Frogs croak in the fall. Live frog in the house: signs, interesting facts. Family atmosphere, health

But there was no one around her. Frightened by the unexpected splash, the local frogs all hid in the water. When they began to emerge from it, they looked with surprise at the new one.

And she told them wonderful story about how she thought all her life and finally invented a new, unusual way of traveling on ducks; how she had her own ducks that carried her wherever she pleased; how she visited the beautiful south, where it’s so nice, where there are such beautiful warm swamps and so many midges and all sorts of other edible insects.

“I stopped by to see how you live,” she said. - I will stay with you until spring, until my ducks, which I released, return.

But the ducks never returned. They thought that the frog had crashed to the ground and were very sorry for it.

Inquiry Office

What kind of colorful frog is this?

IN temperate latitudes The coloring of frogs is usually camouflage - in brownish or greenish tones with spots. Pond, lake, grass and sharp-faced frogs are colored this way. Frogs look shiny because their skin is covered with mucus, which allows the frog to breathe not only through the lungs, but also through the skin.

Why don't frogs croak in the fall?

Frogs can croak any time they are active - from spring to autumn, croaking is their way of communicating with each other. But the loudest croaking sounds over the reservoirs on warm May evenings and nights - the frogs are even nicknamed “swamp nightingales.” Frogs in spring mating season, and the croaking of males attracts females.

Can't a duck swallow a frog?

Ducks feed by filtering water using their flat beaks - their diet consists mainly of various plants, but they happily eat small aquatic arthropods and do not disdain mollusks, small fish, tadpoles and even frogs - although only young individuals can be swallowed. In winter, ducks do not refuse bread and grain, but this is not their food.

What is south? Where do the ducks fly?

South is the side of the world opposite to north. At noon the sun is in the south. We associate the south with warmth and eternal summer. Scientists have traced the seasonal migration routes of ducks and found that different populations They fly to different places for the winter.

Russian ducks fly to the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Central Asia and even northern Africa– where the water bodies do not freeze in winter and there is enough food. However, in major cities a considerable part of the ducks lead sedentary image life.

What tree could have such a strong twig?

Frogs from the middle zone weigh up to 200 g. Most likely, the heroes took a willow twig. A fresh willow twig the thickness of a pencil can cope with this task. However, when the willow dries out, it becomes brittle, so the twig will have to be changed periodically.

At what altitude do ducks fly?

Typically, mallard ducks fly at an altitude of 150–300 m, but there are cases when these birds rose to 6400 m. During migration, ducks usually do not rise above 500 m, and due to frequent flapping of their wings they reach a speed of 60–70 km/h. Not many birds are able to fly higher and fly faster.

What is rye? Why is she being thrashed?

Rye is a cereal grain. Previously: rye was reaped (cut shoots) using sickles, tied into sheaves for ease of transportation, then threshed using a flail - a structure of two sticks connected by a chain, the grain was winnowed to separate it from the glumes, and finally ground into flour .

Does a frog have a heart?

The frog, like all vertebrates, has a heart, although it is structured differently from that of humans.

The frog has a three-chambered heart - it has two atria and a ventricle, in which venous and arterial blood are partially mixed. Frogs are much older than humans, so their hearts are more primitive.

Аttalea princeps

In one big city was Botanical Garden, and in this garden there is a huge greenhouse made of iron and glass. It was very beautiful: slender twisted columns supported the entire building; light patterned arches rested on them, intertwined with a whole web of iron frames into which glass was inserted. The greenhouse was especially beautiful when the sun set and illuminated it with red light. Then she was all on fire, red reflections played and shimmered, as if in a huge, finely polished gem.

Through the thick transparent glass imprisoned plants could be seen. Despite the size of the greenhouse, it was cramped for them. The roots are intertwined and took away moisture and food from each other. Tree branches mixed with huge leaves palm trees, they bent and broke them, and, leaning on the iron frames, they bent and broke. The gardeners constantly cut off the branches and tied the leaves with wires so that they could not grow wherever they wanted, but this did not help much. Needed for plants wide open space, native land and freedom. They were natives of hot countries, gentle, luxurious creatures; they remembered their homeland and yearned for it. No matter how transparent the glass roof is, it is not clear sky. Sometimes, in winter, the glass froze; then it became completely dark in the greenhouse. The wind howled, hit the frames and made them tremble. The roof was covered with drifted snow. The plants stood and listened to the howl of the wind and remembered a different wind, warm, moist, which gave them life and health. And they wanted to feel his breeze again, they wanted him to shake their branches, play with their leaves. But in the greenhouse the air was still; unless sometimes a winter storm knocked out the glass, and a sharp, cold stream, full of frost, flew under the arch. Wherever this stream hit, the leaves turned pale, shriveled and withered.

But the glass was installed very quickly. The botanical garden was managed by an excellent scientific director and did not allow any disorder, despite the fact that most spent his time studying with a microscope in a special glass booth located in the main greenhouse.

There was one palm tree among the plants, taller than all and more beautiful than all. The director, sitting in the booth, called her Attalea in Latin! But this name was not her native name: it was invented by botanists. The botanists did not know the native name, and it was not written in soot on a white board nailed to the trunk of a palm tree. Once a visitor came to the botanical garden from that hot country where the palm tree grew; when he saw her, he smiled because she reminded him of his homeland.

- A! - he said. - I know this tree. - And he called him by his native name.

“Excuse me,” the director shouted to him from his booth, who at that time was carefully cutting some kind of stem with a razor, “you are mistaken.” Such a tree as you are deigning to say does not exist. This - Attalea princeps, originally from Brazil.

“Oh yes,” said the Brazilian, “I fully believe you that botanists call it Attalea, but it also has a native, real name.”

“The real name is the one given by science,” the botanist said dryly and locked the door of the booth so that he would not be disturbed by people who did not even understand that if a man of science said anything, one must remain silent and obey.

And the Brazilian stood for a long time and looked at the tree, and he became sadder and sadder. He remembered his homeland, its sun and sky, its luxurious forests with wonderful animals and birds, its deserts, its wonderful southern nights. And I also remembered that he had never been happy anywhere except native land, and he traveled all over the world. He touched the palm tree with his hand, as if saying goodbye to it, and left the garden, and the next day he was already on the boat home.

Is it good or bad for a frog to appear in the house? Signs associated with this creation have been carefully passed down from generation to generation for many centuries. Believing in them or not is the personal choice of each person. So, what does the appearance of an amphibian in the house symbolize, if we rely on the experience of our ancestors, do joyful or sad events await the owners?

Frog in the house: signs from the past

For many centuries, the appearance of an amphibian in the house was regarded by people as good sign. If we rely on the opinion of our ancestors, wealth is what a frog in the house promises. Signs claim that the owners of the room into which this creature enters will experience improvement. financial situation. It is possible that one of the family members will move forward in the near future. career ladder, will receive a significant increase in salary.

Of course, you shouldn’t exclude “easy” money. The appearance of a frog can predict winning the lottery, receiving an inheritance, or repaying a debt that a person has not remembered for a long time. However, this does not mean that you need to relax and indulge in dreams of getting rich soon, or stop working. The frog promises a well-deserved reward to hardworking people rather than helping sloths get rich.

Frog and love

Of course, it’s not just money that causes a frog to appear in the house. Signs related to the sphere of feelings are also popular. For example, a man and a woman who have just gotten married should rejoice if they see an amphibian in their home. The frog in this case predicts happiness for them in life together, prosperity and luck. This is true primarily for couples who find it in the hallway, at the threshold.

It is also worth considering in which room the frog is found in the house. Signs claim that this also plays a role. For example, an unmarried young lady who finds an amphibian in her bedroom can safely count on getting married soon. If a slippery creature appears in the kitchen, soon one of the family members will marry a housewife.

Family atmosphere, health

There is another sign associated with the amphibian. A frog jumped into a house whose owners are constantly arguing with each other and are unable to find mutual language? Wonderful, since her appearance promises the arrival of a long-awaited truce. There is a high probability that family members will stop conflicting and will learn to hear and understand each other.

From time immemorial, the amphibian has been credited with the ability to improve energy in the house. The frog effectively absorbs negativity, its presence cleanses the home. As a result, an atmosphere of warmth and comfort reigns in the room, and there is room for mutual respect in the relationships of household members.

It is wonderful if a frog is found in the abode of a person suffering from a serious illness. Providence sends a sign indicating that the patient will soon recover and get out of bed. Popular rumor ascribes a similar meaning to the appearance of a toad in the house.

The frog and the other world

What other sign has survived to this day? The frog jumped into the house - an event symbolizing the connection with deceased relatives. There is no need to be afraid that ghosts want to harm the living. The appearance of an amphibian testifies exclusively to their love and care, the desire to protect dear people from dangers.

In the old days, it was believed that a frog looked into a house in which grief had recently occurred - a baby had died. Our ancestors believed that it symbolizes the soul of an innocent child who left the world prematurely.


A frog on the threshold of a house is a sign that even allows you to predict the weather. To do this, homeowners just need to pay attention to the amphibian’s skin. If it is dim, you should not count on good weather. If the dull-skinned creature also croaks, there is no doubt that it will soon rain.

It is wonderful if an animal with shiny skin is found in the house. This sign promises a clear and sunny day; you can safely plan a trip to nature and similar events.

To kick out or not

So the frog entered the house. The sign categorically does not recommend driving out this creature; the amphibian must definitely leave at will. Moreover, it is advisable to greet the animal in a friendly manner and feed it. If this condition is met, all positive predictions associated with it will come true. This recommendation should not be taken too seriously, as it was true at a time when people lived in huts.

Nowadays it is believed that the frog should certainly be helped to find a way out. This is especially true if the amphibian appears in an urban area. Of course, it is necessary to remove the animal from your possessions with the utmost care, without causing harm to it.

Death of a frog

What other signs have become widespread? A live frog in a house really only promises good things for its owners. What should you expect if an amphibian dies for one reason or another? Popular rumor warns that this event should under no circumstances be allowed to happen.

The death of a frog in the house portends misfortune, especially if the owners of the premises are to blame for the death of the animal. The incident suggests that people failed to catch luck by the tail, they will lose their happiness. If an amphibian is accidentally run over, you should prepare for serious financial problems; the family may lose their savings and property.

Also, the death of a frog indicates that there will be no peace in the house. Family members will soon become mired in quarrels with each other, and the conflicts will seem endless. It is possible that one of the owners of the home in which the amphibian died will have health problems. Therefore, under no circumstances should you kill or injure an animal that is in the house.

Unfortunately, not all countries believe that the appearance of a frog bodes well. In some cultures, there is a belief that the animal predicts the death of one of the family members. First of all, this is true if there are seriously ill people among the household.

Very sensitive to weather changes frogs. If in the evening a loud croaking sound comes from a small swamp or pond - a real frog concert, the next day there will be good weather. In bad weather, frogs also croak, but not with a deep trill, but dully. If the frogs were croaking loudly before, and then suddenly fell silent, then you need to wait cold weather. In frogs, according to many observations, even the color of the skin changes depending on the approaching weather: before the rain, they acquire a grayish tint, and before settling down, they turn a little yellow. This is a completely understandable sign, because frogs prepare in advance for bad weather or sunny days and, according to the future light spectrum, the necessary pigment grains are brought forward in the skin cells closer to its surface. How they learn about weather changes several hours in advance also remains a mystery. Apparently, there are sensitive points on their body with the help of which frogs detect changes in the charges of atmospheric electricity.

Before the rain, the finch's ringing song, which it usually ends with a characteristic comma, also changes. You won’t immediately recognize that the monotonous “ryu-ping” is coming from the same finch that was previously singing loudly and joyfully. Before the rain, sparrows begin to bathe in dust and chirp little. In good weather, the oriole clearly pronounces “fiyu-liu,” and before the onset of bad weather, its screams are drawn-out and reminiscent of a cat’s squeal.

Before the frost, the cat rests its nose on the central heating radiator. Even her posture during sleep is a meteorological indicator. Curled up - to the cold; sleeps soundly, belly up - towards warmth.

Plants are not inferior to animals in the accuracy of their forecasts. Marigolds and hollyhocks planted in front of the house can serve as a barometer. They fold flower petals tightly before the rain. Various weeds behave in a similar way, for example, celandine with its yellow flowers, wood lice and meadow core.

Everything we talked about applies to short-term weather forecasts. In animals and plants, the finest instruments detect minor changes in pressure, humidity, temperature, atmospheric electricity and even sound waves, which are inaccessible to our senses. But the most amazing thing is that living beings are able to give long-term forecasts.

The priority here is the plants. The forest and meadow help determine the weather for the whole summer. The awakening of wildlife after winter sleep is the first indicator in the long-term forecast.

It is important to note which tree will bloom first - alder or birch. If the birch tree blooms first, then you can expect good things. warm summer with clear sunny days and short stormy rains. And vice versa, if the alder blooms before the birch, then the summer will be cold and rainy.

Usually a lot of birch sap flows before the rainy summer. And in the fall, this tree can tell when the next spring will come - sooner or later. To do this, just watch how its leaves begin to turn yellow. If from the top, spring will be early, and if from below, spring will be late.

The trees of our forests give a forecast not only for summer, but also for winter. It was noted that before cold winter the yields of berries, apples and seeds increase sharply. For example, a bountiful rowan harvest promises harsh winter, and if a lot of acorns appear on the oak tree, expect especially severe frosts.

Here's a forecast you can make at home. Take a few onions, remove a piece of the skin and tear it apart. If the peel is thin, the winter will be with frequent thaws and don’t expect severe frosts, but a rough and difficult-to-tear peel means a harsh winter.

For an experienced beekeeper, bees will provide the most accurate information. They seal the entrance to the hive with wax for the winter. If they leave a large hole, there will be a warm winter, but if there is only a small hole, it will not be avoided severe frosts. Before warm winters they may not seal the entrance with wax at all and leave it completely open. Winter ends, and bees again act as weather forecasters. If they fly out of the hives early, then we can hope that spring will be early, and even warm.

In autumn, it is useful to pay attention to anthills in the forest. The higher they are, the harsher the winter will be.

Anyone who has dug the ground has probably encountered cockchafer larvae. Thick, curved, it always attracts attention. If you look closely enough at its color, you will learn a lot about the coming winter. If the larva is all white, bitter frosts should be expected; before a warm winter, the color of its body is blue. Well, what if only the rear end of the larva is blue, and the front half is completely white? The answer suggests itself - the first half of winter will be harsh, with frosts, and in the second half, expect thaws or light frosts.

Before the cold autumn there are early flights of birds to the south. Animals behave in a special way before river floods. For example, if in the Barnaul area ducks make nests on both banks of the Ob, it means that the flood will be weak; if on the high left bank - strong, and the low right bank will flood.

Mice live in the very bottom of the knees only when a very dry autumn is expected.

We talked only about a small part of animals and plants that are capable of making weather forecasts. How they do it, we don't know. However, it is clear that living organisms accurately determine future weather changes, which no human-made device is capable of. In the meantime, centuries-old experience teaches us to use biological indicators. They will reliably tell you when to do what agricultural work. It is more advisable to sow and plant vegetables not according to numbers, but according to nature’s living calendar. Snowdrops have appeared - it's time to start plowing. The aspen has bloomed - sow carrots early. The fragrant flowers of white bird cherry indicate that the time has come to plant potatoes. In folk agronomy, you can collect several hundred such signs. They should not be neglected.

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It is believed that spring begins with the arrival of rooks. In Rus', on March 17th, the arrival of rooks has long been celebrated and this day was called “rookery”. Looking closely at the rooks and the softened, wet snow, they said: “The rook pecked at the winter” or “The rook has arrived - in a month the snow will melt away.” However, now the climate has changed. The snow began to melt earlier. Following the rooks, the first starlings arrive, this happens around March 25th. Male starlings appear first. They have black plumage and yellow beaks. After a few days you can see the females. Their plumage is also black, with a metallic blue tint, but they have more white spots than males, and the tip of the beak is not yellow, but dark.

In the spring, starlings sing for warmth, and if they are not visible either in the trees or on the ground, wait for the return of frost, and even with a blizzard. Anticipating the approach of cold weather, they can fly quite far to snow-free areas.

The lark arrives to us very early. It can be seen when the first small thawed patches just appear in the fields. As the day approaches, this small gray-brown bird rises into the blue of the clear spring sky and sings a surprisingly cheerful song. And even if you have never heard a lark before, you will not confuse its singing with anything else. “There are so many thawed patches, so many larks,” popular rumor assures. The lark with its song foretells good weather for the whole day.

By observing the awakening of nature after winter sleep, you can make a long-term forecast for spring and summer. “It melts early in the spring, but it won’t melt for a long time” - one popular sign. “Long icicles for a long spring” is another. Having heard the first thunder of the year, depending on which direction the wind is blowing, you can determine what kind of spring it will be. If the wind is north, spring will be cold, with east direction winds - dry and warm, from the west - wet, from the south - warm. And if in early spring If lightning flashes but no thunder is heard, then the summer will be dry. It is also important to note which tree will bloom first: alder or birch. If the birch tree blooms first, then you can expect a good warm summer with clear sunny days and short rain showers. And if the alder blooms before the birch, the summer will be cold and rainy. And one more sign: in spring a lot of sap flows from birch trees before the rainy summer.

The first flowers appear in April. The flowering season opens in mid-April with coltsfoot. On the southern slopes of ravines, hillocks, and places exposed to the sun, yellow flowers appear, resembling dandelion flowers from afar. This is coltsfoot, and the dandelion will bloom almost a month later.

In April the first butterflies appear. If a red-brown urticaria butterfly has flown into your window or onto your terrace and is trying to hide on the ceiling in a dark corner, this means that there will be a thunderstorm in two hours. And even if the sun has come out, and the butterfly is in no hurry to leave your hospitable shelter, this is a sign that there will definitely be rain.

From the first days of May, frogs begin their desperate concert: croaking is heard from every body of water. Frogs are very sensitive to weather changes. If the frogs are sitting on the shore of a pond, wait for rain; if they are in the water, the weather will be good. If in the evening a cheerful loud croaking, a real frog concert, comes from a small swamp or pond, the next day there will be beautiful weather. In bad weather, frogs also croak, but not with a deep trill, but dully. If the frogs first croaked loudly, and then suddenly all fell silent, then we must wait for a sharp cold snap.

In fresh water bodies, crayfish crawl ashore before the rain. A similar picture can be seen in the sea: before a storm, small crabs and hermit crabs, moving their shell houses through the shallow water, come ashore.

The behavior of earthworms also indicates the approaching bad weather. If on a dry, warm evening they crawl out of the ground earthworms, then this is a signal to sudden change weather - there will be a lot of precipitation, there may be thunderstorms.

Leeches related to ringworms, can also serve as sensitive barometers. Observe the medicinal leech. Good weather - it's at the bottom of a glass jar. And before it rains, leeches stick to the glass close to the surface, sometimes even sticking out of the water a little. Before a thunderstorm or storm, leeches behave very restlessly, swim a lot, sticking to the walls, and try to get out of the water.

The flight of dragonflies can tell a lot about the state of nature. For example, high above the bushes, a dragonfly moves smoothly or freezes in place. You can rest assured - the weather will be good! If not single dragonflies fly, but small flocks, they fly nervously, in jumps, then this means that the weather is starting to deteriorate. If the sky is almost clear, and the flocks of dragonflies have increased, their wings rustle a lot when flying and they fly very low - it will rain in an hour and a half or two. Dragonflies can also warn of a hurricane: they gather in large flocks and, frightened, rush in all directions.

Another sign: if the grasshoppers chirp loudly in the evening, then the morning will be sunny, and if they suddenly fall silent at once, it will rain in a few hours.

Mosquitoes are considered harbingers of good weather: before clear weather, they hover in the air in columns, for which they are nicknamed “talkers.”

May beetles fly with a buzzing sound - to clear, quiet, warm weather.

If ants seal the entrances to the anthill and hide in it, this indicates that it will rain soon, and if the ants are full of activity, move quickly, and expand the entrances to the anthill, stable good weather is coming.

If in the summer bees fly out of the hive and sit in a heap on its walls, there will be intense heat. It happens that the bees do not fly out of the hive in the morning, they sit and buzz, and for good reason - it will rain in the next 6-8 hours. If during bad weather the bees sitting in the hives begin to move strongly and buzz, this means that the weather will be good soon. Before a thunderstorm, the bees fly together in one direction - towards the apiary. If you see terrible thunderclouds, and the bees don’t even think about returning, there will be no thunderstorm.

Spiders sense the approach of rain or the onset of good weather no worse than other insects. During dry weather or before its onset, they begin to weave webs. “Looking at the web, you can find out what the weather will be like: if a spider sits huddled in the middle of the web and does not come out, it means rain. If he leaves the nest and makes new webs, then it’s due to the weather” (L.N. Tolstoy).

Fish splashing in ponds before the rain. The reason, apparently, is that insects fly lower before bad weather, since the humidity in the air increases and steam condenses on the wings of insects, they reduce their flight altitude, and, grabbing them, the fish begin to jump out of the water.

Plants are also good barometers. The leaves of the forest berry drupe are slightly curled in dry, stable weather, and before bad weather they straighten out. And marigold (calendula) and mallow flowers tightly fold their petals before the rain. “Hare cabbage,” known to everyone from childhood and growing in shaded places among spruce trees, behaves in a similar way. So, the flowers of “hare cabbage” can tell you what kind of weather is expected tomorrow. Usually the reddish flowers of the hare cabbage are closed at night, but before the rain they remain open at night.

Anyone can make themselves a barometer from this unpretentious plant. It is enough just to plant the “hare cabbage” in a pot of soil and keep it on a shady window. If the flowers bloom at nightfall, it will definitely rain in the morning. This living weather forecaster is never wrong.

Our planet surprises with its flora and fauna. The frogs have masterfully mastered its entire territory. They can be found everywhere. These small creatures can live in swamps, forests, hot deserts, on trees, in the ground, and even in hard clay. All you need is a small source of water and you are sure to find frogs nearby.

IN middle lane Most often the lake, grass frog dominates. The lake frog is considered the largest. They have colors environment, where they live most of the time, this helps them cleverly camouflage themselves, although there are representatives that change color like chameleons.

All frogs have long hind legs. This allows them to jump and swim well, as well as maneuver in the air. Their diet consists of insects.

Let's now find out why do frogs croak?

There are hardly any people in our country who do not hear the croaking of these cute creatures. But why they croak, not many people know about it. For a long time It was believed that frogs produce constant monophonic sounds from the larynx. But careful observations and experiments have led to the fact that we now know that the sounds made by these reptiles are varied and filled with meaning.

Males attract females by croaking. These signals are used to find pairs for mating. Upon careful study of females and males, it turned out that they only understand the sounds of their own species. Thanks to this feature, female frogs do not waste time searching for males from whom they cannot give birth.

By croaking, frogs warn of danger, making plaintive sounds. They also fight for the division of territory by croaking. Frogs make sounds using the vocal cords, which are slits inside the mouth that carry air into the vocal sac, which produces a loud sound.

Frogs are very mysterious creatures. They can be very different colors, green, red, blue, yellow, black and polka dots, and even transparent, like glass. Appearance and the sounds they make are deceiving; the loudest frogs can be the most inconspicuous, and the most beautiful ones are for the most part the most poisonous and quiet.

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