Semolina muffins with coconut flakes. Coconut Cake Recipes for Coconut Cupcakes

This tender and fragrant cake, baked in the oven, will delight lovers of coconut baking. It turns out extraordinary: the crispy crust and juicy crumb are tempting, and the rich creamy taste perfectly sets off the aftertaste of coconut. The coconut cake recipe uses only egg whites, which makes the cake airy and fluffy.

We will bake the cake with coconut flakes in the oven, and you will need a mold with a hole in the center. To be honest, I previously tried making this cake in a rectangular pan and in a round one without a hole - the cake always sagged in the center. And this happened not after, but during the baking process - that’s how capricious it is.

If you wish, you can slightly reduce the amount of granulated sugar in the recipe for this homemade cupcake, but I do not recommend this for those with a sweet tooth. Personally, for our family, the sweetness was in moderation (well, maybe a little sweeter than necessary, but that’s how we like it). The finished coconut cake weighs approximately 620 grams - this is a rather large pastry, but it disappears from the table in a matter of hours.


Cooking the dish step by step with photos:

Immediately turn on the oven to warm up - 180 degrees. We take a bowl, which must be washed and dried thoroughly in advance. I also advise you to degrease it with lemon juice, and then wipe it thoroughly dry again. Pour in the cold egg whites and begin beating with a mixer at low speed, gradually increasing the speed to medium. When the whites begin to foam and become airy, gradually (over 4-5 steps) add 200 grams of granulated sugar. Increase the mixer speed to maximum and beat the meringue, not forgetting about the sugar. If you use a planetary mixer, it will be much easier because your hands are free. Using a hand mixer, beat the egg whites as if drawing a figure eight or an infinity sign. This is necessary so that the mass is whipped evenly.

In general, it will take you about 10-15 minutes to beat the egg whites. When the sugar is completely dissolved, the mass will be as it should be. Look what the finished French meringue looks like: it is thick and dense (held on the whisk), while the protein cream is fluffy and tender. The meringue should not move or, moreover, be at least to some extent liquid - in this case, you either did not completely beat the whites, or fat (possibly part of the yolk) got into them.

Similar to coconut flakes, mix flour into the dough using folding movements, as if lifting the dough from bottom to top clockwise. At the same time, with the other hand we rotate the dishes in the opposite direction. There is no need to mix the dry ingredients into the meringue for a long time - just until completely combined.

Finally, all that remains is to add 150 grams of butter to the biscuit dough. It must first be melted (it is most convenient in the microwave) and cooled to room temperature.

Stir in the butter vigorously, but gently, to minimize the formation of the airy protein dough. As soon as all the oil is evenly distributed throughout the total mass, stop mixing. The finished dough for coconut cake turns out airy and stable - it is not liquid, holds its shape perfectly and does not spread.

You need to bake the coconut cake in a round pan with a hole in the middle. Lubricate it with any cooking fat (vegetable or butter, chicken or pork fat) and sprinkle with wheat flour (just shake off the excess). You can use a special baking emulsion for this purpose - I have already shared the recipe. Transfer the cake batter and carefully level it with a spoon or spatula.

Lovers of coconut baking here! We bake coconut cake with cocoa. As always - fast and tasty and you can drink tea :-)

Let's prepare the products according to the list.

Beat eggs with sugar and salt until pale. Add sour cream and quench the soda with vinegar. Mix well.

Melt the butter, cool, and add to the mixture. Mix.

Add coconut flakes. And mix again.

Then - flour. And mix again. The dough is ready.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa to one part and mix.

Grease the pan with oil and alternately place a spoonful of white dough, a spoonful of dark dough, white dough, dark dough... And repeat this until all the dough is gone.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Check for a dry splinter: it should come out dry from the finished pie, possibly with some pieces of shavings stuck to it.

The cupcake is ready. Cool slightly in the pan, then on a wire rack. You can sprinkle it with powdered sugar, or you can leave it as is. I melted the chocolate and butter and poured it over the cake, sprinkled with additional coconut flakes.

Enjoy your tea!

Mix everything well, the dough should be quite thick and sticky. Cover the pan with parchment and grease with butter. Place the dough in the mold, first placing a tin can in the middle, greased with a little vegetable or butter, so that when baking you get a cake ring. If there is a special form, use it. This is necessary to ensure that the cake is well baked.

Bake the coconut cake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 45 minutes. After 20 minutes, look into the oven; if the top of the cake is burning, cover it with a sheet of foil. Cool the finished cake, then remove the parchment.

You can simply sprinkle the cake with powdered sugar. I quickly decorated it with cream made from butter, boiled condensed milk and coconut flakes (50 grams of butter + 3 tablespoons of boiled condensed milk + 2 tablespoons of coconut flakes). To prepare the cream, beat the butter with boiled condensed milk until smooth, add coconut flakes, mix and use a pastry syringe to decorate the top of the cupcake, then sprinkle with powdered sugar. You can just use a spoon to grease the top of the cupcake with cream.

The most delicious and aromatic coconut cake is cut into pieces and ready to be served!

Many people like to drink tea with muffins. And if you top them with a delicious sweet sauce, then it’s just a great dessert! A cupcake is considered a confectionery product containing various additives. For example, muffins come with berries, dried fruits, nuts, fresh fruits, marmalade or candied fruits.

In general, cakes means “cake”. The first recipes for such a sweet delicacy came from Ancient Rome. Back then they included a mixture of pomegranate, nuts, raisins and barley puree. But cupcakes gained popularity relatively recently - when sugar became very common on the European continent. Today, traditionally, cupcakes or Easter cakes are baked for Christmas and Easter. Although they are also baked for weddings and any parties.

Delicious, small, healthy cakes made with semolina, with the addition of real coconut, will definitely please you. There is no flour here, which means the dish is low in calories!

Recipe ingredients:

  • 1 fresh coconut
  • 3 teaspoons vanilla sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 gr. regular sugar
  • 20 g sl. oils
  • 70 gr. semolina

Making semolina muffins with coconut flakes

Take the eggs and separate the yolks. Then you need to put them in a water bath with regular and vanilla sugar. Beat.

Now take a coconut and crack it carefully to separate the milk. The pulp itself must be grated on a fine grater, and then the resulting shavings must be added along with the milk to the dough. To make it easier for you, first pierce a hole in the top of the coconut with scissors, this will allow you to drain the milk and you can break the coconut with a hammer.

Now beat the egg white thoroughly and mix it with the dough.

Prepare the molds: grease them with butter.

Then carefully fill them with the prepared dough and place in the oven. You need to bake the cupcakes for half an hour, but do not forget to preheat the oven to about 180 degrees.

When the dessert is ready, you can take coconut flakes, whipped cream and decorate it beautifully. This dish will please even adults, feel free to serve it on the table!

Delight your loved ones by preparing fragrant coconut muffins for breakfast. They turn out very tender and airy, with a pleasant coconut taste. They are very quick and easy to prepare. All you have to do is mix all the ingredients, place the muffins in a preheated oven and wait until the kitchen is filled with the enticing aromas of fresh homemade baked goods.

Coconut cupcakes can be made with dark, milk or white chocolate. To do this, fill ⅓ of the mold with dough, then put in a piece of chocolate and lay out the other half of the dough. Ready-made muffins stay fresh for a long time if you store them in a closed food container or simply under a lid.


premium wheat flour 350 g

granulated sugar 180 g

medium ground coconut flakes 65 g

butter (you can use margarine) 90 g

baking powder 1.5 tsp.

chicken eggs 2 pcs.

kefir 2.5% fat 280 ml

vanilla sugar (you can use vanillin or vanilla extract) 1 tsp.

fine salt a pinch

Number of servings: 5 Cooking time: 45 minutes


    Step 1: Preheat the oven

    The dough for this recipe is prepared very quickly. Therefore, first of all, turn on the oven and set the temperature to 200 degrees so that it heats up properly.

    Step 2: Melt the butter

    Next, melt a piece of butter until smooth. This can be done in several ways: in an enamel bowl or ladle on the stove, at minimum power in a microwave oven or in a water bath. Do what is most convenient for you. The main thing is that the butter is completely melted, but not boiled. Let it sit for a few minutes so that it cools down a bit. For this recipe, butter can be replaced with high-quality margarine; this will not particularly affect the taste of the baked goods.

    Step 3: Sift wheat flour, salt and baking powder

    While the oil cools, prepare other products. Sift the wheat flour through a fine sieve.

    Then sift through the baking powder.

    Thanks to this, the finished products will rise well and turn out airy. For this recipe, you must use only premium flour. We will also add a pinch of salt to the dry mixture to enhance the flavor of the other ingredients.

    Step 4: Add coconut, vanilla sugar and granulated sugar to the wheat flour

    Now add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar to the mixture of flour and baking powder. The last ingredient can be replaced with a pinch of vanillin or a few drops of vanilla extract.

    Pour a small amount of coconut flakes into the dry mixture, as indicated in the recipe.

    Step 5: Mix dry ingredients

    Using a tablespoon or silicone spatula, gently stir the mixture so that the flour combines with sugar, coconut and other ingredients.

    Step 6: Mix butter with kefir and eggs

    Add medium-fat kefir to melted butter at room temperature. It is advisable that the kefir is also at room temperature, then the baked goods will be more airy. For this recipe, kefir can be replaced with pasteurized milk and sour cream with a fat content of 15-20%, mixed in equal proportions. Mix the mixture thoroughly with a broom.

    Now add two chicken eggs to the butter and kefir.

    Quickly stir the mixture until it becomes homogeneous.

    Step 7: Mix the ingredients

    Now pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with dry ingredients.

    Using a silicone spatula, quickly stir the dough until it is homogeneous. There is no need to knead for too long, the main thing is that there are no lumps of dry wheat flour in the mixture.

    Step 8: Place the finished dough into molds

    I use small silicone molds to bake cupcakes and muffins. They do not need to be additionally greased or covered with paper molds. If you are using a metal pan, be sure to grease it with a piece of butter or put paper muffin baskets in it so that the baked goods do not burn and are well separated from the pan.

    Carefully pour the dough into the molds so that they are ⅔ full. You can put the dough into molds either with a tablespoon or using a pastry bag. With the amount of ingredients listed in the recipe, I made 16 coconut muffins.

    Step 9: Bake the products in the oven until done

    Place the pan with the dough in the oven for 20-25 minutes, as required by the recipe. Insert a toothpick into the cupcakes to check for doneness. If it is dry, without traces of dough, then the baking is ready. Let's take it out of the oven, cool it a little and take the cupcakes out of the pan.

    Step 10: Submission

    Serve the finished baked goods cooled to room temperature with your favorite drinks, such as milk, fruit juice, green tea or freshly brewed coffee. If desired, the cupcakes can be topped with chocolate or sugar glaze and decorated with coconut or chocolate shavings, fresh berries, confectionery sprinkles, and chopped nuts.

    Bon appetit!

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