Prayer for the return of a loved one to Nicholas the Wonderworker. Strong Orthodox prayer for your beloved girl

Prayers help in any situation and with various problems, including those related to relationships. After reading certain prayers, you can find love, get married, keep your feelings and even return your loved one, and the last point sometimes seems impossible. In this article we will talk about who and how should pray for the return of a guy or girl.

How to pray correctly to bring a loved one back into your life?

Bringing back a loved one is much more difficult than attracting new love. However, sometimes it is necessary because of feelings or for the sake of family. Therefore people resort to in various ways, in order to carry out their plans: they bother their lovers, go to witches, carry out conspiracies at home, which can sometimes have the exact opposite effect to the expected one.

Therefore, prayers were and remain the safest auxiliary method. Reading prayers is completely safe, suitable for every believer and does not entail negative consequences.

The only thing you need to remember is strict rules that help strengthen the prayer service and convey it to the addressee:

  1. Believe unconditionally in God's power, providence and mercy, place yourself completely in the hands of the Almighty.
  2. Before prayer, calm down, get rid of unnecessary and obsessive thoughts. Free your mind and spirit.
  3. Tune in to the upcoming petition, think through the details of the result you want to achieve, and put these feelings into the prayer service.
  4. Be honest and sincere. Do not wish harm to other people and do not seek to harm through prayer.
  5. Do not resort to third-party and pagan methods at the same time as doxology. Higher power they simply will not hear the plea.

In addition to these instructions, you may need to use sacred paraphernalia:

  • Bible;
  • icons;
  • church candles;
  • holy water;
  • Life-giving cross.

Before reading a prayer for the return of a loved one, be sure to go to church. Confess to the clergyman, take communion if possible, pray in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and ask her for health to your family and, especially, your significant other.

During this period, it is also recommended to fast or not to overeat (in case of illness), to visit places of worship more often and once a week, preferably on Sunday, to go to church services, and to observe prayer rule. In addition, one should not cause harm to someone and even think about it; one should help homeless and stray animals. Living a godly lifestyle will help prepare you spiritually and emotionally for prayer.

How to bring back a loved one through prayer from a distance?

Many people wonder: is it possible to return a lover or lover while being far away from each other? The answer is clear: of course yes. The request is raised to heaven and distance from the object of love has no effect on the power of your prayer.

A prayer for the return of a loved one from a distance is read in the evening shortly before bedtime. Light three church candles and accept the prayer request, starting to read the universal petition:

“The Lord who exists in Heaven, the Mother of God, the Holy Wonderworkers and the Guardian Angel, I appeal to you! I ask not out of whim, but out of great love and heartache, help the Servant of God (your name) return the Servant of God (name of your beloved). He left me and rushed into the distance, forgot about his feelings and his duty to heaven. Hear my prayer and bless, lovingly return, so that happiness no longer leaves this home and hearth. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Cross yourself three times, put out the candles right hand and go to bed. The prayer should be repeated every night for a month.

Prayers for the return of a loved one

The most common and effective prayers for the return of a beloved man to life are offered to specific Saints and in front of icons. You can contact for help:

  • Lord;
  • Mother of God;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow.

It is important that the very first prayer for the return of a beloved be read in a church or temple, immediately in front of the desired icon. When turning to God, you can repeat the prayer service at the Life-Giving Cross. At the same time, it is better to say the prayer in a low voice and with your eyes closed, imagining the final outcome when your loved one is near again.

Get a girl back into your life

However, not only girls strive to revive relationships; it happens that guys need this too. There are separate prayers to bring back your beloved girl, since using women’s prayers in this case will not help. The guys should ask Matrona of Moscow for help, preferably from her icon. A suitable day would be Monday, Tuesday or Thursday. They contain masculine energy and reinforce the message. The following words must be read three times:

“Blessed Matrona of Moscow, righteous woman and patroness of all who are lost and weakened in spirit! The Servant of God (your name) prays for your benevolence, so that you may guide the Servant of God (the name of your beloved) and turn you back into the arms of those who love you. Show her the right path to where they wait and care, where without her sadness overcomes and happiness bypasses. With her alone, I am destined to be in heaven, so favor this sacrament to happen. Amen".

This prayer for the return of a loved one to Matrona of Moscow is very strong, therefore you should read it carefully, only being fully confident that your love is unshakable.

To the Lord

You can turn to the Almighty with a request for the return of your beloved at any day and time of day several times. The only irreplaceable indication is the presence of the Holy Cross, namely the ordinary pectoral cross. The one with whom you were baptized is especially suitable. You need to squeeze it in your palms, kneel down and read:

“My Lord God, you are my protection, I trust in you, Mother of God Holy Mother of God and Holy Saints. I offer my prayer to you, I ask for your help in Hard time, in the return of my beloved servant of God (name of the beloved). Hear my sinful prayer, do not leave my bitter request unattended to the servant of God (your name). Lord, Mother of God and Saints, I ask you to return your beloved (name of your beloved), return his heart to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

To consolidate the effect, it is recommended to repeat the “Our Father” at least once a day. At the same time, rely not on the number of prayers said, but on their quality: emotions, visualization, sincerity.

Appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos for a strong family

A strong prayer for the beloved to return quickly to the family, as well as to strengthen relationships in marriage and home, is sent to the intercessor and patroness of the family hearth - the Most Holy Theotokos. No matter who Mother of God, will help eliminate conflicts, return old feelings and establish peace and tranquility.

Full collection and description: orthodox prayer return your beloved girl for the spiritual life of a believer.


If your wife has left you, you can get her back using any of the methods described below, and all of them have an almost 100% magical effect when correct execution With this method, you just have to choose and read a love spell or prayer to return your wife, which will quickly make her return to you even from a very rich lover. We will tell you how to get your wife back using the magic of love and the second way to restore your relationship with your loved one. This is an ancient Orthodox prayer that can return a beloved wife to the family and establish family relationships. To restore relationships, you can use any of the methods we described, but under no circumstances read the entire “cocktail” of conspiracies and love spells at once in order to return your dear wife under your wing and awaken her old feelings and love for you. If you don’t know how to get your girlfriend or wife back, use any option and it will definitely turn out to be correct and very soon you will be together.

Conspiracies on how to return your wife to your family at home

This quick and easy to carry out plot, the effect of which occurs very quickly, will help you bring back your beloved who has left you. The words of the conspiracy are ancient, special, to kindle the smoldering fire in the heart of your beloved, and to attract her love to you with renewed vigor. For a love spell, take a photo of your beloved, where she is alone, put the photo in front of you. Fill a cup with holy water, you can take it to church or bring a bottle of plain water with you and stand through the entire service, thus consecrating the water for a love spell. Take a sip of water from the cup three times, and say the words of the love spell to bring back your beloved wife three times over the remaining water:

So that this servant of God (name) without the servant of God (name).

Sprinkle this water on the photograph of your wife three times, then hide the photo so that no one else can see her and wait, soon the wife will return on her own. Never tell anyone how you were able to get your wife back or that you yourself read a plot to get your beloved back.

How to return your wife to the family love spell

When your wife leaves home for someone else, don’t waste time before something irreparable happens; you need to quickly read a love spell that will help you quickly bring your wife home and force her to make peace with you. Magic ways There are a lot of ways to get your wife back, and on this site the choice is huge, but the fastest way to cope with this task is this love spell to get your wife back, the words of which you need to memorize before the start of the return ceremony for your beloved wife.

God you are my Lord my protection and my faith

On which I place my trust and my hopes,

The Most Holy Theotokos and all the Saints.

I offer my prayer to you and ask for help in this bitter moment,

Bring back my beloved servant of God (name of wife).

Do not leave my prayer unattended, hear my prayer.

Lord, Mother of God and all Saints,

Please show the servant of God (name) the way home to me.

Orthodox prayer on how to return a wife to the family

A prayer for the return of a loved one, which you need to read yourself, can be done at home, but always in front of the icon of Peter and Fevronia. The text of the prayer for the return of the wife to the family is as follows:

Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia!

I turn to you, I pray to you with bitter hope.

Report me, the sinful slave (your name),

Prayers to the Lord God himself and the Mother of God Virgin Mary.

And ask the goodness of God’s servant (wife’s name):

Faith, truth, hope, goodness, unfeigned love!

Help my heart and my beloved, God’s servant (Name), to be together.

LOVE SPELL ON SOMEONE ELSE'S HUSBAND Attention: this love spell is only suitable for bewitching someone else's husband to you. If you are ready to take on such a sin and destroy someone else’s happiness (a wife may love her husband very much and not know about his infidelities, and there may also be children in the family), this love spell using a spell and a love decoction will help break up the family and bewitch

A conspiracy to call or write If your beloved man or boyfriend has stopped calling and does not write and avoids meeting you in every possible way, this will help strong conspiracy to the right person I called you urgently, but this conspiracy works very quickly. This plot must be read to force your loved one to call, write or come to the person he is calling. This

LOVE SPELL TO RETURN YOUR LOVED ONE This love spell is cast independently if the husband or beloved man has left home for his mistress. A strong conspiracy will very quickly return a walking man to family of origin and will be able to cool off feelings for another woman. A love spell to bring back a loved one is classified as black magic, so it is very important not to go to church or pray for three days during the ritual.

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LOVE SPELLS TO SPELL YOUR FAVORITE PERSON BY YOURSELF By making a love spell yourself, you can easily bewitch your beloved man and get married quickly. In love as in war, all ways are good and best weapon These are love spells for love; your loved one, who is not paying attention to you, will not be able to resist and will soon do it

LOVE SPELL ON YOUR BELOVED HUSBAND If the husband has begun to live his own separate life, albeit under one roof, a love spell to return the love of a husband whose heart has grown cold will help to bring him to reason. This ritual is recommended to be done if the man is already middle-aged - over 35 and the family has not been well for a long time. You need to read a love spell for your husband’s love at night, after midnight, 9 times for 9 days, breaking 9 branches each

HUSBAND'S LOVE SPELL FROM HUSBAND'S LOVER If the husband has been on a spree and does not show up at home or has left the family for another woman, a love spell on the husband from his mistress will help, it is done at home and, of course, on your own. There are many ways to bewitch your husband to yourself, and we have already told you how to make a lapel away from your rival, if this method is not acceptable, do this love spell ritual on

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Love spell to return your husband to your family from your mistress on your own If your husband went to live with his mistress, this strongest and most powerful person will help you return him. strong love spell capable of returning her husband to the family in the shortest possible time and stopping loving her mistress. You can independently perform this love spell between a husband and his wife from his mistress only once in a lifetime, and if the beloved husband leaves for his mistress not for the first time

LOYALTY CONSPIRACY The fidelity plot can be read independently if you suspect a loved one of treason. The fidelity plot is suitable for reading only on a loved one and it does not matter whether it is a husband or a wife or a man and a lover with whom you have been dating for a long time and want to tie your life with family ties. This is a kind of love spell that will make a person faithful and

HOW TO REMOVE A LOVE SPELL FROM YOUR HUSBAND Many are interested in how to remove a love spell from your husband made by your mistress or whether you bewitched him yourself. This lapel ritual, which is not complicated at first glance, requires precise execution, but involves removing the love spell from the husband to salt and earth. To independently remove a love spell from your beloved man, you need to take a little earth from a clean place in the evening,

How to bring your wife home with a love spell spell and prayer REVIEWS WHO DID:

How to make a love spell?

How to remove a love spell? The site will tell you -


Orthodox prayer to return your beloved girl

Prayer to get your girlfriend back

It's hard to lose the girl you love, so it's rare that anyone can come to terms with it. This problem has affected you too. Now you are rushing around and thinking about how to save your love, how to win your beloved’s favor. You are almost in despair, as you have tried many methods, but all to no avail.

First of all, understand that what will happen cannot be avoided. Of course, in many ways we build our own destiny, but we must realize that the person you choose, the girl you love, has desires, thoughts, and life. They may not match yours. You must accept her decision, her wishes, no matter how hard it is for you. Everyone is free in their actions and thoughts, everyone has the right to decide what to do with their lives. This is the first and most important rule. You can take some action, but you cannot impose your decision on your beloved girl. And if you truly love her, if you respect her, then you will not force yourself, your decision, on her. True love It differs from possessiveness in that it inspires loving person even from the realization that his beloved is happy, even if not with him, but with someone else. Remember the biblical parable about how two mothers shared one baby. And when King David decided to cut him into two parts to divide between two love-crazed mothers, one of them shouted: “Don’t! Let him go to her, just let him live!” Which of them loved the baby more? Of course, the mother who was ready to be left without a child, if only it would remain alive. Of course, maternal love cannot be identified with the love between a man and a woman, but still the real feeling manifests itself in the same way for everyone.

So, you tried everything - you called her, wrote to her, begged for forgiveness, made surprises, acted through friends, girlfriends, parents, stood on your knees, had conversations, wrote letters, but all in vain and you decided to act esoterically. Well, if you decide to pray, there is nothing wrong with it, especially if you are a believer and your thoughts are pure. For many, prayers help cope with depression, problems, and ill health; they calm and reconcile the person praying with himself. In this case, you better contact the priest at church and find out which prayers are best to use in your situation. It will be good to confess. If you are sincere in your thoughts, then pray in your own words from the heart, because it is unlikely that you will find a special prayer for the return of the girl just for you.

But if by prayers you understand some kind of conspiracies, then you should not do this. Firstly, in this way you violate the will of another person - your girlfriend. Secondly, it can be very dangerous - both for her and for you. There are cases when people became very ill and even died after all sorts of conspiracies, readings, dry spells, and the like. And even if the conspiracy seems good to you, from God, begins as a prayer with the words “God willing,” and ends with the words “Amen,” this does not mean that this text is a simple prayer, harmless to the reader and to the one whose name he will call while reading the plot. Be careful. And it’s better to think a hundred times before taking such actions. The consequences may be too dire.

Prayer for the woman you love to return to you

Relationships and family are one of the most important components of every person's life. However, it often happens that a relationship that has begun falls apart due to personal mistakes, someone else’s envy, or other unpleasant reasons. Therefore, sometimes you have to turn to God and his helpers with a request to return his beloved to a man.

In this case, it will not be superfluous to read the Bible, since it contains Christian wisdom, which helps not only to understand the problem, but also to understand ourselves. Special attention should be paid to the section dedicated to family.

Rules for reading prayer

Since any christian prayer is a kind of ritual of petition or gratitude, when it is carried out some rules must be followed. These include:

  • The fact of baptism is very important, because this makes the connection with God stronger and increases the effect of prayer.
  • If you don’t have enough knowledge, who to turn to, better to turn to the Lord himself.
  • In order to read a prayer, it is not necessary to be in the temple during the service, but in the case When reading a prayer at home, it is better to turn to the icon and light a candle near it.
  • The prayer itself should be learned in advance and be very careful if you plan to add or change anything.
  • It is not advisable to use worldly names when indicating names, either for yourself or for the woman you love. If you are both believers, it is better if you know each other's baptismal names.
  • The prayer must be read sincerely and from the bottom of the heart.. When reading a prayer, you need to clearly imagine the image of your beloved in your head.
  • Before reading the prayer, you should prepare separately for this important process . Let's look at some tips that it is advisable to apply as carefully as possible to get the best result.

Before any attempts to return your beloved, you must repent of your sins, since in none of the quarrels is only one person to blame. To do this, you can either go to the priest for repentance followed by communion, or simply go up to the icon of St. Panteleimon and tell him about how and why your beloved left.

It is recommended to carry out the last step three times. At the same time, in no case should you shift all the blame only to the object of your desire. It is better to decide in advance, carefully and soberly analyze the situation, identifying the negative contribution from each side. Only after this can you read the prayer.

Which saint should I contact?

You can turn to one of the respected and most famous saints to any believer - Nicholas the Wonderworker. And this is no coincidence, since even during his lifetime people turned to him in difficult situations, in moments of illness or strong emotional distress. Family breakdown in this case is no exception.

The prayer to this great saint is as follows:

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. I believe in your relics, and fall in holy repentance. By the grace of the Almighty, bring my girl back, I love her with all my heart. Thy will be done. Amen."

You can also contact Matrona of Moscow. She more often than other saints helps believers with the resolution of family and heart problems. Therefore, both women and men can turn to her with prayer.

It is necessary to repent before turning to her, since she is an intercessor and helps all those who repent. Thanks to this, you will have a better chance of receiving forgiveness and returning your loved one to your home. For men, a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the return of a loved one will look like this:

“I ask you, dear Mother Matrona, pray for the return of God’s servant (name) to me. Let her heart and soul be cleansed of bad thoughts. May her heart become kinder and may she want to live in peace with me. Let her soul reach out to me and miss me and what we had in order to live in peace and harmony. Let her believe that I love her and that it will be good for her. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

How to quickly return your wife to your family?

Some prayers make it possible to ask for a speedy solution to the problem for which you are turning to the saints for help.

The prayer below becomes stronger if you read it on the day of worship associated with any Christian holiday. But in order to receive help, you must be baptized. If you have not been baptized, you should take care of this in advance. And if possible, it is better to carry out the baptism ritual on one of the three days of Easter.

“I turn to you, holy wonderworkers Cosmo and Damian, only you can be an ambulance, a prayer for our salvation, we are not worthy to kneel before you, but do not despise the prayers of us sinners.”

The desire to return your wife is not always accompanied by humility and a true desire for your beloved’s happiness and better life. That's why Christian church gives some advice on how to make the grace of God descend on you and your beloved to return to your home:

  • Although the loss of a beloved woman is a bereavement, it is better to let her go in your mind so as not to force her. This will only cause you and her suffering in the future.
  • Give her freedom.
  • Don't blame anyone, not yourself or your wife.. It is much more important to accept your mistakes and direct your efforts to correct the situation, since you need to sincerely wish the good and happiness of your loved one.
  • Forgive all mistakes his wife.
  • Don't think about her all the time, so you will forcefully bring her to the house from which she left of her own free will.
  • Pray to the Lord and his helpers so that God's grace may descend upon you.
  • Read the Bible. It will help you understand not only the situation, but also yourself.

“Lord, return my wife, God’s servant (wife’s name). After all, we were together (the number of years during the entire period of your relationship, and before marriage, include the same), and I love her as before. Only you can allow my wife and I to be together. Free her from negative thoughts and reluctance to return to me. Let my wife believe me. Let her love me even more. Help her realize that I have always been and will always be faithful. Don't let her leave me forever. Give us mutual love and happiness. God help me! Thank you! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Strong prayers for the return of a loved one

The most powerful prayers are those in which Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord himself or the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary.

It is necessary to be sincere, because God has the most great strength, will listen to you and help you, even if you don’t know who to turn to with your request. If you have really thought through everything, accepted and understood and are ready to correct your mistakes, the Lord will hear you and help you. You can read next prayer for the return of a loved one:

“Jesus Christ, you are a stronghold and protection, Most Holy Theotokos, I trust in you. I appeal to your merciful hearts, I ask for protection in difficult times in order to return my beloved (Name). Heed my call, do not leave my prayer unheeded! Lord, Most Holy Theotokos, return the heart and thoughts of your beloved (Name) Amen. Amen. Amen."

Every person has the right to make a mistake, but very often the understanding that we have made a mistake comes at a time when it is too late to correct anything. This often happens in relationships when we begin to appreciate our partner only after he leaves. Men often have the question of how to get their beloved girl back when she is no longer around, and there is an abyss between two loving hearts. Let's figure out how to do this in different ways.

To get your relationship back, you must first change yourself, but not force your beloved girl to return. Experts in movement human souls are psychologists, therefore, in order to quickly achieve your cherished goal, you should listen to their advice. First of all, experts recommend:

  1. Really consider whether you want a relationship with your ex-girlfriend. After all, the breakup happened for some reason, and some actions are not forgiven or forgotten. If the separation was thorough, then your common future will be unreliable.
  2. It is necessary to carefully analyze the situation, identify at what stage of communication with your beloved girl mistakes were made, and most importantly, forgive your chosen one if she was to blame for something. Self-analysis will help you avoid similar mistakes in the future.
  3. After making a positive decision, you need to immediately begin to act without wasting time. Arrange to meet with your ex-girlfriend, talk to her, without blaming anyone for the breakup. When you meet, tell her that you are ready to learn from mistakes; perhaps she will reconsider her attitude towards you. Admitting your mistakes will allow your girlfriend to understand that you value your relationship with her and are ready to take responsibility for it into your own hands.
  4. If the girl is not ready to meet, then keep your distance, wait until she herself wants to contact or return to you.


  1. A power struggle in which there are never winners. A girl is not always white fluffy, and a man does not always have the wisdom to give in, resulting in conflicts that lead to disappointment.
  2. Blaming your partner for all failures. When responsibility is constantly shifted onto the shoulders of the other, with one always believing that he is right, then the other will eventually end the relationship.
  3. Rejection of a partner for who he is. An attempt to remake your lover will always meet with strong resistance or rebellion. Any violence, whether physical or psychological, causes irritation and anger, which over time can develop into hatred.

Organize a casual meeting

If your beloved girl refuses to meet, this does not mean that she has fallen out of love. Most likely, she is still offended by you or has lost faith in the positive outcome of your conversations. Good psychological technique– organize a casual meeting. For this purpose, seek help from your mutual friends. Let the meeting be in the presence of other people on neutral territory so that ex-girlfriend I relaxed and felt in a friendly atmosphere. And then take action:

  1. Spend some time with her, like a friend who hopes for nothing, and you will immediately notice whether your chosen one has the same feelings for you or not.
  2. If the answer is yes, then let your girlfriend know that you are glad to meet you. You can ask her a question about whether it is possible to return the relationship.
  3. If she says “no,” then back off immediately, because the more persistent you are, the less chance you have. Give your ex-girlfriend some more time, maybe she will become more receptive later.

Get a girl interested

The science of psychology claims that a woman who values ​​herself needs a real man. And if the relationship fell apart, then you may no longer correspond to this image. Therefore, try to change not only your appearance, but also behavior. To start:

  1. Regain your psychological tone, feel attractive, change your image - and you will immediately become in demand among the opposite sex.
  2. To improve your status, find a more interesting and well-paid job. The ex-girlfriend will immediately notice and appreciate it.
  3. Jealousy can also speed up the process of returning, but only indirectly, and not in fact. Flirt with several girls in front of your beloved or in the presence of your mutual friends - this will definitely have the desired effect.
  4. When you meet, behave simply with her, smile, have fun. If you slip into a deep showdown, you will lose your beloved girl forever. Constant debriefings will not be a plus for a new relationship. Show her the man she fell in love with, not the loser she broke up with.

Create a lull

If your ex-girlfriend doesn't want to contact you, then give her some time. Don't talk to her for a few weeks or even months so she can think about everything that's happening and realize how good she had it with you. When a person spends time alone with himself, feelings manifest themselves more clearly. The young lady will have a lot of time to understand that you have become emotionally independent, and single guys strongly attract girls with their independence.

Ways to get your girlfriend back from a distance

If your ex-girlfriend refuses to meet, then you should not continue to persuade her. This way you position yourself as a morally weak man, further irritating your chosen one. If it is not possible to return your beloved with words, then try to do it from a distance - this way you automatically eliminate the possibility of being branded a weakling. Send her flowers with a conciliatory letter or organize a flash mob with the participation of friends or classmates.

If positive emotions didn't bring it desired result, then play a little on the negative ones. For example, take a lot of photos of yourself next to beautiful girls and post them on your page in in social networks. Ex-lover will definitely see them - and this will make her think about the opportunity to prove to you that she is the best.

Orthodox prayer

You can regain the trust of your beloved girl with the help of Orthodox prayer. You are allowed to pray to God, Jesus Christ or your Guardian Angel. There are many saints who help bring back loved ones. Let us give an example of a prayer to Saint Matrona, which is read in church, at home and on the street at any time of the day or night: “Holy Matronushka! I turn my prayers to you! Please, save my love, turn slave (name) back! Ask the Lord for blessings! I pray to you with words from my heart! With bow Matronushka to you, amen!”

Plot to return the girl

If you don’t have the strength to wait a long time for the result, but you need to return your beloved girl urgently, then try to bewitch your chosen one with the help of magic. First, it is advisable to go to a fortune-telling session and see how the Universe feels about your relationship and whether magical intervention will help them. If permission is received, then we offer strong ritual to attract a girl's love with the help of candles and an apple.

Buy a fresh red apple, and on a piece of paper write in your own blood the name of the chosen one you want to return. Visualize her image as you write. Further into the cut into ripe apple insert a note into the hole and say the words: “Just as the apple ruined Adam, so that the soul of the slave (the girl’s name) through the apple would fall in love with the slave (her name). Let it be so! Amen!". Bury the apple in a secluded place.

Love spell from a photo yourself

Try to win back your beloved girl by bewitching her to you using a photo. After all, a photograph is an imprint of a person’s aura, which contains a piece of the information field. Therefore, by influencing the aura, lost feelings are sometimes restored. Experts in the field of esotericism claim that visualization is important in magic. They advise you to carefully look at the image of your beloved, fixing it in your thoughts, and then clearly imagine a happy future together with your chosen one.

Take a photo of a girl and a church candle in your hands. Concentrate on your desire, and then move the photo with the image down over the flame with the following words: “As I, the servant of God (my name), yearn for the servant of God (the girl’s name), so let her yearn for me! Amen!" After this, burn the photograph in a candle flame and scatter the ashes to the wind. Instead of the word “yearns,” indicate any goal: loves, suffers, or is bored.

What not to do to get your loved one back

When the girl you love leaves, the first thing you shouldn’t do is panic. But during this period, guys begin to make a lot of mistakes, doing things that should never be done:

  • fall into deep depression, causing their loved one to feel pity;
  • they try to be sickly sweet, repeating their feelings every minute;
  • they manipulate her friends, parents or mutual acquaintances so that the chosen one returns.
  • they begin to give flowers and gifts;
  • they try to forget or do nothing at all.

Video: how to restore a relationship with your girlfriend

What could be worse than losing a loved one? Especially when you have so many memories of happy days spent together. If love has not cooled down, then you must definitely try to return your chosen one, so as not to regret the loss for the rest of your life. The main thing is not to try to logically convince the young lady to come back. Women are emotional creatures, so logic is inappropriate in this matter.

Miraculous words: prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker to return his beloved girl to full description from all the sources we found.

Emotionality is not a vice, but often it is thanks to emotions and the inability to control them that many harmless mistakes occur in our lives. Anger, aggression, fatigue, boredom, jealousy - are there any reasons to explode and be rude? If you need to return a loved one, if, after all, a moment of weakness determined a completely different path that you would like to take together, there are means of help in such situations.

Why is he leaving

When different people meet, form a couple or even a family, they hope that they will always be as good together as in the first days of the relationship. But feelings become dull, because the force of habit and life circumstances, and sometimes very difficult trials, test the strength of relationships. Someone is breaking down, someone has always been weak, and time has taken off the masks, causing disappointment, someone has simply confused passion with love, and the “chemistry” in the body has already exhausted all resources, and as it turns out, two people can tell each other and nothing. And people break up.

But it happens differently: when in an impulse they said too much to each other, in the heat of the moment they slammed the door, but their hearts hurt incessantly. This happens because people don’t really know how to express their feelings, and they understand how much they value each other only after going through loss.

How to deal with emotions

Emotions are a spontaneous force that must always be under control. A positive emotion can overwhelm those who have absolutely nothing to do with it, while a negative emotion can generally bring a lot of trouble. The human psyche is designed in such a way that the perception of emotion always occurs, but many people know how to control their emotional flow, so it is not always possible to know that a person has reacted. Even if he remained silent, it does not mean that he did not hear, that he did not understand. But there may not be a visible response provoked by a negative emotion. Sometimes, caught in a whirlpool own feelings, the instigator and will not stop until he is exhausted.

If the door has already slammed shut, if the pain is cutting with force and you want to scream, demand, swear even more urgently, you need to stop. Right this minute. Shift the emphasis, and by all possible means that will not harm either the situation or its participants, relieve stress. Cry - and why not, if it’s accumulated? Watch a comedy. Buy something tasty (chocolate, and that’s already for everyone known fact, improves mood), fulfill your own little whim. In a word, do something pleasant and useful for yourself with the sole purpose of calming down. It's best not to do anything until you've had a very long, relaxing shower (water also has anti-stress properties) and a good night's sleep. Often nervous breakdowns It happens to people because they are tired.

Now you can think about what happened with a cool head and subsided (even if just a little) emotions.

I can't live without him

Sometimes a breakup is painful to experience because of the fact, and not because this person is actually so important. You just need to find the strength to admit it. But it happens (and, alas, it is far from uncommon) that really close people hurt each other unconsciously and break up over trifles. Pride or resentment prevents them from overcoming the feelings that they still have for each other; miraculously, a whole crowd of advisers and compassionate people turns up next to them - a support group that only aggravates the whole process. But if, after all, the separation happened due to misunderstanding, then sincere feelings are alive in the heart, which has cooled down from anger.

Help from above

Those who are pure in heart are also pure in thoughts. People who wish with all their hearts for the return of a loved one can turn to the saints for help before trying to return the departed. A sincere prayer for the return of a loved one home, coming from the heart, will definitely help. A believer will definitely receive help, and the one who first encounters the request of the holy saints for help will be comforted, find peace in his thoughts and confidence that everything will be according to the will of God, which means that his hope (hope) will be the very connecting link between heavenly patrons and life situation, which turned out to be difficult to solve on my own.

Prayer for the return of a loved one will help everyone

If a person is sincerely inclined to turn in prayer to the saints in whom he believes, or masters the technique of communicating with the Universe (which, in essence, is the same thing, called differently), the help of the saints can come in the form of ideas and solutions to some nuances, insights and the right words at the right moment, and fullness in the soul, so that during a meeting with a loved one he feels the full power of feelings - love, bitterness, repentance. By the way, these methods are equally good for people of both sexes. In the face of God and the Universe, everyone is equal, so everyone can use such a tool as prayer for the return of a loved one. Men who needlessly offended their women often resort to them, because prejudices prevent them from taking the first step towards reconciliation, and their souls are tormented by melancholy and pain. It is more difficult for men to express emotions, but also to correct the situation. Sometimes a prayer for the return of a loved one serves only so that the person who mentally puts his request into words simply hears himself and finally understands what he really needs. If a response arose in the soul to the words of prayer, to a request from heaven for help in returning him, this is sure sign that prayer will help.

Nicholas the Wonderworker and prayers for the return of a loved one

People always turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker. This saint, who once lived in the territory of Lycia (today is the territory of Turkey), helped during his life many who called on him, performed small miracles for the poor, patronized the poor and suffering, gave gifts to children, and therefore his fame after his death spread throughout the world. There is a lot of evidence that Nicholas the Wonderworker helped like a saint to those who needed help and asked for it. A prayer addressed to him for the return of a loved one will certainly be heard if it comes from the heart. There are a lot of options. You can read the kontakion and akathist before making the usual request in your own words to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, or you can use this option:

  • “Lord my God, Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos and holy servant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker, I trust in you! Help my soul find forgiveness and return my beloved, God's servant (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Any prayer for the return of a loved one to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will be more effective if you place a candle in front of his icon and concentrate on your request.

Prayer for the return of a loved one to Matrona of Moscow

It happens that due to various reasons family breaks up. And the reasons, of course, are the most trivial, when someone has not forgiven betrayal or rudeness. It happens that the root of the problem is the inability to have children. In these cases, they turn to Matrona of Moscow. A prayer for the return of a loved one, strong and effective, will help save the family. There are several options for such a prayer, here is one of them:

  • “Holy Mother Matronushka, help! Return my beloved, servant of God (name), to the true path, so that we can be happy together, and give us a child. Send me his faithful and strong love. Amen".

Any prayer for the return of a loved one to Matrona will be heard and understood, but you should not ask that those who caused discord in the family be punished (for example, about retribution for a mistress) - God already knows who to punish and for What.

Joseph Murphy and his affirmations

Speaker and writer Joseph Murphy, like many other mentors in the field of psychology and parapsychology, metaphysics and subtle matters, has written a number of books that help you associate yourself with the microcosm of the Universe and see all the problems surrounding a person from a different perspective. Joseph Murphy's so-called prayer for the return of a loved one is, in fact, an affirmation and explanation from a moral and psychological point of view of all events associated with separation. He teaches how to treat yourself and others, how to create and not destroy, how to analyze and perceive life as a gift from above.

Harmony and happiness

For those who strive for self-knowledge, the path is not so difficult with such aids as books by Joseph Murphy, Kozlov, Sinelnikov, Sviyash and many others. Having understood oneself and analyzed the situation that was given, a person cleanses his own energy (or karma, or soul), and if this is accompanied by a prayer for the return of a loved one, the result should turn out not only in fact, but also in big changes in positive side for a couple.

Other ways to get your loved one back

No matter how trivial it may sound, praying for the return of a loved one is not all that needs to be done to restore happiness. It is worth paying attention to your appearance and distracting yourself from thoughts about what happened in order to analyze your mistakes from the outside and perceive separation as a lesson from Fate.

Having drawn the right conclusions from it, there is no need to fear that the situation will repeat itself. It is worth seriously criticizing yourself and remembering your mistakes - it will be easier to understand why your loved one left. Having put yourself in his place, having rethought a lot, you will already understand what you can talk about with him when you meet, whether it is worth renewing the relationship at all, and if so, then how to behave in the future and what not to allow, and what, on the contrary, should be made a rule. Prayers help you simply tune in to the right wavelength in order to correctly assess what is happening and what you want, so as not to confuse the true desire to be together with an ordinary whim, habit, or, even worse, annoying stubbornness.

How to bring back your beloved girl with prayers

If you have separated from your girlfriend, there is a chance to get her back with the help of Orthodox prayers. Thinking anxiously about you, the girl will return soon.

I offer to your attention strong prayers, addressed to Nicholas the Wonderworker, Jesus Christ and the Most Holy Theotokos.

You can pray openly in the Temple or at home.

Do not rush to decide on a love spell: you will not force a girl to truly love you using violent methods.

As for Orthodox prayers, if you are destined to be together, the girl will return soon. Just believe it!

When your suffering reaches its climax, turn to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Virgin Mary, giving birth to the Savior. Do not be angry with my love, and help me banish sorrowful thoughts. Let the girl who left me remain in happiness - she remembers me. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Give me mutual love and return the beautiful girl. I suffer and suffer for my sins, in order to deserve grace, I repent in my heart. Amen.

Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. I believe in your relics, and fall in holy repentance. By the grace of the Almighty, bring my girl back, I love her with all my heart. Thy will be done. Amen.

And don’t forget to make the sign of the cross.

Your beloved girl will certainly return if the Lord God blesses you for marriage.

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Prayer for the woman you love to return to you

Relationships and family are one of the most important components of every person's life. However, it often happens that relationships that have begun fall apart due to personal mistakes, someone else’s envy or other unpleasant reasons. Therefore, sometimes you have to turn to God and his helpers with a request to return his beloved to a man.

In this case, it will not be superfluous to read the Bible, since it contains Christian wisdom, which helps not only to understand the problem, but also to understand ourselves. Special attention should be paid to the section dedicated to family.

Rules for reading prayer

Since any Christian prayer is a kind of ritual of petition or gratitude, when it is carried out some rules must be followed. These include:

  • The fact of baptism is very important, because this makes the connection with God stronger and increases the effect of prayer.
  • If you don’t have enough knowledge, who to turn to, better to turn to the Lord himself.
  • In order to read a prayer, it is not necessary to be in the temple during the service, but in the case When reading a prayer at home, it is better to turn to the icon and light a candle near it.
  • The prayer itself should be learned in advance and be very careful if you plan to add or change anything.
  • It is not advisable to use worldly names when indicating names, either for yourself or for the woman you love. If you are both believers, it is better if you know each other's baptismal names.
  • The prayer must be read sincerely and from the bottom of the heart.. When reading a prayer, you need to clearly imagine the image of your beloved in your head.
  • Before reading the prayer, you should prepare separately for this important process.. Let's look at some tips that it is advisable to apply as carefully as possible to get the best result.

Before any attempts to return your beloved, you must repent of your sins, since in none of the quarrels is only one person to blame. To do this, you can either go to the priest for repentance followed by communion, or simply go up to the icon of St. Panteleimon and tell him about how and why your beloved left.

It is recommended to carry out the last step three times. At the same time, in no case should you shift all the blame only to the object of your desire. It is better to decide in advance, carefully and soberly analyze the situation, identifying the negative contribution from each side. Only after this can you read the prayer.

Which saint should I contact?

You can turn to one of the respected and most famous saints to any believer - Nicholas the Wonderworker. And this is no coincidence, since even during his lifetime people turned to him in difficult situations, in moments of illness or strong emotional distress. Family breakdown in this case is no exception.

The prayer to this great saint is as follows:

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. I believe in your relics, and fall in holy repentance. By the grace of the Almighty, bring my girl back, I love her with all my heart. Thy will be done. Amen."

You can also contact Matrona of Moscow. She more often than other saints helps believers with the resolution of family and heart problems. Therefore, both women and men can turn to her with prayer.

It is necessary to repent before turning to her, since she is an intercessor and helps all those who repent. Thanks to this, you will have a better chance of receiving forgiveness and returning your loved one to your home. For men, a prayer to Matrona of Moscow for the return of a loved one will look like this:

“I ask you, dear Mother Matrona, pray for the return of God’s servant (name) to me. Let her heart and soul be cleansed of bad thoughts. May her heart become kinder and may she want to live in peace with me. Let her soul reach out to me and miss me and what we had in order to live in peace and harmony. Let her believe that I love her and that it will be good for her. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

How to quickly return your wife to your family?

Some prayers make it possible to ask for a speedy solution to the problem for which you are turning to the saints for help.

The prayer below becomes stronger if you read it on the day of a service associated with any Christian holiday. But in order to receive help, you must be baptized. If you have not been baptized, you should take care of this in advance. And if possible, it is better to carry out the baptism ritual on one of the three days of Easter.

“I turn to you, holy wonderworkers Cosmo and Damian, only you can be an ambulance, a prayer for our salvation, we are not worthy to kneel before you, but do not despise the prayers of us sinners.”

The desire to return your wife is not always accompanied by humility and a true desire for your beloved happiness and a better life. Therefore, the Christian Church gives some advice on how to make the grace of God descend on you and your beloved to return to your home:

  • Although the loss of a beloved woman is a bereavement, it is better to let her go in your mind so as not to force her. This will only cause you and her suffering in the future.
  • Give her freedom.
  • Don't blame anyone, not yourself or your wife.. It is much more important to accept your mistakes and direct your efforts to correct the situation, since you need to sincerely wish the good and happiness of your loved one.
  • Forgive all mistakes his wife.
  • Don't think about her all the time, so you will forcefully bring her to the house from which she left of her own free will.
  • Pray to the Lord and his helpers so that God's grace may descend upon you.
  • Read the Bible. It will help you understand not only the situation, but also yourself.

“Lord, return my wife, God’s servant (wife’s name). After all, we were together (the number of years during the entire period of your relationship, and before marriage, include the same), and I love her as before. Only you can allow my wife and I to be together. Free her from negative thoughts and reluctance to return to me. Let my wife believe me. Let her love me even more. Help her realize that I have always been and will always be faithful. Don't let her leave me forever. Give us mutual love and happiness. God help me! Thank you! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Strong prayers for the return of a loved one

The most powerful prayers are those in which Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord himself or the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary.

It is necessary to be sincere, because God has the greatest power, he will listen to you and help you, even if you do not know who to turn to with your request. If you have really thought through everything, accepted and understood and are ready to correct your mistakes, the Lord will hear you and help you. You can read the following prayer for the return of your loved one:

“Jesus Christ, you are a stronghold and protection, Most Holy Theotokos, I trust in you. I appeal to your merciful hearts, I ask for protection in difficult times in order to return my beloved (Name). Heed my call, do not leave my prayer unheeded! Lord, Most Holy Theotokos, return the heart and thoughts of your beloved (Name) Amen. Amen. Amen."

The Immaculate One is considered no less powerful helper and intercessor. the Virgin Mary. You can turn to her for direct help, or ask her for intercession before the Lord to bestow his grace and help in the return of a loved one.

“Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and the Holy Saints, you are my only hope, I am asking for my beloved (name), to protect from temptation and return to me, the servant of God (name). I offer a prayer to you to reunite us into a single whole before the Lord and people. Amen."

Often prayers said in the name of the Mother of God have an effect even when a person has already given up. There are no restrictions on when to turn to the Mother of God with a request. The main thing is to believe and let God into your heart. It is not always necessary to memorize prayers by heart.

Sometimes just sincere words of gratitude or a request for help are enough for your prayer to be heard. But it is best to do this in front of the icon with a candle in your hand, because it helps you concentrate. Your prayer will have the most powerful effect if you pray to the Mother of God within the walls of the temple.

There is also a strong conspiracy to bring back a loved one. If for some reason you cannot use prayers, then read this plot. Fill a glass with water and say the following words:

“Three girls were sitting on a bench, three sisters were sitting. Do me good service, sisters. There is a board on the coffin, and on that board there is melancholy. Put this melancholy into God's servant(name), let him love me more life to follow me, in my footsteps, in my footsteps. Let him not steam in the bathhouse, let him not gorge himself on food, let him not drink water, but he only thought about me, followed me. Amen. Amen. Amen."

After this, place a glass of water on the threshold of your apartment.

Bring back my wife Larisa

Reunite my marriage.

I’m suffering a lot and I can’t find a place for myself.

I ask the Lord to give me back my beloved wife Larisa

Praying is of course good and correct. But if you lose your wife, it is more productive to contact her directly and talk to her. And it’s even better to re-evaluate your actions and your behavior and start doing things differently, look, and the family will be restored...

Love, strong family relationships, romance are an integral part of life, often bringing extremely positive emotions. A man happy in love endures any difficulties, knowing that in his love nest the only woman who supports him and is willing to help is waiting.

And separation leads a man of any age to serious problems in all areas of life. Fortunately, there is more than one active prayer about the return of your beloved. Orthodox Christian they will help you in difficult times heavenly powers who can return a wife, a beloved woman to the family.

Moreover, it is better for both halves to act, although the prayer of one man can be extremely effective. To guarantee success, take your time, since the girl who left is unlikely to suddenly change her mind. Gradually, without being intrusive, by regularly reading prayers, a persistent man will definitely achieve his goal in order to spend the rest of his life next to his beloved. The prayer for the return of your beloved must be read from a pure heart, then expect one hundred percent results.

Follow the rules for reading the prayer

It is recommended that baptized people read Orthodox prayers so that the effect is stronger. Not knowing who to turn to with a request to return the girl, feel free to read a prayer to the Lord. The prayer is read in church and at home. However, priests recommend doing this directly in the church to achieve greater effect. Regardless of who you are addressing, where the prayer takes place, stand near the icons, light a candle or lamp.

Prayer to the Lord God

“Lord, return the love of my beloved wife, the servant of God (name), to me, the servant of God (name)! We were together for more than 2 years and my love for her has not cooled down and will not dry up. Let us continue to be together. Free her from thoughts and desires to cheat on me and not trust me! Give her back her faith in me and let her grow even stronger
love me! I love her, and I ask you for reciprocity! Let her realize that I have always been and will be her true friend and her other half. Give her back the feelings she had for me 2 years ago. Let her not be attracted to other men. Open her eyes and soul towards me.
Don't let her get away from me!
Give us happiness, mutual love and loyalty to each other!
God help me! Bless and save! Thank you! Glory to You! Glory! In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Prayers for the return of your beloved must be read by heart, without rearranging the words, without composing individual sections. However, the main thing is the sincerity of the intentions of the person asking, concentration on possible ways solving the problem. The more clearly you imagine the image of your beloved, think about how you want to bring her home, the more positive the result will be. In order for happiness to knock on your home again, try to involve your other half in the church, because joint prayers will help bring your family back, even when it seems that the situation is hopeless.

Correctly chosen prayer is guaranteed success

Prayers for the return of a departed loved one are addressed to various saints, but you will be able to return her only if you read the words from the heart. This is only possible if you like the prayer. The most powerful effective prayer, is a direct appeal to the Lord. To return your beloved, read a sincere prayer while standing near the icon of Jesus Christ.

An effective prayer is also one that contains an appeal to the Lord. It is designed specifically for cases where a wife has left her husband.

To get your wife back, regularly visit the temple of God, read the words of prayer, repent of your sins and mistakes.

Your other half will be back soon

To bring your wife home, be sure to read prayers, but prayers alone will not achieve the desired result. One man knows why his beloved decided to leave family nest Most likely, the reasons for leaving can be carefully considered and excluded.

If a man sincerely wants to return the woman he loves, he will be ready to make compromises and not repeat the mistakes he made earlier. It is impossible to build a family in conditions of totalitarian control of one of the spouses: sooner or later the second will get tired of smoothing out the rough edges, and he will leave, forever.

Some time after the breakup, carefully analyze the situation, take your time.

Draw certain conclusions and write them on paper. After a couple of weeks, meet with your lover, offer to find a compromise, and start the relationship again. During a breakup, pray regularly and attend church.

What else to read