Fable examples. Card file for speech development on the topic: Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes in verse for children. Examples of short children's fables

Readings. Most often, parents take them from the ABC book.

Preschoolers, and younger schoolchildren From time to time I get tired of reading textbooks. Then it’s useful for them to throw something fun: short funny stories, fables, fables in verse.

We write about preschoolers, but working with funny short texts is even more useful for first-graders. Here we also need to take into account the “clip attention” of modern children, which is quickly depleted. And such texts stimulate interest in what is being read. After them, it’s easier to return to reading about things that are not very interesting.

Tales in development

What are fables? The definition for children is this - all kinds of “confusions”. This is probably the simplest explanation.

Fables (nonsense) are important in the development of children for the following reasons:

  1. option for the development of the mind: absurdity is not nonsense, and it is not always easy to grasp its meaning;
  2. allow you to look at the world from a different angle;
  3. forms an understanding of the comical - a sense of humor.

Unusual and funny uses of objects

To understand fables and all sorts of absurdities, it is useful to start working by coming up with an unusual use for objects:

  1. Put a bowl on your head instead of a hat;
  2. Jump on the chair, since it has legs,
  3. A bow is like attaching wings to a cat so that it can fly;
  4. Catch fish with pans;
  5. Take a washing basin instead of an umbrella when it’s raining...

Words can be changed: say, for example, instead of “snowdrifts” - “snowbobes”.

Fables in verse

Tasks to find and explain fables in a poem

  1. Find the fables and underline them with a pencil.
  2. Prove why this doesn't happen.

Confusion-mix-up 1

It's warm spring now.
The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ga-ha-ga" - the nightingale sang
Give me an answer quickly
Is this true or not? (L. Stanichev)

Forest fable

One day in the summer at the edge of the forest
Three frogs were pooping.
The little bunny ran to them,
The beak opened and mooed.
An elk flew over them.
(The elk couldn’t sleep for some reason.)
The elk shouted loudly from the sky:
- Hush, brothers, this is a forest!

Confusion Confusion 2

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree,
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate my appetite.
The ducklings croak loudly,
Kittens quack subtly.
The onion crawled like a snake.
There was a mix-up. (V. Burykina)

Amazing garden bed

In my garden -
The crocodile is growing!!!
And in the Moscow River
The cucumber lives!
Autumn in the garden
The crocodile has arrived!
Cucumber in the Moscow River
Ate all the frogs!
I'm scared guys
What's for this year
Grows in the garden
Scary hippopotamus.
And in the Moscow River
Will fall on the hook -
How do you like it?-
Scary zucchini!
Oh! When in the garden
Will everything be okay!? (Yu. Koval)

It's not for nothing that I praise myself...

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,
I tell everyone and everywhere,
Any suggestion.
I'll repeat it right away.
Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady at this time
I washed the cactus on the window.
The cactus rode on a horse,
Led the old lady on a belt,
And the dog at this time
I washed Vanya on the window.
I know what I'm saying
I said that I would repeat it
So it came out without errors,
Why boast in vain? (E. Uspensky)

Lived once...

Lived once
Grandfather and grandmother
With a little granddaughter,
Your red cat
They called it Bug.
And they are crested
The foal's name was
And they also had
Chicken Buryonka.
And they also had
Murka the dog,
And also two goats:
Sivka da Burka! (Yu. Chernykh)

Mix-up 3

Look at the bunny
There are two full barrels of honey,
But there are no carrots!

And the red-haired squirrel
Three carrots on a plate
But there are no nuts!

And the bull has the nuts,
Two oak chests
But there is no grass!

And Petit the Cockerel
Three whole bags of herbs!
But there are no grains!

In shaggy bear cubs
There are grains in a bowl,
But there’s no honey!

And Zhura the Crane
Three plates of jelly,
But there are no frogs!

And in Masha’s mug
Frogs croak.
The little frog is jumping -
What does this mean?

This means,
That everything is mixed up here.
Now try it yourself
Put everything in its place! (V. Danko)

These poetic nonsense can be given to children by ear, asking them to perform some action after hearing the fable.

Stories - fables

Goal: search for fables and replace them with “ordinary” text

  1. Find the tall tales.
  2. Rewrite the story as it actually happens.

A tall tale about Masha and mom.

This is Masha. She is six years old. Every morning Masha goes to work. She's a salesman. Masha has a mother. In the evening Masha takes her to kindergarten. While Masha works, mom walks, has lunch and sleeps. Mom knows that Masha will come for her in the morning.

A tale about a hare.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in the forest. He was huge and horned. All the animals were afraid of him. How will they see who is hiding where? The wolf immediately dives into the river. Fishes hide in holes. The bear immediately flies away. And a fox looks out of a hollow high in a tree. One gray mouse was not afraid of the hare. She was into boxing. He gets in the way of the hare and starts waving his fists. The hare never offended her. He just threatened to eat it.

A huge fable.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in a forest. A monster the likes of which neither humans nor beasts have ever seen. One day a hare came to talk. He sees a crocodile swimming. The hare shouted to the crocodile:

Sail here. I want to ride you.

Crocodile says:

Hahanki! Run along the water. If you catch up, I'll go for a ride.

A tall tale about smart Vanya

Vanya heard that there was a fish swamp in the forest. There are even crocodiles there. And the fish are visible and invisible. Vanya got ready to go fishing. I put on a short-sleeved shirt to prevent mosquitoes from biting me. I put on sandals so as not to get my feet wet. I took a bucket without a bottom to carry the fish home. A neighbor asks:

What will you use to catch fish?

With your hands. I'll grab you by the tail and won't let go.

Will Vanya catch a lot of fish?

Tales invented by children

Goal: inventing fables by the children themselves

After a short acquaintance with the “confusions,” it is useful to invite the children to come up with fables. Some come up with very interesting, funny and understandable short texts for other children, as, for example, a seven-year-old boy wrote them.

A tall tale about potatoes with eyes.

Once upon a time there was a potato with eyes. The potato looked around at everything, and then told the other potatoes about it. Then she got tired of it.

How stupid you are. I'm bored with you. I'll go see the world

She jumped out of the bag and went for a walk around the kitchen. And the owner was a witch. And it was her birthday.

“Why are you getting in your way here,” she asked the potato.

But the potato became proud and did not answer. Then the hostess turned the proud potato into a “potato” cake and served it to the guests for tea. And they ate it with pleasure. (Kirill Tikhonov, 7 years old)

Fables help to understand the hidden meaning of the text. Funny short texts are also good for developing the imagination of preschoolers. When playing with fables, the child begins to listen to the word, which promotes intuition.

Ivan Toporyshkin.

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.

Ivan, like a log, fell into a swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river like an axe.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him the poodle started skipping like an axe.

Ivan fell through a log into a swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.

Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle jumped onto the axe.
Kharms D.

Crocodile and rooster.
On the yellow meadow,
Where nonsense grows
Like ink
Crocodile with the head of a rooster
Rooster with the head of a crocodile.

And both said these words:
- How wonderful
You have a head!
I may be wrong
But it seems to me that you
Worthy sooner
My head.

Do you want to change? -
The rooster suggested.
- Great, let's go! -
Said the Crocodile.

After exchanging these words
They swapped heads.
And everyone thought:
"Wonderfully beautiful!
I deceived him
And he left
With the head of a crocodile,
And Rooster -
With the head of a rooster.
Sapgir G.

Fables in faces.
Hello, Nicodemus!
- Great, Egor!
Where are you going from?
- From the Kudykin mountains.
- How are you, Egor, doing?
- They put an ax on their bare feet,
They mow the grass with their boots,
They carry water in a sieve.
Our sleigh
They go on their own
And our horses have mustaches,
They run underground after mice.

But these are cats!
- There's a mosquito in your basket!

Our cats live in a nest,
They fly everywhere.
We flew into the yard,
Started a conversation:
"Kar, kar!"

Why, it's a crow!
- Boiled fly agaric for you!

Our crow has big ears,
He often roams around the garden
Jump and jump
Across the bridge
The white spot is the tail.

Yes, it's a bunny!
- There's a fir cone in your nose!

Our hare
All the animals are scared.
Last winter in the bitter frost
The gray hare carried away the ram.

Why, it's a wolf!
- A click on your forehead!

Have you really never heard
Why do our wolves have horns?
The wolf shakes his beard
I dined on quinoa.

Yes, this is a goat!
- A thousand clicks for you!

Our goat
Gone under the snag,
He wiggles his tail,
Doesn't tell me to install networks.

But this is burbot!
- No, we won’t pour it.

We don't talk about burbot like that.
Halim Nicodem
Proud of himself
Halim Nicodem
Wears a sable hat
Doesn't break it in front of anyone
And he doesn't understand jokes either.
Sapgir G.

About a red mouse and a green horse.

I went and asked
various passers-by
About the red mouse
And a green horse.
And they answered me
Dozens of passers-by:
-We haven't seen anything like this-
Even similar ones.
Smiling all around:
- All this is fantasy! -
An old man grumbled:
- Disgrace!

I was walking through the city
Ridiculous and disheveled.
I asked everywhere
You won't bother me:
- Well, has anyone seen
green horse
Green horse
And a red mouse?

Suddenly someone called out
me from the window.
And I saw
blue elephant,
Who said:
- Look for them at the pier.
Recently there
Walked by tourists
Green horse
and a red mouse.
Well, hurry up and stomp
what are you worth?

I came running in excitement
to the pier,
Where is the white boat
rocked the stern.
The ship was already leaving
From the pier.
Green horse
Standing at the side
And the red mouse
waved to me from the stern...
since then, unfortunately,
We haven't seen each other.
You say: all this
one is not true.
Do not believe?
Ask the blue elephant.
G. Sapgir

Or maybe, or maybe...
One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple,
We want to tell you.
We remember her from childhood,
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe we don’t remember
But we will remember.

We remember, raven,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
One day I got lucky.
Someone sent her some cheese,
I think two hundred grams,
Or maybe three hundred,
Or maybe half a kilo.

She flew up onto the spruce tree,
Or maybe it didn’t take off,
Or maybe on a palm tree
I climbed up with a run.
And there she has breakfast,
Or maybe have lunch
Or maybe have dinner
I gathered myself calmly.

But then the fox ran
Or maybe she didn’t run,
Or maybe it's an evil ostrich,
Or maybe not evil.
Or maybe it was the janitor.
He walked through the countryside
To the nearest hazel tree
For a new broom.

Listen, crow,
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
But it's also good.
You have such feathers
You have such horns
The hooves are very slender
And a kind soul.

And if you sing,
Or maybe you'll bark
Or maybe hum √
Cows moo,
That's a big saddle for you,
Carpet and TV
They will give you a gift right away,
Or maybe they’ll give it to you.

And the stupid crow
Or maybe a dog
Or maybe a cow
How something starts to sing.
And from such singing,
Or maybe not singing,
Immediately fainted
The whole people are laughing.

And that crow has the cheese,
Or maybe dogs
Or maybe cows,
Of course he fell.
And straight at the fox,
Or maybe an ostrich,
Or maybe even a janitor
Hit it immediately.

The idea of ​​this fairy tale
Or maybe not fairy tales,
Not only adults will understand,
But even the little one
Don't stand and don't jump,
Don't sing, don't dance
Where construction is going on,
Or a load is suspended.
Uspensky E.

I bought a lamb bagel
At the market early in the morning
I bought a lamb bagel:
For lambs, for sheep
TEN poppy rings,
NINE dryers,
EIGHT buns,
SEVEN cakes,
SIX cheesecakes,
FIVE cakes,
FOUR crumpets,
THREE cakes,
TWO gingerbreads
And I bought ONE roll -
I didn’t forget about myself!
And for the wife - sunflowers.

A ship runs across the blue sea,
The gray wolf is standing on the nose,
And the bear fastens the sails.
Zayushka leads the boat by the rope,
The fox looks slyly from behind a bush:
How to steal a bunny
It's like breaking a rope.

I went to the bast mountain to tear up.
I see: the lake is floating on ducks.
I cut down three sticks:
One is spruce, another is birch, the third is rowan.
Throwing a spruce tree - not good enough,
Threw the birch tree - threw it.
I threw the rowan tree and it hit.
The lake fluttered up and flew away,
But the ducks remained.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
The lady is traveling on foot
In a chintz carriage.

A hare sits on a pine tree -
He built himself a nest there.
And who cares
Why don't hares have wings?

All the birds flocked:
Tap-dancing sisters,
Cuckoo friend;
He narrowed his eyes;
Crow Bride
She sat down.
Only there is no groom.
Should I call the rooster?

The old hare is mowing hay,
And the fox is raking.
The fly carries hay to the cart,
And the mosquito throws.
They took us to the hayloft -
A fly screamed from the cart:
“I won’t go to the attic,
I'll fall from there
I'll break a leg,
I'll be lame."

Knock, knock, look at the gate:
That's right, someone is coming to visit:
The whole family is coming
A pig is walking ahead.
The goose tuned the harp,
And a rooster with a trumpet.
The cat and the dog were surprised -
They even made peace.

The turnip danced with the poppy,
And parsley with parsnips,
Corn with garlic
Our Tanya with a Cossack.
But I didn’t want carrots
Dance, dance,
Because I couldn't
Dance, dance.

Turu, turu, shepherd boy,
Viburnum footrest.
Where did you fly this summer?
Where did you spend the winter?
- At the Tsar's in Moscow,
In the golden lip.
-What is the king doing?-
- Turu writes a note,
He breathes on the girl.
- Girl, girl,
Go get some water.
- I'm afraid of the wolf.
- Wolves at work,
Owl in the swamp.
- Sovanka, Sovanka,
Shaggy legs,
We ran along the path.
Popov's guys
The peas were threshed
The chains were broken,
They left the barn,
Water the chicken.
Like a feather from a chicken
It rolled
A village near Ivanovo.

Shadow-shadow, shadow,
There is a fence above the city.
The animals sat under the fence.
We boasted all day:
The fox boasted:
- I am beautiful to the whole world!
The bunny boasted:
- Go and catch up!
Hedgehogs boasted:
- Our fur coats are good!
The bear boasted:
- I can sing songs!

Timoshka in a basket
I drove along the path.
The dog on the strip hums,
The bear on the chain breaks,
Agathon is putting on his shoes on the stove.

Fuck, bang, bang,
A mouse rides on hedgehogs.
- Wait, prickly hedgehog,
I can't bear to go any more,
You're very annoying, hedgehog!

Our harrier has
From a dear friend,
Forty tubs
Salty frogs,
Forty barns
Dry cockroaches,
Piglets –
Only the legs are hanging.

Nonsense, nonsense,
These are just lies!
“The chickens ate the rooster,”
The dogs talk.

The hut walked along the bridge
And she waved her tail,
Got caught on the railing
It landed right in the river.
There is noise in the river, there is ringing in the river!
Those who don't believe, get out!

Sheep were walking along the road
My feet got wet in a puddle.
One two three four five,
They began to wipe their feet,
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten.

Between heaven and earth
The pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

Nonsense, nonsense,
These are just lies!
Hay being cut on the stove
Hammer crayfish.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.

There's nonsense on the fence
Fried jam
The chickens ate the rooster
One Sunday.

Ekaterina Savelyeva
Making up riddles and fables. Reading tall tales


Give an idea of ​​the genre tall tales.

To consolidate an understanding of the features of the fairy tale genre.

Exercise the ability to reason, draw conclusions, argue their correctness, use them in proof words: Firstly Secondly.

Learn make descriptive riddles, tall tales.

Exercise in drawing up complex sentences using words: so that, because.

Learn to select monosyllabic and polysyllabic words.

Develop speech-making abilities.

Practice correct pronunciation and differentiation of g-k sounds, selecting words with these sounds.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher reads several riddles-descriptions, after guessing each one, analyzes the content of the description in riddle, which allowed her to guess. Offers to children themselves make up riddles, explains that for composing a riddle needs to be described item: name what it refers to (dishes, animal, type of transport, etc., what it looks like, how it is used or how it moves, what it eats.

The teacher reads the fragment text:

I bought it at the poultry market

talking cat

But I didn’t know then what would happen

It's a complete mess with him.

My cat ran away from home

And he came to kindergarten,

Sang them a song "Chunga-changa"

Thirty-three hours straight!

Tales, tall tales

All boundaries are crossed

So what, so what -

True story and the tale is so similar!

The teacher asks whether the children have guessed what the next conversation will be about. Shows pictures- tall tales. Questions:

What's wrong with these pictures? Prove it.

What needs to be changed?

The teacher encourages the use of words when proving "Firstly", "Secondly" to show the sequence of reasoning.

Is reading fable:

A village was driving

Past the man

Suddenly from under the dog

The gates are barking.

He grabbed the club

The ax chopped

And for our cat

Ran through the fence.

The rooftops got scared

We sat on the raven,

The horse is racing

A man with a whip.

In a conversation with children about the content, the teacher encourages them to explain the discrepancy with reality using the phrase "because".

Physical education minute

The teacher names the animal, the children show any movement that is uncharacteristic for it in real life (hare - crawls, dances; fox - swims, paints lips, etc.).


Come up with fable: describing an action that is out of character for the character (based on the principle of the previous physical education lesson - the plane is jumping, the car is flying); fantastic appearance of an object or object (a hare with a long fluffy tail, a flying children's toy factory); draw up a short fantasy story.

- Finish the sentences:

To come up with fable.

You need to study well in order to.

We read fairy tales to...

Say a tongue twister - fable:

There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs.

There were wolf cubs visiting the jackdaw cubs.

Nowadays the cubs are making noise like jackdaws,

And like wolf cubs the jackdaws are silent.

M. Boroditskaya

Come up with words with the sounds g-k at the beginning and middle, with the sound l at the end.

Come up with words similar in sound:

Rocket (candy, cutlet.).

To summarize the conversation about tall tales, the teacher explains the etymology of the word ( fable, fiction, unprecedented story, invites children to identify similarities and differences fables and fairy tales. Explains that both are fantastic, made-up stories, fables are small in volume, often rhymed. Clarifies with children what features distinguish a fairy tale from other works.

If your child is already grown up, then you can read funny fable poems to him. These funny rhyming lines will amuse both adults and children. Children enjoy listening to fables and all sorts of made-up stories. Read fables with your child and have fun!

Such reading develops a sense of humor and imagination in children, and helps them see the world more broadly. If the child still does not quite understand the difference between fables and nursery rhymes, then try to explain to him that fable- this is a comic story, an absurdity, a humorous invention of the author.

Unprecedented side
There are bears on the side
It's sad that they don't suck paws.
Bees are good neighbors
They bring honey as a gift.
The wolf lives nearby
But his howl is not heard,
He doesn't touch the sheep
He eats grass.
What's that invisible hat?
There are miracles everywhere here:
Marvel at how they sleep in an embrace
There is a bunny and a fox in the hole.
How can you not dream about it?
Does everyone live in harmony there?
Mice go for advice
To kind, affectionate cats.

A fox walked, sweeping its tail
And she shook her horns.
Grew up on an empty stump
Box of pies.

Suddenly a crow flew in
With wolf teeth.
Ate raspberry pies
Having eaten mushrooms.

Fish walk along the path
They wave their fins,
The hedgehog carries an elephant on its back,
Chickens plow the land.

A hare chases a lion
And he growls terribly.
The mole is building a house under the tree
From red rowan.

The wolf flies behind the cloud,
Mice are dancing in a circle.
And sits at the bottom of the river
There is a frog under the umbrella.

Above a funny fable
The blue sun is frolicking.
And in the green clouds
The elephant skates.
(I. Gurina)


I get up in the evening
And in the morning I go to bed.
The rooster cackles
A goose crows.
I dress for a doll
I wash with a broom
And there's wood in the stove
I light it with a saw.
I pour in three soups
In a saucepan with an egg.
Song with a lid,
Pan with an end.

Tall confusion

A steamer sailed on the sea,
The fish swam in the river
The cat purred on the sand,
Pedestrian along the path
He walked with a wallet in his hand,
Walked, walked, walked...
Suddenly a strong wind rose,
I mixed up everything in the world,
And in the same place:
A pedestrian was sailing on the sea,
The cat was floundering in the river,
The fish were basking on the sand,
Steamboat along the path
He walked with a wallet in his hand.
(R. Farhadi)

I once saw an elephant at the circus
Jumped straight from the ground onto the balcony,
Then he jumped to the sky
And I still haven’t gotten out of there.


A gray bear flies across the sky,
He waved his ears and paws,
He guides with his black tail.

Unprecedented, unheard of.

On the mountain a cow barked at a squirrel,
My legs widen and my eyes bulge.

A fable in the faces, a fable,
Unprecedented, unheard of.

A pig built a nest on an oak tree,
She made a nest and brought out the babies.

A fable in the faces, a fable
Unprecedented, unheard of.

Little piglets
They sit on the branches, they look at the tops,
They look at the top and want to fly away.

A fable in the faces, a fable
Unprecedented, unheard of.

The cockroach was walking, walking behind the stove,
Suddenly he walked out into the world.

A fable in the faces, a fable
Unprecedented, unheard of.

I saw a cockroach in a tub of water:
- Is this, brothers, the blue sea? -

A fable in the faces, a fable
Unprecedented, unheard of.

I saw a cockroach - they sipped from a cup with spoons:
- Isn’t it, brothers, the ships are fleeing,
Are the ships running, are the oarsmen rowing them?

A fable in the faces, a fable
Unprecedented, unheard of.

A village was driving past a man,
And the gate barks from under the dog.
He snatched the cart from under the whip
And let's bludgeon the gates with it.
The roofs got scared, they sat on the crows,
The horse urges the man on with a whip.

Driving, driving along the path
Timoshka in a basket,
Petka in a boot,
Kuzka on one leg,
Senka in a glass,
And Vanya is on a cockroach.

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late, at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.

There lived a tall citizen
Vertically challenged.
And walk him through the window
It was very simple.
Once on a frosty summer day
In the morning towards evening
Sweltering from the heat
Suddenly he climbed onto the stove.

With marmalade in his beard
To your dad
A bear swam in a frying pan
For curly porridge!
A watermelon is flying above the ground,
He chirps and whistles:
-I am mustard, I am lemon!
I'm closed for renovations!
Yam-tiryam-tiryam, in a stroller
Two mustachioed pandemoniums
Barefoot, running
They catch the wind with their boots!

A buffet runs along the river,
In it lies
A big secret,
He's acting in films
Everyone will love it!
(Yu. Moritz)

How are you doing?
- They put an ax on a bare foot,
They mow the grass with their boots,
They carry water in a sieve.
Our sleighs move on their own.
And our horses have mustaches,
They run underground after mice.

But these are cats!
- There's a mosquito in your basket!

Our cats live in a nest
They fly everywhere.
We flew into the yard,
They started a conversation: - “Kar, kar!”

But these are crows!
- Boiled fly agaric for you!
Ours is a big-eared crow,
He often wanders around the gardens.
Leap and leap, across the bridge,
The tail has a white spot.

Yes, it's a bunny!
- A barrel of cucumbers for you!
All animals are afraid of our hare.
Last winter in the bitter frost
The gray hare carried away the ram.

Why, it's a wolf!
- A click on your forehead!

Have you really never heard
Why do our wolves have horns?
The wolf shakes his beard
I dined on quinoa.

Yes, this is a goat!
- A thousand clicks for you!

Our goat went under the snag,
He wiggles his tail,
Doesn't tell me to install networks.

But this is burbot!
- No, we won’t pour it.

We don't talk about burbot like that.
Nalim Nicodemus is proud of himself,
Nalim Nicodemus wears a sable hat
Doesn't break it in front of anyone
And he doesn't understand jokes either.
(Sapgir Heinrich)

I saw this as a child and remember it to this day:
The cat was sewing on a sewing machine,
Suddenly her car rebelled
And I sewed the cat’s paw to the sewing.
(A. Sergeev)

I saw the lake on fire
A dog in trousers on a horse,
The house has a hat instead of a roof,
Cats caught by mice.
I saw a duck and a fox
That pies were baked in the forest,
How the little bear tried on his shoes
And how foolish he was to believe everything!
(S. Marshak)

A trolleybus floated in the ocean,
A ship was traveling in the sky.
Like on snow, on sour cream,
The skiers went hiking.

The camel was skating
The pike was basking on the bitch,
An elephant climbed a tree
And he sang: - Ku-ka-re-ku!

The bear got into his rocket
And I went to the station...

I didn't come up with this myself.
Kostya told me this.

He's a master of the imagination!
Or maybe this happens?
(Sergey Baruzdin)

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