Maldives in the rainy season reviews. Where is the best place to relax in the Maldives - tips for tourists. Maldives: holiday season by month When is the best time to holiday in the Maldives

The Maldives are rightfully considered the most valuable tourist wealth of the Indian Ocean. They are able to win the heart even from a bird's eye view, which can often be observed among passengers flying over the ocean. Every active tourist dreams of relaxing on these islands in one way or another, so when the desire begins to come true, it is very important to determine when is the best time to go to the Maldives in order to spend a vacation there as interesting as possible, and at the same time safer and more comfortable.


For many, the main factor influencing the decision when it is best to vacation in the Maldives is the weather conditions of a particular month. The climate here is tropical, which would be more correctly called subequatorial, with the predominant influence of two opposing monsoons. If we convey the same idea in simpler words, we can say that the weather in the Maldives does not change significantly all year round, that is, you cannot find a more convenient climate for a beach holiday on the islands.

The average temperature ranges from +24 to +31 degrees both day and night. Such temperature fluctuations are practically not felt by tourists from temperate latitudes, like you and me. Therefore, when thinking about what time of year it is warmer or cooler on the islands, keep in mind that it will be almost impossible to feel the difference.

Nevertheless, the concept of seasonality is present here, since the climate, in addition to the proximity of the equator, is influenced by the Iruvai (dry, moving from the northeast) and Hulhangu (wet, bringing rain from the southwest) monsoons. It is thanks to the action of these two air masses on the islands that tropical summer (rainy) gives way to tropical winter (dry). There are no other seasons here.

Auspicious season

The tourist season in the Maldives traditionally coincides with the tropical winter, which begins in December and lasts until April (official dates are from December 10 to April 7). At this time, the islands are flooded with vacationers who escape here from the harsh frosty everyday life of the continental winter. If you are planning to travel to the Maldives during this time, then it is best to prepare in advance, preferably several months before the start of the season.

The dry season is so popular not so much because of the lack of rain, but because of the low humidity and calm seas. Calm weather and milder temperatures give a beautiful, safe tan to those who come here to sleep on the beaches. Connoisseurs of underwater beauty also tend to go to the islands during these months to enjoy diving in the quiet, transparent ocean, the depths of which are illuminated by the bright sun.

Rain season

The wet season begins in mid-April and ends around the end of November. According to official data, the rainy season in the Maldives lasts from April 8 to December 9. It is much more profitable to relax here at this time; It will be cheaper to rent a house and fly by plane. As for the rains, they are very easily tolerated, since they are very different from the protracted gloomy gray everyday life that comes during rainy periods in temperate latitudes.

The rainy season in the Maldives is a time of lush flowering of tropical vegetation, refreshing sea breezes and rapidly pouring downpours, which, due to their abundance, end within an hour, after which the sun appears again among the clouds. Within a few minutes after the rain, the beaches dry up and are again ready to delight vacationers with their soft sands.

The only difficulty may be high humidity, which is difficult for older people to tolerate. What month can you really suffer from heavy rainfall is July, during which the islands are covered with heavy clouds and the rains turn into real storms.

Perfect time

If we briefly summarize the above facts, we can conclude when is the best time to go to the Maldives:

  • It is ideal to plan a beach holiday for December or January, since there is no rain, the sky is clear, the sea is calm, the air is dry and not hot, but you will have to pay a lot for such pleasures, since this is the peak influx of vacationers;
  • surfing enthusiasts should plan a trip to the Maldives during the transition periods between the monsoons, when one season gives way to another - it is at this time that the wind and waves are the strongest; this weather prevails here in April, mid-November and March;
  • more favorable months for a beach holiday during the tropical summer are September and November, when rains do not cause much trouble (they fall rarely, usually at night);
  • the cheapest times during the dry season are February and March;
  • the most favorable period for vacation is July and August, but the weather is not very favorable at this time; The best affordable option is a holiday in May or June.

This is an unusual state, a quiet exotic fairy tale. Lagoons and snow-white satin sand await tourists here on 1,192 coral islets of the archipelago in the equatorial Indian Ocean. When is it worth going to the Maldives for a beach holiday, diving and surfing?

The equator passes near the atolls, which means that the climate is even and tropical. Here throughout the year the temperature remains approximately the same, with minor fluctuations of a couple of degrees, on average from 26 to 30 degrees Celsius. And yet, there is summer in the Maldives.

The most popular time for a holiday in the Maldives lasts from the end to mid-April. This is the time when the winter northeast monsoon comes here, which removes the humidity and gives clear, sunny days. That's why these months are called the dry season. During this period, it is +28–30°C on land and almost the same in water: +26–28°C.

What does a tourist get by purchasing a ticket during this period, which is considered the best for a vacation on tropical islands? Excellent diving with comfortable water temperatures for diving. At a depth of up to 40 m - 27°C. It is impossible to cool down anywhere except in the room for the same reason. If you can handle the heat well and are willing to pay a significant amount for a tour during the high season, then winter is the time to go to the Maldives.

Low season or how to relax comfortably and inexpensively

The southwest monsoon in the Maldives blows from late April to November. This is not the most popular time when travel prices drop. A definite plus for tourists, because the weather continues to be favorable. Heavy rains, if they happen, end quickly. The sand is immediately dried by the bright rays of the sun. During this part of the year, daytime temperatures only drop a couple of degrees, but the humidity rises significantly.

European summer is the best time for beach lovers; they will be pleased with both the weather and prices. At the same time, people go to the Maldives for surfing. From June to September, the ocean experiences stable, even waves of up to 2.5 meters. Sailing and all kinds of water sports can be practiced on the islands all year round. But it’s still better not to do this in June and July. These months have the highest chance of storms.

Islands and local calendar

In order to decide when to go on vacation to the Maldives, you should decide on the island in advance. Each of the existing ones has its own focus. For example, you chose Kuredda, and the main entertainment there is . This means there is nothing to do there from April to November. At this time, it is better to head to where the emphasis is on surfing - to the northern Male Atoll.

An interesting way to choose the best season in the Maldives is the ancient calendar. Local residents compiled it based on their observations of the stars and weather changes. They divided the whole year into periods of 13–14 days, which are called “nikayas”. Some tourists note that the closer the island is to the equator, the more accurate the forecast.

Here is the calendar itself:

So, you can go to the Maldives whenever you want. The peak season also occurs in the European winter. During this period, the islands are dry, but prices are very high. In the summer months it is warm here, you can sunbathe and swim comfortably, the sea is amazingly clear. The rains are not prolonged and very beautiful. In addition, the reasonable price of the trip can make this period the best for relaxation.

The weather in the Maldives is always smooth regardless of the time of year. It is always warm here and the bright sun shines. Despite this, the rainy season has not been cancelled. Therefore, in order not to spoil your vacation, before purchasing tickets, you need to take into account that weather conditions may differ depending on the time of year. Maldives: the best weather to go to relax.

Climate on the islands

The Maldives are located in the middle of the Indian Ocean near the equator. It is for this reason that storms and hurricanes rarely appear here.

Features of climatic conditions:

    the average air temperature is +28 degrees, during the day it can reach up to +34, and at night +25;

    annual precipitation 2500 mm;

    water temperature varies from +24 to +27 degrees;

    The climate is mainly subequatorial, monsoon.

In the Maldives, the climate is divided into 2 monsoons, different from each other:

    Iruwai is characterized by calm, calm weather and low humidity. Appears at the end of autumn and ends in the first months of spring.

    Hulgadu - it starts to rain, strong wind. In this weather, the ocean begins to rage. Begins in late spring and continues until mid-autumn.

Despite the island's location near the equator, there is no stifling heat here, as the ocean provides a cooling influence. No sharp changes in temperature are observed.

What is the weather like in the Maldives?

Weather conditions in the Maldives vary depending on the month. Let's consider the temperature regime, possible precipitation or rain:

    January. The weather is sunny and calm, allowing tourists to enjoy beach holidays and water sports. Rain is possible, but not more than 4 days. The calm ocean allows you to thoroughly study the inhabitants of the deep sea.

    February. The water is clear. The climate is the driest. This month you can safely go for walks by the sea.

    March. Northeast winds appear, but the air temperature during the day reaches +31, in the evening and at night +26, and the water warms up to +29 degrees. Increased wind gusts, storms and cloudy weather are possible.

    April. The weather is hot outside. The air warms up to +33 during the day, and in the evening the thermometer does not drop below +25 degrees. In addition to warm weather, rainy weather is possible up to 2 times a day. As a rule, they are frequent and abundant. It is for this reason that the price of tours is much lower.

    May. There is a change in the wind. Weather conditions are constantly changing, in a word, nature begins to show its “character”. At this time, the sky becomes cloudy, the ocean is stormy, and air humidity increases, giving signals that the rainy season is coming. The unpredictability of weather conditions discourages tourists from visiting the island in the last month of spring.

    June. Wind gusts are increasing and showers are observed. The air remains warm. During the day the thermometer shows +32, and at night +25. Despite the heavy downpours, the water in the ocean is surprisingly warm and very pleasant. Sometimes the weather on the island can be different. For example, cloudy weather persists most of the time, and in addition there are heavy rains and thunderstorms. The ocean is restless, so visitors to the resort try to spend most of their time on the hotel premises, visiting salons, massage rooms, swimming pools, sports grounds for active games and gyms with exercise equipment.

    July. The wind pores become quiet, but the showers continue.

    August. The weather conditions are getting much better. Precipitation decreases and rain becomes short-lived.

    September. Precipitation falls at night, and during the day you can safely engage in active and sports activities.

    October. The weather is warm but rainy. Unfavorable days are up to 15 per month. The rains are intense and prolonged. The water in the ocean is cloudy and oversaturated with plankton.

    November. Suitable conditions for rest are coming. Now there are no heavy and prolonged rainfalls. The sun delights with its presence more and more often, thereby reducing excessive air humidity.

    December. The weather is warm, a little humid - this applies to the first half of the month). There are fewer and fewer cloudy days, but the ocean is a little wild. In the middle of the month the weather returns to normal, becoming dry and sunny, which is perfect for relaxing on the beach and swimming.

Before going on vacation, it is considered especially important to pay attention to the climatic conditions depending on the selected month. Suddenly the weather at the resort is not suitable, which will ruin your mood and your vacation as a whole.

December is considered a cool month, but active festivities begin here. A visit to the islands this month is perfect for gourmets. At this time, chefs of famous restaurants prepare interesting, unusual seafood dishes. December is a festive time for local residents and tourists, where entertaining parties and unusual events prevail the most.

When to go on holiday to the Maldives

During the high season, pleasant weather conditions remain on the islands, which is why most tourists tend to visit the resort from late October to mid-April. The weather here is not too hot, making it perfect for relaxing on the beach. Additionally, vacationers are offered diving, excursions, cruise trips for lovers, as well as an introduction to the national cuisine of the island. Let's consider what time it is recommended to visit the islands depending on the type of vacation.

Windsurfing lessons

The presence of winds in the Maldives makes the island original. Here you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also use active sports as entertainment. Windsurfing, surfing, and kitesurfing are considered popular on the islands. Recommended time: February, May, September, October.

Beach and sea

The Maldives beach helps tourists completely relax on the coast with white sand, which is washed by the clearest and azure water of the ocean. Walking along the beach you can see beautiful palm trees with coconuts. You can relax on the beach all year round, but the most successful period is December-April. While in other parts of the Earth people are freezing, the island of the Maldives has heavenly conditions - warm, dry, comfortable and convenient for every person.

The coast of the Maldives is considered a great place for a beach and active holiday. The area visited by tourists is constantly cleaned. Therefore, it is difficult to see the dirty beach or water here.

Excursions for tourists

The main attraction of the Maldives is the underwater world of the island. For active recreation, tourists are offered excursions to a coral reef, a helicopter flight, and a picnic on uninhabited islands. Here you can even feed sharks and dolphins in the reserves, but under the supervision of an experienced instructor.

The Maldives is a romantic place on Earth. This is where newlyweds and couples in love try to come for a symbolic wedding ceremony. The most favorable time is December, January, February, March.


Some tourists come here to fish. You will get a good catch if you go to the islands from September to May. There are many different types of fish in the ocean. For fishing you will need to rent a yacht.

Important! Shore fishing or spearfishing is prohibited on the island.

Beautiful weather and a variety of hobbies make tourists’ holidays interesting and exciting. And if you arrive correctly, then there will be no problems with spending time.

Cruise travel

Multi-day trips on yachts from one island to another are especially popular. During the journey, the ships stop, offering tourists to sunbathe and swim. This entertainment is available all year round, with the exception of days when the weather is cloudy or a storm is expected.

Festive atmosphere on the island

In the Maldives you can not only sunbathe and swim, but also take part in events held on the island. If you want to see how local residents prepare for the holidays and spend them, then you need to turn to the Muslim calendar. Having adjusted to it, choose the date of the tour. Almost all year round, residents from time to time organize noisy celebrations with dancing and catchy songs. There are also holidays that require sacrifice. The most popular holidays among tourists are Christmas and New Year.

Animals, plants in the Maldives as a result of special weather conditions

A surprising thing for tourists is the absence of dogs on the island. Pets are prohibited here. No man will meet pigs. It is rare to see cats, cows, goats and poultry used for meat.

In the Maldives, in principle, there are very few animals, even wild ones. On the island, vacationers can meet large snails, hermit crabs, rats living on palm trees, flying foxes, and small lizards.

There is no one else on land. It’s nice to know that there are no dangerous, poisonous animals on the island. The airspace here is considered busier. Mostly birds come for the season. A person can see 100 species of birds here.

Despite the scarce terrestrial fauna, the underwater one is considered more rich and diverse. Among them, whale sharks are often found, listed in the Red Book as an endangered species. As well as other representatives of marine fauna - flying fish, huge sea turtles, clown fish.

The coral reefs are especially beautiful. Their location is observed around the island. In the Maldives, scientists have discovered 200 species, allowing tourists to spend more time observing the aquatic beauty.

The soil on the island is poor, but despite this, many plants grow in the Maldives. Palm trees with bananas and coconuts, various shrubs and the most unusual mangrove trees are considered common.

Agricultural and ornamental plant species were imported by people specifically to improve the territory of the resort, as well as to use them in food. It is for this reason that in the Maldives you can find roses, hibiscus, lime, mango, pineapple, and watermelon.

How does the cost of a trip depend on weather conditions?

Before you start planning your vacation, it is worth considering that during the high season (winter), when the weather on the island is beautiful, tourists begin to flock to the Maldives from all countries. The price of a trip and accommodation is much higher than in the rainy season (spring-summer). Those who want to celebrate the New Year in the Maldives or spend the Christmas holidays with their family are advised to book hotels in advance (6-8 months in advance). It is at this time that room rates are low, which results in good savings and a wonderful holiday atmosphere.

This also applies to air tickets. It is for this reason that it is recommended to make plans as early as possible in order to spend the New Year holidays in an unusual, warm atmosphere.

In the hotels of the island, all services are provided on an “All inclusive” plan, which simplifies the vacation of tourists and does not put much strain on the wallet. Seeing the popularity of the resort, local residents built small hotel-type villas and 3* hotels. The approximate price for accommodation is from $60 to $80 excluding taxes.

From all of the above I would like to draw a conclusion. The high tourist season is characterized by cloudless skies, calm seas, good periods for swimming and diving, and high holiday costs. If you are in normal financial condition, it is recommended to go to the Maldives in winter, in the first half of spring.

From May to September, the weather on the island becomes capricious, as it begins to rain, stuffiness, a little restless sea and affordable prices for holidays. The golden time in terms of weather and price is considered to be the off-season, namely from September to October or from April to May. During this period, tourists will only need to bask in the sun and swim in the quiet and calm ocean. As a result, your vacation will be remembered for a long time.

A holiday in the Maldives will seem like a real paradise for every tourist. It is a mistake to think that only rich people can afford this vacation spot. If you take advantage of last-minute offers or go on an independent trip, you can have an inexpensive vacation. We will tell you when it is more profitable to go to the Maldives, and what tourists need to know. But remember, a bungalow with a thatched roof, standing right on the water, is not a budget holiday. For such an overnight stay you will be asked for at least $400 per night. But don’t despair; the resort has plenty of options for excellent and cheap accommodation.

Buying inexpensive air tickets

Air travel is considered the most expensive part of a holiday in the Maldives. But even now tickets are not so expensive. A few years ago, you could buy tickets for at least $1,000. Currently the cost has dropped significantly. All this is due to the fact that new low-cost airlines have appeared.

Often the website offers inexpensive tickets. For example, from Moscow to the Maldives the cost of a flight starts from 22 thousand rubles. Remember that direct flights always cost more. Therefore, if you want to save money, choose a flight with one or two transfers in Europe.

Also, as a rule, tickets are expensive immediately before departure or during the season. You should plan your trip as early as possible and book a ticket at an inexpensive price. Prices can change several times a day, it is best to subscribe to updates so as not to miss the best offer.

Choosing a Budget Hotel

There are many luxury and comfortable hotels in the Maldives, but budget accommodation is not at all difficult to find. With the help of such large services as Booking and Agoda, you can find and book a suitable hotel not only in the Maldives, but also in all resorts in the world.

You can also use the hotel search engine Room Guru, where there are often great deals. The most important thing is to book the hotel in advance, then the cost will be several times cheaper. If you go on a trip during the low tourist season, then accommodation will be much cheaper and you can save up to 30%.

If you do not want to limit yourself in moving around the Maldives, and want to know how the locals live, then use the Airbnb service. Here you can rent housing from local residents, and it will cost less than a hotel room.

On this service, housing can not only be rented, but also rented out. Often, housing is rented out by tourists themselves, with whom you can negotiate directly on the website. In any case, they will always advise you on a profitable option.

When is the best time to go to the Maldives?

It is not always profitable to vacation in the Maldives, and there are seasons when vacations are unrealistically expensive. Therefore, you should know when to go to the paradise islands. The resort is located in the subequatorial zone, so the weather here is almost always conducive to a good holiday. The air and water temperatures range from +24 to +31 all year round, so swimming in the sea is comfortable both in summer and winter.

Holidays can only be affected by the rainy season, which lasts six months. It starts in May and ends only in autumn. This time is considered the low tourist season, when the resort does not have a huge number of vacationers, and prices for everything fall. Accordingly, having decided to save money on your vacation, you can go to the Maldives at this time of year. But you should not think that it rains constantly here during this time. During the low tourist season, warm sunny weather also persists, but it can suddenly change for half an hour or an hour to heavy rain with thunderstorms and gusts of wind. So you can sunbathe on the beach without any problems. In addition, rain usually occurs in the afternoon and late afternoon.

The most expensive time for vacation is the period from November to April. At this time, the Maldives experiences a large influx of tourists, hotels are occupied, and prices jump several times.

Budget tours to the Maldives

Sometimes tour operators offer big discounts on holidays in the Maldives, but this often happens during the low season. But you can catch a hot offer at the height of the season. Therefore, you should actively monitor changes in travel prices. It is worth noting that group tours to the Maldives are cheaper. Also, housing and food will be cheaper for a whole group of people. If you are going on vacation with families or a group of friends, you can split the costs for everyone and rent an excellent villa on the coast.

In most cases, travel agencies offer inexpensive tours to hotels such as:

    Sun Island Resort & SPA (4 stars).

    Malahini Kuda Bandos Resort (4 stars).

    Royal Island Resort & SPA (5 stars).

In some cases, travel agencies add other hotels to this list.

Independent trip

Another option for an inexpensive holiday in the Maldives is to go on a trip on your own without the services of a tour operator. Plan your vacation in advance and purchase discounted tickets as early as possible. The closer to departure, the more expensive the flight will cost.

Which island to choose

When traveling on your own, you need to choose in advance the most suitable island in the Maldives for your holiday. Male is the capital and there are many atolls around where you can spend your holidays. The most inexpensive transport to these small islands is a ferry. It is somewhat more expensive to get there by speedboat, which costs about $50.

Remember that accommodation on local islands is cheaper than on resort islands. Therefore, to save money, you should choose the first option. If you arrive in the Maldives late at night, you should pay attention to Hulumala. The place is located just 2 kilometers from the capital.

If you decide to relax, alone with nature and without a large number of vacationers, choose Fekhenda. This is a sparsely populated island, where there are also few hotels, so you need to book a room as early as possible.

Having chosen cheap flights, you will in any case arrive in Male at night, so here too you need to book a hotel for the night so as not to be left without an overnight stay. In the morning you can take a ferry to the desired island on a budget.

Medical insurance

Many budget tourists are extremely concerned about the issue of purchasing Health Insurance. No one is immune from serious sudden illnesses, so it is important to purchase insurance. If you are going to relax in the Maldives, be sure to spend 1500-2000 rubles on purchasing an insurance policy.

Please note that you need to choose a reliable insurer who will cover all or at least part of the treatment. It is also important to know that you will have to get to the hospital by yacht or private jet, which will not be cheap. And you will have to pay for transportation immediately, and only after some time the insurance company will compensate you for this amount.

Inexpensive food

When choosing budget tours, the price often includes breakfast. But if meals are not included, then in the Maldives you can find many inexpensive cafes where you will be offered a snack of Maldivian cuisine. Basically, they are all prepared from seafood, and fresh ones.

You can also have a snack with inexpensive sandwiches, the cost of which does not exceed $3. You can drink coffee for about $1.50.

If you are staying in private accommodation and have the opportunity to cook in the kitchen, be sure to purchase fresh fish from local fishermen. This way you can save money and have a delicious lunch.

Buying inexpensive souvenirs

Of course, it would be a shame to return from such a paradise without souvenirs. But you need to know where you can buy such things inexpensively. There are many souvenir shops in Male, as well as at the airport, but the prices here are very high. You can buy things very cheaply at local markets, but it is important to know how to bargain. Thus, you can save even up to 80% on your purchase.

The Maldives is a Muslim state. Therefore, it is unusual for Europeans here, since shops close several times a day to pray.

It is necessary to bargain, otherwise purchases will be expensive. And remember that knowledge of English for traveling is mandatory, at least at a basic level. Few people speak Russian here, and mostly only the staff of some hotels working with expensive travel agencies.

If you don’t know what to buy as a souvenir in the Maldives, you should pay attention to the following things:

    Small models of dhoni boats, which are very popular on the islands.

    Cotton tunic.

    Maldivian tea.

    Wood products coated with varnish.

    Jewelry from local artisans.

    Water hookahs.

    Braided mat.

    An unusual photo album made from palm leaves.

This is just a short list of things that can be purchased at the market from local merchants as souvenirs.

What you need to know

When going on vacation to the Maldives, you should know some facts, many of which will be unusual for European tourists.

    The Maldives has a Muslim religion.

    Pork and alcohol are not allowed (there are exceptions only in some hotels).

    A visa to the Maldives is not required if you plan to vacation for less than 30 days.

    To travel, you need a valid passport, a travel voucher, a return ticket, and an adequate supply of money.

    There may be problems with Internet access, since Wi-Fi is not available everywhere.

    The islands have a humid climate.

    It's summer all year round, the air temperature never drops below +24 degrees Celsius.

Now you know how to have an inexpensive holiday in the Maldives. The most budget trip for two weeks with some excursions, hotel, meals and flights will cost about 95 thousand rubles.

Pleasant beach relaxation can only be hindered by the monsoons, which bring rain, wind and high waves. But in the period from December to April the probability of meeting them tends to zero. Snow-white beaches with hammocks and coconut palms and calm, peaceful blue lagoons await you.

Summers are very hot, but there are short tropical showers lasting a few hours. In autumn, rains and storms gradually decline and end by November. Sometimes the ocean is already stormy in May, but in March dry and sunny weather prevails.

When to go to Maldivian beaches with children? Vacation with children

The Maldives climate is quite stable and comfortable for a family vacation. You don’t have to worry about when the season is for a beach holiday with children in the Maldives. Feel free to fly from December to March. And if you are not afraid of bad weather and are looking for trips at pleasant discounts, wait until the low season, as there will be fewer people.

Where are the best beaches in the Maldives? Beaches in the Maldives

Almost every major Maldivian island has its own resorts, hotels and beaches. To choose, focus on the purpose of your trip. Perhaps you want to combine beach leisure with a SPA holiday, enjoy diving or spend time together on a romantic trip?

Interested in big islands? Pay attention to Male, Gan, Hitada, Feida and Marada. Looking for the best house reefs? The beaches of South and North Male, Baa, Thaa, Haa Alifa are at your disposal. Here you will find both elite resorts with the “” system and quite affordable programs.

What to take with you on vacation? Holidays in the Maldives

Have you already decided when is the season for a beach holiday in the Maldives? Now it's time to decide what to take with you.

You will need:

  • A waterproof bag or organizer to stash your phone, wallet and documents;
  • Beach bag for things;
  • Before and after tanning products;
  • Cosmetics with a high level of ultraviolet protection;
  • Hat and sunglasses;
  • Tropical insect repellent;
  • Fins, mask, diving equipment;
  • Beach mat, towel and other small items at your discretion.

Do not forget that the Maldivian beaches are of coral origin. That is why they are so beautiful and snow-white. Although walking on them is quite comfortable, the risk of injury remains. To avoid worry, take special slippers or sandals with thick soles.

What else to read