Masha Trotsko: biography, personal life, interesting facts, photos. The most interesting and beautiful: St. Petersburg Instagram blogger Personal life of Masha Trotsko

Account: trotsko_masha

Occupation: popular YouTube blogger, Russian model

Masha Trotsko created an Instagram page a long time ago, the number of subscribers began to increase rapidly after the first few photos, because the girl came to this social network already as a beauty blogging star. Masha publishes beautiful, spectacular fashion photographs that serve as a source of good mood and inspiration for everyone.

Masha Trotsko’s Instagram is updated with fresh photos quite often, with each new photo the girl makes an increasingly stronger impression, because she has a beautiful and interesting life, which she reveals in photographs of different formats: these are selfies, and so-called lifto looks, and backstage photo shoots , filming and much more. But besides all this glamorous “make-up”, it also happens that Masha exhibits simple photographs without makeup, without a noble, expensive, fashionable, rich surroundings, and at home, sitting on the sofa, with tired eyes and a happy smile. These simple, cheerful photographs confirm the fact that Masha is not only beautiful, she is also an interesting, versatile person, and a simple person who smiles when she’s happy, and gets upset when she’s sad. The girl’s profile contains many photographs of landscapes, because she actively travels and shares interesting places she has visited with her virtual friends.

Absolutely everyday little things lift her spirits: a bouquet of flowers, sports training, a face mask or delicious coffee. Masha does not position herself as a star, she is open in communication, always cheerful, honest and frank, which is important, subscribers feel it, and in the comments they write a lot of pleasant things and give the girl a lot of compliments. Masha Trotsko always captions photos from Instagram briefly and clearly. There is some advertising on her blog, but it is almost unnoticeable because it is done with high quality and presented in the form of advice.

Biography of Masha Trotsko

Masha Trotsko biography - briefly about the main thing:

  • She was born in 1992 in St. Petersburg.
  • Even in her youth she began to actively engage in modeling, but at the moment she has no favorite brands as such.
  • Masha actively posts video tips about beauty on her YouTube channel.
  • Now she is in a relationship with Stepan Malokhatko.

The biography of Masha Trotsko is actively gaining momentum, the girl’s life is incredibly interesting and unique, every day she discovers something new for herself, and is happy to share it with fans online!

    Maria Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko

    One of the longest-lasting couples in the young crowd. Masha became her favorite minion five years ago. Since then, the chosen one, who builds skate parks in Moscow and supplies seafood to restaurants in St. Petersburg, to the envy of all her friends, showers the girl with gifts, which she does not hesitate to demonstrate on her blog. Correction: in the vlog - that’s exactly what Masha calls simple and sincere YouTube diary, who films on an iPhone. In the frame: hedonic everyday life and stream of consciousness, recommendations on how to combine Helmut Lang with H&M, secrets of replacing expensive La Prairie face cream with cheap licorice and, of course, Styopa - waving his hand at the camera and telling the blogger important things, even for a long relationship , the words “I love you.”

    Ulyana Kim and Nikolai Semakov

    As you know, behind every successful blogger girl there is a photographer boyfriend. Having met Kolya Semakov, a translator from Chinese and just a nice guy, at the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg State University, Ulyana did not yet know that he would not only make her personal happiness, but also give the start to a brilliant career. It was Kolya who persuaded Ulyana to create a fashion blog and began shooting photographs of outstanding quality for it. The rapid promotion of theveryuk - not least thanks to the beautiful portraits of Ulyana - led Kim to thousands of followers, shoots in fashion magazines, reposts from Japan to the state of California, a cherished birthday card from Alexander Wang and, finally, work at Aurora Fashion Week. And although Kim can be seen more often in the company of friends in the fashion business, her couple with Kolya is strong and reliable, as evidenced once again by recent photos of the Dominican vacation in Instagram and incendiary. In February, the couple will celebrate not only Valentine's Day, but also the fourth anniversary of their first common brainchild - a blog. In which Kolya, by the way, writes his column not about fashion, but about life. And it seems to us that he writes no worse than he films.

    Anna Tarasova and Alexey Myshinsky

    Instead of an office romance, she started a school romance: she met a boy from an intelligent St. Petersburg family, Anya, in absentia several years ago; he wanted to transfer to her school and found the girl on social networks for consultation. They never became classmates; Alexei abandoned the idea of ​​transferring. But the guys entered the Theater Academy on Mokhovaya without agreement: she entered the production department, and he entered the acting department. For three years limiting themselves to nodding in the corridors, they found themselves in a common student company only at the beginning of last summer and, as they say in unison, immediately fell in love. Now Lesha regularly goes to performances with the participation of her friend’s eminent grandmother in, and Anya applauds her boyfriend in the front row in student productions of “Is Your Wedding Soon?” (symbolically) and “Seagull”. Marina Tsvetaeva wrote out the recipe for happiness for the young couple - both are trying their best not to part with their loved ones, especially after Anya’s ten-day trip to Israel, which became a painful separation. Without hesitation, they will exchange all the entertainment for solving scanword puzzles together in the car on the way out of town.

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    A little less than a year ago, the daughter of the former vice-governor of St. Petersburg, Lida Metelskaya, began dating a tall, blue-eyed brunette, Vova Revenkov, and now the enviable bride is walking around in couture dresses in the company of a young developer. Vladimir has to share the love of a girl known on Instagram as miyshka with three other meows - the photos of her adored cats on her account are rivaled only by photos from the couple’s joint trips to Saint-Tropez, Monte Carlo, Paris and Sydney. The young people practically do not separate: they go together to the wedding of friends at the Rothschild villa in Nice and cuddle the raccoons brought to Vova Lida for her birthday. Revenkov is still getting used to his friend’s publicity, but their union does not go unnoticed.

    Islom Baymuradov and Ekaterina Kondaurova

    Soloists of the Marinsky Theater Ballet Islom Baimuradov and Ekaterina Kandaurova could play the unearthly beauty of vampires from the Twilight saga: plastic movements, eyes that look into the very heart, insinuating, or rather, bewitching voices. But the artists still wouldn’t trade their favorite troupe for filming girl melodramas. It was their dedication to ballet that brought them together ten years ago. Ekaterina came to enroll at Vaganovskoe from Moscow, Islom came from Austria. But because of the eight-year difference, they didn’t even know each other. Although the girl recalls: when Islom was already serving at the Mariinsky, and schoolgirl Katya came to rehearsals, running along the corridor she heard: “Oh, what girls we have here!” And, turning around, I saw a grinning handsome man. Today he is not only the love of her life, but also a strict mentor - Islom is increasingly engaged in tutoring and does not give concessions even to Katya. At home, they love to cook together while listening to music, and the background for roasting lamb with spices is any pleasant melody - from classics to System of a Down. But not Swan Lake, please!

    Eva Mohamed and Sam Konyakhin

    A plastic surgeon from the Kuprin clinic and a musician-bartender-mixologist, who supplied cocktail cards in, and, met five years ago at Eduard Muradyan’s restaurant “Black Sea”. At designer Alina Levi's show, Eva walked along the catwalk to the chant of Sam's rap group Check Da Zvukers. Since then, they have become one of the brightest couples in the party. A life hack for a happy relationship is different areas of activity and schedules: due to Eva’s morning operations and Sam’s nightly concerts, they may not see each other for three days, except perhaps a sleeping body nearby. With such a lack of time, not once in five years did it come to the point of brain-eating domestic quarrels. A couple of weeks ago, the guys returned from the Emirates, the girl introduced Sam to her father: despite the considerable length of relationship, the Muslim of Somali origin could not accept his daughter’s “dating” status. Now everything is serious: the couple is expecting a new addition, and with the blessing of the pope, they submitted an application to the registry office - already in March the fourteenth pages will be decorated with decorous seals.

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    The female characteristic of loving with the ears has not escaped the opera singer Anna Netrebko, who, in fact, will fall in love with anyone’s ears. Baku resident Yusif Eyvazov captivated the diva with his tenor exactly a year ago at a festival in Rome. She performed the main role in Puccini's opera Manon Lescaut, staged by Riccardo Muti, and he turned out to be des Grieux's gentleman. Then events developed at supersonic speed: Anna and Yusif worked together for three weeks, then, as soon as they left for new tours, they realized that they couldn’t live without each other, in March he already sets a status on Facebook, and in August the couple celebrates this with relatives on restaurant at St. Peter's Abbey in Salzburg. Reading the interview with the happy bride and the quote about how the groom asked her hand in marriage from Netrebko’s father, even those who steadfastly endured “Hachiko” cannot hold back tears of tenderness. Meanwhile, the lovers, together with Anna's son Thiago, choose a palace for a solemn wedding in St. Petersburg and a sunny date in June this year.

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    Boris Eifman's muse Maria Abashova, who performed the role of Tatyana in the maestro's choreographic rock performance Onegin, did not repeat the fate of her heroine. Although she has been devoted and faithful to ballet for centuries, she managed to build personal happiness with her lover, businessman Oleg Kalugin. Maria has more than enough public attention on stage; in her personal life, the ballerina shares her man’s style of keeping a low profile - the couple’s love story cannot be found in the press, however, like information about Kalugin himself, his name is widely known, as it should be, only in narrow circles . Meanwhile, they already have two children together - sons Evgeniy and Dmitry. Having recently returned from a family vacation in Miami, the couple returned to work again - despite the persuasion of the caring and generous Oleg, Maria did not leave her beloved theater.

    Laura Zombie and Dima Alaioli

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Maria Trotsko is a glossy model who has become widely known for her beauty video blogs, dedicated to useful tips on self-care, new clothes, trends and other attributes of a glamorous lifestyle.
In general, she is a smart and beautiful girl, but recently for the sake of popularity Masha Trotsko I became interested in rhinoplasty and presented it on my blog candid photos of their changed forms against the backdrop of urban European beauty, beaches, nature, luxury cars, hotel and restaurant interiors. Maybe take a course plastic surgery for Masha Trotsko prompted the emergence of new competitors in the field of Internet blogging, such as, say, Karina Kasparyants or, not quite in the fashion sphere, the scandalous .
Opinions among the Internet public whether it looked better or worse Maria Trotsko before plastic surgery- undress. But life partner Maria Trotsko, it seems that the heroine of our story is liked in any form. Stepan Malokhatko sees her in various picturesque poses live, while the rest of the male fraternity is forced to be content photo of naked model Masha Trotsko only in the Internet space and in their irrepressible fantasies.

almost naked model Masha Trotsko

Masha Trotsko entered the top rating of the most interesting compiled by someone unknown Instagram bloggers St. Petersburg in order to boast about this fact at the vanity fair. Maria Trotsko known as a glossy model who successfully stars in advertising and walks the catwalk of leading Russian Fashion Houses. But vlogging brought popularity to the heroine of our story online. That's right - with a "c". What it is? Vlogging is posting a video online with some useful tips..

Masha Trotsko started her path to popularity with YouTube video. This is where the first videos appeared Masha Trotsko, where the girl shared what she herself knows very well - beauty tips. Being a professional model, Masha Trotsko patiently answered numerous questions from spectators about how to visually reduce the nose, how to tighten the stomach and what to do with the hair if it stands up in an unruly mop on the head.

Then Maria Trotsko I successfully began to master Instagram. If you open the page that leads Masha Trotsko, Instagram photo they will show what she is like in life. According to many bloggers, she is very pleasant to talk to, slim, charming and pretty.
From biography of Maria Trotsko it is known that the girl lives in St. Petersburg, and has been dating for the past several years with the previously mentioned man named Stepan (husband, leads an active social life. According to a number of fashion publications, Instagram account of Masha Trotsko masha trotsko instagram entered the top ten most interesting blogs in St. Petersburg based on the results of 2014 and 2015.

What Masha Trotsko posts on Instagram
Why is it so interesting Maria Trotsko's blog? A smart and beautiful girl against the backdrop of city landscapes, luxurious interiors, in the showroom of luxury cars or at some fashionable resorts. This is how he appears Masha Trotsko on Instagram. Here you can find a complete and detailed guide to glamorous life: new haute couture items, new cosmetics, secrets of stunning makeup, low-calorie recipes, photo reports from glamorous parties and a list of the most luxurious hotels, boutiques and beauty salons. What is a lot on the blog is the Mashi. Trotsko understands the politics of the social network very well, which is why her page presents all possible genres of Instagram: elevator looks, beauty stages, selfies, and so on and so forth.

It is noteworthy that with such a lifestyle Masha Trotsko does not behave at all like a “star” - she is simple in communication, is not averse to making jokes and is always open and frank. Communication on the blog is conducted on a positive note, although it would be a good idea to clear the comments of spam.
Subscribers to date blog masha trotsko instagram exceeded the 200 thousand mark. Join us and you will learn many secrets of how to become successful and beautiful.

Maria Trotsko and Stepan Malokhatko- one of the longest-lasting couples in the young crowd. Favorite darling favorite darling Masha Trotsko became five years ago. Since then, the chosen one, who builds skate parks in Moscow and supplies seafood to restaurants in St. Petersburg, to the envy of all her friends, showers the girl with gifts, which she does not hesitate to demonstrate on her blog.

Correction: in the vlog – that’s exactly it Masha Trotsko calls a simple and sincere YouTube diary, which he films on an iPhone. In the frame: hedonic everyday life and stream of consciousness, recommendations on how to combine Helmut Lang with H&M, secrets of replacing expensive La Prairie face cream with cheap licorice and, of course, Styopa Malokhatko - waving his hand at the camera and telling the blogger important, even for long relationships, the words “I love you.”

Masha Trotsko, 25 years old
“Instagram” of Maria Trotsko: Instagram: @trotsko_masha
Subscribers: 217 thousand
Date created: April 22, 2014
What is posted: selfies, lips, lift looks, manicures, beaches, sea, cities
Instagram, Masha Trotsko

By the way, your own kitchen Masha Trotsko also occurs. Although in life the beauty scoops up black caviar with spoons, she also knows how to cook dumplings! Herself. Perfectly groomed hands and impeccable posture.
As it turned out, sometimes “junk” food Masha Trotsko He also doesn’t disdain at all. He loves Subway, pancakes from Teremok or Teaspoon, and French fries with cheese sauce from McDonald's. However, 2 times a week our heroine tries to do yoga and do exercises for her butt, legs, abs and back. The beauty does not have a particular love for specific brands; her wardrobe includes everything from H&M and Zara to Burberry and Chanel.

Give addresses and prices Masha Trotsko isn't afraid, so readers can find out where the beauty gets her nails done and where she buys her sunglasses.

To Masha's new Instagram Trotsko less than a year, the previous one was covered with some kind of virtual miracle. And now her account looks more amateur than professional. But, in fact, this is what conquers.

Since 2015, our heroine began mastering her favorite social network Periscope, Where model Masha Trotsko I opened a page on the topic of beauty and maintain it to this day. She has 37 thousand subscribers, almost 6 million likes for broadcasts, and many videos about manicures, cities, beaches, the sea and shopping. In a friendly conversation with a beauty, you can find out what and where to buy, what sales are planned in St. Petersburg this season, and what socialites will wear in the next six months.
You can follow Masha Trotsko on Periscope using the nickname Trotsko_Masha. Below we invite you to watch some of the most interesting broadcasts of the popular fashion blogger.

Maria Trotsko is a model who became famous thanks to her beauty video blogs with recommendations for personal care, stories about fashion trends, etc. An intelligent and attractive girl who has recently become interested in rhinoplasty. Perhaps the series of plastic surgeries was a response to the emergence of competitors working in the field of Internet blogging.

The reaction of fans to her changed appearance varies - some believe that the girl has become even prettier, others are sure that plastic surgery has ruined her. However, it seems that Maria’s life partner is satisfied with her changed appearance, and this is perhaps the most important thing.

The famous blogger began her difficult path to popularity on YouTube. It was on this portal that she posted her first videos with beauty tips.

More than 598 thousand people have subscribed to Masha Trotsko’s page. Instagram: trotsko_masha.

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