May beach holiday where to go. Beach holiday in May abroad at sea without a visa. Choose a direction and determine the travel route

Rushing does not lead to anything good, and this is true. When choosing a resort, you should not rush, otherwise you may accidentally ruin your vacation. Tickets for May 2018 abroad at sea are already starting to sell out, so you should now decide where it’s better to go on vacation. In addition, it is very important to study information about the country in advance so that no problems arise later.

Already at the end of spring it is really hot here. By 12:00 the air temperature reaches +35, and the water is about +27. Therefore, it is better not to book excursion packages during that period, because not every traveler’s health will allow them to withstand at least one trip.

For a family of two people to vacation for one week, you will have to pay about $900. But those who want to save big should book their tickets and hotel reservations in advance.

You can only fly to the Sinai Peninsula without a visa. To visit other Egyptian resorts, their attractions will already require an entry permit. In this case, a visa is obtained upon arrival at the airport.

In 2018, May in Israel also promises to be hot. Even the Mediterranean Sea will warm up well (approximate temperature +25). You can have a wonderful holiday in Tel Aviv, Eilait, and, of course, Ein Bokek.

Among the advantages, in addition to excellent weather, the following should be emphasized:

  • no need for a visa;
  • flowering of national parks and nature reserves;
  • Many locals speak Russian well.

True, there are main disadvantages that you need to be prepared for. From Friday evening to Saturday evening, all shops, restaurants, cafes are closed and transport does not even work. Prices for services for tourists in Israel are much higher.

The safest country in the Middle East. There is high-quality service, clean beaches, many interesting excursions, and health centers. It takes about 4 hours to fly from Moscow to the capital Amman. Jordan in May is hospitable and quite hot. Air and water temperatures in May will rise to +30.

This country has a wonderful attraction created by nature itself. We are talking about the Wadi Rum desert, which is beyond the control of time. Its creators are rightly called the sun and the wind. It will be no less interesting for any tourist to see with his own eyes the Mount of Heaven, as well as the Dead Sea, where the Jordan River flows.

Resort advantages:

  • real summer;
  • developed tourism sector;
  • richness of culture;
  • National character.

The disadvantages include the constant flow of tourists and the intrusiveness of local sellers.

A country that does not experience severe cold and frost. Here the laws of hospitality are sacred. In May, weather forecasters promise temperatures no less than +27-30, and water +22-25. But the beach season will only open by the middle of the month, when the sea water warms up to +25.

Clear emerald-colored sea, white sand, incredibly beautiful coastlines. The infrastructure is well developed, there are many hotels, hotels, restaurants and other entertainment enterprises.

This is where you should definitely go for a seaside holiday in 2018, especially if you’ve never been there before. In May, the East is magnificent; the beauty abroad is worth forking out for a ticket.

It is possible to rent housing from the owners in the private sector for a long period. There are a lot of beautiful places that allow you to plunge into various fabulous stories of the country. Morocco is great for holidays with young children.

Inexpensive holiday

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford a luxurious vacation, but there are budget options, and quite good ones. It is worth paying special attention to trips to Greece and Thailand.

This is one of those resorts at the end of the spring season, in May 2018, with children abroad at sea. In Greece, you can not only lie on the sand near the sea, but also visit many places that in reality look much more interesting than what the television screen shows.

At the beginning of May, weather forecasters promise warm weather, so it will be possible to open the beach season upon arrival. The hottest resorts are Athens and Rhodes.

In Athens the air temperature is +25, the water temperature is +22, the beaches are very clean, specially equipped for families. There is an opportunity to fish, water ski, boat, yacht.

Below is a small list of the most visited beaches, as well as the entrance price to each.

  1. Yabanaki – 6 euros.
  2. Asteras – 8 euros.
  3. Akti Vouliagmeni – 5 euros.
  4. Astir Beach – 18 euros.

Each of the above has a well-developed infrastructure, there are bars, cafes, during the day you can go for a massage, play volleyball, tennis, and in the evening beach discos and parties are organized. For tourists, there are many educational excursions to choose from: natural attractions, ancient places, monuments, museums, etc.

The island of Rhodes also has many clean beautiful beaches, various historical sites, and incredible natural landscapes. In the evening, beach events with music and dancing are organized, and nightclubs open.

There is a noticeable difference between day and night temperatures on the island. In the evening, it is recommended to dress warmer. The beach season officially opens from the beginning of the month, but if you are planning a vacation with children, it is better to come in the middle.

For a week's trip to Thailand you will need about 70-80 thousand rubles. Air temperature is approximately +30-33, water +25-28. There are many beautiful beaches with a fairly developed infrastructure, restaurants and cafes serving dishes for every taste. Curious tourists will enjoy various excursion destinations.

Amusements and water parks are equipped especially for families with children. Even adults and teenagers can ride banana boats, water skis, jet skis, and yachts.

Pattaya Island is simply ideal for young people who want to party all day long. Here, every evening and until the morning, nightlife, music, dancing is vibrant, there are hotels and bars near each beach. You won't be bored even on excursions. Little travelers will love the islands of Phuket and Koh Samui.

With a limited budget in May 2018, it is better to go on vacation to Phuket. Despite the excellent service, fairly clean beaches decorated with palm trees, warm sea, the island has low prices for all entertainment.

Here's where to go abroad for a safe and relaxing holiday.

In noisy and cheerful Samui, life is in full swing around the clock. In addition to a huge selection of excursion destinations, historical sites and entertainment venues, here you can admire the scenery. It is thanks to them that cool photo sessions are obtained, pictures from which will remind you of a wonderful time.

Without a visa

If you don’t have the opportunity or time to apply for a visa, don’t get upset ahead of time. After all, you can spend your holiday usefully in Malaysia, Cuba or Turkey.

It is known that Russian citizens can visit this country without a visa. In the last month of spring, the weather here is suitable for relaxing on the beach. Air temperature +33-35, water +29.

Equipped beaches with clean white sand, one might say, the summer sun, allowing you to get the perfect tan. Tourists should definitely take with them or buy on the spot a high-quality protective cream for the face and body so as not to get sunburned.

The most visited resorts are Penang and Borneo. In addition to a beach holiday, there is the opportunity to have cultural entertainment and try local cuisine in gastronomic establishments. Adventure seekers can swim in the ocean with stingrays and sharks.

To go on vacation abroad to Cuba, a Russian needs a foreign passport and a Russian passport. In May 2018, the air temperature will be about +30, and the sea temperature will be +26-28.

Huge sandy beaches, fully equipped for a relaxing break from work and home routine. The warm sea is almost always calm and gentle. For those who prefer water activities, yachting, water skiing, diving, windsurfing, snorkeling, and fishing are offered.

Most regular tourists choose the resorts of Cayo Coco, Santiaga de Cuba and Havana.

On the last island, theme parties and carnivals are held almost every day, and cafes, bars and restaurants operate without interruption. Nightclubs open in the evening. During the day you can see many interesting local attractions.

With absolute confidence, we can say that Turkey is the most popular country for a good holiday for Russians. No other hotel has so many hotels with high-quality service, well-groomed, clean territory, and a wide variety of entertainment for children and adults. In May, the air temperature will reach +28, water temperature +22 and above.

Most Turkish beaches have deservedly received the Blue Flag certificate. They are usually awarded for perfectly clean sea water and beach sand. When purchasing a tour, meals are included in the price. Almost all hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis and it is very convenient, without extra costs.

While in this country you simply need to visit some sights. After all, the Turkish land has preserved reminders of ancient civilizations (monuments of the Ottoman Empire, the Hittite Kingdom, etc.).

All resorts are attractive in their own way. Where exactly you should go on vacation in May 2018, everyone decides on their own, taking into account preferences and financial capabilities. The main thing is that a trip abroad to the sea brings only positive impressions, vivid memories and helps you have a good rest.


Beach holiday in May


Main resorts in Bali: Jimbaran, Kuta, Nusa Dua, Sanur, Ubud

Weather in May: average temperature 28°C, average water temperature 29°C

Visa: issued at the airport for 30 days

From 33,000 rubles (Denpasar)

Hotel room: from 850 rubles per night

Beach holidays are one of the most common ways to spend time in Bali in May. Bali is a resort island. The beaches of this island are famous for their snow-whiteness and purity. The air temperature here is up to +30°C, and the sea temperature in May sometimes reaches 24-26°C, which, combined with a humid subtropical climate, makes this exotic country a real tourist paradise. Here you can have the best holiday of your life.


Main resorts in Israel: Eilat, Haifa, Netanya, Herzliya, Tel Aviv

Weather in May : average temperature 29°C, average water temperature 24°C

Visa: issued at the airport for 90 days. Have a return ticket with you and .

Return air ticket price: from 10,000 rubles (Tel Aviv)

Hotel room: from 2500 rubles per night

Israel is a great beach resort. Spending a seaside holiday in Israel means spending one of the best holidays of your life. A beach holiday will allow you to fully enjoy the warm rays of the Israeli sun, getting a beautiful, even tan. Holidays on the beach in May are usually somewhat cheaper, since the main influx of tourists here occurs in the summer. That is why Israel is one of the best places to sunbathe on the beach in Dinenia.


Main resorts in the UAE: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Jumeirah

Pogo yes in May : average temperature 30°C, average water temperature 29°C

Visa: necessary.

Return air ticket price: from 14,000 rubles (Dubai)

Hotel room: from 1800 rubles per night

The UAE is a great place toto relax at sea. The United Arab Emirates is characterized by its arid and hot climate, so the best time for beach tourism here is in the spring. The best time to go to the sea is in May. The UAE is famous for its high service and affordable prices for tourists. Relaxing on the beach in May in the UAE means spending your best vacation.


Main resorts in Egypt: Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada, Al Gouna, Makadi Bay

Weather in May : average temperature 30°C, average water temperature 25°C

Visa: issued at the airport for 30 days.

Return air ticket price: from 17,000 rubles (Hurghada)

Hotel room: from 1200 rubles per night

Egypt is the land of the pharaohs and the cradle of Middle Eastern civilization. But today Egypt is also famous for its luxurious beaches. Here you can spend the mostinexpensive vacation of your life. Let yourself relax and stay in the best Egyptian hotels. The most favorable time for a beach holiday in Egypt is May. It is in the middle of spring that the least tourist activity is recorded here, the sea is warmand affordable prices.


Main resorts in Thailand: Pattaya, Koh Chang, Phuket, Koh Samui

Weather in May: average temperature 32°C, average water temperature 30°C

Visa: without a visa up to 30 days

Return air ticket price: from 27,000 rubles (Bangkok)

Hotel room: from 1000 rubles per night

Thailand is a completely different culture, but going to the sea in this country in May is a pleasure. Tropical climate, exotic fruits, inexpensive prices and snow-white beaches - this is the calling card of this resort state. Spending your vacation at sea in May will cost no more than a couple of hundred dollars, and the quality of tourist service here is always at the proper level. Thailand remains one of the best destinations in the east for beach tourism.


Main resorts in Vietnam: Nha Trang, Phu Quoc Island, Da Nang, Da Lat, Halong, Phan Thien

Weather in May: average temperature 32°C, average water temperature 27°C

Visa: a visa is required if you are going on vacation for more than 15 days; restup to 15 days – without a visa

Return air ticket price: from 32,000 rubles (Nha Trang)

Hotel room: from 800 rubles per night

Vietnam is simply unimaginable landscapesazhi, warm sea and white sandy beaches. One of the main advantages of a beach holiday in this country is its low cost. Here you can not only have the best holiday of your life, but also make one of the most inexpensive trips abroad. The sea temperature in May in Vietnam can reach +30℃, so you will have to stock up on everything before your trip.necessary beach paraphernalia.


Major resorts in Brazil:Rio de Janeiro,

Weather in May: average temperature 30°C, average water temperature 28°C

Visa: without a visa up to 90 days

Return air ticket price: from 38,000 rubles (Rio de Janeiro)

Hotel room: from 1100 rubles per night

Brazil is the birthplace of carnivals, constant fun, and a real paradise for travelers who prefer beach tourism. If you have not yet decided where to spend your holiday in May, it is best to go to the sandy coasts of Brazil. The beaches of this country have a well-developed infrastructure; there is a lot of entertainment for those who come here with children. Brazilians carefully ensure that their sandy coasts are always clean.

Excursions in May


Where to go: Athens, Chalkidiki, Crete, Rhodes, Heraklion, Corfu, Santorini

Weather in May: average temperature 23°C

Visa: necessary.

Return air ticket price: from 12,000 rubles (Athens)

Hotel room: from 1300 rubles per night

Excursions: V Athens, V Thessaloniki, on island of Crete, on Corfu island, on Rhodes island, on Santorini island

Holidays in May in Greece it is the warm sea and beautiful landscapes of Hellas.Sea temperature in Maycan reach 20-22°C , which is quite enough to enjoy the warm Greek sea. The peninsula is replete with cultural and historical attractions. Tourists will also enjoy Greek cuisine and Greek wines.Inexpensive holiday in May,when the beaches are still deserted and the sea is already warm, it is primarily intended for families with children.


Where to go: Nuremberg, Cologne, Berlin, Munich,, Baden Baden

Weather in May : average temperature 19°C

Visa: necessary.

Return air ticket price: from 8000 rubles (Berlin)

Hotel room: from 1800 rubles per night

Excursions: V Berlin, V Munich, V Nuremberg, in Frankfurt am Main, V Dusseldorf

G Germany can rightfully be called the cultural capital of Western Europe, excursions around which bring a lot of pleasure to travelers. It is difficult to assess what contribution German composers and architects, filmmakers and artists made to culture. Therefore, if you do not know where to travel in May, it is best to choose this country for your tourist pilgrimage. Here you will find interesting places, attractions and be able to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Western European cities.


Where to go: Madrid, Barcelona, , Palma de Mallorca

Weather in May : average temperature 23°C

Visa: necessary.

Return air ticket price: from 13,000 rubles (Barcelona)

Hotel room: from 1700 rubles per night

Popular excursions: V Barcelona, V Madrid, V Malaga, V Grenada, V Valencia, on the island Tenerife

Spanish culture is rich and diverse, which is why this country attracts new tourists every year. The main attractions of Spain are the majestic Catholic cathedrals and cities preserved from the times of the deep Middle Ages. Therefore, if you have not yet decided where to travel in May, then this country can be a wonderful place for a cultural and beach holiday.


Where to go: Lisbon, Porto, Faro, Braga, Maidera

Weather in May: average temperature 21°C

Visa: Schengen visa required

Round trip air ticket price O: from 17,000 rubles (Lisbon)

Hotel room: from 1300 rubles per night

Popular excursions: V Lisbon, V Porto

Portugal is a country bordering Spain, beautiful places and a unique culture. A Portuguese excursion program usually includes visits to a number of religious sites, such as the Porto Cathedral, the Batalha Monastery or the Church of St. Roch. Interesting places - sights such as a number of medieval castles, palaces of former Portuguese emperors.


Where to go: Istanbul, Alanya

Weather in May : average temperature 21°C

Visa: without a visa up to 60 days

Return air ticket price: from 9000 rubles (Istanbul)

Hotel room: from 1500 rubles per night

Popular excursions: , V Alanya, in Cappadocia, in Kemer

Turkish culture attracts with its mystery and exoticism. Therefore, if you are going to travel to some interesting and rich in attractions country, it’s time to think about a trip to Turkey. Various excursions are offered here, ranging from fairly ordinary city walks to large-scale trips to the palaces of the Ottoman emperors, fortified cities and museums of Turkey.


Where to go: Budapest

Weather in May : average temperature 21°C

Visa: necessary

Return air ticket price: from 12,000 rubles (Budapest)

Hotel room: from 1500 rubles per night

Popular excursions: V Budapest

Hungary and its capital Budapest are a real treasure for all lovers of Eastern European culture. The architectural buildings of the capital, its interesting and beautiful places in Hungary have been attracting tourists from all over the world for centuries. An excursion program in Hungary includes visiting various cities, cultural attractions or secluded recreation in nature.


Where to go: Dubrovnik, Split

Weather in May : average temperature 22°C

Visa: necessary.

Return air ticket price: from 17,000 rubles

Hotel room: from 1800 rubles per night

Popular excursions:

Croatian attractions are very different from Western European ones, and are not at all similar to a number of Eastern European ones. The thing is that Croatia is located at the junction of Western and Eastern Europe, and therefore this country attracts new tourists. Here you can find interesting places, as well as original cities steeped in antiquity. The most attractive from a tourist point of view is the capital of Croatia - the city of Zagreb.


Where to go: , ,

Weather in May: average temperature 21°C

Visa: without a visa up to 30 days

Return air ticket price: from 15,000 rubles ()

Hotel room: from 1300 rubles per night

Popular excursions: V Budva, V Tivat, V Kotor

In the middle part of the European continent lies Montenegro, a miniature power and part of the former Yugoslavia. The excursion program in Montenegro is a real treasure trove of the cultural heritage of the southern and western Slavs, picturesque beautiful places. Montenegro is a great place for those who want to travel in May. The country is famous for its affordable prices, so a holiday here will be not only for cultural, but also economical.


Where to go: Limassol, Paphos, Larnaca

Weather in May : average temperature 24°C

Visa: necessary.Order a visa to Cyprus online>>

Return air ticket price: from 11,000 rubles (Larnaca)

Hotel room: from 1900 rubles per night

Popular excursions: V Limassol, V Paphos

A visit to the island of Cyprus is an excursion program focusing on the cultural heritage and beautiful original history. Middle Eastern, Aegean and Egyptian cultures are intertwined in Cyprus. The landscapes and sights of Cyprus are perfect for a good tourist walk in May. This island owes its popularity in the tourist world to its favorable location.

South Korea

Where to go: Seoul, Busan

Weather in May: average temperature 20°C

Visa: without a visa up to 60 days

Return air ticket price: from 34,000 rubles (Seoul)

Hotel room: from 1500 rubles per night

Popular excursions: V Seoul

South Korea is a very mysterious and at the same time accessible country for European understanding. Its attractions are the cities themselves and the inhabitants, who are known for their hospitality and responsiveness. Here you can see beautiful places, visit various excursions, and also get closer to the lakeexperience one of the most interesting Asian cultures.

Ski resorts in mae


Main ski resorts: Levi, Ylläs, Hand

At the end of spring, tourists are faced with a difficult choice. Stay within a modest budget, but sacrifice the opportunity to swim in the warm sea, or pay big money and spend a week on the beach under the rays of a very hot sun.

We have selected for you 15 possible areas that are worth spending your money on. Provided that you know what you want from your May vacation.

  • ~30,000 ₽
  • ~40,000 ₽
  • ~50,000 ₽
  • ~80,000 ₽
  • ~125,000 ₽

Türkiye: Alanya, Kemer, Belek and Side

Weather and water temperature
  • budget cost of travel;
  • few tourists;
  • the opportunity to experience “all inclusive”;
  • comfortable water temperature from the middle of the month;
  • not hot;
  • no visa required;
  • sunny and warm weather;

In 2020, Turkey will again be incredibly popular among foreign destinations, despite a slight increase in prices.

In spring in Turkey, it is better to relax on the southern coast: Belek, Kemer, Side or Alanya are ideal. Do you want to relax in an elite 5* hotel in Belek, or you can relax a little more simply, but it’s twice as cheap, to relax in Alanya, where you can swim even on the May holidays.

You can safely spend your free time on excursions. Comfortable, not hot weather allows you to go on a two-day tour to Cappadocia or spend a whole day on a trip to Pamukkale.

With children you can visit the huge oceanarium in Antalya, the dolphinarium and numerous water parks.

Egypt: Hurghada and Sharm El Sheikh

Weather and water temperature
  • hot weather;
  • well-warmed sea;
  • visa is issued upon arrival;
  • you can come with children;
  • sandy beaches;
  • excellent diving;

Egypt is the only destination abroad that can please everyone with its warm sea and short flight.

The weather in Egyptian resorts at the end of spring is absolutely summer. During the day, the thermometer rises to +30º, and the Red Sea already on the May holidays makes it possible to swim in 24º-degree water.

Hurghada will delight you with a sandy bottom (the coral reefs were blown up when the resort was built) and the favorite all-inclusive option in most hotels. From this region it is convenient to go on excursions to Luxor and the Egyptian pyramids.

Sharm El-Sheikh is “tailored” for lazy Englishmen who don’t need anything more than a swimming pool. But the Sinai Peninsula is famous throughout the world for diving.

The only weather risk is the possibility of khamsin (strong winds with sand and dust storms). But this phenomenon is more typical for the end of March and April.

The only difficulty is that coastal airports are still closed to Russian charters. Flights with tourists head to Cairo, after which you will have a long bus transfer to your hotel in Hurghada.

Spain: Blanes, Pineda de Mar and Calella

Weather and water temperature
  • beautiful nature
  • many attractions
  • Spanish cuisine
  • mild climate
  • developed tourist infrastructure
  • reasonable prices for tours
  • need for a Schengen visa
  • you can't swim
  • tours from

Once you come to Spain, you will always want to come back. Don't even doubt it.

In May, Spanish resorts benefit from low prices. Beach tourists are in no hurry to come to the Balearic Sea because of the cold sea. And for excursions, 5-6 nights are enough, which significantly reduces the travel budget.

  • bays
  • locks
  • botanical gardens
  • many kilometers of embankments
  • museums of Salvador Dali and Pablo Picasso.

All this awaits you in Blanes, Lloret de Mar and Tossa de Mar.

And it doesn’t matter if the husband is not a fan of active tourism. Buy him a ticket to Formula 1 or football in Barcelona. The male sex will appreciate beer and Mediterranean dishes, seasoned with football and a huge number of interesting sights on a global scale.

Women cannot resist the temptation to stroll through local shopping centers, where prices for famous brands are noticeably lower than in Russia. Leather bags and wallets made in Spain will serve faithfully and remain in fashion for years.

Tunisia: Djerba

Weather and water temperature
  • visa-free destination;
  • fresh fruits;
  • quality spa services;
  • short flight (3.5-4 hours);
  • affordability;
  • the opportunity to see the Sahara with your own eyes;

Tunisia impresses with its bright colors in spring. Citrus trees, almonds and other wild plants are blooming everywhere. The aroma drives you crazy and gives Tunisian resorts an amazing atmosphere, which will not be there in the summer, when everything is dry from the heat. Come here if you want to discover another country on the tourist map.

From a tourism point of view, Tunisia in the spring is interesting for its history and the Sahara Desert. There is no need to think about the sea. It will warm up to a comfortable temperature only by the beginning of June. May is the ideal time to travel around the country. No heat or crowds of tourists - maximum attention to your person.

For a beach holiday you should come to the island of Djerba. The water there is 2-3 degrees warmer than in Sousse and Hammamet. But it is more difficult to get there on excursions.

Portugal: Madeira

  • incredible volcanic landscapes
  • beautiful nature
  • flower festival
  • delicious cuisine
  • interesting architecture
  • many hiking routes
  • cheap car rental

The idea of ​​visiting Porto or Lisbon at the end of the calendar spring deserves praise. But it’s worth delving a little into the geography of Portugal and finding out that it owns the island of Madeira in the Atlantic Ocean. It is in May that it is most interesting for excursion tourism. The reason is the beautiful Festa da Flor (flower festival). In 2020 it will take place from April 30 to May 17.

The feeling of celebration lives on every street of Madeiro. Local residents lay out floral carpets of flowers and decorate their windows and shop windows with them. The spectacle is indescribable. Imagine how jealous your office colleagues will be. But Madeira is not only interesting for the festival.

The Portuguese resort is rich in man-made and natural attractions: a cable car to Mount Monte, a botanical garden, Cape San Lorenzo with unique lunar landscapes and the Cabo Girao observation deck surrounded by ecliptic forests and waterfalls. And also lava pools, valleys, levadas and stunningly beautiful nature.

Russia: Alushta and Adler

Weather and water temperature
  • low prices;
  • few vacationers;
  • you can get there on your own;
  • no language barrier;
  • beautiful nature;
  • you can't swim
  • inflated prices;
  • tours to Adler
  • tours to Crimea

The end of spring is a turning point in the domestic tourism segment and an excellent opportunity to escape from dacha affairs.

Due to the coronavirus, there is a possibility that many popular destinations where tourists are accustomed to vacationing in May will be closed. But domestic tourism is always open even to those who do not have a foreign passport.

The ski season is already closed, but many people, by inertia, fly to Krasnaya Polyana hotels to take advantage of sales. There is no sea in the mountains, but there is stunning nature of the Caucasus. Hiking, swimming pools and massages, attending concerts and a mandatory one-day trip to Sochi are quite a sufficient program for having an interesting and meaningful time during the May holidays.

Many people prefer to stay in hotels in Adler and Sochi. In May, on the Black Sea coast it is already as warm as summer and there is every chance of returning to everyday work with a tanned face and a little thinner, since you will have to walk a lot.

The third group of tourists are fans of Crimea. In 2020, many people come to take a ride across the Crimean Bridge. Fortunately, starting from this year, you can get to the peninsula by train.

A rapid increase in the influx of tourists is expected in 2020. May is a great time to come for a couple of days to the places where our parents and grandmothers once vacationed. By the way, little has changed there since then. But that’s why we’re going :)

Greece: Crete and Corfu

Weather and water temperature
  • nature fragrant with flowers and smells;
  • comfortable weather;
  • few tourists;
  • wide selection of resorts;
  • Greek cuisine;
  • budget prices;
  • reasonable prices;
  • tours from 34,627 rubles

Greece willingly issues Schengen visas to Russians. This may be especially true in 2020 as applying is now as simple as submitting an application electronically and the visa can be issued for up to 5 years.

Greek resorts are ready to welcome tourists in early May. Nature does not bloom for long in a splendor of colors and aromas! There is no summer heat and crowds of vacationers. In May the weather is ideal for enjoying endless walks while sightseeing. And some will be able to swim. But it depends on your temperament and tolerance. The water will seem warm only to those who arrive at the end of May.

For the first time it is better to fly to the southern islands. Crete or Corfu will delight you with summer weather and an abundance of interesting attractions within walking distance.

Abkhazia - all the beauties of the Caucasus at your feet

Weather and water temperature
  • unique beauties of the Caucasus
  • opportunity to try local cuisine
  • no passport required
  • you can't swim
  • inexpensive tours

The holiday season in Abkhazia opens in May. This is the only foreign destination where you can have an inexpensive holiday without a passport on the shores of the Black Sea. True, the sea is still cold during this period of the season. You can only count on walks along the embankment and unique clean air.

But you will have the opportunity to try delicious national dishes, which are not very different from Georgian ones. Be sure to spend a couple of days on excursions.

High-mountainous Lake Ritsa is a top excursion that will immerse you seriously and for a long time. You will see all the mountain beauties of the Caucasus, and you can devote another day to visiting thermal springs.

Cyprus: Paphos and Ayia Napa

Weather and water temperature
  • no visa needed
  • hot summer weather
  • high level of service in hotels
  • few tourists
  • you can swim
  • obtaining a visa in 2-3 working days

In May there are practically no cloudy days in Cyprus. The air temperature does not fall below +23 °C. By the middle of the month it is already + 27.. + 29°C.

But the water is still cool, from 19° in the early days to +22°C at the end of May. But young people in Ayia Napa are already swimming and sunbathing on the wonderful snow-white beaches, taking advantage of the fact that most foreign tourists prefer a chlorinated pool.

But connoisseurs of the ancient monuments of Cyprus will definitely have a lot of fun. Without crowds of tourists and before the heat sets in, you can visit all the sights of the island!

Montenegro: Budva

Weather and water temperature
  • beautiful natural scenery
  • interesting excursions
  • no crowds of tourists
  • you can't swim
  • comfortable weather for excursions
  • inexpensive tours from 35,875 rubles

At the end of April, the tourist season begins in Montenegro. In April May, connoisseurs of active recreation come to relax.

Beach resorts are not in demand in May. You definitely shouldn’t count on swimming in the sea. In rare years, due to hot April, the Adriatic warms up to 20º by the middle of the month. Most likely, the water will be below 19º, so swimming will only be possible in the pool (provided it is working).

In May, Montenegro is popular because of the opportunity to explore all its natural, religious and architectural attractions without crowds of tourists and at normal, not inflated prices. It’s better not to save money and settle in Budva, where there are not yet a large number of beach tourists and there is enough space for everyone. This region is the most convenient place to go on excursions.

You can be sure that after returning from the Bay of Kotor you will have a lot of beautiful photos and likes on social networks.

Morocco: Casablanca and Agadir

Weather and water temperature
  • comfortable weather conditions
  • cold ocean
  • only for active tourists
  • not a well-worn direction
  • low prices within the country
  • many interesting sights
  • there are Russian guides
  • tours from 56,265 rubles

May holidays in Morocco are definitely not about swimming in the ocean. It is very cold at the end of spring - from 17 to 19 degrees. But the trip will appeal to travelers who prefer to actively spend time outdoors. In May, on the coast of Morocco the air warms up to +23 degrees. In the interior of the country it is much hotter, up to +29.

In mid-May, the country hosts a grand Rose Festival. The celebrations take place in the town of El Kelaa M'Gouna and celebrate the harvest of flowers that will be used to produce rose water, an important part of local cuisine. The dates of the celebration are flexible, but always fall in mid-May. and this is a great reason to celebrate a romantic trip.

In addition to the Rose Festival, you should definitely go to the capital of the country, Rabat, where you can stroll through the streets of the old city and visit the Kasbah fortress. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the local "Hollywood" - Ouarzazate. Game of Thrones and many other films were filmed at local television studios. You will not find such unique natural landscapes anywhere else.

Conquest of coral reefs and Petra in Jordan

Weather and water temperature
  • hot weather
  • high level of security
  • excellent sandy beaches
  • quality hotels
  • warm sea

In May you can safely fly to Jordan. This mysterious country, unfamiliar to Russian tourists, is one of the few that offers the opportunity to swim in the warm sea in May.

The seaside resort of Aqaba is suitable for passive relaxation. It is often compared to the Egyptian Sharm el-Sheikh. By the way, it is located on the other side of the bay of the same name from Taba.

Fans of diving will enjoy the colorful underwater world of coral reefs, those who like to soak up the sun and swim for fun will enjoy amazing beaches and crystal clear water, and connoisseurs of ancient monuments will enjoy the ancient city of Petra. It is carved out of a mountain range and is amazing.

It is better to come to Jordan in the first ten days, while it is not so hot and stuffy. Closer to June, conditions cease to be comfortable even on the seashore.

Tenerife: Costa Adeje and Puerto de la Cruz

Weather and water temperature
  • you need a Schengen visa;
  • not hot;
  • you can swim
  • interesting excursions and attractions
  • European culture
  • Mediterranean Kitchen
  • low cost of tours from 64,981 rubles

Tenerife is the largest of the islands of the Canary archipelago. Its southern part is more like a desert, where there is practically no vegetation and it is almost always sunny. In the north, on the contrary, it is often cloudy and sometimes rains, but it still passes. At the end of spring there is an excellent opportunity to enjoy the scenery of this island of extraordinary beauty. .

In summer, tours to Tenerife cost more than 100,000 rubles due to expensive air tickets. In May, although the water in the ocean is cooler, the weather is much more comfortable.

Teneref has a huge number of interesting attractions. In May you will be able to sunbathe on numerous beaches and by the hotel pool. A little drive into the interior of the island, you can see the stunning beautiful landscapes of the Teide volcano, an unforgettable killer whale show in Loro Parque and the best water amusement park in the world. And these are just the top excursions.

It is better to plan your trip for 9-10 nights. It is impossible to cover everything in 5-6 days.

Hainan: Sanya

Weather and water temperature
  • simplified visa obtaining;
  • comfortable sea water temperature;
  • not too hot;
  • in 2020, the direction is under threat of disruption due to the coronavirus;

The end of our calendar spring in the main resort of China is considered the velvet season. Sun, beautiful sea, sandy beaches - everything you need for a complete beach holiday. But in 2020, due to the virus, the Chinese direction will pass by the world market.

The only downside is the humidity and rain, which are becoming increasingly common this month. Therefore, we recommend visiting Hainan in late April - early May.

Chinese cuisine takes some getting used to, and not everyone can do it, so it’s better to eat at a hotel.

Dominican Republic: Punta Cana

  • visa-free destination
  • beach holiday in bounty style;
  • excellent diving;
  • very warm ocean;
  • tour costs from 120,544 rubles

The Dominican Republic is associated with endless beaches with white sand and spreading palm trees. But besides the beach component, the excursion component is no less interesting.

In addition to the architecture, which has absorbed island traditions and features of European styles, you will also find national parks with breathtaking wildlife. Active tourists will also like it here: diving and beach activities will definitely not disappoint.

It is better to go to the resorts of the Dominican Republic in late April or early May. In the second half of the month, the level of comfort begins to drop sharply on the Caribbean coast. Temperatures remain tempting, but the increased humidity makes the heat much harder to bear.

This is not such an important factor for those flying from the USA, but shelling out 100,000 rubles for a tour for two from Moscow and not getting ideal conditions?

Israel: Eilat

  • without a visa
  • hot summer weather
  • sea ​​water temperature +25°
  • there is something to do besides the beach
  • duty free shopping area
  • high level of security in the country

Eilat is an elite resort in Israel, located on the magnificent shores of the Gulf of Aqaba. A vacation here is recommended for everyone who not only loves to lie blissfully on the beach, but also cannot imagine their vacation without exciting diving, interesting excursions and trips to shopping centers, where goods are sold duty-free as in duty free.

In May the southernmost resort in Israel enjoys the sunny and hot weather. During the day, the air warms up to +30°, and the water in the Red Sea is such that there is no desire to leave it.

Vietnam: Nha Trang and Phanyet

  • visa-free country
  • many interesting excursions
  • there is a chance of rain
  • hot climate
  • warm sea
  • tour costs from 80,000 rubles

Vietnam's weather conditions are very similar to Thailand. But due to the country’s stretch from north to south, even in May you can find resorts with optimal weather conditions.

  • Mui Ne
  • Fagnette
  • Nha Trang

This period is characterized by hot weather with frequent, light rainfall. But in exchange for patience with precipitation, Vietnam will reward you with the opportunity to swim in the warm sea.

In this country, the infrastructure is not as well developed as in Europe. But real travelers will get a lot of new impressions from the local nature, people and unique attractions.


  • visa is issued upon arrival
  • snow-white beaches
  • luxury hotels
  • high level of service
  • hot tropical climate
  • humidity increasing every week
  • bored and nothing to do

The Maldives is one of the exotic destinations where you can come in May and are guaranteed to experience hot weather and an ocean warmed up to +30º.

But, apart from the beach and the hotel, you will not see anything else. The Maldives is a story about romance, beautiful photos and a week of doing nothing. The maximum you can do to entertain yourself is diving and walking around the island.

In the second half of the month, the approaching rainy season begins to manifest itself more and more actively. In the Maldives archipelago it is not as severe as in Thailand. But you definitely shouldn’t be surprised by a tropical downpour in May.


    Egypt and Jordan are still different countries. In Egypt there are pyramids, sphinxes and a lot of interesting excursions, but in Jordan there is only the ancient city of Petra and, by and large, that’s all. I would still recommend that you fly to Hurghada. Travelata is now selling tours through Cairo. I think that in terms of food, everyone will find what they need in the hotel restaurant. And regarding the program for your husband, give him a snorkel and scuba gear and let him watch the fish while you are on excursions with your daughter :)


    We want to go on holiday with the whole family during the May holidays. My daughter and I love excursions; we eat vegetarian food, but my husband, on the contrary, loves to eat delicious food and does not like excursions. He enjoys swimming and lying in the sun. We have already been to Turkey more than once, we want something new. I read it in an article about Jordan. My daughter and I will definitely be interested, especially since my daughter is simply “raving” about Egypt, but for now we don’t dare to fly there. Is a holiday in this place suitable for us, given our needs?

    I want to go to Thailand, preferably Samui, for two weeks. I will go with my 4 year old daughter. It is clear that there will be some difficulties when traveling with a child, but I am more interested in the following questions:

    1. What local food can you give your child without fear?

    2. I heard that you can hire a nanny for your child, either from the locals, or you can already find a Russian-speaking nanny. How and where to look for them?

    3. What entertainment is there for a 4-year-old child?


    It is better not to fly to Goa with a child, either in May or in any other month. This destination is absolutely not suitable for families with small children: very few good hotels, unusual food, sacred cows walking along the beach and streets... In general, it’s better not to fly there with a child :) And you shouldn’t wait for special offers. If the child is already two years old, then he needs a separate ticket with his own seat... it costs a little less than a full ticket, but not much. Some special offers can only be provided by the hotel. But the main cost of a tour to exotic countries is flight + transfer.

    I’ve been dreaming of visiting Spain for a long time and now I’m even more eager, but what to do with a Schengen visa? Are there any problems getting it now? Is it possible to get it done before the end of April? And are there places with similar climate and nature to Spain, but with a visa-free regime?



    I have a question: many people go on vacation to the sea or to countries rich in landscapes, but there are “abnormal” people like me who want to go on excursions to national parks, huge forests or other places rich in plants and nature where we is it worth going? I have been to Kislovodsk. The mountains there, the park, with its incredible forests, amazed me. Where can I find something like this?

May is the best month to start traveling and vacationing!

Where to go in May?

The extended May holidays in Russia give the majority of the country's residents the opportunity to relax and travel. Combining the May holidays with vacations, you get a long calendar base for implementing your plans.

Gone are the days when the slogan “Peace. Work. May" attracted huge demonstrations! The trend these days is that on the May holidays, most Russians go on beach holidays or sightseeing tours around the world! We must not forget about the most traditional ways of spending the May holidays in Russia: a trip to the village (dacha) to dig up and plant a vegetable garden; get out into nature for a barbecue; attend city festivities and see festive fireworks! Where to go in May? - this is a question that especially independent travelers should think about. Experiences are the engine of the tourism industry. Prepare in advance for a beach vacation at sea - the main adventure of the year! Optimism is an important key to holiday success in May.

A beach holiday in May is a golden mean, excellent value for money at European resorts, which happily open the hospitable doors of hotels, shops and restaurants for long-awaited tourists. In May, the weather at the resorts is pleasant with sunny days, lush vegetation, clear water and sea air. The bulk of tourists are still ahead, the staff of the tourism industry is full of strength and positivity, prices for many tourist destinations for charter flights are pleasingly discounted. Starting summer with the last month of spring is a tempting opportunity that you can’t refuse!

A beach holiday in May is the beginning of the season for many European countries and comfortable conditions for countries with a year-round beach focus. So where to go in May for a beach holiday? For convenience, we will group countries by category:

Visa-free countries: Türkiye, , , , Egypt, Cuba, Vietnam, Mauritius, Morocco.
Visa countries: Greece, Cyprus, Spain, Italy, Malta, Costa Rica.

In May, it is best to combine sunbathing on the beach with sightseeing in Italy, Spain, Greece, Turkey, and Cyprus.

And for a full-fledged beach holiday in May with swimming in the warm sea, you should go to Egypt, the UAE, Singapore, Israel, Mauritius, the northern region of Vietnam, Indonesia (Bali).

River, sea and around the world cruises

May is an ideal month for sea travel. In May, spring fully established itself throughout Europe, painting nature in bright colors, filling the air with the aroma of flowers and freshness.

They offer a comfortable journey across countries, exploring unique cities combined with incredible landscapes and legendary castles and fortresses. The most popular river routes for exploring Europe go along the rivers: Danube, Rhine, Main, Moselle, Vltava, Loire, and the European Rhine-Main-Danube Canal. River cruises in Europe cover countries such as Germany, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, Switzerland, France, the Czech Republic and many others.

Sea and round-the-world cruises are larger trips across the seas and oceans of planet Earth. There is a huge selection of routes in May:

  • London - Monte Carlo;
  • Hong Kong - Singapore;
  • St. Petersburg – Helsinki – Stockholm – Tallinn;
  • Italy – Greece – Croatia;
  • Italy – Spain – Monaco;
  • Netherlands – Norway – UK;
  • Around the world cruise Australia – Italy.

These and many other sea tours will change your world forever!

Holidays in Russia in May

The May holidays in Russia mean a huge selection of cities, routes, and attractions. Visiting new regions of the vast Motherland is a tempting alternative to everyday life! River cruises on the Volga remain one of the popular destinations.

The legendary cities of Russia are not inferior in popularity: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Veliky Novgorod.
Nature lovers should go to Baikal, Krasnodar and Primorsky Territories.

Sanatorium holidays in May

Medical and health centers are ready for the new season in May. All resorts, depending on their healing focus, treat different diseases. Therefore, it is worth choosing from the necessary countries the option that suits you. The leading resorts in the medical and health segment are the following countries: Hungary, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Italy, Russia, Egypt, Tunisia.

Czech - , .
Türkiye – Pammukkale.
Poland – Ciechocinek, Krynica, Kolobrzeg.
Croatia – Ivanic Grad, Tuchelske Toplice, Varazdinske Toplice.
Slovakia – Piestany, Aphrodite Rajecke Teplice, Sliac, Bardejovske Kupel.
Austria - hot radon springs in the resort of Bad Tatzmanndorf, Baden, Bad Gastein, Lengenfeld.
Germany – Baden-Baden, Wiesbaden, Bad Reichenhall.

Russia is the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus (from Anapa to the regions of Greater Sochi) and the Black Sea coast of the entire Crimean peninsula with its world-famous health resorts, the Greater Yalta region, the cities of Kerch and Sevastopol. Sanatoriums, boarding houses and new hotel complexes in the Sochi resort give rise to certain geometric shapes that are reflected in the Black Sea as if in a mirror. They extend in a chain to the Psou River and the border with Abkhazia. The “Arboretum” in the center of Sochi gives tourists an acquaintance with lush subtropical vegetation from all over the world and the sophistication of the architectural decoration of the natural park.

The choice of resorts where you can go on holiday in May is not limited to Egypt, Turkey and Thailand. After all, this month marks the beginning of the beach season in Mediterranean resorts; the weather is also warm and comfortable in Vietnam, the Dominican Republic, the UAE, Israel, the Caribbean countries and the Indian Ocean islands.

Weather in May at Mediterranean resorts

The tourist season begins in Cyprus in May. At the beginning of the month it sometimes rains, but this does not interfere with beach holidays, since the air warms up to +23...+28 °C during the day. And the water in the Mediterranean Sea warms up to +20 °C. The warmest weather is in Nicosia and Kyrenia.

The average daytime temperature is +23 °C. The sea water off the coast warms up to +19…+20 °C. There is usually no heavy rain in Crete this month. Precipitation is possible only in mountainous areas. And in the coastal zone this month there are no more than two rainy days.

In the coastal cities of mainland Spain, the air warms up to +22...+24 °C, and in the central part of the country the daytime temperature reaches +26 °C. It's getting warmer in the Balearic Islands too. Palma de Mallorca and Menorca are great for excursion holidays this month, and the beach season begins on the islands at the end of May.

On the Mediterranean coast of Tunisia in May there is still no sultry heat. During the day, the air warms up to +21…+25 °C, and the water in the sea reaches +22 °C. The warmest weather is on the island of Djerba, located in the southern part of Tunisia.

Weather in May in Vietnam

In central Vietnam there is no rainfall in May and the weather is quite hot. In Da Nang, Hue, and Hoi An, the average daytime temperature is +31 °C. The sea water warms up to +27 °C.

In the southern part of Vietnam, as in the north, this month is quite hot but rainy. In Vung Tau and Ho Chi Minh City the rainy season is just beginning, so rainfall is moderate. In the northern part of the country there are 6-8 rainy days this month.

Weather in May on the Indian Ocean islands

It is never cold on these islands. However, in subtropical latitudes, strong winds and tropical downpours are sometimes possible. In May you can go to Mauritius, since this month the island does not have tropical heat and a lot of rainfall. Daytime air temperature in Mauritius is +27 °C.

In the Seychelles in May the weather is also quite comfortable. The air warms up to +29…+31 °C. It is also worth noting that May is one of the sunniest months in the Seychelles.

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