My daily walks: benefits and pleasant emotions. My daily walks: benefits and pleasant emotions What did these walks give me in terms of health

I really like to wander through the forest at any time of the year. His nature is always extraordinarily beautiful. Sometimes, walking in the forest, you can meet forest dwellers: a squirrel, a hare, small birds or even a hedgehog. I think that the forest is the best place for animals, because this is their natural habitat. It always makes me sad when I see animals languishing in cramped zoo cages or performing stunts in a circus for food.

I especially like to walk in the forest in early October. At this time, the weather is still quite warm, and the forest has already managed to transform. He changed his green outfits to yellow and red ones, as if dressed up for the holiday. On a warm spring day, you walk through the forest with a basket, there is incredible beauty around, the sun warms you up and your mood immediately becomes sunny and warm.

In the forest there are aromas of fallen leaves, herbs, mushrooms. It is very pleasant to inhale these smells, it seems that you are filled with health and energy. My grandmother is very well versed in mushrooms and is well versed in the forest, so I like to walk through the forest with her. Many mushrooms, thanks to my beloved grandmother, I already know how to recognize myself. For example, I easily recognize boletus, boletus, milk mushrooms and butterflies. In the evenings, my grandmother and I usually fry potatoes with mushrooms, it turns out very tasty!

Sometimes we go to the forest for a picnic with our parents, put on the grill and cook barbecue or sausages. I really like this process. Then we sit down with the whole family on stumps and eat food cooked in the fresh air.

We have a dog Kuzma, he loves it very much when I take him to the forest with me. There he gladly runs after a stick, digs holes and sniffs at unfamiliar smells. Also in the forest, Kuzya barks merrily and jumps around me, as if expressing gratitude for being taken with him into the forest.

I believe that the forest is a great place where you can improve your health, take a break from the hustle and bustle of the big city and just have fun with family or friends.


As wilderness areas gradually turn into stone jungles, people are increasingly at risk of forgetting their true nature. After all, it is the “wild” places that help us fully realize who we really are and return to our roots. Indeed, it is worth just getting out into the forest - and feeling the absolute unity with the Universe, which does not always come even during the longest meditation. Why and how does this happen?

  1. Strong immunity. The results of a study conducted in Japan showed that walking in the forest activates the production of immune killer cells that destroy viral infections. Since then, forest therapy has been a common practice in Japan. And in Canada, even certified guides have appeared, who for only $50 can not only take a tour of the forest, but also suggest special exercises, for example, hear the rustle of leaves, see the beauty of tree bark ...
  2. Fresh air. Forest air is one of the most powerful (and free) health remedies available to man. Due to the fact that plants secrete phytoncides, biologically active substances that kill pathogenic bacteria, breathing in the forest is easy and free. Scientists say that most phytoncides are released in summer, in sunny weather, at noon. Least of all - in winter, in cloudy weather and at night. From here, we can conclude when exactly it is better to take walks in the forest. As for the benefits of clean air for a person, it strengthens the nervous system, improves mood, stimulates the work of all vital body systems - in general, in order to describe all the advantages, you need to write a separate article.
  3. Energy update. Since ancient times, our ancestors believed that trees have special, almost magical properties. It was believed that birch stores the energy of the Sun and contributes to the awakening of a person at the energy level. Pine removes negativity from a person, oak strengthens willpower, helps a person to cope with difficulties more easily. Therefore, if esotericism is close to you, read about the reputation of trees - they really are a powerful source of energy.
  4. Calm. During the ubiquitous Internet and gadgets, a person can rarely boast that he spent the weekend in nature, and not behind a computer monitor. Endless scrolling through the feed in social networks turns people into zombies, but the forest with all its biological diversity can practically open up a new world and help you escape from the daily hustle and bustle. Trees have a positive effect not only on the physical body, but also on the psychological state, helping to calm the nerves and relieve stress. It has been proven that people who regularly spend time in the forest or parks are less likely to suffer from depression.
  5. weight loss. Regular walks in the forest or park speed up the process of losing weight, by enriching the body with oxygen. In addition, the pleasant forest atmosphere contributes to long walks, which leads to a more intense loss of excess calories.

I would like people to treat the forest not from a consumer point of view - logs and boards - but carefully, as a healing source of health, beauty and youth. Get out into the forest as often as possible - and the wilder it is, the better. Take care of yourself forest and be healthy!

Autumn forest… One has only to go into it, as soon as you find yourself in the magical world of silence. Spinning, colorful leaves fall from the trees. The breeze quietly rustles in the branches, the smell of rotten leaves and damp earth is in the air ... - a wonderful time, "glamor of the eyes." While the weather is dry and warm, it's time to take a walk with the child through the forest and introduce him to this wonderful time of the year. What to do with a kid in the autumn forest and how not to get bored yourself? There is nothing easier! We arm ourselves with a good mood and go for a walk with UfaMama!

In order to enjoy the colors of autumn, it is not necessary to go out of town. available in almost every area. Take warm blankets, a thermos of tea, a light snack and go to breathe fresh air. Do not forget to grab nuts and seeds for squirrels. On warm autumn days, walking through the forest is pleasant and without any fuss, just enjoying the beauty and silence. But children may not agree with you. Therefore, take note some fun ideas And !

What to do in the autumn forest?
  • Rustling with fallen leaves- the most fun activity! You can have a competition "Who rustles the loudest?!" Or run from leaflets autumn fireworks - hooray!
  • We collect. Multi-colored autumn leaves are both a beautiful bouquet, and material for creativity, and educational material. Along the way, you can tell the baby from which tree a leaf fell (oak, birch, maple, ash, linden, elm) What color is it, what shape. Observe together which of the trees have already shed their leaves and which have not yet. And in the forest clearing, during a picnic, you can weave a maple wreath.
  • Having prepared in advance, learn a short poem or song about autumn along the way. Tell your child autumn riddles.
  • Arrange game "Magic Walk". Listen together to the forest rustles and sounds, the chirping of birds. Look for forest treasures: beautiful twigs, leaves, cones, acorns, moss. From the collected natural material at home, it will be possible to make autumn crafts.
  • Spread on the feeders or on the stumps brought treats for birds and squirrels. Even if you don't meet them, leave delicious gifts. Along the way, tell your child that many birds fly away to warmer climes in autumn, and those little animals that remain - make stocks for the winter, warm the minks, change from a summer coat to a winter one.
  • Picnic in the autumn meadow with warm tea and sandwiches - what could be tastier?!
  • In a clearing for a picnic, you can arrange, for example, "Who will collect more cones or acorns faster" . Or catch-up "Catch a migratory bird." or game "Tree House" : All participants stand near their tree. The driver gives a signal, and everyone starts running from tree to tree. The driver's task is to occupy the player's tree. Another version of the game near the trees "It is raining". Everyone takes their trees, and at the signal of the driver "Good weather!" they start running. After command "It is raining!" Everyone runs to their houses. Whoever runs to his tree last, he becomes water.

A walk in the forest will energize all family members for a week ahead! And from the autumn gifts collected in the forest, mother and baby can make funny crafts during weekdays. Craft Ideas with Pictures looking for new article

1 part

Every summer, my parents and my older brother and I visit our grandfather in the village. There is a forest on the outskirts of the village. My brother and I love to wander through the summer forest. The brother is already almost an adult, so the parents let us go together.

This year, having arrived at my grandfather's early in the morning, we had breakfast and immediately went to the forest thicket. Spruces, pines, mighty oaks and other trees grow there.

part 2

The day turned out wonderful. It was cool under the pines, it smelled of resin and young birch leaves. Ants were running around the roots of the trees. Lilies of the valley grew here. Their white, pure, fragrant flowers looked like bells and captivated with their aroma.

We picked home a large bouquet of lilies of the valley and went on. Passing by, we saw a family of hedgehogs in the thick grass. As we approached, the hedgehog and the little hedgehogs prudently curled up into a ball. Against the background of grass, four balls looked almost imperceptible, and we decided not to disturb them.

The thicket was very thick, so we hardly got to the edge of the forest. There was a small stream there. We did not drink from it, but with pleasure we stood in the cool, shiny water. Passing by, the brother noticed a small snake on an old stump. We wanted to catch him, but we quickly crawled under a nearby stone. Apparently, there was a hole.

In the clearing, among the bushes, we saw thickets of wild strawberries. The fine smell and wonderful taste of wild strawberries can be envied by the best varieties of garden varieties of this plant. A lot of fragrant juicy berries of raspberries, blueberries, lingonberries disappear in the wilderness. And how many different mushrooms grow! Here are strong mushrooms hiding in the grass. Wet russula turn pink. Slippery milk mushrooms grow in the spruce forest. On low stumps, honey mushrooms huddle together. The forest generously treats with its gifts!

part 3

My brother and I did not pick mushrooms because we did not take suitable containers with us. Having collected a full basket of strawberries, we turned onto a narrow path.

The path led us to a beautiful lawn. The bright sun baked. The clear sky was blue. Grasshoppers chirped in the grass. A light breeze shook the stems of wild clover and daisies. A large bright butterfly flew past us in zigzags. With our appearance, we frightened the squirrel. She is a funny animal! Sensing danger, it flies up a tree with the speed of lightning. Here a motley robin swept over our heads. The bird sat on the curly bird and sang merrily. Enjoying the melodic singing of the robin, we sat down to rest on a stump. In the distance we saw a shy gray hare. Confusing the tracks, the scythe ran towards the thicket. A cuckoo chirped in the distance.

After resting, my brother and I went home in a great mood. The walk through the forest was a success, we had a great time. The next day we agreed to get out for mushrooms. Our grandfather is an experienced mushroom picker, so we will go with him.

Good in the forest in summer!

At the beginning of September, at school, we were asked to write an essay on the theme “Walking in the Forest”. My work turned out to be the most interesting. No wonder, because I spent all my summer holidays with my grandfather in the village! In addition, my mother checked the essay for grammatical errors.

I will make a small digression from the topic of travel and talk about my daily walks. Those of you who follow my Facebook feed know about them. Many ask questions, why do I need this, someone is surprised, others are “smiled”. I think it's time to write a little more about this.

I have a sedentary job. If earlier I led a rather active lifestyle, tried to move more, then in recent years the movement has become much less. In fact, it was only horseback riding several times a week, separate walks in the forest or during travel trips. And the body, of course, rebelled.

Since mid-July of this year, I began to take daily walks. The first time - a rather leisurely step, 3-4 km. In the village where I live, there is a circular route a little over a kilometer. It has both a descent and a slight ascent. By the number of laps, it is very convenient to calculate the mileage.

Once I got into the habit, I started walking faster and longer distances. Now my daily route (except for the days when I go to the stable) is 5-7 km, a significant part of which I walk at a fairly fast pace. On some days, when there is a mood and drive, I walk 10 or more kilometers. The average speed is about 5 kilometers per hour. Those. the walk takes 1-2 hours.

As a rule, it turns out to go out for such walks in the late afternoon, when the sun is already setting and starting to get dark. On some days, on the contrary, I go during the day. Usually I walk to the music - something calm, but with a light rhythm.

Of course, it is more pleasant to walk in dry weather. But walking in the rain has its own thrill. In such cases, I take a large umbrella with me. But I usually don't go in strong winds.

It's also nice to walk when it rains.

What did these walks give me in terms of health?

A few days after the start of regular walks, I felt positive changes. Physically stronger, more resilient. I gained confidence in my own abilities. At the institute, I easily climb the stairs to the 4-5th floor. Equestrian lessons have become much more productive: I no longer think about fatigue, the shankel works more clearly. You can focus not on your seat, but on working with the horse. Relatives and friends say that my figure has become more toned, my complexion has improved, and my gait has become lighter.

During such walks, one thinks very well. Sometimes I think about topics for future articles and research, sometimes I just enjoy movement, music, nature. Lately I’ve been doing exercises according to Norbekov - mostly just smiling 🙂 In this regard, the dark time of the day is on hand - not everyone will correctly understand the smile on their face.

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And, of course, the main bonus is a good mood!

Night, tree, lantern...

Walk, run or Nordic walking?

Here everyone decides according to his state of health; there is no consensus. Someone thinks that running is better, someone thinks that running is harmful. I like walking also because there is a more even load. It's one thing to run 2 hours, but quite another to go fast.

I don't really like Nordic walking (with sticks). Although, they say, it is very useful. Immediacy, spontaneity in walks is closer to me. If I want to, I walk slowly and take pictures of some beauties on my phone. There is a drive - I accelerate.

I noticed that on some days the body asks for speed, movement. And in others - you want to slowly pass, not particularly straining. I try to listen to myself. However, regardless of how I feel, I walk rather slowly for the first 500 meters, and only then I start to accelerate. The last 500 meters I also walk slowly.

Clothing for walking

I don't have any special clothes for walking. The only condition is convenience. And, if it is windy, then the clothes should be windproof.

During leisurely walks you can take beautiful photos

Is a “bad” example contagious?

I noticed that many followed my example - both the residents of our village and familiar bloggers. It seems to me that daily walks are a great way to keep yourself in good physical shape. This is movement, and fresh air, and pleasant emotions. In addition, walks are available to almost anyone.

How do you keep fit?

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