I have no hobbies, I don’t know how to spend the weekend. How can you spend your weekend? Learn some meditation technique

Everyone has their favorite places to go. What about those parts of the city you've never been to? Weekends are a great opportunity to sign up for an excursion, go to a local history museum, or simply wander through unfamiliar streets.

2. Gather friends

True, in the cold season you don’t always want to walk in the snow and piercing wind. The solution is to gather friends. Just like that, without any reason. And it’s even better to invent this reason: the New Year’s rehearsal, the birthday of the Emperor of Japan, the release of a new episode of your favorite TV series. Are you short on ideas for themed parties?

3. Disassemble and sell old things

Many people have a bunch of retro junk collecting dust at home, which can either be donated to those in need, or sold at a profit on Avito or eBay. And now it's time to do it. While you're sorting it out, indulge in memories.

4. Arrange a photo shoot

The days fly by and you can't even remember what you did last weekend? Try to capture every pleasant moment of your life in a photo.

Choose something complex and beautiful, buy everything you need at the store and get started. Try to decorate the dish as in a restaurant, light candles that have been gathering dust in the closet since last New Year, mix an unusual cocktail. The weekend is a holiday that is always with you.

6. Spend time with children

A weekend with children is a good chance to briefly return to childhood without being branded as an infantile eccentric. Go to a new cartoon in a cinema, a children's show, a zoo, a planetarium, an aquarium, a museum of entertaining science, toys or sweets (yes, not all museums are dedicated to boring things). If you don’t have your own children, you can “borrow” them from friends or relatives.

7. Take care of your health

Think about what you would like to change about yourself, what in your body gives you the most discomfort, what doctors previously recommended to you. And then you can either go to the gym or choose exercises for yourself.

8. Build a collection

And it doesn’t matter what it will be: a herbarium, a collection of minerals, insects or cups. Creating a collection doesn't have to be expensive. The same plants and stones are easy to find literally under your feet.

9. Make a family tree

This is also a great opportunity to chat with distant relatives whom you haven’t called for a long time. There are resources on the Internet that can help you find your ancestors. What if no one knew, but you are a count?

Get some quiet time with a good book. And if you don’t want to spend money on new books, try raiding the nearest shelves for bookcrossing. Surely there will be something to your liking there. Just don't forget to leave something on the shelf too.

The task is extremely simple: go into a bar, drink a glass of beer or a shot of something stronger and move towards another drinking establishment. All this, of course, in the company of friends. You can continue either until you lose the ability to move, or until you run out of money.

12. Learn something new

Large cities are full of courses and coaches who can teach you anything. And if you don’t want to spend money on teachers, you can be patient and learn a new skill with the help of tutorials from the Internet.

13. Do geocaching

Geocaching is a quest on a global scale. Geocachers place capsules in a variety of places and leave instructions on their website for finding “treasures.” To find a “treasure”, you need to solve a riddle, and to solve a riddle, you need to know well the history of the place in which it is hidden. There are probably at least a couple of such “treasures” in your city. As soon as you become more adept at finding them, you can start laying new capsules yourself.

14. Improve the interior

Why not rearrange the furniture? It's time to change something in this life. And on weekends there is just time to decorate your home and make the environment more comfortable.

15. Place a time capsule

Collect small things that you have memories of in a box, write a letter to yourself in 5, 10 or 20 years and put it somewhere away. It is not even necessary to bury the time capsule in the ground; it is enough to seal the box so that it cannot be opened without breaking it, and put it in the far corner.

16. Have a movie marathon

Pick three favorite TV shows or movies that you've been wanting to get to for a long time and watch them non-stop. Popcorn, pizza and other goodies will complement the experience.

You can go to a farm outside the city, to a petting zoo, go to a pet store, or just visit friends who have a pet. A sea of ​​positivity is guaranteed.

18. Make something with your own hands

Handmade things are valued much more than factory-made ones, especially in the era of mass market. You can start with greeting cards, soap, candles - all this does not require any special skills or special artistic talent. And there, maybe you can make money from crafts.

19. Go on a trip

There is also a lot of interesting things in neighboring cities! Museums, estates and simply beautiful historical buildings are just waiting for you to get to them.

20. Start keeping a diary

21. Become a gardener

You can arrange a small flowerbed near your house and be happy every time you pass by it. And in the cold season, try to grow something on your windowsill.

In the summer, the parks are full of open dance classes: they give you the opportunity to move around and meet new people. In addition, dance schools offer free trial lessons throughout the year. If you don't like it, you have nothing to lose.

23. Organize your photos

Select the photos that are really important to you and order a print from a photo salon. Whatever they say, this way of preserving memories is both more pleasant and reliable than gigabytes of photo archives in computer memory. And you can make a photo album yourself.

24. Do charity work

Cleanup work ceases to be a tedious obligation if you organize it yourself. You can also become a volunteer at a shelter, help your disabled neighbors, go donate blood and encourage your friends to do all this. Help people and feel like a good person.

25. Relax

And this doesn't just mean lying on the couch all day. For quality relaxation, it is better to master meditation techniques or yoga. Or, at worst, soak in a warm and fragrant bath.

Wondering how best to spend your weekend? First ask yourself: do you want to just lie on the couch watching TV or do you need active recreation? Much depends on exactly how the work week goes. The psychotype of a person is also important. One person likes to spend the day off at the computer, while the other wants to do something interesting, active, extreme. That is, personal preferences come first.

There is a proverb: “He who rests well works well.” The way it is. Adequate rest is the key to productive work. So just promise yourself that you will spend every weekend interesting and useful. It is advisable to say goodbye to laziness. Those who choose TV or computer cannot enjoy the colors of life to the fullest. So don't waste your precious time in vain. It’s not for nothing that time is called the only resource that cannot be replenished.

Think now about how you would like to spend your weekend, how do you plan to relax to the fullest? Perhaps you want to go on a mini-trip, or you dream of roller skating. Don't deny yourself the pleasure. Be filled with new and new sensations, emotions, impressions.

How to spend a weekend: ideas, methods, options

So, have you already decided why you need days off at all? Relax? Wonderful. So say “yes” to complete active recreation and unforgettable entertainment. If you want to find out how to spend your day usefully, then you will definitely have to forget about the sofa and “have to” choose something interesting and unusual. Great ideas for spending a day off:

  1. Go to another city. Such a short trip will definitely give you new impressions. There are no cities in which you cannot find at least some attraction. Therefore, go to the station, take a train or bus ticket and go to new sensations. It is not necessary to stay overnight in an unfamiliar city; you can try to return home on the same day.
  2. Organize an adrenaline rush. Extreme weekends are the choice of active young people. With this approach, you can easily dilute your routine life with new experiences. Alternatively, you can go rollerblading, ice skating, skateboarding, snowboarding, horseback riding, play paintball, or skydive.
  3. Have a children's party. How long have you gone with your kids to the zoo, circus, or puppet theater? This is useful not only for children, but also for you. This is your chance to plunge into the world of a carefree childhood. And then, the opportunity to be alone with your child does not always arise. Don't have your own children? You can play badminton, board games, etc. with your nephews and nieces. No doubt, the time you spend surrounded by children will be very good for your soul.
  4. Organize a cleanup day. Any yard or park needs timely cleaning. And working in the fresh air always inspires. You can attract friends, acquaintances, neighbors. Rest assured, after such a weekend you will want to enjoy life even more. And most importantly, you will turn out to be a very useful person, which is also important.
  5. Pay attention to sports. A healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Go jogging, join a fitness club or gym. Perhaps one day this hobby will quickly become a habit, and you will want to always take care of your body.
  6. Relax in nature. Forays to a river, lake, or forest clearing are always associated with barbecues. Quite a good option. And you will eat deliciously and have a good rest. You can even organize a real camping trip with tents, etc. While relaxing in the lap of nature, do not forget to walk barefoot on the grass and sand. Take as many photos as possible.
  7. Meet with friends, colleagues, relatives. Heart-to-heart conversations are important for many. You can meet someone in a cafe, or you can invite guests to your home, or go to visit yourself. This is a great way to take your mind off things. Creative people can make gifts with their own hands. Your friends and family will be very pleased.
  8. Treat yourself to a cultural weekend. Have you visited a museum or theater lately? Admit it. But now there are so many productions, so many interesting exhibitions. Enlightenment has never harmed anyone. You won’t forget about such a vacation, and there will be something to talk about.
  9. Pay attention to your hobby. There are so many hobbies that we never have enough time for. A day off is a great option to finally find time for your hobby. Just take one day (or at least a couple of hours) to do what you love so much.
  10. Engage in self-development. There are free webinars and seminars. You can visit them and enlighten yourself. And if you wish, you can find “live” trainings. You can use them to solve some of your problems. And just reading the book will be useful. Self-development is the best investment.

Unfortunately, in today's fast-paced times, many of us do not have time to relax. And in vain. You shouldn't work on your day off. Fortunately, there are plenty of ideas on the topic “How to spend the weekend.” Therefore, plan in advance what and how you will do this coming Saturday and Sunday. Knowing how to spend your weekend, don’t put pleasure on the back burner. It is advisable to spend your day of rest in such a way that you remember it for at least a week, or better yet, for the rest of your life.

It happens that at work we often experience stress that exhausts us, takes away our strength, and turns our nerves into rags. We looked at some of the ways to help yourself prevent this. But any working week ends, and they come... oh, this divine word - weekend! Today we’ll talk with complete seriousness about how to spend your weekend with benefit and pleasure. Why is this so important?

Weekends are no joke!

The fact is that the stress “accumulated” during the week at work will have to be “worked off” on the weekend. Not hunting, but what to do... Restoring physical and emotional balance is very important for maintaining physical and mental health. If you have not yet learned how to relieve stress in a timely manner, i.e. during the week - use at least Saturday and Sunday for this. How we spend the weekend largely determines what the next working week will be like.

We absolutely need proper rest not only to restore the body’s strength, but also to switch thoughts and put things in order (read more Here), for mental relaxation, for “charging” the internal personal battery, which will allow you to work for the next week.

Tired of stress... from work...

If stress has accompanied your activities for a long time, most likely you are familiar with the state of constant fatigue. And it's not just physical fatigue, we feel emotional and intellectual exhaustion too. But another morning of another working day comes - and be so kind as to get up, start being active and benefit society. You have to work, which adds to your stress and makes you even more tired.

All! This is the end! A working week, of course... Shall we rest?

Are you familiar with the Friday holiday, which is celebrated throughout our country? And what about its consequences? You say: “Walk, walk like that?” May be. But then, most likely, it won’t be Monday that will be a hard day, but Saturday and Sunday, to say nothing of Monday, when you have to go to work with a headache, tired, lost, angry because you had such plans for the weekend, but alas... didn't manage to do anything...

Since the whole country is waiting for Friday, it’s stupid to waste the end of the week in vain. It’s not just a matter of heavy consumption of alcohol and other “bad excesses.” Many of us spend our weekends absolutely uselessly, doing laundry, cleaning, watching TV, chatting on the phone, and endlessly preparing food for the week ahead. As they say: etc., etc. After such a “weekend” we really need a break, but... “suddenly” Monday comes. The inability to fully rest also causes stress, and this, in turn, leads to the further development of fatigue. I suggest you take your weekend seriously and reconsider established habits that do not allow you to properly relax, switch away from the everyday hustle and bustle and rest. And now... a moment of humor!

Ideal weekend: does this even happen? Yes!

Stage 1: preliminary preparation

  1. Make a list of what you ideally want for the weekend. Don’t think “I can or I can’t” just yet. Focus on “I want.” However, within reason. If it’s normal for you to fly to London for Saturday breakfast, then there’s nothing to talk about. Everyone has their own possibilities for implementing recreation. So what did you get?

Get some sleep? Go out of town? Visit your parents? Go to the cinema/theater? Raise? Go to the hairdresser? Cook a new dish? Read an interesting book? Start writing a book? Make a vacation album? Going on a hike?

Now based on " Want" are planning " Can" Distribute weekend activities according to your strengths and capabilities on Saturday and Sunday. For example:


I plan to: sleep, walk in the forest, draw a picture, read. I want to spend the day calmly and measuredly.


I plan to: go to the cinema with my family during the day, take a walk around the city, go to a cozy cafe, and in the evening take part in a webinar on the topic….

That's all, quite enough. The “picture” took shape in my head. By the way, quite “cute”. There is no need to plan more than you can accomplish; at least don’t push yourself too hard on the weekend.

When planning your weekend activities, consider the following wisely:

  • if you have a sedentary job, it’s better to spend your weekend actively (hiking in the forest, bicycles, hoverboards, roller skates). By the way, I wrote about hoverboards Here.
  • if you are “on the run” all week, your work is more related to physical stress - spend a measured, contemplative day (go to the park, watch the swans on the pond).
  • if you are overwhelmed with paperwork, fill your weekend with some creative activity (compose, draw, knit).
  • if the work involves a lot of mental stress, “work” on your day off with your hands and provide yourself with physical activity.
  1. Don't leave all your homework until the end of the week. . Distribute it over every day, otherwise, instead of resting, you will get even more tired and will be annoyed that everyone has the weekend, and you have a full “load”. This is especially true for women. If cleaning cannot be postponed, involve your family and ask them to help you (identify the “front” of work and let everyone contribute to your home space). By the way, assistants can be attracted on other days.

Stage 2: rest 100%

Things to do? 12 weekend ideas

1. Meet with relatives or friends

Chat with nice people, those you love and appreciate. Share your impressions, discuss the latest events, laugh, gossip, in the end, sometimes you can. Just be close to your loved ones, feel how wonderful it is.

2. Go out of town

If you are tired of city noise and intense communication at work, go to nature. Be alone with yourself or spend time with your small company. You can just wander through the forest, you can, depending on the season, pick mushrooms, berries, ski, slide, barbecue. If there is a suitable body of water, swim or fish. The forest is an inexhaustible source of joy, I wrote about this Here.

3. Leave home for a day or two, stay in a hotel, see the sights of another (neighboring) city

We don’t think about how many interesting places there are around, and you don’t have to travel far to get to them. Often we simply don't know about these places. You will be surprised how much there is around you that you had no idea about. Nature reserves, museums, forest trails. Well, let's go for reconnaissance?

4. Get creative

Give free rein to your imagination and your hands! Can sew, knit, puzzle, draw, saw out, write... In a word - create something beautiful and useful. And take your time, enjoying every action. And from the result! Visit a craft store, buy the things you need, and get inspired.

5. Read, read, read

Have a reading day, allow yourself this luxury. Especially if you can’t afford a single page this week. Read what you want: classics, adventures, detectives, about love. Or maybe it's closer to you educational or motivational literature? Forward to the bookshelves!

By the way, if you really want to read, but there’s nothing to do, it’s a great excuse to leave the house on a day off and go to... well, of course, to the library or book Shop. Of course, the library today is not modern, but it is there that you can rest your soul, wandering between the rows of books, choosing one, two, or three from the many. The most needed now.

If you still don’t feel like going to the library, head to the bookstore. Believe me, it’s calm and spacious there even on weekends. You can calmly immerse yourself in the world of books, relax, make discoveries, enjoy the opportunity to choose, interesting finds, and getting what you want.

6. Make a photo report of the weekend or shoot a themed video

For example: “50 smiles of the day”, “Sunny mood”, “People and flowers”, “Falling leaves”, “Steep hills”, etc. Approach it with all the creativity you have. Take pictures, shoot, look for an interesting angle. At home, on the street, in the park, in the forest. Let everyone at home take part in the creative process. Pleasure, impressions and good mood are guaranteed!

7. Stay at home and let yourself be idle

Well, this happens. I just want to spend the day, one might say, in bed. Sleep, lie around, read, eat delicious food, lie down again... If this is exactly what you want, allow yourself to relax in this way. The main thing is that you feel good and pleasant. Things can wait. At least until tomorrow.

8. Participate in a 1-2 day training, master class, or start mastering a longer course

It is always useful to develop. And ideally, it’s also interesting. If you want to gain some skills, master some technique (for yourself, not for work) - go to seminar, well, become more confident in yourself, start developing your intuition or business thinking. The main thing is to find a good coach or teacher. And then a miracle can happen. Search the Internet for information about what is available in your or a nearby city, read reviews from participants and make a decision.

9. Become a volunteer

Helping others who are less fortunate in life than you is good for our psychological state. Go to an orphanage or a shelter for homeless animals. Play with the children, read to them. Help clean the enclosures and walk the dogs. Give a piece of warmth to those in need. You will see how your feelings and thoughts will change, moving away from everyday life and office troubles.

10. Visit a cinema, theater, museum, amusement park, circus, water park

Do you want to get away from the gray everyday life? Get the right emotions this weekend as best you can! Get intellectual and aesthetic pleasure at cultural events. Recharge your batteries with energy and drive in indoor and outdoor entertainment venues. Down with boredom and monotony!

11. "Bring beauty"

Take care of yourself this weekend. Arrange SPA salon in the bathroom. Carry out several pleasant and useful procedures for cleansing, renewing the skin of the body and face, and general relaxation. Come out of the “sea foam” beautiful, gentle and peaceful. Men can also enjoy water treatments. Perhaps some people will prefer the option of visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

12. Have a goldfish day (if you have a partner)

To spend the weekend in such an unusual way, you need to agree with your partner. Determine by lot who will make wishes (for example, three), and who will fulfill them. The next day, switch roles. As a result, you are happy that your desires are fulfilled, and you did not strain yourself. And fulfilling the wishes of a loved one can bring interest and joy. Everyone is satisfied and happy, and that’s what we need.

Rest - hurray!

If you have read this article to the bitter end, you need to have a good rest! With benefit and pleasure! I wish everyone a varied, interesting and enjoyable weekend.

If you liked this article and found it useful, please do a good deed by clicking on the social media buttons below. Thank you!

Natalya Reutova.

In the sections dedicated to hobbies and recreation, you can find information about events, many of which are free.

Someone organizes a bike ride or a hike to the nearest forest lakes and invites everyone. Someone is organizing a bead weaving workshop in the park. In big cities, the range of free events is very wide.

2. Check out your local library

Book club meetings, children's readings, lectures and other events take place there. And everything is free or for a symbolic fee, which will be spent on paying for tea or coffee and a small treat.

Additionally, visiting local libraries is a great way to meet intelligent neighbors and make friends with similar interests.

3. Go to a public playground

A school stadium, a park sports area or a volleyball court on the beach - it doesn’t matter. On a day off, if the weather is good, there are a lot of people here who want to play something. And they will almost certainly be short of players. Join us!

4. Learn to knit

Of course, this advice is for those who have a couple of knitting needles or hooks and some yarn lying around at home. Try knitting a simple scarf or blanket for a friends child. Handmade items are unique and cost much more than the yarn from which they are knitted. People who sell knitting, say, on Etsy, will confirm this to you.

5. Meet your neighbors

This may require some capital investment. For example, to quickly bake cookies or a pie.

Go bake with your neighbors or invite them over. These people can become not only good friends for you, but also a valuable resource. By establishing a good relationship with them, you can count on looking after your home while you're away or helping you with repairs.

6. Oh, by the way, experiment in the kitchen.

Becoming a guru in preparing quick and simple dishes is not difficult and not at all expensive. Most likely, you already have the necessary ingredients in your refrigerator and you don’t even have to buy anything else. A nice bonus: if you get carried away with kitchen experiments, you will also receive breakfast and lunch for the office for several days in advance.

7. Get rid of unnecessary things

That activity for which you always don’t have enough time on weekdays. Sort old clothes, books, CDs into categories: “throw away”, “donate”, “sell”. Take pictures of things from the last category, choosing a presentable background for them, and put them up for sale on any relevant online resource.

8. Play board games

An excellent option for those who do not live alone or have many friends. Perhaps someone also doesn’t know what to do on their day off, and will be happy to keep you company.

9. Listen to podcasts

It's a way to get the most out of your weekend, and it's completely free.

10. Make a detailed list of goals

For the near and distant future. With a schedule of implementation.

11. Think about what you will leave to your heirs.

These reflections are not the most festive, but they are necessary. None of us knows exactly when he will leave. Therefore, it is important to understand what you will leave behind to your loved ones. If you have loans, who will close them and how? If you have real estate, who will get it? Who will take care of your dog? Who would you like to bequeath your comic book collection to?

Often such reflections lead people to realize the need to make a will. This, by the way, is a smart move. But you need to think about it carefully.

12. Do some “maintenance” on your home.

It's simple. Go from room to room and correct all the shortcomings that you see. Candy papers on the coffee table? Throw it away. A mirror with fingerprints and stains of unknown origin? Wipe it off. Dim lighting? We change light bulbs. And so on.

13. Go for a walk

Pack your backpack with a tasty snack, grab your camera, make sure your smartphone is charged, and head out to explore the area.

If you live in the city center, look into the arches, go into the old courtyards, look up the brick walls - there you will probably find something that can be called cultural heritage. Let it be dilapidated and forgotten.

If you live on the outskirts, near a forest, river or lake, you will have an even more exciting eco-trip. Bring a blanket with you so you can have a complete little picnic.

14. Learn to juggle or perform magic tricks

In the future, this will help you defuse the atmosphere in the office, impress new acquaintances, or please your friends with a little show.

15. Take photos

Look for beautiful shots around and take more pictures. At home, looking through the results of your photo hunt, you will most likely find something beautiful. For example, a photo that can become a unique greeting card for a loved one or serve as the basis for creating photo wallpaper.

16. Go to a free museum or zoo

In large cities, museums with free access to everyone are often organized at universities, libraries and educational spaces.

It's more difficult with a zoo. However, there may be a similar social initiative in your city - just Google it.

17. Learn the basics of a new or related profession

There are many educational platforms on the Internet that provide free access to serious university courses. This could be, for example, the famous Coursera or online lectures from famous universities around the world.

18. Start keeping a family budget

Choose the most convenient of the available online options, customize it to suit your needs and begin a new stage in your life - the stage of a rational approach to finance.

19. Find a way to cut costs

If you already use a financial accounting program, congratulations: you finally had a minute to analyze your expenses on the weekend! Review your expenses, find those on which you could save, or even abandon them altogether.

20. Make something interesting

T-shirts and worn-out jeans don’t have to be thrown away. Make a patchwork rug out of them, for example - just sew scraps of fabric of different colors together. Economically and angrily.

21. Learn to make origami

You will need several sheets of colored or white paper. Origami trains fine motor skills, improves concentration and can give you some very useful things in the end.

22. Make a YouTube video

23. Play football. Even if alone

Just go out into the yard, find a suitable wall - and hone your ability to shoot a penalty at an imaginary goal.

24. Create a time capsule

Find a small box and then go around the house, collecting objects that may represent your reality today. It can be:

  • receipts from a supermarket or bar;
  • newspaper pages with information of interest to you;
  • a couple of coins from a wallet;
  • a printout confirming your reservation at the booking office;
  • one of the small toys your cat indulges in;
  • A flash drive with photos from your recent vacation uploaded onto it...

Put it all in a box, wrap it with tape and attach a sticker with today's date and instructions to open exactly five or ten years from now. This will send a piece of your daily life into the future.

25. Dig into your personal archives

Remove from the mezzanine the boxes with your childhood drawings (or drawings of your adult children), school notebooks and albums with old photographs. Diving into the past is a great way to better understand your present self.

26. Scan old photos

An option for those who have a scanner at home. Digitizing paper memories is a great way to protect them from the merciless time. If you don't have a scanner, just take some old photos and save them to the cloud.

27. Organize a film festival

Invite several friends, asking everyone to bring a disc or flash drive with their favorite movie. And then review everything en masse.

28. Seduce your partner

It's fun, romantic and great. It also helps strengthen relationships. And yes, completely free.

29. Master the basic elements of yoga

All you need is a small free space and a blanket (gymnastic mat). Bonus - tangible benefits for the figure.

30. Play an augmented reality game

Your smartphone can turn the world outside your home into a huge adventure ride.

31. Go out on a cleanup day

This will make the area in which you live cleaner, and will bring you satisfaction from useful activities. Just bring a trash bag and work gloves. By the way, you can invite your neighbors to participate in such an event. It unites.

32. Rearrange the furniture in the room

To freshen up the atmosphere, sometimes it’s enough just to turn the table and change the position of the bed. It's also a good workout for the muscles.

33. Get some sleep

Jokes aside. If you work actively, chances are you don't get enough quality sleep during the week. The weekend is a great time to catch up.

34. Call a friend or family member you haven't talked to in a while

If you are in a quarrel, even better. Free time is a resource that helps build relationships. Ask: perhaps the person needs your help? Or maybe he wouldn’t mind coming to visit you?

35. Make a list of non-urgent tasks

The ones you need to do when you have free time. For example, wash the windows. Paint the walls in the hallway. Clear out the trash on the balcony. Take a photo and post some unnecessary item for sale.

Start making your list on a large piece of paper, then use a magnet to secure it to your refrigerator. This will make it convenient for you to cross out things and add new ones.

By the way, do you have free time right now? Spend it on a couple of things.

36. Volunteer

There are many people and organizations that need your help. You can look for a place to apply your efforts on city forums and social networks.

37. Sort out documents

It often happens that important papers - passports, all kinds of certificates, loan and deposit agreements - are stored in a heap in one box. Simply because their owner does not have time to organize the document space.

Hooray! This weekend you have time! Put your documents in order by organizing them into separate folders and files.

38. Learn some meditation technique

Meditation helps to “clear your mind,” relieve stress, and learn to be aware and appreciate the current moment in life.

39. Play sports

For example, jump rope for exactly five minutes, and then do a plank position for a minute. Promise yourself to repeat this routine (or any other set of exercises you choose) tomorrow. Let this become one of your habits.

40. Go for a bike ride or swim

Of course, for this you must have your own bike or a pond nearby (and, naturally, summer outside the window). But suddenly?

41. Go wherever your eyes lead you

In the literal sense: leave the house and walk along the path that your eyes fall on and which seems most attractive. We often don't notice a lot of interesting things for the sole reason that we only walk along familiar, familiar paths. Break this stereotype.

42. Travel with Google Maps

Take a look at countries and coastlines you've already been to. Find your hotel. View prices and areas of hotels nearby. Find out where the road unknown to you leads and what the beach you never got to looks like. Check out Sri Lanka. Or to Japan. Or find Stonehenge. Exploring the world can be so much fun that you can easily spend hours on it.

43. Treat yourself to a spa treatment

Or just take a long, long bath with aromatic oils.

44. Watch a few seasons of a TV series you never got around to

Maybe you missed Game of Thrones, or Westworld, or House of Cards? You have a chance to enjoy the adventures of the heroes without suffering from tedious waiting between episodes.

45. Study the starry sky

Spend daylight hours preparing: download apps with information about celestial bodies and galaxies, figure out where you can find a secluded place away from too bright lights. And in the evening, go to the park or stadium, lay out your mat, lie on your back and look at the sky. This exercise helps us understand how big and beautiful the Universe is around us and how, in fact, our earthly problems are funny.

What else to read