Is it possible to eat dates during pregnancy? Not only is it possible, but it is also necessary! Dates during pregnancy: how are they useful and can pregnant women eat in the early and late stages? The benefits of dates for a woman's body during pregnancy

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Sweet and tender fruits have been known to mankind for a long time, and dates are simply necessary for pregnant women. This conclusion was led by scientific studies that showed the need for this overseas delicacy for pregnant women, the baby, and a successful delivery.


The fruits contain a lot of sugar - its amount stands out among other fruits. Doctors advise pregnant women to eat foods with large amounts of fructose before giving birth. This substance gives a woman energy, promotes lactation and the formation of colostrum, which is extremely important for a newborn. During childbirth, a woman loses a lot of blood and her blood sugar drops. The fruit helps supply additional sugar so that the young mother’s blood pressure does not drop. The fruits are high in calories, useful for a weak body, they are recommended for a tired person because they quickly replenish energy.


Studies have shown that dates contain more than a dozen substances necessary for the body and normal functioning of the brain. It has been proven that a single exotic fruit and a cup of milk completely provide an adult’s daily diet of nutrients. The fruits contain an element necessary during childbirth - oxytocin, which stimulates labor and enhances lactation.

Oxytocin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland of the brain during labor contractions. This stimulates the work of the hip and uterine muscles. Such metamorphoses in a woman’s body begin with the production of oxytocin. This hormone also has a positive effect on the function of the uterus and mammary glands. For childbirth to be successful, the uterus must contract properly, which is helped by the presence of oxytocin. At the end of childbirth, the hormone also affects the woman, stimulating the release of colostrum to feed the baby.


In addition to oxytocin, dates contain a lot of fructose, which supports activity and heat production in the body. Fructose in dates is very different from glucose and saccharides, which provoke a sharp increase in sugar in the circulatory system, dangerous for diabetics and people with certain other pathologies. Excess blood sugar has a bad effect on vision, nerves, blood vessels and the heart. Excess sugar leads to decreased vision, heart attack, liver pathologies and other consequences.

All these problems do not bother a pregnant woman if, instead of sugar or glucose, she consumes many mineral elements and all kinds of vitamins. Date fruits contain proteins and fats. This wonderful fruit contains sodium, magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium and almost a complete set of all kinds of vitamins.

Effect on the body

Dates are beneficial for pregnant women - they are perfectly absorbed by the stomach and intestines, and are nutritious. The fructose they contain relieves stress and is good for the brain. Proteins strengthen the immune system, which is especially important for pregnant women so that they can resist infections. Vitamin A strengthens eye muscles, teeth and other bones. Vitamin B1 quickly burns calories, ensuring cell renewal.

Folic acid

This substance is needed by nursing mothers and pregnant women; it is involved in the formation of blood cells and amino acids - the “building blocks” of the nascent human being. During pregnancy, the need for folic acid doubles. If there is a deficiency of this substance, then the volume of red blood cells increases, but their functionality is greatly reduced, resulting in an unpleasant and dangerous symptom - anemia. Folic acid is involved in cell division and the formation of genetics. All these processes go well if a pregnant woman eats a couple of dates a day.


Potassium is the element that helps pregnant women avoid painful attacks of nausea. In pregnant women, the need for potassium is increased; it maintains water balance in the body. Potassium is also involved in the delivery of oxygen to brain tissue. Therefore, consumption of date fruits affects clarity of thinking in the most difficult situations. Potassium affects the removal of toxins, it reduces excess pressure and promotes cleanliness of the skin.

Iron is needed for the synthesis of hemoglobin in the blood, helps maintain the required number of red blood cells, and protects against anemia. Iron helps the baby's development by ensuring oxygen transmission and cell nutrition. Fifteen dates a day completely cover the body's need for iron.

Calcium and phosphates help form the fetal skeleton, protecting it from excessive bone fragility. Eating dates regularly can effectively prevent osteoporosis. Magnesium is essential for the kidneys. Two or three fruits per day completely replenish the need for magnesium.


In situations of psychological stress and depression, popular rumor equates dates to sedatives.

  • This reaction of the body is explained by the action of vitamin B6, which strengthens the immune system, and magnesium, which supports muscle activity.
  • A large amount of vitamin B1 has a life-giving effect on the nervous system, and together with B2, the burning of excess calories in the body occurs faster. This helps normal metabolism and renewal of old cells.
  • Vitamin B2 helps convert carbohydrates into energy, process carbons and proteins.
  • Vitamin A is extremely necessary, it increases resistance to infections, and is good for the eyes and skeleton.
  • Betacaratin in dates prevents the development of cancer by neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals.


An amazing property of dates: they contain protein - this is a remarkable phenomenon for a fruit. Thanks to this fact, the exotic fruit helps the body resist various diseases. The renewal of body cells occurs more quickly, and fluid balance is normalized. The last fact is especially important for pregnant women, who often suffer from edema.

If you compare dates with meat, both products contain protein. In all other respects, the benefits of dates are much greater, especially the fruit is rich in nutrients at the time of ripening. Eating meat today is unsafe due to antibiotics and other drugs that are injected into animals. Meat is also heavier and takes longer to digest, which contributes to the accumulation of cholesterol in the body. Date is more favorable and a choice for a pregnant woman and baby.


The consumption of dates by endocrinologist patients with diabetes must be discussed with their doctor. Women who have digestive problems should also consult a therapist about consuming dates. For everyone else, eating this wonderful fruit will bring only benefit and no harm. Pregnant women who have no contraindications should include dates in their daily diet - this is very beneficial for the fetus.

Folk recipes

In our mentality, eating date fruits is not particularly common, so not all women know recipes that include this fruit. The nutritional cocktail of this product is very useful. To prepare it, you need to wash the fruits and pour boiling milk over them. The drink is almost ready, you need to infuse it and drink it warm. This is an excellent remedy for nausea, which is familiar to almost every pregnant woman. The drink is used as a folk remedy against pregnancy toxicosis.

To make a fruit snack from dates, you will also need an orange, which is peeled and cut into slices. Dates are also finely chopped and placed on an orange slice. On top everything is sprinkled with grated ginger in sugar syrup. Ginger also perfectly relieves nausea, while at the same time giving a piquant and refined taste to the well-known orange. In the mentality of the Arabs, from whom this dish came to us, it is customary to combine dates with bread, fish, butter and yogurt.

Therefore, many delicious and nutritious dishes are prepared based on dates. Dates and dishes made from them are especially desirable for pregnant women; they quickly normalize a woman’s condition during toxicosis. Even if a woman feels great, she does not have toxicosis or other problems with pregnancy, it is still advisable for her to eat such wonderful overseas fruits.

Needless to say, nutrition for a pregnant woman is a separate, very important point in bearing a baby. You can find out at the planning stages what pregnant women need to eat, what products should appear on the menu, and when. But still, many pregnant women still have questions: are some products prohibited, or whether their consumption should be limited. Very often people think this way about dried fruits and doubt whether they should eat dates during pregnancy.

Simple answer: can pregnant women eat dates?

In general, dates will not harm a healthy pregnancy. They are beneficial in moderation. But if a pregnant woman has excess weight that is not related to pregnancy, she is generally prone to being overweight, then you definitely shouldn’t lean on dates. This is explained by the fact that dates contain a high percentage of fructose and vegetable protein.

The usefulness of dates is that, despite the large amount of simple sugars, they contain the same dietary fiber that has a good effect on intestinal function. During pregnancy, especially in the later stages, this is of considerable importance.

Dates contain:

  • Ascorbic acid;
  • Beta carotene;
  • Magnesium, iron, copper and potassium are the most important group of microelements;
  • B vitamins;
  • Folic acid.

Invaluable. This fruit contains a very high percentage of sugar - up to 60-65%, and doctors strongly recommend that women eat foods with fructose. Fructose provides energy to the mother's body, weakened by pregnancy, and triggers certain chemical reactions that contribute to the start of breast milk production. During childbirth, a woman may lose a large amount of blood, and this leads to a decrease in sugar levels. And here dates will come to the rescue; thanks to their high calorie content, they will restore energy very quickly.

Iron, contained in large quantities in dates, prevents the development of anemia and ensures normal fetal development.

Dates contain many vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on a woman’s body. They are very useful for brain activity, since they contain 2.2% proteins, as well as vitamins A, B1, B2. Proteins help strengthen the immune system. Vitamin A has a positive effect on bone tissue, teeth, and eyes. Vitamin B1 has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, and vitamin B2 promotes the absorption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, providing energy to the body.

Dates contain potassium in large quantities, and during this time you should increase the consumption of this element. Potassium helps maintain fluid balance. A sufficient amount of this trace element in the body prevents an increase in blood pressure. Due to their unique composition, dates are also recommended for men - to maintain sexuality and male strength.

What are the benefits of oxytocin and folic acid for pregnant women?

Dates contain the chemical oxytocin. This substance is used in modern medicine as a drug for obstetrics. Oxytocin is considered a means of “speedy labor.” It is essentially a hormone produced by the pituitary gland of the brain. It begins labor contractions, causing contraction of the hip and uterine muscles. Since dates contain oxytocin, these fruits are a beneficial food for pregnant women. They should be eaten before and after childbirth.

Folic acid is involved in the process of cell division and the formation of their genetic structure, therefore, during the development of the child, the mother’s body’s need for this substance increases.

Folic acid, contained in large quantities in dates, is very beneficial for pregnant and lactating women. This substance is involved in the creation of new blood cells and amino acids, which are the main “building material”. During pregnancy, the body's need for folic acid doubles. With its deficiency, red blood cells in the blood increase in size, and their functional activity decreases, and symptoms of anemia develop. Including dates in your diet will inhibit this process.

The pregnancy period is a time during which a young mother pays special attention to her nutrition. After all, now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for the developing child.

It is very important to provide the growing body with all the necessary substances. A significant number of such elements can be found in date- one of the healthiest fruits for pregnant women.

General information

Dates have been known for a long time, and their usefulness for pregnant and laboring women is mentioned even in the Bible and the Koran. And in the Far East it is considered the most valuable dried fruit that prolongs youth.

And this is not surprising, because it contains such elements as iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, phosphorus, sulfur, boron, sodium and many other minerals.

The distinctive feature of the date compared to other fruits is that it contains approximately 23 amino acids, niacin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, folic acid, and oxytocin necessary during childbirth.

Moreover, in it a lot of vitamins A, B, C, more than 50% fructose and a significant amount of protein, absent in ordinary fruits.

Dates during pregnancy

Benefits and harms

The list of all the beneficial properties of dates for expectant mothers is endless. Let's name just a few of them:

    1. Beneficial effect on immunity pregnant woman, strengthening bone tissue, eye muscles and teeth, providing energy and cell renewal. Calming effect on the nervous system due to the high content of fructose.
    2. Significant content, which has a great influence on the formation and division of cells during the period of intrauterine development of the baby.
    3. Potassium content in dates provides water balance and helps deliver oxygen to the brain, which prevents attacks of nausea during the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
    4. Boosted by the high amount of iron in dates.
    5. Reduced pressure and maintaining the cardiovascular system.
    6. Protecting the body from osteoporosis and bone fragility, as well as the formation of a healthy musculoskeletal system in a child due to the presence of calcium and phosphates.
  • Beneficial effects of magnesium on the kidneys. To meet your daily requirement for magnesium, it is enough to consume only 2 – 3 dates per day.
  • Maintaining Energy and the process of cell renewal.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy.
  • Elimination and removal of excess fluid in the body.
  • Presence of oxytocin in dates helps the uterus actively contract during childbirth, and also takes part in the production of breast milk and restoration of expended energy.

The only harm from dates is their excessive consumption. Dates - enough high-calorie fruit, which may affect the figure.

Eating dates in large quantities is also contraindicated for pregnant women with a sick stomach and intestines due to the coarse fibers that make up this fruit.

Indications and contraindications

Contraindications for eating dates very little. Pregnant women with kidney stones and gastrointestinal problems should be careful.

Women with bronchial asthma should also use dates with special care, since they are sometimes dried using paraffin, which is not tolerated by everyone.

Based on the beneficial properties of dates, they are recommended for the following problems and diseases:

  • with a decrease in hemoglobin levels;
  • loss of strength;
  • toxicosis;
  • fragility of bones and teeth;
  • at ;
  • with weakened immunity;
  • at ;
  • with impaired vision;
  • for swelling;
  • to prevent good labor;
  • with a decrease in the quantity and quality of breast milk.

Methods of use

Dates are eaten as in kind, having previously washed them with water, and used in preparing various dishes.

Since time immemorial, fresh and dried date palm fruits have been considered a valuable product. Entire chapters were written about their benefits in ancient medical treatises. Dates were served at royal feasts and taken with them on the road. They entered religious literature: in the parable of the Virgin Mary and Jesus, dates are mentioned, which were sent to her from above to support her strength during childbirth.

Women in the Middle East still include them in their diet during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Having learned about this valuable aspect of this product, expectant mothers often wonder whether it will be just as useful for them or is it better to refrain from eating exotic foods during pregnancy?

Is it possible to eat dates during pregnancy?

Dates, like honey, are naturally occurring sweets. Unlike candies and many confectionery products, they contain no artificial sweeteners, colors or preservatives.

Dates contain not only the natural carbohydrate fructose, but also other useful components. These include:

  • dietary fiber (helps reduce blood cholesterol and get rid of constipation);
  • iron (an important factor in the fight against anemia);
  • potassium (normalizes heart function and water-salt metabolism);
  • vegetable protein (source of amino acids);
  • folic acid (prevention of anemia and a necessary factor for the full development of the fetal nervous system);
  • vitamin A (strengthening vision, skin, nails and hair);
  • phosphorus, calcium and magnesium (building material of bone tissue);
  • serotonin (good mood hormone);
  • melatonin (healthy sleep hormone);
  • oxytocin (stimulation of labor and lactation in late pregnancy).

During pregnancy, many women acquire new food preferences, and their love for sweets often awakens. You can satisfy this need in different ways, but it is advisable to choose natural sweets for this. Tasty and healthy dates, thanks to their composition, may well claim to be a favorite among other delicacies for expectant mothers.

Some women are wary of dates, fearing that the exotic fruit will cause harm instead of benefit and cause adverse reactions in the body. This concern is unnecessary because, unlike other types of fruit, they do not contain many active allergens. By adding dates to her diet, a pregnant woman will enrich her body with a lot of useful substances necessary for the development of the fetus.

Benefits and harms for pregnant women in the early and late stages

Dried dates have a rich composition and this must be taken into account when adding them to the diet of pregnant women. Dates are very sweet and high in calories, so it is better to eat them in moderation.

5–8 dates a day are enough to replenish the body with valuable substances. Larger amounts can lead to increased blood sugar levels and carbohydrate imbalance, even leading to gestational diabetes. In addition, eating large amounts of high-calorie fruits increases the risk of excess weight gain, as well as the formation of a large child. What features of dates should be taken into account when including them in a pregnant woman’s diet at different stages?

In the first trimester, dates can help combat early toxicosis. If you feel sick, you need to boil the date pulp and grind it in a blender along with a glass of milk. This drink perfectly relieves the symptoms of morning sickness and vomiting. However, you should not overuse this product, since the oxytocin contained in dates increases the tone of the uterus and can cause abortion. Women at risk of miscarriage are better off avoiding this product, and if there are no problems, it is recommended to limit the amount to 5 pieces per day.

By the second trimester, the condition stabilizes and the body requires more nutrients. Dates are rich in iron, magnesium, calcium and other microelements, the consumption of which increases during these months of pregnancy. Expectant mothers often complain of constipation. Dates contain fiber, which helps maintain good intestinal motility.

The third trimester, which ends pregnancy, is characterized by active growth of the fetus and its weight gain. During this period, intrauterine maturation of the child’s nervous system occurs. The carbohydrates present in dates are an excellent energy boost for the fetal brain.

Date palm fruits contain a specific hormone oxytocin, which stimulates the muscles of the uterus and milk production. Eating dates during pregnancy and before childbirth will facilitate the birth process and help quickly establish breastfeeding. In addition to oxytocin, sweet fruits contain serotonin, a pleasure hormone that helps prevent postpartum depression in women.

What daily intake is considered safe?

Date palm fruits contain more than 35% sugars and are high in calories. This fact must be taken into account when including dates during pregnancy in your diet. The optimal amount of these fruits should not exceed 6 pieces for pregnant women. This restriction helps avoid weight gain and reduce the risk of gestational diabetes.

Are there any contraindications for use?

Date palm fruits are a completely natural product. Cases of intolerance are extremely rare and are associated with an allergy to the fruit or to paraffin, which is sometimes used to more reliably preserve the product. In addition to allergies, there are other conditions in which it is better to avoid dates:

  • diabetes;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • overweight;
  • increased uterine tone;
  • genetic predisposition to rapid childbirth.

How to choose dates?

Expectant mothers should be attentive to the quality of the products on their table and try to buy the best. Today, there are dates on the shelves of various varieties and from different manufacturers. How to choose the freshest and highest quality product based on appearance? There are several signs of good fruit:

  • light brown or brown color without spots;
  • smooth, slightly sticky crust;
  • correct form;
  • absence of mold, wetness, dust;
  • pleasant sweet smell.

Dates produced in compliance with technology remain tasty for a long time and do not spoil. Despite this, you need to check the manufacturing date and shelf life of this valuable product when purchasing. Usually this information is indicated on the packaging. Before eating dried fruits, you need to pour boiling water over them to remove bacteria and dust particles.

Date recipes

Dates are very tasty and can be enjoyed without any additives. One option for this use is as a bite with milk or tea. Sweet fruits can be eaten not only separately, but also as part of dishes. For lovers of more complex flavor combinations, there are many recipes:

  • yogurt with pieces of dates: remove the seeds from the fruit, cut the pulp into pieces and mix with yogurt;
  • oatmeal: cook oatmeal in milk and add pitted dates;
  • fruit salad with date additive.

In the Middle East, the homeland of date palms, there is a whole list of its own authentic dishes containing these fruits. Dates are added to meat dishes and pilaf, and they are stuffed into cookies. A special nutritious paste is prepared especially for women in labor, consisting of pureed dates, nuts, sesame seeds and natural olive oil. It is believed that this combination helps a woman quickly recover after childbirth and stimulates lactation.

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