Is it possible to have breakfast before embryo transfer? How to behave before and after embryo transfer so that IVF results in pregnancy. At what stage of embryo development does it have the best chance of implantation?

In order for IVF to be successful, you must know how to behave after embryo transfer. This knowledge will help to significantly increase the chances of pregnancy and subsequent births. In vitro fertilization requires compliance with certain rules and responsibilities by both parents; special attention is paid to the woman in these rules.

Preparing for embryo transfer

After the eggs necessary for artificial insemination are obtained from a woman using a puncture, it will take several days for the embryos to develop and become suitable for transfer into the mother’s body. The doctor decides how many days you need to wait. For some, embryos can be transplanted after 3 days, and for others after 5 days; generally, 5-day embryos are transplanted. Thus, the woman has several days to prepare for a very important moment of the entire IVF procedure - embryo transfer.

This time cannot be wasted; proper preparation is needed. The day before the transfer is very important. On this day, a woman should be as calm and in a good mood as possible. This is not just psychological advice, when a person is nervous, he produces the hormone cortisol, which suppresses the production of other hormones, including those responsible for conception and pregnancy. And yet, you need to give up sex the day before the procedure.

The responsibilities of a woman who decides to undergo IVF do not end there. She should know how to behave on the day of embryo transfer. Everything is simple here. The first thing you need to start preparing for the procedure, even before going to the clinic, is the shower. It should be taken without using shower gel or scented soap. You cannot use cosmetics. Before leaving the house you need to empty your bladder, in general this should be done 2 hours before the refill. Before the procedure, you need to drink at least two glasses of water.

If you want to eat, you can have a snack 3 hours before embryo transfer. At the same time, food should be light and easily digestible. We cannot afford to have digestive problems at such a crucial moment.

If you need a snack before the procedure, you can eat one of these.

After replanting

And so the embryos were transferred. After the transplant, the IVF procedure is considered complete. Now the woman will wait and hope that the implantation will be successful and the embryo will take root. You can find out about this by taking a hCG test after 2 weeks. If the dynamics of the test are positive and the indicators are increasing, the doctor, after the control ultrasound, will clearly state whether pregnancy has occurred or not.

To understand what is happening inside the body at this moment and how the transferred embryos behave, let us consider in detail the days of the embryo’s life in the mother’s body, day by day. You need to know this in order to understand how to behave in the first days after the transfer.

What's happening inside:

  1. The blastocyst sheds its membrane after transfer.
  2. Afterwards, attachment to the wall of the uterus begins.
  3. The penetration deep into the uterine wall begins (implantation occurs).
  4. The blastocyst develops into a morula.
  5. The morula penetrates the wall even deeper.
  6. Overgrowth of morula germ cells occurs and implantation is complete.
  7. During this period, you need to take an hCG test. 7 days should pass from the moment of transfer, 12 days from the moment of puncture. It is from this moment that the analysis will be more accurate. There is no need to use pharmacy tests until this moment - this is a waste of nerves and money. A store-bought test may not show two lines, especially immediately after transfer.

This is the path that a 5-day embryo travels. If a woman is implanted with a 3-day-old embryo, then an hCG test should be done 14 days after the puncture, not earlier. If there was a cryopreservation, then the embryos develop in the same way as during a normal transfer.

This is how an embryo behaves when it is transferred to the uterus during IVF

The expectant mother must follow all the doctor's instructions and instructions after the transfer. What needs to be done is described in detail below.

What should a woman do after embryo transfer?

To increase the chances of successful implantation, you need to follow some rules. The first three weeks are especially important. At this time, the body needs to be supported.

Correct behavior after embryo transfer:

  • after replanting, you need to be in a lying position for at least an hour;
  • you can’t strain yourself physically and emotionally;
  • push slightly on the toilet;
  • exclude sexual intimacy;
  • proper nutrition.

How to lie down correctly?

Immediately after the transfer, the woman will be brought to the ward. You need to lie down without getting up for at least 1.5 hours, preferably two. You need to be in a horizontal position comfortably; to do this, lying on your back, you can put a pillow under your feet. In order to improve blood circulation, the legs can be slightly spread. You cannot go to the toilet at this time, this is very important.

After replanting, you need to lie like this for about 1.5-2 hours.

Physical and emotional stress

It is better not to go to work for at least 2 weeks. For this purpose, the clinic will provide you with a sick leave certificate. This is done in order to avoid physical or psychological stress. However, complete lack of physical activity should also be avoided. Constantly staying in bed or on the sofa will provoke stagnation of blood and disruption of its circulation. As with everything, moderation is needed here.

You can move, but carefully and without straining your abdominal muscles too much. Do not do household chores, such as cleaning or laundry. After the birth of the child, this will already be in full, there is no need to rush.

It is best to go for walks in the fresh air in the park. The walk should last no longer than one hour.

Don’t forget about a good mood, it will really help implantation. You need to devote these days to your loved one; family and friends should surround the expectant mother with care at this moment. With severe anxiety or stress, there is a possibility of fetal rejection, especially at an early stage after the transfer.


Constipation often occurs after IVF. Therefore, it is very important not to push too hard. You need to defecate carefully; you cannot do enemas. If the problem greatly interferes with your life, you need to tell your doctor about it. He will prescribe laxatives, such as Dufalac. It is possible that other drugs in the form of suppositories will be prescribed.


There is no need to take risks, this is what many fertility doctors say. Patience, just patience, and in 2-3 weeks you will be able to forget about this incredibly serious limitation.

Proper nutrition

The doctor will definitely give you a list of products that will need to be included in your diet. After embryo transfer, a woman needs a gentle regime in everything, especially in nutrition. If you do not follow this advice, constipation may occur, and pushing during bowel movements can cause fetal rejection.

After embryo transfer, it is very important to eat properly, on time and with healthy foods.

What to add to the menu:

  1. Light vegetable soups.
  2. Cottage cheese, sour cream, milk and other dairy products.
  3. High protein foods.
  4. Definitely fruit.

What you can drink after the transfer:

  • water, always non-carbonated;
  • juice, only natural. Artificial ones contain a lot of sugar and acids;
  • unsweetened compote;
  • weak green tea.

Alcoholic drinks and coffee should naturally be excluded. Also, do not eat anything very fatty or spicy. Such nutrition negatively affects the condition of blood vessels. There is no need to worry if a slight weight gain occurs; this is normal with IVF. Weight is gained, including due to the body’s hormonal preparation for the transfer procedure.

To monitor the development of pregnancy within 20 days after embryo transfer, the woman will undergo various examinations and tests. 12-14 days after the puncture, an hCG test, and after another 20 days there will be a control ultrasound. It is important all these days to know how to behave after embryo transfer during IVF and strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions; the success of the entire procedure largely depends on this.

Correct and disciplined behavior of a woman before and immediately after embryo transfer will seriously increase the chances of a favorable outcome; such behavior will finally help to get rid of infertility. For many women, in vitro fertilization is the only chance to become a mother; you cannot miss it, you need to do what you are told and not mess around in order to give birth to a baby.

Proper sleep

Another condition for successful conception. You definitely need to know how and in what position it is better to sleep after embryo transfer. You can sleep the same way as always, there are no restrictions. All the talk about not sleeping on your stomach after the procedure is just rumors.

Choose any position, as long as it is comfortable.

Advice from doctors. You need to sleep in a way that is comfortable, this is how a woman will get the full rest that she so needs at this time.

Many girls say that they really wanted to sleep after the procedure, especially in the evening. A proper sleep schedule includes a mandatory condition: you need to sleep at least 8 hours a day. It is important to take this into account if you need to get up very early tomorrow. It's best to get into the habit of going to bed at the same time every day. This is discipline, and it must be adhered to both before and after replanting.

Bed rest

There is a lot of advice on this topic on the Internet, but the opinion of doctors is important here, who say that it is not necessary to maintain strict bed rest after embryo transfer; it will be enough to surround yourself with a comfortable and calm environment, as well as maintain the correct sleep and wakefulness regime.

How to maintain a healthy lifestyle after embryo transfer?

It is very important! A correct lifestyle after IVF becomes a prerequisite for a woman. This includes proper and balanced nutrition, daily routine and physical activity. Compliance with generally accepted rules of a healthy lifestyle will allow you to lose weight after IVF; how to do this is described in detail below.

What to give up:

  1. Winter sports should be forgotten for a while if the embryo transfer took place in winter.
  2. You cannot engage in strenuous or exhausting sports.
  3. Extreme sports can wait, extreme sports will be provided after the baby is born.
  4. Do not visit Sana, overheating is harmful, although this has not been proven, it is better to be on the safe side.

Water and sufficient fluid intake are a prerequisite after embryo transfer. You need to drink a lot of water. Eating properly and drinking enough is very important for the health of the mother and her baby. During the formation of the fetus, it is necessary to provide it with support in the form of vitamins and microelements.

Drink more water, so your body will recover faster after refilling.

You need to drink at least 1.5 liters per day. After undergoing IVF, the body must recover; water is a great helper. In addition to proper drinking and nutrition, doctors will prescribe medications designed to support the luteal phase and thereby help the onset and course of pregnancy. For pain in the lower abdomen, no-spa and papaverine are prescribed. Glycised is prescribed for anxiety.

You should not eat smoked foods, mushrooms, legumes and sweets. These foods may cause gas and constipation.

It must be remembered that in vitro fertilization has a very serious effect on the body. This procedure can even be dangerous. Therefore, it is so important to support your health and the health of your child in the form of proper nutrition, drinking plenty of fluids and taking the necessary medications. This approach will seriously increase the likelihood of successful implantation, subsequent pregnancy and the birth of a completely healthy and beautiful baby.

Driving and traveling by plane

A very serious question arises for patients who have undergone the transfer procedure, whether it is possible to drive home by car after embryo transfer. This is not advisable. Such a trip may end in rejection due to stress.

The driving culture in our country is not very developed; everyone intends to cut off and honk at the wrong moment. All this can lead to anxiety, which is completely inappropriate at such an important moment. The woman must ask someone to pick her up from the clinic in a car. If there is no one willing to help, you can simply call a taxi. You can use personal vehicles 5 days after the transfer; this is the recommendation that doctors usually give.

Driving can be stressful, so you should not drive after the procedure. Call a taxi or have someone pick you up from the clinic.

In some cases, if a woman decides that she will feel safer in the hospital, under the supervision of doctors, she is offered to stay for a while by prior arrangement.

It is better to avoid traveling by plane; it is especially important not to fly on an airplane immediately after landing. There is no medical evidence of the negative impact of long flights on the process of embryo implantation after transfer, but the doctor may insist on this prescription. Long flights take a lot of energy, and the day and night routine will be quite difficult to maintain. Add to this an unhealthy diet and poor sleep, and it turns out that the doctor is right.

There are many opinions about whether it is possible to travel by train after embryo transfer. Traveling by train is far from the ideal conditions of a cozy home environment. It is unlikely that you will be able to have a good rest on the train. On the train there are a lot of people shaking violently, who can spread the infection, but a woman shouldn’t get sick at that moment. Hygiene in such places leaves much to be desired. The answer is obvious; it is better to postpone traveling by train immediately after embryo transfer for at least 5 days.

Where to go, where to go?

Put off going to cinemas, theaters, discos, concerts, baths, and large stores. After the procedure, the woman should not get sick. Places with large crowds of people are places where it is very easy to pick up an infection. After hormonal stimulation, the body is weakened; a woman’s immunity at this moment may not protect against infection and bacteria.

Don't go to work, there is stress and infections.

You can work, but you don't need to. Ideally, you need to get sick leave for 2-3 weeks. The doctor will definitely suggest this, there is no need to refuse. At work you need to work, that is, walk back and forth all day, eat whatever you can, etc. The work will wait, but the child will not wait. Choose what is more important.

What is possible?

After the transfer, can you laugh or not? A really serious question. Don't worry, you can and should laugh. You can also dye your hair, preferably with ammonia-free dye. The best solution to change your hair color is natural dye, such as henna. You can also walk in the fresh air. You can sleep on your stomach.

Another rather intimate question is whether it is possible to get aroused. After embryo transfer, it is better not to do this for several days. It is better to exclude intimacy from your routine for a week. When pressing on the lower abdomen, rejection may occur.

However, there are doctors who even advise starting to have an active sex life just a couple of days after the transplant. There is an assumption that at such moments, due to excitement, hormones are produced in the body that will contribute to successful conception. There have been no scientific studies of this theory. These are answers to common questions asked by patients at IVF clinics.

Let us briefly repeat the above. After the procedure, you need to lie down and not get up, even to go to the toilet. You need to lie down for 2 hours and try to relax. After that, you need to focus on the right lifestyle.

Walking for no more than an hour in the fresh air, preferably in a park or forest. A good mood is simply necessary. You need to forget about work for 2-3 weeks. Exerting yourself physically or emotionally is unacceptable and dangerous. Let your relatives do the housework; they won’t do anything less.

Walk in the park 2-3 times a week for no longer than an hour. Breathe fresh air, this strengthens your immune system.

The doctor will prescribe a course of medications, as well as a diet and a proper day and night routine. The diet includes the intake of foods containing protein. In addition, you need to add porridge and dairy products to your diet. You should try to steam your food. Delicious dishes prepared in this way are obtained from fish, lean meat and vegetables. Try to eat according to a schedule, at the same time, this will help you stay in shape and not feel hungry.

Forget, preferably forever, about cigarettes and alcohol. These dangerous habits reduce the effectiveness of IVF. Excess weight or lack thereof are also reasons why embryos may not take root after transfer.

Be sure to watch this short video:

During these important 14 days after the transfer, the woman should be surrounded by care and attention. She needs help with everything. She herself must understand how important these days are. She must help her dream come true.

Write in the comments what you are doing or are going to do after the transfer. Ask questions. Rate it below with stars. Share this article on your social networks. May your transfer be a success. Thank you all for your attention.

Currently, the in vitro fertilization procedure has become part of the lives of patients diagnosed with infertility as a routine manipulation that is available to almost every woman who is unable to conceive offspring on her own. Just a couple of decades ago, such methods of assisted reproductive medicine were unavailable to almost anyone. This technique has given life to thousands of children who would not have had a chance to live without the use of the latest technologies in the field of reproductive medicine. How to check the eco queue?

How can a woman who has undergone embryo transfer feel and can she feel pregnant?

After such manipulation, the patient may complain about:

  • Drawing, aching pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Feeling of general weakness;
  • Vomiting and nausea.

These are subjective sensations that do not carry any true information about the state of pregnancy. These signs and complaints may be caused by the use of medications used in the protocol. The woman has no choice but to limit psycho-emotional and physical stress and humbly wait.

The first reliable signs of implantation, which indicate that the replanting was successful, appear after two weeks, but some of them, to one degree or another, may be disturbing even earlier.

Some women may experience dysuria, which manifests itself in frequent urination, due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on the bladder. Engorgement and tenderness of the mammary glands can also be a sign of pregnancy due to the influence of a high dose of progesterone on them during pregnancy. And some women complain about the appearance of a drop of blood on their underwear, already in a depressed state, confident that these are signs of unsuccessful IVF, and run to their doctors in tears.

But the appearance of these symptoms does not always indicate negative consequences. Often, the implantation process is accompanied by injury to small vessels of the endometrium, and it is this sign, quite the contrary, that can indicate the successful implantation of the embryo into the endometrium and signal the onset of pregnancy. More about that. when after IVF when to take a pregnancy test you need to check with your doctor

And even such a sign as delayed menstrual bleeding will not indicate anything good or bad in the first days. It can either be a sure sign of pregnancy or, in its absence, be the cause of hormonal imbalance associated with taking drugs in the in vitro fertilization protocol.

And only a blood test for hCG levels or an ultrasound examination can guarantee an answer to the question of whether a woman is pregnant or not. Or a positive pregnancy test. Unlike positive, it can be negative in the first days of delay due to low hCG levels and a successfully developing pregnancy.

If, during laboratory diagnostics, doctors receive a value equal to 50-100 IU/ml, then these values ​​are accepted as doubtful, but support of the luteal phase with progesterone preparations continues. If the results are above 200-100 Med/ml, then we can judge the successful course of the pregnancy, and if the results are above 300, we can assume the presence of a multiple pregnancy in the uterus.

The survival rate of embryos during IVF depends on many factors, and in many cases it is impossible to say exactly what caused the unsuccessful protocol. Including proper support of pregnancy with progesterone and control of symptoms after IVF embryo transfer by day.

If implantation has occurred, it is very important to support the woman’s body during the first period of embryo development by administering exogenous progesterone. Such therapy reduces the risk of complications such as the threat of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. Women who have undergone in vitro fertilization protocol begin to take progesterone preparations from the day of ovarian puncture. The duration of therapy is purely individual.

However, experts in the field of reproductive medicine argue that you should not stop taking gestagens until at least 12 weeks of pregnancy, and if there are indications, leave it, adjusting the dosage depending on the clinical situation.

To support the luteal phase, such drugs are used. Like utrozhestan - micronized progesterone, duphaston, lutein.

A very controversial issue is the route of administration of progesterone, which can be oral or vaginal. Some experts are inclined to insert capsules into the vagina, others are categorically against it. However, it is known for sure that when taken orally, the effects of utrogestan are systemic in nature, which cannot be said about vaginal use. And for a pregnant woman, the effect of progesterone on all receptors present in all organs and tissues is very important.

Large doses of drugs can cause their inherent side effects such as dizziness, nausea, and vomiting. But in order to maintain the desired pregnancy, women are ready to endure this and even more.

Rules of conduct for a woman after embryo transfer.

To ensure that the embryo implantation process goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible. A woman must adhere to certain standards, which her attending physician must familiarize her with:

  • In the first two weeks after embryo transfer, a woman must exclude any mental and physical stress, only peace, only positive emotions;
  • The question of sexual life: in the first two weeks the question is not even considered - having sex is strictly prohibited. Next, the attending physician, depending on the clinical situation, extends the period of sexual rest or does not limit the couple in this. Any physical activity can increase the risk of spontaneous abortion;
  • Sports also need to be excluded;
  • Limit your sitting position. Relax more and get positive emotions;
  • Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages are strictly prohibited;
  • Limit contact with patients with infectious diseases;
  • Taking baths and visiting saunas is also prohibited.

Signs of unsuccessful eco after replanting

There are cases when embryo transfer did not produce results and implantation did not occur. This situation is characterized by the appearance of signs:

  • The onset of menstrual bleeding, starting from the first day after embryo transfer;
  • Negative pregnancy test;
  • The hCG level obtained during laboratory diagnostics is below 50 IU/ml;
  • The absence of subjective signs of pregnancy is not a guideline for confirming such an assumption.

As a result, it must be said that the stage of embryo transfer into the uterine cavity is one of the main stages of the in vitro fertilization protocol. If you have a diagnosis and a doctor’s conclusion that you really need an in vitro fertilization procedure, you can carry out this, as well as the remaining stages of the basic IVF program, free of charge at the expense of compulsory medical insurance by submitting an application on the website.

Modern life dictates dynamic development, and the flourishing of industry invariably entails losses in the natural balance of man and nature. Increasingly, situations arise when a married couple cannot conceive a baby only through joint efforts. Sometimes the diagnosis of one of the spouses sounds like a death sentence, but even the absolute health of the partners does not guarantee that the union will be rewarded with a long-awaited child.

In what cases is IVF indicated?

What is cryopreservation?

Having received the preliminary consent of the couple, only strong and hardy specimens are selected from among the fertilized cells, those that will be able to survive under the stressful conditions of subsequent defrosting. The more embryos that are cryopreserved, the greater the chance a woman will have of resuming the IVF procedure in her next attempts, which may occur years later.

Freezing of germ cells occurs at extremely low levels of mercury, strictly -196 0 C. Since the procedure of treatment with liquid nitrogen and subsequent rehabilitation of the embryo is a kind of hard hardening in conditions of an irreconcilable struggle for life, often re-transferring embryos during IVF using thawed cells is more successful for woman.

Adaptation after replanting

From the moment a woman leaves the doctor's office, the most important thing for her in the next three days is peace. The regimen after transfer of IVF embryos for 72 hours provides for the patient’s practical immobility. Even if you rarely get up to go to the toilet, physical support from your husband is desirable in order to reduce the flow of blood to the pelvis to a minimum. Water procedures are contraindicated on the first day!

A diet is discussed with the doctor in advance, but if the woman is healthy and has no special prescriptions, then after embryo transfer during IVF, you can eat everything that you did before, but with an emphasis on natural products, and, of course, without including coffee, fatty foods, or large amounts of fatty foods in your diet. flour food.

After three days of lying down, the stage of moderate activity begins. Without sudden movements, a woman can carefully perform basic household activities, walk on the street, avoiding any worries. At this stage, it is important to drink a lot of clean, still water.


During the first embryo, a woman often faces the problem of an increase in temperature, but if we remember the essence of the intervention performed in the body, the reaction of the immune system will become clear. The thermometer should not be lowered if the mercury column does not rise above 37.6 0. You need to let the body “assimilate” new information on its own and come to terms with the fact. At the next visit to the doctor, this phenomenon is recorded and analyzed.

You need to pay close attention to the prescribed injections. There will be three medications in total (with standard prescription): two injections of Utrozhestan the night after the procedure, one injection of Progesterone in the morning and a total of five injections (according to the prescribed scheme) of Fragmin, which is responsible for normal blood circulation in the pelvic organs. "Fragmin" may be excluded from this list if, according to the results of a coagulogram, the patient's blood clotting does not deviate from the norm.

Body behavior as a consequence of the IVF procedure

The panic of women when they encounter phenomena after a puncture that seem incomprehensible to them is due to the lack of information. Below is a list of such phenomena, as well as options for the correct reaction to them:

  • Nagging, obsessive pain in the lower abdomen after the procedure, as during menstruation, is the absolute norm. You should not take anything additional.
  • Vaginal discharge in the form of a pinkish liquid on the 6-12th day after embryo transfer is an expected and desirable phenomenon, indicating that the implant is fixed on the wall of the uterus. It is normal if bleeding of this kind lasts no more than 4 hours. The doctor must be informed of the situation and conduct an examination to correctly assess the patient's condition.
  • Heavy bleeding or thick discharge indicates a failed replantation and the need for urgent hospitalization. In rare cases, urgent measures taken save a pregnancy.

Exactly two weeks after the puncture, a human test (hCG) is performed. The results are given on the same day, and the woman can congratulate herself if the concentration of this important hormone is elevated. Sometimes the hCG test requires repeating after 72 hours; such control is due to the presence of a weakly expressed concentration.

Seven days after donating blood to the hormone (if the answer is positive), an ultrasound is performed to confirm the onset of pregnancy. After another 14 days, a second one is prescribed - to assess the development of the established fetus.

In case of negative hCG, medications to maintain the IVF result are stopped.

Critical days, which should occur on the 5-7th day, serve as a definite indicator of a failed replanting attempt.

What can affect the outcome of replanting

A common factor that complicates the attachment of the embryo to the uterine wall is fibroids. The transfer of 1 IVF embryo in this situation is carried out in such a way that the zygote does not end up near the tumor, which tends to grow. Other important conditions for the favorable survival of the embryo in the mother’s body are the correctly chosen time (usually on the 20th day of the cycle) and the optimal maturity of the fertilized cell. If doctors set other dates, you should accept this calmly, since the body does not always work with the precision of a clock, and nuances that take into account the individuality of a woman can determine a good outcome.

But even in the case of a negative test, you should not assume that the joy of motherhood is not for you - the real percentage of success after the first attempt rarely exceeds 45%. You may need to change your diet a little or give up bad habits if you haven't done this before, and be sure to try again using germ cells after cryopreservation.

Embryo transfer during IVF is the most important moment of the entire artificial insemination procedure. Naturally, future parents are interested in what is meant by embryo transfer and how to increase the chances of a long-awaited pregnancy.

Many ladies are interested in whether the wine they drank the day before entails consequences and whether it is fraught with danger. This is influenced by the uniqueness of the situation and the state of the body. For this reason, you must first consult with your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

As a rule, drinking wine (dry) in the amount of only one glass does not entail consequences and does not affect the result in any way. This is why alcohol consumption is allowed. This issue is resolved individually with your doctor.

It is important to completely stop drinking wine immediately after artificial insemination procedures. This is explained by the fact that even during a normal pregnancy, a dose of alcohol can be fatal.

Patients are often interested in the opportunity to have a snack before IVF. As a rule, doctors make appointments for patients immediately after 12.00. For this reason, you can eat, but you can have a light breakfast or lunch.

Before transplantation, each doctor provides a number of recommendations. For example, you should visit a doctor with a filled bladder. This is explained by the fact that a certain pressure is exerted on the uterus, which creates a smoothing of the “corners”, so the transfer of cells is simplified. The result of IVF and your chances of becoming parents depend on the quality and intensity of preparation.

How does replanting work?

The procedure itself is a complex set of tasks. It will take the patient no more than 17 minutes. At the same time, it will give new life. The time of replantation is influenced by certain characteristics of the expectant mother’s body, often between the 2nd and 5th days. But the best day for carrying out manipulations is the 5th. During natural fertilization, it is during this portion of the cycle that implantation occurs.

Using a catheter, embryos are implanted into the uterine cavity.

During embryo transfer, the manipulations seem quite simple. They are almost no different from installing a contraceptive device.

What manipulations does the doctor perform during the procedure:

  • Examination of the patient
  • Performs all necessary tests
  • It is important to take a horizontal position
  • The doctor inserts a catheter into the uterus, after which several embryos are delivered. This significantly increases the chances of conceiving

The fate of the embryo

An important stage of such insemination is the transportation of the embryo into the uterine cavity. Over the course of 2 weeks, it becomes accustomed to the woman’s body. Alas, embryo transfer does not indicate the onset of an interesting situation, because the body can present a surprise - it is possible that not a single embryo was able to take root.

The approach of the human embryo to the wall of the uterus.

Another possible outcome is that the body will accept almost all the embryos. And then the doctor should perform a reduction. This is not an abortion.

Reduction is performed due to the presence of a large number of embryos in the uterus. For a couple of weeks, a woman should take special care of her health, because the onset of successful conception depends on this aspect. On the 15th day, mommy needs to do a test that will make the lady happy.

Female body, nuances

After IVF, significant changes occur in the woman’s body. The sensations are associated with the implantation of the embryo, its engraftment. Stress and hormonal treatment play an important role.

This is what the patient feels immediately after the transplant:

  • The mammary glands begin to swell
  • The lower abdomen stretches
  • Bloody, mild discharge is observed in the vagina
  • Temperature increase
  • Sleep disturbance

All of these changes are often explained by the quality of fertilization. But even taking all this into account, the basic rules after replanting include proper rest and avoidance of overwork.

Very informative video:

If the transport of the embryo is successful, then after a couple of weeks the test will show 2 stripes, the growth of hCG will increase. At the same time, the lady will feel toxicosis and become sensitive to odors.

IVF can be successful even after the birth of the first child, cesarean section, difficult childbirth, or infertility. In these situations, the doctor must pay special attention. After all, he must respond to all possible changes in the patient.

What to expect after the session?

It is necessary for the woman to carefully follow all the indicated recommendations prescribed by her doctor. But what exactly needs to be done immediately after the procedure? Let's take a closer look.

You should lie down without moving for several hours. It is important that the muscles are completely relaxed. This significantly increases the possibility of conception. It is important to maintain bed rest for the first 11 days. You can get out of bed, but only for tests or a short walk. It's better not to do homework.

If a doctor has prescribed hormonal medications, then it is important to carry out the manipulations correctly. In this case, you can hope for conception. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of the attending physician in detail. If the rfmk jumped after replanting, then you should undergo a consultation to determine the cause of this problem. Control over your well-being is required in case of hyperemia. In emergency situations, you cannot do without the advice of a doctor.

A lady should follow a healthy lifestyle. In 97% of cases, ladies admit that they no longer smoke from the moment the embryo was implanted in her. We must not forget that any cigarettes have a negative impact on the health of the child.

A healthy lifestyle - this expression should become the motto of any woman undergoing IVF.

What sensations does a woman experience after fertilization?

Ladies who want to be mothers care about their health. They are especially sensitive to unique sensations that are new to them. Do you know how you can determine whether an embryo has implanted? It is the sensations that become sure signs that the embryo has been accepted. Changes in health become a sign of embryo transfer. This is a must for a woman.

At the same time, the woman feels severe fatigue, a metallic taste in her mouth, severe dizziness, and sensitivity to odors. For this reason, it is important to anticipate a positive result and unconditionally follow the instructions of doctors. It has been written about this in great detail.

Implantation cannot occur due to the following features:

  • The embryo no longer develops due to a poor-quality genome
  • Endometrial receptivity is impaired due to inflammation, hormonal imbalances
  • The embryo is not able to get rid of the protein shell - this is explained by age-related changes in the eggs

If 2 embryos were transferred, then implantation occurs on day 2. If a 5-day embryo is transported, then conception occurs immediately. Determining the correct timing for a replanting session is an individual matter. This is explained by the fact that it is necessary to take control of the lady’s condition, it is important to draw up a schedule. This is required to determine the cycle so that the possibility of conception increases.

Question-answer section

Our reader Elena asks a question: Is there a possibility that the embryos will fall out after transfer?

Answered by a doctor, Ph.D.: Nature does not provide for this. It can be explained this way. On the wall of the uterus, on its mucous membrane, there are villi. As soon as the embryo is in the uterus, it is wrapped and held. So, under the right conditions, the embryo actively takes root, and then the long-awaited pregnancy occurs.

Control over a woman's health

A woman’s health should be under the constant supervision of a doctor.

It is extremely important for a lady to undergo examination. If you receive a transplant tomorrow, this may mean that your health is good; you need to undergo the following tests:

  • A blood test that will show the presence of viruses and infections
  • Hormonal test
  • Analysis of urine
  • Smear
  • Fluorography
  • Examination (cytological)
  • Microbiological research
  • Tumor markers

Tests that must be taken immediately after the embryos have been transferred:

  1. Pregnancy tests. If several five-day-old embryos were transferred, then in this case it will not be possible to diagnose the result.
  2. After 14 days you should be tested for hCG. It will determine whether the embryos have taken root.
  3. The fundamental step is an ultrasound scan. It should be performed a couple of weeks after the implementation of hCG. Once a successful conception occurs, it will be possible to determine the course of pregnancy and the consumption of hormonal drugs. Everything that is required to save the life of the unborn child.

After the embryo has been transferred

A patient at the IVF clinic took the earliest photo with her baby after the transplantation. Mom and her baby are so cute.

After transferring a 3-day or 4-day embryo, doctors warn about the need for increased attention from the mother to her health. Any suspicious changes should be reported to your doctor immediately.

Often spotting appears in a small volume. This should not be a cause for panic, so consulting a doctor is not required. In this case, calm behavior and proper rest are extremely necessary. If you do not follow these recommendations, bleeding may increase, which is complemented by spasms.

If complications occur, it is forbidden to deal with it yourself. You need to call an ambulance, because the first days after fertilization are especially important.

Emphasis should be placed on proper and healthy food. Fried food significantly worsens a woman’s well-being. Give preference to boiled, steamed dishes, green tea, drinks made with valuable rose hips, and natural juices.

Pregnant women are advised to avoid exercise and stress. Only on day 3 you can give preference to light walks. If you get sick, under no circumstances should you begin to treat yourself. If there are symptoms such as cough, runny nose, sneezing, then you should definitely consult a doctor, using every chance to save the baby.

Brief summary

The onset of a long-awaited pregnancy during IVF is a unique event, which is determined by the classification of specialists, the excellent health of the expectant mother, and good luck. That is why only following all the recommendations will allow you to give birth to a healthy, full-fledged baby.

Do not deprive yourself of the joy of motherhood by contacting dubious clinics that can cause harm and fail to provide assistance in the right situation. Give preference only to trusted specialists who have extensive experience and a desire to help clients who are waiting for a miracle. Together with specialists, you can achieve a positive result. Do not forget about your health and follow the recommendations of doctors. This way you can carry a healthy baby.

Monday, May 2, 2016

The statement that it was not difficult for our ancestors to conceive and give birth, unlike us - the generation of the era of progress, is only partly true. Previously, there were problems of fertilization and gestation, but they were not able to solve them the way they are now.

The ecology on which we depend really needs protection today, and this is manifested in the increasing incidence of infertility, which is not always explained. But the capabilities of modern doctors have increased incredibly, thanks to which even women with the most disappointing diagnoses have a chance to give birth to a healthy baby.

An effective comprehensive treatment method called IVF (in vitro fertilization) is becoming more and more popular every day. Embryo implantation is recommended for complete female infertility (when both fallopian tubes are considered obstructed), and for male infertility; when, as mentioned above, the reasons for non-occurrence of pregnancy cannot be determined or errors were made in the treatment of patients with various other forms of infertility. Treatment is acceptable by doctors for no more than 1.5–2 years: if they are not effective, you should move on to IVF.

Development of embryos before IVF transfer

In vitro fertilization consists of several stages, the most important of which is embryo transfer. This is such a crucial moment that it requires especially careful preliminary preparation. A woman must follow all the doctor’s recommendations for examining the pelvic organs and microflora around the uterine cavity, which largely determines the conditions for successful conception; treatment of possible sexually transmitted infections, restoration of hormonal balance, stimulation of the ovaries. When a woman’s endometrium becomes favorable for IVF, embryo transfer begins, which must undergo development before this.

After the follicles with eggs mature, the doctor punctures the ovary, extracts the eggs, and then they are fertilized with the sperm of the husband (in some cases, the donor). This happens separately from the mother’s body. If the husband's sperm quality is determined to be low, one sperm is injected using a microneedle using the ICSI method. From English Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) is translated as “introduction of sperm into the cytoplasm of the oocyte.”

Cytoplasm is the most important cellular part, responsible for the development abilities of the cell as a whole.

Oocytes are future eggs.

In general, in medicine there are 2 methods of preparing embryos:

assisted hatching;

Embryo hatching is a mechanical or chemical effect on the membrane of the fertilized egg with the embryo inside to weaken it. This helps the fertilized egg come out of the membrane more easily and then attach to the uterus.

Embryo vitrification is a “fantastic” phenomenon of the 20th century - freezing viable embryos in liquid nitrogen.

Transfer of frozen embryos

Once upon a time, we perceived the ideas of scientists that a person is able to achieve immortality by freezing his body as something out of the ordinary. The idea, however, excited humanity, and therefore novels and films that played with this possibility were popular.

And although ideas remain ideas, freezing the “future person” has been a wonderful reality for several years now, allowing scientists, relying on experimentally proven methods (and with God’s help, of course), to create a new human life.

So, the embryos are treated with liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°. In the process, 30% of them die, unable to bear the stress, the rest retain the ability to develop and can endure the “ice age” for several years. This storage process is called “cryopreservation” in medicine.

The most famous case in Russia was the use of embryos after vitrification by show business stars Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin. According to the artists themselves, they were able to give birth to Lisa and Harry - twins - thanks to freezing. Alla is 64 years old, and Maxim is 37, but they were able to become parents, since Pugacheva “just in case” froze her eggs back in the early 2000s. True, a surrogate mother helped the couple bear the babies. But this is a topic for another discussion. The most important thing is that the impossible became possible and made two loving people happy. And how many such wonderful cases are happening all over the world!.. Needless to say, praise to medicine!

Frozen embryos are used for transfer only those that have the greatest vigor. In general, only viable embryos at a certain stage of development can be frozen (weak ones are dangerous due to their tendency to destruction). They can be stored frozen for an unlimited number of years, but the thawing process is stressful for them. So even good embryos can die, but those that survive give hope for achieving a positive result.

Embryo transfer procedure in detail

Embryo transfer during IVF is divided into 2 stages: either on days 2 and 5, or on days 3 and 5, depending on individual indications. Such timing is due to the fact that specifically on the 5th day the fertilized egg is implanted during natural fertilization.

With IVF, it is officially possible to transfer 2 embryos. Why is the official version limited to the number 2? The fact is that sometimes as many embryos as the number of embryos implanted take root. And then the risk of losing a pregnancy increases significantly, because women who, for various reasons, were unable to get pregnant on their own, go to IVF. Consequently, doctors perform embryo reduction (removal of one or more embryos) to be on the safe side.

Contrary to the fears of future parents, embryo transfer itself using IVF is not considered difficult (it takes 10-15 minutes) and is completely painless. The gynecologist, using ultrasound and, accordingly, constantly monitoring what is happening on the computer monitor, inserts a catheter into the uterine cavity through the cervical canal. This is how embryos are transferred.

Any recommendations during this period must be agreed upon by the attending doctor, even those that are informally discussed by women who have experience participating in the IVF procedure. It is noted that it is useful to apply the following measures:

eat protein foods and pineapples, drink plenty of fluids, but only those that do not cause flatulence in the stomach; Only freshly squeezed juices are allowed;
a few hours before the replantation, intimate intimacy with a partner is desirable for better blood circulation in the uterus, which will help the embryos implant more easily (however, after the replantation, it is dangerous to have sex until the hCG analysis or the first ultrasound);
2 hours before the start of the embryo transfer procedure, take one tablet of piroxicam (PIROXICAM), which has a beneficial effect on successful implantation.
Traditionally, in IVF clinics, directly on the day of the puncture, blood is taken from women for estradiol (a female hormone that shows the functional state of the ovaries). You should save the result in order to make comparisons later.

Rules of conduct after replanting

So, the most crucial moment is over, but the next most important stage in the development of events begins - the adaptation of the body to the implanted embryo. How should a woman behave, how to eat?

The diet after transplantation is determined by the individual condition of the patient. If there is no threat of OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), then it is better to eat as usual. It is very dangerous to fanatically throw yourself into a new diet that contradicts your usual diet. The body should not experience stress. A state of physical and mental peace is rule No. 1! In the first three days after the procedure, you should generally lie flat, getting up only when necessary to use the toilet and bathroom.

After these days of rest, on the contrary, it is better to start moving, but slowly, walking slowly in the fresh air. As before replanting, you need to eat protein foods, avoiding chicken, which is injected with drugs harmful to the body for rapid growth. For a woman this is not scary - for the fetus it can matter. Pure water in large quantities, if there are no health restrictions, is also very useful.

Diagnosis of pregnancy after replantation

After embryo transfer, there is usually an increase in temperature. If the woman was not warned about this, she may panic. There will be a desire to lower the temperature just in case. Under no circumstances should this be done if the temperature on the thermometer is no higher than 37.5. These indicators indicate the body’s predicted reaction to the invasion of a foreign body. This is a “protest” that needs to be given a little time and not protested in response.

The appearance of a temperature may mean:

a sharp release of progesterone;
the body’s reaction to the embryo after taking large quantities of hormonal drugs;
that the desired pregnancy has already occurred.

In the process of adapting the body to a new position, the immune system struggles for internal balance, hormones that support pregnancy begin to be produced, and everything gradually returns to normal. But, of course, the doctor must know about the increase in temperature in his patient and monitor the changes all the time. Only a specialist can determine the norm or deviation from it. Moreover, sometimes an elevated temperature can indicate an infection or ectopic pregnancy.

After embryo transfer, monitoring the basal temperature scale cannot be considered indicative and reliable, because the woman’s condition is affected by hormonal drugs. But still, these data are also taken into account.

Support in the form of 2 injections of utrozhestan at night and 1 injection of progesterone during the day is prescribed immediately. Also, after the puncture, all patients receive five-day injections of fragmin, which improves blood supply to the uterus.

Next, look at the coagulogram (results of an analysis of the blood clotting system). If it is normal, then no more Fragmin is prescribed. Only in case of deviations, for example, increased coagulability, etc., is the patient prescribed any individual treatment, depending on the situation.

Symptoms and sensations after replanting

Both according to doctors and reviews from women on forums on the Internet, it turns out that the symptoms after the transplant are reminiscent of the state at the beginning of menstruation: there is a strong pull in the abdomen above the pubis and weakness appears. This is the rule. But sometimes there is slight bleeding. If they occur on days 6-12, this may indicate implantation bleeding, it will be pink. It does not last long - a few hours - and indicates that the fertilized egg has penetrated the wall of the uterus, which, in fact, is what the doctors sought when performing IVF.

But, of course, bleeding can also be an alarming symptom of a hormonal disorder in a woman’s body. And here the responsibility largely lies with the attending doctor: it is he who must monitor the balance between the content of estradiol and progesterone in his patient’s body. For this, he prescribes special medications. Spotting may indicate an imbalance, and then you need to urgently change the dosage of medications.

Bright and strong bleeding after the embryo transfer procedure indicates rejection of the fertilized egg. In this case, you should not “wait for weather by the sea,” but urgently contact a gynecologist for advice. If there is a threat of miscarriage, hospitalization may be the measure that will help maintain the pregnancy.

In a word, IVF is a delicate process, and if you follow all the doctors’ recommendations, and most importantly, with the personal strength of intention, you can really fulfill your dream of bearing and giving birth to a healthy baby.

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