Logic games. Puzzle games Puzzle games for boys 5

Training logical thinking (for children 5-7 years old)

Find a pattern and match the word.

Bird - feathers. Fish - ... (scales)
Cucumber is a vegetable. Chamomile -...
Teacher - school. Doctor -...
Table - tablecloth. Floor -...
Morning - breakfast. Evening -...
Man - hands. Cat -...
Fish-water. Bird -...
Red - stand. Green - ...
Autumn - rain. Winter -...

Who is this? What is this? Guess who or what is being talked about.

Green, long, juicy. (cucumber)
Brown, clubfooted, clumsy. (bear)
Cold, white, fluffy. (snow)
New, interesting, library. (book)
Small, gray, shy. (mouse)
White-trunked, tall, slender. (birch)

Choose words that have opposite meanings.

Black White.
Big -...
Funny -...
Wide -...
High -...
Kind -...
Cold -...
Good -...
Thick -...
Solid -...
Smart -...
Fast -...
Healthy -...
Bitter -...

Choose words that have opposite meanings:

Day Night.
Winter - ...
North -...
Cold - ...
A lot of - ...
Start - ...
First - ...
Welcome -...
Joy - ...
Far - ...

Answer the questions. Name different professions.

Who cooks dinner?
Who builds houses?
Who writes poetry?
Who sings the songs?
Who treats children?
Who sews the clothes?
Who paints the pictures?
Who paints the walls?
Who flies into space?
Who drives the car?

Think and solve logical problems.

1) Which is heavier: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron?
2) Which lasts longer: a year or 12 months?
3) Marina and Tanya drank different juices - grape and apple. Marina did not drink apple juice. What juice did Tanya drink?
4) Kostya and Artem were wearing jackets of different colors: blue and green. Kostya was not wearing a blue jacket. What color jacket was Artem wearing?

Think and solve logical problems. Explain your answers.

1) Who will swim to the shore faster - ducklings or chickens?
2) Who will reach the flower faster - a butterfly or a caterpillar?
3) Mom has a cat Fluff, a daughter Dasha and a dog Sharik. How many children does mom have?
4) Four eggs are boiled for four minutes. How many minutes does it take to cook one egg?
5) Who will moo louder, a rooster or a cow?
6) How many mushrooms can be grown from spruce seeds?
7) Three sparrows sat on the water, one flew away. How much is left?
8) What is the best and fastest way to pick a watermelon from a tree?

Listen to the stories and answer the questions.

1) Vova woke up in the morning, ran to the window and exclaimed in surprise: “Mom, it was raining outside at night!” How did Vova guess that it was raining, since he was fast asleep at that time?
2) Looking out the window, Vera said to her mother: “Mom, you need to dress warmly, there is such a strong wind outside!” How did Vera guess that there was a strong wind outside?
3) An ant descends from the mountain, and a donkey meets it. The donkey asks the ant: “Please tell me, ant, what kind of grass is on the mountain?” “So tall and thick,” answered the ant. The donkey was happy and climbed the mountain, but no matter how hard he tried to pinch the grass with his lips, he just couldn’t. “The ant deceived me,” thought the donkey. What do you think, did the ant deceive the donkey?
4) The cat Vaska and his owner are sitting in a boat. The owner casts a fishing rod and says:
-Catch, big, big fish!
And Vaska quietly mutters:
- Little catch, little one!
Why does he say that?

Think and solve problems.

1) Nastya had 4 ribbons. She cut one of them into two equal parts. How many ribbons does Nastya have?
2) Geese were walking around the yard. Sasha counted 6 paws on all the geese. How many geese were walking in the yard?
3) Several birds were sitting on a branch. They only have 8 wings. How many birds were sitting on the branch?
4) Two friends played chess for 3 hours. How long did each of them play?

Read funny poems.

All kids need to know:
Two plus two, of course... (five?)

Everyone in the whole world knows:
Fingers on the hand... (four?)

All the guys know for sure:
Cats are very loud...(barking?)

Our kitten gallops deftly,
He really loves...(carrots?)

Our Seryozha is very smart,
He always laughs...(sad?)

The cat's fish was taken away
Should he say... (thank you?)

For the correct and comprehensive development of a child, the development of logical thinking is simply necessary. In the future, it will help the child analyze any situation and choose the best way to solve a task or problem, based on the conditions existing at that time.

It is advisable to start playing with children who are already 5-6 years old. A child of this age can independently draw logical conclusions, can understand which object is the odd one out of those given to him, can find commonality in objects and form them into groups according to this characteristic, can also tell a short story using pictures and understands how to apply theory in practice.

Pictures with children's exercises allow them to develop logic in the form of a game. These games are very simple, but will be interesting for both the baby and the adult playing with him.

There are simpler games with pictures to develop thinking, such as:

But there are also more complex games for children 5-6, which allow them to develop analytical abilities in the scope of development of logic.

For example, an adult should draw several shapes on a piece of paper: circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle, square, circle, triangle. The child will have to look at the drawn figures and draw the figure that will follow the triangle.

A good game for developing analysis in five-year-old children would be a game where the child will have to line up cubes by size in descending and then ascending order.

A game called “Friends” has proven itself well. It perfectly develops attentiveness and intelligence, the child acquires the ability to analyze what is happening, and also applies his existing mathematical skills and develops them.

The essence of the game is that the child must draw his best friends himself, but at the same time he must accurately depict their height. For example, Petya is taller than Masha, and Masha is taller than Katya, and Marina is the shortest girl. Under each friend you draw you will need to write his name.

Now the child will have to name which of his friends is the tallest and which is the shortest. You can also ask the child to say how many guys he has drawn, ask him who is depicted first in the drawing, who is second and who is fifth, who is drawn to the left of Katya and who is to the right of Masha. You can invite the child to count how many children there will be in the picture if two leave, and also how many children there will be if another girl joins the game.

Another interesting game for children 5-6 years old will be a game called “Abstract Artist”. While playing, the child will develop memory and intelligence, the baby will try to organize his work himself, and also, if two or more children play, they will also be able to develop their competitive abilities.

An adult will have to draw a telephone dial and arrange the numbers on it, but not in order, but in discord. The child will have to look at the drawing and correct any visible errors.

If there are several children, prepare more drawings and ask the children to correct the mistakes. You can give a small prize to the first person to complete the task.

Games for preschoolers

It is very easy for preschool children to be interested and drawn into a game where logic is developed through questions.

But only now little ones will answer questions, and adults will ask. This game is suitable for children five and six years old; it should take place in a calm, friendly and fun atmosphere. Be sure to praise your child for his efforts and correct answers.

To warm up a couple of interesting tasks, you need to complete the missing logical elements:

The “Believe it or not believe it” game is that the child will have to learn to think for himself and will not rush to accept as an axiom any information that comes from adults. This is an extremely important skill for children aged six.

So, the adult says the phrase, and the child listens and concludes whether the statement is true or false. Examples of phrases can be very different:

  • All apples are green.
  • Dinosaurs live in the forest.
  • Raspberries grow on a tree.
  • It rains in summer.
  • There is snow only in January.
  • All the birds fly.

Ask your baby not only unambiguous phrases, but also ones that can be answered in two ways. Let the child think, justify his point of view, this is how curiosity develops, the desire to get to the bottom of things, observation develops and the baby gains his own life experience.

Another interesting game for six-year-old preschoolers will be the game “Name in one word.”

The child will learn to think abstractly and will be able to develop generalization abilities. An adult will have to name a group of words that have one common feature, and a child of five or six years old will have to say how these words can be called in their entirety:

  1. “Bedside table, shelf, table, chair” – the general name for “furniture”
  2. “Eraser, sharpener, felt-tip pen, marker” – “stationery”
  3. “Cucumber, tomato, onion, cabbage – “vegetables”
  4. “Cat, dog, cow, crocodile” – “animals”
  5. “Chicken, parrot, pigeon, seagull” - “birds”

Math riddles

At the age of five, a child should already be able to count to at least ten, as well as perform simple mathematical operations. You can teach your child to perform simple mathematical operations in everyday situations; you don’t need to set aside any special time for this.

An example of such a game would be counting objects that surround us every day. You can ask your child to count how many chairs there are in the room. Ask your child whether there will be enough chairs if you need to seat six guests on them. If not, ask how many chairs will need to be brought into the room to accommodate everyone. The purpose of this game will be the development of such mathematical operations as addition and subtraction, but at the same time their development will occur in the form of an easy and unobtrusive game and the child will better learn the material.

Use blocks or other toys to help your child understand how to add 2 and 2 to make 4; ask your child to count how many blocks will be left if he gives two of the five blocks to his friend. Such mathematical riddles, supported by actions and visual images, will be remembered by the child much better than working with the same actions on paper.

Recently, computer logic games for your children aged 3-4-5-6-7 years have become popular among parents. With their help, you can not only have fun, but also relieve stress, as well as learn to cope with assigned tasks. The most popular online games are loved by everyone, both young people and older people. The most famous online games among children 4-5 years old are considered analogues of logical board games, such as Monopoly or Tetris. The results of Swedish research have proven that play surrounds us in everyday life, which contributes to the accelerated learning of a child. Logic games for your children teach a lot of things that will be useful in adulthood. For example, to think correctly, remember, analyze and compare facts.
Free Puzzle Games for Kids 4-5-6 years online contain several types at once: adventure, strategy and logic. You can try yourself in such a logic game not only by attacking, but also by growing intellectually, developing strategy schemes and vigilance.
Educational logic games for your children not only help the child to take a break, they guide the child’s thinking, developing his deduction abilities for solving puzzles. There are different ways of puzzles, some develop the child's thinking, teach him to make decisions, others are taught in school during lessons, for example, mathematics. The best method for developing your baby is to play a logic game with him.

Special logic games designed and thought out in accordance with the child’s age successfully help develop thinking and logic in children.

From the age of 5-6 years, the development of the child’s personality begins, the little man stops asking the question “why?”

He begins to be interested in more complex questions, which sometimes baffle his parents.

We tried to collect useful information about logic games for children 5-6 years old in one article to help you navigate more easily and choose the most suitable ones for your child.

A child at this age most often already counts to 10; writes various letters; reads a little syllable by syllable; observes certain rules and norms of behavior (for example, at the table); performs simple mathematical operations; plays with peers and independently.

From the point of view of the development of logical thinking, a child at this age should be able to:

  • draw logical conclusions;
  • remove the unnecessary one from the many items presented;
  • from the many presented objects, sort them into groups and find a common feature;
  • come up with a story based on the given pictures;
  • come up with an ending to the story;
  • understand that theory can be applied to practice.

Types of games that develop logic

You can develop logical thinking in children 5-6 years old with the help of games with cards, online games, computer, graphic, speech, board, various puzzles, etc. Let's get to know some of them.

Graphic games for developing logic

Graphic games for children 5-6 years old develop logic, attention, and thinking very well. The child is quite capable of coping with them.

Examples, graphic games:

  • find similar items;
  • remove unnecessary items;
  • color a specific object according to instructions;
  • color according to the sample;
  • finish drawing something on a certain object;
  • find a way out of the maze.

Speech logic games

Speech games encourage the child to build a logical series and find the correct answer; they should make the child think.

For example, you can ask your child the following task:

Colorful boats
I came to the river. How many colorful boats are on the river today: yellow, red, orange! They all arrived here by air. A boat will arrive, land on the water and immediately sail away. Many more will arrive today, and tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow. And then the ships will no longer arrive, and the river will freeze. Tell us what kind of boats these are and what time of year they appear.
(N.F. Vinogradova)

Board games for developing logic

Board games for children should be interesting and entertaining. Parents will also be interested in joining their children and playing with the whole family, because board games are designed for several people.

For example, board game “First-grader Quiz” from Olesya Emelyanova - intended for preschool children to test their level of preparation for school.

The point of the game is that you need to get from home to school. In order to go this route you need to answer the questions correctly. One person should read the questions and check the answers.

Board game "NPI Cheerful Logic" - puzzles, one of which often consists of a whole, and the second of parts of a picture. You need to connect both. The game develops imaginative thinking, logic, and imagination.

Puzzles for kids

Puzzles for children train memory, attention, and logic. The name of these tasks already suggests that you will have to think hard to find the answer.

The assignment may include the following questions:

  • find differences;
  • find a way out of the maze;
  • find certain fragments;
  • puzzles;
  • and much more.

An example of a puzzle: in the picture, find the house from the parts of which you can build the same one as in the boy’s picture.

1. O. Antonova, “Smart games. Smart kids. Educational games and exercises for children 5 years old" - the book will help develop thinking, logic, memory, speech, imagination.

2. Z.Yu. Khlebnikova, “Educational Games” - educational games for children from 5 years old plus a gift - stickers.

3. N. Kopytov, “The best tasks for the development of logic” - will help teach your children to reason logically. The book contains tips for parents to help organize the learning process.

4. O. Zakharova, “First Lessons in Logic” - teaches the child to construct logically consistent thoughts.

5. L.F. Tikhomirov, “Logic Lessons in Prostokvashino” - your favorite characters will make the learning process even more interesting.

We give only a sample list for children 5-6 years old, but you can purchase other books. All of these books can be found on the website www.ozon.ru, just enter the name of the book in the search bar.

Games to develop logic online

A game "Grow a butterfly" - You need to arrange the picture correctly according to the development of the caterpillar into a butterfly. Bright, colorful game on the website www.igraemsa.ru

Many different exercises for developing logic and more on the website www.iqsha.ru

Checkers- Of course, it’s still too early for a child to play chess. But you can try checkers on the website www.winalitesib.ru

Educational game “Shapes and Colors” - in the center there are four figures; you need to complement each of them with the missing fragment from below, suitable in shape and color. Develops imaginative thinking and logic. You can find the game on the website www.playshake.ru

Part and whole - An interesting game that develops logic. Objects are depicted at the top, and one part of this object is below. You need to find a part and connect it with the whole image. You can find the game on the website www.igraemsa.ru

Computer games

Game “Little confectioner. Developing logic"
- allows the child to get acquainted with the concept of “scheme”, develops logic and imaginative thinking, teaches how to collect candy, that is, objects, according to symmetry.

There are two options in the game:

  • A partially filled box of chocolates is presented. Cells for one type of candy are highlighted in color. You need to find a suitable candy and put it in the right cell.
  • A partially filled box of chocolates is presented. You need to fill it so that the candies are located symmetrically.

Jukebox. Logic for kids- a statement is given on the screen, the announcer pronounces it. You need to choose whether the statement is true or false. If the answer is correct, then a melody plays. Tasks on cause-and-effect relationships are available (for example, furniture is usually wooden, a spoon is wooden. That means it is furniture), generalizations, judgments, part and whole, etc.

Games for smartphone (Android), iPad, IPhone

Children very quickly master technology: smartphones, iPads, iPhones, and naturally, children’s game applications are available for them as well.

For example, an application - a child will need to assemble a puzzle and color a picture, which allows him to learn colors. The game has several difficulty levels and many colorful characters. The game is suitable for iPad.

ABC with filling (HD) alphabet - A great game that allows you to learn the alphabet. It is built on associations, objects repeat the shape of letters, the game has interesting animation - you can eat a watermelon, it’s fun to scare away fish, etc. Suitable for iPad and smartphone (Android).

Adventures of a Hedgehog - game developed by a professional psychologist. Aimed at developing logical thinking, attention, and memory. Suitable for smartphone (Android), iPad, IPhone. For children from 4 to 6 years old.

Dear parents, work with your children, develop their thinking, logic, imagination, imaginative thinking. Remember that a child of 5-6 years old is actively developing and the process of play contributes to better perception of information. Make good use of this time.

Thanks to well-developed logical thinking, children successfully and quickly adapt to the modern world. Before taking any action, they can foresee the course of events and not commit rash actions. Logic development tasks help prepare a child for school.

Mathematical tasks for the development of logic

1. There are 2 horses in the stable. 2 more horses galloped up to them. How many horses are there in the stable?
2. Petya, Kolya, Lena and Alina came to Masha’s birthday. How many children are there at the party?
3. Look at the picture carefully. How many children are drawn on the playground?
4. Dad bought Natasha balloons. 1 blue, 2 green, 1 yellow and 2 red. How many balloons did you buy for Natasha?
5. On one shelf in the store there are 3 dolls and 2 cars. On the second shelf there is 1 doll and 4 cars. Which shelf has more toys?

6. The red cat gave birth to 6 kittens, and the gray cat had 2 fewer. How many kittens does a gray cat have? How many kittens are there in total?
7. Mom makes a vegetable salad. 1 tomato, 2 cucumbers, 5 radishes. How many vegetables did you need to make the salad?
8. Place pieces cut out of colored cardboard on the table in front of the baby: 2 circles, 3 triangles, 3 squares, 1 oval. With such cards you can come up with many logical tasks for your child. Ask them to make a house out of the parts and count how many figures are involved in creating the house. Another version of the game: give the little participant a certain number of figures and offer to use them to make a dog house.

Didactic games for the development of thinking and logic

Such logical tasks will become the basis for preparing the child’s hands for writing and drawing. When completing tasks, you should comment on each action.

1. Complete the subject. On an A4 sheet of paper, on one side, draw or find a printed version of any picture where the other half is not drawn. The child needs to pick up a pencil and finish drawing half of the object, then color it. A child of 5 years old can easily cope with such a task. For those younger, there is an option with drawn dotted lines; the little smart guy needs to connect them.

2. Color the object correctly. Offer to color the rug, but note that the dog’s rug is not red, and the cat’s is not green. The child must think and choose the right pencils for coloring.

3. Learn to write numbers. Print out materials where there are logical tasks to circle the numbers by dots. The numbers can be in the form of examples: 1+1=2 and others.

4. Find a match. Print out pictures where you need to look for a couple of objects. You can choose different options: draw a line from one to another, combine objects into groups of three according to common characteristics. For example, a design with identical plates, but the patterns on the plates are different. You need to combine identical plates into groups.

5. Children 4-5 years old do an excellent job with crossword puzzles. Words need to be spelled out using terms familiar to the baby. Make themed crosswords, for example: winter, summer, kindergarten, toys, weather, zoo.

6. The picture shows various objects related in meaning. It is necessary to complete the missing element in the empty window. For example: a house is drawn - a brick, a sea - a drop of water, a hen - a chicken, a fish - an empty window.

7. Different balls are drawn, you need to find a pair by connecting them according to common characteristics (by the pattern on the balls).

8. Look at the picture. A circle, a triangle, a rectangle and a square are drawn. The pieces need to be swapped. Nearby, a little logician must draw the same figures in any other sequence.

9. There are three houses in the picture. Complete the missing elements so that the houses look the same.

10. Confusion. In the pictures, the animals are divided into two parts; it is necessary to connect them correctly, since the animals exchanged their tails in the confusion.

11. Labyrinth. Find a way out of the maze, use a pencil to guide the mouse past the mousetraps. Find a safe route to the cheese.

12. Whose traces. The picture shows various tracks of animals and birds; the child is asked to connect the tracks with the animal that left them on the piece of paper.

Logical tasks for speech development

In such logical tasks, children must gain experience in constructing sentences that are related in meaning and in logical sequence.

2. Exercises “The Fourth Odd One”. Invite the child to look at a picture that shows: an apple, a banana, a pear, a cucumber. The child must explain what is superfluous and why.

3. Riddles. If the little one has never solved riddles before, then he will first need the help of an adult to explain exactly how to reason in order to determine the mystery object or phenomenon. For example: round, tasty, ran away from grandfather, ran away from grandmother. If it is difficult for a child to guess, we give a hint: the fox ate him (the answer is a bun).

4. Make up a story based on the picture. Coming up with a story based on pictures is an interesting logical task that children really like. Print out colored cards with logically related pictures: the girl woke up; the girl is going to school; the girl goes outside; The girl at the blackboard answers her homework.

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