Fallout graphics mod for the entire series. Modifications Fallout 1 mods and patches

In this package, there is a description of all mods/patches; when you run the installer, you can read a brief description.


Part 1: "Invasive procedures"

The invasion of the mutant army has been restored in all major cities. Bye Master
alive, he and his army will slowly take over the Wasteland.
The invasion begins 90 days from the start of the game from Boneyard. Then continues
in Necropolis (110 days), Hub (140 days), Brotherhood of Steel (170 days),
Junktown (200 days), Shady Sands (230 days) and finally Vault 13 (500 days).
Please note that your actions in the game world may speed up the start of an invasion
several (or all) cities at once.
After the invasion of the city, the entire population is destroyed and an army appears on the streets
mutants. In some cities you can even stumble upon the highest ranks, commanders
invasion (LA, Hub), but most often you will not see anyone except mutants or
LA has a special meaning for the Master. After the invasion it will be possible to find there
not only mutants, but also the Children of the Cathedral, trying to understand the heritage
The game ends after the mutants capture Vault 13. You should not wander around
Wasteland for too long!
Attention! Spoilers!
List of new and changed characters:
* Lara, Disciples spy:
- Her Children's progress report now changes over time: first she
reports only on hospitals, then, closer to the beginning of the invasion, begins
talk about him and indicates to the player the Master’s first goals after capturing the aircraft
(or aircraft and hub) its report changes accordingly
- Some of her answers relate to the early concept of the Council/Followers, so
that I had to change them and, accordingly, remove the voice acting for them.
- Lara no longer attacks the player immediately when he tries to steal from her
or be rude, first she warns (several attempts) and only then
LA: Boneyard (post-invasion):
* Orfeo is the eldest member of the Children in Boneyard.
*Children's Recruits.
* Children's Scientists.
* Children's Scouts.
* Child Protection.
* Utern is the leader of the super mutant scouts in Boneyard.
* Nightkin scouts.
* Smart nightkins.
* Nightkin invaders.
* Troy - can take the player to the Lieutenant (after the invasion of the Hub).
* Caravan companies will not go to already captured cities.
Brotherhood of Steel:
* Paladin guarding a destroyed bunker (made from scratch).
Random encounters:
* Caravans in random encounters will not go to already captured cities.
* Encounters around captured cities change accordingly
(after the capture of the Hub, caravans disappear, after the capture of BS instead of paladins
there are mutants, etc.).
* Added weapons to mutant invaders in cities (minigun and ammunition for it).
Other changes:
* The ending of the BS captured by mutants has been restored
(engine changes - Mynah, picture - hamster).
* Changes to the BS bunker map after the invasion have been restored.
* Minor cosmetic changes due to the invasion.
Known Issues:
* “And the dead stand” is a known bug that was previously found only in
Necropolis, and now in all cities after the invasion. Death Animation
“gets stuck” on a certain frame and the critter remains standing. Think,
that this is due to a feature of one engine function: when killing a critter
with its help, the death animation is selected randomly. And, apparently, sometimes the engine
selects an animation that does not exist for this criterion. Hence
bug. Which can't be fixed.
Wasteland Ghost .


FALLOUT: A Post-Nuclear Role-Playing Game Restoration Mod
Part 2: "The Unknown Wasteland"
The mod can only be installed on the unofficial patch from TeamX version 1.3.5 and higher!
Unpack the contents of the archive into the Fallout directory and start a new game.
When using parts 1 and 2 of the mod together, part 2 must be installed
on top of part 1.
Attention! Spoilers!
List of changes:
* The caravan is rendered in the city after arrival.
* When a caravan is in town, shoppers crowd around it.
* The greeter offers a mini-quest: help unload the caravan.
Random encounters:
* Lance, Shady Sands patrolman, has been returned to the game.
* Gold can now be found in the mountains (requires a critical success on the check
skill Wanderer, which happens extremely rarely).
* The Deathclaw from the Hub is synchronized with its copy in the cave: if killed
him in a random encounter, he will not appear in the cave, and vice versa. Also
restored some phrases of the player in dialogue with Trent to see them,
knowledge about Deathclaws is required (talk to Beth or Herald in the Hub).
* After the mutant invasion of the Hub, you can find a destroyed caravan and a corpse
* The ability to become addicted to alcohol (beer, vodka) has been returned, thank you for that
Wasteland Hellbringer"
Known Issues:
* Sometimes, while escorting a caravan to LA or Necropolis, at the time of attack
The player appears on the wrong map level. And when exiting, he gets
to the desired level in the thick of battle. Very strange engine bug: that's it
functions report that the player is at level 2, but he is actually at level 1.
Well, since NPC placement is done using these functions, they all turn out to be
at level 2. The nature of the bug is still not clear, so fix it for now
does not work.
Wasteland Ghost .
Test and send me your bug reports.

Will go for maternity treatment.

Sfall Designed for version 1.2. Can be installed in Russian localization with the appropriate patch from TeamX. The main changes introduced by the mod:

  • Possibility of increasing the speed of movement and battles by 10 times.
  • You can play in a separate window and 16-bit color mode.
  • Ability to scroll with the mouse wheel when bartering, in the inventory, in dialogues and in the save menu.
  • The speed of cursor movement is adjusted within a wider range than usual.
  • For the convenience of modders, additional scripting functions have been added.
  • Much more.

Russian version 1.18e for Windows 9x: (18 Kb)

DirectDraw Compatibility Tool DirectDraw Compatibility Tool is designed to solve problems with color palette distortion in older games. Eliminates the need to create a batch file with killing/restarting explorer.exe or using external graphical output interceptors such as Sfall. Windows Vista and Windows 7 have built-in compatibility with these games, but for this mode to function, you must enter information about the game's exe file in the appropriate registry section. DirectDraw Compatibility Tool allows you to fully automate the creation of compatibility rules. Fallout1 Screen Refresher This utility solves the problem of a constantly occurring black screen. Run the program before starting the game. Fallout Party Mod A squad mod for any version of the Russian localization of the game, which can also be installed on top of saves. Changes being made:

  1. Human companions can change their armor and behavior in battle.
  2. Dogmeet can be ordered to wait.
  3. A bug that prevented peaceful access to the warehouse in the Brotherhood of Steel has been fixed.

Fallout Update Mod v.1.2.5 The mod returns to the game some quests and some characters that for some reason were not included in the final version of the game. The mod affects Shady Sands, Junk Town, Hub, Adytum, Brotherhood of Steel. In total there are 4 new quests and 27 new characters in the mod. All this is being localized by Fargus. The mod includes the Celestial weapon patch and bug fixes (inventory and computer at the Military Base) from AO.

Attention! The mod has a significant number of glitches and bugs, so it is not recommended for those who play for the first time. The mod is not compatible with any other mods or patches and can only be installed on pure Fallout version 1.1.

NPC upgrade mod for Fallout NPCs (Yan, Taiko and Katya) can wear any armor and increase their level of development. Fallout NPC Mod v.3.5 Yang, Katya and Taiho gain levels, change their armor and behavior in battle. Dogmeet can be ordered to wait. Attention! The mod can only be installed on the unofficial patch 1.3.5!

File that disables the display of armor on partners: (2 Kb)

Fix a bug with the impossibility of joining Dogmeet if the player visited LA before the first meeting with him:
(1 Kb)

Fallout Ammo Patch Reduces the lethality of ammunition.223.

Fallout Restoration Mod An attempt to bring back into the game ideas that disappeared from there due to lack of time from the developers. The mod is under development. The development itself is divided into several stages: the first stage concerns the full implementation of the invasion of an army of mutants in all cities, the second - random encounters and caravans, the third and subsequent ones - the “restoration” of all locations, one after another. The results of each stage will be posted as separate (not cumulative) installation archives. The mod is based on patch 1.3 from TeamX and requires its installation.

At the moment, the first two parts of the mod are ready (in a single archive FO1RPv10b1.7z). English mod. For Russification, you need to download and install Russian texts (FO1RP_rus_text.7z), however, please note that Fargus’s voice acting will hiss and typing Russian letters from the keyboard in 1C will not work, because the engine will remain from the American version.

1 ® (version from Fargus 1.1).
(Taking into account the fact that the creation can be considered a BugFix
Let's consider this the creation of Fallout 1.2.5 version :))

0. Reasons for creation

For a long time now I have been playing games in the Fall Series: Fallout1 and Fallout2. And if for the 2nd Foul there are many patches, updates, patches, mods, etc. and so on. then for the 1st, alas, there is nothing except cheating Saves :(
Studying posts on the www.Fallout.ru forum dedicated to the topics of characters and quests not included in the game (especially Hellbringer research) due to lack of time or other Interplay problems, the idea came to finally implement such a thing and make Fall1 the way it could have been right away after the game is released.

1.What's new?

3 new 1: finally you can find and complete the quest to find the spy of the Children of the Cathedral,
2: Romeo and Juliet quest in Adytum
3: become a member of the Blade Gang - all original Folov quests
(and completing the 2nd quest is possible only after completing the 3rd)
1 miniquest - can be obtained from Christopher Bounty Hunter (added on personal initiative, after reading the forum threads fallout.ru/fforum/index.php?showtopic=7120 and fallout.ru/fforum/index.php?showtopic=6445)

Ooo. There are a ton of new characters here :) Therefore, I’ll start listing them by city where they are located in the order of normal passage:

Shady Sands
The Elder - The Elder from Shady Sands
Agatha - Grandmother Storyteller (The old storyteller of Shady Sands, Agatha)
Merchant - The Barterman from Shady Sands
Merchant Guard - Only a bodyguard from Shady Sands for the Barterman

Bob - Ugly Bob (Bob from Junktown. Pretty much a dead beat)
Fernandez - Mexican Gambler (Gambler in Junktown)

Rufus - cyberpunk (cyber hack in the Hub)
Dan is a strange man who knows too much (psycho person who knows too much)
Kyle is a guide to the Used Cars map (this is my own idea to create such a character, according to
for the simple reason that after playing Foul1 many times, I never had a chance to visit this
random location. Under certain conditions and your characteristics, he will take you there)

Adytum (Regulators)
Julianna - Romero's lover (Julianna from the Adytum)

Adytum (Blades)
Fire - 2nd man after Razor (Fire, second in command of the Blades)
Beca/Jade - also a boss, of a lower rank (Beca and Jade. Quartermistress of the Blades)
Dolgan, the weaponmaster from the Blades
Michelle, leader of the scouts for the Blades
Romero - in love with Julianna (Just a Blade in love w/ some chick in Adytum)
Dragon, Night watchman for the Blades

Adytum (Followers)
Alan - Brother Alan (Recent enthusiastic Follower convert)
Amber - teacher for the Followers
Neil - head of the Followers guard
Marnie - nurse/doctor (The Doctor/Nurse of the Followers)
Jake - Jake - Follower (second in command of the Followers)
Peter - Head of the Follower's scouts
Heather, a spy for the Children
as well as Follower Scouts and Follower Guards

Utern - Leader of the Super Scouts in Boneyar
Generic Scout Super Mutant in the Boneyar

Brotherhood of Steel
Farli - Paladin (Farli from the Brotherhood of Steel)
Brenden - Initiate (New Initiate of the BOS)

Total: 27 new characters (of which 26 original Folovskys + 1 own) + 2 new script groups.
Almost most of the scripts remained unchanged in the original version, only a quarter of them were reworked due to a violation of the game balance, and only 2 characters were made practically from scratch because they did not have a script, there were only msg files (these are Alan and Rufus).

2.How to bet

Place the archive file in the Fallout1 folder and run it. During the unzipping process, you may be required to click confirm to replace several old files with new ones (click Yes to All). After unzipping, the archive can be deleted. You can safely start the game;)
An example for the slow-witted: so you have Fallout1, for example its C:\Games\Fallou1\ (the file falloutw.exe is right there). Place the executable archive file here and run it. It will install all new and necessary files into the \data subfolder automatically.

3.Possible problems

I would like to note right away that this whole “thing” was assembled and tested only on the Russian version of Fallout 1 from Fargus (I’m not sure that there are localizations from other companies at all). Therefore, I immediately note that I am not responsible for problems associated with other versions of 1st Fall.

Problem #1
It is possible that Foul1 will not start due to the appearance of the message "...blah blah blah the program does not have enough space on the hard drive, and please free up at least 20 megabytes." And this despite the fact that there may be a lot more space on the disk.
This whole issue can be cured either by simply rebooting the computer (the easy option), or by editing the Fallout configuration file: fallout.cfg. (more complex :))
in the subdepartment
line free_space=20480 or something similar, you need to set it to 0 and save the changes. That's it, voila, it should help.

Problem #2
Sometimes (rather rarely) the game may crash (i.e. a black screen remains, but the music and sounds of Foul play when one of the mutants dies during a fight on the Followers of the Apocalypse map LaFollwr.map). The solution is this: do not climb immediately upon entering to this map to fight them, and talk first with someone on the map. Almost 100% guarantee that there will be no problem. (The problem can be considered solved thanks to the efforts of Alchemist)

Problem #3
May arise when talking to Kyle and going with him to the Used Car Dealer. A black screen appears and the game crashes into Windows. This error can occur very rarely and can be treated by replacing the file...data\scripts\Test.int with a similar file, which I posted at www.hot.ee/pal/Test.int

Please report any problems and errors to the special Fallout.ru forum thread.


Wasteland Hellbringer from the Fallout.ru forum, whose research on the shortcomings of Fallout 1 inspired me to start creating this creation.
AO also from the Fallout.ru forum, for 2 bugfixes included in the Mod (bugfix for inventory and military computer).
And also the group Team-X (of which I have been a modest member for a long time), or more precisely some of its members, with the help of whom I mastered all this...
Celestial for creating a weapon patch that reduces the power of .223 caliber ammunition.
Wasteland Ghost for improving characters such as Jarvis and Curtis in ShadySands.
Alchemist for improving the glitch-free mutant character named Uthern.

5. And how it could have been, or the True Story of Boneyard.

While working on the update, I had to study not only the scripts and dialogues of the characters I added, but everything connected with them, directly or indirectly. In the end, it was interesting to find out what Boneyard could really be like. So, in addition to the Regulators, Blades, GunRunners and Followers, there also had to be a brutal gang of Rippers. Moreover, all these groups were connected with each other by difficult relationships.
The Blades wanted you to remove not only the Regulators, but also cut out all the Rippers, and bring them not the head, but the hand of their leader (Tangler). And for some reason the Weapon Wanderers unbearably wanted to destroy all the Followers of the Apocalypse by bringing a mega-bomb to their Library-Building by Chuzen. The Followers of the Apocalypse, in turn, could help you somewhat by temporarily infusing several Followers-Intruders into your team
(Follower Invaders) for assistance in the attack on the Cathedral of Children. (by analogy, how you can attack Adytum with the help of Blades).
As we can see, there are no Rippers; Death Claws are operating here at their location.
All these situation-options came across in a great variety of sources. One can only regret that all this was not realized.

You can receive the Romeo and Juliet quest only after completing at least one request for help from the Blades. (For example, deal with the Regulators or get weapons for them from the Wanderers), and immediately after that talk with Jade/Beka, who will assign you some status with the Blades).
I won’t tell you the rest so as not to spoil the gaming appetite. Good luck!

In modern Fallout, graphics play an important role. The picture should be beautiful, but not eat away at productivity. Old versions no longer work without improving textures. Therefore, mods for Fallout graphics have already become mandatory. What are they and what should you install first?

Graphic mods in the Fallout series: purpose and capabilities

Graphic modifications have several main purposes:

  1. Improvement of an existing picture. Designed for productive machines, as it requires a large load on the hardware. Makes textures and graphic effects more colorful. Allows you to make the game world look real in appearance.
  2. Adding new effects and graphics features. Draws what was not there before - for example, adds weather conditions or small details.
  3. Redrawing in HD. Relevant for older versions of the game (1 and 2), it allows you to run them on new computers without damaging the image beyond recognition.
  4. Picture deterioration. In contrast to previous mods, it significantly simplifies the image, trading off performance. Allows you to run the game even on weak computers.

Each graphics mod has its own meaning, and it is impossible to refuse any of them. After all, some players would like to run Fallout 4 on a weak laptop. And avid gamers may want to remember the classics and play Fallout 1 on a top-end PC.

Mods to improve graphics of different versions

There are enough games in the series, despite the fact that only three engines were used. And each has its own fashions. Modifications for all three engines need to be considered.

Fallout 1 and 2

Two old classic games for which even a weak modern laptop will be plenty. Without special patches and modifications, the graphics will look poor, and games may not start at all. Therefore, you will have to install the current High Resolution Patch for a specific version.

In addition, you can find various interface and playability “improvements” for both games. This is, for example, Sfall for versions 1 and 2 - it speeds up battles, adds mouse wheel scrolling, allows you to open the game in a window, and much more. Very convenient and efficient.

Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas

Since this version is made on a much more advanced and modern engine than the previous ones, much more modifications for graphics have been created. It is worth remembering that New Vegas and Troika were made on the same engine. Therefore, most modifications will be similar - just find the version for a specific game. But not all! So you need to check before installation.

The IMAGINATOR. The mod allows you to fine-tune the game graphics. You can change everything - from standard parameters like draw distance to sharpness, contrast, Wasteland colors and much more. Allows you to create your own atmosphere of the post-apocalyptic world as the player sees it.

The Road Warrior Weather. A weather mod that adds several effects to the Wasteland. Now the weather is more varied - you can say goodbye to the same showers and sunshine. After all, with the mod everything looks much more interesting.

GreenWorld. A non-atmospheric mod that will bring the world of Fallout 3 to life. It adds bushes, grass, leaves on trees and much more. The wasteland will turn into a large and flourishing Oasis. Diversifies scorched landscapes.

NMC'sTexturePack. Pack of improved high-resolution textures. Seriously improves the graphics in the game. Completely changes the display of standard textures in the Wasteland, making them better and more detailed.

CINEMATECH – Film Grains and Styles. A mod for New Vegas that allows you to add various effects from the world of photography. Has no practical benefit, but will allow you to shoot beautiful videos and photographs for, for example, reviews or walkthroughs

Fallout 4

The newest game in the series has already acquired “improvements” for its already gorgeous graphics. However, there is no limit to perfection.

ExtremeParticlesOverhaul. Increases the number of particles in effects up to ten times. Makes all explosions, shots and flashes completely redesigned. They have become much more colorful. But not at the expense of realism. Increases the load on the PC.

XtremeCinemaxwithLFX. A very “heavy” mod that makes Fallout 4 almost a movie. The wasteland turns into a picturesque and beautiful area. Every blade of grass has been worked on. But the mod requires an extremely powerful computer to operate.

Resurrection version 1.5 is now available for download.

Basic information regarding the patch that we recommend you read before updating Resurrection:
- The patch can be applied to Resurrection version 1.4 only. The English version of the patch doesn't contain changes from the older versions of the game, because the first English release was already version 1.4.
- Save slots from the older version aren't compatible with the new version of the game. After certain changes, Fallout 2 isn't able to load saves made before those changes. Therefore save slots from older versions of Resurrection won"t load in Resurrection version 1.5.
- We have updated the versions Sfall and High Resolution patch that are included with Resurrection. If some time in the future you want to update them to newer versions, you can easily do so by copying the newest versions of the ddraw.dll file (for Sfall) or the f2_res.dll file (for High Resolution patch) into the Fallout 2/Resurrection directory. But do not copy ddraw.ini or f2_res.ini into the Fallout 2/Resurrection directory. There"re specific settings in these files for Resurrection that are different from the default settings of High Resolution patch and Sfall.
- Since the ini files of High Resolution patch and Sfall are updated with the patch as well, your settings in them (for example the game"s resolution) will be set back to default. You"ll have to redo your settings with Resurrection" s Configuration Program, or by editing those files manually.
- The folder "resdata" found in the folder "Resurrection" was renamed to "data" for version 1.5. The patch installer will take care of the renaming automatically. Thanks to this change, various programs for Fallout file editing will now work with Resurrection without a problem.
- If you downloaded some files containing hot fixes beforehand, you should delete those files before installing the patch (check sub folders in the Resurrection/data folder, or in the case of version 1.4 in the Resurrection/resdata folder). Those fixes are now part of version 1.5.
- If you want to see what's new in version 1.5, read the fores_change.log file found in the Resurrection folder, or check the (beware though, it contains SPOILERS!).
- If you encounter a problem installing or running Resurrection, check the readme file first. The solution to your problem might be there. If the readme doesn't help, let us know on our forum, or email us and we'll try to help you.

One example of small improvement for version 1.5: Some of the players didn't notice the imperial army lieutenant Terrak in the Wild Paradise. He's an important character because by talking with him, a quest line concerning the Anonym starts and the player gains access to the Imperial City. So now when the player asks the barman about the patrons of the Wild Paradise, he"ll mention Terrak along with the others, and the player can then ask to learn more about him.

What else to read