Folk signs of April for children. Signs of April by day. April. Folk name: Birch Day

Since ancient times, people have paid attention to phenomena occurring in nature that could help them predict whether this year's winter will be frosty, what kind of harvest to expect, and whether fish will appear in rivers and birds near lakes. For many centuries, our ancestors collected folk signs for April, which can tell a lot about the coming summer and the coming autumn.

What do thunder, fog and rain portend?

Morning fog in April promises clear, sunny and warm weather during the day, especially if it is low and spreading over the water. Large cumulus clouds obscuring the horizon predict rain throughout the next day.

Did you hear thunder in April? A folk sign says that there is no need to be afraid: cloudy weather will not last long, the clouds will shower the ground with large drops and quickly disappear.

What does nature say about the weather?

If the wind blows from the southwest, you should prepare for long bad weather, and if it blows from the northeast, you will have to wait longer than usual for summer. A clear April night will bring frost, but if the stars are hidden by clouds, it will be warm. But if they are blue, the warm day will be spoiled by rain. A hot evening coupled with a cold night will bring good weather in the near future.

Early April morning - a strong cold snap, and at sunset - a windy night.

Birds and animals suggest

Folk signs were often compiled based on the behavior of various animals and birds. There are many recommendations for April depending on how the animals behave. For example, the loud cry of a lapwing in the evening in April calls for clear weather, and if wolves come out of the forest and attack goats and sheep close to houses, this means long cold weather. Meeting a white hare means an unexpected snowfall, a red hare means a warm summer.

Did you see a wagtail in the yard? The April flood is coming soon. Folk signs for April are closely related to the behavior of animals and birds. For example, high-flying cranes will bring bad weather, and falcons often diving down will tell you whether frosts are worth waiting for. If birds arrive in the second half of April, it means there will be no more cold weather. Singing larks will be enjoying warm days throughout the coming week, but if they fall silent, this is a sure sign of approaching rain.

A chorus of frogs praises the hot weather that will soon arrive. Cats in the house lie down in the corner that is closer to tomorrow's warm wind, especially if they stretch out to their full height rather than curl up in a ball of fur. If dogs bark for no reason, there will soon be a thunderstorm. In April, folk signs about animals can say a lot, but it is no less interesting to listen to what the herbs and trees have to say.

Be able to hear the whisper of leaves

April was sometimes called “pollen” because the first flowers begin to bloom in this month. Another name - “berezozol” - April received because in this month they harvested birch sap, sometimes leaving deep furrows and nicks on the birch trees.

It’s better to feel sorry for the birches. They can tell you a lot: they release buds later than usual - summer will be cold, leaves rustle closer to night - expect thunder in April. A folk superstition, however, separates thunder and thunderstorms: if it rumbles, but no lightning is visible, it means rain, and flashing lightning without thunder may not cause bad weather.

The aspen will tell you about a good future oat harvest by wearing earrings, and when it begins to bloom, it is best not to waste time and plant carrots and early beets. On an April night, the trees crackle in the forest for a warm and humid week. The grass grows wildly - for sultry summer days and an excellent harvest in the fall.

Harbingers of the harvest

The question of the future harvest is perhaps the most important of those that are the subject of folk signs for April. When people were sowing and planting in the spring, it was vital for them to know whether they could count on a good harvest, or whether it was worth saving supplies in case nature let them down. What kind of autumn it will be like can be determined by various signs.

When it rains throughout April, rye and oats will sprout well in May, and in the summer you can collect a lot of mushrooms and nuts in the forest.

A fruitful autumn is promised by tadpoles breeding in puddles and large clouds of mosquitoes in the swamps. Starry skies and warm nights in April mean a lot of vegetables and potatoes. A windy month is said to “blow away the harvest,” but most often folk signs about the weather for April still say that the harvest will be good: sunny days, warm nights and frequent rains in April will bring a rich autumn.

Folk signs of April by day - the unique wisdom of our ancestors, which combines pagan views on the world around us and attentive attitude to Christian holidays, among which one of the most important - the Annunciation - is celebrated on April 7. It is believed that on this day winter finally leaves until next year, and spring comes into its full rights. You can’t take on work on Annunciation Day: it was said that this could put a loved one at risk of being killed by lightning, and on this day, according to legend, even birds don’t build nests.

If you look at the folk calendar for April, the signs in it will help you understand what summer and autumn will be like.

Signs by day of the calendar

  • On April 1, the starless sky promises sunny and warm days, and in general the weather on this day will coincide with the weather on October 1.
  • On April 3, mosquitoes appeared and coltsfoot began to bloom - this means warm weather, and if the ice has not melted by this day, you can’t expect a good catch in the spring.
  • says for the next 7 days: a warm night will bring a warm week, and a cold day will delay frost.
  • On April 8, the rivers opened up - the summer will be warm.
  • On April 9, birds sing in clear weather, bluebells bloom in anticipation of the summer heat.
  • On April 14, ice drift means it will be warm for the next two to three weeks, and then cold temperatures are possible.
  • On April 15, the flood began - for a fruitful autumn and early mowing.
  • sun during the day for a sultry summer, a bad day means rain for the whole summer.
  • On April 22, changeable weather means drought, a warm night means cold weather in May.
  • On April 23, rain predicts a dry summer, and if clouds gather, but the rain does not come, it predicts strong winds.
  • On April 25, the willow began to bloom - for the cold May.
  • On April 26, you need to look at the oak tree: if there are acorns on it, it’s early autumn.
  • On April 28, a warm wind blows - for rain, and a clear sky at sunset - for a good harvest.

Caution: April 1st

On this day, it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances, and although sometimes the jokes are not always liked by those at whom they are directed, folk signs for April explain that this is the key to a further happy month. The fact is that, according to popular belief, on this day brownies awaken from hibernation and must be “confused” so that they do not disturb their owners.

Initially, they joked specifically about the brownies: they “swept” the floor with a poker, and tried to get pots out of the stove with a broom, put on bast shoes backwards so that the brownie would not follow their owners, and “heated” the stove with stones. When they were asleep, the brownies got confused and couldn’t really do any mischief, and sometimes, out of resentment, they went to sleep for another month, which ensured a calm April. Also, if several houses stood next to each other, the brownie could think that the neighbor’s spirit was playing pranks, and went to quarrel with him, and he, in turn, went to sort things out with the first one, which also for some time made it possible to take a break from their tricks .

Today, brownies remain only in separate houses, but the tradition has been preserved, so on April 1 you should be doubly careful. However, maybe it was the brownie who hid the passport in the freezer?

April got its name back in ancient Rus', then it was called “berezozol”, which meant evil for birches. At this time, they were collecting birch sap, after which deep wounds were left on the birch trees. In some regions, this month was called “pollen”, since it was at this time that the first flowers bloomed.

About the weather

Morning fog always means that you need to wait for clear sunny weather. People said that if the cumulus clouds did not disappear by evening, then the weather would deteriorate sharply and it would rain.

The weather was cloudy in the morning, which cleared up by lunchtime, but by evening clouds appeared in the sky? The weather will remain sunny all day tomorrow.

Bird cherry blossoms in April - expect frost, and if golden-yellow bells bloom, warm days will come soon.

Fog spreads across the water in this spring month - it means clear weather, and if it rises up - it will rain. And when the April rain begins in large drops, it will not last long. Are the sparrows sitting, ruffled? It will rain soon.

Jackdaws sit on the tops of trees - this means warmth; they hide in the middle of a tree - this means frost. If the rooks are calling, gathering in groups and fussing over their nests, the weather should change. If spring birds arrive in the second half of the month, it means there will be no more cold weather.

The southwest wind in April foreshadows prolonged bad weather, and if the larks sing long and often, clear weather without precipitation will continue for another week. True, if you can’t hear them in the morning, it should rain soon.

Can you hear the chorus of frogs all April night? The weather is expected to be clear for the next day. When there are a lot of cobwebs flying at the end of April, the summer will be hot. It's hot during the day and cool at night - good weather.

Popular observations say that if there was a thunderstorm during the first days of the month, then the summer is expected to be warm and dry. If the first April rain is accompanied by thunder, there will definitely be good harvests of grains and berries this year.

Warm April nights foreshadow a good fall harvest. Also, if a clear starry sky is often visible at the end of the month, the harvest this year is expected to be rich.

When April was rainy, in May there will be good germination of the sown crops. Also, April rains are signs that there will be a large number of mushrooms and nuts in the summer.

Signs for every day

  • April 1 is Daria's day. There are no stars visible in the sky at all - the coming days will be warm and sunny, and whatever the weather is like during the day, it will be the same on October 1st.
  • April 2 is the day of Fotinya the Well. If the ice on the rivers has not yet melted, there will be very little fish in the waters this year.
  • April 3 is the day of Cyril Katanik. The coltsfoot bloomed and the first mosquitoes appeared - it was warming up, the ice did not begin to melt - the fishermen could not see the spring catch.
  • April 4 is St. Basil's Day. We looked where the streams from the drops flowed - they did not build a house in that place. At dawn, the girls read fortunes from the sun: if it has a red halo, there will be a good harvest.
  • April 5 is Nikon's day. The first spring thunder with snow that has not yet melted means a cold summer. If the waves on the river go against the current, expect rain and worsening weather.
  • April 6 is the day of Jacob and Zakhar. Snow fell on this day - for a good buckwheat harvest. A warm night means spring will be quick and warm.
  • April 7 – Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. A warm night means it will be warm all month, a cold day means there will be frost for another 7 days. A damp day for mushroom summer.

  • April 8 is the day of Gabriel Blagovest. If there is still snow on the roofs, it will last another 30 days. If the bird cherry blossoms, you can plant potatoes.
  • April 9 is the day of St. Matrona. It was considered a bad omen to quarrel on this day - you won’t be able to make peace later. In the morning, the lapwing screams - for clear weather.
  • April 10 is St. Hilarion's Day. Collecting coltsfoot. Thick fog in the morning portends a good harvest of vegetables, fruits and grains.
  • April 11 is St. Mark's Day. Heavy rain or downpour for a good harvest of oats this year, a lot of birch sap - for a rainy summer.
  • April 12 is the day of John Climacus. Domovoi was furious and outrageous, he was cajoled in all sorts of ways. The bees have flown out of the hives, which means it will already be warm.
  • April 13 is the day of Hypatius the Wonderworker. A sunny day means prolonged warmth, morning fog means rain, a calm wind means frost, rain in the morning means a wet summer.
  • April 14 is Maryin's day. Suddenly the ice melted - the last two weeks of the month will be warm.
  • April 15 is the day of St. Titus the Icebreaker. The river overflows its banks - expect a good grain harvest and early mowing.
  • April 16 is Nikita's day. The merman wakes up, and they brought him a treat. Long rumbles of thunder - expect bad weather in the coming days.
  • April 17 is Osip's day. The cricket started singing, which means it’s time to start field work, the cranes have flown in - stay warm.
  • April 18 - Fedulov's day and Fedora Vetrenitsa. They opened the windows wide and created drafts to drive the dampness out of the house. A warm, windless day with a cool night means warm weather in the near future.
  • April 19 is the day of Eutyches and Jeremiah. If this day is quiet and sunny, there will be a good spring harvest.
  • April 20 is Akulina's day. It was believed that if frost and sun were combined on this day, there would be an excellent harvest of grain.
  • April 21 – Rodionov day. Sunny day - the summer will be good, warm, and if it is cloudy or raining on this day, it will rain all summer.
  • April 22 is Vadim Klyuchnik’s day. The weather is unstable - droughts are expected in the summer, but it will be warm on this day - it will get a little colder in early May.
  • April 23 is the day of the Holy Martyrs Terenius and Pompius. Rainy day - dry summer. Young spiders have appeared, which means it will soon be warm.
  • April 24 is the day of Antipas Polovod. They wondered about the upcoming weather and harvest; they did not carry out sowing and planting work that day. If there is still ice on the river, summer will be rainy and cold.
  • April 25 is the day of St. Basil the Venerable and St. Basil of Paria. The willow has blossomed - the rest of spring will be cool.
  • April 26 is Thomas Day. The lungwort was blooming. The oak tree has blossomed - the summer will be warm, and if there are a lot of acorns left on it, autumn and winter will be early.
  • April 27 is St. Martin's Day. They arranged bridesmaid shows and went to get married. Wet and dirty - to good arable land.
  • April 28 is the day of the Apostles Aristarchus, Pud, Trophimus. Working late is bringing misfortune to the whole family. In the evening, a clear day became cloudy - foreseeing bad weather and rain soon.

  • April 29 is Irina's day. If the day is clear, warm and the alder has bloomed, then buckwheat will delight you with its harvest.
  • April 30 is the day of Zosima the Bee. They sown parsley and carrots. Whatever bread the bee lands on, expect a greater grain harvest. Whichever plant or tree the most bees land on will be the most productive this year.

Wedding in April

April is an amazing month when, together with nature, human feelings awaken and boil. A wedding in April foreshadows difficulties in the first years of life together, but if the newlyweds are able to overcome everything and maintain their relationship with each other, then their future life will be filled with happiness, stability and prosperity.

If you decide to get married on April 1, then everything is fine with your sense of humor, because it’s not for nothing that they say: “Getting married on April 1 means having fun all your life!” Such a holiday will definitely be remembered for a lifetime and not only by the newlyweds, but also by all the guests.

April is a wonderful spring month: in just 30 days it makes truly fabulous transformations in nature: it drives away the remnants of winter, warms the earth, and unfurls early green leaves. It was not for nothing, apparently, that people believed that only April, the only one in the family of brother months, held the keys to the warm season: “The April flower breaks the snowball,” and “The sun rolls down the April hill into summer.”

There is a prediction that April received its name from the Latin word “aperire”, which means “to open”. And the ancient Romans, who gave the name to the month, seemed to expand and clarify its interpretation, “revealing his gifts.” And truly “April picks up water, opens flowers,” “April colors the earth.”

And among the Russians, its names were associated with the awakening of living nature, just listen to these words - kveten, pollen, birch, grass. But as the rumor stated, “Don’t break the stoves while April is around your shoulders”. The weather in April is warm and unstable, but it is famous for its water. Any day now the rivers will open up, the ice will “move”, and a furious, uncontrollable flood will begin. From time immemorial, peasants lived in the hope that “April will give everyone a drink”: “If only there was water, greenery would appear.”

In Rus', ice holes were used not only for fishing, they drove cattle to them to water, imagine what was going on around them. In April the ice melted and all the dirt came out. In fact, Daria was a neat person; she helped the village housewives bleach their canvases. The old recommendation was: “You can remove any stains from your laundry if you soak it exactly as the spring sun rises and spread it out on clean snow.” . Those interested can try the ancient method.

Signs for April 4 - Vasily Solnechnik

If any of you, dear friends, are concerned about the fate of this year's harvest, then on this day you need to wake up early and look at the sunrise. If you notice red circles around it, you can go get some sleep with a calm heart - the year will be fertile.

On this day, according to legend, Archangel Gabriel announced to the Virgin Mary that she had found grace from God and would give birth to the Savior of the world. Since then, this weekday has been considered by Christians as one of the brightest and most significant holidays. On this day, according to popular belief, not only the earth rejoices and rejoices, even angels in heaven celebrate it, even sinners in hell stop torturing. On Annunciation, the sun at sunrise shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. On this day, the Mother of God herself sows the earth's fields from heavenly heights, scattering the grains and seeds of all the blades of grass growing on the earth. Only in the evening will she finish her good work. And while the Mother of God is working, no one, “neither people, nor birds, nor reptiles of the earth, nor beasts of the forest,” can do even the most trifling work. They say that the cuckoo was left without a nest because that day she tried to curl it, and the mole became blind because he disobeyed the ban. Therefore, it is considered, on this day, out of harm’s way, “The bird does not build a nest, the red maiden does not weave her braids.”

Also, on the day of the week on which the Annunciation holiday falls, you cannot start new things all year.

Signs for April 12 - John Climacus

This day was usually fussy, noisy and troublesome, because the wandering Brownies gave no rest to anyone. They said to John Climacus, the old skin fell off from the Brownies and they could not find a place for themselves from pain. He was always considered the patron of the family, a guarantor of peace and well-being, so when moving to a new place, they took their Brownie with them. To do this, they took a bast shoe and said: “Grandfather Brownie, come home. Come live with us." — they carried the bast shoe to the new house and hid it under the stove.

The heroes of this spring day were water and sun. They said: “The snow melts on Mary and behind the deck”, “Marya the flood begins.” And people also called her: “Marya - empty cabbage soup”. The housewives inspected the drains and cellars; they had become noticeably empty over the long winter. They tried their best to survive until the new harvest. This is where all kinds of stews, hodgepodges, pickles and soups came to the rescue.

In the folk calendar, this day was considered the beginning of ice drift, when “Mother River is walking.” It was this day that Russian traders chose for their holiday; they called it “Barysh Day”. They celebrated it very diligently so that the whole year would be profitable, and the money received from trade would be used for future use.

Signs for April 19 - Eutyches

On Eutychius they wished for the pea harvest. If the day was quiet and the night was starry, there was no need to worry about anything, and everyone on the farm would be happy with the peas.

Since time immemorial, people have had superstitions and customs associated with peas:

* They say that a pod with twelve peas brings happiness and prosperity.
* Scattering peas means quick tears.
* Eating two people from the same pod means a quarrel.
* In a house where ghosts roam at night, you need to scatter peas in the corners, everything will immediately calm down.
* Lichens, calluses, warts will disappear if you touch them with a pea and then burn it in the oven.
But even if all this is classified as an “old wives’ tale,” peas will still have one important quality - they are delicious!

Signs for April 29 - Irina - seedbed

On this day, cabbage is sown for seedlings.

“Irina - snatch the shores, tear up the shores.” The shore cannot resist Irina's water. Irina, play the ravines. Noticed: “If the ravines play and freeze again, expect interference with the harvest.”

The calendar for April says that this month is famous for water. The second month of spring got its name not by chance: according to popular belief, at this time the earth melts. In ancient Rus', April was called proletnik, and spring itself was called proletnik. The month foreshadowed the imminent onset of summer, a riot of greenery and colors, symbolizing new life.

Today April consists of 30 days, but before the reform of Julius Caesar it consisted of only 29. For the ancient Romans, April was dedicated to the goddess Venus. At this spring time, the longest (19-day) season of festivities, dedicated to all the gods, opened in Rome. Absolutely all judicial institutions in the city were temporarily closed. Many old folk signs of April were also associated with the holiday of Vesta (28th) - the ancient Roman goddess of the hearth and fire.

Folk signs of April say: April is a sly and a rogue, he manages the weather in his own way. Wind, sudden warmth, fog, frost, thaw, rain, hail - all these phenomena can quickly replace each other in April. Starry nights at the end of the month promise a good autumn harvest, strong winds at the beginning of the month promise warm weather.

In April it is wet - mushroom summer, thunderstorm - for a warm summer and a nut harvest.

If the snow surface is rough in April, it means a harvest.

Wet April is good arable land.

Early flight of bees - for the red spring.

A lot of sap flows from the birch - by late autumn.

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer.

When the birch leaf opens in front of the alder, the summer will be dry, but if the alder is in front of the birch, the summer will be wet.

A lot of beetles mean drought.

The first thunder is loud - for vigorous bread.

The first thunder with a north wind is a cold spring, with an east wind it is dry and warm, with a west wind it is wet, with a south wind it is warm (northern part of Russia, Siberia).

There are a lot of cobwebs flying - summer will be hot.

In the cold spring there is a hail-damaging summer.

Ducks scream and splash - it means rain.

In April there is a wet mushroom summer, a thunderstorm - for a warm summer, for a mushroom harvest.

A thunderstorm in early April means a warm summer and a nut harvest.

At the end of April there are warm rains - for the harvest.

In April it is hot during the day and cool at night - good weather.

April 3. A sign for fishermen - “The ice will not pass on Nikita the Confessor - all spring fishing will come to naught!”

April 6. Memorial Day of the Monk Eutyches and the Martyr Jeremiah. According to ancient signs, “On Eutyches the day is quiet - for the harvest of early spring crops!”, “The fly-by-year-old is angry, the wind threatens, even if it’s not this early spring crop, you won’t be able to collect seeds!”

April 16. Nikita Vodopol. The rivers are overflowing. Fishermen have noticed before that if there is no ice, then the fishing will be poor.

April 18th. Fedulov day. According to signs, on this day the first real warmth comes and the crickets wake up.

20 April. Memorial Day of St. George the Confessor of Mytilene. Severe frost and sun on this day mean a harvest of bread and buckwheat.

April 21. Rodion and Ruth. This day was considered the first day of going to the field. They noted: if the dawn is clear, then the summer will be good, if it is gloomy, then the summer will be stormy.

April 23. Yuryev day. They noted: “If the moon is young on St. George’s Day, then the sowing of spring crops will be even. Early frosts are expected, and if the moon is bad, there is no need to rush with sowing - there will be no frosts until late autumn.”

April 29. Irina (Arina). “Irina - play the ravines.” They looked: if during the day the water ran happily in the ravines, but froze in the evening, then the harvest would be bad.

April 30. Zosim Solovetsky, Zosima Pchelnik. Protector of beekeepers. By this time, both birch and alder are blooming. Old people watched: if a birch tree has put out its leaves in front of an alder tree, then expect a dry summer, and if an alder tree is in front of a birch tree, then the whole summer will be wet.

Headings in the section

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Spring is somewhat delayed this year. Winter doesn't want to give way to spring. It snowed again, like in January. So the children started their spring break with sledding and snowball fights.

The month of April will come very soon. Let's hope that he will please us with the warm spring sun, flowers and green grass.

Let's tell the children today about the month of April, talk about the folk signs of this month, find out what holidays there will be in April.

April is mid-spring, the fourth month of the year. In Rus', April was called differently: Snowgon, Pollen, Berezen, Capricious.

They also believed that April got its name from the Latin word “aperire”, which means to open.

The earth “opens up”, sprouts appear, buds burst, nature comes to life. This spring month was also called “Berezozol” because it was evil for the birch trees from which they took sap.

The weather in April is very changeable and capricious: sometimes the sun is shining, sometimes it’s raining or snowing (last year we had snowfall on April 20, when the trees and flowers were already blooming).

The sun shines more dazzlingly in April and it becomes warmer. The winds blow from the south and are warm. The soil is warming up. Young grass and the first flowers appear.

The first smile of spring is called coltsfoot.

Perennials are blooming: crocuses, snowdrops, chives, violets, anemone.

Sap flow begins in the trees. It becomes warmer, water and minerals rise from the roots along the trunk to the buds. They swell, burst and young leaves appear, tender and sticky.

On the willow, fluffy ball buds cover the flowers, hiding them from rain and cold; at the end of April, birch buds bloom.

The snow has not yet melted, but the first spring mushrooms are appearing in the forest. These are the lines. Their hat is all wrinkled, as if it was stitched. These mushrooms are conditionally edible.

In April, migratory birds return to their native places.

Insects appear. Walking with children in the park, you can see flying butterflies: yellow lemongrass, variegated wren, mourning butterflies. These butterflies emerged from their pupae last summer and overwintered in the cracks of houses.

Soldier bugs appear. Children know them very well: bright red with black spots on their wings.

Ask the children who else has such bright colors. The children will call it . Tell them that this protective coloring repels birds that do not eat these insects.

In April, a mother bear with her cubs wakes up and leaves the den. They wander through the forest in search of food.

In April the cuckoo begins to call. A she-wolf gives birth to wolf cubs (for the first two weeks they are blind and deaf), and a hare gives birth to cubs with open eyes and covered with fur.

People's work. People are preparing the soil for sowing. They sow oats, millet, and barley.

Early greens are sown in the gardens: dill, parsley, onions are planted, trees are pruned.

You can collect cut branches of cherries and apple trees and place them in water at home, watch the buds bloom and leaves appear.

Children and their mother can replant indoor flowers and take cuttings at home in April. This will be very useful - it will teach children to work, and then they will willingly want to take care of indoor plants themselves: they will water, loosen, wipe dust from the leaves.

This is how you can tell children about the month of April.

Watch the video.

And so that children can better remember the features of the month, tell us about the signs of the second spring month.

Signs of April

April is a fickle, changeable and very capricious month.

They say about April: “April dresses the whole earth in flowers, calls all people to joy, crowns the trees with leaves.”

Folk signs of April help predict the weather and determine what the harvest will be like.

Signs about nature and weather in April

It's wet in April - mushroom summer.

A thunderstorm in early April means a warm summer and a nut harvest.

Hot during the day, cool at night in April - good weather.

Starry nights at the end of April - for the harvest.

There is a lot of sap in the birch - rainy summer.

If the swallow has not yet arrived in April, spring will be cold.

Proverbs about April

April with water, May with grass.

April is warm, May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with pies.

Spring rains are never unnecessary.

Folk signs of April for children

April was popularly called Snowgon. It spares neither snow nor ice - it drives away the remnants of winter. The April sun awakens the earth.

There is a lot of water in April. Water is good for you, it will come in handy in May.

That's what people called this day. April loves water, breaks ice on rivers, melts snow. This spring month he loves to splash around in the water.

And the kids need to put on boots and play outside with streams and launch paper boats. Just don’t get your feet wet so as not to get sick.

Sign: “If the spring water comes to Daria with noise, there will be good grass, but if it is quiet, there will be bad.”

Tell the children that you can tell what spring will be like by watching the birds. If they build nests on the sunny side of a tree, the spring is expected to be cold. If it’s in the shade, it’s warm.

If there is frost, wind, fog outside, the year will be fruitful.

At this time, badgers and hedgehogs emerge from their burrows after hibernation, and ants crawl out.

The last snowfall is disappearing. Buntings and lapwings are arriving. A fish wakes up in the river. “The pike breaks the ice with its tail.”

Spring floods the river. Wood grouse begin to display in the forest.

The rivers are overflowing. If you have the opportunity to take your children to the river, show them what it means. People say: “The merman has woken up.” The river overflows its banks, there is a lot of water from melted snow.

Remember the funny joke: “Fedul, why did you pout? - I burned the caftan. How big is the hole? “One collar left.”

And our Fedul puffed up his lips from the wind. Wait for the spring breeze.

“April puffed up her lips - a warm wind blew.” At this time, crickets wake up from hibernation.

Watch the weather on this day. If it's warm, then summer will be good. If there is bad weather on this day, then in the summer it will not be very warm.

The earth heats up and steams. An important day for bears. The last day when they leave the den.

Talk to the children about foxes. According to signs, on this day foxes move from old holes to new ones. They celebrate “housewarming” for 3 days. On this day, crows “release” their children to live independently. Just like people.

April 30 – Zosim Solovetsky, Zosim Pchelnik, protector of bees. Tell the kids about bees, what hard workers they are, and their great benefits.

Beekeepers set up hives for bees. On this day the buckwheat harvest was judged. “A little loss of bees means there will be a buckwheat harvest; a lot of loss means there won’t be any buckwheat.”

We talked about signs, let's remember what holidays there are in April.

April pleases us with light and warmth. Spring is in full swing. April begins with April Fool's Day and ends with Fire Department Day.

In April there are many different holidays, professional and church. In 2018, April 8 will be Easter. Too early.

Let's look at the holiday calendar in April. We don't even know about many of them.

On this day we used to celebrate the birthday of V.I. Lenin. And the children were accepted as pioneers.

These are our holidays in April.

And now we still have snow, but it is already melting. Cool photo of our kitten in the snow. We had snow last week with an orange tint. They say sandstorms brought us this snow.

Today we talked about the month of April, remembered the folk signs of the month, found out what holidays will be in April.

I really love the month of April. This is when our gardens and flowers begin to bloom. Very beautiful.

Good weather, warm spring and health to everyone.

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Best regards, Olga.

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