On what day can you find out about pregnancy? How to determine pregnancy in the first days? How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

For a woman, pregnancy is one of the most important stages in life. How would you like not to miss such an important event! But at what stage can pregnancy be determined? What symptoms will indicate that it has occurred?

Determining pregnancy at the earliest stages is very important, because the woman will now have to reckon with her new position. There are several ways to determine that pregnancy has occurred:

  • rapid test;
  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • Ultrasound (not recommended in the early stages);
  • blood analysis.

The following symptoms may indicate that you may soon become a mother:

  • the onset of menstruation is delayed;
  • absent-mindedness has appeared that is uncharacteristic for you;
  • began to experience bouts of nausea;
  • you notice that you have become too irritable.

The definition of an interesting situation is also related to the fact that the listed signs must be taken into account. More often they appear soon after conception, but not for everyone. A woman may not even be aware of her interesting position. There may even be some bleeding. But this is no longer menstruation. This is the result of the embryo attaching to the uterine wall. So the surest way is to consult a gynecologist. A gynecological examination will help to determine one hundred percent whether fertilization of the egg has occurred.

So at what stage is it possible to accurately determine pregnancy? It can be installed in the early stages - already a week after conception.

This can also be done at home. The surest way is a rapid test and ultrasound.


Let us immediately clarify that ultrasound is not the best definition of pregnancy in the early stages. Many gynecologists do not recommend determining whether fertilization has occurred using echography. In the early stages, this method provides too little information about the condition of the fetus itself and can only confirm or deny its presence.

There is no exact data on how safe ultrasound is for the fetus at the very initial stage of its development. But this method allows you to determine the presence of an embryo already in the first week.

Ultrasound can be abdominal or transvaginal. If you use a transvaginal examination, the fertilized egg can be seen already in the second or third week. But for now the doctor will not be able to determine whether there is an embryo in it. The presence of an embryo will be determined only at the 5th week when examined with an external sensor.

By the way, it is from the fifth week that a small heart begins to beat. An ultrasound will help determine the likely date of conception. To do this, measure the distance from the coccyx to the crown of the embryo.

Another way is to take a blood test. At the same time, the level of a specific hormone (trophoblastic beta globulin) is established in the blood. This method will help establish the truth already in the first week.

But it is better to resort to a blood test after you have discovered that your menstruation has been delayed.

If you take the test earlier, the likelihood of a false result is too high. If you are advised to do this earlier, do not rush. The main thing is to obtain accurate and reliable information.

Analysis of urine

This is the most reliable test to date. The hormone trophoblastic beta globulin can be found not only in the blood, but also in the urine. This is the principle of operation of home expert tests. All you have to do is urinate on the test, and soon you will be able to find out whether you will become a mother. Already on the first day of the delay, a home rapid test can accurately answer a woman’s main question. But for maximum accuracy, it is better to repeat testing 2-3 times.

At too early stages, there may not be enough hormone in the urine for the test to determine the presence of an embryo.

If you notice that your period has not arrived on the expected day of the new menstrual cycle, there is a possibility of conception. It is advisable to carry out a home test on the first day of missed menstruation. On this day, the test can already give fairly accurate results. The main thing is to carry it out correctly.

A special strip should be immersed in the first morning urine. It is in it that the concentration of the hormone that signals conception will be maximum. The chorion of the embryo already secretes hCG, and the test will definitely be able to detect its increased level. Now there are even rapid tests with the highest degree of sensitivity.

6-8 days after conception, the embryo passes the fallopian tubes and attaches to the wall of the uterus. The placenta begins to grow rapidly, which produces the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. It is its presence that confirms the interesting position of a woman with maximum accuracy. But determining the exact date of conception is quite difficult. This is due to the fact that it is difficult to determine the exact date when ovulation began. In addition, it is impossible to establish how fast the sperm moved and when they reached the egg. Therefore, the date of fertilization is often approximate.

Another way is to measure basal temperature. He will reveal the truth to you already on the 1-2 day of a delay in the menstrual cycle.

The presence of pregnancy will be indicated by a high basal temperature (above 37 degrees), which does not decrease for at least three days. But this method is more suitable for those who know their normal basal temperature well and even keep a calendar of it.

So, the most reliable methods are examination by a doctor, ultrasound and hCG analysis.

Pregnancy symptoms

It is also worth listening to your subjective feelings. Conception may be indicated by:

Everything is quite individual. If you have any suspicions that you might be pregnant, it’s better to buy a test and dispel your doubts! Well, be sure to visit a gynecologist.

The onset of pregnancy is often diagnosed based on the woman’s changed well-being. First, some suspicions arise, which are strengthened by the appearance of characteristic features accompanying pregnancy. In certain cases, it is not possible to find out about its occurrence using special tests, hormone tests or a doctor’s examination, so women are interested in how to determine pregnancy without a test at home in the early stages?

The ability to confirm the onset of pregnancy based on the first symptoms using traditional methods does not guarantee absolute reliability and an accurate result, but they will help to draw final conclusions and make a decision about a visit to the doctor.

Traditional methods: how to determine pregnancy without a test at home in the early stages

Clinical tests and express tests are standard procedures for determining pregnancy, but traditional methods, based on many years of observations of women, enjoy well-deserved popularity and trust. They are based on the chemical reaction of the elements in urine with the active substances added to it. It turns out to be a kind of home express test - a test using improvised means.

On a note! Traditional methods of testing pregnancy do not guarantee a 100% result and are not scientifically based or confirmed by modern medicine.

Traditional methods are still in demand due to their accessibility and the ability to get quick results without leaving home. They are absolutely harmless to health and do not play a decisive role in determining pregnancy. The use of traditional methods has more of a psychological effect than the final result.

How to check early pregnancy at home. Fertile phase measurement method

In the process of pregnancy planning, the method of determining basal temperature is recommended by gynecologists as one of the most reliable and indicative. Based on the temperature graphs on different days of the cycle, one can draw a conclusion about the state of health of the female body and its ability to conceive. Before determining pregnancy in the early stages without a test at home using this method, you need to prepare for the temperature measurement procedure in advance. If a number of rules are not followed, the results obtained will be unreliable.

How to measure basal temperature to determine pregnancy

Determining your basal temperature will not immediately answer the question of whether you are pregnant. To form a full-fledged graph reflecting the state of the female body, it is necessary to carry out measurements over several days.

  1. Basal temperature is measured by inserting a regular pharmacy thermometer into the rectum or vagina. The procedure must be carried out daily in the morning after sleep, preferably at the same time. You cannot get out of bed before the measurement; the temperature changes instantly and does not give an accurate result;
  2. During the procedure, it is recommended not to change the position of the body, remaining in the same position as during sleep;
  3. The time for measuring basal temperature is from 5 to 8 minutes while stationary. After measuring, temperature readings must be immediately written down in a notebook, recording the date and time of measurement;
  4. During the entire period of time, when determining basal temperature, it is recommended to abstain from drinking alcohol and cigarettes;
  5. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the temperature is around 36.5 - 36.7 ° C; by the period of ovulation it begins to rise to approximately 37 ° C. If conception does not occur, then after ovulation stops, the basal temperature again decreases to an average of 36.5 - 36.7 ° C. If pregnancy has occurred, the temperature will no longer decrease.

Important! Basal temperature indicators are accurate and reliable if all conditions for the measurement procedure are met and there are no inflammatory processes in the pelvic area.

How to determine pregnancy in the early stages by the state of the body

Conception is accompanied by hormonal and physiological changes, which a woman learns about through changes in her well-being and figure. Some of these symptoms do not go unnoticed and raise suspicions about pregnancy.

  1. Dizziness and brain fog. Early pregnancy may be accompanied by dizziness or brain fog. The feeling of a veil or “sand in the eyes” is a sign of an increase in hormones and a change in their background. This condition may not only indicate the onset of pregnancy, but also be a consequence of fatigue or prolonged stress;
  2. Increase in body temperature to 37 - 37.5°C. An increase and stable position of body temperature at 37 - 37.5 ° C for a long period of time are sure signs of the onset of pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the embryo, which is in the fallopian tubes at the stage of development before implantation into the walls of the uterus, is perceived by the body as a foreign body, and the immune system comes into play, the body temperature rises. In the first trimester of pregnancy, a body temperature of 37 - 37.5°C is considered normal. This sign can indicate the conception of a child if infectious and inflammatory diseases are excluded.;
  3. Nasal congestion. For some pregnant women, nasal congestion in the first half of pregnancy becomes a serious problem that interferes with proper rest and sleep. This is explained by the fact that after conception, blood flow increases, blood supply to all organs increases, the mucous membranes in the nose swell and interfere with breathing. If the prerequisites for colds are excluded, then prolonged nasal congestion indicates the early stages of pregnancy;
  4. Increase in breast size. It is one of the well-known and reliable signs of determining pregnancy. Swelling of the breasts, change in color of the nipples and their enlargement are preparations for the upcoming lactation. Some women experience noticeable breast enlargement before the onset of menstruation, so you should not rely entirely on the accuracy of this sign;
  5. Pain and heaviness in the navel area, in the lower abdomen. Tingling sensations, pain, pulling in the lower abdomen or in the navel area are a sign of pregnancy and are characteristic of the period when the embryo leaves the fallopian tubes and implants into the walls of the uterus. This period is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and a deterioration in general well-being, and in some cases, slight bleeding, due to which a woman can discard suspicions about pregnancy;
  6. Nausea and gag reflex. Characteristic signs of pregnancy characteristic of the onset of toxicosis of the body. Not all women are susceptible to this condition during pregnancy, but if this symptom is present, then conception has most likely occurred. Unless, of course, the nausea and gag reflex are the result of food poisoning;
  7. The appearance of excess weight. Early pregnancy is sometimes accompanied by slight weight gain due to fluid retention in soft tissues and the appearance of edema; this is also associated with improved appetite and eating more food. If this sign makes you think about pregnancy, then you should check your suspicions;
  8. Increased sense of smell, vision, taste buds. Maternal instinct helps improve the sense of smell, vision and change taste preferences. Sensitivity to smells increases, taste perception changes, vision becomes sharper - all these signs are the heritage of humanity since ancient times to protect future offspring. It is not without reason that these signs are among the main ones in detecting pregnancy in the early stages;
  9. Mood swings. Pregnant women are characterized by increased sensitivity and sentimentality. Any little thing can cause tears or attacks of irritation. This is due to an excess of hormones in the body during the entire period of pregnancy. If there are no prerequisites for mood swings associated with PMS or a depressive state, then you can think about the onset of conception;
  10. Weakness in the body and craving for sleep. In the initial stages of pregnancy, when the body spends a large amount of energy in preparation for bearing a child, the woman’s strength quickly runs out and she feels very tired. The desire to sleep can accompany you throughout the day, and fatigue from doing your usual tasks sets in much faster. These signs are characteristic of many pregnant women in the early stages, but may also indicate seasonal fatigue or overstrain of the body;
  11. The appearance of age spots and papillomas. Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman are sometimes accompanied by the appearance of age spots or papillomas. But these rashes appear to a greater extent in later periods of pregnancy, so the appearance of neoplasms on the skin should not be used to judge the beginning of pregnancy;
  12. Increased urination. The growth of the uterus puts pressure on the organs surrounding it, including the bladder. As a result, pregnant women experience the urge to pee much more often than other people. But at the initial stage of pregnancy, when the uterus is not yet enlarged in size, there should not be such urges. If they are present, then this may indicate an inflammatory or infectious disease of the genitourinary system, and the woman should consult a doctor.

In most cases, a woman is prompted to think about pregnancy not only by the characteristic features of her state of health, but also by the ability to anticipate her new position. Deviations from the normal state of health are a signal from the body about changes occurring in it, and in order to know exactly how to determine pregnancy without an early pregnancy test at home, you should check your suspicions using available methods.

In the first days? some ask with obvious hope, while others ask with undisguised fear. Whatever the motives of women, they both need to find out whether pregnancy has occurred. But how can you find out if there are still a few days left before your next menstruation, and there is still no point in doing a pregnancy test? And how early can you find out that conception has occurred?

Reproduction specialists assure that one can tell one hundred percent whether a woman is pregnant using only proven methods - ultrasound diagnostics, a woman’s blood test for quantitative indicators of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin. All the rest, according to them, cannot be considered one hundred percent. Even pregnancy tests, which are freely available in pharmacies and used at home, sometimes make mistakes.

However, even the best ultrasound machine will not “see” the pregnancy until a certain time. Meanwhile, the woman may already begin to experience some new sensations. Her body begins to change from the first minutes after conception; new mechanisms are launched in it that contribute to the consolidation of pregnancy and its successful development. And yet, no matter what doctors say, there are certain signs that help determine (or at least begin to guess) the fact of pregnancy already in the first days after conception.

Naturally, when we say “the first days,” this does not mean at all that we are talking about the first or second day after unprotected sexual intercourse. But within a week or a week and a half, the first messengers will certainly make themselves known.

So how to determine pregnancy in the first days? Listen to yourself. And take a closer look.

If one day you notice a small spot of bloody discharge on your underwear (they can be almost bloodless, yellowish), and your next period is still far away, you may be pregnant. This happens when an egg implants into the wall of the uterus. But for many women, this procedure occurs “dry”, which, like the first case, is a variant of the norm. By the way, if you have cervical erosion, then pinkish or yellowish discharge is also possible if pregnancy has occurred.

As we know, an increase in a woman’s body is a sign of upcoming or completed ovulation. But a sharp decrease in basal temperature, also called implantation retraction, indicates that conception has occurred. But a sharp decrease in temperature occurs within one day, and therefore only those women who daily and conscientiously monitor their basal temperature for a long period of time will be able to track this sign. In this case, the woman’s constant basal temperature in the first days of pregnancy will be “above 37”.

An increased sense of smell, an aversion to certain smells, and not yet pronounced nausea are sure signs of pregnancy. They are even called classic. These symptoms are experienced even by women who have never vomited during their entire pregnancy. But vomiting in the first days of pregnancy is a very common occurrence. It is often accompanied by a significant decrease in appetite, changes in taste and increased salivation.

A woman's breasts, in which a new life has arisen, become more sensitive. Swollen mammary glands are a common, but not always unambiguous, sign of pregnancy, which appears within 6-7 days after conception. Ambiguous - because many women's breasts swell and ache a few days before the onset of their next menstruation. But breast soreness during pregnancy does not go away in 2-3 days. The chest, on the contrary, increases even more and reacts to even the slightest touch. By the way, the fact that a woman will become a mother is indicated by darkened areolas around the nipples. Their lightening does not even occur after childbirth, but a certain time after the end of lactation.

The feeling of heaviness felt on the “lower floor,” or rather, in the pelvic area, is another sign that helps determine pregnancy in the first days. The fact is that a woman’s body, if pregnancy has taken place, directs all its resources to the area where colossal work needs to be done. Now the most important task for him is to create the most favorable conditions for the development and preservation of new life. Blood flow to the pelvic organs now increases, and the uterus begins to grow. Thus, women feel “something is wrong,” but until a certain moment they cannot understand what exactly is happening to them. Some women, especially those who have already given birth, may experience an unpleasant symptom - hemorrhoids. Its occurrence is associated with the same increased blood flow.

Many pregnant women in the first or second week may feel an incomprehensible tingling in the uterus and “lumbago” in the perineum. The feeling of pain can be so sudden and strong that women are seriously frightened. But doctors explain this by physiological changes occurring in a woman’s body. Lower back pain also often indicates that a woman is pregnant.

Quite often, an indicator that a woman is pregnant is a strong feeling of drowsiness and slight malaise. Some may even assume that they are starting to get sick. Increased fatigue is a completely natural phenomenon in the first days and even weeks of pregnancy. The body is being rebuilt, the immune system “falls” a little. The hormone progesterone, produced in larger volumes than usual, depresses the psyche and provokes feelings of depression, drowsiness and even irritability. In addition, progesterone contributes to the retention of fluid and salts in the body, which, in turn, can lead to swelling of the hands.

If you cannot determine it, then you can at least suspect pregnancy in the first days if a woman urinates more often. In this case, urination is not accompanied by pain or burning. As a rule, such a symptom of pregnancy as frequent urination goes away on its own by approximately four months. And hormones are also “to blame” for this, which are now produced in a completely different way in a woman’s body.

Not always, but often you can determine pregnancy in the first days by watching a woman’s sleep. Restless sleep, feeling “broken” in the morning, falling asleep early - almost all pregnant women know what this is like from their own experience.

If a woman simultaneously experiences at least two or three of the signs described above, the probability that she is pregnant is about 75%. This means that you need to contact a specialist to accurately determine the fact of pregnancy and, if the answer is positive, start a new life.

Especially for Olga Rizak

When a girl hopes to become pregnant (or, conversely, carefully avoids this situation), she buys a test even at the slightest sign of conception. From what period a pregnancy test shows a positive result directly depends on the individual characteristics of the female body and the research method.

How does he work

This method of self-diagnosis is common among modern women. The main advantages of testing are:

  • low price;
  • availability;
  • ease of use;
  • anonymity;
  • reliable result.

To have an idea of ​​when to take a pregnancy test, you need to understand how it works. Any such device is programmed to search for a specific structure - human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance begins to be produced by the female body immediately after the attachment of the fertilized egg in the cavity of the reproductive organ. First, the concentration of the unique hormone increases in the blood. Some time after implantation, it begins to increase in the urine. It is during this period that it is better to take a test in order to quickly find out about the new situation.

Take a short online pregnancy test on our website in a couple of minutes and get the answer -.

When human chorionic gonadotropin is detected, the strip strips show the reagent. As a result of this, women see a positive result - two lines. When the pregnancy hormone is absent in the urine or its concentration is not yet high enough, the device shows one line - the control line. It indicates that the research was carried out correctly.

HCG level in urine

In a non-pregnant state, the level of hCG in the blood does not exceed 2-3 IU. In urine this amount is even less. Immediately after implantation, which occurs 3-7 days after the release of the egg, the amount of the pregnancy indicator begins to increase. Every day it increases by 1.5-2 times. How many days after conception the test will show pregnancy, the norm table will help you roughly determine.

In this table you can see what the content of hCG is in the urine by day from conception.

You should take into account the fact that the moment of sexual intercourse does not always coincide with ovulation. Sperm can exist in a woman’s body for up to 7 days. For this reason, it is necessary to count from the day the egg leaves the ovary. You can reliably determine the moment of ovulation using appropriate tests, measuring basal temperature or ultrasound.

The most sensitive tests

How many days later the test will show pregnancy after conception depends entirely on its sensitivity. Modern manufacturers of research instruments promise diagnostic accuracy of 99% even before the delay. However, one should not believe loud slogans and promising statements. It is necessary to understand test systems in order to know when to use one or another.

The sole purpose of non-pregnancy tests is to detect human chorionic gonadotropin in the research material. On what day after conception it will be installed depends on the sensitivity of the system. All characteristics of the device are indicated on the packaging. Tests with a sensitivity of 20 and 25 mUl/ml are popular, but you can also purchase strips with a value of 10, 15 and 30. This figure shows the minimum level of human chorionic gonadotropin, which is necessary to establish a new position.

  • EVA is a test that is classified as an insensitive but accurate device. It detects pregnancy when at least 30 mU of hCG is present in the urine, which means that the likelihood of a false positive result for them is quite small.
  • Itest, Vera, Mon Ami, Frautest have a sensitivity of 25 mE. Such tests are the most popular.
  • Lady, Evitest, Mama Check with a sensitivity of 20 mU allow you to determine pregnancy 1.5-2 weeks after conception. However, before the delay, they still sometimes give a false result.
  • Insure, Clever Girl, which detects 12.5 mU of hCG in urine, gives an early result. According to the manufacturers' promises, they show two stripes within a week after ovulation.
  • BB test and First Sign position themselves as highly sensitive tests. They react when the level of pregnancy hormone in the urine reaches 10 mU. According to reviews, such devices often show a false positive result.

Should you trust the manufacturers?

Many manufacturers of home diagnostic devices use a marketing ploy and indicate on the packaging of their product the exact number on what day of conception a pregnancy test will show a positive result. You can buy systems at the pharmacy or supermarket that promise an accurate answer 1, 2, 4 or even 8 days before the delay. In fact, such statements cannot be trusted. The lower the sensitivity number of the device, the less hCG it needs to establish pregnancy, the sooner - according to the manufacturer - the test will show. Most gynecologists recommend conducting the study no earlier than on the first day of the delay. In this case, the result will be most accurate.

Before menstruation is delayed, many representatives of the fairer sex test positive. This is evidenced by their reviews. But often the device gives a negative answer, when after some time the pregnancy is confirmed. The cause of a false negative result is an insufficient increase in hCG or improper use of the test. False positives are less common. Its causes may be internal diseases, such as tumors. If the test shows 2 lines, but the woman is definitely not pregnant, then she needs to be examined.

Obstetrician-gynecologist, doctor of the highest category, candidate of medical sciences, director of the family clinic “Repromed” comments:

— Implantation of the embryo usually occurs on days 21-24 of the cycle, the secretion of hormones reflecting the onset of pregnancy (hCG) begins during the first days after fertilization, but the concentration before implantation and the first stages of development of the trophoblast (future placenta) is too low to be detected during sampling (both blood and urine). Blood and urine tests on the 3-4th day of missed period become informative. Blood values ​​(hCG) have quantitative characteristics and therefore more accurately reflect the situation.

They are also important for the differential diagnosis of intrauterine and ectopic pregnancy. Determining serum hCG over time (at intervals of 2 weeks) is also important if there is a risk of pregnancy regression.

Pregnancy tests (urine) are also based on the detection of hCG, usually this is a qualitative study. For more accurate results, it is necessary to donate blood. In any case, it is advisable to consult a doctor if the pregnancy test is positive (or doubtful).

How to get an accurate result

When to take a pregnancy test, each woman decides for herself. If there is already a delay in menstruation, then the time of diagnosis does not matter. When you want to do a test the very next day after conception, and you barely have the patience to wait 7-10 days after ovulation to examine the biomaterial for signs of pregnancy, then you need to adhere to certain rules:

  • choose the morning time for testing (the first portion of urine after waking up contains a larger amount of human chorionic gonadotropin, since its growth occurs mainly at night);
  • find a clean container to collect the material (if a tablet test or strip strip is used, the container must be clean, otherwise various liquid impurities may affect the test result);
  • observe the time (the instructions for use indicate not only when you can take a pregnancy test, but also the time that you need to keep the strip strip in the biomaterial);
  • correctly interpret the result (it is necessary to evaluate the test response within 3-5 minutes; most devices become uninformative after 10 minutes, and the reagent begins to appear on their surface).

Various disorders can affect the diagnostic result. For example, if you use the test in the evening and drink a lot of water beforehand, the answer will be skewed towards negative. For this reason, manufacturers of all devices unanimously recommend refraining from urinating 2-4 hours before diagnosis, and also not drinking liquid during this period of time. Under such conditions, the urine will be more concentrated, which will eliminate errors and false results.

What time to take the test

When to take a pregnancy test is not that important. If you follow all the rules, then after a delay you can conduct the study even in the evening or at night. It is not at all necessary to wait for the morning portion of urine. But it should be noted: the later the diagnosis is made, the greater the chances of receiving an accurate answer.

Taking certain medications may also affect the test result. Women planning pregnancy may be prescribed stimulation, which includes injections of human chorionic gonadotropin. This substance is removed from the body in about 2 weeks. Therefore, early testing may show a positive result in the absence of real pregnancy. Taking diuretics and some medications to lower blood pressure accelerates the excretion of urine from the body, as a result of which the concentration of the pregnancy hormone in the biomaterial decreases.

To summarize, we can say with confidence that the best time to take a pregnancy test is a few days after the delay. In this case, the result will be as accurate as possible, and the study can be carried out in the morning, afternoon or evening - whichever is more convenient for the woman.

If patience is not enough, and you want to find out about the pregnancy as soon as possible, then it is better to donate blood to determine hCG. This study will give a more accurate and earlier result. The analysis can be carried out as early as 5-7 days after ovulation (not to be confused with sexual intercourse). It is important to understand how a pregnancy test works: from what period it shows depends on its sensitivity. The lower the mE value indicated on the package, the greater the chance of early diagnosis.

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