Speech therapy session on the topic of profession. Summary of the speech therapy lesson “Professions” for children ONR outline of a speech therapy lesson (senior group) on the topic. Sketch about professions

Sheyanova Olga Viktorovna

Teacher-speech therapist, Municipal Educational Institution “Orphanage-School No. 95”,

Novokuznetsk city

Target: formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language.

Correctional educational task: improve the grammatical structure of speech (formation of nouns in the dative case, their coordination with the verb), activate and expand the vocabulary on the topic “Professions,” stimulate the speech activity of children.

Corrective and developmental task: develop visual-spatial concepts, fine motor skills, memory.

Corrective educational task: to cultivate respect for working people.

Equipment: subject pictures on the topic “professions”, animal toys, audio recordings of “Animal Voices”, riddles, songs “Who will I become?”, a toy “Doctor Aibolit”, a photograph “In the hospital”, two planar images of Pinocchio - sad and cheerful, tabletop game “I will be a doctor”, presentation of a slide show of orphanage workers (teachers, seamstresses, doctors).

Progress of the lesson

I.Organizing time.

Good morning, guys! Spring has come to visit us!

Let the meadows, the forest, and the field awaken from sleep.

Now the sun has woken up and it’s getting warmer.

He smiled at us affectionately, inviting us to begin the lesson.


  • Listening to the song “Who Will I Become?” (music by Vanyan, lyrics by Viktorov).

Speech therapist. Listen to the song.

Two boys performing a song

Speech therapist. What does Seryozha want to become?

Child. Driver.

Speech therapist. What does Alyosha want to become?

Child. Fitter.

Speech therapist. What profession are we talking about now?

Reading a poem about an actress, the poem is read by a child.

The curtain is open again

And the stage lights are on,

Who's in a theatrical costume

He comes to you with ballroom steps,

Who hides his eyes under a mask,

A fan instead of a mask too?

Children. A mystery about the actress.

Speech therapist. What professions did we talk about in the last lesson?

Children. We talked about the captain, the driver, the artist.

  • Game "Where is whose?" (similar to the game “Loto”)

Speech therapist. Look carefully at the pictures and find your match. Name your profession correctly.

Children. This is the seller; this is a builder, etc.

  • Working with pictures.

On the board there are subject pictures: librarian, seamstress, doctor, miner, pilot, policeman.

Speech therapist. What professions do people work in our orphanage? Select the pictures you need.

Children choose pictures.

Speech therapist. Check your answer.

Show slides showing a teacher, a seamstress and a doctor - employees of our orphanage.

Speech therapist. Well done! You were very attentive, I liked your correct answers.

3. Subject message.

Speech therapist. Today we will continue talking about professions.

III.Learning new material.

  • Working with “noisy” images.

Each child has a picture with two images: a saucepan, a kettle; comb, scissors; brush, paints; spool of thread, needle; globe, pointer; hammer, pliers.

Speech therapist. The pictures show objects, recognize them.

The children's answers are heard.

Speech therapist. Who needs these items?

The children's answers are heard.

  • Didactic game “Wonderful bag”.

The game is played with medical supplies from the “I’ll be a doctor” set - pipette, thermometer, etc.

Speech therapist. Who needs these items for work?

Children. Doctors need these items.

  • Conversation on photography “In the hospital.”

Speech therapist. We recently went on a tour of the hospital. Who received help at the hospital?

1st child. The cat was treated at the hospital.

2nd child. The doctor was treating the dog.

Speech therapist. Why are animals brought to the hospital?

1st child. Animals are vaccinated.

2nd child. Animals are prescribed vitamins.

Speech therapist. How are they treated?

The children's answers are heard.

Speech therapist. To whom are the owner and the animal grateful?

Children. Doctor.

Speech therapist. Remember the name of a doctor who treats animals?

Children. Vet.

Choral and individual performances are offered.

Speech therapist. The hero of which work was a veterinarian?

Children. This is the work “Doctor Aibolit” by K.I. Chukovsky.

Speech therapist. Treats small children

Heals birds and animals

He looks through his glasses

Good Doctor Aibolit.

Bringing in the toy – Doctor Aibolit.

  • Didactic game “Recognize by voice.”

Speech therapist. Patients came to see Dr. Aibolit. There are many of them, recognize them by their voices. Once you recognize the animal, place a chip on the image.

Speech therapist. Who will Dr. Aibolit help?

Children. Doctor Aibolit will help a horse, cow, etc.

Speech therapist. The doctor prescribed them medications. Who needs ear drops?

Children. The pig needs drops, his ear hurts.

Speech therapist. Who needs a bandage to bandage their paw?

Children. The dog needs a bandage because he has a wound on his paw.

Speech therapist. Who needs hoof ointment?

The children's answers are heard.

Speech therapist. Who needs eye drops?

Children. The cow needs the drops.

If the answer is correct, the “medicine” is given to the animal.

Speech therapist. Dr. Aibolit liked your competent answers and your caring attitude towards sick animals. Guys, you understand how complex, important and necessary the profession of a veterinarian is. Doctor Aibolit did not come to us alone, Buratino was with him.

IV.Physical exercise “Pinocchio”.


Speech therapist. Why is Pinocchio so sad?

Quiet sad music sounds.

Speech therapist. What happened? It turns out that Pinocchio needs to complete several tasks. Let's help him!

  • Working with riddles

The riddles are played on a tape recorder.

What kind of hero is this, a fabled bird is flying,

It is great both in height and in breadth, and inside the people sit

He hums, he sings, he talks to himself.

The piano is lucky for us. (Airplane)


The giant city goes to work in the ocean.


What a miracle the blue house is,

The windows are bright all around,

Wears rubber shoes

And it runs on gasoline.


There's a house going down the street

He takes everyone to work,

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.


When you guess the riddle, you are given a medal with a picture of the vehicle you guessed.

The medal is made of a plastic cover and attached to a ribbon. An image (wolf, squirrel) is glued to the lid.

Speech therapist. Who needs a plane for work? Truck? And the ship? Trolleybus?

The children's answers are heard.

  • Working with individual visual material.

1. Task with dotted images.

Speech therapist. Imagine that you are captains, pilots, trolleybus drivers, chauffeurs. Draw your vehicle using short rulers.

Children complete the task.

Speech therapist. You connected the lines very carefully, you got beautiful vehicles.

2. Task “Every picture has its place.”

State Budgetary


Kindergarten No. 7 combined type

Vyborg district

St. Petersburg


open event in the educational field

“Communication” with the integration of educational areas “Cognition”, “Socialization” in the compensatory group of children of senior preschool age

on the topic of:

« All professions are important, all professions are needed».

Teacher speech therapist:

Pushkareva Bozhena Ivanovna



Expanding and clarifying ideas and knowledge about different professions.


1. Educational:Expand the understanding of people’s professions, teach them to name professions according to their place of work or occupation. Clarify and expand your vocabulary on this topic. Improve skills in constructing complex sentences. Develop speech activity, dialogical speech (by answering questions).

2. Developmental: Develop general, articulatory, fine motor skills, facial muscles, breathing. Practice forming plural nouns in the genitive case. Develop phonemic hearing, differentiation of sounds Ш - С. Strengthen the skills of sound, sound-syllable analysis and synthesis. Develop coherent speech, attention, logical thinking, memory.

3. Educational:Develop self-control over speech. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards people of different professions. To develop cognitive interest and the desire to achieve success through one’s own work. Develop the ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work:

Looking at pictures of different professions, learning articulatory gymnastics, composing syllables.

Equipment. Subject pictures (teacher, doctor, builder, cook, fireman, teacher, hairdresser, tailor, policeman, painter). Object pictures with sounds Ш – С (hat, baby, bowl, bear, scooter, pencils, cone, juice, shower, cat, mask, helmet, cash register). Two images of Shura and Sonya dolls.

Schemes, chips. Outlines of people of different professions, a simple pencil.


1. Organizational moment

/Establishing emotional contact/

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds.

Good morning to smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting

Good morning lasts until evening!

Smile at each other. Each person in turn say your name affectionately, as your mother calls you.

2. Articulation gymnastics.

All the guys do exercises in order in the morning.

Our tongue also wants to be like children.

Once - we sang a song.

Two - sat on the swing.

Three - they rode a horse.

At four we chatted.

Five - they knocked on the teeth.

Six - we played “for hours”.

Seven - with varnishes like a cat.

Eight - the harmonica sang to us.

Nine - made a fungus.

Ten - keep your mouth shut.

3. Main part. Everyone dreams of finding something he loves in life that brings benefits to people. What is a profession? A profession is work to which a person devotes his life. There are a lot of professions.

4.Finger gymnastics:

Today we will take you on a journey through the city of “Professions” in order to learn even more about professions. And you will find out what you and I will travel on if you guess the riddle:Iron huts are attached to each other,

One of them with a pipe leads everyone along. /train/.

Right! We'll go by train.

Who controls the train? /driver/

Who else works on the train? /conductor/

Well done! Let's take our seats and hit the road!

5. Development of breathing.

Listen. A train whistle is heard ahead./pronouncing the syllable on one exhalation TU-TU-TU/

6.Development of facial muscles.

Now look out the window to the right. The sun shines so brightly right into our eyes. Close your eyes. Look to your left. Passers-by smile at us. Let's smile at them too. Let's wave to them.

7. Guessing riddles based on pictures.

Guys, we got to the Riddle station. We need to solve riddles about professions.

I have a pencil

Multi-colored gouache

Watercolor, palette, brush

And, the paper is a thick sheet.

And also an easel and tripod

Because I...(artist)

Kindness, warmth, soul

Mommy doesn't feel sorry

The kids are waiting for mommy: Vasya, Masha, Galka, Pasha, Senya and Marat

The entire kindergarten is waiting for her. (educator)

The master will do the hairstyle

Hairdryer, brush and comb.

The curls will curl lushly.

He will fluff up his bangs with a brush,

Everything in his hands is burning -

It will change your appearance!(hairdresser)

He gives us the goods and a receipt

Not a philosopher, not a sage

A regular (seller)

Every day early in the morning

He takes the steering wheel in his hands

Twists and turns this way and that

But he won't eat it. ( driver)

On the table there are pictures depicting objects for a particular profession. Children find for whom to work what objects, attributes are needed and why.

Complete the task and make sentences.

7. Game “Name from pictures people who have many professions.”

Doctor - many doctors, teacher - many teachers...

8. Game “What’s extra?”

Development of speech hearing. Improving the syntactic aspect of speech (complex sentences).

- Determine what is superfluous of the objects I have named, explain why this object is superfluous?

The doctor needs: bandages, cotton wool, a syringe, pot .

The cook needs: pots, frying pan, steering wheel, ladle

The driver needs: a syringe , car, steering wheel, pump.

The tailor needs: scissors, hammer, chalk, needle.

The janitor needs: a shovel, scissors , hammer, broom, crowbar.

The driver needs: a car, wheels, needle, gasoline.

The shoemaker needs: a needle, thread, saw , sewing machine.

The painter needs: paint, brush, plate, jar.

The teacher needs: notebooks, doll , pens, pencils.

9. Physical education lesson “Pilot”.

But being a pilot is better.

I would become a pilot

Let them teach me.

They run with their arms spread out like wings.

11. Game “Let's give pictures to Shura and Sonya”. Children “give” pictures in the name, which have the sound SH to the doll Shura, and to the doll Sonya with the sound S, explaining their choice: “I will give a Sharka to Shura, because the word hat has the sound SH.”

12. Didactic exercise “Correct the mistake”. Read the sentences to the children, the children must correct the mistakes. Pay attention to the change in the meaning of the entire sentence when replacing one sound with another.

Mom put semolina on the plate.

The fireman took the porridge.

The writer wrote the tower.

The builder is building a fable.

The cat's name is Mask.

On New Year's Day I will wear Masha.

13. Consolidating sounds in words. Sound analysis of words juice and shower.

14. Work in notebooks.Hatching clothespeople of different professions.

15.Result . Our journey to the city of “Professions” is over. Let's remember everything we talked about today.

Today we have remembered so many professions, what profession do you think is the most important.

What would happen if there were no doctors?

What would happen if there were no teachers?

What would happen if there were no builders, fire fighters...

What do you want to become when you grow up and why?

Your confession.

The builder will build us a house,

And we will make friends in it.

Dressy suit, day off

The tailor will skillfully sew for us.

The librarian will give us books.

The bread is baked by a baker in the bakery.

The teacher will teach you everything.

Teach literacy and writing.

The letter will be delivered by the postman,

And the cook will cook us some broth.

I think you'll grow up

And you will find something to your liking.

Praise for children.

Developed by a speech therapist teacher

Cheremushkina OlgaVladimirovna

MBDOU combined type kindergarten No. 5 "Rodnichok"

Lesson objectives:

  • expanding ideas about the work of adults, its necessity and social significance;
  • expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic (Professions, work, carpenter, doctor, speech therapist, driver, musician, pilot, hairdresser, postman, pastry chef, special clothing, tools);
  • improvement of phonemic representations (isolating the sound [y] from a number of sounds, in syllables, in words);
  • development of coherent speech;
  • development of articulatory, fine and gross motor skills;
  • development of smooth exhalation;
  • development of visual attention, spatial concepts;
  • development of coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: diagram and plastic machine with a magnet, massage balls, diagrams for writing a story, subject pictures with images of representatives of different professions, synthesizer, computer, package, candy cake, pointer, doctor’s corner (syringes, jars, bandage, cotton wool, medical gown , medicine boxes, a diagram with black and white silhouettes), a speech therapist's corner (tables, chairs, mirrors, small birds), a hairdresser's corner (hair dryer, combs, hairpins, elastic bands, shampoo bottles and hair foams ).


And your years are growing,

You'll be older

Where should you work then?

What to do?

Required workers -

Painters and carpenters!

1 . - Look at the picture. Name this person's profession. (This is a carpenter.) What does a person in this profession do? (Saws boards, planes, makes boxes, chairs, makes objects from wood.) What do you think we will talk about today? (About professions.)

We will designate each profession with this symbol.


What kind of profession is this? (This is a carpenter.)

2 . - It’s good to be a carpenter, but better to be a doctor.

What are the special clothes for a doctor? (The doctor wears a robe and cap.)

We will denote special clothing with this symbol.

And now I'll turn around

I'll turn into a doctor.

Now, as a doctor, I want to check your vision? What do you see? (I see a Christmas tree. I see a triangle...)

Your eyesight is good. I'll check your hearing now too.

Get out into the circle quickly

And look at me carefully.

We play with the sound [u]:

Oooh, we repeat together.

And now we will look for the sound [y] among the sounds: a, i, u, k, u, t, u...

And now in syllables: at, um, ik, up...

In words: duck, needle, street, mosquito, smart girl.

You were so attentive and did everything right. And your hearing is very well developed.

3. - It’s good to be a doctor, but it’s better to be a speech therapist.

What does a speech therapist need to work? (A speech therapist needs a mirror to work.)

Let's do speech therapy tasks with you.

Come closer to the mirror

And find yourself in it.

We close our teeth evenly

And we get a fence...

Now let's part our lips -

Let's count our teeth.

Left-right, left-right

Your tongue slides slyly:

Like the pendulum of a clock

He's ready to swing.

We turn the tongue into a needle,

We tighten and narrow.

One two three four five!

The needle can be removed.

Place your tongue with a spatula

And hold it calmly

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it counted:

One two three four five!

The tongue can be removed.

Now let's practice a smooth exhalation. For this we need small birds. Take them.

Get out into the circle quickly

And look at me carefully.

You need to blow on the bird correctly, without raising your shoulders or puffing out your cheeks. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth onto the wheel. Like this.

Let's use the diagram to tell you about my profession. (This is a speech therapist. He does not have special clothes.)

4. - It’s good to be a speech therapist, but it’s better to be a driver.

What does the driver do? (The driver drives the car. The driver transports goods.) We will denote any action with this symbol.

The driver drives the car skillfully -

After all, this is not the first year I’ve been driving!

The tight tires rustle slightly,

He will take us according to the plan.

Look at the diagram. Pay close attention to where the car is and answer my questions. Do not hurry. The car (what did it do?) drove out of the garage. I drove away from the garage (what did I do?). I drove up to the Christmas tree (what did I do?). She drove away from the tree (what did she do?). I drove across the bridge (what did I do?). . .

5. - And now I need a musical instrument called a synthesizer. How many of you know the name of the profession of people who play musical instruments? (Musicians.)

6. - It’s good to be a musician, but it’s better to be a pilot.

Come on, pilots - pilots,

We got ready for the flight.

(Children stand straight, hands at their sides.)

They approached the plane

And they went up the ladder.

(They march.)

The flight begins

(Squat on one knee, arms out to the sides.)

Our plane buzzed.

(Children hum: oo-oo-oo.)

He rose up and flew.

(Children stand up and stretch upward.)

The pilot looked to the left,

(Turn their head to the left.)

The pilot looked to the right.

(Turn their head to the right.)

Flew quickly forward

Our mail plane.

(They run in a circle on their toes.)

We flew, we flew

And we arrived at the place.

7. - Look at how many different tools there are: scissors, hairpins, combs, curlers, hair dryer. What profession does a person need these items? (All these tools are needed by a hairdresser.)

We will denote these tools with a symbol.

Try to make sentences using all the symbols. (This is a hairdresser. He has special clothes - an apron. The hairdresser does hair, cuts hair, dyes hair. For this he needs scissors, a comb, varnish, hair dye, curlers, a hairdryer.)

8. - For any profession, a person needs to train. Be strong and agile.

Take the balls.

Take your ball in your right hand,

And squeeze it harder.

Raise it above your head

And hold it in front of your chest.

Change your hand and smile at others.

Touch the ball to the right shoulder

And fly up for a while.

Well, now let’s roll the ball together,

And we put it in the trash.


Everyone needs the work of a builder,

Everyone needs a delicious dinner,

Doctor to treat everyone

And a teacher to teach.

You need a pilot to fly...

Well, who do you want to become?

(I want to be a policeman, and a driver...)

Now let's choose a picture to use to make a story. And the diagram will help us with this.

All works are good

Choose according to your taste!

10. (Ring.)

I received a letter to my email address. I wonder who it's from. This letter is from Pechkin. Guys, who is Pechkin by profession? (Pechkin is a postman.)

Let's listen to what he has to tell us.

Hello guys! I heard about you that you guys are diligent and very attentive. You know a lot. I have a package for you, you just need to find it.

Who will go around the whole room?

He will find the parcel.

Go slowly

And look carefully.

How will you see the parcel?

Don't make noise, don't shout

Sit on the carpet and wait.

(The children are looking for the package.)

Everyone found the package. Sasha, tell me where she is? (The package is located behind the hairdresser.)

Let's see what's there. (The package contains a candy cake.)

Think and name the profession of the person who sent this package? (This is a pastry chef.)


We played in the profession

They were chosen according to their liking,

The doctor treats us from pain,

There is a teacher at school

The cook makes us compote,

The barber cuts our hair

The tailor sews pants for us,

And we must tell you:

We have no extra professions,

All professions are needed!

All professions are important!

12. And now we say goodbye

Let's say "Goodbye" together.

More on this topic:

This summary of a speech therapy lesson will be of interest to speech therapists in preschool educational institutions working with children with SLD. This is the final lesson in the preparatory group on the topic “Professions”, which will easily reveal the capabilities of children upon completion of training in the speech therapy group. The lesson is combined, as it includes all sections of the work: sound pronunciation, literacy, vocabulary, grammar.

Combined lesson.


  • Strengthen children's knowledge about professions.
  • Generalizing children's knowledge of sound pronunciation and literacy.
  • Enriching children's speech with bright artistic features and action words on the topic “Professions.”
  • The development of dialogic speech is an exercise in the use of complex sentences with subordinate clauses in dialogue.
  • An exercise in sound-syllable analysis of words.
  • Consolidating the skills of composing sentences according to a given scheme.
  • Consolidating reading skills.


  • P/C with images of professions; sound-syllable patterns; sentence diagrams; pictures of contour overlay of objects; diagram of sound-syllable analysis of words; ball; simple pencils; checkboxes; envelopes with tasks; table; spinning top.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time.

The speech therapist reads a poem:

You and I learned to speak beautifully,
Find the place of different sounds on the diagram.
We learned that words in a sentence must be together.
And that a preposition cannot be combined with a word.
By studying letters, we learned to read.
And even make up stories based on the pictures.
When you grow up a little and you go to school,
You will read a lot of interesting things in books.
Can you solve a crossword and a rebus?
All I can do is wish you good luck.

Game "Warm-up for the mind"

Speech therapist: - The one who will sit with me in the game “Warm-up for the mind”:

L. - What two large groups are sounds and letters divided into? (vowels and consonants)

L.- How does a sound differ from a letter? (We hear and pronounce sounds, but we see, read and write letters)

L.- What sounds do we call vowels? (if the air coming out of the mouth does not meet a barrier, then this is a vowel sound)

L.- What sounds do we call consonants? (If the air coming out of the mouth encounters an obstacle, then this is a consonant sound)

L.- What vowels come after hard consonants? (A, O, U, Y, E)

L. - What are these vowels called? (first row vowels)

L.- Which vowels indicate that the consonant before them is read softly? (I, Yo, Yu, I, E)

L. - What are these vowels called? (second row vowels)

L.- What vowel letter is never written at the beginning of a word? (s)

L.- What consonant sounds are always hard? (W,F,C)

L.- What consonant sounds are always soft? (Sch, Ch, Y)

L. - Name the paired consonant sounds. (P-B, Z-S, V-F, G-K, D-T, Zh-Sh)

L. - What is the difference between voiced and voiceless consonants? (Voiced ones are pronounced with a voice, and deaf ones are pronounced without a voice)

L.- What forms the combination of a vowel and consonants? (Syllable)

L.- How to determine the number of syllables in a word? (How many vowel sounds are there as many syllables)

L. - Name the letters that do not have a sound designation. (b, b)

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

L. - Children, let’s remember Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “What do you have?”

Who was sitting on the bench?
Who looked at the street
Tolya sang,
Boris was silent
Nikolai shook his leg.
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do.

L.- What were the children arguing about in this poem? (About which profession is the most important)

L.- Let’s play like this too!

L. - Once upon a time, children dreamed about what they would become when they grew up.

Child 1: - I will be a doctor, because a doctor is the most important profession, because he treats people.

2 rubles - And I will be a builder. After all, a builder is more important than a doctor, because he builds hospitals.

Salary - No, probably the cook is more important than the builder. After all, if the cook does not prepare lunch, the builder will not be able to work.

4 rubles - So, the seller is more important than the cook. If he doesn't sell the food, the cook won't cook dinner.

5 rubles - What happens if the seller gets sick and cannot sell products?

6 rubles - The doctor will cure him.

7 rubles - So who is more important then?

L. — The riddle was solved by my mother, who returned from work.

8 rubles - There is no profession that can be called the most important. All professions are equally important because they benefit people.

L.- Yes, indeed all professions are important. Today in class we will talk about professions and show our guests how we prepared for school.

Consolidating knowledge about professions.

Game “Name your profession” (with a ball)

L.- But what happened to me? Children, while I was teaching you, I forgot all the professions. Can you help me remember professions? (Yes)

L.- There is one game for you.
I'll read the poems now.
I'll start, you finish.

The train is driven (driver).
The field is plowed (tractor driver).
The plane is flown by (the pilot).
Glues books (binder).
(The teacher) teaches us at school.
Builds buildings (builder).
The painter paints the walls for us.
The tables are made by a carpenter.
A weaver weaves fabric on a loom.
A doctor cures diseases.
The baker bakes bread in the bakery.
(the artist) will draw for us.
The shoemaker will sew the boots.
The fireman will put out the fire.
The (singer) will sing songs for us.
Busy with trade (seller).

L.- Who knows everything - well done! Thank you, children, you helped us remember our professions.

III. Game “What? Where? When?"

L.- And now we will play the game “What? Where? When?"

(Table, top, stars with tasks, red flags for answers)

L.- I will be the presenter, and you will be the experts. If you answer correctly, you get a red flag, and if you get it wrong, I get a green flag.

(Children spin the top)

D. - Task No. 2, from the programmer.

1. Game "Fourth wheel"

L. - And here is the first game of Fourth Wheel.” Read the words, highlight the superfluous, explain why it is superfluous and highlight the stressed syllable.

  1. Driver, fireman, car, policeman. (The word “car” is superfluous, because a car is a transport, and the rest are professions.)
  2. Sweeps, clears, cleans, cooks. (The extra word cooks, because this is the action of a cook, and the rest are the actions of a janitor. The stressed syllable in the word cooks is -va-.)
  3. Scissors, comb, shampoo, bandage. (The word bandage is superfluous, because a bandage is a doctor’s item, and the rest are a hairdresser’s item. The word bandage has one syllable.)
  4. Thermometer, syringe, doctor, cotton wool. (The word doctor is superfluous, because this is a profession, and the rest of the subjects are doctors. The word doctor has one syllable.)

L. - Well done, you earned your first red flag.

(Children spin the top)

D. - Task No. 5 from the engineer.

2. Game “Nonsense”

L. - The next game is “Nonsense”. Listen to the suggestions and correct the mistakes.

  • A shoemaker makes clothes, and a tailor makes shoes.
  • The seller gives out books, and the librarian sells books.
  • The teacher treats the patient, and the doctor teaches the students.
  • A musician plays hockey, and a hockey player plays the piano.
  • The poultry woman feeds the flowers, and the florist raises chickens.

L. - Well done, you earned the second flag.

IV. Phys. just a minute.

Speech exercises (children say three times at an accelerated pace)

  • Snigaften musicians
  • Decotrospero, spero, piano
  • Piapiano, piapiano
  • Guitaguitar, guitarguitar
  • Dulcimer, dulcimer
  • Drum-drum, drum-drum.

(Children spin the top)

D. - Task No. 2 from the doctor.

1. Game “Who should I be?”

L.- And here is our next game “Who should I be?”

L. - People work with the people they like to work with, do what they can do. What professions do you like and why?

(On the typesetting canvas there are pictures of professions according to the number of children, children choose the profession they like and justify their choice)

Sample answers from children:

  • I want to be a bird keeper because I love taking care of birds.
  • I am...a photographer because I love photographing people, animals and nature.
  • I... am a painter because I love bright, beautiful houses.
  • I... am a teacher... I love teaching children.
  • I... am a shoemaker,... I love repairing shoes.
  • I am...a plasterer...I love to plaster.
  • I am...a doctor... I love treating children.
  • I am...a weaver...I like elegant, fashionable fabrics.
  • I...am a mechanic,...love to fix water taps.
  • I am...a pianist,...I love to play the piano.
  • I'm...a figure skater,...ice dancer.
  • I... am a cleaner... I love cleanliness and order.
  • I...am an artist..I love to paint pictures.

L. - Well done, this is your flag.

(Children spin the top)

D. - Task No. 4 from the crane operator.

2. Sound-syllable analysis.

L.- Make a sound-syllable diagram of your word. (Individual)

Working with the diagram.

L.- How many syllables are in your word?

L.- How did you find out how many syllables are in your word? (As many vowel sounds, so many syllables)

L. - Girls will name the first syllable in a word, and boys will name the second syllable.

L.- What sounds do we call vowels? (If the air leaving the mouth does not meet a barrier, these are vowel sounds)

L.- Name the vowel sounds.

L.- What sounds do we call consonants? (If the air coming out of the mouth encounters an obstacle, these are consonant sounds.)

L.- What are the types of consonant sounds? (Voiced and dull, hard and soft)

L.- Name the hard consonant sounds.

L. - Name the soft sounds that agree.

L.- How many sounds are in your word?

L.- What question can be put to your words? (Who is this?)

L. - Well done, you earned another flag.

(Children spin the top)

D. - Assignment No. 5 from teachers.

3. Development of visual perception and fine motor skills.

(Overlay figures for each child)

L. - Next game: someone has made a mess among the working tools, find your tool and shade it.

L.- What objects did you shade? (I shaded the brush because I'm a painter.)

L. - Well done!

(Children spin the top)

D. - Task No. 6 from the artist.

4. And here's the next game. Write a sentence about your profession according to the given scheme, so that this sentence includes the name of the tool you shaded.

(Schemes for each child)

Sample sentences:

At the hospital, the doctor sets up a thermometer.
A photographer takes pictures with a new camera.
The teacher reads an entertaining book to the children.
A shoemaker hammers his heels.
A painter paints the walls with a wide brush.
The birdwoman brought grain in a bucket.
A weaver weaves fabric from fashionable threads.
A mechanic changes a water tap using an adjustable wrench.
A young pianist plays the piano.
A figure skater tries out new skates.
The cleaning lady removes small debris with a broom.
The artist mixes oil paints on a palette.
Plasterer plasters new walls with a spatula.

L. - He will stand behind the chair and name words-objects from his sentence.

L.-... Action word...

L.- ...sign word...


L. - Well done, and this time the flag is yours.

VI. The result of a speech therapy session.

L.- What did we talk about in class? (about professions)

L.- What is the most important profession?

L.- What game did we play?

L. - It's time to end the game.

L. - Let's sum up our game. I didn't earn a single flag. Victory is yours! (music sounds)

L. - I congratulate you! (Certificates are presented.)

Nadorova Irina Aleksandrovna,
teacher-speech therapist of the highest qualification categories,
MDOU "Kindergarten No. 85 combined type",

Educational areas: Communication, Health.

Sections: Speech development.

Subject:"Journey into the world of professions"

Target: clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about professions (doctor, builder, cook).


  • Correctional - educational: clarify and expand vocabulary on the topic. Improve the grammatical structure of speech. Improve your skills in constructing a simple sentence.
  • Correctional and developmental: develop children’s coherent speech, visual and auditory attention, memory, thinking, develop sensory perception, speech breathing, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills.
  • Correctional and educational: developing a positive attitude at the beginning of the lesson, fostering a sense of mutual understanding, mutual assistance, and instilling a respectful attitude towards the work of adults.

Equipment: subject pictures (doctor, builder, cook), envelopes for each child, pictures depicting tools, food, sensory bags.

Methods and techniques: verbal, visual, practical, health-saving.

Preliminary work: stories about professions (cook, doctor, builder), compiling descriptive stories using a mnemonic table, asking riddles, didactic games: “Who does what?”, “Name the profession”, “Who needs what for work?”.

Vocabulary work: profession.

Open lesson in speech therapy secondary group
Topic: “Journey into the world of professions”

Move busyTia:


(the speech therapist greets the children and says that a lesson on speech development has begun)

Circle of joy.

Let's hold hands tightly and take hold
And let's smile at each other.
Smiling around
You are my friend and I am your friend.

(children stand in a circle, listen to the poem and perform the appropriate movements, then sit on chairs)

Report the topic of the lesson.

— Guys, today we will go on a journey “Into the World of Professions.” And you will find out what you and I will travel on if you guess the riddle.

Riddle about transport.

Speech therapist: - What a miracle - the house is moving!
And there are so many people in it!
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline!
Children: - Bus.

Speech therapist: - Correct! We will go with you on the bus.

(E.S. Zheleznova’s song “We are sitting on the bus” sounds)

Speech therapist: - Guys, here we are in the city of professions.

Main chathere is.

1 stop

Speech therapist: - And the first master whom we will go to visit is a doctor.

(puts a picture on the board)

Speech therapist: - What is another name for a doctor?

Children: - Doctor.

Speech therapist: - What does the doctor do?

Children: - The doctor treats people.

Speech therapist: - Where does the doctor work?

Children: - The doctor works in the hospital.

Speech therapist: - What is a doctor called in Kazakh?

Children: - Dariger.

One child is assigned to the role of doctor. The speech therapist puts a doctor's cap on the child.

Speech therapist: - Let's imagine that we are now in a doctor's office. And we will show how we correctly perform articulation exercises.

Articulation exercises:“Smile”, “Tube”, “Watch”, “Swing”.

Speech therapist: - Now the doctor will listen to our breathing.

Breathing exercise.

Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
(the exercise is performed 3 times).

Speech therapist: - Well done. Everything was done correctly. Our journey through the city of professions continues.

2nd stop

Speech therapist: - Guess the riddle about the next guest we came to.

Riddle about the builder.

He puts the bricks in a row,
Builds a kindergarten for the children
Not a miner or a driver,
He will build us a house...
Children: - Builder.

Speech therapist: - Correct. This is a builder.

(puts up a picture)

Speech therapist: - What does a builder do?
Children: - A builder is building a house.

Speech therapist: - What is a builder called in Kazakh?
Children: - Kurylysshy.

Speech therapist: — What tools does a builder need for work?
(children list the names of the instruments)

One child is assigned to the role of builder. The speech therapist puts a builder's helmet on the child.

Speech therapist: - Guys, let's help our builder build a house. Let's imagine that our fists are hammers.

Finger gymnastics “Tuk-tok” (E.S. Zheleznova)

(sit on the carpet, repeat the movements after the teacher to the music)

Didactic game “Pick up an object”

(they sit at the tables, look at the pictures)

Speech therapist: — Raise your hand, those children who have the items that a doctor needs for his work? Name them.

(3 children name objects: thermometer, bandage, cotton wool)

Speech therapist: — Raise your hand, those children who have the items that a builder needs for work? Name them.

(3 children name objects: hammer, nails, saw)

Speech therapist: - What subjects did we not name?

(2 children name objects: butter, eggs, flour)

Speech therapist: - Who do you think from the city of professions needs these items?

Children: - To the cook.

Speech therapist: - That's right. The chef needs products to prepare various delicious dishes. We go on our bus to visit the chef.

(song “We are sitting on the bus”)

3 stop

Speech therapist: - Who is this?
(puts up a picture)
Children: - This is the cook.

Speech therapist: - What is a cook called in Kazakh?
Children: - Aspashy.

Speech therapist: - What does a cook do?
Children: - The cook prepares different delicious dishes.

One child is assigned to the role of cook. The speech therapist puts a chef's hat on the child.

Speech therapist: - Guys, let's help the cook knead the dough.

(hands out sensory bags to each child)

Game with sensory bags “Knead the dough”

Knead the dough, knead it, knead it,
We press the dough, we press, we press.
(vigorously squeeze the sensory bags and unclench them)
We'll bake pies.
(transfer sensory bags from one hand to another)

Speech therapist: - Our journey through the city of professions is over. We return to the group.

(song “We are sitting on the bus”)

III. Lesson summary

Speech therapist: - Guys, did you enjoy the trip?
(children's answers)

- Remember who we visited?

Surprise moment.

(Knock on the door)

A kindergarten cook comes into the group, meets the children, talks about his profession, and brings the children a sweet gift.

Speech therapist: - Well done, children! Everyone tried, they did everything correctly. Clap for each other!

What else to read