Mandala to attract mutual love. Mandala for coloring antistress, health, attraction of love, money, fulfillment of desires, weight loss, harmonization of space, from loneliness, for forgiveness, for conception, protective: photo

Many have heard about the miraculous effects of mandalas, which provide assistance in various areas of life and help attract love, money, good luck. This article will discuss how to attract love.

The "magic" ritual must be performed in complete solitude, preferably in the evening. It is recommended to light candles of red or Pink colour and pick up a few crayons in a pink and red color scheme. Choose the mandala you like and print it on the printer. There are many varieties of mandalas that are easy to find on the Internet. You can also purchase printed editions with a selection of mandalas in bookstores.

We bring to your attention several options for mandalas that help you meet your "half". Play slow, relaxing music to set the mood. Imagine that with each breath love comes closer to you more and more. As you exhale, mentally share your love with the world around you. Try to focus on this process and drive away all other thoughts from yourself. It is necessary to concentrate your attention on breathing, image and on your own feelings.

The implementation of this technique helps to "catch" the wave of love and tune in to it. In the event that you already have a life partner, coloring and contemplating the mandala will help strengthen your relationship, bring even more harmony, mutual understanding, romance and trust into them. Considering this color combination helps to immerse yourself in the world of emotions and feelings, joy and pleasure.

To attract love with the help of this exercise, any day of the year is suitable, the main thing is that there is an appropriate mood and desire. Start creating own mandala love right now and will appear very soon loving person and your life will be filled with this wonderful and warm feeling. Love and be loved and be sure to share this article on social networks!

February 14 is coming soon, and if you don't have a soul mate yet, it doesn't mean that you shouldn't celebrate this holiday. On this day, love is even in the air, so let's use it and do some magic!

On the evening of February 14, retire, try so that no one bothers you. Ideally, light red or pink candles, but you can do without them. Prepare a few rose-red crayons in advance, and also print out a mandala that you will color in. You can choose any version of the mandala - now special albums are sold in bookstores, and they can also be downloaded on the Internet. For those who do not want to search for a long time, we ourselves have selected three options for mandalas that are most suitable for attracting love.

Click on the picture to enlarge

Turn on some nice, slow music, try to relax and start coloring your mandala. Imagine that with each breath you inhale love into yourself, and when you exhale, give it to the whole world, as if enveloping it with your love. If you have extraneous thoughts, try to drive them away, concentrate only on your drawing, breathing, receiving and giving love.

This exercise will help you tune in to the wave of love and harmony. Even if you have a soul mate, coloring the mandala will help you make the relationship even more trusting and romantic.

February 14th is a very good time for this exercise, but it effectively attracts love on other days, so if you can't do it on Valentine's Day, don't be discouraged, just reschedule it to any day that suits you.
I wish you all find your love!

Most people are used to living according to the principle of least resistance, getting from life only what it gives them. But it is quite possible to change your reality in better side, program yourself for happiness, love, success and health. Mandalas, sacred symbols that bring the desired closer, will help a lot with this. In this article we will talk about the mandala of love.

Mandala (in this word it is necessary to pronounce the emphasis on the first letter “a”) is a magical tool actively used by adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism. If this word is translated from Sanskrit, then it will mean “circle”, although there are also translation versions such as: wheel, cycle, ritual and prayer.

The mandala is a complex geometric pattern symbolizing the union of the macrocosm and the microcosm. In Buddhism, as well as Hinduism, the mandala is depicted as a sphere - the habitat of gods and buddhas. You can come across another name for the mandala "map of the cosmos" or a model of our universe, which allows you to better understand the surrounding reality.

The most popular mandala pattern is the outer circle, in which a smaller square fits. And in the latter, one more circle is often entered. Often the inner circle is divided into details, it can also be depicted as a lotus (divine flower, which in Eastern culture receive more attention).

This inner circle is a drawing of the sphere of dwelling of divine beings. The outer circle symbolizes the Universe, and the square in the middle orients in 4 directions of the world.

In the process of creating a mandala, each of its drawings is filled with the energy of the person performing this manipulation. Mandala images are found in most Buddhist and Hindu temples.

You may hear believers in the east refer to the mandala as "frozen prayer." This is due to the fact that it acts as an expression of the soul of a person when he creates this image.

How to decorate a mandala

It does not play a significant role for what purposes you create a mandala. It is important that you do it the right way. In any case, the sacred image will be multi-colored, so you will need to stock up on the necessary stationery:

  • pencils;
  • pens (ballpoint, gel, oil);
  • felt-tip pens;
  • paints;
  • liners (felt-tip pens with the thinnest tip from 0.1 mm);
  • rapidographs (pens with a special tube for ink).

Mandala of love and happiness

The mandala of love and relationships has a special meaning and energy. It is used in those cases when they want to attract this bright, sublime feeling into their lives. But also with its help it becomes possible to strengthen existing relationships.

The mandala of love is depicted as a sacred circle with certain symbols inside. Each of the symbolic drawings has a specific charge of energy. When you decorate a drawing, a special energy surge occurs, thanks to which it becomes possible to fulfill the desire of the person who creates it.

Symbolic signs and colors of the mandala of love

Mandalas are very diverse. Due to the existing variety of their options, it becomes possible to select a pattern for the realization of various desires in different areas life.

If love needs to be attracted to a woman, round patterns should be used. And for the representatives of the stronger sex, it is better to give preference to zigzag lines, triangles, rhombuses, creases.

  • Squares - are responsible for calmness, balance, fundamentality;
  • Flowers - symbolize a pure soul, tenderness, mutual attraction of partners to each other.

At the same time, the color variations of the drawings also differ, we will talk about them in more detail later.

As a rule, the choice of color should be made based on your individual preferences. But there is certain characteristics each color, namely:

  • if you want to attract tender love into your life, give preference to pastel, unobtrusive colors: pale pink, pale lilac, soft blue.
  • passionate love will be provided by the use of bright and saturated colors: red, crimson, purple and cherry, as well as orange and yellow. These are all colors of power that have the male Yang energy (responsible for aggression, excessive activity, seductiveness, sexuality that excites the mind). This is a type of active energy that helps you realize your inner potential. It also fills with cheerfulness, warmth, calls for active action.
  • in order to harmonize existing relationships in which discord is observed, they focus on confident colors, but not too flashy (blue, green, brown).
  • in order to significantly reduce the degree of anger and aggression in a relationship - give your preference to cold and calm color variations that successfully cope with the negative (gray, yellow, turquoise).

How does a mandala work to attract love

When you have established for yourself which of the varieties of love you want to attract into your life (or change your relationship with your loved one), you can take on the ritual itself.

The most suitable time for this will be the evening - it is at this time of day that it is recommended to plan or strengthen love relationships.

Morning, on the other hand, symbolizes a new beginning and allows you to attract a new feeling into your life. Half a day is characterized by stability, as well as the elimination of negativity in love relationships.

The work with the mandala is performed as follows:

  • you need to take the most comfortable position for you;
  • at the same time, there should be sufficient lighting in the room so that it is convenient for you to work with the mandala pattern;
  • in order to immerse yourself in the atmosphere of this action as much as possible, it is necessary to use aromatic oil;
  • a lit candle allows you to achieve a positive energy vibration, which is just necessary when attracting love;
  • you just need to put a mandala image next to you and peer into it;
  • at the same time, visualize the image of your loved one (if you have one), otherwise just imagine what kind of man you would like to attract into your life;
  • start decorating the pattern, starting from the central part and gradually moving towards the edge;
  • after a while, you will feel that your well-being has improved, you will feel that you are filled with positive, fresh energy.

The process of coloring the mandala according to inner sensations is very similar to meditation. Due to methodical movements, the train of thought is streamlined and the body is completely relaxed. Man is cleansed of negative energy, instead of it, love spells begin to act actively.

Mandala from loneliness: for marriage and love

The use of this type of mandala is a kind of “push” that a person needs to get enough courage to realize their plans.

Mandala for marriage helps to accumulate enough desired type energy and begin to radiate it into the surrounding space, this is especially important for the fair sex. With the help of a mandala from loneliness, a woman or girl will always feel confident in her feminine strength and attractiveness, and will also find the desired happiness in love in the very near future.

We invite you to view interesting video finally:

The mandala of love carries a special meaning and energy. It is used to attract love and strengthen existing relationships.

The mandala of love is a sacred circle, consisting of certain symbols that carry a charge of energy. Filling the picture with color entails a surge of energy and the fulfillment of the desires of the asker. To attract female love use round mandala patterns. For men, zigzag lines are preferred. The color of love energy is also varied.

Symbols and colors of the mandala pattern

Mandalas amaze with their variety. An endless variety of shapes and sizes allow you to choose a pattern for specific purposes and charge it for execution. cherished desire. The female energy in the mandala is positioned by round and oval lines. Male energy is triangles, rhombuses and all kinds of zigzags and creases. Squares carry the energy of calmness, balance, fundamentality. Flowers are a symbol of the purity of the soul, tenderness, attraction of souls to each other.

The colors of love are selected individually, according to associations. If these are tender feelings, then the colors will be pastel, translucent: pale pink, pale lilac, soft blue.

For passionate love choose bright, saturated colors: red, crimson, purple, cherry.

For harmony in relationships, confident colors are preferred, not flashy, but not pale either: blue, green, brown.

To suppress anger and aggression in a relationship, they choose cold and calm colors that neutralize the negative: gray, yellow, turquoise.

How does the mandala of love work?

Once you have decided what kind of love to attract or what to change in a relationship, proceed to the ritual. The evening is conducive to creation - at this time it is better to plan to strengthen existing relationships. Morning as a symbol of a new beginning helps to attract new love. Noon, with its stability, allows you to reduce negativity in a relationship.

Settle in for maximum comfort. There should be enough light so that the color of the future drawing is not distorted. For the greatest immersion in the atmosphere, use aromatic oil. Positive energy vibrations can also be achieved with the help of a lit candle, which will also help attract love. Put a mandala pattern in front of you and peer into it. Imagine your beloved (th) and whisper a love plot. Mentally imagine the image of a loved one and start painting the pattern from the center, moving towards the edges.

Over time, you will notice an improvement in well-being and an influx of fresh energy. Coloring a mandala feels similar to meditation practice. Methodical movements streamline the train of thought and relax. The negative leaves the body, takes its place love magic that is in the air. The finished drawing once again speak of love, mentioning the name of the person you are bewitching. Present the pattern to the one to whom it is intended, with the words: "Gift for you, happiness for me".

There are a huge number of Attraction of love > Love spells "> love conspiracies. To consolidate success, you can use one of them. Be careful and careful. You should not use magic where you can get by with charm and ingenuity. Love, be loved and happy. Good luck in all your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

10.11.2016 01:05

Love is a wonderful and bright feeling, but often it is she who delivers the greatest pain. In unrequited love, people come running...

Mandalas are signs that can concentrate energy. With their help, you can significantly improve various vital spheres. Some symbols will help single people find their soul mate. You can create a mandala different ways, for example, from stone, thread, but drawings on paper are most often used.

How to create a mandala to attract love?

First you need to decide on a specific goal, for which you will use a sacred sign, that is, decide for yourself which ones you want to build, for example, calm or filled with passion. You can use universal signs or create your own individual symbol, we’ll figure out how to do it now.

For work, you need to prepare a sheet of paper, compasses and multi-colored pencils and felt-tip pens. For love and happiness to work, you need to rely on your own feelings and use the existing rules.

What should be the picture will be prompted by intuition and your own feelings, the main thing is to remember that the picture should be symmetrical and enclosed in a circle.

The main symbols of the mandala of love to attract a loved one:

  1. The circle is a symbol of the female Yin energy. Provides drawing with such qualities: harmony, integrity, unity, sincerity and sensuality.
  2. The spiral is a symbol of movement, which indicates that everything is changing. A person can gain, lose and regain something.
  3. Shells are a symbol of secrecy and keeping secrets.
  4. Arrows and other images with sharp corners are a symbol masculine Yang energy. Such elements possess aggressive and active energy. They can also be used as a sign of defense and attack.
  5. Eyes and ovals are a symbol of " all-seeing eye". It is recommended to use it to create a mandala of harmony and love, as ovals give care, guardianship and security.
  6. Square, rhombus and polygon are a symbol of a solid foundation.

These are only the main symbols that are used in the creation of magical drawings.

mandala to attract true love and the partner should be not only correctly drawn, but also decorated.

Primary colors:

  • red, orange, yellow - active energy of movement, love and inner potential;
  • blue, purple, blue - calmness and balance;
  • green, turquoise - prompts action and leads to a breakdown (it all depends on the shade);
  • black, brown - used for restrictions or separations;
  • white is a universal color with a huge number of meanings.

If you don't want to draw then use universal schemes below and just color them in the right way. During this process, constantly think about love and feelings.

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