Where can you throw construction waste in the city? The renovation is over: how to dispose of construction waste. Regulatory rules for the collection and removal of construction waste

I decided to remind readers of the basic principles of household decluttering.

Trash bin discord

First of all, you need to remember once and for all that garbage is divided into different types. There is a separate city landfill for each type. Regular small household waste (clothes or food waste) can be thrown into standard bins located in every yard. However, when it comes to old equipment, pieces of furniture, and plumbing fixtures, this is already solid household waste. For them, so-called “bunkers” are provided in the areas. In Moscow, you can find out about the location of the bunker in your area from the local government or your management company.

The basics of decluttering: how to properly store things in your dachaThe capricious and unstable early spring weather does not frighten Russian private “farmers”, who are already rubbing their hands with might and main over the seedlings growing in trays and, of course, storing the next batch of very “necessary” things for transportation to the dacha. The RIA Real Estate website conducted a survey among experienced summer residents and collected some useful tips on how not to turn a house and land into a storage facility for unnecessary things.

As for construction waste (old tiles, plaster, glass, finishing elements), throwing it into standard containers for household waste or into a bunker is strictly prohibited, warn specialists from the State Budgetary Institution of Moscow "Zhilishchnik Akademicheskiy District". There is a fine for violating waste disposal rules.

Those who independently decide to ship bulky waste to a city landfill can also fall into the trap. Firstly, you need to know which landfill you need to take this or that waste to, and secondly, you need to have a special license for this, otherwise you will simply not be allowed there.

Well, the removal of construction waste is entirely the work of the owners themselves. In any case, you will have to do this at your own expense. Although, near new buildings that are in the process of being occupied, many developers install a construction bunker at the request of apartment buyers.

Furniture, goodbye

There are several ways to get rid of old furniture. If the furniture is in good condition and it’s a shame to throw it away, then you should try to sell it through services like Avito.ru. However, you need to be careful, now more and more often scammers are operating through such sites, offering to make payments to a card through a terminal, having previously informed them of certain details of your card. Under no circumstances agree to such conditions, no matter how much you would like to sell.

If you need to remove the old furniture quickly, and its safety is not important to you, then you can resort to the help of special companies, like "Hlama Removal.ru". However, here you will have to spend money. Let's say, delivering a car and the work of loaders will cost the specified company 2.5 thousand rubles, plus, for example, removing two cabinets will add another 2 thousand rubles to the check. But in general, each piece of furniture is valued separately, somewhere around 500, somewhere around 800 rubles. In addition, prices may vary depending on the city area or floor, and the availability of an elevator.

And the owners need to be prepared for the furniture to simply be broken. That is, such companies do not sell or give away, but simply remove items. Their fate is no longer in your control.

Household quest: 3 exciting stories of solving everyday problemsIt’s amazing, but sometimes the most banal economic and communal problems, for example, removing old furniture from an apartment or getting a key to a mailbox, can turn into an adventure worthy of Zoshchenko’s stories. The RIA Real Estate website continues to collect people's stories of everyday troubles.

But residents of Moscow (and soon residents of St. Petersburg) have an excellent opportunity not only to remove old furniture or other unnecessary items for free, but also to receive a reward for this, albeit symbolic. This service is provided by the "Dump" project - a flea market in reverse. The authors of the project estimate the size of the cash bonus based on the size of the pile of rubbish. For example, a large bag of dishes is valued at 100 rubles, says Svalka founder Alexey Barinsky. However, the company warns that their logisticians do not provide services for dismantling plumbing fixtures or cleaning the apartment after renovation. They come and take away the already prepared things. If for some reason it is difficult for the owner to disassemble large-sized furniture himself, then the "Svalka" employees are ready to help with this, but for a fee in the range of 300-700 rubles.

Clean construction

You can remove construction waste using a Gazelle if there is not much of it and you plan to remove old furniture along with it. But for complex repairs, if heavy building materials (plaster, concrete, bricks) are to be removed, you will have to order an 8 cubic meter container.

In Moscow, ordering a Gazelle with loader services will cost 4.7 thousand rubles. These prices are called in the company "EcoStroyService". But a construction container for 8 cubic meters will cost 3.5 thousand rubles.

Warning to the owners: a construction container can only stand in the yard for 2 hours, at which point you will need to empty the garbage to the entrance yourself at the right time, or additionally order the services of loaders.

Repair is a “dirty” event, during which a large amount of waste and debris is generated. All this needs to be gotten rid of somehow. However, you cannot simply throw such garbage into a garbage chute or a regular bin. They are intended for household waste, not construction waste, and there is a fine for improper disposal. Let's find out where you can throw away construction waste left after renovation without breaking the law.

Strangely enough, there is no consensus on this matter. The concept of “construction waste” is interpreted very differently. Some include only bulky waste here, while others include absolutely all waste generated during repairs. However, Government Resolution No. 155 clearly states that waste generated during routine home repairs must be considered household waste and disposed of in exactly the same way. This raises the question of what is considered “current repairs”. As a rule, these are small ones, such as painting windows or replacing wallpaper. Therefore, if a can of paint or even several bags of old wallpaper were thrown away, utility workers should have no questions.

Garbage generated during the process will be considered differently, since in this case the volume of waste is very large. For example, fragments of walls and fittings can no longer be called household waste. Here we will talk about large construction waste. The same will apply to a large number of bags with various waste after repairs. And you will have to take care of their disposal separately.

How and where to dispose of construction waste?

Residents themselves have to take care of the removal of construction waste. There are several options to solve the problem:

  1. It’s easiest for those who live in an area of ​​new buildings, where renovation work is in full swing and this issue is relevant for the majority. At a meeting of apartment owners, a decision is made and a corresponding agreement is signed with the management company, which installs a special additional container. It is larger in size and painted in a different color. Residents have an additional column on their receipts, which indicates the amount of payment for the removal of construction waste.
  2. Some management companies have a contract agreement with some organizations for the disposal of bulky waste. Special vehicles arrive on certain days and pick up bags stacked in special places: at separate sites or next to the garbage chute. You can find out about this by contacting the management company.
  3. If the management company does not have the above agreement, and repairs are only being carried out in 1 apartment, you can negotiate with any company that deals with the disposal of construction waste directly. In this case, you will not have to solve the problem of transporting and loading waste, and there will also be no need to look for a landfill where such waste is accepted. However, the fees for such services are quite significant.
  4. If you have a personal car, you can solve the problem differently: take up construction waste removal yourself. But first you have to find a landfill where it will be accepted. You will also have to pay a small amount for this.
  5. If there is no transport, you can look for advertisements in the newspaper in the category “I will accept construction waste, pick up,” call and find out what exactly they are picking up. Most often they accept bricks, rebar, and concrete for export.
  6. Broken brick and plaster will be gladly taken for filling holes in some garage cooperative or gardening community. However, you will most likely have to transport it to them yourself.

The customer refuses to pay the contractor's costs for disposal of construction waste in a landfill. At the same time, he refers to page 18 of the book by I.Yu. Nosenko “Estimation file in construction” volume 1, which contains the answer to the question of which chapter of the Consolidated Estimate should include the costs for the delivery of construction waste. In particular, the response says the following:

“The costs associated with the removal of construction waste during the construction of new structural elements, including the removal of waste and its delivery to a landfill, are considered overhead costs and are not subject to inclusion in the estimate documentation.”

Is the Customer right?


The customer is wrong in this matter.

Clause 11 “Costs for the improvement and maintenance of construction sites” of Section III “Costs for organizing work on construction sites” of Appendix 6 “List of overhead cost items in construction” to the “Methodological guidelines for determining the amount of overhead costs in construction” provides information on , that overhead costs take into account the costs: “- for labor costs (with deductions to the unified social tax from labor costs) and other expenses for cleaning and cleaning (with garbage removal) of the construction area and the adjacent street strip, including sections of roads and sidewalks, the construction of paths, bridges and other work related to the improvement of the territory of construction sites;.”

The costs of the contractor for the disposal of waste transported to a landfill are not taken into account by overhead standards and must be paid separately. On this issue there was an explanation from the Russian Gosstroy, given below:

State Committee of the Russian Federation
for construction and housing and communal services (Gosstroy of Russia)
dated December 28, 1999 No. 10-466

The Department of Pricing and Estimated Standardization in Construction and Housing and Communal Services clarifies this issue.

In accordance with paragraph 10 of the “Methodological guidelines for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation MDS 81-1.99”, adopted by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of Russia dated April 26, 1999 No. 31, the estimate documentation includes the costs of cleaning and clearing waste from the construction site as part of overhead costs . Accounting for the costs of disposal of unusable soil and waste transported to a landfill is not provided for by current regulatory documents.

Head of Department V.A. Stepanov

It should be noted that the above applies to the disposal of technological waste generated during construction and installation work during new construction, which, for example, includes brick waste and mortar residues from the production of brickwork.

If we are talking about construction waste generated during the dismantling of buildings or their parts, then the cost estimate documentation should take into account the costs of loading, unloading and transporting construction waste from the dismantling of buildings. In addition to these costs, the estimate documentation must take into account the costs of paying for services for the placement and disposal of waste at waste processing sites (“landfills”).

If the work on dismantling buildings is a preparatory stage for further construction, then the specified costs in the estimate documentation can be reflected in Chapter 1 of the consolidated estimate “Preparation of the construction site” with the assignment of loading, unloading and transportation work to construction and installation work. Services for the placement and disposal of waste at waste treatment sites are considered other costs and can be taken into account in chapters 1 or 9 of the consolidated estimate.

The letter of the Ministry of Regional Development dated 05/03/2011 No. 11086-IP/08 recommends taking into account the costs of disposal and disposal of construction waste in Chapter 9 of the Consolidated Estimate.

“The costs of placement and disposal (neutralization) of construction waste, contaminated soil and waste are determined by an estimate based on the data in Section 8 “List of Environmental Protection Measures” of the project documentation, and if it is necessary to demolish (dismantle) an object or part of a capital construction object also descriptions of solutions for the collection, decontamination and disposal of waste and contaminated soils, given in section 7 “Project for organizing work on demolition or dismantling of capital construction projects”, and a certificate (calculation) of the enterprise on the cost of placement and disposal of construction waste and waste. Costs associated with payment for these services are determined by calculations and taken into account in accordance with clause 4.85 of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation in chapter 9 “Other work and costs”(columns 7, 8) summary estimate of construction costs. The costs of loading construction waste and materials unsuitable for further use, generated as a result of dismantling buildings, structures and equipment, into a vehicle and transporting it from the construction site to a storage site or landfill are determined according to current tariffs and are taken into account in local estimates.”

Nowadays, the problem of removing construction waste has become more pressing. Since many people seriously believe that containers standing in a row on special platforms can be loaded with any rubbish. But this is not so, because the main purpose of these garbage containers is to collect solid household waste generated during everyday life in an apartment building. In addition, a special document indicates the composition and volume of what is allowed to be thrown there.

What is construction waste?

Anyone who decides to start a renovation, even with a small amount of work, can face the problem of how to remove construction waste. Since it will be necessary to throw the construction waste into the yard to free up the premises. How to deal with mountains of old tiles, torn wallpaper, window and door frames and other similar rubbish, so as not to become a lawbreaker?

To begin with, it would be good to understand what kind of waste is construction waste. Everything is simple here, the waste that was generated as a result of dismantling, repair and restoration is called construction waste. This includes:

  • scraps of metal structures;
  • pieces of concrete, brick, beaten plaster;
  • old window frames and door blocks;
  • remnants of drywall, linoleum, wallpaper, laminate and tile, etc.

There are three groups of construction waste

The first group contains waste generated at the beginning of work. These include bulky waste, namely large and heavy remains and fragments from demolished walls and other structures. It must be removed immediately, because it will interfere with further work.

The second group contains unnecessary parts of building materials and their packaging that appeared during the repair process.

The third group contains waste generated during the finishing work.

What does the law say about this?

The legislation governing the technology for removing construction waste is Articles 8.1 and 8.41 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, violation of which is subject to a fine.

Article 8.1 states liability for violation of environmental standards during construction. Although the article itself does not contain detailed information about what exactly constitutes non-compliance with the requirements, it can be read in the official comments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Common violations of this article include: lack of fencing of the construction site and the release of construction waste beyond its boundaries. For non-compliance with the requirements of this paragraph of the article, namely for improper disposal of construction waste, a fine of 1,000 to 2,000 rubles is provided for individuals.

At first glance, the amount of the penalty is small, but paying it does not relieve the offender from the requirement to immediately remove his construction waste to the proper place. For legal entities, the fine for such a violation will range from 20,000 to 100,000 rubles.

If construction waste is not removed on time, then Article 8.41 will apply. The fine will start from 6,000 rubles for an individual, and for a legal entity – up to 100,000 rubles.

You also need to know that, according to local laws, the release of large volumes of waste from construction can be regarded as an unauthorized organization of a landfill. Fines for this can reach 50,000 rubles for individuals. persons, and for legal entities persons – up to 200,000 rubles. A fair conclusion would be that it is rational to remove construction waste without violating the requirements of the law.

What should be done with the generated construction waste and old furniture?

Not in all cases it is possible to predict the true scale of repairs, and the volume of waste may turn out to be greater than expected. In this case, there is no need to make hasty decisions about how to remove construction waste from the house. Because not the best ideas immediately come to mind, for example, putting trash near outdoor containers or on the landing. If you take the first route, you will eventually have to pay a fine, and if you take the second route, relations with your neighbors will deteriorate.

For urban conditions, the ideal option is to enter into an agreement with a specialized company that can remove the garbage.

This is a rational decision for two reasons: it will not entail the indignation of neighbors and the consequences of breaking the law. In addition, the amount of the administrative fine can be several times higher than the cost of such a service.

Removing construction waste yourself or hiring a company specializing in this?

Citizens who respect order will not create a dump of rubbish generated from renovations in their apartment. They will do the right thing and take him to a special training ground. Many of them believe that it is cheaper to remove garbage on their own than if a specialized organization is responsible for this. When you need to take out one or two bags of garbage in the trunk of your own car, this option is quite justified.

For this you will need a truck. Renting a flatbed truck or dump truck can cost a pretty penny, especially if the unloading location is located quite far from home.

In addition, the required landfill still needs to be found, because not all of them allow waste sorting and disposal of residues from building structures. And most importantly, all this requires a lot of effort and time. Therefore, it would be more rational to contact a company that specializes in waste removal and disposal.

Video: Disposal of construction waste

Construction waste is not only scraps and leftover materials, it also includes:

  • uninhabitable buildings;
  • remains of reinforced concrete buildings;
  • rubble of metal formed after the building was rebuilt;
  • broken window glass;
  • concrete piles;

and other similar remains. Disposal of construction waste of this type after reconstruction or complete demolition of buildings can be replaced by recycling.

Construction waste recycling methods

Until recently, construction waste resulting from the demolition or collapse of buildings was transported on dump trucks and disposed of at solid waste landfills. With the help of excavators, such material was leveled, and this area was the foundation for other types of waste. Disposal of construction waste using this method did not allow us to remove suitable recyclable materials for recycling, such as:

  • heaps of scrap metal in the form of fittings, partition profiles, railings and other things;
  • glass, the mass of which, taking into account windows and balconies, reaches several tons, for one multi-story building;
  • concrete, bricks and other stone materials.

Recycling of construction waste, a similar method of dismantling, could have been used further, but the limitations of sites and landfills do not allow construction waste to be disposed of in such volumes. Therefore, construction waste becomes more and more difficult to destroy every year.

Russia is not the first country in the world where the processing of construction waste and its reuse was initially considered promising. But, nevertheless, this industry is developing quite actively today; in all large cities there are special plants or enterprises engaged in:

  • collection;
  • transportation;
  • sorting;
  • cleaning;
  • preparation;

and other manipulation actions that prepare recyclable materials for the production process.

Every year, construction waste takes up an ever-increasing area, and its disposal becomes almost impossible without causing damage to the environment, which ultimately entails adverse consequences for human health.

Construction waste in Russia annually occupies hundreds of hectares of area, about 20 million tons of recycled material awaits its turn for processing, 60% of which are brick, stone and reinforced concrete structures. The growth rate of this scrap increases by 20% from year to year. Recycling of construction waste cannot yet cope even with the existing mass at temporary storage sites.

However, the Russian government does its best to stimulate and support such industries, allowing them to develop as quickly as possible and operate at full capacity. As a result, such actions have a positive effect, since construction waste disposed of in landfills is steadily decreasing in volume.


Disposal of construction waste through recycling allows for significant financial savings on collection, transportation and other procedures, since construction waste such as concrete and bricks does not need to be moved. When a building is demolished, a new structure is almost always erected in its place, and this requires a large amount of crushed stone for the foundation. Now, the processing of construction waste, instead of crushed stone, produces crushed brick and concrete obtained during the dismantling of the old building. In addition to saving on loading and transportation, there is also no need to pay for construction waste disposed of in landfills, since it is processed at the site of its generation.

Also, recycling construction waste allows us to avoid the annual increase in the volume of garbage in the country, which, in turn, avoids a negative impact on the environmental situation. After all, even cultivation of the land is impossible in those places where construction waste is buried.


Construction waste cannot be called a complete material, ready for use, but its low price and unlimited volumes allow such products as:

  • old, used and dismantled asphalt from roads;
  • glass, regardless of what color and type;
  • brick or broken brick;
  • plastic products;
  • reinforced concrete;

used in the construction of new buildings, having previously treated them in various ways.

Since the main construction waste that remains after building a house again is reinforced concrete, its use is especially important. To do this, special hydraulic machines such as a hammer or hydraulic shears are used; they break or crush too large blocks. Next, a crushing plant operates, producing the output product of the desired fraction.

In addition to the foundation, construction waste is used to lay temporary roads through swamps. Also, recycling construction waste in this way can serve as an excellent material for filling unnecessary voids or pits.

Construction waste such as asphalt is used for the construction of road surfaces, having previously been thermally treated at a high temperature, which allows the resinous substance to melt. Even in case of loss of viscosity or other qualities, special strengthening and concreting substances are added to the asphalt.

You must know how construction waste is recycled step by step

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