Viber does not close, what should I do? Why Viber does not work on the phone - possible reasons and solutions. Common causes and their solutions

Viber(Viber) is a very popular messenger for phones and iPhones, which is developing rapidly in Russia and abroad. The main function of the application is to provide free calls and SMS exchanges between users who have the program installed. Many users often experience errors in Viber that prevent them from communicating for free. If Viber does not work immediately after installation, the problem may be with the hardware of your phone. If Viber stops calling and displays an error after some time of operation, this problem can be solved in several ways, which we will discuss today in this review.

In order for the program to work without connection errors, Viber requires the following phone or tablet parameters for comfortable operation:

Basic requirements for Viber to work on your phone:

  • Android– Viber 3.0 or higher (latest version)
  • iPhone– Viber 3.0, or higher
  • Blackberry– Viber 2.4 or higher
  • Windows Phone 8 – Viber 2.2.3 (partial compatibility, synchronization problems may occur), or higher
  • Windows Phone 7, S40/S60 & Bada– There are no minimum requirements for Viber.
  • Availability of Internet on the phone - 3G or Wi-Fi for high-quality communication when making calls.

For Messenger Viber to work on a computer, the following requirements are required:


  • Windows XP Service pack 3 or higher.
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8

Mac: OSX 10.7 or higher.
Linux: 64-bit distribution (only)

Minimum hardware requirements to run Viber:

  1. CPU: Dual processor.
  2. Memory: 1GB RAM.
  3. Microphone And speakers for making voice calls, as well as a webcam for video communication.
  4. Compatible Bluetooth receiver for using Bluetooth devices.

Requirements for making video calls in Viber (if the video call does not work):

  • Installed Viber version 5.0 and higher.
  • Operating system Adnroid 4.0 and higher.
  • The front camera of the phone must be 1.3 megapixels or more!!!.
  • The amount of RAM installed in the phone is 1.5 Gigabytes or more!
  • If your phone does not meet at least one requirement - Video calling via Viber WILL NOT WORK!

Why doesn't Viber work on my phone and won't connect?

The first thing you need to check is the presence of Internet on your device. First, turn off the Wi-Fi network if it is connected, and try to launch the Viber application, connected via a mobile connection. If performance does not return, restart your phone or tablet and try again. In most cases, this helps solve Viber errors and return the program to stable operation.

VIber gives an “error” when activating the number - what should I do?

Message "Error" in Viber appears either immediately upon activation of the program, or after deactivating your account, or rearranging the messenger. What can cause an Error message in Viber?

1. Your number was blocked due to sending spam (the robot considered you a spammer). This error is very common among users who send many messages to a large group of people. Be it congratulations on the New Year, or another holiday. Urgently We recommend that you do not send messages on Viber to a large group of people ! The system automatically blocks and bans your number FOREVER! There have been cases when users wrote a letter to Viber technical support to have their number unblocked, there was no spam mailing, and this will not happen again in the future. But unblocking a number upon request is almost impossible. Therefore, the solution to this problem would be to activate Viber on another number that has not yet been blacklisted by the system.

  • 1. Reboot your gadget (phone or tablet);
  • 2. Disconnect from the network (Wi-Fi) and check the availability of the Internet;
  • 3. If steps 1. 2. did not help, completely remove and reinstall Viber (All correspondence will be deleted without recovery)
  • 4. There may be problems with your provider or on the Viber servers, wait until the service is restored.
  • 5. Your number may have been blocked (in the spam list).

If you have a different error and have not solved the problem, leave your problem in the comments, which we will be happy to help solve together with you.

Do you have Viber? Convenient VoIP application for smartphones and computers of popular platforms. Registration in it is simple - using your mobile number. The program integrates with your smartphone, providing the opportunity for free (you spend only on Internet traffic) to call friends, family, and colleagues who have installed the same application, using high-quality voice communication. But, alas, many users are faced with the fact that Viber does not work. We will look at popular reasons for this, as well as ways to eliminate them, in this article.

Rating of the most common problems

Unfortunately, many people notice that Viber does not work correctly. Here are the three most common problems with this messenger:

  1. The connection is not established (45% of cases).
  2. Unable to send messages (44% of complaints).
  3. Status is not displayed (11% of requests).

Typical solutions to problems

The overwhelming number of cases in which Viber does not work can be corrected in standard ways:

  • Reboot the device on which the application is installed.
  • Check the availability of the Internet connection and its proper speed.
  • Remove the entire application from the device and then install it again.
  • Wait some time until the developers finish their updates, changes and fixes on the server.

Common causes and their solutions

Let's look at the main problems that cause Viber to not work:

  • The Internet is not working correctly on your device. Try disconnecting from the network and reconnecting. It also helps to deactivate the Internet connection, put the device into airplane mode, exit it, and then connect to the network. Try disconnecting from Wi-Fi and switching to cellular data, or vice versa.
  • The application itself freezes. Close it, restart the device, launch Viber again.
  • Problems on the server. To update the software, developers reboot their services. Therefore, users will experience problems with the application until the server starts working normally.
  • Bad connection. Many people complain that Viber on their phone does not work: in particular, it is very difficult to hear the interlocutor, interruptions in communication, and extraneous noise. The reason here may be that the place where you are does not have the best Internet connection speed. For optimal operation of the application, you need 3G, or even better, LTE. As for Wi-Fi, the speed is at least 1 Mb/sec.

Now let's move on to analyzing special cases.

Phone problems

If Viber does not work on an iPhone, a device on the Android platform, Windows Phone, etc., then you first need to pay attention to this subtitle. The problem could be the following:

  • The connection is not established.
  • Messages are not sent.
  • It is impossible to reach the recipient.
  • The application is installed, but it cannot be launched.
  • It is not possible to send an animation to the interlocutor in a dialogue.

Each of the problems can be solved in this way (if one step does not lead to a positive result, then move on to the next one):

  1. Reboot your gadget.
  2. Make sure you have an internet connection at the proper speed.
  3. Disconnect from Wi-Fi and connect to the cellular network. Or vice versa.
  4. Uninstall and reinstall the program.
  5. Wait a while - perhaps work is currently underway on the server.
  6. Contact technical support of the application (a link to it will be in the App Store, Play Market, etc.; you can also open the official Viber website in your browser).

Computer problems

Problems on a PC or laptop can arise like this:

  • The microphone does not work in Viber.
  • Can't hear the other person when calling.
  • Messages are not sent.
  • It is impossible to call your interlocutor or have a video dialogue.
  • The application does not start after installation, or, although functioning normally before, it no longer opens.

And now here is the algorithm of actions in the case when Viber does not work on the computer. If the problem is unsuccessful, proceed to the next step:

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. Check the availability and speed of your Internet connection.
  3. See if the antivirus has started to block the work of Viber: temporarily disable the system defender and see how the messenger functions without it.
  4. Uninstall and download the program again.
  5. Check your computer for viruses.
  6. Contact Viber technical support.

Problems after update

A considerable part of the problems appear after updating the application. The fact is that on many devices it is done automatically. We advise you to disable this feature for it and install updates after other users have tested them. You will see reviews in the store of your OS, where you downloaded the application from.

Here are the reasons for the problems that arise after updating Viber:

  • New version download failed.
  • Conflict with an outdated version of the platform. Update your device's OS to the latest version.
  • A fairly rare reason is that the updated application has become too heavy for your device.

The solution to the last two problems is to install the latest version of the OS (firmware) of your phone or computer and, accordingly, change the device to a more modern one. We will discuss what to do in other cases when the application does not start or is simply glitchy in the next section.

Troubleshooting after updating

The only correct move would be to completely demolish the messenger. However, before doing this, you should try to save at least the message log:

  1. Go to the application (if possible), click on “Settings”.
  2. In your account, select "Backup".
  3. Select "Make a copy."

Now uninstalling the application:

  • On an iPhone, you press the application icon with your finger. Then click on the red X in the corner.
  • On Android devices, you need to go to settings, then to applications. In the manager, find “Viber”, click on the icon, then select “Delete”.
  • On your PC, go to Start, then find the section with applications and programs, where you can delete the messenger.

Re-download Viber. After registration, go to Account, Backup. Click on "Restore". We also recommend turning off auto-update for this application.

Now you know what to do in different cases when your favorite messenger stops working or does it incorrectly. As you have seen, most problems have similar solutions.

Viber connection problem

Viber, like any human-created program, can fail for one reason or another. One of these manifestations is the situation when Viber does not work via the mobile Internet. For comfortable work, you need high-speed Internet; Wi-fi access points or 3G mobile Internet are suitable for these purposes. Try connecting to one of these networks and testing Viber, in most cases the problem with the Internet disappears.

If you see this message, try to check that other applications transmit and receive data from the Internet without problems. For example, open your browser and open any website or launch the application Vk, Instagram, Odnoklassniki my page. If the listed programs launch without problems and work normally, then the problem is directly in Viber on the phone. At the end of the article, recommendations for troubleshooting are given.

Viber slows down
Another common problem is that Viber slows down and freezes. To solve the problem, we recommend rebooting your smartphone; in 90% of cases this helps restore the application to full functionality. If the program continues to work unstable, uninstall the program (after saving the necessary information), clear the cache in the smartphone settings, restart the phone and install Viber again.

No connection and other Viber problems
The program is constantly being improved and developers make changes to Viber from time to time. And although they try to perform all updates in such a way as not to cause problems, users do not notice it. But sometimes there are still some problems on the server side related to their availability (debug status, reboot, etc.). Of course, this problem is not standard, so you just need to wait a little time.

It’s hard to hear your interlocutor on Viber
Interference, delays or partial swallowing of “letters” when talking with an interlocutor is a bad (slow) Internet connection. For high-quality transmission of an audio signal (voice), it is necessary to provide a communication channel with a bandwidth of about 1 Megabit. Check the operation of Vibera over a Wi-Fi channel with a stable connection without delays.

Tips for improving Viber performance.
Below is a list of simple actions that will help you restore the functionality of the application.

  • reboot your phone (turn it off and on again);
  • checking for a stable Internet connection;
  • deleting the application from your smartphone (save the necessary data first), clear the cache, and then reinstall the application;
  • Before deleting the program, you should wait a little; perhaps the service is not available on the developers’ side.

If the problem has not been resolved, you can ask your question in the comments or contact the official Viber support service.

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