms," a common euphemism for prostitution.
The thirst for easy money forced Friedrich Trump to sell his business and move north to the town of Monte Cristo, where he acquired a plot of gold-bearing land and joined the "gold rush". In 1896, Trump was elected Justice of the Peace of Monte Cristo and it was then that for the first time the interests of the Trump family intersected with the interests of John D. Rockefeller, who was the main beneficiary of the "golden bubble" in Monte Cristo, and Frederick Trump carried out legal protection of his machinations. But Trump hasn't forgotten about his old business either. In addition to speculating with the sites, he opened a restaurant for the numerous gold miners arriving in the town with the same set of options.

During the Klondike gold rush, Trump and his partner Ernst Levin opened restaurants all along the gold digging trails, crowning it with a two-story restaurant in Bennett, British Columbia that served fine dining, gambling tables, and “ladies’ rooms.” Payment was made exclusively in gold sand. Trump handled issues with the local police very skillfully. However, the patience of the Canadian Mounted Police also had a limit, and after the opening of another White Horse restaurant on a barge with 3,000 dishes, a huge number of gaming tables and "rooms for ladies", the authorities announced a campaign against prostitution, gambling and drunkenness. Trump managed to sell his share to Levin and leave, but Levin himself got drunk, went to jail, and his restaurant burned down.

To avoid paying taxes on his wealth, Friedrich left America and returned home to Kallstadt, where he married his cousin Elisabeth Christ, a distant but poor relative of the Rothschild family. Soon, after an unsuccessful attempt to regain Bavarian citizenship, the family returned to New York, but as new emigrants, and Trump applied for US citizenship, although he had voted as a US citizen in Seattle in the 1892 US presidential election. Soon the couple had a son, John. It was Elizabeth, having great talent in business, who, together with her son John, created and increased the basis of the wealth of the Trump family - the development company Elizabeth Trump & Son. The mother led all the affairs of the company and took care of her son until her death.

Donald's father, John Trump married Mary Ann Macleod of the Scottish clan Macleod. This family had a very ancient and elite lineage of druids, the founder of which was the famous Viking Olaf the Black. Mary practiced the Druid occult and even the original Gaelic that Donald still speaks. Many sources state that Mary was a Satanic Druid princess, and their marriage is planned and consummated from birth. Also, every few generations, families change their surname, and this explains the change of surname in the Trump family. Literally immediately after the election of Trump as President of the United States, the famous The Satana Temple (Temple of Satan) experienced an unprecedented massive influx of members.

The Satanic Temple is attracting 'thousands' of new members in the first 36 hours of Donald Trump's election, according to temple co-founder Lucien Greaves. The Temple, which had about 50,000 members prior to Trump's election, has never seen such a large surge in enrollment before.

"This is crazy," Greaves said during a speech to enthusiastic fans. Letters, registrations, donations and social media posts are coming faster than the temple can respond. “People are desperate for something to pull together right now.”


Both Donald Trump's parents and his uncle Fred have been active members of the illegal New York branch of the Ku Klux Klan, The Original Folks Klansmen 333, or OFK333, since 1933. Trump himself has always been the "white knight", the "Aryan prince", the "Apollo of the elite".

Donald Trump's famous expression:

"Because I'm an active member of the KKK doesn't mean I'm racist, I mean if Obama is a Muslim why can't I be a member of a fraternity and be proud of my white heritage?"

OFK333 leader "Grandmaster Bruce Lane", who is worshiped as God by the fraternity and never seen in person, has contributed millions of dollars to Trump's presidential campaign. According to the Los Angeles Times, the main media resource for American Mormons, one of the largest KKK groups called The Loyal White Knights of Pelham, N.C. announced a parade in honor of Trump's victory in the presidential election.

Another fact is very characteristic - all Trump's relatives were posthumously baptized in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Mormons. By definition, A.L. Dworkin, Mormons are "a syncretic neo-pagan occult sect with a millenarian (chiliastic) bent, actively engaged in political activity." The Mormon Church has an "endowment" rite performed in their temples around the world. During this rite, baptisms for the dead are performed, marriages with the dead and temporary marriages are sealed.

It is believed that, thus, having become a god after his death, a Mormon on his own planet will receive his family and his own flock from the dead people baptized by him and sealed with him. At the beginning of the 2000s, a scandal broke out when it turned out that in the 90s of the 20th century, Mormons baptized tens of thousands of victims of the Holocaust, among whom were very famous people. The Jews, who have extremely close relations with the Mormons, did not stir up a scandal, especially since the Mormons promised not to do that again. However, by mutual default, the rites continue.

Mormons have a program for members of the Family Search church, in which any member of the church can find and learn information about all the dead and ancestors. The program is confidential and outsiders who are not members of the church are not allowed to enter it. According to records in the Mormon Church, the following were posthumously baptized:

Frederick Christ Trump - Recordings exist but are "not available".
Mary Ann MacLeod - records exist but are "not available".
Friedrich Trump-
Baptism: May 27, 2015 - Cebu Philippines Temple
Confirmation: June 9, 2015 — Las Vegas Nevada Temple
Initiatory: August 5, 2015 - Las Vegas Nevada Temple
Endowment: February 4, 2016 — Las Vegas Nevada Temple
Sealing to Parents: October 27, 2017 — Las Vegas Nevada Temple

Elisabeth Marie Christ-
Baptism: April 27, 2016 - Atlanta Georgia Temple
Confirmation: April 27, 2016 — Atlanta Georgia Temple
Initiatory: May 6, 2017 — Atlanta Georgia Temple
Endowment: In Progress
Sealing to Parents: In Progress
Sealing to Spouse: April 27, 2016 — Atlanta Georgia Temple

Maybe this explains the fact that, despite the hostile relationship with the former presidential candidate, Mormon Bishop Mitt Romney, Donald Trump appointed John Huntsman, a noble Mormon, a liberal, biker and keyboardist in rock bands, as ambassador to Russia, which I wrote about in article "Ambassador John Huntsman is a cunning enemy of Russia in her heart."

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