Nl whose company. The naked truth about NL International. Why does it work

This part of the review about NL International discusses the business system and the possibility of making money with this company. If you are interested in products (Energy Diet cocktails) and an overview of the MLM company itself, then go to. So let's start, NL International is perhaps one of the most interesting direct sales companies in terms of building a business and earning opportunities. Unfortunately, the word interesting here does not mean promising. It’s just that the marketing plan, and the payment system itself for this project are quite different from all that I have seen before, and deserve at least careful attention.

Advantages of network marketing with NL International

As mentioned above and as written on the website (the official website of NL International can be found at, this corporation is an association of several MLM companies operating in different countries, taking into account regional characteristics and the mentality of potential clients. And this is a very smart decision, because most of the negative reviews about foreign projects (such as Agel, Amway, etc.) are due precisely to the use of American and European sales methods, which do not fit very well with the way of thinking of domestic buyers.

Earning money in network marketing

Moving on, the next advantage of NL International is the absence of an initial fee when entering an MLM company. After all, in the same Amway, in order to have the right to sell their products you have to pay 50 dollars. And in some other projects using network marketing, for example, Nht Global, even more.

Another unique feature of NL International is the absence of a discount system for partners. That is, both customers and distributors pay a fixed price when purchasing products. Thus, project representatives are automatically freed from long explanations about why they cannot sell products to their friends at the price at which they buy them themselves. But this is one of the biggest problems of American network marketing. On the other hand, this feature also has disadvantages. For example, in order to receive money for sold products, you need not only to sell them, but also to fulfill the remaining conditions of the business plan. And that’s what we’ll focus on later in the review.

Marketing plan NL International

To begin with, I would like to note the fact that any information about the company’s business plan is available either to registered distributors or to those to whom they have entrusted this secret. That is, there is no open information about him on the Internet. Which is quite strange. After all, attempts to hide a marketing plan are usually made in either one or other forms. And NL International presents itself as a high-quality MLM project. And in general, today more than 30% of Russians have already been somehow connected with network marketing and want to evaluate for themselves the pros and cons of the company in which they plan to build a business.

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*** This paragraph is already outdated, and since about mid-2013 you can find a detailed marketing plan on the official website of NL International.

Because when you look at a marketing plan together with the company’s distributor, he may miss or intentionally hide very important nuances. In general, when I was unable to find the NL International marketing plan either on the official website or on the distributors’ websites, the rating of this MLM project in my eyes dropped significantly. Well, okay, the Internet has always been considered a concentration of pirated products, so with some effort, the main characteristics of the business plan of a given mlm company can be found.

So, NL International uses a linear marketing plan, the main highlight of which is a cumulative bonus (a cumulative group volume is quite rare in network marketing; out of more than 100 companies reviewed on this site, no more than five have it, for example, Ra Group ). This bonus includes all purchases made by the distributor and his team for the entire time he worked for NL International. And in the future it is used to obtain qualifications, for example, the first STAR leadership title can be earned if you have it.

So, today we are going to get to know NL International. We just need to study reviews about this company and its products. What it is? What is the activity of this company? Is it possible to make money in this place? Or will you have to refuse work because of the risk of being deceived? We will talk about all this now.

What is this

The first thing we will do is study the company NL International, reviews of which we have yet to learn. What kind of association is this anyway? Is this really an online store where we can buy healthy products?

The NL International company is a company that deals with international sales of various products. There is food, household items, cosmetics, and everything for business. In general, we can say that this company is an ideal place for shopping.

Of course, NL International's products are considered elite. Especially the products. After all, they are said to be made only from natural ingredients. And this is very important for the body. Plus, this company also sells sports nutrition. Among this category of goods, as a rule, there are fakes that are hazardous to health. But not NL International. Their food is of high quality and safe.

In general, we can talk for a very long time about what this company does. The main thing is that absolutely everyone can work in it. But what are we talking about? Let's try to figure out this difficult matter with you.


Of course, working from home is the dream of many users. And NL International, reviews of which we will learn a little later, gives us this opportunity. What should I do? Just sell the products of this company and promote this brand on the international market. That is, the vacancies offered for work are reduced to vacancies for sales managers.

Is it really impossible for such a grandiose international store - NL International - to hire office workers? Maybe they are just not enough for promotion. It is usually home workers who show the best results. You are promised a good salary for just 4 hours of work on the computer.

Acceptable age is from 18 years. It doesn’t matter who will work - a man or a woman. NL International's products are so diverse that they suit everyone. This way, you can work for a prestigious company and also use luxury products yourself. Employees are given a discount on it. Tempting, isn't it? But is everything so good and smooth here? Let's try to understand this.

What to pay attention to

Well, it seems that the company NL International, reviews of which we will learn further, is a prestigious and reliable employer. Moreover, it provides discounts to employees on products sold, and also operates on the international market. But not everything here is as good as it seems.

The fact is that, as already mentioned, you will have to work as a sales manager. You will have to sell NL International cocktails, drinks, food, cosmetics, household and business items, and so on. In general, specialize in sales in different directions. This is the first inconvenience that may occur. Having found a client, you need to sell him, for example, a bath set, and also offer to buy clothes or food. In truth, many potential clients are afraid of this.

Working for NL International promises you a good and stable income. But in reality, you will only receive a percentage of transactions. Of course, if someone does not trust the new company, then they will not buy its product. So, having wasted a lot of time and effort, you will get nothing in a month. Or your income will be mere pennies. We can say that the promise of high payments is a deception. The most real one.

If you try to find an NL International office, you most likely will not find it in your city. And even close to him. Although on the Internet you will be shown a lot of points and addresses on the map. And this already indicates a serious deception. So be careful when hiring this company.

Product quality

Next we move on to the quality of the products sold. After all, now you can find a lot of words addressed to NL International. Reviews from doctors about many (or rather, almost all) food products are not particularly positive.

Yes, on the Internet you can now find a lot of different videos and presentations that demonstrate the process of preparing certain products. Only this is nothing more than a fake. More precisely, the people in the video actually prepare the product they are selling. Only the initially used components are harmful to health. For example, in reality it is not natural vegetables that are used, but GMOs.

In general, 90% of customers complain about health problems after using products from today's company. Especially girls and women. After all, for them, NL International, which has mixed reviews, has come up with a special complex for weight loss. And as they say, it consists only of natural products. But that's a lie.

In fact, to be honest, the complex not only does not help, but also harms. Thus, NL International also does not receive very good reviews from doctors regarding weight loss products. This product disrupts metabolism and is sometimes addictive. And, of course, after some time, women, on the contrary, will begin to gain weight. Thus, neither NL International tea nor food will help - they will only make it worse.


To be honest, the prices of our current company are also not very encouraging. On the one hand, what they offer (even if it were true) is really not that cheap. On the other hand, low quality. Do you want to overpay for a low-quality product, but very cleverly hidden? Hardly. NL International prices are quite high. And it's not particularly pleasant.

If you decide to work for this company, then be prepared for the fact that you will have to spend a long time and tediously proving the benefits of the products offered. Only then can you hope to earn at least some income. And you should always have a logical explanation for high prices. Especially for groceries.

NL International receives very bad reviews regarding this parameter. Review sites keep saying that in reality the prices are high, and unjustifiably so. Sometimes you can buy the same food products in a regular supermarket or stall, and even of better quality. And at a lower price. After all, the beautiful packaging in which NL International products are presented is not needed at all.

In general, working in this company is very difficult. And to some extent, problems arise precisely because of prices. It will be difficult to explain why a jar of tomato sauce costs not 100 rubles, but 300. After all, even in a regular supermarket they say that it is made only from natural tomatoes. Thus, you will have to, as already said, get out.


Well, now let's try to understand the structure of the site for you. After all, it very often depends on what kind of Internet resource we have in front of us: real or fraudulent. The fact is that the second category is characterized by template versions of web pages. You don't need to spend a lot of time on them. You just need to write the desired information, insert a few pictures - and you're ready to go.

To be honest, to some extent our company uses this technique. NL International often receives terrible reviews for the “appearance” of the site. The company is accused of fraud and urges users to pay attention to some common signs. What is it about? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.

For example, the main page - its design is literally dotted with different pictures and messages about the benefits of the product being sold. Many scammers use exactly the same scheme. Only the pictures and the name of the online store differ. To be honest, this is true.

Next, pay attention to the main menu of the site. The display of product categories also looks like a template. Perhaps the creators of the online store did not think much about the system of the page and its design, but then such negligence became the reason for negative reviews on the World Wide Web.

As a site that inspires customer trust, our current version has failed miserably. Most users note that it is the stereotyped nature and excessive praise of the products sold that suggest thoughts of fraud.


It would seem that if you cannot successfully sell food and biological supplements, then you can always try to focus on cosmetics. After all, our current company also sells it. And in this case, you should hope for good earnings. But in reality, workers (especially new ones) will be disappointed.

The fact is that NL International cosmetics does not offer such a wide range of palettes and products. Plus, the price of these products is 2 times higher than in a regular store. The quality is also not good.

Plus, it will be very difficult to sell such a product. Especially considering the fact that our company is not known to many people. True, they promise to give you, as an employee, discounts on your purchases. In fact, you will buy any product (not just cosmetics) for 2 times more expensive than you would pay in a regular store. Not a particularly good prospect, right? Thus, you should assume that this site is a scam. But is this really so? Let's try to figure this issue out with you. To do this, we will study the reviews of those who have already collaborated with our current company.

From employees

In fact, employees at NL International are divided into two categories - those working in branches and offices, and those selling goods via the Internet (managers). And their opinions about the resource being considered today differ slightly. Why? Let's try to figure this out.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the salary. The first (office workers) are paid a stable salary. Their job is to accept the goods and give them to the customer. True, the opening hours here are all day. But you actually work and get a stable income for it. Such employees, of course, say that their employer is a bona fide company.

But the second category of employees (sales managers) does not leave very good reviews of NL International. After all, those mountains of gold that were promised to them have disappeared somewhere and are not appearing. That is, a person can sit around all week looking for clients and still not earn anything. Not a particularly pleasant moment. Sales managers are exactly the category of users who say that we will have to deal with scammers.

But what should you believe? Many are inclined to the second option. Yes, indeed, NL International exists. And she really sells different products. Only they hardly pay their employee-managers a salary, and also hide the true quality of the goods produced. Only for some reason users have the opportunity to look at different certificates confirming the benefits and quality. Do they really exist?


In truth, all certificates and other evidence of the authenticity and quality of the NL International goods sold are lies. But where does it come from?

Nowadays it’s easy to virtually forge any document. And here there are several options for the development of events. The first method is nothing more than contacting some real-life quality testing company. But there is no need to carry out real tests - just giving a bribe is enough. And if the amount in question is impressive, then they will easily issue you a document confirming the highest quality of the product.

The second scenario is to produce evidence yourself. This is done using Photoshop and other programs for working with text and graphics. To be honest, this is the most common option you can imagine. It is usually not as expensive as a bribe. And now even a schoolchild can cope with the task. If the employer does not have any skills in the field of editing documents and graphics, then you can always hire a professional for this task.

It is unknown which option NL International uses. But only one thing is clear: their certificates are a real deception. Thus, you should not trust them. If you don't want to become a victim of fraud.

Positive reviews

Reviews about NL International are also positive. But where do they come from? Especially when it comes to sales managers, as well as clients.

The fact is that our company today hires special people who formulate and post flattering words about NL International. Moreover, usually these are users who are professionally engaged in this business. After all, they get paid for it. And quite a lot of money. Especially when it comes to fraud.

In truth, some customers are truly satisfied with the products offered by NL International. But there are very few of them. However, a real positive review will always be detailed and will also indicate all the features and disadvantages of the purchased product. Otherwise, the written review is the work of specially hired people. They can be recognized by various funny nicknames, as well as short phrases addressed to the work and products on the site. Try not to trust such flattery.

Let's sum it up

Now it's time to sum up our conversation today. As you can see, there are a lot of different opinions about what kind of company NL International is. And they all disperse. Yes, so much so that it is impossible to very quickly and accurately understand what we have to deal with.

In fact, you can blame NL International for low-quality products, high prices, and almost no earnings. Also, do not forget about the purchased positive reviews. In other words, in deception regarding the status of the company.

But we cannot blame them for the fact that these are pure scammers. After all, they actually organize delivery of purchased goods to your city. And you can be sure that you will receive the ordered products. Although expensive and of poor quality. That is, you will not pay for “air”, as is sometimes done in the case of scammers.

In general, the question about deception can be answered this way: you will be left in the dark regarding your earnings, as well as regarding the quality offered by the company. Only you will still be able to get what you purchased. Nevertheless, it is best to refrain from making purchases and especially from working at NL International. If you value your health, money, time and effort, then try to avoid this company and its products. It is better to find the same product in more well-known online stores. There, as a rule, the quality is better and the prices are lower.

NL (NL International), Russian network business company. Founded in 2000 in Novosibirsk. Leader Dmitry Khokhlov and company (group of comrades).

The NL Company has its own official website and online store.

Dmitry Khokhlov is a person with a good networking background, previously collaborated with By Ipsum and other projects.

Nuance No. 1. Niche.

Weight loss products (cocktails, dry soups), cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, personal hygiene, household chemicals...Main direction: cocktails Energy Diet to reduce body weight.

In general, as the Company’s experience shows, the niche is very promising.

Point No. 2. Cheap product at high prices.

The organizers of the NL Company immediately laid down a good “margin” for themselves.

Energy Diet cocktails with cheap soy flour are sold several times more expensive than professional, high-quality cocktails in specialized diet food stores (with all the marketing extras)!

An inexperienced consumer, does he eat these Energy Diet cocktails???

Cost of a can of Energy Diet, 450 grams, 2200 rubles??? Professional high quality Whey Protein in specialized
in other stores, costs the same for 1800 grams!!!

For example: Muscletech, Nitro Tech, High Quality Whey Isolate for Lean Muscle Building, 1800 grams.

Yeees… the benefit (per unit volume) in a regular specialty store is 400%!!!

In other words, the price of NL products in 4 times higher than the retail price in branded stores!!!

Nuance No. 3. Harmful components in the composition.

The expert opinion on the composition of the product suggests that it is similar to a dry milk mixture with the addition of inorganic vitamins, flavor enhancers and aromatic substances.

These components are practically not absorbed by the human body, including chemical additives. The remaining components are products of plant origin, namely plant protein isolates, cheap oils- soybean and palm.

In addition, the negative impact on human health lies in the fact that disturbances in the functioning of the liver and digestive system occur in case of prolonged use of supplements.

Cocktails include cheap synthetic flavorings, resulting in more than a dozen flavors.

From the taste of “raspberry” (atFor many people, bath soap smells like this) until it tastes like “peas”???

Most likely, this is why some people sometimes experience a gag reflex after taking NL cocktails for the first time...

To a sane person, everything will be clear, since Yaroslav exclusively uses and exposes some “lies”...

Another interesting revealing video from sports nutrition specialist Boris Tsatsoulin.

A good portion of the cost of these cocktails comes from paying the show stars.

This is done in order to shift attention away from the composition of the product...

Although, you and I understand that show stars have knowledge about the quality of cocktails Energy Diet Not more than an ordinary person, they are just as amateurs... they just, unlike us, are paid very well!

In my very subjective opinion, it is a controversial decision to make Rasul Mirzaev the face of the NL Company brand. Many remember the well-known tragic story of Mirzaev and Moscow student, Ivan Agafonov.

Another “story” is the former participants from “Dom-2”.

The guys are taking advantage of the remnants of media fame, our youth are “underway.”

Of course, none of them have an education in nutrition, but they have fame, which, as you know, sells...

Point number 5. Censorship.

Reviews about Energy Diet The official website is strictly censored. All negative reviews are not allowed to be published and are deleted by site moderators.
Manufacturers conduct an advertising campaign that imposes a miraculous effect on the buyer.

Nuance No. 6. Show-off.

“Join the NL Company, take a loan, buy a mink coat. Tell everyone that you made money in NL!”

The girls in the NL Barnaul office heard this instruction. As the saying goes: “Showing off is half the battle!”

The retail difference is also returned from distributors who did not make the minimum personal volume. And this, undoubtedly, is a plus for sellers (although selling a product at many times inflated prices is not for everyone).

Point No. 11. Pricing.

1 point corresponds 120 rubles in price. That is, products costing 1,200 rubles carry about 10 points. For example, a can of Energy Diet cocktail costs 2,200 rubles and carries 18 points.

Bonus payments are made at a price 35 rubles for 1 point!???

Note: one point costs 120 rubles in the product price and 35 rubles in payments, the difference is 300%, tough!

marketing-plan NL, 1 block

marketing-plan NL, block 2

Marketing trick. All advanced networkers know that the main trade turnover is in the depths.

So, if you look at the percentage of payments for the 2nd block of the marketing plan of the NL Company, we will see that it decreases significantly to deeper levels, where the turnover is greater! For example, from level 1 it’s 8%, and from level 6 it’s already 2%, from level 7 onwards it’s 0%...

"Underwater rock": growing lateral volume.

marketing-plan NL, block 3

"Underwater rock": The leader needs to control from the 3rd block, two leadership levels deep!


Point No. 12. Be more significant than you actually are.

“Fat bonuses”, often shown by NL leaders on the Internet in their personal account (back office), often turn out to be the sum of bonuses, his personal and all bonuses of distributors of his structure who have not yet registered an individual entrepreneur. Like this!

In other words, until the distributor has registered as an individual entrepreneur, his bonus is included in the payroll of the first superior leader who is registered as an individual entrepreneur. Many people often take advantage of this, misleading their interlocutors!Yes-ah, “show-off is half the battle!”

Point No. 13. Working through social networks.

The NL Company, in certain branches, has established a good system for promoting products through social networks.

When registering, each distributor is given a referral link through which his friends can go to “his website, as it were” and buy products at retail prices. Retail earnings are received by the distributor.

That is why there is a lot of “inflated” hype on social networks around the very mediocre, many times overpriced Energy Diet cocktails. Everyone wants to earn retail! Therefore, as a rule, they “embellish” the effectiveness of using products.

This system is attractive to young people, so on this point it’s not bad.But selling products to your friends at many times inflated prices is not for me personally...

Under this program, a major leader who fulfills certain qualification requirements can lease (loan) a car at the expense of the NL Company.

Moreover, Company NL is corporate client Mercedes, but at many presentations naive simpletons are told that they are partners

How can I explain it more simply? For example, if you sometimes go to Lenta and make purchases there, then you are not a Lenta partner, you are a Lenta client! And this, as they say in Odessa, is a big difference!

In my subjective opinion, this program is not a plus for 99.9% of ordinary NL distributors. Yes, and these programs have pitfalls. I have already voiced this idea.

And about the auto program.

There is a targeted campaign on social networks to “fib” the generosity of the car bonus. The “winners” are pissing with boiling water, telling, splashing with saliva, “how cool it is when they give you a car” (watch the videos, you will have fun).

As the NL majors say: “The most difficult thing is to choose the color of the Mercedes that the NL Company will “give” you.” Yes, “showing off is half the battle.” All this, of course,

Remember once and for all: the car itself Company NL doesn't give it to anyone! Personally borrows a car The distributor of the NL Company is himself responsible for loan payments for 3 years!

Company NL can only compensate (in whole or in part) for loan payments, subject to certain qualifications in a given month. If you don't meet the qualifications, you have to pay yourself. Many leaders took out loans for expensive Mercedes, and the qualifications of some of these leaders began to fall apart. Which exit?

They found a way out - we need to lie even more to compensate for the outflow of distributors who were disappointed and left the NL Company by attracting “newcomers” (who were promised a Mercedes). In reality, 99.99% of these distributors will never meet the conditions of the NL auto program! It's just in action. They simply spin up for a monthly purchase of 8,000 rubles.

The reverse side of the auto bonus. In June 2018 I went to Yekaterinburg. There they told one very sad story about one very active guy in NL.

The story is like this. The guy worked actively at the NL Company and reached the qualifications with which he can get a Mercedes on credit. I got into this loan. At the beginning he had good PR... Then, his qualifications dropped, and the NL Company, under the terms of the auto bonus, stopped paying his loan. He fell behind on his payments because his personal bonus fell. The car dealership sent fines, penalties, the car was seized... In general, the guy is selling the apartment in which he lived! Complete depression!

N about news about NL already from DOM-2 « Subscribers are ready to chip in money for a new suit for Alexander Gobozov.” Don't get me wrong, the events in DOM-2, unlike life network companies, I'm not following. The information just “popped up” in the news feed.

This is a former participant in DOM-2, whom I mentioned at the beginning of the article. By now he is already again, as it were, an “acting” participant, and the couple has broken up...

A few years ago a guy joined NL. Since he is a media personality, he quickly qualified (at the expense of fans who were not very advanced in the online business) and took out a Mercedes on credit thanks to NL.

But something apparently went wrong. The conditions of the NL Company for maintaining qualifications do not meet the requirements. Well, it's business as usual! If you fail to qualify, pay for the loan yourself. So fans of the guy from House-2 noticed that in all the photos he was wearing the same dark blue suit. We decided that the guy’s finances are tight, we need to help 😀

Point No. 15. Let’s compare “effort/return.”

The “old” Argo marketing plan is even more profitable than NL marketing

Recording of a webinar by Argo Company marketer Andrey Krupin: Comparison of marketing plans of Argo and NL Companies.

It should be noted that Andrey Krupin, “with numbers,” proved that in the Argo Company, payments according to the marketing plan are significantly higher than in the NL Company! And this, even with the “old” marketing plan of the Argo Company!

Conclusion: highly inflated prices for NL Company products; products of average quality at expensive prices; poor marketing plan...

Where is the catch... tell me?

Of course, Company NL will be able to “pull up” its certain part of the population. As a rule, these are young people and overweight housewives. NL has proven certain technologies for involving them in networks. This part of the population, as a rule, wants to believe in miracles, and are not used to “using their heads”!They, for example, sincerely believe that Olga Buzova is a good singer

But, building a long-term profitable business for these people in NL is the same as “finding your love” on the TV project “DOM-2”!

More detailed information about the company’s activities, network business, product lines and product names is published on the official website. We invite you to leave feedback about working at NL International, as well as about its products and employees.


    It's not clear what they're selling! Because of them I ended up in a hospital bed!!!
    I love to eat. No. Eat. It's clearer that way. Exercising at a sports club did not help, the muscles are growing, there is no weight loss. I came across NL products online; many people say good things about magic cocktails - you lose weight well and cleanse your body. I asked the therapist, he said go ahead. In a couple of weeks I lost 4 kg, a month later - 8. Already on the third - during training I felt bad, they called an ambulance and admitted me to the hospital - problems with the kidneys and pancreas, they were strictly forbidden to experiment. Now only broths, pharmaceutical herbal teas, in doses, not often and without experiments!!!


    In the winter I got sick with bronchitis, after which I coughed constantly. Doctors say that the lungs are clean and there are no problems, but there is a cough. It bothers me all the time, as soon as I start laughing, he’s right there. Mom bought Prana tea drink for cough. I didn’t really believe in its power (how can tea help?). But since I promised my mother, I had to drink. I drank 2-3 times a day, it didn’t do much good. My colleagues noticed that I stopped coughing. And only then did it dawn on me that I hadn’t coughed for a week. Thanks to the tea) It seems like nonsense, but it helped)


    The effect of NL sports nutrition is no better than that of cheaper analogues. The company lives through marketing. There is nothing special.

    egor gray

    a pyramid, a sucker, a lure - these are Soviet horror stories. Sharashka’s office won’t give out Mercedes. Almost 600 pieces have already been issued. The company is 18 years old, which is longer than Facebook. everything works if you work yourself


    I’ve been working for a long time, and I’ve realized one thing: the negativity towards the product comes from those who simply do not use it correctly. For example, as a manager at Nl and as a certified fitness instructor, I fundamentally do not advise fanatically sitting on cocktails. This is not what they are made for! I had girls who came and asked: how much weight will I lose in a week if I don’t eat anything else? And I say straight out that this is not possible! Yes, I'm not contradicting the product now. This is a food alternative. But it shouldn't be the only replacement! We must eat everything, but it must be healthy and of high quality. A drink for breakfast is great, dinner is easy, sometimes you get hungry at night. But it’s not like I’m only on smart phones for a week, and then back to dumplings. No, friends! I am for people to use the product, because it is truly innovative, and the composition simply has no analogues. But you need to understand that weight control is a set of actions, and a cocktail is just an assistant! I wish everyone to be healthy and beautiful, to approach nutrition with healthy thoughts, and our product will help you!


    I drink these cocktails and just get a taste for them. I am happy to replace food with them and no longer eat other foods. I have lost 9 kg and am still determined to lose 16. They are not the first to earn money. The first ones buy at their own expense, and then, when you form your own structure and teach it, this structure begins to feed you. Here everyone can be the first. There are no miracles in the world.

    the barcode on the box broke,
    does not exist writes(((


    Alexandra, have you tried ordering to the office? In this case, it’s really free - you just have to go. And we order our favorite product from Kazakhstan to Saratov (for sending 8 cans - 500 rubles). I’ve been eating this food for 10 years and I’m not going to give it up!


    We are all participants in the network business because... there are chains everywhere, all stores are chains, only in stores we buy and don’t get a refund, but in companies like NL we can make money,


    All NL say that we need to sort it out. In short, people are idiots and don’t understand anything. I also tried smart granola, it’s a rare disgusting thing. And the marmalade is complete crap. And the mascara, all the eyelashes are stuck together. You should read their chats, there is nothing but admiration for the products. The composition of the powders is soy, pea protein. And they are all nutritionists, they know how to lose weight. One guy writes in the chat: guys, what should I do? I got dandruff after shampooing, they answer him that everything is fine, it’s just all the crap coming out of your head! I read their chats there for 2 months, then I couldn’t stand it and left.


    When reading reviews about the Energy Diet company and product, you are sometimes surprised. For some reason, it so happened that people, without understanding it, first do it, then think and say that it’s complete bullshit, expensive, a scam.)))) Let’s figure it out.

    Before using the product, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition, because... there is individual intolerance. It's better to consult a doctor. If the doctor is competent, he will tell you everything about the composition and tell you about its safety. The range of flavors is very wide and really tasty. Everyone has their own taste preferences. I like coffee, cappuccino, raspberries, strawberries. Personally, my gastritis went away after using it, my brother lost 2 kg without any problems in 1.5 weeks without exercise. It is important to use it correctly, and not eat it all day from morning to night. Of course it will make you sick))))) Measures are needed.

    Price. The cost of one can is 2200 rubles. Expensive, would you say? Let's figure it out. One jar is designed for 15 servings (there is a measuring spoon inside). 2200/15=146.6 rubles per serving. You get a real complex of vitamins, minerals, and satiety. And what does coffee that costs more give? Of course it's up to you to decide.

    Most likely, there is still a lack of trust in the company and the product, and all because we don’t know anything about it. And when we don’t know, then we accordingly think that it’s a complete BULLSHIT. Therefore, if anyone is interested in learning about the company and how anyone can make money there, write to WhatsApp.


    I tried all the cocktails, very expensive and not effective. If you want to lose weight, shut your mouth and lock your refrigerator too :) If the products really had significant weight, they would be put into larger-scale production and sold through the retail chain or pharmacies, but I conclude that this is another scam. I looked at the posts of networkers on Instagram and it’s repulsive, I want to say - girls, make more posts and shoot stories about products, and not about how “cool” everything is while sitting on the couch with your phone to receive money and Mercedes. I bet - another year and NL will melt away like other networkers


    I’ve been taking (Yupi, just kidding) for 2 days for weight loss. I will say this, do not ignore your feelings. That's all, that's all.


    Only the first ones receive money, those who started, everyone else works for the first ones!! The product gets boring after two weeks and you won’t even look at the cocktails! Looking for someone who would get hooked on these products, it’s a finger to the temple, you want to shoot yourself, you want to turn it around, I don’t recommend it, I felt sick from the pills, and from the cocktail too, you only live once


    One review is worse than the other. Guys, if a manager is sitting in front of you and promises millions, then you probably need to realize that for a salary of at least 40,000 you need to work like a donkey. No one is hiding this from you, and you need to understand it yourself. There is no easy money. The girl who spent 20,000 there for the sake of some 200pv, you are the most amazing here. You always need to understand that 30-35pv is a product for yourself in order to understand the products. You need 40pv to learn how to sell a product that is necessary and useful for a specific subject. You always need to understand what a person needs and what he doesn’t, so if you’ve studied a little psychology, it will be easier. Dietary supplements are a completely separate topic. No manager is a doctor (except for real doctors). Any manager must say that everything depends on the body and you need to consult a doctor. I always tell the client: “If you want something to lose weight/gain weight/improve your health, consult a doctor, because I am not responsible for your health.” Therefore, I sincerely do not understand those managers who really “sell in”. Yes, in any company there are nuances, but you need to understand everything. No one will beat you if you don’t like it here and leave everything. Everyone's choice. But annoying managers, yes, this is a problem. I immediately slap them in the neck, but not everyone can be tracked. Advice - always run away from those who swindle millions with little investment, effort and time. It doesn't happen like that. There will be investments, a lot of effort, and even more time. Because this is also work!

    On the Internet you can find very contradictory opinions about the company NL International. Reviews from women who have tried weight loss drugs are mostly enthusiastic. It’s a little more difficult to find information about cosmetics or household chemicals from NL. However, this is not necessary, because the company itself focuses specifically on dietary supplements and so-called food replacements - cocktails and Energy Diet “soups”.

    Some people may be immediately uncomfortable with the term “meal replacement.” But the fashion for losing weight is now even greater than for thinness as such. Not everyone is ready to give up bad habits and switch to a healthy lifestyle, so all kinds of supplements and cocktails for weight loss are in high and stable demand. Such products allow you to get rid of excess weight very quickly, although they do not have the most refined taste. There are results from weight loss products, otherwise there would not be so many reviews about NL International. But we must remember that some of these opinions are published by product distributors themselves or on their order.

    Are the ingredients in the products safe? Basically, yes. Although there is no need to talk about the unique properties of certain products of the company. The popular crystal deodorant Crispento is the usual alum that our mothers and grandmothers used. The dietary supplements also do not claim to contain any exotic or unique components. Consequently, similar products can be found in pharmacies and at a lower price.

    Business with NL International

    This is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company. If we talk about MLM in general, then you can earn money in it, but not as much as in a regular business. And you can’t call it a business. It's more of a job, albeit with a more flexible schedule.

    To work in MLM, you need to become familiar with the company’s marketing plan during registration. So, you can immediately assess how much work needs to be done to achieve a certain level of income, as well as how realistic it is to fulfill the conditions of the plan. Regarding NL International's policy, the deception is that the company keeps the marketing plan secret from unregistered members (although it can now be viewed on the Internet).

    Being exclusively engaged in sales and attracting new consultants to the company, you would not say that NL International is a scam. There is a real product, there is also income from sales. The situation is more interesting with the events of the NL International company. Reviews from some eyewitnesses, along with fragments of video recordings, make it clear that at the annual forums, management earns additional money and conducts psychological treatment of ordinary consultants.

    Is it worth connecting more serious intentions with NL International, reviews of which are too emotional (both positive and negative)? We don’t have sober and thoughtful information from the company’s leaders, so everyone is left to make their own decisions. Guided by what he ultimately wants to get: a stable partner company or a set of ordinary products in a beautiful wrapper and with an attractive ideology.

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