Laetitia caste and her sex life. Laetitia Casta - biography and personal life. Family and personal life

Do you give all of yourself to your child, but don’t have time for fitness? Don't be disingenuous. If you want to exercise, you can do it without parting with your baby. And the little one will only help! 10 minutes, 4 types of exercise and endless joy of movement together.

Being a young mother means being busy from morning to evening. But this does not free you from the pleasant responsibility of taking care of your own body. We offer several simple and effective movements that are easy and enjoyable to perform. After all, you will be studying together with your baby!

These exercises can be performed daily - all together or separately throughout the day. If the doctor approves of your sports intentions, you can start as early as the 6th week after birth. After a cesarean section, you will have to wait longer until you fully recover.

Photo 1 "Dancing together"

Dancing together

You can do this whenever you hold your baby in your arms or carry him in a kangaroo backpack. The main thing is that the baby is pressed against you and his head is well supported. All you need to do is turn on some fun music and dance with your baby while keeping your belly tucked in. Alternatively, you can combine periods of fast and slow dancing to keep your heart rate steady.

It's best to dance in a fairly open space so that a bad turn won't cause your baby to hit you. Breathe deeply or sing. If you can talk or sing without difficulty, it means that your heart rate does not exceed acceptable values.

Alternatively, you can put your child in a baby carrier and dance around him. Maintain a sufficient range of motion (do deep head tilts, spread your arms wide to the sides to stretch the muscles of your neck and chest). Maintain eye contact with your child at all times.


These movements can be done simply by playing with your child. A rug on the floor, comfortable clothes for you. Ready? Do the exercises in the order given.

Why are they useful: crunches strengthen the abs and reduce stress on the lower back.

1. Overhead twist. Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Place your baby on the pubic area. If he can't sit yet, rest his back on your thighs. Take the baby by the sides (photo 1a).

Tighten your abdominal muscles and lift your head, shoulders and shoulder blades off the floor for 2 counts; lower by 3 counts (photo 1b). As you rise, exhale through your mouth while contracting your abdominal muscles. Do 15-20 repetitions. Rest for a minute and perform 1 more approach.

2. Reverse twist. Lie on your back and raise your knees to your chest so that your shins are parallel to the floor. Place it on the toddler's shins (photo 2a).

Tighten your abs. To gently lift your buttocks off the floor and lift your head, shoulders and shoulder blades (photo 2b). Lower yourself and do 15-20 repetitions. Rest for a minute and perform 1 more approach.


Why are they useful: Presses will make the arm muscles strong and elastic, which will allow you to tirelessly carry your baby in your arms, even when he grows up, and also strengthens the upper and middle back, triceps and biceps.

3. Bench press with baby. Sit cross-legged on the floor, holding your baby close to your chest (Photo 3a).

Raise the baby above his head so that his arms are almost straight (photo 3b). Stay in this position for a couple of seconds and lower the baby. Do 3 sets of 10 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets.

4. Chest press. Lie on your back, bend your knees, feet resting on the floor. Tighten your abs and squeeze your shoulder blades together. Hold the baby firmly under the arms, pressing it to the chest (photo 4a).

Gently straighten your arms, but do not straighten your elbows completely (photo 4b). Stay in this position, say “Let’s fly!” and lower the baby, returning to the starting position. Do 3 sets of 10 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets.

Plies and lunges

Why are they useful: These exercises will improve your strength and endurance and help you avoid back injuries while lifting and lowering your baby. These movements also tone the quadriceps, calf muscles, buttocks and hamstrings.

To do these exercises, place your baby in a baby carrier or make sure his head is well supported. Start by dancing with your toddler for 2 minutes (as a cardio warm-up), then do plies for 1 minute, and finish with lunges for 1 minute. Repeat the combination 4 times.

To cool down, walk for 2 minutes (you can do it on the spot), then take off the kangaroo with your child and do stretching exercises for all muscle groups, again for 2 minutes.

5. Plie. Place your feet wider than your shoulders and turn your toes slightly outward. Keeping your abs tight, bend your knees, lowering your tailbone toward the floor; transfer your weight to your heels. Slowly straighten your knees and squeeze your buttocks to return to the starting position.

6. Lunges. Stand up straight, look ahead. Take a long step forward with your left leg and bend it so that your knee forms a 90-degree angle. Make sure that your left knee is directly above your ankle, and your right knee is as close to the floor as possible (heel raised). Push off with your right foot and place it next to your left, straightening your knees. Repeat the lunge, this time with your right leg.

After a girl becomes a happy young mother, the worries in her life increase significantly. However, this does not mean at all that you should forget about your own appearance and devote all your time to solving everyday problems.

An excellent option for combining everyday work, spending time with your baby and doing physical exercises for a slim and toned body is fitness with a baby in your arms. A properly selected training complex will help you quickly get back into shape after childbirth, without having to part with your child for a minute.

Read more about the specifics of home activities with your child.

Training with a baby requires the following precautions:

  • All exercises must be performed carefully, smoothly, progressively - not a single movement should scare the baby;
  • The optimal time for training is 3-4 pm;
  • Fitness classes for a child under one year old are carried out no earlier than forty minutes after eating;
  • It is necessary to start training with 10 repetitions in each approach, over time their number can be increased to 20-25;
  • Classes will be more fun accompanied by children's dance music or your child's favorite TV program.

Fitness for a young mother with a child is approved by specialists after 2-3 months from the moment of birth. A three-month-old baby is already confidently holding his head, but at the same time he is not yet confident on his legs, and even more so, has not mastered walking, so he will be happy to spend time in his mother’s arms.

Best exercises

Let's consider an approximate training complex that is recommended for young mothers to perform at home:

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. There is a child in his hands, his arms are bent at the elbows. It is necessary to slowly pull the baby to the chest, and then slowly return it to its original position (the purpose of the exercise is to tighten the muscles of the arms and abdomen). Number of repetitions: 15-20 × 3 sets.

  • The child lies on the mat, the mother takes the initial “plank” position and performs push-ups, each time kissing the baby at the lowest point. The exercise is repeated 10-15 times.

  • Place your feet shoulder-width apart. The child's arms should be extended forward, their position should be parallel to the floor. It is necessary to turn the body left and right, keeping your hands in a static position. This exercise works the oblique abdominal muscles.

  • Lunges with a child in your arms help to work out your legs and buttocks well (at least 20 times per approach).

Excellent fitness together with a child is dancing (the baby can be picked up, placed in a kangaroo backpack, sling). During exercise, the baby must be gently pressed to the chest and the head supported. Alternating fast and slow dance sections is the best training option to keep your heart rate at the proper level.

Paid program
not included in your card Paid program
not included in your card
Thanks to the playful form, children, without noticing difficulties, learn to perform interesting and complex exercises that help form a muscle corset and correct posture. Classes improve coordination of movements, flexibility and endurance. Participation of one of the parents is required in this group. Duration 55 minutes. For children 1.5-3 years old.
Paid program
not included in your card
Training takes place in a playful way. Parents participate in the training process until the child learns to swim.
The lesson program includes water games, counting rhymes, songs and individual exercises.
For children from 3 months to 3 years.
for all fitness levels A comprehensive program for mothers and babies, aimed at children mastering basic movements, developing memory, logic and thinking. The peculiarity of the program is that the baby studies together with his mother in a comfortable environment.
Duration 55 min.
Water is the baby’s native element. Thanks to swimming, infants relax and stretch their spine, develop the respiratory system, significantly improve blood circulation and metabolism, reduce excessive muscle tone, and develop the heart muscle. In addition, swimming enhances the body's protective functions, which helps increase resistance to various infectious diseases. The peculiarity of the program is that the child studies together with the parent in a comfortable environment.
Duration 30 min.
Paid program
not included in your card
Thanks to the playful form, children, without noticing difficulties, learn to perform interesting and complex exercises that help form a muscle corset and correct posture. Classes improve coordination of movements, flexibility and endurance. Participation of one of the parents is required in this group. Duration 55 minutes. For children 1.5-3 years old.

0 June 18, 2017, 20:30

Laetitia Casta

“Being beautiful is boring,” says 39-year-old French star Laetitia Casta, who managed to preserve the natural beauty that once disarmed the public. What is Letitia's main secret? the site recalls how the muse of Yves Saint Laurent and the newly minted Louis Garrel changed.

Young Laetitia Casta could not even suspect that someday she would become a model, from whose image the sculptural image of Marianne, the main symbol of the French Republic, would be copied. Did she realize that she would become the muse of the brilliant Yves Saint Laurent?..

Laetitia Casta was born in Upper Normandy in northern France on May 11, 1978. The small town of Pont-Audemer could hardly promise fame for the future glossy and silver-screen star. The girl spent a lot of time in Corsica, the homeland of her father. This island played an important role in the life of Caste.

She was only 15 years old when she was awarded the title of "Miss Lumio". The schoolgirl was not ready for such a turn of events. As soon as Letizia won the beauty contest, representatives of glossy magazines contacted her parents and offered cooperation. Letitia couldn't decide whether she should even try herself in the fashion industry. She, it seemed to her, did not meet generally accepted standards: with a height of just under 170 centimeters, she weighed more than 50 kilograms. Letitia also had a slightly prominent upper lip and a bad bite, which is why the girl didn’t like to smile.

when creating a sculptural image of Marianne, an allegorical symbol of the French Republic

In 1993, her first major advertising campaign took place - she became one of the heroines of Guess. From that moment, Letizia’s career began to develop at lightning speed, and the girl received contracts with the largest fashion houses (Louis Vuitton, Yves Saint Lauren) and, ultimately, with Victoria’s Secret. She became one of the “angels” of the brand. To conquer the fashion Olympus for the girl it only took a few years.

At 18, Letizia was already one of the most sought-after models, driving designers crazy and inspiring those around her. The beauty's image has not changed over the years, but for her 20th birthday, Casta decided to make a change and lightened her hair a little. Perhaps this was the most dramatic change in appearance in many years: Letitia, unlike many of her colleagues, did not try to experiment with her image, did not have haircuts that were trendy at the time, and only once slightly changed the shade of her hair.

Even in her 20s, Laetitia was categorically against a lot of makeup on her face. In everyday life, she tried to use only natural products that do not cause any harm to the skin, but help maintain a healthy and natural appearance.

In 1998, Letizia appeared three times in the pages of Sports Illustrated, and then her photographs adorned the traditional annual Pirelli calendar. And even such “giants” of the modeling business as Cindy Crawford, Naomi Campbell and Heidi Klum could not outshine the charming and different Laetitia Casta. Her main weapon was naturalness, feminine shapes for a model and amazingly expressive eyes!

If Letitia didn’t like to experiment with hair coloring, then she did not like changing her hairstyles: either she walked around with perfectly straightened hair, or she created large curls. But the main thing is no bangs.

In 2001-2002, Laetitia gained a little weight: in 2001, the model had a daughter, Satine, in a relationship with photographer Stefan Sednoui. But motherhood had virtually no effect on the star’s performance, and in a short time Letitia regained her former slimness.

By 2004, Casta had lost even more weight. It is likely that this was due to her constant employment on the set. Having made her debut in 1999 in the film "Asterix et Obelix contre César", she subsequently starred in six more films ("The Blue Bicycle" (La Bicyclette Bleue), "Gypsy" (Gitano), "Street pleasures" (Rue des plaisirs) and others).

The birth of her second child, son Orlando, in 2006 went unnoticed by the figure of the model and actress. The child's father is Italian actor Stefan Accorsi. Dissatisfied with her appearance after her first pregnancy, Letitia controlled herself more strictly and adhered to proper nutrition. In 2008, Casta received an award at the Cabourg Romantic Film Festival, taking the prize in the category "Best Actress" for the film "Born in 68" (Nés en 68). And it was this year that Letitia decided to change her image again.

At one of the events, the actress appeared in an unusual image: she became a blonde! For many years, the catwalk and screen star maintained her natural hair color, so this metamorphosis caused heated discussions in social circles. By the way, by that time Letitia had also noticeably shortened her hair length. Some associated the unexpected transformations with film roles, while others associated them with problems in their personal lives.

Everything turned out to be much more prosaic: Casta changed her hair for the filming of the film “Gainsbourg. The Love of a Hooligan” (Gainsbourg, vie heroïque), where she played the role of Brigitte Bardot.

It's harder to be a blonde than a brunette. Need to pay more attention to makeup, I prefer to be a brunette

The star confessed.

Be that as it may, Letitia did not remain blonde for long. In 2009, the actress already returned to her previous hair color. In the same year, she gave birth to her second child from Accorsi - daughter Athena.

Many were surprised how the star managed to look so fresh, being a mother of three children. Some suspected that it was all about plastic surgery, but Letizia denied this information. Casta said that it’s all about taking care of yourself.

She drinks a glass of water with lemon and herbs every morning, tries to go to the gym, although she doesn't particularly like it, and monitors the balance of water in her body so as not to have dry snacks.

As for healthy facial skin, everything is simple here: less cosmetics and more of all kinds of moisturizing masks that help the skin breathe. You also need to eat right and worry less.

People are not cups, they should not be the same. Why do you need pumped lips and silicone breasts - the same as your neighbor's?

The star is counting.

In 2015, Letizia again surprised everyone: she decided to have a short haircut. Some criticized the model for the new image, while others, on the contrary, argued that the celebrity’s face had become more sophisticated. Dramatic changes in appearance could also be associated with changes in her personal life: Letizia broke up with her common-law husband and the father of her three children and met actor Louis Garrel, with whom she began a whirlwind romance.

When photographs with Letizia appeared in the new issue of Harper's Bazaar, they truly amazed fans. It was almost impossible to recognize the actress. The radical transformation became a new stage and the beginning of great love.

Recently, the star has been even more active in sharing her beauty secrets with fans. It turned out that an indispensable product for the actress is baby milk. Laetitia prefers to use it when removing makeup. But the milk is used not only for the face, but also for the body, and is often part of a special hair mask that Casta makes.

Currently, Casta does Pilates, yoga, loves to run in the morning, but is not ready to call herself an athlete with a capital A. According to the celebrity, in order to love your reflection after decades, you first need to love yourself.

Laetitia Casta (2015)

Laetitia Casta (2015)

Laetitia Casta (2017)


Laetitia Casta is one of the most atypical models of our time. She differs from her colleagues in everything: thoughts, attitude to life and work, appearance and character. Over the course of all this time, Letizia managed to parade at the most prestigious shows, star in the best covers of world magazines, and also showed herself well in the film industry. In 2009, an incredibly beautiful rose was named in her honor, which in its appearance characterizes the model like nothing else. Today, in 2015, she continues to star in fashion magazines and various advertising campaigns, but she still devotes most of her time to her family and her beloved children.


The future star and favorite of all photographers was born on May 11, 1978 in Pont-Audeme, France. From childhood, Letitia Casta grew up as a happy and friendly girl, always found a common language with her peers and never quarreled with her family, in particular with her older brother and younger sister. After 10 years, she began to grow up very quickly; she was the first in her class to begin to transform her figure, becoming more feminine and attractive.

The boys began to be interested in Letitia, but due to their age they showed sympathy quite aggressively: they pulled her pigtails, made fun of her and were very annoying. Because of such rude behavior on their part, the girl developed a certain model of behavior towards such guys, which she successfully follows in this 2015. For example, Letitia prefers to build relationships not with handsome guys (the so-called playboys), but with ordinary men.

Modeling career

  • Height– 171 cm;
  • Weight– 57 kg;
  • Options– 90-61-89 cm.

Since childhood, Laetitia Casta dreamed of becoming famous and becoming famous through television. At the age of 15, her dreams of show business began to come true, because it was then, among many people, that she was noticed by the talented photographer Frederic Crusso, who offered the beauty cooperation with the Madison Models Agency.

After this fateful meeting, her modeling career took off, her photos began to appear in fashion magazines, and fashion houses, despite Letizia’s small stature, began inviting her to take part in fashion shows of their new collections.

Gallery is clickable

The model's first serious work was taking photos for the fashion glossy Elle, after which the girl was offered a shoot for an advertising campaign for the fashion brand Guess. The advertising was so successful that other influential fashion houses wanted to collaborate with the model.

So, already at the age of 18, Laetitia Casta became the leading angel of Victoria's Secret and until 2000 represented the products of this famous company. In addition, her photos were placed on almost all the covers of the world's most famous glossies, and the model achieved all this just before she came of age.

Laetitia Casta Victoria's Secret Angel

It is worth noting that Laetitia Casta has never been overly modest. Repeatedly, the completely naked model was photographed for the pages and covers of fashion glossies, but such photos never looked too vulgar or vulgar, but on the contrary, naked Letitia in any frame turns out to be very feminine, sensual and, of course, sexy.

Photos in which the naked model demonstrates her graceful forms could be found on the covers of Elle, Vogue Paris and Rolling Stone, and even in 2015 the girl continues to show off her famous feminine forms.

Laetitia Casta for L'Oreal

Throughout her modeling career, Laetitia Casta has starred in numerous advertising campaigns, the most famous of which were campaigns for Guess Jeans, Tommy Hilfiger, Miu Miu, XOXO, participated in shows of the most influential fashion houses, and also successfully presented new fragrances of popular perfume lines from Chanel , Givenchy, Ralph Lauren and D&G.


Laetitia Casta knew from the very beginning that she would not limit herself to a modeling career, so having achieved everything in one area, she began to conquer another with interest. Her first cinematic experience was her role in the popular film “Asterix and Obelix vs. Caesar.” Initially, this picture was doomed to success, so Letizia’s popularity as an actress increased sharply.

Personal life

The model’s personal life has always been, and even now in 2015, under close surveillance by journalists, but she still manages to carefully hide all the details of interest. It is known that Letitia has three beautiful children: the eldest daughter Satine, the son Orlando, and baby Athena.

1 For a long time, Letizia Casta was married to Stefano Accorsi, many considered them an exemplary couple, but, unfortunately, they were not destined to live their entire lives. In 2015, the model was suspected of having a relationship with Louis Garrel.

The model captivated everyone with her beauty so much that the new rose was named after her without hesitation. It is worth noting that this rose is one of the most beautiful and delicate among all existing ones. This variety was discovered back in 2009, but in 2015 the “Laetitia” rose has not lost its popularity and easily makes at least one woman happy every day.

This rose is adored by many because of its delicate monochromatic color, which consists of two shades - cream and pink. Even the model herself has repeatedly said that this rose is incredibly beautiful, and she is very flattered that this particular variety was named after her.

Laetitia Casta on Instagram: @laetitiacasta1

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