Young pumped up boys. Do you like muscular guys? Isn't the first impression about them wrong? Why do girls like beefy guys?

When muscular guys appear on television or on the beach, they always evoke admiring glances from girls and envy from guys. How to achieve such a result? It's not easy at all. It takes years to train, and strict diets sometimes lead to madness. However, the results are worth it. Inflated guys have become popular quite recently, and now every year more and more people strive to achieve In this article we will try to compile the TOP 5 men who amaze with their forms.

Fifth place will be taken by 18-year-old American Jeff Seid. What makes this athlete stand out the most is his age. However, Jeff managed to build up good muscle mass in 6 years, having 84 kg with a height of 183 cm. Photo below.

Greg Plitt, who is an idol for many fans, moved up one position. He has received various prizes more than once, among which is the award “Winner of the Best Male Physique” according to TV in 2009. In addition to bodybuilding, he is involved in acting and also appears in magazines. Photo below.

So, we have come to the great line, which is closed by Simeon Panda, who turned his unsportsmanlike body into a real machine in 8 years. His workouts reach 6-7 times a week, and his strength indicators are not far from those of professional bodybuilders. See his photo below.

Our silver medalist was Simeon Panda's close friend, who has won many titles and awards, Ulysses Williams. Nowadays, he regularly appears on the covers of various magazines dedicated to bodybuilding and fitness, and also appears on TV. In addition, he works as a fitness trainer, reconstructing the bodies of many guys and girls. You can see the photo below.

The Bulgarian athlete, fitness model and trainer Lazar Angelov reached the top of our top. In a short period of time, he became an idol for many novice athletes, and his body looks as it should. He began his bodybuilding career at the age of 20. And after 2 years, he already began to take part in competitions of various sizes, earning all kinds of titles and awards. Today he works as a coach and, according to him, his main task is to introduce sports among young people.

That's what they are, natural jocks. Pictures of beefy guys can be found everywhere these days. This may increase the number of people who want to get a beautiful body. Some people work out by taking steroids, and some people prefer to build muscle mass naturally. The difference between them is huge, because naturals weigh 85-90 kg (this is what our article is about), and “steroids” weigh 100-130 kg (they can be seen annually at the Mr. Olympia competitions). The choice must be made by the person himself: some want to see themselves as aesthetes, while others want to see themselves as big jocks. By the way, people sometimes have the opinion that beefy guys are gay. However, in most cases, all this is just fiction. Yes, men with often take much more care of themselves, but this does not mean that every one of the pumped-up men is gay. In conclusion, let’s add that we would like to wait for the times when beefy guys on the beaches become the norm.

Seeing pictures of pumped-up guys on TV, many males envy and slander them, while girls simply burn with delight. As you know, no one is born with a muscular body, and no one just develops muscles on their own. In order to have a beautiful, sculpted body, you should make a lot of effort.

Muscle guys are not a myth

Of course, it’s nice to look at the beautiful, fit figure of a guy who plays sports and leads a healthy lifestyle. But is this really so? Many beefy guys only look attractive in appearance, and they don’t really have to train. Nowadays, there are a large number of dietary supplements and steroids that help quickly build muscle mass and acquire beautiful shapes, but this is only an external deception. And for those who try to keep their body in shape and spend years on end in sports clubs and gyms, the main goal is not bulky muscles. They just work out for themselves, to feel good, and a pumped up excellent body is simply the result of hard work. In addition, in order to have a great figure, pumped up guys exhaust themselves with strict diets, choosing a nutritious diet high in protein. Do you think it's easy? Almost constantly you have to eat monotonous, tasteless food.

Do beefy guys get more attention?

The answer to this question is clear - a beautiful body has always been in fashion. Another question: “Do muscles adorn the body naturally, or is it just the result of steroids?” Of course, guys who work out hard and want to look good are women's favorites. And not always because they have good abs, beautiful biceps and strong arms. Most often, they simply attract attention to themselves due to the fact that they show their masculine strength through perseverance and constant work on themselves. Their aesthetically perfect body, of course, also does not go unnoticed! And as for massive jocks whose weight exceeds a hundred, it’s not so beautiful. Muscles built with the help of steroids adorn the body, but a lot of weight and practically no training, who needs it? Of course, everyone chooses for themselves what lifestyle to lead and how to look, but many nowadays are fighting for naturalness. Even if the muscles are not so prominent, they are beautiful simply because a lot of effort has been put into achieving a good result.

Is it true that beefy guys are gay?

The non-standard orientation of guys, which is becoming more and more common these days, has nothing to do with sports and a beautiful pumped up body. Yes, it should also be mentioned that gays pay a lot of attention to themselves and sometimes look much more well-groomed and attractive than ordinary guys, but this does not mean that a beautiful figure describes guys from a negative point of view. This option, of course, cannot be ruled out; any representatives of the stronger half of the population can be gay: short, tall, thin and pumped up, young and old. But why shouldn’t an ordinary normal guy take care of his body in order to please girls, attract the attention of others and simply take care of his health?

Guys and men believe that female representatives should not encroach on what is in their blood, i.e. to their masculinity. The so-called “play with iron”, with the help of which they acquire muscle mass, strong and resilient muscles, an iron chest and back give them the opportunity to feel like a “man”. Girls don’t understand at all what pumping, muscle definition and pumping are. And in general, they are asked the question, who would you choose: a guy with a beautifully pumped up body, or a smart and handsome “runaway”?

Why do girls like beefy guys?

And the girls don’t answer the last question, but why? Yes, because it is difficult for some of them to deceive nature - what is inherent in them by the instincts of natural selection. It is they who will push the female sex on a subconscious level to choose a stronger and healthier “male” for procreation, even if at this stage of life she does not plan to think about this issue at all.

As a rule, girls like beefy guys precisely because it is an indicator of health and strength. The female sex is well aware that the offspring should grow up under the protection of just such a dad, because mothers do not possess these qualities. It’s just calmer to be around a guy like that, that’s all.

It seems that everything is clear and we could end here, but why do girls not always agree with the male gender on this issue? And all because of the realities of life: there are no mammoths today, and saber-toothed tigers are not found. In the urban jungle, completely different laws have long reigned. The female sex has never been distinguished by physical strength; in order to survive sometimes in the very harsh world of men, they had to develop completely different qualities, including intelligence, cunning, and ingenuity. And this lasted for centuries.

Do girls like guys who are beefy or smart?

And so, girls began to notice that in the modern world, men’s penetration abilities, determination and ability to earn money, and not physical strength, have acquired value.

What about the jocks? Most often, the volume of their biceps is directly proportional to their narcissism and inversely proportional to their intelligence and attention to themselves. Well, is this really the case? To survive in the modern world, intelligence has become more in demand than strength, so the latter has faded into the background.

In today's world, the question has begun to sound completely different: do girls like pumped-up, smart, neat, brave and confident guys who can make them laugh? Oh yeah. But the female sex understands that she wants too much; such specimens are rare in nature. Therefore, somehow imperceptibly, it is the “pumped up” ones that gradually fall out of this series and everything that a guy can develop over time, thanks to sincere compliments from his beloved.

Now tell me, what’s easier: to turn a pumped-up guy into a smart one, or vice versa? Another noteworthy detail in all the discussions of this issue was this: girls very often say that they like athletic guys rather than pumped ones, and certainly no one likes pumped ones. It's not exciting at all, it's scary.

Let's summarize:

Of course, you need to take care of your body, but when answering the question of whether girls like muscular guys, think about whether working out in a “rocking chair” becomes the meaning of life for you:

Are you obsessed with your sports diet and regimen?
Do you remember that you love your girlfriend much more than the barbell?
Have you told her about this lately?
you never blamed her for having to skip practice because she wanted to go to the movies?

And one more thing: girls like brute male strength, but much more they value sincere interest and intelligence. Therefore, you need to pump up not only your muscles, but also your brains. Otherwise, a cute little guy who has time to take her to the theater and also has a lot of interesting or funny things to say about the production will easily outperform you in all respects.

About male beauty. Some prefer to see next to them brutal men, covered in stubble, dressed in jeans and a shirt. Others like clean-shaven representatives of the stronger sex, in strict and stylish suits. Some girls are crazy about “bad” boys in tracksuits and sneakers.

But in one thing women’s tastes coincide: almost all ladies like men with a good figure and developed muscles. This is why guys spend months trying to look beautiful. They go to the gym, try to pump up their muscles, do special abdominal exercises, trying to achieve six-pack abs. All these efforts do not go unnoticed.

A pumped-up male body looks very beautiful, but you shouldn’t overdo it, since few people will like a solid mountain of muscles either.

The benefits of a muscular guy

Girls are by nature delicate and defenseless creatures, often referred to as the weaker sex. They want to always be under someone's protection and know that they have someone to rely on. So, guys with good muscles are in most cases associated with heroes, strong and brave. In the eyes of a girl, such a guy is a protector. No hooligans are afraid of him. His hugs give you confidence and comfort.

In addition, the girl will be only too happy to introduce such a guy to her friends.

The beefy guy definitely strives for beauty. Girls like this too. All athletes are strong, purposeful and self-confident people. If a guy manages to achieve success in sports, he will most likely get his way in life too. The opposite sex feels this and wants to be close to just such a person.

A guy who plays sports and spends his free time in the gym is much better than a man who plays computer games, watches TV and drinks beer with friends in his free time. Many athletes monitor their nutrition and adhere to certain diets, so they are always healthy and full of energy. Any girl would be pleased to be proud of her boyfriend. Success in sports is a good option.

However, all people are different and their tastes also differ. According to statistics, many girls like muscular guys, but not all of them. There are also those who are afraid of “jocks”. They believe that they have inflated self-esteem or are too arrogant. There is also an opinion that many achieve sports results thanks to energy drinks and bio-supplements. Here we can only say that everything depends on the person himself and it is impossible to decide something for yourself without trying to communicate with him.

You can argue a lot on this topic, but it is important to remember one thing - athletic, moderately inflated guys always attract attention.

Film stars of the past and present, who were popular with men, created certain specific images for themselves, their own special style. Marilyn Monroe is associated with a shock of blond hair, scarlet lips and a light white dress. Dita Von Teese uses the image of a femme fatale, hence the corsets, bright makeup, black hair and accessories in the S&M style. With the help of clothes, cosmetics and demeanor, you too can create your own style that will attract men.


All women have acting skills to one degree or another, so it will be relatively easy for you to try on the images that attract men so much. Ideals changed over time: a portly woman-mother and a fragile teenage woman, a beauty and a romantic young lady, a keeper of the hearth and a conqueror of space.

Of course, there were and are incomparably more images. Every man carries a dream woman in his heart. It is impossible to meet all of them. Try to experiment with looks that have been tested by time and many other women before you.

The femme fatale, femme fatale, vamp woman is one of the most attractive female images for men. The main thing here is sexuality in every detail! Many men dream of a pleasant time with a vamp woman. The beauty's outfits are provocative, the color scheme is black and red. Lots of black and a touch of red.

When you get tired of the image of a femme fatale, try on chiffon dresses of a romantic girl. Such persons are liked by many who are afraid of femme-fatale. This image denies feminism and predation. A romantic girl believes in true love and converts men to her faith! To match this look, invest in feminine skirts, blouses and dresses. Choose soft material, pastel shades. Apply makeup unnoticeably so that it appears as if it is not there at all.

Some men prefer to communicate with women who act like "their boyfriend." This image is not suitable for every girl, and not every young man will like it. It is mainly used by women who want to “get closer” to a specific person so that he does not feel that he is being “hunted”. To fit into the “guy guy” look, wear unisex clothing, avoid heavy makeup, have short hair, or wear your hair up. Explore masculine topics to keep conversations going about sports, cars, fishing, and “bitch women.” I'll have to learn to drink beer!

Many female images have a hypnotic effect on men. You need to find one in which you feel organic.

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  • women's images styles

The standards of male and female beauty are very different from each other. A woman who wants to become a model must have 90/60/90 curves and be tall. A man must be at least 183 cm tall and have a thin build.

The history of the emergence of male and female beauty standards

Today, society is structured in such a way that both women and women have certain standards of beauty. However, not everyone knows where this attitude towards the opposite sex comes from. It turns out that the origins of the ideal parameters of the human body come from Ancient Greek culture and the culture of Ancient Rome. Back in those days, beauty standards for the male body were defined. It is enough just to look at the sculpture of Apollo once, and everything immediately becomes clear. Particularly popular at that time were men with a majestic figure, prominent muscles, broad shoulders and a narrow pelvis.

In those days, a special formula was even developed that, depending on a man’s height, determined the exact parameters that the body had to meet.

However, for different, dissimilar cultures, the parameters of a beautiful male body were different. For example, in China it was valued when there was a small convex tummy. And in New Zealand, women preferred a flat, pressed nose.

Male beauty in modern times

Currently, it is difficult to clearly define clear standards of male beauty. Of course, many concepts of the beauty of the male body migrated from the ancient world. And today, women, as a rule, like men who are slender, with developed muscles, a masculine face and symmetrical features. But the modern world has become so multifaceted and unpredictable that people in it live independently, both by themselves and in their tastes and preferences.

Some women like handsome, muscular men, some prefer skinny and tall men, and some women like short, fat men.

It should be noted that beauty largely depends on the mind, thoughts, character and attitude towards a woman. Any man with a nondescript and undistinguished appearance can conquer a woman with his sense of humor, intelligence and character. And a woman will consider him the most beautiful and unique; for her, he will be the standard of male beauty.

Today it is impossible to set clear boundaries for the beauty standards of the male body. This concept is quite ambiguous. Just as in ancient times, different cultures have their own standards, which will depend on the very history of culture, modern culture and the mentality of society. If you pay attention to any male model, the parameters of his beauty are tall stature and a sculpted torso.

To get a girl to like you, you need to be special and stand out among others. Many believe that muscles will undoubtedly become a guarantee of their popularity, and they headlong into the pursuit of a beautiful body.

Fearless Defender

When a girl meets a guy for the first time, it is logical that from the first minutes she does not try to see his inner world, but pays attention to his appearance. And if you follow the theory about the importance of the first impression effect, then we can conclude that a beautiful appearance will play into your hands in the future. A man is, first of all, a protector. This understanding is embedded in girls’ subconscious, even if they consciously deny it. And the fact is that a sculpted body with pumped up biceps and abs on the stomach corresponds to the image of a strong and fearless defender.

Momentary weakness

Do girls like muscular guys? If you answer this question directly, the unconditional answer will be the word “yes”. This is similar to how men are attracted to girls with a beautiful figure. The desire for beauty is what underlies this attraction.

However, usually superficial attraction is limited to the first “minutes of weakness”: the further time goes, the harder it is to maintain attention. Think about what you really want? To have crowds of fans running after you, who are nothing serious, or to really interest girls? As a rule, standing girls are skeptical about pumped up guys. They have several reasons for this.


Social dogmas fall in dense layers on the consciousness of any person. Now think about how the inner world and mind of a pumped up guy is presented, for example, on television? Suffice it to recall the youth series “Univer” and one of its main characters, Kuzya. Of course, the series cannot be called a cult, and the question of whether anyone watches television now deserves a separate article. But, nevertheless, indirectly or directly, the media have an impact, and the image of a pumped up guy is involuntarily associated with a “dummy”.

You can't blame the girl for her thoughts succumbing to this stereotype. After all, in life there are often guys with whom there is nothing to talk about except about their own muscles. Therefore, the question of girls’ interest in pumped-up men has a dual nature. On the one hand, physical advantages guarantee security, and on the other, a pumped-up body guarantees frailty of the mind.

Therefore, to be liked by girls, having big muscles is not enough, although this is a big advantage when dating. To maintain interest and attention to yourself, develop both physically and spiritually.

Tip 5: Male gaze: are muscular women beautiful?

Strength sports are currently popular not only among guys, but also among women. And this trend has both its supporters and opponents.

Tastes could not be discussed

Representatives of the fair sex sometimes argue about which body type men prefer. First of all, it should be noted that people have individual tastes. And the standards of female beauty have changed more than once over the centuries. Some people also like graceful women with model appearance. Someone, on the contrary, does not notice such people and considers ladies with an hourglass figure attractive. There are also those who like pleasant fullness. Some people like a slightly rounded tummy, while others like it.

Many modern men love athletic, fit girls, among whom there are also those with quite pronounced muscles.

It is difficult to say definitively whether men like muscular women, since different people have different perceptions. For example, one man may perceive the figure of an athletic girl as simply fit, while another will call the same girl masculine.

Who likes muscular women

Be that as it may, there are a considerable number of male representatives who consider a female body attractive with moderately developed muscles, when the muscles are toned, but not as large as those of an athletic man. Perhaps this is due to the instincts of ancient times, when a strong and agile girl had a better chance of escaping from a predator and, if necessary, covering long distances. So, guys often like pronounced female calves.

Sports girls are often liked by men who themselves engage in strength sports. They say that when hugging an athlete, they are not afraid of inadvertently hurting her, unlike a very fragile lady.

There are also men who like pronounced muscles in women, for example, like those who participate in bodybuilding competitions. Among such men, again, there are bodybuilders and, on the other hand, men with a developed feminine principle who like strong women as partners.

Another reason for male interest in Amazons is the love of variety. Thousands of guys are often subscribed to sites and pages of muscular athletes. Perhaps they would not always want to have a permanent relationship with such girls, but it is interesting for them to look at them from the outside.

No matter what figure a girl has, she can find a man who will appreciate her.

There are also those who consider a muscular body to be aesthetically beautiful, regardless of the gender of its owner. And connoisseurs respect female athletes for their dedication and perseverance in achieving the desired figure, because getting pumped up for the average girl is not an easy task, due to female hormonal characteristics.

Psychologists conducted a study of male attractiveness.
The preferences of the fair sex have been and are of interest to men for a long time. And scientists are also curious about it.

Experts from South Wales conducted a series of studies, as a result of which they learned that women are very attracted to men with 10-day stubble. And abundant hair in the chin area indicates excellent parenting skills.

About three hundred representatives of the fair sex and about two hundred men took part in the experiment, which was devoted to this issue. Participants in the experiment were shown photographs in which there were men with different hair types. The very first photographs of men whose faces were clean shaven were eliminated during the experiment; ladies preferred men's faces with slight stubble.

The photographs had to be assessed in accordance with a number of parameters: the level of attractiveness and masculinity, the health of the opponent, as well as parental data. Experts paid attention to even minor differences in the physical and emotional state of women, including the influence of contraceptives and the menstrual cycle. These indicators, as experts say, had a major influence on certain preferences.

Back in 2008, similar scientific research was carried out by British specialists. At that time, scientists came to a similar conclusion, but at that moment the conversation was about a short-term relationship. However, a man’s beard even then made men more courageous and stern.

The results of these studies give reason to rejoice for men who prefer to shave every 10 days.

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