A small boat made from one piece of wood. Do-it-yourself “Dugout” boat using old-fashioned technology Preparing the bow and stern of the boat

In our opinion, another type of small vessel has been undeservedly forgotten. We are talking about a dugout boat. Behind its apparent simplicity and “absurdity” are hidden both the rationality of the design and excellent driving performance. The absence of scarce materials and the minimum set of required tools make it possible to produce such dugout boat directly on the shore, away from populated areas, in hunting or fishing areas.

For many decades, the secrets of boat masters were passed on “by word of mouth,” from father to son, without drawings or calculations. And since a limited number of people were engaged in this trade, today it is very difficult to find a specialist who can competently, according to all the rules, make a real dugout. This is aggravated by the fact that now, in the era of modern materials and technologies, there are practically no masters of the younger generation, and the old ones, unfortunately, take their experience and skill with them: their art dies with them. That's why we decided to introduce homemade people to process of making a dugout boat. Perhaps some of them will be interested in this topic. We hope that the traditions of folk crafts will be preserved and continue with their help, bringing benefits.

When describing the procedure for working on a boat, we proceed from the capabilities of a single craftsman, without the use of machine tools or any lifting mechanisms. However, in any case, both the manufacturing process and the boat itself will bring you real pleasure.

When getting started, there are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Don’t start making a big boat right away. An unprepared person may not be able to do this. It would be more correct to try a version 3–4 meters long.

3. The proposed technology and terminology takes place in our places, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Of course, it may differ in other areas. Keep this in mind to avoid confusion.

4. Don’t forget about the accumulated experience in amateur shipbuilding. Various additional literature is very useful for work, especially if a beginner takes it on.

Selection of material and dimensions of the dugout boat

Homemade dugout boat made of solid wood can be made from pine, cedar, larch, aspen or poplar. In our area, preference is given to aspen and poplar, as their wood is durable and easy to process. The time of year for cutting down a tree does not matter much; it can be both winter and summer. It is important that this is done on the full moon. According to the experience of old craftsmen, if you cut down a tree “for the new month”, then the manufactured boat will be very difficult to build, and during operation it will quickly fail. This may seem like prejudice to some, but this advice has come to us from antiquity.

The length of the boat is selected based on the required load capacity (usually about half a ton), the condition of the body of water where it will be used, and the availability of suitable size wood. The following dimensions are usually used: 4.5 m, 7 m and 9 m. The longer the boat, the more labor-intensive it is, naturally, to manufacture, but it runs better. The appropriate diameter of the trunk is selected as follows: clasp the tree with both hands, and if the fingers do not meet by 30–40 cm, this is what you need (circumference length is approximately 180–200 cm).

Tools needed to make a dugout boat

To make a boat you will need the following tools: an ax; adzes - straight and side (made from an ax with subsequent hardening); plumb line; a brace or drill with a drill with a diameter of 10 mm; a two-handed plane (a regular one-handed one will also work, but it’s more difficult to work with); crosscut saw or chainsaw.

Preparing the bottom of a dugout boat

Having laid the felled trunk of the selected dimensions on two thick poles (this will make it more convenient to work alone), they begin to prepare the bottom of the future boat. To do this, inspect the workpiece along its length and find a section that is flat along its entire length, without visible dips or curvatures in the middle - this will be the bottom. The selected area is sanded with a width slightly larger than the width of the ax blade, and then a line is struck on the resulting strip using a plumb line and a cord. Now we carefully remove the layer of wood along the line, making sure that there are no humps or depressions.

Having turned the trunk over on the poles and secured it so that the bottom plane is horizontal, we determine the middle of the log. For this, a plumb line and a ruler are used. Having broken through the middle with a lace, we step back to the right and left of this line by about 40–45 mm (two fingers) and draw two more side lines.

Preparing the bow and stern of the boat

When starting to mark the bow and stern, you need to remember that the butt of the workpiece will be the bow, and the top will be the stern, that is, the bow should be larger in size than the stern. This factor is associated with operating features, for example, with outboard motors.

After completing all of the above, from the bow and stern, along a plumb line, we beat off lines that are, as it were, a continuation of the middle and lateral lines of the bottom. Stepping back from the bottom edge of the log by 120–150 mm, we draw the lower edges of the bow and stern perpendicular to the vertical lines.

Now we need to determine the lengths of the bow and stern. When making a boat of recommended dimensions, they are approximately 500–600 mm and 400–500 mm, respectively. In general, they depend on the diameter of the trunk and can change in one direction or another. But for any value, the length of the bow should be 100–120 mm greater than the length of the stern. In order not to subsequently “lose” the necessary points (the intersections of the lower edge lines with vertical markings at the ends and the side lines of horizontal markings with limiters for the length of the stern and bow), highlight them with a bright pencil or charcoal.

The cutting of the bow and stern is done with an ax. Here it is important not to rush and not to cut beyond the marked points. The slope of the cheeks should not be too steep and not too gentle. Any other recommendations are hardly appropriate: you just need to feel the tree and, when choosing sizes, rely first on intuition, and then on experience. So, with a sharply sharpened ax we give the cheek the shape shown in the figure. We process the workpiece on the other side in the same way. Then we connect the reference points and remove the excess so that we get a narrow inclined surface.

Having processed both ends in the described way and without turning the workpiece over, sand it over the entire visible surface. From the outermost horizontal marking lines, we remove the wood with tapes so that the cross-section of the trunk takes on an egg-shaped shape. This usually requires going through 4-5 tapes. Of course, we must not forget about the symmetry of the sides, and also avoid visible dips and bulges. The exit of the tape to the nose and norm should be smooth. This work is not difficult, but it requires accuracy and should not be rushed. Finally, turn the workpiece over and finally sand it.

Y. Solomennikov, I. Solomennikov, p. Karatuz, Krasnoyarsk region.

“From the presented material you will learn how you can make yourself a “Dugout” boat with your own hands. For this purpose, only natural material is used, namely soft wood, for example, willow or aspen. The tree is selected in advance, straight and without branches, and the thickness of the trunk will be responsible for the displacement of the future vessel.

This technology for creating boats is very ancient and was passed down from generation to generation, from Father to Son, today it is almost forgotten, but there are still “Craftsmen - well done” on the Russian Land!

Let's look at what exactly the author will need to build a boat? We’ll also look at all the stages and watch the movie (Cut down your nerd).

1. softwood (willow, aspen)

1. chainsaw
2. hacksaw
3. ax
4. adze
5. jointer
6. source of fire (blowtorch)

Master class from Ivan Petrovich Ovchinnikov on building a boat "Dolblenki" with your own hands
And so, the author adopted this technology from his Father, and he, in turn, from his parent). In ancient times in Rus', the main building material, as you know, was wood, and furniture, dishes, peasant implements, carts, etc. were also made.

Boats and longships, respectively, were also built from wood; entire artels and brigades were created for this purpose. It may seem strange... but boats began to be made in the winter, when the tree is still asleep. The most suitable tree (aspen) was selected in the forest, cut down and shaped into a boat, after which the workpiece was covered with snow and remained in this position until early spring. During this time, the tree absorbed moisture properly. Why leave the boat in the forest, and even in the snow??? The fact is that for the further process of forming the boat, it is necessary to dry it over an open fire, place spacers, thereby giving it its final shape (everything is described in detail in the film)

But D. Vanya took a slightly different, easier path, chose a large and thick one (willow) in advance, cut it down to the very root, removed the bark and began to form the boat.

As you can see in the photo, the author first makes a gash, and then cuts it with a hatchet, he does everything professionally with minimal labor) The log is turned over by D. Vanya alone, because he is a Russian hero and eats porridge in the morning, and the master also knows the laws of physics and uses leverage (crowbar) and easily twists the workpiece as he wants) Using an ax, he sets the shape.

Then Ivan Petrovich moves on to making the inside of the boat, also using an ax and an adze.

Two partitions were left inside; they will serve as stiffening ribs for the structure of the boat.

This is what actually happens, the botnik is almost ready.

The master skillfully works with an adze, because he adopted this art from his Father.

After the boat has been made. it was processed using a blowtorch, so that later the wood would not be afraid of moisture and would serve the owner for a long time.

Our author got such a wonderful boat; now he can sail along the Don and fish. As you can see, it was quite easy for the craftsman to cut down the boat, and the most important thing is that the material is free and given by nature itself.

You can also watch a very good film about the production of “Dugout” boats using ancient technology.

Bent on an oar, One, a humble inhabitant of the waves, Rows and steers the boat to the south; The other, as if struck by a sorcerer, Stands motionless; With his eyes fixed on the shore, he does not say a word, And his foot is ready to step over his boat. They are swimming... “Moor up, old man! Steer towards the cliff,” - and the impatient swimmer instantly jumped into the waves And has already reached the shore. Meanwhile, with a leisurely hand, the other lowered the sail, His boat to drives the cliff, To the soles of the two allies and strengthens it with a reliable knot, And walks with a slow foot onto the wild and steep shore. The flint sounds, and the flame soon illuminates the sea far away. A harsh land!

The black boat, alien to the charms, beats on the shore. Alien to the pure charms of happiness, The boat of languor, the boat of anxiety Has abandoned the shore, fights with the storm, The palace is looking for bright dreams. It rushes along the seaside, it rushes by the sea, Surrendering to the will of the waves. The matte moon gazes, The month of bitter sadness is full. The evening has died.

Our life can be conveniently compared to a capricious river, on the surface of which a boat floats, sometimes rocked by a quiet wave, often delayed in its movement by shallows and broken on an underwater rock. - Need I mention that this fragile boat on the market of fleeting time is none other , how is the person himself?

My shuttle of death took the wrong course - either the helmsman was distracted by the contemplation of my beautiful homeland, or in a moment of absent-mindedness he turned the steering wheel in the wrong direction, I don’t know what, I know one thing - I remained on earth and my shuttle has been floating in earthly waters ever since.

Lukyanych’s boat turned out to be useless: as soon as the guys moved, the boat swayed, and they all fell into the water, except Lukyanych.

It’s true, not many of today’s poets who sing “the boat of languor, the boat of anxiety,” know what it feels like when a sheepskin coat becomes “like a stake” and boots become stiff (“jumped out, like a sin, in high boots!”) and in the face , it fills your eyes, your ears, your hair with wet snow, and the wind takes your breath away!

And then a light boat will float out to the very middle of the river, and a beautiful young maiden in white clothes will wave an oar, directing the boat to the shore... This is probably how young Olga saw young Igor the Prince, as the legend tells about it.

After this, the sea began to move further and further and sucked the canoe out of the mouth of Perak; it drew him past Selangor, past the Malacca Peninsula, past Singapore, further and further towards the island of Bintang, and the canoe moved as if it were being led on a rope.

in order to reach the limit again, Where I live, I go up this steep slope; Where are you, - I said, - you hesitated like that, Casella?94. And he said: “It is His will!” He who takes, judges whom and how, Let him more than once block my path here, -97. Still, the will in him judges according to Eternal Truth. And truly, for three months, he will accept everyone who arrives in peace on the boat. 100. So here I am, standing at the seaside where the waters of the Tiber became full of salt. I was graciously received by him into the boat of pleasure, -103. At the mouth where it soars through the waves. Because everything that will not fall beyond the silent Acheron is gathered there.106. - ABOUT!

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