Protein milkshake recipe. How to make a protein shake. How does a cocktail affect the body?

The diet of Ekaterina Mirimanova has become very popular among those who want to lose weight. Having developed this technique from her own experience, the woman began to share it with people in need of weight loss. At the moment, the minus 60 system has gained more than a million followers.

Many people are wondering why Mirimanova’s diet has earned such popularity? After all, Ekaterina is not a nutritionist, and some professionals even reproach her method. Where and how do the kilograms magically disappear?

The origins of the Minus 60 system

Ekaterina Mirimanova is an ordinary journalist with an ordinary life. And, like everyone else, there are dark streaks in life. The loss of my father, the departure of my husband, problems at work - all this played a decisive role. The body, in the fight against stress, began to consume much more food. Out of nervousness, a woman prone to obesity began to gain pounds at the speed of light.

After the black stripe there is always a white stripe. Catherine’s life began to improve, a loved one appeared, from whom she soon became pregnant. But the usual rhythm when excess weight came on remained. Hormones and new emotions only brightened up and strengthened this lifestyle. So the mark on the scales reached 120 kg.

With the arrival of a child, everything changes. A more active lifestyle appears, with more needs. And then Ekaterina noticed that activity was very difficult at her weight. Looking at herself in the mirror with new eyes, the woman was horrified. How could she bring herself to such a state? The husband was happy with everything; he himself weighed about 150 kg, but chefs may have this due to their status. But how embarrassing it has become now, with the advent of a child who must look at his mother, take an example from her, enjoy her love for herself, be proud.

This became the starting motivational point. Without listening to anyone, the woman plunged headlong into studying diets and weight loss programs. Having tried everything on herself, she selected the most effective methods, and those that will not force the body, but will help bring it back to life! So, in the first year Mirimanova lost 50 kg!

Over the next six months, she lost another 10. Katerina keeps herself in great shape, without making much effort. It is this moment that attracts people to her diet - ease and effectiveness.

Subsequently, Ekaterina Mirimanova wrote about 30 books on the topic of weight loss, created a website to help those losing weight using the “Minus 60” program, opened courses on combating excess weight, organized webinars and consultations. And her before and after photos inspire thousands of readers.

Methodological rules

What is the essence of the “System minus 60” diet? The name of the program is due to the fact that the author herself lost 60 kg. thanks to this system. Before starting Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” diet, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for its implementation and do a little propaedeutic work.

  1. The first thing you need to understand and deal with is your head. The possibilities for achieving success are only in the head. And only there is born something that can hinder you. At this point of the “Minus 60” system, you need to achieve the right motivation and attitude.
  2. Are you still putting off losing weight? And the rest have already lost weight! You just need to do it, start right now.
  3. Why should you lose weight? For what? For your own sake! Not for the sake of the husband, not for the sake of the children, not for the sake of the approval of society. But only for myself. You need to love yourself before you start losing weight. Only in love and harmony can you heal your body.
  4. Take a photo of yourself every month you follow the diet. This will help you compare the results, get inspired, and increase motivation for new achievements.
  5. Mirimanova’s program teaches you to love yourself, listen to your body, and give yourself time and care. These are the fundamental principles for losing weight.
  6. It is worth starting the “Minus 60” power system gradually. Just as you gained weight over a long period of time, you shouldn’t expect to lose weight overnight. We are gradually reducing the portions. Remove deep plates and large spoons. We learn to restrain ourselves. We gradually reduce the amount of consumption of harmful foods. Reduce sugar in tea by half a spoon. Little by little we switch from milk chocolate to dark, higher quality, expensive varieties with a high cocoa content. It is necessary to give the body time to get used to the innovations, otherwise it will no longer be possible to maintain the correct lifestyle.
  7. It is always important to look at your watch. The “Minus 60” diet involves delimiting food over time. In the morning you can eat everything. But only until 12:00, when the body just wakes up, starts its mechanisms and begins to work actively. After 12:00, until approximately 14:00, at lunchtime, some restrictions are introduced. You should not eat meat with potatoes or grains. We do not combine fish with pasta and bread. Only one nutritious, heavy food should be present in the system's lunch ration. You should also avoid fried foods. You need to have dinner according to the “Minus 60” system without super-heavy food. Dairy products, vegetables, fruits, cereals, fish. And the main rule is no later than 18.00. In the evening, you need to free your body from the burden of food so that it has time to process everything and calmly rest and recover at night.

Principles of the Mirimanova diet

All advice can be found in books and on the official website of the author of the “System minus 60” program. Mirimanova shows everything from her own experience. What attracts everyone to this technique is that you don’t have to give up your favorite foods to lose weight. Do you want something fried? Please. Sweet? To your health. Can't live without coffee? And it is not necessary. The main thing is to know the fundamental principles that Ekaterina Mirimanova developed for “Minus 60 kg.”

  • You can't skip breakfast. It should start the work of the gastrointestinal tract. If you get up early and don't want to eat, you can easily eat a slice of cheese, for example. But then you must definitely make a second, hearty breakfast according to this system.
  • You can drink tea, coffee and alcohol, no matter how strange it may seem. There is no need to forbid the body from enjoying its favorite drinks. So you can only irritate him, and then you will break down anyway, it will be much worse. So don't skip these drinks, but drink wisely. Instead of sugar, add honey to tea. In coffee, replace regular sugar with brown sugar and reduce the dose. For alcohol, drink dry red wine. It is considered very useful in small quantities for blood vessels and the stomach.
  • You can eat sweets using the “Minus 60” system! If you really can't live without it. But only until 12:00. And butter cakes and milk chocolate should be avoided. Switch to dark chocolate. Learn aesthetics and sophistication. By gradually increasing the level of cocoa in chocolate and its quality, you will learn to feel the delicate taste of solid desserts.
  • You need to eat porridge throughout the day. Buckwheat and rice will be especially useful. Buy quality rice. Try the steamed one first; it tastes almost no different from the long-grained one. And then try brown, the healthiest, and wild.
  • In the menu for every day of the “Minus 60” system, it is not recommended to give up bread. Eat white bread in the morning. In the second, replace it with rye crackers or bread. And don't combine it with meat or potato dishes. That's the whole secret.
  • Diet Mirimanova considers potatoes and pasta to be dangerous foods. Accordingly, it is better to eat them in the morning, if you cannot refuse them at all. If you eat these dishes for lunch or dinner, you should clearly distinguish them from heavy foods, such as meat and fish or legumes.
  • Dinner should be early. No earlier than 17.00 and no later than 20.00, even if your schedule allows you to go to bed only in the middle of the night. This will allow you to feel light in the body in the morning and reduce swelling after sleep.
  • The “Minus 60” system in Mirimanova’s nutrition table offers suitable products. But you also need to calculate the lightness and volume of the portion. There is no need to combine several of these products if together they make a heavy dish.
  • The minus 60 diet includes recipes where fried foods can be included in the diet, but only for up to 12 hours. After this, other types of food processing (boiling, stewing, grilling, etc.) are suitable.

As for water, you don’t need to “pour” liters of it into yourself. You drink as much as your body requires. Of course, you shouldn't make yourself thirsty. But forcing fluid intake will not help you lose weight.

Diet supplements

The “Minus 60” diet allowed Ekaterina to lose 60 kg. But besides this, she began to look younger and more beautiful. What's the secret?

  • Don't forget about physical activity! They help tone the body, tighten sagging skin after losing weight, and restore health to a weakened body. To do this, you don’t have to go to the gym and torture yourself on exercise machines several times a week. Home gymnastics and exercises will be sufficient. The main thing is to repeat them every day. It is better to systematically perform even simple exercises for 10 minutes every day, thereby giving the body stability and lightness, than to plunge it into a stressful state with hour-long exercise. Ekaterina Mirimanova has developed her own set of exercises, which is accompanied by her photo with instructions and comments. It consists of the simplest swings, bridges, stretches, bends and squats.
  • You need to take care of yourself, in addition to diet. Regular scrubbing, massages with brushes and hands, applying creams to the body, baths with salts and oils, contrast showers, body wraps. Be sure to take care of yourself every couple of days. Firstly, it helps get rid of stretch marks, cellulite, and swelling. You must help your skin recover. And secondly, it will increase your psychological stability, self-esteem, self-acceptance, improve your mood, create harmony and comfort in your life, and teach you to love yourself!

Diet and menu

A section of one of Mirimanova's books is a table that indicates what foods can be eaten at a certain meal and how to prepare them. She also encourages you to think with your own head, and only draw the foundation from her books. Let's try to figure out an acceptable diet and draw up an approximate menu for the week for each meal separately, taking into account the specifics of the time of day and the way the body works.

Diet “Minus 60” - sample menu for the week:


This is the most permissive meal of the day. Here, Mirimanova’s diet in the menu for every day does not examine the products in detail, but only clarifies small rules for cooking. You can eat as much as you want, but without fanaticism.

Limit your salt and sugar intake slightly. Don't forget that fried, sweet, heavy, all your weaknesses can be eaten only before 12:00! Then it takes time to process such food.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: banana, sausage sandwich, slice of cake or pastry, coffee.
  • Day 2: fried potatoes with onions and mushrooms, persimmon, tea.
  • Day 3: pancakes filled with cottage cheese and fruit, a glass of milk.
  • Day 4: apple, 2 fried eggs, sandwich with butter, kefir.
  • Day 5: cottage cheese with fruit, cookies, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 6: oatmeal or rice, half a chocolate bar, cocoa.
  • Day 7: cheese sandwich, slice of pie, milkshake.

Cheesecakes with carrots: video recipe


The “Minus 60” program makes certain adjustments to the menu for the week for lunch meals:

  • You can no longer eat sweets for lunch.
  • A useful technique would be to use frozen vegetables. Vitamins are preserved and less time is spent.
  • If you make soup with meat, do not add potatoes. You can make a vegetarian soup from vegetables and potatoes.
  • You cannot cook legumes, mushrooms, canned food or flour as a side dish with meat.
  • Cook porridge only in water.
  • Buy pasta only from durum wheat.
  • You can eat sushi, but not warm sushi.
  • Use a little of everything pickled.
  • Recipes should exclude butter.
  • Fried foods are excluded.
  • You can season your dishes with any spices and sauces.
  • You can only eat until 14:00.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: baked potatoes with vegetables, light salad of carrots and beets with yogurt, compote.
  • Day 2: grilled pork chop, rice porridge, cabbage and cucumber salad, dry wine.
  • Day 3: stewed pike-perch fish, salad with peppers and tomatoes, tea.
  • Day 4: buckwheat porridge, baked crucian carp in foil, freshly squeezed juice.
  • Day 5: bean lobio, salad with cabbage and carrots, jelly.
  • Day 6: boiled meatballs, buckwheat porridge, apple, coffee.
  • Day 7: stewed chicken in pineapples, rice porridge, kefir.

Zucchini soup: video recipe


Dinner should be the lightest. By evening, the body relaxes and stops actively processing food. Therefore, overloading it is fraught with fat deposits.

  • On the Mirimanova diet, it is recommended to eat only before 18:00. You may have to prepare your own food separately from your loved ones.
  • Now, in addition to dining limits, you cannot use sunflower oil.
  • You should completely limit sugar and salt.
  • If you are invited to an evening feast, limit yourself to a glass of wine and pieces of cheese.
  • Salty and smoked foods should not be included at all for dinners
  • Sauces should also be excluded.
  • It is forbidden to drink carbonated water, as it whets the appetite.

Sample menu

  • Day 1: vegetable salad with yogurt, water.
  • Day 2: baked trout with shrimp, dry wine.
  • Day 3: cabbage rolls, compote.
  • Day 4: cottage cheese, apple, juice.
  • Day 5: jellied meat, tea.
  • Day 6: baked apples, yogurt.
  • Day 7: cottage cheese, grapefruit, juice.

Healthy dinner option: video recipe

Cons of the diet

  • You will need to rearrange your daily routine and schedule for all meals by the hour, workouts, and self-care.
  • On evening dates and celebrations you will have to limit yourself to a glass of wine and a light snack.
  • Contraindications are diseases with certain therapeutic dietary restrictions. Also, during pregnancy, it is better to consult a doctor.
  • This system is not a recommendation from a professional nutritionist. Nutritionists criticize allowing sweet, salty, fried foods. They consider pasta and potatoes to be normal food. The same goes for legumes and canned vegetables. Many professionals condemn three meals a day, and such that you can eat as much as you want. They vote for multiple meals in small portions. In general, the nutrition system contradicts many established canons in the world of weight loss.

But no matter what the critics say, this diet helped Mirimanova lose as much as 60 kg! And now there are many positive reviews from followers of this diet.

A diet with a cup of aromatic coffee by the window, cake, a delicious lunch, a glass of red wine in the evening. Joyful “Yes!” with a modest number of “No!” answers. The minus 60 diet system resembles an inverted pyramid, where breakfast is the base. Wake up, bring your body and spirit to a cheerful mood.

You will safely “burn” the calories consumed during the heavenly time during an active day. We need physical activity that brings health and pleasure.

There will be no need for doctors or nutritionists. There are no fasting days, drinking regime, fasting, or calorie counting in the diet. You are in a psychological comfort zone; a frightened body, having fallen into a panic, will not start making “stocks for the winter”, which will ruin your mood and appearance in the mirror!

Anything is possible, with notes, at the appropriate time of day. You will consume less salt, sweets, fat, but you will not notice any “losses”.

The reason is that no foods are completely prohibited. The system gives you freedom, and at the same time, the opportunity to lose weight without internal resistance. However, there are conditions that cannot be violated.

What about the results, how many kg can you lose?

The result of Ekaterina Mirimanova is minus 60 kg! In honor of her victory over kilograms, she named the system.

The author's personal record has long been broken. The system has many followers. Practical advice, recipes, before and after photos, user reviews - information support, there is no chance to be left alone with doubt. Even “negative” reviews note the “advantages” of the system.

What is Ekaterina Mirimanova’s table

The table can also be written on a line. Or draw it as a diagram. The basis of the future menu, which will be created for those who want to part with those annoying kilograms. The magic table of Ekaterina Mirimanova is a free consultant, an assistant for every day.

Breakfast. Cinderella will make it before noon

Short section. Everything is allowed! Cakes, pastries, chocolate. Sweet, spicy. Dumplings, ham.

*Sugar and honey up to 12 hours! It is better to replace sugar with brown sugar. You should not use artificial substitutes.
*Bitter chocolate – yes! Replace milk with bitter, gradually getting used to the “unsweetened” taste. Reduce your need for sweets.

Lunch 12-15 h

No, lunch does not last 3 hours, but have lunch during this period.

Lunch may consist of the first, second, salad. You need to understand the law of compatibility of products from the “white” lists.

  • Cooking methods: do not fry. Pass, then simmer. Baking, grilling.

Let's divide the food for lunch, noting:

  1. *-products with the note “you can, but...”.
  2. ** - moderate/little.
  3. *** - very rarely, closer to “impossible”.
  4. "YES-products" lists

Bread for lunch

***Crisps; they get *** black bread because... very little. It's better to learn to live without them.

*Crisps - we mean crackers made from black bread.

A laconic list! There is nothing else here.

Herbs, spices

  • Spices - all variety. You can even use chili pepper.
  • Rosemary, thyme, other aromatic herbs.
  • Basil, dill, celery, other greens - for health!
  • Garlic.

“Artificial” seasonings such as “Maggi”, all kinds of “Galina Blanca”, etc. are prohibited.


  • Soy sauce

* Tofu is allowed among soy products - soft and hard.

** Ketchup, adjika, etc. – no time limits, but not much.


  • Citrus fruits, kiwi, pineapples, avocados

** receive watermelon and apple - 1-2 pieces during the day. After 12.00 h

** Plums – marked “little”

**Prunes – 4-6 fruits

Vegetables, legumes. Mushrooms

  • All! Including freezing.

! We put an exclamation point on cans of peas and corn. They were included in the “taboo” list.

** For potatoes we put the note “do not overuse!”

** Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes, mushrooms, other contents of homemade and not so “jars” that fall under the “Salinity” category are not enough

** Mushrooms + potatoes – we assign this combination ** as a “reminder”, don’t get carried away.

Meat, fish, eggs

Meat – yes, it’s not taboo. Including barbecue.

! Skin and fat are included in the “black list” - we don’t eat this.

*Kebab is classified as a product with a note. Pay attention to what it is marinated in. You should not eat fatty kebab that has been over-seasoned in a vinegar marinade. It is better to marinate in sour juice (pomegranate, lemon) or use kefir.

*Jellied meat, we mark the jelly with an asterisk so as not to forget to remove the fat from it before lunch!

*By-products are marked with an asterisk so as not to forget about fats

** Sausages, boiled sausage – rare. Only boiled sausages!

Eggs - yes.

Fish sea. Fish - yes.

***From the fish variety, the “rare, better to exclude” category includes questionable crab sticks - see the ingredients!

**Canned food. Another view with a note. Apart from fish in its own juice, canned food is not considered. Canned fish is of little value, so we give it a second star.

** Lightly salted, salted fish is not enough. At dinner - not allowed!

**Canned vegetables contain “black labeled products”, sugar, oil, starch. We don't eat that! Not enough.

Seafood - yes please.


Rice cereal

**White rice, rarely marked


**Corn grits, couscous – rare

**Pasta, look at the ingredients! Only pasta made from durum wheat.

*Noodles made from rice and buckwheat flour

Porridge/side dishes on water. Cooking with milk is excluded.

Milk, dairy products

With a little fat content - yes, without exceptions

Cheese 50 g. But fat content is not important.

*Curd cheese - check the composition for the presence of taboo products

! Processed cheese - no.


Tea – all varieties are possible

Freshies. Composition from the “white list” of fruits and vegetables

*Juice from the store - see ingredients

Water. The quantity is what is required. No violence

! Sweet sodas - no!

Dry wine from red grape varieties

Pairing for lunch

You can combine everything, including lists with each other, with the exception of:

! Meat, fish and eggs products are not combined with starchy potatoes, corn, wheat couscous, legumes (Vegetables list), pasta (Cereals list), crisps, brown bread (Bread for dinner list).

*We put an asterisk, take note: a vegetable mixture where the amount of corn and peas is insignificant is allowed to be combined.

**Eggs are few and can be used as an additive. Author's tag: "a little, as needed."


It is worth analyzing the topic of compatibility. There are 2 rules at work here:

on the water

The soup contains: potatoes, legumes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke, corn, couscous, pasta - we cook in water, do not deceive ourselves.

in meat broth

Soups without products above are made with meat broth.

First, second and salad

Yes, you can! Remember that these are components of one meal. So the same rules apply. If, for example, the first course contains potatoes, pasta, and other incompatible products with the category “Meat, fish, eggs,” then the second course is without meat and fish!

Fat content of dairy products for lunch

Preferably 5-6%. If used, for example, for stuffing, the fat content can be increased to 9%, in the amount of 1 spoon.


**Consists of white rice. Don't get carried away.

Practical work

Task: create a delicious lunch

We look at the list, find a category, select products

What do you want for lunch? Soup. Please. Second. Pike perch with vegetables and brown rice. We chose fish, which means vegetable soup with meat broth, without potatoes (*rule of soups).

Let's break it down into components:

Kharcho: Beef, vegetables: onions, garlic, cereals: take brown rice. Spices: utskho-suneli, khmeli-suneli, coriander, chili pepper. Tomato juice. Salt.

Checking compatibility

*It is better to exclude sugar, olive oil – 1 tsp, replace white rice. Now everything is all right.

Second. Pike perch under vegetables. We combine fish with vegetables, paying attention to the “except”. We put it on food.

Fish, cheese -150 g, bell pepper, onion, sour cream - 150 g, cream 50 ml, vegetable oil. – 3 tbsp. spoons, salt, spices. Products are given for 2 servings.

  • Cheese. Make one serving, reduce the amount to 50 g
  • Question about sour cream – minimum fat content is 10%. Cream –5 mg. For what - for the sauce.


  1. Bake in foil, without sour cream. For juiciness, add tomatoes.
  2. Reduce fat content, dilute it. Add spices. 5% sour cream with cream.
  3. We change the composition of the sauce, taking it from another recipe. For example, tomato, soy.
  4. Vegetable oil – reduce the amount to a minimum.
  5. Brown rice on the side - ok!

Verdict: accepted with modifications.

Combination: meat-onion-garlic-spices-tomato juice-fish-sweet pepper-cheese-brown rice - tomatoes. Everything is fine. It's time to go to the table!

Dinner from 17-20 h

Dinner looks as if we were choosing a menu option in a restaurant or hotel: “Good evening! Please, No. 1, “Fruit and milk”!”

Seven evening menus

No. 1 “Fruit and milk”

No. 2 “Fruit-cereal”

No. 3 “Fruit and vegetable”

No. 4 “Vegetable + dairy”

No. 5 “Cereal and vegetable”

No. 6 “Meat and fish dishes”

No. 7 “Cheese and milk with crisps”

What has changed since lunch:

Allowed foods and drinks, be careful.

Combination method: now we combine products only within the “number” of the menu.

Different menu numbers do not harmonize with each other!

*Menu No. 6, including protein products:

1/2 egg per 100 g of meat/fish is combined with all products on the menu.

Meat and offal with each other.

Fish, offal, seafood are compatible with each other.

Unacceptable combination of fish and meat!

!!! Products from different menus do not combine with each other.

Yes and no - don’t say, don’t take black and white

When eating according to the Mirimanova system, you need to analyze and “turn on” your head. Don't go to extremes. This option is not suitable. Initial data - your routine!

If you, for example, are a night owl and plan to go to bed around 3 a.m., dinner before 6 p.m. is not an option. The deadline for evening meals is 20:00. Or tonight you are going to “storm Everest”, intellectual stress is expected. Think about whether the idea of ​​cooking according to menu No. 1 “Fruit and milk” is suitable or whether it is better to have dinner in a protein theme, taking path No. 6. For “Larks”, supporters of early rises, having dinner before 18:00 will not be difficult.

Of course, “larks” and “owls” are conventions. Decide for yourself by looking at the tips. There must be a measure, common sense.

You will have to analyze it often; a thoughtless attitude towards food “will not work.”

Number of breakfasts - yes, maybe a second breakfast if you had breakfast early in the morning; the body did not wake up, ate little, without enthusiasm. But: these are not 2 equally hearty breakfasts!

Choice of dishes. We break it down into components and check for “permission”/compatibility. Space for creativity.

Saturation and harmony

Remember, eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend... In Mirimanova’s food system, the proverb took on a new meaning. Yes, “eat it yourself”, “share it”, but not according to the quality of saturation! It should be approximately uniform, rather, along the spectrum of the “white list” of products.

Dinner according to Ekaterina Mirimanova cannot be given, not even to the enemy. Take into account the load factors, balance the menu, get full evenly. You will not get enough of kefir and apple from direction No. 1 or 20 g of cheese with 4 crackers from No. 7 for dinner, especially during physical and mental activity. A full meal, not 6 shrimp, even with a fancy sauce.

Time management

  1. If you skipped dinner, don't have dinner.
  2. Remember, sugar, honey - up to 12 hours.
  3. Place your breakfast on the scale so that you are hungry by lunchtime.
  4. Hours are needed not only for nutrition, make time for sports, training, exercises, walks! Who will burn “morning calories”.
  5. Lose weight beautifully. A personal care package is provided. When losing “many kilos”, it is important to love yourself, get rid of stretch marks, tidy up your body, and nourish your skin. And this is a great time!

Anxiety, fears, guilt, resentment, loneliness, missed opportunities. Emotions weave into a negative gray cloud and penetrate the subconscious; you can extract them from there by working on yourself. We “binge” rather than eat!

“Food becomes a substitute for happiness for you!”

If the experiences go deep, they are not controlled. But the brain formulates a tempting offer to relax, eat something “delicious,” citing that it will become easier. And it does! For a brief moment. The process resembles an endless running in a circle.

Minus 60 in five steps

  1. "Psychological maturation." Find the cause, the original source of the problem. Don't be cynical about your shortcomings. Motivation, a personal slogan, and a call to action are formed.
  2. Planning. What changes are you expecting, simple steps.
  3. First results. 3-4 weeks give visible results, which is additional motivation. Do not stop.
  4. Dealing with recessions and breakdowns. Breakdowns are normal, the main thing is stability in working on weight.
  5. Sustaining change. Enjoy the results. Adopt new habits that have arisen during the process of using “-60”.
  6. Don't skip steps. The sixth result will be.

Sixth step

This is not a diet, not a healthy lifestyle in its purest form. Rather, it is a lifestyle that leads to proper nutrition. You will have to work on yourself, your habits, your thoughts, your appearance. Stay fit. Think positively. Don't lie on the couch. Move, work, create! The joy of movement, self-care, courageous effort. The results will not keep you waiting.

Video on how to start losing weight

Views: 781

The “Minus 60” program is considered a new generation diet. It is also called the “magic” diet or the method for the lazy. You can eat absolutely any food. True, each of them has its time. But you can have sandwiches, dumplings, and even cakes. This technique largely contradicts the generally accepted rules of losing weight. There is no need to track calories, measure food weight, or give up salt and sugar. Knowing small “secrets”, you can eat tasty and satisfying meals and lose weight. So, what does the method and nutrition table of the “Minus 60” system suggest?

I lost weight myself and helps others

But at the beginning of the 2000s, she was an ordinary girl who struggled in vain with excess weight. She tried many remedies. Some diets didn’t work, others she couldn’t handle mentally or physically. But when the scales showed 120 kg, Ekaterina decided to go for broke.

During previous attempts to lose weight, she noted certain effective and at the same time simple rules. I rebuilt them for myself, combined them and created an individual nutrition system. After a year and a half of the new diet, the girl weighed exactly half as much. That is, minus 60 kg. Hence the name of the technique. By the way, the diet is also often called “Magic”, “Katina” or “minus”.

Ekaterina shared her successes on her Internet page. The Muscovite's weight loss story attracted the attention of many people with a similar problem. They asked for advice, a detailed description of the methodology, and menu examples. And in the end... they also lost weight. This is exactly what the official version of the origin of the “Minus 60” diet looks like.

About weight loss and more

In 2005, Ekaterina put her “minus method” on paper. This is how the first book about “Minus 60” was published. The publication sold out instantly and became a bestseller.

To date, over 20 books by Ekaterina Mirimanova have been published, which help women lose weight, cook healthy food, and properly take care of their body and skin. Some publications are devoted to women's psychology, motherhood and family relationships. Almost everywhere in the names appears that same magical minus.

Now the “Minus 60” technique brings the author not only fame, but also profit. First of all, through the sale of “near-thematic” publications. Therefore, it is difficult to download full versions of these books for free. But on the official website of the Minus 60 system by Ekaterina Mirimanova there are useful excerpts from the most popular manuals in PDF format.

Ekaterina Mirimanova's books are easy to read. The author of “Minus 60” gives many examples and shares useful and modern practices. For example, there is a collection of “Recipes for a multicooker”, which indicates which dishes are most suitable for which meals. Publications can be purchased in many online stores. The cost ranges from 200 to 600 rubles.

It is possible to get acquainted with the basic principles of this “minus method” for free. There is an interview with the author of “Minus 60”, reviews of those who have lost weight. We have also compiled a “Minus 60” diet table, which will help you quickly create a menu and select recipes for the week.

The “Minus 60” method involves the transition to new eating habits. And some effort will need to be made. There are eight main points to consider here.

  1. Listen to yourself. The first thing you have to learn within the “Minus 60” system is to listen to your body. This means you don't have to eat everything or whatever cooks faster. Think about what you really want. If you have something sweet, don't deny yourself. Cravings for vegetables - don’t be lazy cutting up the salad. The same principle applies to liquids. No need to drink liters of water. Drink as much and whenever you want.
  2. Lose weight for yourself. According to the “Minus 60” rules, motivation to lose weight is important. Don't get hung up. And don't try to lose weight for the sake of something or someone. You need to love yourself and lose weight only for yourself.
  3. Don't start changes abruptly. You need to enter the Minus 60 system gradually. All innovations are made in small steps so that the body experiences a minimum of discomfort. For example, today replace wheat bread with rye bread, and after a few days you can try to reduce the amount of the latter. The same goes for dinner - gradually move it to an earlier time.
  4. Reduce portions. The author of the “Minus 60” method claims that a person eats more than he actually needs. After just a month of dieting, you can learn not to overeat. To do this, again, you need to gradually reduce the portions. Use smaller containers each time. As a result, your portion according to the “Minus 60” scheme should fit into a dessert plate, and the first courses into a bowl.
  5. Be sure to have breakfast. This is the key point of the Minus 60 system. The morning meal should not be skipped. By drinking only a cup of coffee for breakfast on the go, we slow down metabolic processes. But losing weight requires the opposite effect. It is in the first half that you need to eat a hearty meal. Moreover, any food is allowed. If you are a morning person, then two morning meals are acceptable. In this case, one of them will be a light reinforcement in the form of, for example, a cracker with cheese. And the second one is dense and full.
  6. Don't overeat at night. Conventionally, this means that you do not need to eat after 18:00. But people who go to bed after midnight can delay this time a little longer. But even in such cases, dinner at “Minus 60” should be no later than 20:00. It is strictly forbidden to plan an evening meal before 17:00.
  7. Do physical education. This speeds up the fat burning process. But you don’t have to spend hours torturing yourself in the gym. You can go to the pool. Or do simple exercises like “bridge”, “birch” and “press” at home. In his books, the author of the “Minus 60” system gives detailed advice on this matter. The main thing here is not quantity, but regularity. You need to exercise every day for at least 10-20 minutes.
  8. Don't unload. The author of “Minus 60” is categorically against any fasting days, believing that her diet plan provides time for the body to fully rest from food.

Reviews and experience from experienced people indicate that the “Minus 60” diet is balanced and does not harm the body. Moreover, even pregnant women listen to the rules of the “minus system” so as not to gain excess weight before giving birth. Lactation is also not a contraindication for Minus 60! However, in this case, preliminary medical consultation is required.

Basics of diet formation

How to plan a table for “Minus 60”? This is important to know, since the menu for each day of the “Minus 60” diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova is compiled by the person losing weight. A well-known truth applies here: breakfast is intended for you alone, lunch should preferably be eaten in half with a friend, and dinner should be left to the enemy. What does a sample menu look like?

Minus breakfast rules

  • Breakfast time . After waking up and before 12:00.
  • What can you eat? According to the “Minus 60” method, you can eat and drink whatever you want in the morning. Even your favorite desserts are allowed. With the exception of milk chocolate, which is always recommended to be replaced with dark cubes.
  • . Breakfast "Minus 60" includes all combinations of dishes and ingredients. Bread, pasta, potatoes can be safely eaten with proteins and vegetables.
  • Cooking methods. Any methods of heat treatment are acceptable, as well as raw vegetable and fruit cuts.

Minus lunch rules

  • Dinner time . From 12:00 to 15:00.
  • What can you eat? This meal, according to the recommendations of the author of “Minus 60,” is also quite filling and should not be skipped. But now nothing fried, fatty or sugary. But there is also liquid, and side dishes, and fruit desserts. Porridge is cooked only in water. And with soups it’s better not to eat too much - cook three to four times a week.
  • The right food combinations. There are restrictions regarding product compatibility. They affect the meat and fish block, as well as pasta and potatoes. The following foods should only be consumed within one lunch: meat - cereals; meat - vegetables; fish - cereals; fish - vegetables; pasta - vegetables; macaroni and cheese; potatoes - vegetables; potatoes - cheese. For example, squirrels do not eat potatoes. Even in soups, such a combination is unacceptable: liquid or with potatoes, but without meat, or vice versa. Also, protein products conflict with corn and legumes. For example, you can no longer eat a vinaigrette with peas and a cutlet together. Meat and seafood are best consumed with buckwheat or steamed rice. You can have potatoes and spaghetti in reasonable quantities, but only with vegetables or cheese. It is better to give preference to any combination of fruits, vegetables, cereals, and dairy products.
  • Cooking methods. Cook vegetables, meat, fish, soups, cereals. Stew, sauté, bake vegetables, meat, fish. Cut salads from fresh or boiled vegetables, seasoning them with mayonnaise, sour cream, and vegetable oil. Make fresh juices from vegetables and fruits. Prepare the aspic.

Minus dinner rules

  • Dinner time. From 17:00 to 18:00.
  • What can you eat? The evening table, according to the “Minus 60” rules, consists of a minimum number of components. Less is better. There is no place for fried foods, pastries, potatoes, bread, or horns. It is recommended to eat rice and cottage cheese. Meat and fish dishes only without side dishes.
  • The right food combinations. Preferably a one-component menu like: sour milk - sour milk; fruit - fruit; vegetables - vegetables. Meat, fish and eggs only on your own. But the following combinations are also acceptable: sour milk - fruit; sour milk - vegetables; sour milk - crackers; fruits vegetables; cereals - vegetables; cereals - fruits.
  • Cooking methods. You can cook vegetables, meat, fish, porridge. Stew, bake, sauté vegetables, meat and fish. A grill is also used. Cut salads from fresh or boiled vegetables, seasoning them with lemon juice or fermented milk drink. You can make fresh juices from vegetables and fruits. Aspic is acceptable. And also sandwiches made from fruits and vegetables with cheese and crackers with cheese.

There is even a place for alcohol in the “Katya’s Diet” menu. But only red wine is allowed, only dry. You can drink it occasionally after dinner at a party with some cheese. On a daily basis, after 18:00 only herbal infusions are allowed. And during the day, drink any tea, coffee and soda. But drinking sugar is only before lunch. Fresh juices, milk, kefir, and yogurt are also allowed. It is not prohibited to salt dishes or use soy and tomato sauces. But it is better not to overuse white spices.

Power table for the Minus 60 system

The “Minus 60” method does not imply a specific list of prohibited dishes and ingredients, since you can have whatever you want for breakfast. And for the lunch and evening tables “Minus 60” there is a clearly stated list of recommended products. It’s simple: if a product is not on the “Minus 60” list, consuming it at this time of day is dangerous for your figure. A detailed table of products from the “Minus 60” diet by Ekaterina Mirimanova is given below.

Table - What to eat at “-60”

EatingAuthorized Products
BreakfastEverything except milk chocolate
Dinner- Any fresh and frozen vegetables;
- sometimes pickled and canned vegetables (except peas and corn);
- greenery;
- garlic;
- mushrooms;
- eggs;
- meat (without fat and skin);
- offal (without fat);
- fish (without fat and skin);
- seafood;
- canned fish;
- sometimes crab sticks;
- sushi;
- boiled sausages and sausages;
- rye bread or dietary crackers;
- steamed rice;
- buckwheat;
- rice noodles;
- durum pasta;
- sometimes corn grits;
- sometimes couscous;

- prunes;
- citrus fruits;
- pineapples;
- plums;
- kiwi;
- watermelon (a couple of slices per day);
- cheese (up to 50 g);

- vegetable oil (until 14:00);
- mayonnaise (until 14:00);
- sour cream (until 14:00);
- lemon juice;
- soy sauce;
- vinegar;
- ketchup;
- adjika;
- mustard;
- gelatin;
- agar-agar;
- tea without sugar;
- sugar free coffee;
- water without sugar
Dinner- Vegetables, except potatoes, beans, mushrooms, pumpkins, eggplants;
- greenery;
- seaweed;
- steamed rice;
- garlic;
- buckwheat;
- meat (without fat and skin);
- fish (without fat and skin;)
- seafood;
- any dairy and fermented milk products (up to 5%);
- cheese (up to 50 g);
- apples (no more than two per day);
- prunes;
- citrus fruits;
- watermelon (a couple of slices per day);
- pineapples;
- rye crackers;
- boiled eggs;
- vinegar;
- soy sauce;
- gelatin;
- agar-agar;
- tea without sugar;
- sugar free coffee;
- water without sugar

The menu for every day of the “Minus 60” system must include breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But snacking is not advisable. But if the feeling of hunger is irresistible, exceptions are possible. You can calm your appetite with fruits, vegetables or milk. But you should not combine more than two product names.

Example of a weekly diet

The most difficult period of the “Minus 60” diet is the first two weeks. Next, the body begins to get used to the new rules. An elementary example. When you want a cake in the evening, you can easily refuse this idea. Because you will know for sure: if you wait until the morning, you will be able to “devour” at least a whole plate. Will you want this in the morning? Question and another trick of the “Minus 60” method.

You really don't have to go hungry. Judge for yourself by looking at the sample menu for a week of the “Minus 60” diet.


  • Morning . Oatmeal with boiled eggs and bacon.
  • Dinner . Buckwheat porridge, boiled chicken, stewed beet salad with mayonnaise.
  • Evening. Cottage cheese with apple.


  • Morning . Rice with fish cutlets.
  • Dinner . Fish soup without potatoes. Fish cutlet with buckwheat. Salad of tomatoes and cucumbers.
  • Evening. Salad of cabbage, herbs and sweet peppers, dressed with lemon juice.


  • Dinner . Stuffed cabbage rolls. Vegetable salad of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs. Baked apples.
  • Evening. Yogurt with pineapple pieces.


  • Morning . Wheat porridge. Boiled eggs. Sandwich with butter and cheese.
  • Dinner . Pasta with cheese. Vegetable salad of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs.
  • Evening. Boiled fish.


  • Morning . Mashed potatoes. Pork chop. Stewed cabbage with mushrooms.
  • Dinner . Borsch without meat. Buckwheat with mushrooms. Boiled eggs.
  • Evening. Aspic from the tongue.


  • Morning . Oatmeal. Casserole with apples and strawberries.
  • Dinner . Chicken liver sautéed with onions and carrots. Rice porrige. Cabbage and pepper salad.
  • Evening. Boiled eggs.


  • Morning . Pumpkin and millet casserole. A cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner . Boiled sausages. Vegetable casserole.
  • Evening. Boiled chicken liver.

How to lose weight for those who are constantly at work

It may seem to some that it is difficult for working women to follow the “Minus 60” diet. For example, how can those who stay late at the office have time to eat before six in the evening? Or what if there is a daily schedule?

As the author of the “Minus 60” technique says: “Desire is a thousand possibilities, reluctance is
a thousand reasons." In the first case, you can take lunch boxes to work. Moreover, the evening menu “Minus 60” is simple. And in the second, when coming from the night shift, you should have breakfast and only then rest. When you wake up, in this case, follow the rules for lunch.

What interesting things await you in the article?

In the photo, Ekaterina Mirimanova is the creator of the “minus 60” system

The history of the creation of the minus 60 system

Ekaterina Mirimanova, a talented journalist and author of the popular Minus-60 system. Born on May 27, 1982 in Moscow, currently lives in Madrid (Spain). Since childhood I have experienced problems with excess weight. The first time she went on a “starvation” diet at the age of 13, having achieved the desired result, she continued to exhaust herself with hunger strikes for the sake of a man and a modeling career.

The weight began to increase imperceptibly at the moment when the familiar world began to collapse, Katya’s father fell ill and died of cancer, and her mother went to live in Spain. Being alone in a huge metropolis turned out to be too much stress, which she began to eat away.

After a while, life began to improve, the girl got married and gave birth to a child. But the weight continued to grow by leaps and bounds. Mirimanova tried not to pay attention to this, because she had a husband and daughter who loved her for who she was. The impetus for the change in figure was the fact that old acquaintances did not recognize her when passing by, but new ones saw in her only a qualified specialist, and not a woman.

This is how the “Minus-60” system began.

Katya approached losing weight very seriously; she no longer wanted to exhaust herself with diets that undermined her health in her youth, but approached the issue from the other side. To begin with, I went to a psychologist and sorted out my emotional experiences. I re-read piles of books, consulted with nutritionists, ran through all sorts of specialists in this field and decided to try something new, based on the data received.

The first step was to decide not to eat after six in the evening. The weight began to decrease a little, but not enough, and all because of the great love for sweets.
wow. It was decided to eat all sweets, flour and fatty foods before 12 noon. Next, daily training for 15-20 minutes began. The weight continued to fall, and Katya gradually introduced more and more new rules collected in our table into her life.

Basic principles of the Minus-60 system

  • Breakfast must be hearty.
  • Daily meals should be divided into breakfast, lunch and dinner, preferably of equal volume.
  • There is no need to give up coffee or tea.
  • In alcohol, you should give preference to dry wines rather than semi-sweet ones.
  • It is advisable to replace white sugar with brown sugar.
  • The most harmful and high-calorie food is eaten before noon.
  • Instead of white or milk chocolate, it is better to accustom yourself to dark chocolate.
  • Choose cereals as a side dish; steamed rice is especially useful. Pasta and potatoes should be gradually removed from the diet or reduced to a minimum.
  • Fried foods should be replaced with baked or steamed ones.
  • If there is no place for meat, poultry or fish at lunch, you can eat one piece of rye bread.
  • Drink exactly as much water as you want. There is no need to be diligent.
  • Dinner must be eaten before six in the evening. If you want to eat a little later, you need to choose lighter dishes.
  • You can’t go hungry, it will harm your body.
  • Every day you need to find time for swimming, running, gymnastics or any other activity. Let it be 10-15 minutes, but daily.
  • To prevent your skin from losing its elasticity due to weight loss, you need to take good care of it with scrubs, masks, etc.

Diet “minus 60” by Ekaterina Mirimanova - an approximate weekly menu for every day


  • Breakfast: Sandwich with cheese; boiled potatoes with chicken breast, coffee and chocolate.
  • Lunch: Borscht (without sour cream), rice with cutlet, black tea.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese with fruit, juice.


  • Breakfast: Rice porridge, sandwich with sausage, sweet tea with jam.
  • Lunch: Meat soup, vegetable salad, stewed mushrooms, coffee without sugar.
  • Dinner: Yogurt, cottage cheese casserole, green tea.


  • Breakfast: Scrambled eggs, cheese and ham, banana, coffee with sugar.
  • Lunch: Puree soup, beef stew, tea.
  • Dinner: Vegetable salad, boiled chicken, juice.


  • Breakfast: Oatmeal, fruit salad, coffee with cookies.
  • Lunch: Rice, baked turkey, tomato, unsweetened tea.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese with fruit, fruit juice.


  • Breakfast: Buckwheat porridge with milk, cheese and ham, apple, tea with sugar.
  • Lunch: Lenten borscht, mashed potatoes, vegetable salad, coffee.
  • Dinner: Lean fish, rice, juice.


  • Breakfast: Pancakes with honey, yogurt, sausage sandwich, coffee.
  • Lunch: Mushroom soup, steamed zucchini pancakes, a slice of rye bread, compote.
  • Dinner: Steamed beef, buckwheat, green tea.


  • Breakfast: Pancakes, oatmeal, coffee with a bun.
  • Lunch: Fish soup, vegetable stew, tea.
  • Dinner: Fruit salad, yogurt, kefir.

System "minus 60" nutrition table

In order to make it easier for those who are losing weight to compose for themselves and navigate the products, a nutrition table was created on which the “minus 60” system is based.

So, here’s what the “minus 60” diet looks like and its menu for the week (table):

Attention, when you click, the tables enlarge!

What to eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner on the minus 60 system?

System “minus 60” - reviews of those who have lost weight with photos

Anna, 26 years old

I never thought that I would have to lose weight, but pregnancy did its job and after giving birth I gained 27 kilograms. Thanks to the “Minus-60” diet, I lost them in 5 months. And so I fit into my old jeans again. Many thanks to Ekaterina Mirimanova!

Yulia, 38 years old

This system saved my marriage! Due to female hormones, I gained a lot of weight, my husband began to treat me more than coolly. And I decided it was time to act! I tried various diets, but I always failed, but here you can eat almost anything! My weight is now 109, and was 130, I achieved this in less than a year.

Diana, 29 years old

A friend recommended this diet to me, and in a very short time, I lost about 8 kg. I recommend it to everyone! Personally, I will continue, my goal is to see 75 kg on the scales)

Valya, 23 years old

I really love sweets and after going on maternity leave, I managed to gain an extra 30 kilograms. After trying “Minus-60”, I again weigh 55 kg and continue to eat sweets! This is just great, you don’t need to exhaust yourself by eating the same foods. Eat everything in moderation, taking into account some reasonable rules, and you will get a figure 😉

This system is based on the personal experience of its author, Ekaterina Mirimanova, who is not a professional nutritionist. She shared her results and the developed menu for the “Minus 60” nutrition system, which has become very popular among those losing weight. Peculiarity The diet is that it does not require a strict regime, even sweets are allowed. This is what many people dream about - eat and get slim.

System “Minus 60” by Ekaterina Mirimanova

Magic Ekaterina Mirimanova’s weight loss is based on a system of three meals, the menu of which excludes snacks.

First appointment food - breakfast. It should be mandatory, as it helps the body turn on metabolic processes. For breakfast, according to this system, you are allowed to eat everything, including sweets, which makes many people with a sweet tooth adherents of the “Minus 60” Diet.

Second appointment food - lunch. The lunch menu is hearty, but less dense than breakfast. Sweets are already prohibited.

Third meal - dinner. According to the “Minus 60” System by Ekaterina Mirimanova, it should be no later than 18-20 hours. The evening menu dishes are light and low in calories.


  • Diet of Ekaterina Skulkina from Comedy Wumen
  • Easy diet for a week at home
  • Diet “Pushinka” minus 35 kg in 3 months

Important! Before lunch, any food is allowed – cakes, chocolate, fried potatoes, after 12-00 such food is strictly prohibited.

Principles of nutrition

Ekaterina Mirimanova’s book “The Minus 60 System or My Magic Weight Loss” is based on her personal experience. The principles of nutrition according to the “60 Minus” System are the absence of strict prohibitions in the menu and timed meals. Three meals are required. Snacks are excluded, the author of the “Minus 60” Diet considers their presence in the diet to be the main cause of excess weight.

Proper nutrition according to Mirimanova has its own rules, but the essence of the diet is that morning calories are consumed during the day and are not converted into fat deposits. The “Minus 60” system involves small exceptions from the menu, but allows you to eat some foods that regular diets strictly prohibit. So, what can and cannot be eaten on the Minus 60 Diet?

Ekaterina Mirimanova’s “Minus 60” system allows the use of the following products:

  • Coffee Tea– allowed, but without sugar and cream. Can be used with milk;
  • Sweets- they are an anchor-bait for many who choose this food system. All diets exclude sugar and sweets, but according to the Minus 60 Nutrition System, sweets are allowed to be included in the menu in the first half of the day - up to 12 o’clock.
  • Bread– white flour bread is allowed for breakfast, and rye bread is allowed after 14-00. During dinner, it should be excluded from the menu, says the author of the Minus 60 System;
  • Dinner– a must, but low-fat and filling. Light meal before bed, at least 3 hours in advance.

Ekaterina Mirimanova introduced the following restrictions and rules in her “Minus 60” food system:

  • Pasta and potatoes allowed only in the first half of the day;
  • Late dinner no later than 20 o'clock. Late eating just before bed leads to the fact that everything eaten overnight turns into fat;
  • Water – Mirimanova recommends drinking it in moderation. In her opinion, a large amount of liquid does not help in losing weight. You need to drink water when you are thirsty;
  • Sugar according to the “Minus 60” System, it is necessary to replace it with fructose or cane brown sugar;
  • Alcohol strictly prohibited, as it contains calories. We are talking not only about vodka, but also about fortified sweet wines and champagne. The Minus 60 system allows only dry red wine in limited quantities.

List of permitted and prohibited products

The “Minus 60” regime, like any other diet, has an individual list of permitted foods. Prohibited foods on the Minus 60 Diet menu were also designated by the author.

List of allowed and prohibited foods on the “Minus 60” Diet:

  • Cereals: rice – wild, brown; buckwheat; corn; couscous; rice noodles; pasta and spaghetti from durum wheat;
  • Fruits, berries, dried fruits and nuts– apples (no more than two), plums, citrus fruits, pineapple, kiwi, avocado, melon, watermelon, prunes;
  • Vegetables– any and in unlimited quantities, with the exception of canned corn and peas;
  • Meat products– lean meats, such as turkey, rabbit, chicken, veal, skinless poultry, with the exception of duck; The “Minus 60” system allows you to include boiled sausages, jellied meat, and eggs in the menu;
  • Fish– cod, pollock, hake; crab sticks and canned fish – rare;
  • Dairy– milk, sour cream, fermented milk, cottage cheese with a fat content of no more than 5%;
  • Beverages– still mineral water, any kind of tea, coffee without sugar, dry red wine. Store-bought sweet drinks and juices are prohibited on the Minus 60 Diet menu, as they contain a lot of sugar.

Exercise program

Ekaterina Mirimanova also included a set of exercises for effective weight loss in her program. Exercises according to the “Minus 60” System help you lose weight faster and prevent sagging skin. If you perform a set of exercises according to the “Minus 60” System along with recommendations on your diet, weight loss results will not take long to come.

A set of exercises according to this system is designed for the main muscle groups. They are easy to implement and suitable for everyone. It is advisable to add the number of repetitions or approaches every 10 days.

  • Lateral leg swings

Standing straight, we move our leg to the side as high as possible, without rushing. If necessary, you can lean your hands on the back of the chair. After 8-20 repetitions, we return to the starting position and do an exercise according to the “Minus 60” System on the other leg.

  • Exercise "Cat"

We confidently stand on all fours on the mat, arms straight, knees at right angles. As we exhale, we lower our head, then “dive” with our torso down, round our back, almost pressing our chest to the floor, then “emerge” with straight arms. We stretch in this position for 30 seconds. We return to the starting position. We repeat the exercise in the “Minus 60” mode 5-12 times, constantly straining the abdominal muscles.

  • Crunches from a lying position

Raising the body from a lying position is complicated by raising the knees at a right angle. To make it easier, you can place your legs on a chair and do crunches only with the upper torso. Hands behind the head in a lock, elbows apart. Raise your torso as high as possible and stay in this position for as long as possible. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise from the “Minus 60” System 5-10 times.

  • Swing on all fours

From the standard position on all fours, we move each leg back at a right angle, one by one. The exercise, while following the “Minus 60” System, must be done slowly and thoughtfully. Do 10 repetitions for each leg.

  • Leg pull-ups from a lying position

We lie down on the carpet and slowly raise both legs at right angles, then lower them and repeat the exercise 8-15 times.

  • Scissor Jumps

Starting position: stand straight, arms along the body, legs together. As we jump, we spread our legs and raise our arms above our heads. We return to the starting position and repeat the exercise according to the “Minus 60” System 5-15 times.

Power scheme

The nutritional plan for the “Minus 60” Weight Loss System has several characteristic features that must be observed when creating a menu for this diet:


  • You can eat everything, but in one go.


  • Cooking method according to the “Minus 60” System – boiling, baking. Fried food is prohibited;
  • Products – vegetables, except eggplant, pumpkin, canned peas and corn. Cereals, excluding legumes and cereals. Meat include in the menu lean meat without skin, eggs, low-fat dairy products (up to 5%);
  • Fruits - apples, pineapple, avocado, plums, melon, watermelon, prunes;
  • Sauces – low-fat mayonnaise, but systemic mayonnaise is better, very little vegetable oil, sour cream, yogurt;
  • Drinks – coffee, tea, water, natural fresh juices, sour-milk drinks, red and dry wine;
  • Follow food combinations – according to the “Minus 60” System, you cannot combine meat with cereals and bread;
  • Sweets are prohibited on the Minus 60 lunch menu.


  • Cooking method: boiling, baking, without fat or oil;
  • Combinations of products - fruits with dairy products, cereals, vegetables, porridge with vegetables, vegetables and dairy products, meat without side dishes and vegetables, dairy products with cottage cheese;
  • Drinks – herbal, green teas, lactic acid drinks (unsweetened yogurt, kefir, ayran), fresh juices, red and dry wine, water (gas and still);
  • Sweets are prohibited.

What kind of holiday dishes can there be?

During the holidays, the “Minus 60” food system is not canceled. Some concessions in the menu are possible, such as 40-50 g of hard cheese. In fact, the system is such that even at the festive table you can find suitable dishes, the main thing is to follow the rules: Do not combine bread with meat and do not overeat. What kind of holiday dishes can there be according to the “Minus 60” System? We offer several recipes for holiday dishes that must be included in the menu:

Chicken baked in foil with pineapples


  • chicken breast – 1 pc.;
  • a jar of canned pineapples;
  • systemic mayonnaise (unsweetened yogurt and soy sauce);
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 1 tsp vegetable oil.


Remove the skin from the breast, season, make cuts, coat with systemic mayonnaise, and place pineapple slices on top. Bake the prepared breast in foil or a sleeve, first greasing it with oil. Bake at 180 C for 20 minutes.

This recipe for the holiday menu according to the “Minus 60” System will be appropriate not only on special days, but will also pleasantly brighten up everyday life.

Avocado and egg salad


  • lettuce or other greens;
  • Chinese cabbage;
  • 1 avocado;
  • 2 eggs.

For refueling:

  • systemic mayonnaise or 2 tsp. vegetable sauce;
  • salt to taste.


Tear the leaves into large pieces with your hands, or cut the Chinese cabbage into medium cubes, also cut the eggs and avocado into cubes. Season with sauce or vegetable oil of your choice.

System "Minus 60" during pregnancy

The “Minus 60” system is suitable for expectant mothers, as it does not contain serious restrictions and prohibitions on the menu. Its main principle is not to overeat, eat according to a schedule, and do not drink alcohol.. However, you should consult a doctor who will tell you exactly whether this type of nutrition is suitable for both mother and baby.

How much weight can you lose on the Minus 60 System?

According to reviews from those who followed this diet, there are results already in the first week - 500-600 g of weight minus. You can lose from 3 to 5 kg per month on a delicious menu. The “Minus 60” system gives excellent results without serious restrictions on food.

According to enthusiastic reviews from adherents of the Minus 60 System, you can lose up to 20 kg in six months. At the same time, weight loss occurs calmly, without sharp refusals from all foods and favorite dishes, since according to the “Minus 60” System, You can eat everything until 12 noon. The average per month is minus 3 kg; if you include active sports in your regime, you can lose up to 5 kg in a month.

A strong motivation is to take a photo of yourself at the beginning of the weight loss process and compare the results every month.

Diet according to the “Minus 60” System

The menu for the week of the Minus 60 System does not require any special expenses. This diet is attractive because it is designed for ordinary people with a standard diet. It is enough to exclude some foods from the menu and adhere to a diet and exercise regime. Meals - strictly on time, exercise - 2-3 times a week. An example menu for the “Minus 60” weight loss system by Ekaterina Mirimanova is described in more detail below.

What can you eat for breakfast?

As already mentioned, the morning menu does not contain any restrictions. Breakfast with the “Minus 60” Weight Loss System allows you to include in your morning diet everything that you so wanted to eat in the evening. This trick It is designed for the fact that in the morning someone losing weight will not be able to eat everything they wanted in the evening, since the awakened body is not yet ready for too much food. As a result, a person eats less not only in the evening, but also in the morning.

Undesirable with the Minus 60 Diet, eating milk chocolate, it can be replaced in the menu with dark chocolate or honey.

Proper lunch

The basic rule for the “Minus 60” Diet for lunch– do not consume any meat and fish products together with potatoes, legumes and cereals (bread and pasta made from soft wheat varieties). This rule also applies to second courses - soups, for example, with chicken and potatoes. All dishes of the regime - steamed, boiled, baked. Roasting is prohibited.

Prepared meat and fish dishes- boiled sausages, canned food, crab sticks with the Minus 60 Diet can be eaten no more than once a week, provided: do not combine them with potatoes, bread, spaghetti and pasta.

Meat It is permissible to eat, but not fatty: chicken, rabbit, turkey, veal, beef. Poultry must be skinned before cooking.

Fish- only low-fat varieties, such as cod, pike perch, pollock, carp.

On the side According to the “Minus 60” System, cereals are allowed, but not all. You can include buckwheat and wheat porridge (no more than once a week), pasta and spaghetti made from durum wheat in your menu. An important point that must be observed! The amount of this carbohydrate food, which saturates the body with energy, should be the same every day. A serving of side dish should not exceed 200 g.

Pickles allowed in small quantities, canned food also, but not later than 14 hours. It is better to eat fresh vegetables - they contain more nutrients and do not contain a lot of salt, which retains water in the body, which usually leads to swelling.

Bread with the “Minus 60” Diet, only rye can be included in the menu, and it should be eaten separately from meat dishes.

Low-fat dairy products allowed in any quantity. Hard and processed cheese, cottage cheese - no more than 50 g per day.

Dressings and sauces– mayonnaise, vegetable oil, sour cream until 14-00. It is better to replace it with sauce according to the “Minus 60” System, mainly based on unsweetened yogurt and soy sauce.

Hot sauces– mustard, adjika, ketchup are available before and after 14-00. But it is better to exclude them, as they increase your appetite and you will want to eat more.

Unsweetened fruits– apples, plums, avocados, citrus fruits, pineapple. Dried fruits can include prunes in the menu.

Melons– melon and watermelon should be consumed separately from other foods, no more than two pieces per day.

Drink Better than plain water. Ekaterina Mirimanova does not prescribe the exact amount of water per day. According to her system, water is consumed when thirst sets in. Coffee and tea with sugar can only be consumed up to 12 hours.

Diet dinner

Dinner according to the “Minus 60” System should be no later than six o’clock in the evening and should not be fatty or heavy. The diet menu allows late dinner until eight o'clock in the evening for those who go to bed late. According to Mirimanova’s system, there are several combinations of products for dinner to choose from:

Fruits can be consumed::

  • with dairy products and eggs;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals.

Vegetables can be combined:

  • with buckwheat or rice porridge on water;
  • dairy products no higher than 5% fat, as well as eggs.

Meat and fish dishes - no side dish.

Vegetables– any, with the exception of starchy foods (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke), legumes, pumpkin, corn, mushrooms, eggplant. It is better to exclude mushrooms too. Despite the fact that mushrooms are low in calories, they are difficult to digest, and dinner according to the “Minus 60” system should be light.

Fruits- from the general list, with the exception of avocados.

From drinks: still mineral water, herbal teas, infusions and decoctions.

System "Minus 60" - menu for the week

The “Minus 60” system is a tasty and healthy diet. Here is a sample menu for every day:


  • oatmeal in water with fresh fruit, boiled egg, coffee, croissant;
  • vegetarian soup, spaghetti with seafood, seasonal vegetable salad;
  • boiled chicken fillet in garlic-orange sauce, buckwheat porridge, fresh vegetables, herbal tea.


  • fresh cottage cheese with dried fruits and honey, poached egg, green tea;
  • cream soup of pumpkin, carrots and potatoes, pilaf with lean meat, green salad with seafood;
  • mashed potatoes, low-fat fish with vegetables baked in foil, berry juice.


  • semolina porridge with butter, fruit salad with diet ice cream dressing, coffee;
  • beetroot soup, vegetable stew with chicken, apple jelly;
  • pureed zucchini, carrots and broccoli, turkey meatballs in tomato sauce, tea.


  • buckwheat with milk and honey, fruit jelly, coffee;
  • salmon broth, baked potatoes with garlic and herbs in sour cream, seasonal vegetables;
  • baked pita bread with curd filling, buckwheat porridge with caramelized onions and grated carrots, tea;


  • steam omelette with tomatoes, curd pudding with fresh fruit, compote;
  • chicken crepe soup, boiled pasta, shrimp in garlic and cream sauce;
  • baked zucchini with chicken fillet and cheese, rice, summer salad.


  • oatmeal with water, biscuit with berries, green tea;
  • vegetable soup, curd noodle soup, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • boiled rice with baked fish in soy sauce, jelly.


  • cottage cheese with strawberry-banana puree, hard-boiled egg, coffee;
  • sago soup with vegetables, potato casserole, cucumber salad;
  • durum wheat pasta with seafood, summer salad.

Recipes according to the “Minus 60” System

The “Minus 60” nutrition system is based on simple and affordable products, so you can experiment with recipes on your own, taking into account the rules of this diet.
Here are examples of food recipes according to the Minus 60 Diet:

Breakfast -Sweet oatmeal


  • oat flakes - 100 g;
  • milk - 200 g;
  • sugar - to taste.


Boil milk, add cereal and sugar. Cook until done. You can add frozen or fresh berries to the finished porridge. If the flakes are instant, you can pour kefir over them overnight and leave them in the refrigerator. The next morning, add honey, nuts, fruits.

A very healthy and satisfying recipe that can be modified every day, making the system menu varied.

Lunch – Zucchini rolls with rice


  • Long zucchini – 2 pcs;
  • Rice – 100 g;
  • Carrot – 1 piece;
  • Onion – 1 piece;
  • Mushrooms – 50 g;
  • Spices to taste - salt, pepper, Provençal herbs;
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Low-fat sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.


Cut the zucchini lengthwise into slices, scald or dip in boiling water to soften. Prepare the filling: boil the rice in water, drain in a colander. Sauté carrots, onions, mushrooms, add spices, mix with rice. Place the filling on the zucchini and roll it into a roll, secure with a wooden skewer. Place in a baking tray, pour in sour cream, bake in the oven at 180-200°C for about 20 minutes.

A healthy and aesthetic recipe that will be appropriate in the system menu not only on weekdays, but also on holidays.

Dessert – Apples with cinnamon and honey


  • Apples - 400 g;
  • Cinnamon - 15 g;
  • Honey - 20 g.


Wash the apples, cut out the tops, bake in the oven until done. Drizzle the top with honey and add cinnamon. Cinnamon is a useful spice for weight loss, which helps burn fat and speed up metabolism. If desired, you can decorate the apples with fresh fruits and nuts.

This is an eternal recipe according to all menu standards for proper nutrition for weight loss for a week, which is also suitable for the “Minus 60” System and can be consumed any day of the week when losing weight.

Dinner – Steamed vegetable omelette

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