Magic how to get rid of debts and loans. Conspiracy from debts and loans prayer. Removing damage to eternal poverty. A conspiracy to make creditors fall behind. What conspiracies for debts and loans exist Doga for quickly getting rid of debts

The moon influences earthly life, and the nature of its influence is determined by phase changes. The waning moon is a good time for people who want to become successful and get out of the debt hole.

Every month the Moon changes its position, character and mood. This must be monitored, because each phase has its own characteristics. The waning moon is the most appropriate time to get rid of not only poverty and debt, but also the psychology of poverty. According to esotericists, you need to use every day of this period to your advantage in order to make your life successful. Everything will happen the way you want it, so cast aside unnecessary doubts. Believe in the power of the Moon and it will help you.

Poverty spell for the waning moon

The time has come to banish poverty from your life. To do this, we advise you to read a strong conspiracy during the waning moon. It is believed that it is at this time that it becomes much easier to get rid of poverty. The activity of the Moon is waning, and with it the shackles of poverty are weakening, so they are much easier to break.

Now is a very difficult time. Some have been laid off, some have their wages delayed, some are not paid at all, and this is the case almost everywhere. Don't despair: there is always a way out. A conspiracy will help you get rid of poverty by activating the power of the Moon, which will remove all barriers on your path to wealth.

On any day of the waning moon, wait until midnight to turn your gaze to the lunar disk. Light three candles and imagine how poverty burns in the fire. Believe me, you are not haunted by fate, it is just a series of failures that will be interrupted by a conspiracy. Read the powerful words in a low voice, preferably 7 times:

“Moon, your influence is powerful, and your decline is not in vain. I ask you, take away poverty, give wealth and prosperity. Let all envious people perish, I will not lose heart in poverty. Once financial need hits her wallet, it means she can get out. Waning Moon, help me, remove all troubles from my path, save me from lack of money. Let it be as I say. Done seven times! I’m starting to live in abundance.”

Conspiracy from debts on the waning moon

The main feature of waning moon conspiracies is that magic words help create an aura around you that displaces all flows of poverty and helps you easily repay debts, increasing your wealth. Getting rid of debt tails is a must, because they drag you down, making you prisoners of a financial hole. As long as you owe something to someone, you will not be able to achieve material well-being. This is how universal laws work. The poverty complex is a dangerous factor that does not allow a person to live a full life.

To get rid of debts once and for all and return the money that is owed to you, esotericists recommend turning to a conspiracy for the waning moon. For the ritual you will need water. It is believed that this element, thanks to its special natural energy, is capable of taking away material problems. It will be great if you perform the ceremony next to a river or stream. If this is not possible, then a regular tap with running water, which is found in every home, will do. Look at the water and whisper:

“There is something in the water that we don’t know. It sparkles, bubbles, shimmers. So let poverty and debt flow away along the stream of water, heading towards the very end of the world. There, cliffs and abysses will await them. The water will swallow my debts and carry them away forever. You have a fast, impetuous and destructive force, so break all my debts. I don’t and never will have any debts, they’re all gone. As said, so done.”

The waning moon will help you get rid of debts, poverty and worries about this, but new problems can always take the place of old ones. To achieve success in the financial sector, you need to learn how to set feasible goals, work and attract good luck and cash flow into your life, which will bring more money. Don't need anything, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

14.11.2017 02:23

These simple rituals will help you feel happy, change your life for the better, get joy from...

Magic rituals have long been used for a variety of purposes. They are also used to bring the monetary sphere into balance. Probably, every person in life has situations when it is difficult to balance income with expenses. It is in situations like these that people end up in debt. Some people are very worried about the fact that they have debts and do not understand at all how to deal with them. It must be said that magical rituals can help in this situation. Debt conspiracy, what is it?

Why can't you get out of debt?

The fact is that they used to really believe that if a person could not deal with his debts for a long time and painfully, then this meant that he had been damaged. This really could happen.

But in such situations it would be correct to also look at how realistic this is. Because damage or the evil eye can sometimes be an excuse for a person who simply does not want to honestly look and deal with his financial behavior.

It’s worth answering yourself honestly: how often do you find yourself in debt? If this happens often, then perhaps you simply do not know how to allocate money. If you sincerely got into debt once or just a couple of times and can’t get out of it, then maybe you’ve really been damaged.

It is precisely in this case that it is worth using a conspiracy against loan debts.

How to carry out a conspiracy correctly?

If you want the conspiracy to get rid of debts to have even greater power, then be sure to follow these recommendations:

  • A strong conspiracy against debts is best carried out on the waning moon. Since this is a conspiracy, when a person asks to take something. Thus, you enlist the support of the moon, which takes away unnecessary energy with it. After all, when you are in a state of duty, a certain energy comes from the person. The goal of the debt conspiracy is to change the energy you emit.
  • A conspiracy to get out of debt must be pronounced with maximum awareness of every word that is present in the conspiracy. Therefore, if at least one word is unclear, then be sure to find out its meaning. Even one incomprehensible word reduces the energy level of the conspiracy.
  • A conspiracy against debts and loans must be pronounced with a pure heart. It is advisable to work through your negative feelings in this matter before casting a debt spell. Then the ritual will have an even greater effect.

Is it possible to make a conspiracy to give money?

There are situations when money is desperately needed, and it seems that the only solution is to ask for a loan. Many people are very embarrassed to ask for money for a long time. They may have very unpleasant feelings in this matter. This is humiliation, shame, the situation itself is unpleasant when you ask. And people are also very afraid of refusal, they are afraid that they simply will not be given money on loan and this will make the humiliation even greater.

In this case, you can also turn to magic. The right plot will set you up for a light wave. A person will feel more confident, at ease, and will not feel as if he is being humiliated when he asks to borrow money. Indeed, in this action - asking for a loan, you can put completely different meaning and energy. In the example with the correct conspiracy, this is very noticeable.

So, in principle, a conspiracy to lend money also exists. In this case, the conspiracy creates a space where a person asks for money more confidently, and people are more loyal to his request.

Conspiracy from debts and water loans

The simplest spell that can be used to get rid of debts and loans is the spell for running water. You will need a glass of running water. It is desirable that it be water from a wild spring. But, if there are no such things nearby, then it could just be a glass of running water from the tap. Be sure to perform the ritual when the moon is waning. They also say that it is very effective to carry out such a conspiracy on Easter.

You need to get up at dawn, while everyone at home is still asleep. Go to the window where you can see the dawn, sunrise and say the following words:

“I am not alone in crying because of my debts; Saint Gabriel is crying because of my debts. We sit with him in the clearing and shed tears. We are thinking about how to get rid of debts, how to get rid of loans. We're talking to the moon, and we're making mistakes for ourselves. My words to the moon may not have any power, but the words of St. Gabriel to the moon will have an effect. She will tell the sun so that before the next sunrise all my debts will be cleared. I’m standing there, and they’re all falling away from me. The sun and the moon will bring me deliverance. Getting rid of my debts and getting rid of loans. Don’t be afraid to look me in the eye, don’t have debts, don’t miss me, don’t forget about me. Get out of the water dry. As soon as I drank it, I forgot.”

After this, you need to drink a glass of water in one gulp. If you want your loans to be forgiven one hundred percent, then say prayers for the people who gave you money.

This is a fairly strong conspiracy that needs to be carried out on the water with a very pure heart. They say that after this ritual people forget about their financial debt within a month. This ritual works even if it was a very large financial debt.

A conspiracy to give money back faster

If you don’t want to get a deferment, but quickly get out of a cash loan, then here may be the following ritual. It is also made with water. This is a powerful ritual to perform in a cemetery, but there is no need to be afraid of this place.

Go to the cemetery on the night of the waning moon. Bring a glass of running water with you. You need to collect water three days before the ceremony. You will need to ask the dead for their money. But don't be afraid of it.

The faster you get to the cemetery this evening, the less fear you will experience along the way. The ritual is strong and it works as follows.

You need to go to the intersection where the graves are located, holding a glass of water in your hands, and say the following text:

“I need to pay, but I ask you. You still don’t need money on earth, but it remains with you. Money energy is still active today, so give it to me. My pit, my financial debt, let it turn from a pit into a hill of profit. And I will water your bones, and I will remember you, I will bring my loved ones. You were forgiven, you were helped to receive, now you will help me to receive and give. By repaying your debt to me, you convey greetings to your loved ones through me. Those who help will come to you. May you be alive in my memory. I’ll thank you, I’ll not only water the seeds.”

After this, you need to distribute a glass of water between the three graves. Candles can be used as additional attributes. Then candles need to be placed on the graves; the candles can be thin, but it is important that they burn to the end.

You need to look at the candles and say the following words:

“Money is taken, money is given. The money was taken out of the ground and given away.”

After this, you need to return home without looking back. Those who performed this ritual say that paying off debts becomes much easier after it. Money really appears out of the ground. They say that this ritual works no worse than Vanga’s own ritual.

Conspiracy from debts and creditors.

Conspiracy to get rid of debts

A strong conspiracy against debts. How to get rid of debts. A strong conspiracy for money on the waxing moon

Conspiracy to give a loan

And if you really need money, but you are afraid to ask for a loan, then you can use the following spell for water:

“You give me money as soon as you see me, you even invite me to visit you when I pay my salary. You give and your heart rejoices. My gain, your joy. I want money, and you feel good. Everything was fine with you, let me and your money be fine.”

This conspiracy must be pronounced near the threshold of the person from whom you want to borrow money. Now you know the conspiracy to pay off your debts and, on the contrary, to get a loan. The spell to get a loan must be pronounced in a whisper and very energetically.

Nowadays there are not many people who would not have debts. Even if a person works, most of the money is spent on paying for an apartment and groceries, but he wants to buy things, equipment, and furniture. Or you have to spend money on medicines, because no one is insured against diseases, and get into debt. How to pay off those who lent you money, how to get rid of debts?

The conspiracy will help restore your financial condition and pay off debts

Magic will help you, a conspiracy to get rid of debts. But before you use magic, think about whether it’s your own fault that you’re wasting money? It is important to borrow correctly and listen to folk signs. If they don’t help, perform the ritual.

Folk signs

You need to borrow correctly, and then there will always be money in the house.

  1. Moon phase. To always have a lot of money in the house, borrow it during the waxing moon and return it during the waning moon.
  2. The day of the week is important. You should not go for money on Monday, because it is a difficult day. If you borrow them on Tuesday, you will spend your whole life in debt. Do not take money on Sunday, otherwise you will suffer without money, and there will be no luck in trading. Don't repay debts on Friday. Do not borrow on December 31 or January 1, otherwise you will be in debt all this year.
  3. Times of Day. You need to borrow and repay money in the morning, because... then you will have them around. Those who perform various manipulations with money in the evening will soon go bankrupt. If you urgently need to repay a debt, and it’s already evening, do not transfer them from hand to hand. Place them on any table except the dining table, or on the floor.
  4. How to take money correctly. When borrowing money, use your left hand and give only with your right. In your heart, wish the one who helped you out:

    “God grant that you will always have plenty of money and may I never run out of it.”


If all else fails, you can only hope for a conspiracy to get rid of debts. But before you perform the ritual, read the rules for reading such conspiracies:

For a conspiracy to work, you need to believe in its power and yourself.

  1. If you want to attract money, then perform the ceremony on the waxing moon. If you get rid of debts, it will decrease.
  2. Do not read the plot if you do not believe in its power.
  3. Keep your thoughts pure. Forget about envy, anger, depression, make peace with your friends and relatives.
  4. Ask for help getting rid of debt, but do not offer solutions to the problem. Let the Universe itself decide how to improve your financial situation.

Simple conspiracies

To carry out the conspiracy, you need a glass of clean water.

  1. Morning. The plot is read on the waning moon, for at least 7 days in a row. You will need a glass of clean water. In the morning, as soon as you get out of bed and go to wash (you can’t eat before), say these cherished words into a glass of water. Then wash her face 3 times and drink the remaining water slowly.

    “The water is fast, the water is clean, you flow wherever you want, you always find your way, you fill the earth with yourself, you never become poor. Let me wash and drink with you, help me feed myself, show me a way to get rid of debts.”

  2. A conspiracy that will help you pay off your debts. Held on the waning moon.

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    I’ll get up, cross myself, go out the gate

    And I'll go to the east side.

    There in the open field there is a dry shave.

    No grass grows on this shalga,

    The flower doesn't bloom

    Birds don't fly over it

    Forest animals are bypassed.

    So let me, the servant of God (name), not have

    Kabbalah of money is not with the owner,

    Neither the hostess nor the cunning money changer,

    Neither the priest-father, nor the priest-mother,

    Neither from any stranger, nor from your own,

    Not in my own home,

    Not a stranger to the side.

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

    May my words come true

    My secret affairs will be accomplished.

    May my debts decrease every day,

    Yes, they leave me once and for all.

    So as not to occupy me anymore

    Neither from relatives, nor from strangers.

    Like the moon will never fall to the ground,

    So no one will interrupt my conspiracy.

    Key. Lock. Language.

    Amen. Amen. Amen".

With a wallet

Buy a white candle and take out the wallet you are currently using. Wait until you are alone in the evening. There should be a lit candle in front of you.

The wallet spell is very effective.

Take your wallet and take out everything that is in it. Repeat at the same time:

“As this wallet is cleared, my debts evaporate.”

When the wallet is empty, do not fill it again, let it lie there all night. In the morning, put all its contents back and take it with you. But do not put garbage in it: tickets, checks, etc., which interfere with the receipt of money.

With candles

The ritual takes place on the full moon, at midnight. Take 4 candles and make a square out of them on the floor so that its corners are located in 4 cardinal directions. Each side of the square has its own plot, starting from the east. Turn clockwise and bow to each side of the world, repeat the spell.

“Sir, East, let the breeze blow through my windows, conjure prosperity.” “Friend of the south, help me in business, burn all my debts.” “The West is a stargazer, help is coming from the West, it will return my wealth.” “Dear North, give me strength so that I don’t ask for a loan.”

Leave the candles to burn out, and go to the windowsill, take a white cloth and a knife with a wooden handle, cut it, repeating:

“I’m not cutting the fabric, I’m cutting off my debts from myself.”

Wrap 13 coins of the same denomination in one half of the cloth, and a handful of salt in the other. Gather both pieces of fabric so that you get something similar to 2 bags.

Take out a natural green thread and tie the bags together. Hide them. Wait for the candles to burn out. Collect the remaining wax and wash it down the sink with the words:

“I give someone else’s, I take mine.”

Wait for another full moon to come. When it gets dark, take out the hidden bags and take them far from home. Find a place where no one will touch them and leave them there, saying:

“I pay off my debts, I forgive others’, I cleanse everything with salt, I get out of need, I pay off with coins, so be it.”

Go home. You are not allowed to look back or talk along the way. Don’t tell anyone that you performed this ceremony.

With a glass of water

This should be done on the waxing moon, in the first 6 days of the new moon. Choose a night when the moon is in the sky, i.e. without clouds. Go to the window. You should see the moon in front of you. You need to light the candle using matches. Place water next to the candle and say the cherished words 3 times:

Take a glass of charmed water and go outside. Walk carefully so that not a single drop falls from it. Get to the first intersection, stand in the middle and pour out the water. Don't take the glass home, leave it there.

The person who picks him up will take on all the negativity. This plot will help you pay off your debts. But it only works once; it cannot be used a second time. Try not to get into more debt.

In the modern world, many people use credits and loans. Sometimes life circumstances do not allow them to pay off their debts on time, and people reach a dead end, not knowing what to do. For such cases, there are proven conspiracies that can help resolve the current situation in your favor.

Remember that in some cases difficulties may arise not because of your insufficient work, but as a result of damage or the evil eye. First, determine if there is a negative influence on you and get rid of it as soon as possible. After completing the rituals, begin solving financial problems with the help of effective rituals.

Getting rid of debts with water

This method goes back centuries and has a lot of positive reviews. To carry out the ritual, you need to choose a natural source of water (pond, lake, river, stream), focus on your problem and say:

“A school of fish, like a flock of swift birds, many-eyed and sparkling, knowing no worries or sorrows. The school swims far into the blue waters, into deep pools. So let him take my debts, collect my sorrows and carry them into the deepest river, where a big fish will swallow my debts and stop my sorrows. May the biggest bird catch this fish, may it tear my debts with its claws, may it have no mercy. The water is fast, it carries away my problems, it carries away my sorrows. I have no more debts. Amen".

After such a ritual, your business will soon go uphill, and you will be able to get rid of debts and never borrow even small amounts again. Pay close attention to money signs so that your luck does not pass you by.

An effective ritual for debt

You can also get rid of debt at home. Open the water tap so that water does not flow from it, but drips. Place a small container under the drops. Place a note with the amount of debt in it and say the words of the conspiracy:

“Drop by drop, my debt is gathering, it’s weighing heavily on me. Doesn't allow you to sleep or rest either day or night. I’ll tell the water, I’ll ask her to collect my debt and take it with her. To the most distant country, to the deepest water, dissolved in the endless expanse of water and returned my happiness, taking away my grief.”

Once the water completely fills the container, pour it out and wash it off along with the note. From this moment on, your business will go uphill, and your financial opportunities will expand.

Ritual for creating a talisman against debts

This ritual must be performed immediately before bed and only in a good mood. With its help, you can protect yourself from the outflow of funds and prevent the occurrence of debt obligations.

Take three red wool threads and weave them into a braid, secure it with a pin. Squeeze the finished amulet in your right hand and say the words of the conspiracy:

“I braid my happiness with a red thread, I know neither troubles nor sorrows. I protect myself from debts, I put aside my need. The rope winds, protects me, saves me from financial troubles every day.”

This amulet must be carried with you next to your money. In the near future, you will have opportunities to earn money, as well as find a high-paying job or part-time job. The main thing in this ritual is to set yourself up for success and unconditionally believe in yourself and your strengths.

Debt repayment at the crossroads

This ritual must be performed on the waning moon. Prepare a cup, preferably with chips, a handful of coins and some earth. At sunset, throw coins into it one at a time and repeat the words:

“Here you are, poverty, coins for sale, take them and don’t come back, don’t bother me. Have fun, poverty, walk with my gold. Here’s my tribute to you, don’t touch me again.”

Cover the coins with soil and read the conspiracy to get rid of subsequent debts:

“I’ll lie underground in poverty, but I won’t know any more grief. I’m burying my poverty, I don’t have any more financial problems.”

Closer to midnight, go to the crossroads of four roads, leave a cup there, say:

“I bought my way out of poverty (I bought my way out), I said goodbye to my troubles (I said goodbye). She has no way to me, the doors are closed, she cannot enter. Let it be so!".

Go home without turning around or talking.

In order to never fall into debt pits, use the knowledge of our ancestors. Rules known since ancient times will help you maintain your budget and stop the outflow of finances from your life. We wish you good luck and wealth, and do not forget to click on the buttons and

15.06.2017 07:19

The energy of the waning moon can help get rid of troubles and attract financial well-being. In this period...

Debt hole: how to get rid of it with the help of white magic, with the help of practical life tips, how to learn to live without debt and not take on debt anymore?

Against the backdrop of fattening oligarchs ostentatiously flaunting their abundance and wealth, half of the country's population is driven into a debt hole. For years, wages that have not increased, economic instability, huge price hikes, willy-nilly for reasons beyond a person’s control, plunge him more and more into this pool. There are times when people, due to their financial illiteracy and greed, accumulate debts, but this does not change the overall situation.
Whatever the reason, you need to get rid of debts.
If every effort has been made, but there is no result, it’s time to turn to magic.

How to get rid of debts using magic: general rules?

get rid of debts using magic: general rules

You should not think that all this will happen easily and quickly.
After all, magic, like any other skill, has to be learned. In addition, what needs to be done is to ensure that difficult financial problems never happen again.

  • First of all we carry out cleansing ritual with egg. As a rule, the main sign of debt is damage. If you skip this ritual, the rest of your work may be pointless.
  • Then analyze why this problem happened. We mentally look to see if we are overcome by feelings of envy, resentment, and greed. These attitudes hinder successful well-being. At the energetic level, they expose the aura, which in this state is unable to retain the energy of financial success. Therefore, you need to get rid of such thoughts
  • At the end of the preparatory stage, it is necessary calm down internally. Let go of emotions. Don’t get hung up on personal relationships and life circumstances. Just look at yourself from the outside, as if it were you and at the same time not you. Only when the understanding comes that you managed to achieve this state, we begin the ritual. Otherwise, finding yourself in a world that is not clear to you with its own rules and traditions, there is a risk of making the situation even worse
    The preparation stages are completed. Let's begin the ritual.

How to get rid of debts and lack of money: rite, ritual?

How to get rid of debts and lack of money with the help of ritual?

Sometimes, despite all attempts to pay off the debt, such an opportunity never presents itself.
In this case, we use the ritual:

  • Performed exclusively during the full moon
  • In the room on the floor we lay out a square of four inverted saucers
  • Place lighted candles on each saucer
  • We take the following prepared in advance: A knife, a white cotton cloth measuring 50 by 50 cm, some salt and coins, thread
  • We stand in the middle of the resulting square,
  • facing east, we say:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the east.”

  • Turning west:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I pay to the West.”

  • To the north side:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I cry to the north”

  • To the southern part of the world:

“I will repay my debt to fate - I pay to the south.”

  • Raising your head up:

“I repaid my debt to fate, I paid all sides of the world.”

  • Leaving the square
  • Cut the prepared fabric into two halves with a knife
  • Wrap in the first - salt. Tighten tightly into a knot
  • We fix the coins in the second half
  • We connect two bags, tying with green thread
  • We put them in the closet. We are waiting for the next full moon
  • Don’t put out the candles, let them burn out to the end
  • Saucers are suitable for further use
  • When a new full moon occurs at midnight:
    take the bags and go crossing the road away from housing
  • Throwing into an untrodden space under a tree
  • We leave without talking to anyone and without looking back
  • Let's go to bed immediately. Saying: “Salt will cleanse, liberate, the debt is paid, the enemy is finished off.” The ritual is very strong

Debt conspiracy

get rid of debts - conspiracy

  • We perform the spell on the fifth day after the new moon. In clear weather.
  • Take a church candle
  • Pour running water into a glass
  • We stand near the window from which we can see the moon
  • Place a lit candle in front of the glass
  • We slander the water three times:

“Rest, for cold lips, for pale bodies, for silent miracles, make this water such that all my troubles enter into it, so that all my debts go into it, so that all my sadness goes into it. Yes, as soon as everything enters this water, it will remain in it, and I will be happy, and without unnecessary sorrows, amen, amen, amen.”

  • We take a glass and go to the first intersection. Be careful not to spill water
  • In the center of the intersection we splash water
  • Leaving dishes on the side of the road
  • You can use such a conspiracy only once. So that we no longer fall into monetary bondage
  • Conspiracy is only permissible for the baptized

Prayer for debts

get rid of debts - prayer

Poverty and need often accompanied Saint Spyridon of Trimythous
Therefore, he especially helps those who turn to him with prayer from their overwhelming obligations.

How to get rid of debts on the waning moon?

How to get rid of debts on the waning moon?

The most appropriate moment to get rid of any difficulties through magical ceremonies is the period of the waning moon.
There are a huge number of rituals and ceremonies.
Let's consider the most perfect and effective:

  • Within seven days, before the designated magical day of the ritual, we collect coins with the lowest denomination
  • On the chosen night, we go to a little-traveled, deserted intersection
  • Let's stand in the center
  • Scatter 2-3 coins to the four cardinal directions
  • Simultaneously saying in each:

    “I don’t throw away change, but I drive away my lack of money. Let it go into the forests, the abyss and the depths of the sea away from me, from my family and my home. Go, lack of money, into the distant distance, to a place from which you will never return. Amen".

  • After which, without looking back, we silently go home
  • We expect the situation to improve gradually, but the first changes will not occur earlier than in a month

Mantra to get rid of debts

Mantra to get rid of debts

When the Moon begins to wane 108 times in a row, in one meditation session, we read the mantra:


The most important thing is to have the right attitude and be detached. Let go of the situation and don’t expect instant results. It wouldn’t hurt to do this ritual even after all debts have been paid off.

How to get out of debt and learn to live debt-free?

How to get rid of debts and learn to live debt-free?

If it so happens that you have accumulated more debts than income received, you should not panic. There is always a way out of any situation.
Persistence, adherence to strict financial discipline and advice based on the experience of people who have been in this situation and managed not only to get out of the debt hole, but also to significantly increase their income, will help you overcome this difficult stage of life:

  1. We notify creditors.When the situation arises that there is not enough income to pay off loans, you should not hide from creditors. All the same, the debts will have to be repaid. It is better to maintain a good relationship with the bank. Submit, for example, to
    restructuring. It will be possible to make a smaller payment. The bank does not always make concessions. But at least you will demonstrate your willingness to pay. Avoiding lengthy litigation.
    Even at the beginning of the trial, the court will be more loyal, seeing your desire to do everything possible to repay the loans. Which will also influence the court's decision in your favor in the future.
  2. We constantly make minimum payments. Even if the debt seems overwhelming, we continue to make payments. 10% of your monthly income will not improve your situation, but it will at least reduce your debt a little. In addition, this will provide an opportunity to learn financial literacy. And the main thing is to understand that it is not possible to pay off all debts at once, but over time this will happen. And the rule of saving 10% of your income will help you reserve savings in the future.
  3. We make a contribution more than the minimum. Strict payment according to schedule does not allow you to save money. By making contributions at least a little more than the minimum, there is a chance to pay off the debt faster, thereby reducing the overpayment. Reducing debt is a good incentive for further action. We pay off the least profitable loans first.
    If you have several loans and it is not possible to repay them at the same time, we repay them one by one. We start with those with higher interest rates. This reduces the cost of servicing the loan, and the repayment process with the remaining, more profitable loans approaches.
    You should not make late payments on other loans. Penalties and fines further aggravate the unfavorable financial situation
  4. Paying off a small debt. After paying off the loan with the highest interest rate, we begin to pay off the smallest debt. We pay off small debts that can be paid off quickly. Reducing the number of loans will serve
    an excellent incentive for progress towards the task
  5. We only refinance loans with unfavorable interest rates. Sometimes, in order to close an old loan with a high interest rate, you can take out a refinancing loan from the bank with the most favorable rate. In this case, the economic benefits should be calculated very carefully. Even if the bet turns out to be less. Loan processing fees and other fees set by the bank can destroy this benefit. Therefore, if the difference in percentage is not big, there will be no savings. In this connection, we refinance those debts for which the rate is significantly higher than the recommended
  6. We distribute our money wisely. We analyze all our expenses. Maybe there is an opportunity to give up something and use the freed up money to liquidate the credit debt
    We keep strict records of expenses, recording them on paper; such a system opens up a hidden reserve for savings. Expense planning is the path to material freedom.
  7. We increase our income. Once order has been established in accordance with the previous paragraph, finances are under strict accounting and there is no room for irrational use of material resources. You may be wondering how to get extra income? Part-time work, on the Internet, maybe even a change of job to a higher paying one. We think. If you wish, you can always find at least a small extra extra. Even a small amount brings you at least one step closer to your goal
  8. Let's implement something unnecessary. It is recommended to sell the TV. This will help you get extra time for part-time work. If you have a car, we sell it. This will help not only to obtain additional funds, but also to get rid of additional expenses during financial difficulties. We send the funds received to repay the loan
  9. We do not make new loans. A firm decision to pay off all debts must be accompanied by the main rule - we do not take out new loans. There is no way to make monthly payments - we arrange debt restructuring. There is no money for pressing problems - we eliminate unnecessary expenses or look for additional income
  10. The best way to learn to live debt-free is to not take on debt.

To ensure that we never fall into such bondage in the future, we observe basic rules:

  • We keep accurate monthly records and planning of financial receipts and transfers
  • We no longer issue loans. But if you want to repeat the extreme sensations, we follow the principle - 20% and no more permissible loan of the amount of annual income
  • We monitor payments for all banking transactions so that closed loans do not end up with a debt for servicing them. Which we learn about when a decent amount has already accumulated

    By balancing your capabilities with your desires, you can do without loans. Having repaid all debts, you should exclude even thoughts about such a situation in life: How and with what to repay the loan?

An easy way to live debt-free

get rid of debts

You don’t need to be a highly competent specialist to plan expenses. This is the only correct and easiest way to live without debt.

General principle planning used by fairly successful people is that:
We use 50% of income for necessary current needs
20% for repayment of debts, in the absence of any for savings
30% - for training, entertainment and any additional expenses
In each case, an individual approach is needed. But by using the basic principle of planning, it is possible to avoid becoming a slave to debt. Live comfortably without carrying this heavy burden.

Having rethought the whole situation, we replace the irresponsible attitude towards the financial part with a competent and practical approach.
We do the opposite - we make savings, rather than accumulating debts. Then there is a feeling of freedom and understanding of a full life without painful debts.

get rid of debts

Video: Getting rid of problems using White magic

In black magic there is a separate area of ​​corruption, which is carried out on finances, as a result of which a person falls into a “debt hole” from which he cannot get out. It seems that everything is about to get better, but situations constantly arise when not only there is not enough money, but you also have to borrow it all the time, and there is no end to this vicious and vicious circle. To get rid of debts caused by damage to finances, you should use the following plot.

Preparing to Get Out of Debt

To get rid of debts caused by damage to finances, you must first prepare.

First, you will need a candle to burn away negative astral energies that cause damage. This will help you get rid of debts faster.

Secondly, you will need black paper in order to write a conspiracy on it.

Thirdly, a pen with red ink or a red pencil, which will actually be used to write down a conspiracy that will help you get rid of debts.

Performing a magical ritual to get rid of debts

Light a candle. Then, on a black sheet of paper, with a red pen or pencil, write a spell that will get rid of debts. Write legibly as you will have to read it more than once.

After that, at exactly midnight, read it three times with a lit candle. You have to read it in a whisper. After each repetition, imagine how a golden glow appears around you, attracting cash flows from space.

After reading the plot, the candle must be extinguished.

The spell to get rid of debts must be repeated for twelve days in a row. In this case, use only one and the same candle. For the period of these twelve days, no one should touch the candle except you.

When twelve days have passed and you have read the spell intended to get rid of debts 36 times, the paper with the magical text must be burned in the flame of a candle, and the candle itself must be left burning until the morning.

After the entire cycle of magical actions, within a week you will have the opportunity to radically solve the situation, not only get rid of damage to finances, but also get the opportunity to improve your financial situation - do not miss this chance.

Conspiracy to get rid of debts

I (my name) will get up early, and go far away to the ends of the earth, where centuries-old oak trees have grown. I will cross myself in all four directions, and just as dead crows leave the earth, so may the damage to money leave me and burn in the flame of God’s fire. And just as trees get rid of autumn leaves, so let me get rid of debts, and like a snake gets rid of skin it doesn’t like, so let me also get rid of monetary debts.

At the edge of the earth, where centuries-old oak trees have grown, I will ask God to help me get rid of my debts a little and he will send me his angels. With their wings they will disperse the darkness and fill my bag with gold. And just as no one can drink up all the seas, so no one can negotiate my conspiracy. And just as midnight is the seal of the night, so this conspiracy is the seal of my words. May I get rid of debts now, forever and ever. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

© Alexey Korneev

Most modern people work most of their lives, but cannot even save money to buy a home, a car, or ordinary things. All of us have long been accustomed to denying ourselves what we want in order to stretch out the time from paycheck to paycheck. If some part of the world's population manages to save a little money, then another part constantly asks to borrow money in order to feel at least a little like a “normal” person. The only thing is that borrowed money must always be repaid. And in order to somehow improve their lives, people begin to turn to magic for help.

It is magic that is the last hope for slightly improving one’s position in society. There is a universal ritual for getting rid of debts and loans that will help you get rid of debts. You can also read mantras and mudras to repay loans.

Why is it difficult to return money?

The point is that a person only thinks about how to make life better, at least for a short period of time. But we don’t think about having to return the money. If we take money from friends, they can still accept our situation and not demand an urgent return. But if a certain amount of money was borrowed, then soon we will have to see the creditors. They will not be in our position. Their job is to take their own money by any means necessary.

Getting rid of debts using magic is a fairly common procedure. Some people turn to specialists for help and give away the money they already lack. The other part of the population independently carries out rituals to get rid of debts.

Basic rules to follow when using magic

The question is often heard, how to get rid of debts? Performing rituals is quite simple. The main thing is to follow a few basic rules.

  1. In order to get rid of debts, we turn to magic for help. It is important to be careful, because, basically, such rituals are governed by black magic. And she may charge you quite a bit. Especially if you make some mistake. It is important to strictly follow all the rules specified in the “instructions”.
  2. Don't use magic for fun. Every specialist knows that turning to spirits should only be done when you have a hopeless situation. Otherwise, it may lead to unpleasant consequences.
  3. Getting rid of debts is carried out only during the waning moon. To attract money, you should use the period of the waxing moon.
  4. You must believe that the ritual will work. It all depends on your faith. If you think there is a possibility of failure, then it will happen. Drive away thoughts of failure, and everything will be fine.
  5. Never begin a ritual with negative thoughts. Do not wish harm to the person who asks you to repay the debt. You should mentally apologize for delaying the return and think about returning the full amount of money.
  6. After the ritual is completed, try not to depend on debt for a month. Try to live this month on your own money. If you borrowed a sum of money from someone, do not demand immediate repayment.

Never spread the word that you turned to magic for help. No one should know about your action, because the slightest intervention can bring a number of negative consequences.

Seven day conspiracy

This debt relief ritual involves the use of water. You must read the plot throughout the week. You will need water and utensils. Fill the vessel with sacred water and read the necessary words of prayer.

“I use water because it always finds a way out of difficult situations. I, the servant of God (name), ask for help so that I do not have debts. Let the servant of God (name), who borrowed me money, wait a little. I will soon return every penny. I ask higher powers to hear my words and help me. Otherwise I won't live. I will use the charmed water and go wash myself with it. She will wash away my sins and give me strength. My words are strong and must be fulfilled. Amen".

You should read the plot before you eat. It is better to get up early, read the words of prayer, and only then start eating. This ritual for getting rid of debts will help you find a situation that will help you get rid of debt.

If there is a crisis in life

If you have a financial crisis, then it is worth performing the following ritual. For this ritual to repay a debt, you must light a candle and place it on the window. Take a blank piece of paper and indicate on it how much money you owe and to whom.

Light the paper with a candle and say the words:

“The candle will help me get rid of debts and burn away all my financial problems. As soon as the paper burns out, I, the servant of God (name), will become free. Standing near the window, I will take the ashes and say magical whispers. They will help me give back the money and get out of debt. I can’t get away from creditors, so I’ll have to give them their money. I don't have them, but magic will help me. The creditors have already drunk a lot of blood, because I have been suffering for many days from lack of money. I close the magic words with the key. Amen".

Now you need to collect all the ashes and throw them out the window. The wind will carry it around the world, and you will feel a little better.

Ritual for a wallet from loans

This ritual for getting rid of loans is quite popular in the modern world. It is quite effective and helps to quickly get rid of loans. In order to quickly get rid of debt, perform the following ritual. Take a church candle and your wallet. Remove all contents from your wallet, including bank cards and coins.

When you empty your wallet, say the following words of prayer:

“I, the servant of God (name), am emptying my wallet. It’s just that I’m not paying back debts, but reading a conspiracy. May all my credits disappear forever, never to be returned. I wish that I would be able to repay the loan without the creditors bothering me. May I have an income that will allow me to solve all my financial problems. Now I have no way to pay off and get out of the debt hole. I wish that all my debts disappear and my karma is cleared. Debt negatively affects a person’s energy, so I read a powerful conspiracy in agreement with otherworldly forces. Higher powers will help me, I'm sure. I have always been a believer and lived by all the commandments. The Lord will send me his blessing and I will be able to pay off all my debts. I close my words with a key so that no one can change them. Amen".

Amulets for humans

There are not only rituals for getting rid of debts or spells for money. In magic there is also a talisman for protection against debt. In order to make it, you need to prepare red threads. Weave a braid of three threads and secure with a pin or hairpin. You can additionally use a rune symbol. You must clear your thoughts of negativity and think only about the good. If you are in a bad mood, then it is forbidden to create this amulet. After you have finished creating the amulet, place it on your hand. It is necessary to speak amulets not with special prayers, but with words coming from the depths of the soul. This is the only way you can adjust the amulets to your energy and find luck in money.

Rituals for getting rid of debts are very effective. You just need to follow them according to all the rules and try to live according to your possibilities. You should never plan a major purchase if you don't have the money. It’s easy to borrow them, but it’s much more difficult to return them. There are also many egg rituals that allow you to quickly pay off debts. The ritual of getting rid of hated debts is your real opportunity to “sleep peacefully.”

There are certain rituals that, according to legend, can save a person from debt. However, these are complex conspiracies; it is better to consult with specialists before performing them.

Effective conspiracies

The first ritual is seven days. While washing your face, you should read the spell. You will find his words below.

There is also a powerful ritual that takes place near a river or stream. Stand by the water and say certain words. He will save you from debts and will protect you from further loans.

There is also a conspiracy with a candle. Take a green candle and scratch the amount you owe on it. Lubricate the candle with aromatic oil and roll in ground black pepper. Light it, place it on the table and say certain words. This plot is very powerful, but it is important to do everything according to the instructions.

There is a ritual for the box. Buy or make a box-box. Place coins and bills of different denominations in it. Every new moon, a spell must be read over the box. Each time you need to put new money in it, and take the old ones and spend them the next day.

There are also some prayers for debts. These are prayers to your patron saint, the words of the Gospel, and so on.

Below you will find more rituals.

Features of the ritual and rules for its implementation

Compliance with the rules is very important. To get rid of debt, there is a magical conspiracy to return lost financial flows. This is a ritual formula that has long been used by our ancestors in order to influence the subconscious and human energy in a certain way.

It is very important to follow certain rules and recommendations of specialists in order to achieve maximum effect from the rituals:

  1. To return financial well-being, all rituals should be performed only on the waxing moon. This is how prosperity and positive matters will come.
  2. To get rid of negativity, magical actions are performed during the waning moon. The debt relief ritual is also performed on the waning moon.
  3. It is also important to have a sincere belief that the ritual being carried out will be effective; during its implementation, it is necessary to invest a large amount of one’s energy into the spoken speeches.
  4. All thoughts should be bright, desires sincere and earthly (there is no need to desire something and not work at the same time, but wait for benefits to appear out of nowhere).
  5. Desires should not harm others (that is, you cannot want to take it from someone and give it to you).
  6. When asking higher powers for help, you need to focus on a specific problem, and not on the general state of finances in the family, and not be distracted by extraneous matters and thoughts.
  7. It is better for women to perform secret actions on women's days, and for men on men's days.

By following the recommendations listed above, raising finance will happen much faster and more efficiently. When choosing a way to get rid of debts, you should take into account that in the future it is better not to borrow money again and to refrain from loans.

Effective spells for lack of money

When conducting a seven-day ritual, the words are read while washing. There is an effective seven-day conspiracy. to pay off debts. Every day in the morning after waking up, when washing your face, read the spell. It is important that no one sees this magical ritual. Take a glass, draw clean cold water, whisper the following text:

“The water is clean, the water is fast. You will flow with the flow wherever you want. You always find paths for yourself, you fill the entire earth on your way, you never become smaller. Let me drink and wash with you, help me feed myself, show me the way to get rid of my debts.”

After reading, wash your face and slowly drink the charmed water. Repeat these actions throughout the week during the waning moon.

There is also a strong conspiracy against debts, which is carried out using a chicken egg. Such a magical ritual is especially effective if financial difficulties have plagued more than one generation, if people work hard, but do not receive a worthy reward for their labors.

For the ritual you need one fresh chicken egg. Whisper the following text three times:

“The egg is white, like a white face. Like bright archangels. The enemies of God's servant (his name) met him and took the money. Take care of me, help my trouble. Spread your wide wings, let no one get through to me and do harm. Take away the sorrows and slander from me, put up a fence of strong oak for all eternity. Whoever wants to harm me will not find a door or window into my abode. That fence stands, an angel covers it. And I remain in it, I don’t run away from my enemies, but they don’t see me. Amen (three times)."

A fresh egg must be broken into a glass of water. After reading the prayer word, break the egg into a glass of water, pour it into the toilet or latrine on the street, saying: “I’ll only take what’s mine, and let them take someone else’s.” I don’t need it, I only need mine.”

Ancient way

A strong conspiracy against debt involves the use of water. It is believed that the water element, due to its natural energy, is capable of carrying away problems related to the financial sphere. There are many variations of rituals, so you need to try to choose the ritual that is as close as possible to you in its focus.

A powerful ritual that came from antiquity is carried out next to a natural river or stream.

You need to stand on the shore and, looking at the water, say the following words:

“A flock of fish is always like a flock of flying birds. She is sparkling, colorful and many-eyed. A school of fish swims along the stream of water, flows away, and heads far, far away, right to the ends of the world. So let the stream of water carry my debts to the cliff and abyss. Let the fish swallow my debts, and let the stream of water carry them away forever with the fish. And there, beyond the blue sea, a big bird will catch a fish with my debts and tear it with its sharp claws. The water flow is fast and swift, the banks are full. I have no more debts. Amen.” From this moment on, circumstances will begin to develop very successfully for you. Not only will you be able to get rid of debt quickly, but you will also never have to borrow even small amounts again.

Strong conspiracy

This ritual is recommended to be performed almost daily. That is, contact him as often as possible until the situation improves. He is very strong. With its help, it is quite possible to overcome damage and even solve karmic problems.

After all, it is known: debts can arise when a person is destined to work off past sins. This is a difficult situation. And the conspiracy to get rid of the debt softens it, even corrects it over time.

Please note: in such a situation, you will not be able to change everything right away. It takes endurance, faith and time.

  1. In the morning, when you wake up, fill a glass with water.
  2. Speak the formula into it.
  3. Then take three sips and wash your face three times.
  4. Repeat as necessary.

Water must be used “live”. For example, consecrated or baptized.

If there is none, then prepare melted milk.

Conspiracy words:

“The water is rich and strong! The water is clean and abundant. You live in the earth, you fly in the clouds wherever you want, you flow, you know no barriers, you never become scarce. Give me your strength, give me something to drink and wash me, so that the light can come to my home. Just as you, water, are strong, so is my soul. Amen!"

Ritual with green candles

Candle spells have always had special magical powers, which is why they are primarily recommended by magicians and sorcerers to their customers. So, take a green candle, scratch on it with a knife a monetary figure that you will ask for a loan or credit.

Lubricate the candle with any aroma oil and roll in ground black pepper.

Light a candle, place it on the table and say the witchcraft words:

“Your fire is bright, a candle, you burn for a long time and do not go out. So let my hope be justified. Let me, the servant of God (your name), receive the most cherished and desired. Amen".

Put out the candle, wrap it in a handkerchief or put it in a bag and carry it with you constantly.

This money ritual will take effect within a week, and you will feel it.

Bag of coins

To remove the damage from poverty, sew or buy a bag made of thick, coarse fabric. The ritual itself is carried out between the 16th and 19th lunar days. With your right hand, take a coin and place it in a bag, repeat until several coins have accumulated there.

Bag of coins

In the evening, take out this bag, sit by the open window, sprinkle holy water on it 3 times, repeating the spell against poverty:

Get up, take the bag and go outside with it. Find a place where several paths intersect and dig a hole there, put a bag in it and say:

Leave a barely noticeable sign on the ground for yourself, so that the next day, in the evening, you can come to this place again, pour a glass of holy water on it and say a spell. You will have to walk like this for 6 days. When a week has passed since the day you started the ritual, i.e. on day 8, return to this place early in the morning, at dawn.

Take a bag out of the ground, pour the coins from it into your wallet, and burn the bag itself, choosing any wasteland for this.

Ritual for old shoes

The reading of the plot occurs exclusively on the waning moon. You will need any old shoes, a candle and white paper. Place your shoes on the paper, light a candle and start reading three prayers: Our Father, may God rise again and Psalm 90. Using the tip of a knife, you need to cross the shoes from the left corner and say:

“Lord, Father, devastation has found me, and poverty has completely covered me. So I’m standing on the threshold and don’t know how to continue living. Show me my way. Guide me to a new life. Do not judge strictly. I'm just your slave. Amen".

After this, you need to drip wax into each shoe and cut them. Having collected all the pieces received in a black bag, you should go to the nearest intersection and throw away the bag there (at midnight). On the way home you cannot talk to anyone, as you can only invite more poverty and failure.

At home, you should clean yourself up with a contrast shower or regular washing with soap. During those days, try not to borrow or lend money to anyone.

The Gypsy way of getting rid of financial debt

The Gypsy people came up with a ritual that helps open the path to well-being and prosperity.

They offered their clients a piece of gold to pay off the devil who was tormenting them with debt problems.

  • To do this, you need to prepare three “gold” coins.
  • You will also need a yellow key.

The ritual was performed when the queen of the night begins to wane.

  1. At night you need to go to the crossroads of country roads. You will have to bury coins, so a paved highway will not work. For example, you need to look for suitable paths in the park, in the forest. In general, mark the intersection in advance.
  2. When you come to the right place, throw coins into the dust and trample them with your feet so that they hide in the ground.
  3. Say the words: “Lord of all roads! I want you to help me. As the crescent moon wanes, so my debts diminished. Let them decrease and turn into income! I close it with the key (throw the key) and cry! I will receive your help! Amen!"
  4. Say these words three times and leave. Don’t look back, and in general, try not to appear in this place again.

Ritual - box

You need to buy or make a box with your own hands. Inside it you need to place coins and bills of different denominations. This item will become a reliable talisman for attracting money to your home. Every new moon you need to read the following spell over the box:

“As you stand on the table, well done casket, so my money in my wallet sat tightly and did not look to the side. Forever and ever, amen."

Every new moon you need to put new bills in the money box, but at the same time the old ones need to be taken out of it and spent the next day.

Ancient ritual with a cat

There is also an old ritual. It requires a cat. If you have a pet, ask him to help in the ritual.

If you haven’t made a friend at home, then buy a toy.

Although, it is better to carry out the ritual with a live cat. You can “borrow” a pet from your friends for one day, and even bring it from the yard!

Just don't hurt the animal. Feed, caress. And then don’t forget to treat the yard servant with treats.

  1. Place the cat on your lap.
  2. Pet her until she purrs. Then say the words of the conspiracy exactly seven times.
  3. That's it, now you can release the animal. Look where it goes.

If you fall asleep on the sofa or bed, you will quickly get rid of your problems.

If he goes looking for food, he will have to suffer further with creditors. You know they won’t leave you right away.

Conspiracy words:

“In the field of seven forests, there is a stump from seven trunks. The flower does not bloom on it, the grass does not grow under it, the bird does not build a nest, the snake does not live under the log. So let debt bondage leave me too. Let her go under the stump if she is not too lazy. The servant (name) does not owe the Lord to anyone, neither his master, nor godfather, nor godfather, nor relatives, nor strangers, nor his own. So be it, like not walking on earth for a month. Amen!"

That's all. And don’t forget about the cat – your helper. Feed and water your savior.

Prayers for debts

Orthodox prayers help believers in getting rid of hardships. The Orthodox Church does not welcome conspiracies and pagan rituals. If this is important to you, use traditional prayers.

You can pray to your patron saint (whose name you bear), or to special patron saints in certain troubles. It is important to remember several rules when performing prayer:

  • If it is difficult for you to read canonical prayers in Church Slavonic, you can turn to the saint in the language in which you think and speak in everyday life. Prayer is first and foremost your personal conversation with God
  • During prayer, you need to focus on words and thoughts, without being distracted by external factors. Don’t scatter “thoughts down the tree”, don’t try to embrace all the misfortunes at once, but ask for help with a specific problem
  • Do not wish punishment for other people in your prayers, do not complain about offenders, talk only about yourself and your actions
  • Don't be verbose, but be sincere. God hears our hearts, not our words. A simple “Lord, have mercy!”, spoken from the bottom of the heart, can be more sincere than hundreds of words spoken in vanity
  • Remember the words from the Gospel of Martha: “According to your faith it will be given to you. Ask, and it shall be given you; seek and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you; For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.”

Many people live from paycheck to paycheck, counting every penny. It is not always possible to change the situation, so some turn to the magical powers of rituals to help them get rid of debts and improve their financial situation. However, rituals for getting rid of debts will only help if you believe in them and carry out all manipulations clearly, following the rules.

When we borrow money from a loved one or friend, we promise that we will soon return the amount without making you wait long. But it is not always possible to repay debts on time; there are many reasons for this:

  • the child is sick;
  • sent on an urgent business trip to another city;
  • personal health has deteriorated;
  • wages were delayed;
  • utility tariffs have increased;
  • a car or household appliance has broken down.

The list of reasons why it is not possible to return money on time could take a long time. People often wonder how to get out of this situation. They are looking for ways to break the chain of failures, improve their financial situation, and stop borrowing money.

If rituals are carried out correctly with the help of magic, you can change your own destiny, improve your financial situation, and become financially secure.

To understand why you have to borrow money all the time without the possibility of quickly returning it, you should turn to magic. She will answer all questions and help you get out of the situation. But in order for rituals to produce the desired results, you need to know about the basic rules that must be followed.

Rules for conducting rituals

Carrying out rituals and conspiracies that could improve the life situation, get rid of debts and “whiten” the black streak must be in accordance with the rules. First of all, it is worth remembering that you cannot tell anyone about the ritual, otherwise you may encounter the opposite effect.

Witchcraft rituals are the area of ​​​​black magic, but you should not be afraid.

Rituals for liberation from financial difficulties are not performed using blood or warlock paraphernalia. You can carry out the ceremony at home, the main thing is to strictly follow the rules, without renouncing any of them.

It is forbidden to use rituals for fun, testing how they will work in the absence of financial problems. You should not joke with magic, as such entertainment can play a cruel joke on a person, causing the opposite effect.

The rules are as follows:

  • The ritual is performed on the waning moon. If the goal is not just to get rid of debts, but also to increase capital, it is necessary to carry out manipulations on the waxing moon.
  • When performing a ritual, believe in the result. Without faith in positive changes, it will not be possible to achieve the desired effect. Get rid of the thought that magic is powerless in this situation, and it will not be able to improve your financial situation, but will only take away time. Remember the internal energy, and if it is positive, then the result will be desired.
  • Don't wish harm on others. Mentally ask for forgiveness from the people you owe money to. Tell them about your financial difficulties and make them believe that you will return every penny in the near future. Be good-natured with people, only in this case magic will be on your side.
  • When performing the ceremony, try to completely forget what borrowed money is for a month. Save on personal expenses, do not spend money on unnecessary things. After the ritual, you must configure yourself to the fact that borrowing money is not what you need in life.

These are the basic rules, the implementation of which is mandatory. Rituals are highly powerful and lead to the desired results, but only if you believe in it. A sense of self-hypnosis must be present during any ritual.

Rituals to end debt forever

Getting rid of debts is not as difficult as it might seem, especially if you use the powers of magic. Conspiracies will help you get rid of the problem of lack of money without forcing you to turn to famous sorcerers and magicians. All manipulations are carried out at home.

To get rid of the habit and need to borrow money forever, you need to perform the following rituals:

  • weekly spell for water;
  • rituals for the waning moon;
  • ritual of getting rid of the financial crisis;
  • cleansing the wallet from negative energy.

There are many rituals for getting rid of debts, each of them has enormous power and guarantees results at the end. But in order for the magic to work 100%, it is necessary to follow the sequence and rules of rituals, which we will discuss in detail.

Weekly spell for water

The conspiracy is carried out every day during the week; Tuesday is considered the optimal day to start the ritual. During the ritual you will only need a glass of sacred water. Some sources say that it is permissible to take water from the tap, but for greater effect it is advisable to first consecrate it, endowing it with magical powers.

The ritual is performed in the morning on an empty stomach, the best time would be 6–7 am. The sacred water is placed in a glass and left for a few seconds until it stops shaking. Next, you need to stand over the glass, stare at it and think about your debts. Then the phrase is spoken over the water:

The water is fast, the water is clean, you flow wherever you want, you always find your way, you fill the earth with yourself, you never become poor. Let me wash my face, get a drink, help me feed myself, show me a way to get rid of debts and free myself.

After this, you should wash your face with water from a glass 3 times, and drink the rest.

The procedure gradually brings you closer to financial independence every day, eliminating the habit of borrowing money without paying it back for a long time. Life will be filled with new possibilities. A highly paid job will appear that will allow you to no longer go to extremes or borrow money.

Ritual of incineration of the financial crisis

Getting rid of debts, as well as gaining complete financial independence, requires regular, correct rituals to get rid of the financial crisis. To carry out the rite of incineration of the financial crisis, you need to take:

  • church candle;
  • black pencil;
  • paper.

The candle is lit near the window. On a white sheet of paper with a black pencil you should write how much you owe and to whom. The leaf is rolled up and burned under the fire of a candle, saying the words:

Candle-candle, help me in business, burn all my debts.

The leaf should burn to the ground. Throw the ashes out the window so that the wind scatters them.

The effect of the ritual is observed after a few weeks. In order for the power of magic to be preserved and protect you from subsequent loans, you need to pay off your debts during these two weeks, putting an end to it.

Cleansing the wallet from negative energy

The wallet also has negative energy, although many people don’t even think about it. Money is dirt, which over time has a negative effect on the wallet, worsening its energy. As a result, the wallet seems to push money away from itself, forcing the owner to look for it on the side and borrow it.

To get rid of negative energy, you need to perform a cleansing ritual.

For this you will need a wallet and a candle. The ritual is carried out mainly in the evening, no one should know about it. Sit on a chair and place a lit candle in front of you. Hold the wallet with money in your hand, take the money out of it under the flame of a candle. If there are bank cards, coins, or business cards in your wallet, these also need to be removed. When emptying your wallet, say:

As this wallet is cleared, my debts evaporate.

The conspiracy is pronounced until the wallet becomes empty. Leave it in this state overnight, allowing it to get rid of negative energy. Return the bills, cards and coins in the morning.

If there are wrinkled or torn bills in your wallet, get them in perfect shape: glue them or straighten them. Magic does not recommend placing various checks or discount cards in your wallet, because they block access to money.

Rituals against lack of money for the waning moon

A ritual for the waning moon will help put an end to lack of money, normalize your financial situation and increase your earnings. The technique is strong - it allows you to get rid of debts, and also discourages the desire to borrow money again. As soon as the moon becomes smaller, you can start thinking about performing this ritual. Its effect will be observed within a few weeks, subject to maximum faith in the magic of the ritual.

To perform the ritual you need to take:

  • paper;
  • black candle;
  • a spoonful of honey;
  • black pencil;
  • spoon of sugar.

At midnight, open the window and sit by it, light a candle, write on a piece of paper the amount that still needs to be given. Place a few drops of honey in the middle of the paper and pour sugar inside it. Fold the sheet into an envelope and put it in a place where no one will find it.

The candle must be extinguished and left on the table. The next morning, bury the candle far from home and burn the paper sheet. Expect financial well-being, the ability to pay off debts, and no need to borrow money again.

If debt is a curse

Financial troubles can accompany a family from generation to generation; this is nothing more than a generational curse that needs to be gotten rid of. Ancestral karma is a strong thing, which only strong magic can change. To implement your plan you will need:

  • glass of water;
  • a raw egg.

Eggs have long been used in magic because they have power and guarantee the desired effect.

You need to take the egg with both hands, saying:

A white egg, a white face, a bright angel answered me: Evil people, the servant of God (name), bypassed you and took your money. I will help you, I will protect you. He spread his wings over me so that no one could wipe me off. He took away evil, slander and slander with his wing, and put up a fence around the oak tree for a hundred centuries. Whoever approaches out of evil will not find the door-window into my abode. That fence stands, an angel flies over it. I am under an angel, I am not afraid of anyone. Amen, amen, amen.

Then it is lowered into a glass of water and stirred clockwise with a knife. After this, the water from the glass is poured into the toilet, and while flushing, the following is said:

I give away someone else’s, I take away what’s mine.

The ritual is powerful because it involves getting rid of a family curse, involving close relatives. In order for the manipulations to proceed correctly and give the desired effect, you should first consult with a magician who will answer all questions. If you have no desire to deal with the problem of a family curse on your own, you can turn to psychics for help.

Rituals for getting rid of debts allow you to achieve financial independence in the near future, the main thing is to know about all the features of a particular ritual, and carry out all the manipulations in secret from others. If you believe in the power of magic, you can quickly remove the generational curse, say goodbye to the habit, and borrow money.

How to avoid loans and credits in the future

When deciding to carry out a ritual that allows you to get rid of credits and loans, it is important to first pay off your debts and cleanse your energy. After this, you need to go to the pond, throw a coin into the water, saying:

May all debts be reduced and not return to me in the future. I will drive them away from me like I drive away clear water. I’ll pay for it in silver, I’ll give away what I don’t need. I'll throw the key into the water and dissolve it. The loans are closed, locked forever. Amen.

Sorcerers and magicians say that it is necessary to keep your wallet in order and clean, rid it of unnecessary garbage, and carry only money in it. Any candy wrappers, checks, credit cards are items that prevent funds from flowing into your wallet. By clearing it of such debris, you will restore the positive energy of your wallet, allowing it to once again accept an unlimited amount of funds.

Strong rituals for getting rid of debts will allow you to once and for all cleanse the necessary energy, which will contribute to financial security and the absence of the need to borrow funds. The main thing is to follow the rules of conduct, have the necessary attributes available, and perform rituals alone with your thoughts, without extraneous stimuli.

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