NLP magic without secrets. NLP vs Black Magic. High magic nlp

Michael Hall, Bob Bodenhamer - NLP Master: Complete Certification Course. The High Magic of NLP

Mastering Systemic NLP

Michael Hall Bob Bodenhamer

The User's Manual

Crown House Publishing

NLP-MASTER: full certification course

Michael Hall Bob Bodenhamer

2nd international edition

Saint Petersburg "prime" EUROZNAK"


BBK 88.53 UDC 159.9.019+159.98 X36

Translation rights obtained by the publisher "prime" EUROZNAK" by agreement with Crown House Publishing Ltd (UK) with the participation of the Alexander Korzhenevsky Agency (Russia) All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders

Hall M., Bodenhamer B.

X36 NLP Master: complete certification course. The Highest Magic of NLP. - St. Petersburg: "Prime EUROZNAK" 2004. - 320 p. (Project “Main Textbook”.)


This manual is a meaningful continuation and logical conclusion of the book by M. Hall and B. Bodenhamer “NLP Practitioner: Complete Certification Course”. Well-structured and professionally organized, featuring a wealth of exercises and methods, full of useful information that promotes reliable assimilation of the material - this manual provides the reader with an excellent opportunity to get the best of NLP to improve their professional qualifications from the level Practice to level NLP Masters in managing your abilities and mastering the mastery model perfectly.

Hall Michael, Bodenhamer Bob



Translation from English: I. Mironov Editor: N. Mshalovskaya Scientific editor: S. Komarov Computer layout: E. Malikova

Signed for publication on March 12, 2004. Format 84 x 108 "/ 16. Offset printing. Print size 33.6 sheets.

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© Crown I louse Publishing Ltd. 2003

© Bob G. Boclelenliainer, L. Micfiael Hall, 2003

© Translation into Russian: Mironov N.

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© prlPm-EVROZNAK, 2004

ISBN 5-93878-141-8 ISBN 1899836888 (English)

The User's Manual 1

Chapter 1 7

Systems Thinking 7

Chapter 2 13

Cinema of Consciousness 13

Part 1 13

Part 2 24

Part 1 33

Part 2 43

Metamodalities 113

Metarepresentational system 161

“The perfect guide for achieving NLP Master level on your own!”

Judith Pearson, Ph.D., Anchorpoint Magazine

“This manual achieves what no book has ever achieved before: it provides a systematic, consistent explanation of what NLP is. The perfect guide for both professional training and learning how the magic of NLP “works!”

Annette Arbel, Master Practitioner, NLP of Gastonia


What does it mean to become a master?

When we become practitioners of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), we embark on a journey - a journey during which we learn to “control our own brain.” Along this path, you will discover the structure of experience and improve your skills in using different states of your mind-body. At the very beginning of our journey you will be introduced to the basic NLP model and then given many opportunities to practice using the model, allowing you to gain experience and mastery.

We described all this in the first volume of this guide. 1 Here we prepare you for your journey by introducing you to the NLP model and content. We then began to explore the components of NLP, the process of modeling the structure of subjective experience, the original linguistic model (the meta-model of language), the original neurophysiological model (states and strategies), and then the basic representational model (sensory modalities and “sub-modalities”), also known as communication model. In addition to all this, we included dozens of transformation patterns in the first volume. As a practical course, the manual introduces you to the language of hypnosis (the Milton Model), the use of “sub-modalities” and games with them, as well as the essence of the meta-states that explain the high effectiveness of the meta-levels of NLP.

In the first volume of the manual we laid the foundation for this work. Now we present to you new aspects of the NLP model, knowledge of which is necessary for complete understanding and perfect mastery of the model. What are these additional aspects? What new does this book offer you?


    “Sub-modalities” as a means of framing at the meta level.

    Higher-level distinctions in the metamodel.

    Lines of Mind as Speech Patterns of Reframing (formerly known as “Trick of the Language” Patterns),

    Linguistic distinctions of the highest level (presuppositions).

    Trance as a meta-level phenomenon.

    Higher level timeline patterns.

    Systems thinking in NLP.

    System model of metaspheres.

    Practical applications of NLP.

But the most important goal that we strive to achieve in this second volume of the manual, describing the level of the master, is to plant in your consciousness something even more important, namely, the very attitude itself that allows a person to effectively use the model.

Anyone who already has experience with NLP has no doubt that when it comes to the human factor, this approach can truly work wonders. NLP offers many models and patterns that can cause miraculous transformations in the human mind and soul. But if we want to achieve the level of real magic in the use of this transformative power, we ourselves must rise to the highest limits of our thinking and consciousness. And for good reason: NLP is not for the timid.

To achieve mastery of the mind-body system model requires a great deal of courage, determination, and passion. These patterns will never reveal their true potential to you if you approach their use with doubt, fear, or lack of enthusiasm. The power of any wizard for

lies not only in the tools at his disposal, but also in the love, courage and passion that drives him in using those tools. And here the art of the magician comes to the aid of the advanced achievements of science and technology.

The spirit of NLP includes passionate and dedicated service for the benefit of oneself and others, faith in the capabilities of the tools used and their further development, responsibility that makes one strive to become an impeccable master of one's craft, an inquisitive curiosity that encourages: “Seek and try”, joy of play and respect . And this is just the beginning. The spirit of NLP will make you feel infinitely rich, which will give you the opportunity to act, caring not only for your own benefit, but also for the interests of others. At the same time, the spirit of NLP encourages us not to be afraid of mistakes, but, on the contrary, to make mistakes and appreciate them, since they are necessary feedback. A person imbued with this spirit of research and experiment does not succumb to uncertainty, and difficulties and problems only inspire him.

And we are inspired by the opportunity to introduce you to our work. Much of the material in this book is already contained in other publications (including our own). However, few, if any, of them deal with the theme of the attitude or spirit of NLP in the sense in which we talk about it in this work. It is this spirit that distinguishes those who are willing to use NLP to its fullest extent, respectfully and while enjoying what they do, and those who lack such skill and presence of will. This spirit distinguishes those who glorify the name of NLP with their actions from those who use this name for other purposes. However, this fact itself does not in any way detract from the value of the model. Rather, he encourages us to make sure that we use this tool in accordance with its spirit.

To achieve our goal, we have divided the proposed material, educational examples, practical demonstrations, patterns and trances into levels of difficulty so that their sequential passage will contribute to your development.

    Passion tempered by respect and respect for others.

    Enthusiasm tempered by awareness of other contexts and values ​​in your life.

Conscious and unconscious learning

As trainers, we strive to instill in you knowledge and skills not only on a conscious, but also on a subconscious level. We're trying to do both. We are convinced that a person practicing NLP must have knowledge and understanding of the model, and the thinking generated by this knowledge and understanding, and achieve maximum efficiency in working with the model, and then he will be absolutely confident that he can implement relevant skills. Knowledge and experience will go hand in hand, together creating a powerful working toolkit.

Some NLP trainings are aimed solely at embed this knowledge and skills directly into the subconscious. We doubt that this is possible. Is it possible to build even something as simple as riding a bike directly—without conscious practice or understanding? What about the ability to touch type? Even the ability to speak your native language - seemingly one of the most unconscious skills - requires many, many hours of practice. Watch a child spend hours playing and have endless fun pointing and naming things and trying to make new sounds. That's what it's called practice. And even if you manage to integrate some complex technical techniques into a person’s behavior without him gaining conscious control over them, who will “drive the bus”? Does such a person control his own brain? The essence of NLP is that you run your own brain, without handing over the reins to other people (including even an NLP trainer), and being fully aware of how you do it.

This fact emphasizes the importance of cognitive understanding of the model and the development of clearly formulated ideas that make it possible to explain Why you choose this particular pattern rather than another, and what you want to achieve through its use. The mere ability to use technical skills, without knowledge to guide the process, cannot be called mastery. As a result of such preparation, a person will find himself practically helpless, as soon as the surrounding conditions and external signals change. Automatic unconscious learning is really effective in relation to motor skills and those areas of activity where environmental conditions and situational contexts are relatively constant.

But when we deal with a constantly changing environment, we need the flexibility to Not react to current events thoughtlessly and automatically. We need meaningful flexibility that results from conscious understanding, allowing us to make new choices and encouraging us to do so.

Effective integration of mastery skills involves a balanced combination of conscious and unconscious practice of these skills. We have structured our training and this book to provide you with both the information and programs you need to engage both the conscious and subconscious parts of your mind. We are confident that you will be able to better assimilate the material presented and retain it in a form ready for practical use if you not only gain experience working with patterns, but also understand all the “whys” and “whys” associated with their use.

In order to make it easier for you to learn the material both consciously and unconsciously, we will regularly ask you the following questions throughout the book.

    What is the purpose of this technique?

    In what area can we use it?

    What are the mechanisms of its operation?

    How is it related to other patterns and models?

Expansion of practical experience

Once you have learned the basic communication model of NLP in Chapter 2 (Figure 2.2), a broader horizon of practical training opportunities in NLP will open up. By offering you this path, we take a large brush in our hands to paint a large-scale picture of this work in front of you with broad strokes. To achieve this goal, we intend to first introduce you in detail to the metastate model, and also demonstrate how this model relates to the language metamodel and the metaprogram model of the concept. We will show you what role the meta-levels of consciousness, which give rise to our conceptual frames of most objects and phenomena, play in the holistic matrix of the human mind. These frames include such conceptual categories as time and space, as well as framing the cinematic characteristics of our internal films (“submodal”) and much more.

Of course, all the models we propose are metaphors. We'll change these metaphors to trance and rise higher, to the very top

our consciousness, and then see what happens. We will replace the metaphor of “sleight of hand” (or “tricks of the tongue”) with the metaphor of magical lines that bewitch our minds (lines of reason). We will use the metaphorical concepts of the "zone of pure potentiality" and "emptiness" as metaphors for a number of higher conceptual frames, so that you can take a magic carpet ride into the unknown and wondrous territories of consciousness. And remembering that “the map is not the territory,” you will enjoy the knowledge that all forms of language, without exception, function on a metaphorical level. None of these forms are real. Yes, they shouldn't be. Language should only effectively contribute to achieving results that improve our lives. Our words do not necessarily have to point to some external, really existing objects. They only have a responsibility to provide us with “more useful and empowering maps for navigating the world, so that we can travel to new places in search of new discoveries, accomplishments and adventures.

Achieving mastery

We want you to clearly understand from the very beginning that a master in any field is Not the one who “knows everything.” Nobody knows everything. The master is a master precisely because of his awareness that he Not knows everything, and becomes a pioneer in those areas that are unknown to him. The unknown attracts such people and pushes them to search. They become masters because they are constantly learning, exploring, experimenting and improving, sketching out the outlines of new maps and patterns and seeing them through the eyes of a student. To become a true master is to become an eternal student. This is why true masters are always modest. Arrogant know-it-alls will never achieve such perfection: they spend all their energy creating, maintaining and protecting their know-it-all image.

Today NLP stands only at the foot of the heights that can be achieved on the path of mastery, identifying and detailing the structure of subjectivity and forming new patterns that allow people to use their full potential. Today, NLP has not yet even come to the final formulation of the model itself, to the “unified theory of zero” in the field of human psychology and activity. Two attempts in this direction have already been made, and we offer you the results of the third attempt to create a unified theory that unites

four metaspheres of NLP. But this is only the beginning, and not the last word.

We have chosen as our privilege the right to bring together in one volume all the material that we have presented in other works devoted to numerous aspects of the NLP Master Course. You can find descriptions of other aspects of this course in the following chapters

"Spirit of NLP" { The Spirit of NLP, 1996, 2000): NLP Master Course offered by Richard Bandler in the late 1980s.

"Lines of Reason" ( Mind Lines, 1997, 2001): patterns of language tricks reformulated using logical meta-levels.

"Formation of Time Lines" ( Time- Lining, 1997): higher-level timeline patterns.

"Secrets of individual mastery" ( Secrets of Personal Mastery, 2000): introduction to the three-day Meta-States training - revealing the genius within yourself.

"Hypnotizing Language" ( Hypnotic Language, 2001): hypnotic language using Gestalt and developmental psychology.

“What does it mean to understand people” ( Figuring Out People, 1997): listing and detailed analysis of 51 Metanrograms.

Do you want to quickly win over any person? Womanjournal talks about NLP techniques that will instantly attract anyone!

NLP techniques

Sympathy is not a simple thing. We like some people at first sight, while we cannot stand others from the very first minute. What's the trick? And how to become everyone's favorite?

In NLP (or neurolinguistic programming), sympathy is scientifically called “rapport” - this is a feeling of connection with another person, a feeling of reciprocity, a feeling of trust.

Fortunately, rapport can be created in any person, and quite quickly. The main secret is that we subconsciously sympathize with people who are somewhat similar to us and have something in common with us. And vice versa. If you want to win someone over, you need to find and discover some similarity between you and the other person.

Pay attention to how easily compatriots get along when they find themselves in a foreign, unfamiliar country. And if you came for an interview and found out that your employer graduated from the same university as you, relaxed and trusting communication will most likely be established between you. Brunettes are especially quick to become interested in brunettes. Blondes often prefer blondes. And what a pleasure it is for people to communicate in line to see a doctor. “Friends in Misfortune” instantly take a liking to each other.

In short, one of the postulates of NLP says: people want to communicate with others like themselves. Firstly, people who obviously have something in common have something to talk about, and they will always be able to understand each other. Secondly, meeting someone who shares your position in some way usually strengthens your confidence in your own rightness. (“Are you a vegetarian?! Me too! Isn’t it true that without meat in your diet you start to feel much better?!”).

Thus, when you come to a new team, first of all you can seek support from “your own kind”: women with a similar build, clothing style, hair color, position, etc.

But what if you need to win over a person who has nothing in common with you? For example, a pretentious employer in an Armani suit or an old professor-examiner with a beard down to his navel. By the way, in NLP there are simple and universal techniques that will work on any person and will help you win over anyone.

NLP techniques

So, you are faced with a task: to quickly charm a person. What to do? If you have something in common (car brand, diploma, profession, problem) try to play on it. Sometimes it’s enough just to drop one remark that indicates your similarity for a person to like you. For example: “I am not a Muscovite myself. Came from N-sk.” If your interlocutor is also not a Muscovite, he will instantly feel the rapport. However, if you have nothing in common and nothing to cling to, try the following technique:


It is "the process of mirroring another person's physical behavior." When you meet someone you need to charm, first simply take the same pose as him. This is called mirroring. He sits cross-legged, sit the same way. He bows his head slightly - repeat this gesture unobtrusively. You can mirror anything: posture, gestures, facial expressions. In most cases, your interlocutor will not notice that you are mirroring him, but he will feel rapport. In life, we ourselves often unconsciously mirror each other. For example, when you are chatting with a friend, you most likely unwittingly copy her posture or head tilt. When you start communicating with people of a different circle and cultural level, you involuntarily adopt their communication style and vocabulary. So mirroring is a very simple and effective way to win over a person. The main thing is that your mirroring does not look like an imitation or a parody. To do this, repeat gestures and poses not immediately, but with a delay of several seconds. Aerobatics is to mirror the breathing of your interlocutor. That is, adjust your breathing to the pace, rhythm and depth of breathing of another person. It's not easy, but it brings amazing results.

NLP techniques

This technique is a little more complicated and subtle. When performing an attachment, you first need to determine which perception model is typical for your interlocutor. You probably know that all people in the world are divided into 3 groups, corresponding to three main personality types or ways of perceiving the world. The first group is visual people, or people whose senses are dominated by vision. The second group is auditory learners, or those who perceive the world by ear. And the third group is kinesthetics, people of feelings and sensations. The trick is that representatives of each of these types speak their own language. Visual language involves a lot of descriptive words: “You you see,what beautiful I made the deal. With my points of view This brilliant victory. On my sight This obviously! Auditory learners will have their own auditory vocabulary: “ Heard,what loud Did I make a deal? Honestly, This deafening success. I just I was speechless when I heard that everything worked out." And finally, kinesthetics usually say, based on their sensations: “ Can you smell it?, which tough Did I make the deal? I feel waiting for us dizzy success!"

Your task is to listen to the speech of your interlocutor and understand whether he is a visual, auditory or kinesthetic learner. And having understood, switch to his language. Of course, this requires certain skills and practice. But at least try to return his own words to him first. For example:

    I I do not see you in this position.

    Then maybe you describe, what kind of person do you need, and I, in turn, will try show, what I am capable of as a professional.

Even if this technique is a little more complicated, it will allow you to win over even those who were initially not very friendly.

In addition to techniques aimed at controlling the interlocutor and achieving the desired result in communication, NLP includes an extensive system of techniques and methods with which you can change yourself for the better and acquire the desired character traits. NLP: working on your subconscious In this article we will talk about several simple techniques that will help you improve your character […]

Neuro-linguistic programming offers those who study it the ability to influence other people in any normal conversation. Using the right speech patterns, an NLP master can force a person to perform a certain action, make the right decision, or change his assessment of a situation. How NLP hypnosis works Classic, also known as formal, hypnosis involves introducing the recipient into a trance state, in which his psyche is especially susceptible […]

The main basis of neurolinguistic programming is modeling - imprinting a skill from one person and transferring it to another. This allows you to use NLP not only for quickly learning certain skills, but also allows you to copy effective thinking strategies. NLP is often defined as a parascientific phenomenon, since many studies trying to prove its existence with one hundred percent accuracy have been unsuccessful. Obviously […]

Success and happiness. Consistency and harmony of relationships with others. High quality personal relationships with the opposite sex. Self-development and enrichment of previously gained experience. All this creates the image of a person who is successful in society and occupies an important position in it. Neurolinguistic programming currently occupies a serious place in the life of every person who strives to become successful and […]

It’s probably no secret that women are more subtle psychologists than men. And how often they use their talents to achieve their goals, regardless of industry or line of work. One of the best ways to achieve your goals and improve existing skills is NLP for women. It is with the help of special techniques that [...]

NLP techniques represent a holistic system of sequential actions that are aimed at achieving a specific result. In other words, techniques are special exercises that are designed to improve certain skills and constitute a single mechanism. At the moment, there are a large number of different methods and techniques that differ in logical levels. In other words, for someone it is necessary to reconsider and […]

Neurolinguistic programming is one of the relatively new and successful areas in psychology and psychotherapy. It represents the development of an optimal model of behavior and modeling of behavior that will obviously be more successful and profitable. Simply put, this technique identifies any verbal and non-verbal characteristics in the behavior of successful and famous people in a certain field and projects them onto others […]

Neurolinguistic programming or NLP is a special psychological technique that allows you to consider the process of human life, systematize and model his behavior, using it for the necessary purposes. Simply put, NLP allows you to use the capabilities of one person for the benefit of another (if one person can do something, therefore, it is necessary to find out why and project it onto the other person). Many people are mastering NLP techniques to solve [...]

"Mrs. McCalvary was my third-grade teacher. I remember her well, maybe even fondly. She was so tall and skinny, so we called her an ostrich, although perhaps she deserved that name because she wore sometimes a flamboyant 'outfit'. She always seemed to look down on everyone, and also constantly made squeaky noises when she spoke to you."
This description of the fictional Mrs. McCalvary is a good example of some of the characteristics often exhibited by visual learners. Typically, the typical visual is thin, although you may encounter a very thick or obese visual.
They usually stand upright, with straight shoulders or back. Visual people keep their necks in line with their bodies. When they walk, they seem to be “led by their chin” and their movements can be characterized as abrupt or jerky. Typical visualizers have less prominent ribs than individuals in other categories, and they tend to breathe more from the upper chest. It is quite common to see a visual person speak quickly, clearly, or at a higher pitch than people in other categories. Some of these traits can be observed in individuals who operate from a visual system, although their preferred system is not visual. This may include breathing and movement, although it is most likely that the typical "visual" will have a visual body type and chest. This ability to operate in systems other than the preferred system is true for all categories of communication.

Many people call NLP the magic of communication and success. Thus, they emphasize the uniqueness and unusualness of this technique, emphasizing the exceptional results that can be achieved through its use. There are indeed certain similarities between magic and NLP. The main feature that unites them is that both of these phenomena have not yet been recognized by science. However, if the fact of the existence of magic raises serious doubts, then it has long been proven using real examples. Despite the fact that NLP techniques still cause irreconcilable discussions in scientific circles, they continue to be actively used in everyday life. These techniques are used in almost all areas of human activity, demonstrating results that would be impossible to achieve with the help of other scientifically based and officially recognized psychological techniques.

The best book on NLP technology - The Structure of Magic

There is another reason why magic and NLP so often compared to each other. A key prerequisite for such identifications was the publication of the book that laid the foundation for neurolinguistic programming. The title of this NLP manual is The Structure of Magic. The co-authors of the book were the developers of the neurolinguistic programming method - John Grinder and Richard Bandler. They told readers about the key concepts and main aspects of the new technique, showing examples of how neurolinguistic programming techniques help people overcome perception problems and become happier.

Basics of NLP in the Structure of Magic

In their first book on NLP, The Structure of Magic, Bandler and Grinder say that they were inspired to create neurolinguistic programming by observing the work of such outstanding psychotherapists as Virginia Satir, Fritz Perls and Milton Erickson. The authors calculated the methods used and, based on them, created clear models that can be used by every person.

The NLP manual The Structure of Magic makes the important assumption that “the map is not the territory.” This means that our perception of the world does not necessarily correspond to reality. Most often it is narrower and more limited. If the perception is too distorted, the subject begins to face many limitations and problems. Such an unfavorable situation can only be corrected by expanding the map of the human world. It is to help people do this that this book was created. The structure of magic and NLP techniques generally.

Written by Bandler and Grinder, the manual consists of two volumes. The first part of the book on NLP The structure of magic is simpler. It talks about the main methods of restoring deep structure. The second volume of the book is more complex. He talks about ways of reflecting and perceiving information, as well as techniques aimed at overcoming incongruity.

What else to read