Mexico: weather by month. When is the best time to go to Mexico? Weather in Mexico: when is the best time to go on vacation? The best time to vacation in Mexico

There is not much difference when to go to Mexico, since almost all year round the weather here will please you with its warm climate. However, in this country there are certain periods when it is better to vacation in Mexico.

The high season in Mexico runs from November to April. It is during the winter season that the number of tourists who want to soak up the rays of the warm sun increases several times. The air temperature at this time reaches +30°C, and the water temperature - +28°C.

There is no low season as such in Mexico, since a high influx of tourists to this country is observed throughout the year. Still, from May to October there is a high probability of rain and strong winds. Because of this, severe storms and tornadoes may break out on the coast. If weather conditions do not stop you, you can save a lot on your flight at this time.

Holidays in Mexico in winter

Winter for Mexico is the onset of a warm and dry period. You can forget about tropical downpours at this time, so a holiday in Mexico in winter will be unusually comfortable. It remains relatively cool only in the central part of the country, where the air temperature reaches only +24°C.

The weather in Mexico in winter can vary depending on the region you visit. For example, in , the thermometer will not rise above +21°C, but in the resort it can reach +27°C. February is considered the best month to travel to Mexico.

Read also:

Features of holidays in Mexico in spring

The weather in Mexico in spring fluctuates around +17-30°C. The transition from winter to spring is practically not felt here. April is considered a transition month from dry to humid climates. The rainy season begins in May throughout the country, so holidays in Mexico in the spring are not very popular.

The only resort in the country that does not suffer from daily downpours is Playa del Carmen. The air temperature in the spring in the country reaches +29°C in Acapulco and +27°C in Mexico City.

Read also:

Features of holidays in Mexico in summer

Holidays in Mexico in the summer are characterized by heavy rains. However, you should not assume that it rains constantly throughout the country all day long. A rain cloud can come as unexpectedly as it can go. During a sunny and clear day it rains for about half an hour, but very heavily.

The peak of the rainy season is July. With its onset, heavy rains can fall continuously for up to 2 hours. The weather in Mexico in the summer is very unpredictable and sometimes dangerous. Powerful hurricanes begin in August. The east coast is hit hardest by them. This time of year is considered the most dangerous time to fly to Mexico.

Traditionally, the most favorable time for traveling to Mexico is considered to be winter (from November to April) when the air temperature is at +25-30ºC and there is relatively little precipitation (air humidity 70-80%). However, it should be taken into account that the territory of the country lies within two climatic zones and is strongly elongated from north to south, which, combined with the varied topography and proximity of the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, gives a large number of local weather conditions. Therefore, when planning a trip, you should focus on a specific place and its features.

The rainy season (June-September) is traditionally considered the least comfortable period, however, due to the diversity of the country’s natural conditions, it looks different in its individual parts. In most cases, local rain occurs almost every day, usually in the late afternoon, in the form of heavy but short-lived downpours. Moreover, immediately before them the sky can be completely clear and there is no sign of precipitation; it clears just as quickly after.

In August and September, tropical typhoons form in the Gulf of Mexico and often pass through the Yucatan. Their frequency is very variable, as is the strength of the storms and downpours that accompany them, so for a more accurate picture you should seek help from specialized sites. The Pacific coast, on the contrary, usually has calm and calm weather during this season. But even here, cold currents can change the overall picture in just a couple of days.

Due to the fact that much of central Mexico is mountainous, the climate here is noticeably different from the “resort paradise” of the coasts. In Mexico City, at any time of the year it is quite hot during the day (in January - up to +22ºС, in May - up to +26ºС) and relatively dry. But the mornings and evenings can be quite chilly even in high season, so you should take warm clothes with you. The wet season usually begins in July and lasts until September - at an air temperature of +22-24ºС, up to 180 mm of precipitation falls (up to 23 “wet” days), and quite predictably - almost every day closer to sunset, it begins to rain as scheduled. And the driest period is from October to April - no more than 7-9 rainy days per month.

The Gulf Coast (Tampico, Veracruz, Campeche and others) is very similar in weather conditions to the capital, only here it is a little hotter (from +22ºС in January to +31ºС in June-August) and rainier (up to 50 mm of precipitation in December and up to 270 mm - in August). In winter it is also dry and sunny.

On the southeastern coast of Yucatan (Cancun, Playa del Carmen and Riviera Maya), the climate is hot and humid, fairly even in its conditions, and belongs to the subtropical marine type. In Cancún, it is hot and humid almost all year round, the air temperature stays around +26-33ºС, but there are often periods when it briefly drops to +21-23ºС (usually in the off-season and during typhoons, when storms and gusty winds). The high season here lasts from November to February - the air warms up to +29ºС 9but in the morning and evening it can also be cool), and there is little precipitation - 5-10 rainy days a month. But it is precisely during this period that prices usually rise sharply due to the influx of tourists. Therefore, probably the best time to travel here is March-April, when the air warms up to +24-30ºС, there is little rain - no more than 5 rainy days a month, and the general decline in tourist flow somewhat brings down prices. The water off the coast of Cancun warms up to +24ºС in January and to +29-30ºС between May and September.

The resorts of the California Peninsula (Los Cabos, including Cabo San Lucas and San Jose del Cabo) are very hot and dry in the summer - on average + 28-33 ° C from April to October with 1-3 rainy days in month. In winter it is cool (+14-25°C), also dry, but windy, so warm clothes will not hurt. The peak of precipitation occurs in September - as much as 80-90 mm of precipitation; the rest of the year, blue skies reign over California.

In the center of the Pacific coast (Mazatlan, Puerto Vallarta, Manzanillo and others) the climate is noticeably more humid and hot. From December to April the air warms up from +17°C to 29°C, with little precipitation (1-2 rainy days per month), but from May to October-November it is hot (+22-33°C) and humid ( 10-15 “wet” days per month) weather. As in the capital, showers usually occur towards sunset and are heavy but short-lived. The nights are also cool by local standards - from +16°C in January to +22°C in June-August. The average water temperature off the coast of Puerto Vallarta ranges from +24°C in January to +27°C in May-September.

In the southern part of the Pacific coast (Acapulco, Puerto Angel, Santa Cruz and others) it is even hotter - the average temperature ranges from +23-30°C in January to +25-32°C in July-August. The rainy season lasts from June to early October, when up to 280-300 mm of precipitation falls per month. True, here too they occur mainly in the evening and are quite short-lived. In winter it is quite dry - from November to the end of April there is from 1 to 17 mm of precipitation, that is, no more than 1 rainy day per month. The water off the coast of Acapulco warms up from +24°C in January to +27°C in May-September.

A detailed review for those who want to relax in Mexico! When and where is the best time to go on vacation? Weather and seasons. Where to find the best resorts. Prices in 2020 and tourist tips. Resort map and video about Mexico.

Mexico is a country with an ancient history and unique culture. Its coastline is famous for its sandy palm-fringed beaches stretching along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Despite the long and expensive flight, Russian tourists boldly explore this holiday destination.

When to go on vacation to Mexico

The coast is warm all year round: +30°C during the day, +20°C at night. Significant temperature fluctuations are observed in the mountainous regions of the country, and this should be taken into account when planning excursions inland.

Seasons in Mexico

From May to September (sometimes until October) lasts rain season: strong gusty winds blow, large amounts of precipitation fall, especially in the south of the country. Holidays in Mexico in the low season are good because nature blooms and delights with bright colors. Do not think that you can give up on a beach holiday at this time: as a rule, it rains during the day or at night for no more than two hours (sometimes it can be very short), and in the morning it is warm and sunny. The evenings are dry and cool. Not all regions are subject to tropical rainstorms; they mainly occur in the highlands, in the south of the country and coastal areas south of the Tropic of Cancer.

Starts at the end of July hurricane season, the danger of which remains until the end of October. The Pacific coast is most often affected by hurricanes, less often the Gulf Coast and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Dry and clear weather is established from November to March - these are the cold months, by local standards. According to tourists, the best holiday in Mexico is at this time: the rainy season is over, the sea is warm and comfortable, there is no extreme heat. Many tourists come from Europe, Canada and the USA, and prices reach their maximum. Below we will tell you more about the weather in Mexico in different months.

(Photo © David Schroeder / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Mexico in March, April and May

At the beginning of spring, the air temperature tends to +30...+33°C. The temperature of the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean is +25°C, the Caribbean Sea is +27°C. Early spring in Mexico is the ideal time for a beach holiday on the coast, as the humidity is not yet as high as in summer, rain is rare, and there is no threat of hurricanes yet. Holidays in May are already overshadowed by the beginning of the rains, the water and air temperatures become 1-2°C higher.

Weather in Mexico in June - September

Summer in Mexico is hot and humid, in Acapulco, Cancun and Riviera Maya during the day +32...+34°С, water in the Caribbean Sea +29°С, in the ocean +27°С. It rains frequently, and the risk of hurricanes increases from mid-summer.

Weather in October - November

From mid-October, the intensity of rain decreases and hurricanes subside. Temperatures remain at summer levels. In November, in most Mexican resorts the heat drops to +29°C, with the exception of Acapulco.

Weather in December - February

Winter in Mexico is the best time for a beach holiday. The weather on the coast is ideal: in Cancun, Riviera Maya +28°C during the day, in Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta +31°C. Water in the Caribbean Sea is +27°C, in the ocean +24°C. Snow may fall in the mountains, in Mexico City up to +20°C.

(Photo © S. Alexis / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Where is the best place to relax in Mexico?

Tourists prefer the resorts and beaches of the Caribbean, although the Pacific Coast is considered less crowded.

The most visited resort on the Caribbean coast in Mexico is. Why do tourists choose to vacation in Cancun? It is located on a long and narrow sand spit. One part of the coastline overlooks the bay, where the water is always calm. The second part has strong waves; surfers and young people like to relax here. There are excellent hotels and developed infrastructure, and it is also convenient to visit archaeological sites from Cancun (for example, the pyramids in Tulum and the ruins of the city of Coba).

Riviera Maya is a 140-kilometer tourist area with wide beaches south of Cancun. Among vacationers in Mexico, the young resort of Playa del Carmen, which grew up on the site of fishing villages, has gained the greatest popularity. There are spacious, uncrowded beaches here, with all conditions for snorkeling and diving. Nearby are the Shel-Ha and Shkaret national parks.

Video about a popular resort in Mexico - Riviera Maya

The island is very popular among diving and fishing enthusiasts: there is a huge coral reef, luxury hotels and dive clubs. Most of the island is occupied by jungle.

The country's busiest resort is located on the Pacific Coast - Acapulco. In the last century, it was the favorite resort of American millionaires, and still many tourists coming to Mexico prefer to relax there. The city is famous for its hot climate and active nightlife. Here are the best casinos, discos, restaurants and bars.

Los Cabos is an elite resort. The main contingent of vacationers are wealthy Americans. Here are the most expensive hotels, and the price level is higher than in Acapulco. Athletes and SPA lovers prefer to relax in Puerto Vallarta.

If you want a relaxing beach holiday in Mexico, pay attention to the resorts of Punta de Mita, Costa Alegre, Huatulco and Puerto Escondido on the Pacific coast.

Prices for holidays in Mexico - 2020

Let's tell you a little about prices for holidays in Mexico in 2020 using the example of the most popular resort - Cancun.

Food. Eating at an inexpensive restaurant will cost from $3 to $7 per person; in mid-price restaurants, dinner for two with alcohol will cost about $30-35.

Breakfast in inexpensive establishments in the hotel area costs from 2 to 5.5 $, budget lunch - from 3.5 to 8 $, dinner - 6-10 $ per person. Want to eat even cheaper? Move away from the tourist area. If you are staying in an apartment and have a kitchen, you can save money by sometimes cooking yourself. Fruits and vegetables are cheap in Mexico.

Video - Grocery prices in a supermarket in Mexico

Hotels. Are you planning a vacation to Mexico during high season? Better book in advance. If you want to live on the coast in a hotel area (that is, on a sandy strip), be prepared to pay a tidy sum for a hotel: the average price is about $80 per night for a double standard. Although there are budget hotels (from $40 per room) and promotions in mid-price hotels for early booking. If you decide to stay in the city itself, you can find a room for about $20 per night. We recommend searching for a hotel on, it finds the best price.

Transport. Public transport ticket - $0.5 per trip. A taxi from the airport to the Cancun hotel area costs approximately $40-50 (you can order a transfer online from $35), a bus from the airport costs $5-8.

Entertainment and attractions. Swim with dolphins costs from $160 (45 minutes). Fishing - from $150. Excursion to Chichen Itza - from $80 per person. Entrance fees to attractions are about $4-5.

(Photo © Carnicula / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices for tours to Mexico in 2020

How much does an all-inclusive holiday in Mexico cost in 2020? Tours from Moscow to Cancun all inclusive in high season cost from 220 thousand rubles for two (14 nights, 3-5* hotels, 1 line). All-inclusive packages in 5-star hotels - from 280 thousand rubles for 14 nights.

Exactly half the price - from 110 thousand rubles - you can relax if you live in downtown Cancun in a 2* hotel without meals (14 nights). Full board in a 5-star hotel in the hotel zone costs from 188 thousand. If you want to save money on your vacation in Mexico, it is better to go in the off-season or off-season. You can try to catch a last minute tour.

(Photo © dronepicr / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Things to do? Entertainment and excursions

Fans of outdoor activities in Mexico can enjoy surfing, diving and fishing. For those who love shopping, explore local boutiques and markets. For young people leading an active nightlife, there are nightclubs and discos.

Museums, art galleries and colonial architecture will also delight you. An unforgettable trip will be to the capital - Mexico City, a city that can easily compete with Rome in terms of the number of historical monuments. Tourists in their reviews advise that while on vacation in Mexico, be sure to visit the National Palace, Constitution Square, the Cathedral, the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, the Frida Kahlo House Museum, the Templo Mayor Museum and the Square of the Three Cultures.

No less exciting are trips to ancient settlements: the Mayan pyramids in Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza and other places. Such trips will take a whole day, but the resulting impressions are worth it. In addition, Mexico has a large number of national parks and reserves that you can visit with your children.

(Photo © aljuarez / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Holidays in Mexico with children

The flight from Russia to Mexico takes at least 12 hours, so not all parents decide to take such a long trip with their child. At the same time, the Riviera Maya, according to tourists, is ideal for families with children. There are long wide beaches, hotels with well-groomed green areas and a mini-club for children; nearby is the Xcaret nature reserve with turtles, a butterfly park and pink flamingos.

There are many affordable family hotels in Playa del Carmen and on the island. Schoolchildren will be interested in attractions and excursions to ancient cities. From the age of 10 you can take your first diving training.

A detailed review for those who want to relax in Mexico! When and where is the best time to go on vacation? Weather and seasons. Where to find the best resorts. Prices in 2020 and tourist tips. Resort map and video about Mexico.

Mexico is a country with an ancient history and unique culture. Its coastline is famous for its sandy palm-fringed beaches stretching along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean Sea. Despite the long and expensive flight, Russian tourists boldly explore this holiday destination.

When to go on vacation to Mexico

The coast is warm all year round: +30°C during the day, +20°C at night. Significant temperature fluctuations are observed in the mountainous regions of the country, and this should be taken into account when planning excursions inland.

Seasons in Mexico

From May to September (sometimes until October) lasts rain season: strong gusty winds blow, large amounts of precipitation fall, especially in the south of the country. Holidays in Mexico in the low season are good because nature blooms and delights with bright colors. Do not think that you can give up on a beach holiday at this time: as a rule, it rains during the day or at night for no more than two hours (sometimes it can be very short), and in the morning it is warm and sunny. The evenings are dry and cool. Not all regions are subject to tropical rainstorms; they mainly occur in the highlands, in the south of the country and coastal areas south of the Tropic of Cancer.

Starts at the end of July hurricane season, the danger of which remains until the end of October. The Pacific coast is most often affected by hurricanes, less often the Gulf Coast and the Yucatan Peninsula.

Dry and clear weather is established from November to March - these are the cold months, by local standards. According to tourists, the best holiday in Mexico is at this time: the rainy season is over, the sea is warm and comfortable, there is no extreme heat. Many tourists come from Europe, Canada and the USA, and prices reach their maximum. Below we will tell you more about the weather in Mexico in different months.

(Photo © David Schroeder / / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Weather in Mexico in March, April and May

At the beginning of spring, the air temperature tends to +30...+33°C. The temperature of the coastal waters of the Pacific Ocean is +25°C, the Caribbean Sea is +27°C. Early spring in Mexico is the ideal time for a beach holiday on the coast, as the humidity is not yet as high as in summer, rain is rare, and there is no threat of hurricanes yet. Holidays in May are already overshadowed by the beginning of the rains, the water and air temperatures become 1-2°C higher.

Weather in Mexico in June - September

Summer in Mexico is hot and humid, in Acapulco, Cancun and Riviera Maya during the day +32...+34°С, water in the Caribbean Sea +29°С, in the ocean +27°С. It rains frequently, and the risk of hurricanes increases from mid-summer.

Weather in October - November

From mid-October, the intensity of rain decreases and hurricanes subside. Temperatures remain at summer levels. In November, in most Mexican resorts the heat drops to +29°C, with the exception of Acapulco.

Weather in December - February

Winter in Mexico is the best time for a beach holiday. The weather on the coast is ideal: in Cancun, Riviera Maya +28°C during the day, in Acapulco and Puerto Vallarta +31°C. Water in the Caribbean Sea is +27°C, in the ocean +24°C. Snow may fall in the mountains, in Mexico City up to +20°C.

(Photo © S. Alexis / / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Where is the best place to relax in Mexico?

Tourists prefer the resorts and beaches of the Caribbean, although the Pacific Coast is considered less crowded.

The most visited resort on the Caribbean coast in Mexico is. Why do tourists choose to vacation in Cancun? It is located on a long and narrow sand spit. One part of the coastline overlooks the bay, where the water is always calm. The second part has strong waves; surfers and young people like to relax here. There are excellent hotels and developed infrastructure, and it is also convenient to visit archaeological sites from Cancun (for example, the pyramids in Tulum and the ruins of the city of Coba).

Riviera Maya is a 140-kilometer tourist area with wide beaches south of Cancun. Among vacationers in Mexico, the young resort of Playa del Carmen, which grew up on the site of fishing villages, has gained the greatest popularity. There are spacious, uncrowded beaches here, with all conditions for snorkeling and diving. Nearby are the Shel-Ha and Shkaret national parks.

Video about a popular resort in Mexico - Riviera Maya

The island is very popular among diving and fishing enthusiasts: there is a huge coral reef, luxury hotels and dive clubs. Most of the island is occupied by jungle.

The country's busiest resort is located on the Pacific Coast - Acapulco. In the last century, it was the favorite resort of American millionaires, and still many tourists coming to Mexico prefer to relax there. The city is famous for its hot climate and active nightlife. Here are the best casinos, discos, restaurants and bars.

Los Cabos is an elite resort. The main contingent of vacationers are wealthy Americans. Here are the most expensive hotels, and the price level is higher than in Acapulco. Athletes and SPA lovers prefer to relax in Puerto Vallarta.

If you want a relaxing beach holiday in Mexico, pay attention to the resorts of Punta de Mita, Costa Alegre, Huatulco and Puerto Escondido on the Pacific coast.

Prices for holidays in Mexico - 2020

Let's tell you a little about prices for holidays in Mexico in 2020 using the example of the most popular resort - Cancun.

Food. Eating at an inexpensive restaurant will cost from $3 to $7 per person; in mid-price restaurants, dinner for two with alcohol will cost about $30-35.

Breakfast in inexpensive establishments in the hotel area costs from 2 to 5.5 $, budget lunch - from 3.5 to 8 $, dinner - 6-10 $ per person. Want to eat even cheaper? Move away from the tourist area. If you are staying in an apartment and have a kitchen, you can save money by sometimes cooking yourself. Fruits and vegetables are cheap in Mexico.

Video - Grocery prices in a supermarket in Mexico

Hotels. Are you planning a vacation to Mexico during high season? Better book in advance. If you want to live on the coast in a hotel area (that is, on a sandy strip), be prepared to pay a tidy sum for a hotel: the average price is about $80 per night for a double standard. Although there are budget hotels (from $40 per room) and promotions in mid-price hotels for early booking. If you decide to stay in the city itself, you can find a room for about $20 per night. We recommend searching for a hotel on, it finds the best price.

Transport. Public transport ticket - $0.5 per trip. A taxi from the airport to the Cancun hotel area costs approximately $40-50 (you can order a transfer online from $35), a bus from the airport costs $5-8.

Entertainment and attractions. Swim with dolphins costs from $160 (45 minutes). Fishing - from $150. Excursion to Chichen Itza - from $80 per person. Entrance fees to attractions are about $4-5.

(Photo © Carnicula / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Prices for tours to Mexico in 2020

How much does an all-inclusive holiday in Mexico cost in 2020? Tours from Moscow to Cancun all inclusive in high season cost from 220 thousand rubles for two (14 nights, 3-5* hotels, 1 line). All-inclusive packages in 5-star hotels - from 280 thousand rubles for 14 nights.

Exactly half the price - from 110 thousand rubles - you can relax if you live in downtown Cancun in a 2* hotel without meals (14 nights). Full board in a 5-star hotel in the hotel zone costs from 188 thousand. If you want to save money on your vacation in Mexico, it is better to go in the off-season or off-season. You can try to catch a last minute tour.

(Photo © dronepicr / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Things to do? Entertainment and excursions

Fans of outdoor activities in Mexico can enjoy surfing, diving and fishing. For those who love shopping, explore local boutiques and markets. For young people leading an active nightlife, there are nightclubs and discos.

Museums, art galleries and colonial architecture will also delight you. An unforgettable trip will be to the capital - Mexico City, a city that can easily compete with Rome in terms of the number of historical monuments. Tourists in their reviews advise that while on vacation in Mexico, be sure to visit the National Palace, Constitution Square, the Cathedral, the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, the Frida Kahlo House Museum, the Templo Mayor Museum and the Square of the Three Cultures.

No less exciting are trips to ancient settlements: the Mayan pyramids in Teotihuacan, Chichen Itza and other places. Such trips will take a whole day, but the resulting impressions are worth it. In addition, Mexico has a large number of national parks and reserves that you can visit with your children.

(Photo © aljuarez / / Licensed under CC BY 2.0)

Holidays in Mexico with children

The flight from Russia to Mexico takes at least 12 hours, so not all parents decide to take such a long trip with their child. At the same time, the Riviera Maya, according to tourists, is ideal for families with children. There are long wide beaches, hotels with well-groomed green areas and a mini-club for children; nearby is the Xcaret nature reserve with turtles, a butterfly park and pink flamingos.

There are many affordable family hotels in Playa del Carmen and on the island. Schoolchildren will be interested in attractions and excursions to ancient cities. From the age of 10 you can take your first diving training.

The most popular questions from potential tourists before heading to Mexico!

7 Question
. What is the weather like in Mexico by month? Mexico Cancun weather January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December?


My dears! Weather forecasting in Cancun is not a thankless task) Still, climate changes are constantly occurring on our mother Earth, so I will lean towards at least two years of experience observing the weather in Cancun Mexico.

(Please ask additional questions about the weather in Mexico using the contacts at the bottom of the article)

Weather in January in Cancun Mexico

January in Kaknun is the most expensive and most attractive month for a holiday on the Caribbean coast. It can easily be considered a velvet season in Crimea. There is no sweltering heat and humidity, but the temperature allows for sunbathing

There is no sweltering heat and humidity, but the temperature allows you to sunbathe (sometimes even get sunburned) on the beach, as well as in the shade of trees! The weather at this time is sunny, and the sea is gently warm and without waves.

January weather in Mexico:

  • Humidity and precipitation are consistently low and do not exceed 80 mm/month.
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is +27C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +31C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +24C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +20.
  • Water temperature in Cancun +24C (may increase by 1-2C on cloudless days)

Such low average annual water and air temperatures in Mexico do not mean that you can be lax about protecting your unprepared skin from burns. Be sure to purchase sunscreen with a protection factor of at least 30 in your home country or immediately upon arrival in Mexico.

Cool weather on the Caribbean coast of Mexico. Cancun. January.

Weather in February in Cancun Mexico

February weather in Cancun is one of the calmest and most measured winter months in Mexico. The noisy pre-New Year's Catholic Christmas, New Year and our favorite 10-day New Year holidays end with the normalization of tourist life in Cancun and turn it into an excellent Caribbean resort with the most ideal temperature conditions for all categories of vacationers!

February weather in Mexico:

  • February breaks all records for anti-humidity - it is minimal this month.
  • The amount of precipitation tends to zero (usually does not exceed 50 mm/month).
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is stable +27C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +30C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +19C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +25C.

Weather in March in Cancun Mexico

March in Cancun is like a continuation of the velvety and calm February. The temperature regime is balanced, there are no sharp changes in day and night temperatures. Characterized by low humidity and gradually increasing average daily temperature.

Weather in Mexico in March:

  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is stable +28C. On clear days it warms up to +31C.
  • The air temperature at night in Cancun is +23C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +20C.

Weather in April in Cancun Mexico

April in Cancun is the crown of the dry season in Mexico Cancun. The weather in this harmonious balance of air and water temperatures can last until mid-May. The temperature is comfortable for relaxing with children. At this time, as a rule, there are no waves, and the continuation of the dry season allows the water in the water area to warm up to a respectable +28C.

Weather in Mexico in April:

  • The amount of precipitation does not exceed 60 mm/month.
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is stable +29C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +23C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy, if any) days it drops to +21C.

Weather in May in Cancun Mexico

May in Cancun is the change of seasons. It can happen either sharply and suddenly, or blurry and spontaneously). During this period, high cumulus clouds appear, the wind direction changes, the direction of the waves changes throughout the month, and the first short-term precipitation falls.

Weather in Mexico in May:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage increases to 110 mm/month.

Weather in June in Cancun Mexico

June in Cancun is the first month of the wet season. Cumulus clouds can appear suddenly and rain down warmly. Immediately after the rain - heat and fresh milk instead of the sea! The direction of the wind and waves finally changes making rain surprises day by day)

Weather in Mexico in June:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage increases to 140 mm/month.
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is steadily rising +31C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +34C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +25C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +22C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +29C.

Weather in July in Cancun Mexico

July in Cancun is the second month of the wet season. And as the locals say: “July gives us a head start.” The same cumulus clouds come out of nowhere and pour warm rain. Immediately after the rain - heat and fresh milk instead of the sea! But, humidity decreases significantly, the air warms up to the highest levels of the year.

Weather in Mexico in July:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage decreases to 90 mm/month.
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is steadily rising +33C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +36C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +27C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +22C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +29C.

Weather in August in Cancun Mexico

August in Cancun is the third month of the wet season. The month provides a reminder of precipitation by its duration. Rainfall of 2 or 3 days during a two-week holiday is no longer considered an exception. On such days, cumulus clouds receive a rain front. If you've already gotten upset, I'll say that August is a month of vacation for us. There are very few tourists and I allow myself to relax on the beach more often) and…. I call this month the month of burnt noses!

Weather in Mexico in August:

    • The amount of precipitation at this stage increases to 140 mm/month.
    • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is steadily rising +33+34C.
    • On clear days it warms up to +37C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +27C.
    • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +22C.
    • The water temperature in Cancun is +29C.

Weather in September in Cancun Mexico

September in Cancun is the fourth month of the wet season. According to all canons, September is the month of rain orgies, and the reminder is no longer the presence of precipitation, but its minimal absence. In order not to frighten you completely, I will say this - this is the most whiny month of the year. In terms of precipitation, it can exceed 3 months of the dry season. But his tearfulness is expressed differently from year to year. Rains can spoil the impression for tourists preparing for a morning excursion, while during the day the bright sun can shine, baking the earth up to +32, and in the late afternoon it will begin to rain again somewhere.

Weather in Mexico in September:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage increases to 190 mm/month.
  • The air temperature during the day in Cancun drops to +29+30C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +25C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +28C.

Weather in October in Cancun Mexico

October in Cancun is a change of seasons. At the beginning of October there may still be precipitation, but in the second half of October precipitation will be the exception to the rule. The temperature regime stabilizes and there are more sunny days compared to September. Humidity decreases, which indicates a change in wind direction. Mexico in October. Cancun.

Weather in November in Cancun Mexico

November in Cancun is the beginning of the dry season. The beginning of November is characterized by an increasing flow of tourists from Russia. The temperature regime becomes more gentle, there is more sun during the day, but the length of the day inevitably decreases, which gives a refreshing coolness in the evenings. Humidity levels and precipitation decrease.

Weather in Mexico in November:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage decreases to 100 mm/month.
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is slightly below +29C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +24C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +21C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +27C.

Cancun beach in November. Cancun. Mexico.

Weather in December in Cancun Mexico

December in Cancun is dominated by the dry season. The days are becoming even shorter, which affects the coolness of the evenings and the daytime water and air temperatures. This is the beginning of the velvet season with the invariably coming euphoria of pre-Christmas holiday preparations.

Weather in Mexico in December:

  • The amount of precipitation at this stage decreases to 70 mm/month.
  • The daytime air temperature in Cancun is slightly below +28C.
  • On clear days it warms up to +32C. The air temperature at night in Cancun is +22C.
  • On cloudy (cloudy) days it drops to +20C.
  • The water temperature in Cancun is +26C.

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