Buy a usm oven for frying seeds. Oven for baking: what to look for when choosing. How to choose a mini-electric oven: analysis of technical characteristics

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Drum type continuous furnace PP-01 designed for drying and frying bulk products (sunflower seeds, peanuts, cereals, grains, crackers, coffee, etc.) with a fraction of 2 to 20 mm.
Automatic maintenance of the set temperature in the range of 25 - 200 ºС. Rotation speed of the frying drum is 2.2 - 4.5 revolutions per minute.

Description of installation.
The product (seeds, coffee, nuts, etc.) is poured into the receiving hopper of the oven, from where, through a screw, it is fed into the frying drum. The drum is located horizontally; during operation of the furnace it rotates around its axis.
Thanks to the design of the drum, the product inside is mixed during the frying process and gradually moves towards the outlet. On the output tray you receive a fried product.

Technical data:

  • Productivity for the finished product in combination with the MS-02M installation is up to 200 kg per hour. The productivity when frying a dry product is higher (depending on its initial moisture content).
  • The oven is designed for continuous operation.
  • Power supply: 380 V 50 Hz. Power consumption - up to 40 kW/hour (on average - 10 kW/hour).
  • Dimensions 2500x1000x1300 mm; weight 500 kg. The installation version is floor-mounted.

Brief description of the oven for frying bulk products model PP-01

The oven for frying seeds and other bulk products is a continuous installation, which implies the constant presence of the product in the oven hopper for its effective use.
The product (seeds, coffee, nuts, etc.) is poured into the receiving hopper of the oven, from where, through a screw, it is fed into the frying drum. The drum is located horizontally; during operation of the furnace it rotates around its axis. Thanks to the design of the drum, the product inside is mixed during the frying process and gradually moves towards the outlet. The output tray produces a fried product.
The rotation speed of the feed auger, drum, and frying temperature are adjustable. Adjusting these parameters allows you to fine-tune the furnace to ensure the required technological regime.
This pass-through frying method is more effective than the accepted method, which involves loading and unloading before and after frying a certain amount of product.
The PP-01 frying oven is reliable and easy to use.
The PP-01 oven, complete with an MS-02M installation for washing seeds and other bulk products, can be used as part of automatic lines for the production of fried seeds, peanuts, etc.

The emergence of convenient, powerful, multifunctional kitchen appliances has made adjustments to people’s lives: there are more opportunities for preparing dishes, and the amount of free time has increased. One of these useful devices is an oven for the home - for baking, heating, frying, grilling. Many models have been developed, varying in size, power, and type of control. We will try to understand the variety of modifications and their technical characteristics.

The name “oven” is rarely used in everyday life; basically, this combination of words refers to powerful large-sized equipment installed in bakeries, canteens, and restaurants. In supermarkets and online stores, a useful household appliance is sold in the small kitchen appliances section and is called an “electric oven.” It should not be confused with a microwave oven, which has a different operating principle, although many of the functions are similar.

Convenient mini-electric oven for preparing main courses

The main purpose of the unit is cooking food by baking or frying. This is a kind of small oven, which, unlike its stationary oversized counterpart, can be moved from place to place. Why not just buy a familiar oven, which most often comes paired with a hob? There are several reasons:

  • compactness makes the equipment mobile - if necessary, it can be easily transported (to the country house, to temporary housing);
  • its small size makes it easy to choose a place even in a small kitchen - the device can be installed on a table, on a bedside table, in a niche, on a refrigerator (not recommended) and even on a windowsill;
  • This is a temporary, inexpensive replacement for a broken oven.

It happens that no one in the family bakes and, in fact, there is no need for an oven. When ordering kitchen furniture, they simply do not count on installing an oven and place drawers for utensils or shelves for bulk products in its rightful place. But then a person appears who bakes pies superbly, and buying an electric oven for baking at home becomes a way out.

Thus, the advantages of an electric baking oven are compactness, mobility, versatility, and ease of control.

How to choose a mini-electric oven: analysis of technical characteristics

The variety of menus and the quality of prepared dishes depend on the set of properties that the unit has. When choosing, many are guided by price, but this is not entirely true. Having bought an expensive and beautiful electric oven for frying and baking at home, you may find that it has a wonderful set of functions that are of absolutely no interest to you. To bake pies for Sunday breakfast, an inexpensive model for 3,000 rubles is sufficient, although there are offers costing up to 30,000 rubles. and higher.

Chamber size and internal volume

Size is of great importance, especially in rooms with limited free space. You need to determine the exact installation location, remove the parameters and, guided by them, make your choice. The external dimensions of the equipment are among the main characteristics and are always indicated on the price tag or explanatory label.

The volume of the chamber is also important, since it determines the amount of food that you can cook at a time. For a small pizza or a dozen buns, a small capacity of 8-10 liters is suitable; for preparing baked goods or main courses for a large family, there are giants with an internal volume of 35-40 liters. Devices with a 48-liter chamber, with their internal and external dimensions, resemble an ordinary oven and are only suitable for large rooms.

ClatronicMPO 3520 (black), dimensions 22 x 37.5 x 33 cm, internal chamber volume – 12 l

In addition to the overall volume, be sure to pay attention to the design features. Some electric ovens for the kitchen have two separate chambers, located one above the other. This is convenient when you need to prepare two different dishes at once: you bake pies in one, and bake fish in the other. Models with one chamber often have a shelf, which can also be used for convenient cooking.

How does power relate to dimensions?

Like many household appliances, baking equipment has a direct relationship between power and size. Consequently, a small device has modest power ratings, while a large volumetric electric furnace has maximum power ratings. The volume to power ratio is approximately as follows:

  • 8-12 l –800-1000 W
  • 12-20 l –1000-1600 W
  • more than 20 l – 1600-2500 W

Power affects energy consumption, and therefore its payment. The energy consumption class is also indicated on the label: economical housewives should focus on the A+++ marking, although classes A+ or A++ are also recognized as economical.

RolsenKW-3026HP with a power of 1500 W

If you compare a compact unit with an oven, you can find another advantage - lower electrical energy consumption. The minimum oven setting is 4 kW, while the average stove setting is 1.5 kW.

Operating modes

There are two options for setting the desired mode:

  • electronic – present in expensive products, activated by pressing one button or a simple combination of buttons;
  • mechanical – this happens in both expensive and budget models; it is performed manually by setting the required temperature and time using rotary switches.

Almost all models are equipped with two important devices for regulating the mode: a thermostat and a timer. You set the desired temperature, select the cooking time, and the timer signals when the dish is ready. If there are several types of heating, then you can choose the heating mode from below, from above, from all sides.

Some manufacturers have compiled a set of popular programs that can be activated with one turn of the knob. The main programs typical for budget products include baking, frying, and roasting modes. More expensive devices have 7 or more different modes, including cooking fish, meat, vegetables, toast, and pizza.

You can also set programs for your favorite dishes manually by turning on the memory function. You set the necessary parameters, then click on the special button. The next time you turn it on, the data will appear on the display.

A standard oven is equipped with 2-4 heating elements, thanks to which the required temperature regime is established (on average up to 230ºС). In addition to conventional heating, convection heating may be present, in which hot air is supplied into the chamber by fans. Fanning has its advantages: dishes are baked on the outside, maintaining internal juiciness, and baked goods become more fluffy.

Efba 1003 with mechanical control

Expensive models are supplemented with useful functions, some of which are used daily:

  • reheating is a useful feature that allows you to reheat one portion or the entire dish stored in the refrigerator;
  • defrosting is an operational analogue of simple defrosting at room temperature, allowing you to bring the product into a “working” state in a few minutes;
  • grilling - roasting on a spit or grill, which creates an appetizing crispy crust on a piece of meat or chicken leg.

Additional accessories - baking tray, wire rack, spit, crumb tray - make it easier to perform one or another mode and are usually included in the kit.

Additional functions

The more expensive the device, the more varied its programming menu. Many believe that too “smart” filling is another reason for premature failure of the device. However, as practice shows, electric ovens for frying and baking pies from popular brands last a long time, and damage can be easily fixed by replacing the part.

DeLonghiEO 20792 with convection and grill

Here are some nice extras you can get from an expensive model:

  • intelligent power distribution scheme – integrated activation of heating elements;
  • several levels of position of the grid or baking sheet;
  • extra time function to extend baking;
  • regulation of the degree of browning;
  • bagel – mode for toasting buns or toast on one side;
  • special programs for preparing pizza, cookies, etc.;

There are real finds for those who don't have a stove. On the top panel there are from one to three burners, so the electric stove is a full-fledged cooking device.

Inner chamber and housing material

Modern technologies make it possible to produce household equipment made from reliable and at the same time aesthetically attractive materials: heat-resistant plastic, stainless steel, enameled metal. The internal coatings of expensive devices are sometimes capable of self-cleaning, that is, accelerating the breakdown of fat. This occurs due to the oxidizing agents present in the material. In the instructions, self-cleaning ability is designated as continuous or catalytic.

SupraMWS-2106SW with galvanized steel inner chamber

The inner chamber of inexpensive models is most often covered with enamel, which is not able to clean itself. It must be wiped with a sponge soaked in a special solution for caring for ovens. The more often cleaning is done, the easier it is to wipe off congealed grease and the longer the enamel coating lasts.
There is a convenient cleaning method - pyrolytic. It happens automatically as soon as you press the desired button. The fat on the walls of the chamber burns, all that remains is to wipe the internal surfaces with a soft cloth. Manufacturers recommend using either ordinary soap solution or special detergents (for metal casing, glass or plastic) to care for stoves.

Design of electric ovens for the kitchen

Many consider the presence of certain functions, quality of material and long service life to be the main conditions for purchase; others pay more attention to the appearance of the products. Of course, aesthetic features are not the most important, however, if the kitchen is designed in a certain style, the stove should also correspond to it.

ScarlettSC-EO93O11 traditional white

The configuration of the units does not have any special differences - the surfaces are rectangular, sharper or strongly rounded corners, elastic plastic or rubber legs are attached to the base, the handle for opening the door is located in the upper part (less often it is replaced by a side lever). Externally, the models differ in details: the design of the handle, the size and shape of the control devices, the design of the transparent part, and the presence of a digital display.

KumtelKF-3125 Green with green trim

If we talk about the place of a household appliance in the kitchen interior, then it is worth remembering the color. It is unlikely that anyone will want to install a red unit in a kitchen made in light colors. There are no difficulties in purchasing equipment of one color or another, since manufacturers try to please everyone and, along with traditional silver, black and white models, produce entire lines of colored devices.

Useful videos will help you understand the technical properties of home kitchen aids.

Video instructions for the DEX DTO-300C electric furnace:

Review of the Kedr ShZh mini-oven - 0.625/220:

Informative video from the online store:

Before choosing an electric mini-oven, be sure to study its technical characteristics and check how easy it is to use: how the lid opens, whether the body bends, whether the electric cable is long enough. All information on use and care is usually contained in the instructions; if you have any questions, feel free to contact a consultant.

Today there are a large number of ovens for drying and frying bulk products on the market.

The most common option is an electric stirrer fryer, which is an industrial kettle with a stirrer inside.
An electric drum oven (with an internal drum - either made of food steel or stainless steel) is more productive.
In addition to electric ovens, gas-powered drum ovens, usually imported, are also common. Such furnaces use regular gas (propane-butane mixture) as fuel, which allows for significant energy savings.
The next example is models that operate on the principle of frying in a stream of hot air, the so-called “fluidized bed”. The product is processed in the gushing layer by a stream of clean air heated in an electric heater, thereby achieving exceptionally high quality frying.
Next, it is worth noting models operating on infrared radiation. The models fry (dry) the product using a stream of infrared radiation, which heats the product itself, and not the surrounding air.
And the latest model is microwave frying ovens. This oven has the same benefits of infrared ovens.

A roasting pan for roasting seeds- designed for uniform heating, drying, frying of fine-grained bulk materials, in particular grass seeds, oilseeds or cereals, as well as seeds and nuts.

Pass-through frying oven- designed for frying bulk products (sunflower seeds, peanuts, cereals, grains, crackers, coffee, etc.) with a fraction of 2 to 20 mm.

Drum frying oven up to 30 kg/hour- works on the principle of frying the product in a rotating working drum with electrical heating. The frying cycle for one load (up to 8 kg) is 13-16 minutes.

Oven for frying sunflower seeds up to 180 kg/hour- works on the principle of the traditional ancient method of preparing sunflower seeds, nuts and coffee - frying in a cast iron frying pan. The frying cycle for one load (up to 35 kg) is 9-15 minutes.

Drum oven for frying seeds up to 250 kg/hour- works on the principle of frying the product in a rotating working drum of the “spiral” type with “reverse action”. The operating cycle for frying a single load (up to 90 kg) is 14-17 minutes.

Oven for frying and drying bulk products Typhoon 1M- designed for frying bulk products in a stream of closed hot air in a fluidized bed. The oven roasts seeds, crackers, nuts (peanuts, pistachios, hazelnuts, cedar, walnuts, etc.), pumpkin seeds, coffee beans and other products, and also allows you to “explode” popcorn.

Drum for roasting seeds, coffee, peanuts VM-15, 20, 30, 60- The drum is designed for open flame roasting of green coffee, sunflower seeds and other grain products (peanuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, soybeans, etc.). The heat source is a gas burner, which can run on a propane-butane mixture or natural gas. Another version of the drum, in which the heat source is electric heaters.

Automatic machine for roasting coffee, seeds, peanuts VM-20A, 30A, 60A- The machine is designed for open flame roasting of green coffee, sunflower seeds and other grain products (peanuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, soybeans, etc.). The heat source is a gas burner, which can run on a propane-butane mixture or natural gas. Another version of the drum, in which the heat source is electric heaters. Automatic control system.

Oven for roasting coffee, peanuts, seeds VM-120, 180- The oven is designed for open flame roasting of green coffee, sunflower seeds and other grain products (peanuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, soybeans, etc.). Regular gas (propane-butane mixture) is used as fuel; the gas cylinder is connected using a standard reducer.

Machine for frying seeds, coffee, peanuts K-15, 20, 30, 60- The machine is designed for open flame roasting of green coffee, sunflower seeds and other grain products (peanuts, pistachios, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, soybeans, etc.). Regular gas (propane-butane mixture) is used as fuel; the gas cylinder is connected using a standard reducer. It can be equipped with both gas burners and electric heaters.

Hello again! My name is Sergey, and some time ago I decided to organize a business selling roasted sunflower seeds. I have already shared with readers of Let me remind you that at that time, in my opinion, the best idea was to purchase a “VIKHR-120A” hot air frying oven manufactured by the Russian Trapeza company.

The VIHR-120A stove met the price/quality criteria. Time passed, the business developed successfully, and one oven was no longer enough. And in order to ensure the fulfillment of contracts with my customers (retail chains, stores, etc.), I needed to achieve a productivity of approximately 500 kg/hour. Unfortunately, the VIHR-120A furnace is not very productive, only 90-100 kg/hour. I had to buy 4 (four) more similar stoves. With the purchase of stoves, the costs for electricity also increased (one stove consumes about 50 kW per hour, five stoves - 250 kW), and for operating personnel, because one oven is operated by one person.

As we can see, my energy costs have increased fivefold and my operating personnel costs have also increased fivefold. In this regard, we had to raise the price of finished products. Accordingly, the demand for my seeds has fallen due to increased prices. We had to come up with something.

I wanted to start frying salted seeds and nuts, but it’s basically impossible to do this on the VIKHR-120A oven, and even on ovens of this type (frying in a stream of hot air). During the frying process, the salt flies away from the seed, and the seed itself cracks, which subsequently leads to its oxidation, and as a result, the shelf life of the product is reduced to one or two months and the seed loses its taste.

After a month of thought, I carefully scoured the Internet and called many companies, including Turkish manufacturers. But the prices for the equipment offered did not please me. For example, a furnace with a capacity of 500 kg/hour was offered to me for 6,100,000 rubles. It was very expensive.

But, lo and behold, I finally found what I was looking for - a horizontal pass-through oven for frying nuts, seeds, and dried fruits from the Turkish company OZ STAR. Without thinking twice, I called this company and found out that, it turns out, this company has an official representative office in Russia and the Republic of Belarus, which greatly simplified further communication about the equipment.

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