Small predatory fish. The largest freshwater fish in the world. Carp and carp

Fish a little more than half a meter long, living in fresh water, look very large, but among freshwater fish there are a variety of species that are so large in length and weight that it is difficult to imagine.

Of course, the inhabitants of the deep sea have a wider variety of shapes and sizes, but some rivers and lakes are home to unique species of the largest freshwater fish in the world.

Fishing enthusiasts should always exercise great caution, especially when fishing in unfamiliar water bodies. It is unknown to what size a catfish or perch could grow in the deep waters of an unvisited lake. So it won’t be long before you yourself become the prey of some two-meter pike. 🙂

10. Carp (Cyprinus carpio)

Carp (carp)- a large omnivorous fish that lives in fresh water bodies with stagnant water and a muddy bottom. The body is covered with large scales and has a golden hue. A very voracious fish, capable of eating almost the whole day. Carp eat young shoots of reeds and other aquatic plants, as well as mollusks, aquatic insects and even the eggs of other fish and frogs. Since the average size of this fish is small, it ranks last among the ten largest freshwater fish in the world. The largest carp was caught in 2015 in Hungary. His weight was 48 kg.


paddlefish is a large freshwater fish that inhabits bodies of water in the eastern United States, particularly the rivers flowing into the Gulf of Mexico. Most common in Mississippi and its associated lakes. On average, adults reach a size of 221 cm and a weight of 90.7 kg. They live long, up to 55 years. These freshwater fish are the only sturgeon species that feed on zooplankton, phytoplankton, as well as the remains (detritus) and secretions of invertebrate animals.


Siberian taimen (Russian salmon)- a species of predatory freshwater fish belonging to the salmon family. These fish inhabit the fast and cold waters of Siberia, Altai and the Far East. It is not in vain that it is considered the largest salmon in the world: such a fish can be 1 m in length and weigh 50-60 kg. The taimen is not whimsical in its choice of food; it preys on all types of fish that are smaller in size. It has different colors, but you can recognize it by its olive-green head, reddish-brown tail and 8-10 transverse stripes on the sides. The lifespan of taimen is significantly longer than that of other salmon. Thanks to this, fish can grow to above average sizes.

The largest taimen in the world was caught in the Krasnoyarsk Territory on the Kotui River in 1943. The weight of this fish was 105 kg and the length was 210 cm.


Shelled pike- ray-finned fish of the armored family. Swims in fresh and brackish waters of Central and North America. This is not only one of the largest freshwater fish on the planet, but also one of the most ancient - the ancestors of this species lived on Earth more than 100 million years ago. It got its name for its truly terrifying appearance: its long body is covered with thick, shell-like scales, and its sharp muzzle has powerful jaws with four rows of teeth. Armored freshwater pikes can reach 3 m in length and weigh up to 136 kg. It mainly eats small fish, but can also attack humans.

6. Nile perch (Lates niloticus)

Nile perch- the largest freshwater fish in the world from the genus Perciformes. Found in water bodies of Africa (Nile, Senegal, Congo, etc.). We are used to catching perches “on the palm” and larger, but this species grows up to 2 m in length and weighs up to 200 kg. The average length of the African freshwater perch will be 120-140 cm. The fish has a silver color with a blue tint. It feeds on smaller fish, insects, crayfish, and also does not disdain its relatives.


Brazilian arapaima is a tropical freshwater fish from the Aravan family. Distributed in lakes and rivers of South America. The body of this fish has a greenish color in the front, with a smooth transition to red in the tail, and incredibly durable scales. Thanks to its reliable protection, the arapaima coexists with such ferocious predators as piranhas. It mainly feeds on fish, and on occasion birds and small animals. The average length is 2 meters, but there are individuals up to 3 meters and weighing 200 kg.

The Brazilian arapaima has a unique feature - it is able to breathe atmospheric air.


Mekong catfish (shilbo catfish)- ray-finned fish of the pangasian catfish family. Inhabits the rivers of Thailand: Mekong and Tonle Sap. The largest specimen was 2.7 m in length and weighed 293 kg. These freshwater fish eat phytoplankton and algae and also prey on fish and small animals. Due to excessive fishing, there is a possibility of complete extinction of this species. According to some data, over the past 14 years, its population in the world has decreased by 80%. Therefore, the Shilbo catfish is included in the International Red Book.


Common catfish- a large bottom-dwelling fish without scales, living in deep fresh waters of lakes and rivers in Europe, Asia and parts of Russia. This fish is a real giant among aquatic creatures. Therefore, it is included in the same list with the largest freshwater fish in the world. With great depth and sufficient food, it can grow up to 5 m long and weigh up to 400 kg. There is no official confirmation of the second figure, but there are many eyewitness accounts. For such sizes, you need a lot of food. Some sources say that catfish feed exclusively on carrion. In fact, these fish prefer to hunt small fish, crustaceans, waterfowl, aquatic insects, small mammals and even their relatives.

Catfish are very large predatory fish with an aggressive character, living in fresh water, including in places where people bathe. In this regard, they pose a danger to humans, because may cause quite serious injuries. There is official evidence of attacks by two-meter catfish on people.


White sturgeon is the third largest in the sturgeon family. Inhabits the fresh waters of North America and is considered the largest cultural heritage of British Columbia. The sturgeon loves to live in the calm waters of the west coast and is large in size: up to 6 m long and weighing up to 816 kg. The fish is very aggressive, has a characteristic gray color with white spots and diamonds on the sides and back. Sturgeons live for a very long time, longer than humans, up to 100-110 years, and can reproduce only from the age of 14 (males) and 18 (females). The predator eats mollusks, crustaceans, worms and fish.

1. Beluga (Huso huso)

Beluga- a large freshwater fish from the sturgeon family, living in the Caspian, Black and Azov seas. This fish grows to enormous sizes: 4-5 meters in length and weighs up to one and a half tons. According to unconfirmed reports, there were individuals 9 m long and weighing up to 2 tons. That is why the beluga is the largest freshwater fish in the world. It feeds on different types of fish and shellfish, but prefers sprat, gobies, and herring. Beluga is a valuable commercial fish because... it contains the most expensive caviar in the world – black. The cost of a kilogram of black caviar in Europe can exceed 7,000 euros. Beluga is listed in the Red Book.

Another large commercial fish also belongs to the beluga genus - kaluga (Huso dauricus). We did not include it in the ranking of the largest freshwater fish in the world to make our TOP 10 more diverse. Lives in the Amur River. Grown-up individuals feed on minnows and other small fish, and later they eat silver carp, carp, salmon, grass carp, and sometimes their relatives. It can grow up to 5-6 meters long, and the maximum recorded weight of the “Queen of Amur” is 600 kg. This giant was caught by a Chinese fisherman in 2012. There is an assumption that previously there were fish weighing up to a ton. Included in the international and Russian Red Book. Kaluga is a freshwater fish, but is able to adapt to life in salty sea water.

Gray bull shark (bluntnose) lives in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. Belongs to the family of gray sharks, whose representatives can live in both salt and fresh water and is the largest of them. Among all species of living sharks, it has the greatest bite force - up to 6000 Newton. According to some data, it reaches a length of 3.5-4 m and a weight of up to 400 kg. Females are larger than males, aggressive and merciless. The bull shark hunts in the shallowest freshwater bodies near sandy beaches. Although this is a large fish, we did not include it in the rating, since freshwater rivers and lakes are not its main habitat.

  • The smallest freshwater fish in the world is dwarf pandaka (Pandaka pygmaea). It has an almost transparent colorless body. Found in the lakes of the Philippine island of Luzon. It grows no more than 1 centimeter and weighs 4-5 mg.
  • The largest fish in the world, among the inhabitants of both fresh and salt waters - whale shark (Rhincodon typus).

Interesting facts about the largest freshwater fish in the world.

In this article I would like to analyze the most coveted and significant fish of Siberia, fish of northern rivers, mountain taiga streams with cold water and rocky rifts, and lakes. Freshwater ichthyofauna of Siberia, as well as the Urals. Ichthyofauna of the entire taiga belt of Russia. I will not mention the fish that are abundant in the southern zone, and will focus only exclusively on the fish of the taiga, the fish of the north. Noble breeds of fish that are hunted by amateur fishermen in pursuit of a big trophy, tourists traveling through the taiga, and indigenous people of the north, for whom fishing is a way of obtaining food, and not sport, entertainment and the pursuit of a trophy.


A valuable commercial fish from the whitefish and salmon family, it lives in the rivers of Siberia, in particular in the basins of the Ob, Irtysh, Lena, and Yenisei rivers. It is valued for its taste, as well as its nutritional value and the presence of essential substances. Well consumed lightly salted. It is enough for the muksun to stand in salting for about 9 hours, and only then it can be eaten. The meat is fatty and melts in your mouth. The calorie content of meat is about 90 kcal per 100 g. It is also widely used for preparing stroganina.

Fishing methods: In many regions of the country, fishing for muksun is prohibited, in others it is caught with nets, and muksun can also be caught with a fly, having a varied supply of bait with you.


Valuable commercial fish of the whitefish family, reaching a weight of 50 kg. It lives in the rivers of Siberia, in the Arctic Ocean basin. It is considered one of the most delicious fish in Russia, and any fish dish made from it always turns out delicious. Just like muksun, nelma is good lightly salted and as planed meat. Is an endangered species.

Fishing methods: In all southern regions of Siberia, fishing for nelma is prohibited; it is caught industrially by artels in the northern part. Yes, and catching it with a spinning rod in the southern part is quite difficult, which cannot be said about the Ob or Yenisei delta, where nelma likes to live. The fish is very careful and shy. Nelma catches well on various spinners and spoons, most often ordinary ones, silver in color, matching the color of smelt and vendace fry.


Chir (or Shchokur) is a representative of the whitefish genus. A valuable commercial fish, it lives in both fresh and semi-fresh water at the confluence of large Siberian rivers with the Arctic Ocean. Also available in Kamchatka. Chir serves as a bonus for commercial fishermen when catching nelma and muksun. Also lives in freshwater lakes.

Fishing methods: Just like muksun, whitefish are caught with nets, but, unlike whitefish, they bite quite well on a fishing rod and spinning rod. Various insects, larvae, meat of mollusks living along the seashore, and, of course, artificial baits are used as bait.


Valuable commercial fish of the whitefish genus. Small sizes, up to 6-8 kg. Baikal omul lives only in Lake Baikal and nearby rivers, where it spawns. In the river basin of the Arctic Ocean lives arctic omul . It is well used salted, smoked, and also as planed meat.

Fishing methods: omul is caught at any time of the year. Fishing is possible both from the shore and from a boat. Omul takes well on small, bright, stationary and moving baits, including spinning rods. Local residents use pieces of foam rubber, fresh meat or a piece of fish as bait. In the depths of winter, omul descends to depths of over 200 meters, and appropriate gear is needed to catch it.


Siberian whitefish lives in rivers of the European north and Siberia. Weight up to 5 kg. Length up to 80 cm. It has good taste and is an object of both amateur and commercial fishing. It has a characteristic transition from the head to the body. Pyzhyan feeds on mollusks, larvae, and various insects.

Fishing methods: Fishing takes place using cast seines and the installation of nets. Amateur fishing takes place using ordinary gear and bait. The best bait is chiromanidae, also caviar, mollusk, fly, bloodworm.


A small commercial fish of the whitefish genus. In the Urals it is also known as Sosvinskaya herring . Fish of northern rivers live in the basins of the Ob and its tributaries (in particular, Northern Sovva, Pur, Taz, Nadym, etc.), on the Yenisei, Lena, etc. Length up to 100 cm, weight up to 100 g. Tugun meat tastes like fresh cucumber, the meat is tender and fatty. Tugun is smoked and consumed salted.

Fishing methods: Tugun is caught using seines; fishing with a rod or spinning rods is ineffective. Fishing most often occurs during the spring flood, when the fish go to fatten; they are also caught in the summer.


A genus of fish in the salmon family. Lives in freshwater reservoirs and rivers. Most often in fast, cold mountain rivers, on rapids. It lives in Siberia and the Far East, as well as in China, Mongolia, and Western Korea. It is not found in the European part of Russia, west of the Ural Mountains. Predator, feeds on various insects, mollusks, worms, flies. It has other names: Russian - lenok, Turkic - uskuch, Evenki - maygun, Yakut - byyit and literary - Siberian trout. Is an endangered species.

Fishing methods: There is no commercial fishing; lenok is one of the popular fish for sport and recreational fishing. Fly fishing and spinning gear is used. Young lenok are caught with a fly, similar to grayling, larger specimens are caught with spoons, various spinners, wobblers, etc.


A popular fish of northern rivers of the salmon family. It is an object of sport and amateur fishing and is valued for its excellent taste. There are Siberian, European and Mongolian grayling. Reaches a weight of 2.5-3 kg. It feeds on various larvae, mollusks, insects that have fallen into the water: midges, leafhoppers, grasshoppers, gadflies, etc.

Fishing methods: The most popular way to catch grayling is fly fishing. It can also be caught with a spinning rod and a regular fishing rod. Most often, grayling is caught using a fly. There are 4 places where grayling catches well: on riffles, rapids, immediately after the stones, standing facing upstream; near fallen trees; near large stones (standing at depth); on a riffle, to the side of the main stream. If fishing is done with spoons and spinners, then, as a rule, light baits are selected, but large grayling can also be taken with heavy ones.


The fish of the salmon family is listed in the Red Book of Russia; in some reservoirs it is grown and fishing is prohibited. It is a coveted trophy for any taiga fisherman. It can reach a weight of 70-85 kg and a length of up to 2 meters. Lives in fresh, cold water and does not go to sea. It lives throughout the taiga belt. The further north his habitat is, the more comfortable he becomes.

Fishing methods: Taimen is a predator and the fishing methods are the same as for other predators. In those rivers where there are many small fish, such as grayling and various types of whitefish, taimen also live. Fishing for taimen most often takes place under a special license or only for trophy photography, after which the fish are released. They are used with various spinners, spinners, wobblers and other spinning gear.


Valuable commercial fish of the sturgeon family. Body length reaches 130 cm, weight - up to 20 kg (in rare cases). Large specimens live mainly in northern rivers. It feeds on invertebrates and eats the eggs of other fish. It lives in the basins of many Siberian and European rivers in Russia, as well as in the seas. It is an object of fishing and spearfishing. Has excellent taste. An endangered species.

Fishing methods: is the target of poaching. Amateur fishermen catch sterlet under license. The most common tackle is a bottom bait with a bait in the form of a worm.


Fish of the cod order, the only one that lives only in fresh water bodies. It is found throughout almost the entire taiga zone, most common in the rivers of the Arctic Ocean basin. As a rule, the weight of burbot does not exceed 1 kg.

Fishing methods: The best periods for catching burbot are winter and early spring. The best tackle is a donka, as well as a float rod. As bait you should use live bait, fry, frog, leech. It goes well at night, because at night it comes out of its burrows and lies in wait for prey near snags. It is also effective to place burbot perches at night in winter.


Not a species, but a whole family of pike. It lives both in Siberia and throughout Russia, almost everywhere. The most popular predator in our waters. The length of the pike reaches 2 meters, and the weight is 35 kg, but in rare cases.

Fishing methods: for live bait, for frog, for tadpole. When using a spinning rod, any bait works well, depending on the reservoir and the situation, be it all kinds of spinners, wobblers that imitate a wounded fry, vibrating tails, etc. This bloodthirsty predator is best caught in the spring, before its spawning, and in the fall - during the feeding season, with late August to mid-October (in the north - until September)


A small fish of the carp family. The dace lives in clean flowing rivers, both with sandy and pebble bottoms, as well as in lakes. It feeds on small insects, invertebrate plankton, and plant shoots.

Fishing methods: like all carp - a float rod with bait on a hook. Also bottom tackle and fly fishing. Bait: bloodworms, maggots, porridge, bread, worm.

Rainbow trout

Other name Mikizha . Fish of the salmon family. Small in size, length up to 55 cm, weight up to 1.5 kg. Lives in cold water, loves clean mountain rivers and lakes. Predator, feeds on fry of other fish, minnows, verkhovna, insects, etc.

Fishing methods: fly fishing or spinning. Small trout are caught on a fly, like Siberian grayling; larger individuals will bite on spoons and other spinning gear.


The minnow is a small representative of the carp family. On the right photo lake minnow , on the left - river . The length of the fish is up to 15 cm, weight - up to 90-100 g. It feeds on mosquito larvae, flies, and small insects. The body is covered with small scales. Minnows are usually used as bait for larger fish, but can be eaten.

Fishing methods: minnows are caught during the day in calm, windless weather; at night the fish do not bite. Worms, bloodworms, and maggots are used as bait. Minnow fishing occurs in early autumn; later it goes into hibernation.


A small freshwater fish of the whitefish family. Dimensions of Siberian vendace: up to 35 cm in length and weight up to 1 kg. Semi-anadromous fish, i.e. lives both in the salt water of the ocean and in the fresh water of Siberian rivers flowing into the Laptev Sea. Vendace is consumed fresh, salted and smoked. Rich in nutrients as well as Omega-3 fats.

Fishing methods: commercial fish. It is caught mainly with seines, because the effectiveness of conventional fishing rods is low.


Fish from the carp family. Young animals are called roaches . Lives everywhere in the taiga zone. In Siberia it is found up to Yakutia. Reaches a weight of 3 kg and a length of 55 cm. Lives up to 20 years. Omnivorous fish. Lives in rivers, lakes, ponds. Avoids fast cold water and mountain rivers. Prefers rivers with more stretches of calm water and great depth.

Fishing methods: ides are caught using conventional types of gear. Float rods, donks, spinning rods, with various spinners and spinners. The ide takes well at dusk, because at this time it feeds. The bait is worms, bloodworms, maggots, bread, bran, etc.


From the perch family. Found throughout northern Eurasia. Reaches a size of 44.7 cm and a weight of more than 2 kg. Predator, very voracious. It is eaten as a base for fish soup, fried, smoked, and dried. It is an object of sports, amateur and commercial fishing.

Fishing methods: Like all predators, perch takes well to bait of animal origin. For live bait, worm. Takes well with spinning tackle, wobblers (right picture), spinners, vibrotails, and various spinners. It usually lives together with pike, in places with a large number of small fish.


Fish of the carp family. Chebak is a subspecies of roach, distributed mainly in the Urals and Siberia. In Siberia, the chebak lives almost everywhere. It is found in large quantities on the Kolyma, Indigirka, Lena, Yenisei and other Siberian rivers. Basically it is a small fish, but reaches a weight of up to 3.5 kg. In many reservoirs, chebak is the simplest and most popular fish. They eat it themselves and feed it to livestock, dogs and cats. Fish soup is made from it, fried, dried and smoked. In my opinion, chebak is especially good in the ear, when boiled.

Fishing methods: Chebak, like all carp fish, is omnivorous. It bites both on bait of animal origin and plant origin. Good for bloodworms, maggots, worms, dough, bread crumbs, corn. Classic chebak fishing occurs with a simple float rod.


A species of fish from the perch family. In Siberia it lives everywhere up to the border of the tundra. A small fish, reaching only 30 cm in length and weighing up to 250 g. An unpretentious fish that can adapt to its living conditions. Schooling fish. It lives in both fresh water and slightly brackish waters. Predator, nocturnal.

Fishing methods: It bites best in spring, autumn and early winter - at this time it begins to eat. The time for fishing is morning and evening. In summer it is caught at night, in cool times. It bites on bloodworms, worms, and maggots. Tackle - float rod.

In this article we will look at the question of what kind of fish there are. It should be clarified right away that the word “fish” in the meaning of “dish” will not be discussed here. Only living fish, that is, a creature living in an aquatic environment, interests us in this case. This is a superclass of aquatic vertebrates, the majority of which are dominated by gill breathing and do not feed their offspring with milk using special glands.

Division of fish by habitat

These creatures in this vein should be considered according to the main feature - whether they belong to freshwater, brackish water, or whether they require salt water to live. As you can see, the question of what types of fish there are can be answered in detail. In the first case, this is the one that lives exclusively in salty sea or ocean water. There are also breeds that survive well in both fresh and salty environments. This happens because a brackish liquid is considered optimal for them, that is, one in which the ratio of fresh water and salt is approximately 1000:1.

and oceans

If the reader is interested in what kind of fish there are in the seas and oceans, then the answer will be this far from complete list:

Already by the names you can determine how different the ocean species are and Photos of some species will only confirm this fact.

Freshwater fish habitat

When asked what types of fish there are, they answered: “Freshwater”? What is fresh water?

It should be immediately answered that an aquatic environment that contains practically no salts can be called fresh. Usually this is considered to be running water, that is, rivers. But many lakes also fall into this category. It is no secret that some freshwater fish are bred artificially for commercial purposes in man-made ponds and ditches. By the way, when looking at photographs of river fish living in natural conditions and comparing them with photographs of those that were born and raised in man-made reservoirs, it is almost impossible to notice the difference.

And, what’s really interesting, even swamps can serve as a habitat for some species of freshwater fish.

River inhabitants

Many of the superclass of aquatic vertebrates that do not feed their offspring with milk (classified as freshwater) live in rivers. The list of them is also quite large. In Russia the most common are the following:

The photos are incredibly beautiful. Fishermen often take pictures of their trophies and are extremely proud of them. Unfortunately, live river fish in natural habitats are poorly represented in photographs.

Who lives in the swamps?

Crucian carp is interesting in this regard. Although it can live quite comfortably in rivers and lakes, ichthyologists still believe that it is extremely difficult to meet it in clean mountain reservoirs. But in low-lying marshy lakes and directly in swamps, he feels just fine.

Many fishermen claim that they often catch carp, carp, gobies, tenches and eels when hooked in overgrown muddy ponds. Catfish are also found here, albeit occasionally.

Separation of fish breeds according to feeding method

All river and sea fish, as well as aquarium ornamental fish, are classified based on exactly how they feed. Some of these animals should be classified as predators, since their main diet is smaller fish, often even fry of the same species. Many predators do not disdain shellfish, caviar, and carrion.

Today, there are tragic cases of attacks on humans by the largest bloodthirsty fish - sharks. There are legends among people about how dangerous catfish and large pike are for people. Allegedly, some large individuals of these species can drag a child or a thin woman deep into the reservoir, where they deal with their victims. Or, they say, they mercilessly bite off the limbs of the unfortunate while swimming. However, no reliable facts of this have been recorded.

But the sea “sisters” of river pikes - barracudas - are capable of terrible crimes. They are also matched by the merciless moray eels, about which they say that in ancient times among the Greeks they were widespread aquarium fish, which their owners used as an instrument for executing unwanted people and those guilty of something.

The stories about piranhas, chimeras, tiger fish and giant goopers are chilling - these are also sea fish. Photos of the above killer fish look quite scary. However, it is worth noting that most fish predators pose a danger only to smaller inhabitants of water bodies. These include burbot, catfish, trout, pike, eel, whitefish, asp, bersh, perch, pike perch, and grayling, which live in large numbers in Russian rivers.

The peaceful ones are gobies, loaches, dace, carp, tenches, roaches, fishermen, bluegills, barbels, ides, spikes, bleaks, carp, rotans, gudgeons, bream, crucian carp, silver bream, verkhovka, white-eyes, cupids, chubs, ruffes, rudds, peleds, vendace and some other freshwater fish.

Differences in the method of reproduction

Most living creatures of the vertebrate superclass under consideration are egg-markers. Moreover, there is a division here, because some species use external fertilization. This happens in cases where the female releases unfertilized eggs into the water, and males belonging to the same fish species secrete a white liquid with sperm into the fertile environment - milt.

There are fish that are ovoviviparous. That is, fertilization occurs inside the female’s body. It turns out that a practically formed fry is born. These include some stingrays, sharks, eagles, eelpouts, carp-tooths and some others.

Some aquarium fish, photos of which are presented in the article, are also viviparous. These are, for example, guppies and swordtails.

Reproduction of salmon and sturgeon

Caviar species include salmon and sturgeon (the so-called red fish). A photo of a male salmon before spawning clearly demonstrates how his appearance changes before this important period in his life. The peculiar hump that appears on the back gives the name to one of the salmon species - pink salmon. The jaws of the fish bend in a hook-like manner, their body acquires a bright, even provocative color.

It is interesting that most species of red pink salmon, chum salmon and others) are brackish water. They are born in fresh rivers, then swim into the marine environment. To spawn, males and females move against the current back to their places of origin. A very large number of salmon representatives die during this period without reaching their goal: some due to natural factors, and others due to poaching. After spawning, almost all individuals of both sexes die. Although ichthyologists have discovered several exceptions to this rule, that is, they were able to register several females who came to spawn five and even seven times.

The names of some species of this most valuable commercial breed are known to almost everyone. These are stellate sturgeon, sturgeon, thorn, beluga, sterlet and some others.

Aquarium fish

Photos of these vertebrates attract the attention of even those people who are absolutely indifferent to ichthyology and have no desire to have such unique pets. The brightness of the color and the unusualness of their appearance play a major role in this.

However, for those who are interested in the underwater world and its inhabitants, aquarium fish can become a real practical aid. By observing them and studying their habits, one can identify all the main gradations of this natural superclass of vertebrates.

Just like all fish, these pets kept in aquariums are divided into freshwater, brackish water and marine.

There are also notorious predators here, attacking other inhabitants not at all out of hunger, but because this is their natural essence. Such examples are piranhas and ornamental sharks. Along with them, there are insectivorous fish, as well as those that prefer worms, bloodworms, algae, etc.

Aquarium fish are divided into spawning and viviparous. The majority, of course, are those that throw caviar and milt into the water.

Briefly about the main thing...

Observing the life of fish, a person draws important conclusions for himself: in nature everything is interconnected, everything is dependent on one another. And a person is one of the links in the chain, for the integrity of which he is responsible.


The ocean isn't the only place where you can find giant fish that might make you want to take your fishing rod on vacation for a long time. Hippopotamus fish can be found hiding in the murky waters of our freshwater rivers and lakes. Although typical freshwater fish are smaller than their brothers in the salt waters of the oceans, some of them can grow to enormous sizes. Meeting these freshwater giants may make you look at freshwater a little differently. This is the top 10 The largest freshwater fish.

No. 10. Siberian taimen

Also known as chum salmon, Siberian Taimen is a species of large fish belonging to the salmon family. This fish comes in a variety of colors depending on the geographical location, but, as a rule, its head is olive green, gradually turning into a reddish-brown tint on the tail. Some of their fins are dark red, and their bellies are usually white, but can sometimes appear dark gray. Taimen is the largest salmon in the whole world. The weight of the caught fish varies between 15 and 30 kg depending on their age. The largest Siberian salmon reliably reported is reached 104 kg. It was caught on the Kotui River in Russia.

No. 9. Carp

Carp are found throughout the world in many freshwater bodies. Carp can grow to gigantic sizes. It is one of the various species of freshwater fish that belong to the cyprinid family, the largest group that originated in Europe and Asia. The carp-shaped catla (also known as Indian carp) is the largest and reaches a length of 182 centimeters. Next comes the White Amur carp, which has a maximum length of 150 centimeters.

No. 8. Nile perch

Nile perch - ranked eighth in the top 10 largest freshwater fish in the world, is a species of freshwater fish that belongs to the perciformes family. Its homeland is the Nile, Congo, Senegal and Niger rivers (also the basins of other rivers that I did not mention). This bass is silver in color but has a unique blue tint to it. You'll notice its clear black eyes with bright yellow rings on the outer rim. Nile perch is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world, reaching a length in some cases of more than 1.8 meters. The largest of these fish weigh more than 182 kg.

No. 7. Catfish

Catfish feed on the bottom. They are the best when it comes to the bottom of the lake. Some of the largest catfish reached mass over 227 kg. You can find catfish in freshwater environments, usually with running water and colorful rocky bottoms.

No. 6. Paddlefish

It was once believed that paddlefish used their snouts to tear up vegetation at the bottom of rivers and lakes. There was a time when paddlefish were widespread in the river systems of the United States. But due to increased exploitation of water resources, their population has decreased significantly. One of the main reasons for the decline in numbers is the large number of dams we build on our rivers. These dams block their migration routes, which are very important for paddlefish during spawning and healthy growth.

No. 5. Bull shark

You may encounter bull sharks in warm oceans and coastal areas. They can also be found in fresh water streams if they are deep enough. Female bull sharks are larger than males. At birth, they can reach 3 meters in length. Adults average about 2.5 meters in length. Largest registered The bull shark weighed 312 kg . This is one of the largest species of freshwater fish. The bull shark is said to be a super-aggressive species. They often lurk in the shallow waters of beaches and exhibit aggressive behavior.

No. 4. White sturgeon

The White Sturgeon is a freshwater fish species that plays an important role in British Columbia's social heritage and culture. It is the largest sturgeon species in North America, and is also the largest freshwater fish species in North America. A white sturgeon recently caught in British Columbia was almost 4 meters long and weighed almost half a ton . White sturgeon have an extremely long lifespan. Some of them live more than 100 years. This means that they were alive even when British Columbia was not yet part of Canada. The white sturgeon is capable of spawning many times throughout its life. Due to their long lifespan, white sturgeon grow slowly and are not able to reproduce until males reach 14 years of age and females 18.

No. 3. Alligator garfish

The Alligator Garfish is a streamlined fish with a head that at first glance resembles an alligator. The Alligator Garfish is the largest fish of its species. It can grow to over 3 meters in length and weigh more than 136 kg . Despite its aggressive appearance, there are no reports of attacks on people yet.

No. 2. Giant freshwater stingray

This is one of the fish species that can scare you just by its mention. The giant freshwater stingray is one of the largest freshwater fish in the world. weighing from 495 to 590 kg . Unfortunately, the numbers of these fish are rapidly declining due to overfishing and rapid habitat loss. They are in danger of extinction. In Thailand, the giant freshwater stingray is an endangered species. If you try to catch a giant freshwater stingray, it can sink your boat. They are known for burrowing into thick mud when caught in a net.

No. 1. Beluga

The largest freshwater fish in the world , beluga– this representative of the sturgeon family is number one on the list of the largest freshwater fish. Despite the same names, freshwater beluga whales have nothing in common with beluga whales. Beluga whales can grow to monstrous sizes - partly because they can be up to 118 years old, during which time they never stop growing. The largest beluga reached 7.4 meters in length and weighed 1570 kg . The sad fact is that these large individuals are becoming less and less common. This is due to an increase in fishing intensity. Beluga is a species of fish that produces black caviar, considered a delicacy throughout the world. Beluga caviar is scarce and expensive. Due to the fact that the existence of this fish is now in critical condition, beluga caviar is even more expensive than before.

I also suggest you watch an interesting and educational video about huge carp:

Fish, as an equal participant in the Earth's ecological system, plays a vital role in human life. Sea and river fish are an inexhaustible source that supplies people not only with tasty and healthy food, but also with unique components for the production of agricultural fertilizers and medicines. In addition, fish components are included in some types of raw materials used in light industry.

List of inhabitants of freshwater bodies

The gastronomic value of freshwater fish in Russia is a long and firmly established fact. However, the variety of species of river fish found in catches is so great that only an experienced fishing enthusiast can figure out which representative of the ichthyofauna was caught from the river. The list of names of river fish presented below is quite wide, but by no means exhaustive. So, lake and river inhabitants of fresh water bodies of Russia:

The presented list of fish is voluminous, but the importance of correctly identifying each caught individual cannot be overestimated. Many factors influencing the results of fishing depend on this. These include behavioral characteristics of the hunted object and food preferences.

Popular fishing objects

All representatives of the ichthyofauna found in the fresh waters of Russian rivers, lakes and reservoirs are divided into predatory, omnivorous and species that prefer to feed on plant foods and plankton. The most famous carnivorous fish are, without a doubt, pike perch, perch and catfish. But the undisputed leadership of this conditional rating belongs to the pike.

Common pike

The predator's body is shaped like a torpedo, which allows it to make sharp throws, because its favorite pike hunting option - ambush. The color is camouflage type, with a fairly wide color range, from gray to almost black or dark green. Depending on the habitat, brownish tints may be present. The white color of the belly provides camouflage for the predator against the sky. The fins are yellowish-red.

The basis of the diet is small fish, but large individuals are capable of attacking waterfowl, amphibians and small animals leading a semi-aquatic lifestyle: muskrats, baby beavers and otters. Typically, the weight of pike rarely exceeds 15-18 kg, but in large and densely populated reservoirs some specimens can reach 40 kg in weight.

River perch

Another characteristic representative of predator fish living in inland waters of Russia. It lives in schools at shallow depths, preferring quiet, clean waters. It has a greenish-yellow or gray-green color with characteristic gray, sometimes reaching black, transverse stripes.

A distinctive feature of the species is the dorsal fin., divided into two parts. The front one is quite tough, with sharp needles. The back of the fin is soft. The color of the ventral and anal fins varies from pale orange to bright red.

The diet of perch is quite varied and consists of small fish, including its own species, insects and crustaceans living in and around the water.

The most popular baits are small-sized spoons and animal baits: worms, bloodworms and small baitfish.

The size of river perch rarely exceeds 40−45 cm and a weight of 1.0−1.5 kg.

Golden crucian carp (silver)

This species, which is perhaps the most famous representative of the carp family, lives in almost all reservoirs of Russia. Large and small rivers and lakes, reservoirs and ponds, reclamation canals and quarries filled with water are all places where crucian carp can be found. He is absolutely indifferent to the quality of water and even to its short-term absence.

Leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, feeding on zooplankton, insect larvae, worms and aquatic plants. The body is round, slightly compressed on both sides, covered with smooth scales. There are two species forms of this fish: golden and silver. In accordance with belonging to one of the forms color varies from silver to golden shades.

Reaches 50−60 cm in size and weighs 2.5-3.0 kg. The most common fishing gear is a fly rod, but it can also be successfully caught using bottom gear. In winter it is inactive, so the summer months are considered the most favorable fishing time.

Russian sturgeon

Without exaggeration, this inhabitant of Russian rivers can be called one of the calling cards of Russia. Sturgeon is a fairly large fish. The body length of individual specimens can reach six meters. The weight of commercial sturgeon varies in the range of 10-20 kg, but there are known cases of catching specimens weighing 7-8 centners or more.

The spindle-shaped elongated body of the fish, consisting of cartilaginous tissue, does not contain vertebrae. The notochord remains in it throughout the life of the sturgeon. No scales, and on the body of the fish there are peculiar diamond-shaped bony scutes-bugs. The sturgeon has a color that is various variations of gray, turning on the belly to white or grayish-yellow. The fins of the fish are usually dark gray.

The Russian sturgeon, however, like its Siberian or Amur relatives, leads a bottom-dwelling lifestyle, descending to depths of up to one hundred meters, where, in fact, it finds food for itself.

The sturgeon's diet is varied and includes insect larvae, shrimp, worms and leeches; it does not disdain small fish. When there is a lack of protein food, the sturgeon successfully consumes algae.

One cannot help but be interested in the fact that the sturgeon belongs to the long-lived fish. The average lifespan of this amazing fish is 50-60 years, but history knows examples of catching centuries-old specimens.

river eel

This unique fish is extremely similar to a snake, as it has an elongated, rounded and slightly laterally compressed body. A layer of thick mucus covering the eel, makes it very slippery, which often helps it return to the water after meeting an angler. The caudal, dorsal and anal fins form a kind of ribbon bordering a significant part of the fish’s body.

The color of the eel depends entirely on its age and living conditions. A feature of the color is considered to be a characteristic metallic sheen, which allows the fish to be called silver.

The habitats of the river eel are characterized by a clay bottom and weak currents. It is there that he finds food for himself, which is worms and crustaceans. It is caught using float and bottom fishing rods, usually at night. Live bait is used as bait. Eel meat is very nutritious and extremely tasty, especially when smoked.

Gastronomic value of freshwater fish

Despite the fact that, according to experts, river fish is inferior in benefits to the human body to sea fish, the content of minerals and vitamins in its meat is quite high. River fish fillet contains a lot of tocopherol, vitamins A and D. Therefore, regular consumption of river fish meat has an extremely positive effect on hair health, gives the skin a healthy shine and pleasant color, and maintains the stability of the visual organs.

A person who systematically eats fish that lives in fresh water bodies rarely has to be in a state of stress, since magnesium, which is part of fish meat, improves the functioning of the nervous system. And this, in turn, eliminates irritability and normalizes sleep.

How much fish should you eat? Nutritionists determine the rate of consumption of fish meat at 150-200 g daily.

It is no secret that the gastronomic value of fish largely depends on its bonyness, and according to this indicator, river fish is significantly inferior to sea fish. Nevertheless, among representatives of fresh water bodies there are species whose meat is practically boneless. Fish from Russian rivers and haute cuisine were not left out. Thus, from pike, the meat of which many consider low-grade, European chefs prepare a masterpiece dish - “Gefilte fish”.

Endangered and rare species

Today, many representatives of the ichthyofauna living in Russian reservoirs need human help. And the most depressing thing is the fact that this sad list is constantly expanding:

All these and some other species of fish are teetering on the verge of extinction from the face of our planet. For example, until the mid-thirties of the last century, the Volkhov whitefish was the main object of commercial fishing in the basins of the Svir, Volkhov, and Syaz rivers. However, the commissioning of the Volkhov hydroelectric power station “sentenced” this valuable fish to extinction.

Red Book

The compilers of the Red Book classified endangered and rare fish species living in water bodies of the Russian Federation into five categories. The main selection criterion was the population indicator:

  1. Species whose numbers are at a critical level and are threatened with extinction.
  2. Species with rapidly declining numbers.
  3. Rare, found in limited areas or in small quantities.
  4. Little-known and poorly studied species.
  5. Recovered species whose increasing numbers need to be controlled.

It should be noted that due to the difficulties arising from accounting errors, some species of freshwater fish may have ended up in the Red Book unjustifiably. The state of ecology of many river systems located on the territory of the Russian Federation is also not encouraging.

Pollution of water bodies with wastewater containing highly dangerous chemicals and harmful emissions from industrial enterprises not only lead to changes in the usual way of life of representatives of the ichthyofauna, but also threatens mutations and the complete disappearance of the latter.

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