New Year for the little ones. New Year for the little ones New Year's parties for children 2 3 years old

New Year's holiday scenario for 1st junior group

"Visiting the Snow Maiden"

Children enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree.


Having unraveled its needles,

The Christmas tree shines with beauty.

How many balls, toys,

Cones, stars, firecrackers.

We need to look at the Christmas tree,

Let's stand in a circle quickly, guys.

Children walk around the Christmas tree to the music, looking at the toys.

Presenter: Let's play with the Christmas tree.

! Game "Blow out the lights on the Christmas tree."

Children clap their hands and the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out.

Children stomp their feet - the lights on the Christmas tree light up.

Children blow on the Christmas tree - the lights go out.

Presenter: Let's wake up the Christmas tree.

Give bells to girls, spoons to boys

Orchestra “Music of the Forest” M.Yu. Kartushina

When the music ends, the lights on the tree light up.

Presenter: Wow, the Christmas tree is beautiful!

Let's sit down, kids.

Children sit on chairs. The presenter finds a mitten under the tree and picks it up.

Presenter: Who was dancing at the Christmas tree?

Lost your mitten?

He takes a bell out of his mitten.

Now the bell will help us. I'll ring the bell and find the owner. (rings the bell, the answer ringing is heard outside the door)

The Snow Maiden enters.

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys. How beautiful it is here! And what smart children!

How good are you here?

So beautiful and light.

Did I end up in kindergarten?


Today is a holiday for the guys!

All the people are having fun.


This holiday is New Year!

Snow Maiden:

That's right, that's right, New Year!

The Christmas tree is calling us to itself.

We'll sing her a song now,

We'll have fun together.

A song chosen by the music director is performed.

Snow Maiden: And I didn’t come to you alone, bullfinches flew with me from the winter forest.

Boys perform “Dance of Bullfinches at the Christmas Tree” by I. Ponomareva

Snow Maiden:

Oh, I'm tired, I'll sit

I'll take a look at the guys.

I will be glad to have poems,

You need to try.

Reading poetry.

1st child:

It's snowing, it's snowing!

The holiday is coming - New Year!

2nd child:

Grandfather Frost will come,

He will bring us a Christmas tree.

3rd child:

The Christmas tree will sparkle

We should blink the lights.

4th child:

Let's sing a song for the Christmas tree

Let's start our round dance!

Snow Maiden:

Thank you my friends

Now I will please you!

He takes a snowflake out of the bag.

I love all Snowflakes

I give them whiteness.

They all shine amazingly!

Look how beautiful it is!

Hey, Mischievous Snowflakes

My dear sisters,

Fly, circle,

Have fun with all the guys.

The dance of snowflakes is performed.

Snow Maiden:

He came to us for a holiday

This cute Bunny himself.

Bunny even knows the song

He will play a game with you.

The song-game “Bunny” is performed


Good in winter. Isn't it true?

The kids are so happy about winter!

Sleds, skis, snowing,

Christmas tree, holiday - New Year!

And children are happy with gifts.

Did you bring them to the guys?

Snow Maiden:

Here they are, in a bag.

Oh oh oh! At the very bottom.

Grandfather Frost folded

I didn't forget about the gifts.

Takes out gifts

What kind of product is this?

Snowball, no legs, no arms.

It must be a difficult one,

Someone is hiding in it!

Who could get in there?

Opens the lid.

Oh, yes, there are gifts here! Gives out gifts

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Scenario of the New Year's party for children of the 2nd year of life

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the 2nd year of life. To the music, dressed-up children with a teacher enter the hall. They are looking at the festive decorations, the elegant Christmas tree. Ved: Guys, look at what...

Scenario for a New Year's party for children of primary and middle age "Forest Glade", script for a New Year's party for children of senior preschool age "Adventures at the New Year's Tree"

Children and Snow Maiden go to the forest to look for Father Frost. In a clearing in the forest they meet a gnome. he accompanies them to the clearing to see Grandfather Frost. scenario for older people, Baba Yaga bewitches Grandfather...

Scenario of the New Year's party for children of the younger group "Visiting Santa Claus"; Scenario of the New Year's party for children of the preparatory group "Santa Claus's trip around the world";

New Year's scenarios for preschoolers...

Girls and boys, as well as their parents, don’t you want to teach funny rhymes? After all, Grandfather Frost needs to tell a poem or sing a song. Otherwise, where will the old man get the strength to drag the bag of gifts?

So that parents and teachers do not bother searching, we have prepared a large set of poems for children's matinees for children 2-3 years old. It is still difficult for kids to memorize large volumes, so our poems are short. In kindergarten, children can tell them one by one (regardless of the script). And for the New Year at home, your baby can learn as many poems as he wants and please his loved ones.
Here are poems for other ages:

The Christmas tree is lit with lights,
He really wants to join us,
Lead round dances,
Let the New Year come soon!

I want Santa Claus
He brought sweets to every house,
To make the children happy
On New Year's Day all over the planet.

I'm sitting on a chair
I'm looking at the Christmas tree.
Soon, soon New Year,
He'll come straight to our home.

All the kids dressed up
Bunnies, foxes, bears,
Round dance around the tree,
They do it all on New Year's Eve.

Hello Dedushka Moroz,
You're probably cold.
Drink tea with us
We will delight you with poems,
So that you don't get bored,
Celebrated the New Year with us.

Balloons, crackers,
Bright toys.
They are cramped on the tree,
We are interested.

I've been learning a poem all day,
I forgot him anyway.
The main thing is that New Year,
He'll come visit us soon!

Batman, Spiderman,
They will show us a cool trick.
But it will seriously please you,
Only Santa Claus!

Grandfather Frost does not sleep,
He's in a hurry to visit us for the New Year.
Let's stand together in a circle,
And we'll tell you the whole poem.

Balls hang on the tree
And the gift is on the shelf,
Mom and Dad bought it for me
They forgot to hide it in time.
I didn't look at the gift
Although I really wanted it that way.

I'm sitting under the Christmas tree
I count all the needles.
Got lost, started again,
I count them again.

I'm already waiting, what time is it?
Santa Claus this time.
One two three four five,
I went to look for him.

Grandfather Frost now
Claps his hands.
So, verse this time too,
Was very good.

About what I really want
I will say nothing to Santa Claus.
May it be this New Year,
Any gift will bring.
After all, I have a simple motto,
I'm waiting for a surprise for the New Year!

I'm lying there, learning a poem,
And I look at the ceiling.
At home the Christmas tree is on fire,
The snow is swirling outside.
They help me
During these holidays.

What is New Year?
This is a friendly round dance!
Lots of candies on the Christmas tree
And a gift for me on the shelf.

I'm drawing a Christmas tree with balls,
And Santa Claus is with us.
And I draw a good New Year,
And the gift that awaits under the tree!

New Year is knocking on the window,
This is not all make-believe.
We need to open the door for him,
To let a miracle into the house.

Grandfather Frost has come
To our New Year's table.
He has a big bag
My gift lies there.

We went shopping
There are beautiful shop windows there.
Mom and Dad bought everything
The New Year's table has been set.

Bears, bunnies, snowflakes,
Cakes and tangerines.
Dear Grandfather Frost,
This New Year has brought!

Jump and jump, jump and jump,
Jump around the Christmas tree.
I'll do it this time
We're having a matinee now.

I look at the clock all day,
And I walk around the room.
Santa Claus must come
And bring a gift.

During the day I caught snowflakes
To invite you home.
I spent a lot of effort
In a combat attempt.
Snowflakes fall on the snow,
And they stay overnight.

I'm running down the street!
I'm lying in the snow!
I'm going downhill with the wind,
Together with the snowman!
I fell on the ice
On my happy New Year!

I'm going merrily so that
Fly from the hill into the snowdrifts.
Shake yourself off, laugh,
And climb the hill again!

Early in the morning,
We are making a snowman.
Let's go to the Christmas tree in the evening,
Let's read the poem!

I see it in the ball on the Christmas tree,
Reflection of a needle!
Not just one, but many of them,
All the little green ones.

Teachers for us
They are holding a matinee now.
Thank you very much,
Param pumpam, param pumpam!

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children of the first junior group

Author of the work: Shadrina Elena Yurievna, music director
Place of work: GBOU secondary school No. 1393, Moscow

New Year's holiday "New Year's bell" for children 2-3 years old
Create a joyful, festive mood in children
Develop children's emotional responsiveness,
Encourage active participation in the holiday
Presenter, Snow Maiden, Parsley, Fox, Snowman.
Celebration progress:
The presenter enters the hall.
Leading: New Year's holiday
There's a knock on our door,
Invites to the Christmas tree
Have fun everyone.
The sleigh is painted
Hurry up and sit down
And to meet winter
Rush with the wind.

Song-game “Sledge” music by Sauko

Leading: That's how beautiful the Christmas tree is
My eyes widen.
Come closer to the tree,
Look at all the toys.

Inspection of the Christmas tree

Leading: Happy New Year,
Let the fun come to us!
I wish you happiness and joy
To all the guys and guests.
Play the music louder -
Start your round dance

Round dance “Here's a Christmas tree” music by Petrova

The children take their seats. The presenter approaches the Christmas tree.
Leading: Look, kids
What weighs on the branch.
The leader removes the bell from the branch.
Leading: Let's ring the bell
We'll see what happens.
The presenter rings the bell.
Leading: Hear the snow crunching,
Someone is rushing here to join us.
The Snow Maiden enters the hall.

Song "The Snow Maiden's Song"

Snow Maiden: Hello guys,
Girls and boys.
I love frosty frost
I can't live without cold.
Santa Claus chose my name.
What's my name, friends?
Children: Snow Maiden!
Snow Maiden: I see you weren't lazy
And they did a great job
Your Christmas tree is simply amazing
So elegant and beautiful.
Leading: Only there are no lights on it.
Light them up quickly.
Snow Maiden: I'll tell you a big secret:
Repeat after me:
Clap, clap, say:
Our Christmas tree is on fire!
The children clap and the lights on the tree light up.
Snow Maiden: If you need to repay
Lights on the Christmas tree.
Then let's blow together
For pine needles.
Children blow, lights go out

Game "Game with lights".

Snow Maiden: To turn on the lights again
Let's say: “Christmas tree, burn!”
Leading: We're having a lot of fun
On your holiday
And a song about the Christmas tree
Now we will sing for you

Song "Christmas tree" music by Ivannikov

Snow Maiden: To make it more fun
We are expecting guests for the holiday
Let's ring the bell
And we will invite guests
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
Petrushka enters the hall.
Parsley: Hello! Here I am!
Happy New Year to you, friends!
I hastened to visit you.
I decided to put on the cap.
And in honor of the holiday
A gift from me to you.
Parsley hands out rattles to the children.
Parsley: Babies with a rattle
Dance your heart out

Dance “Dance with Rattles” music by Petrova

Parsley: And now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Parsley leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
Lisa enters the hall.
Fox: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
Today is the New Year holiday,
I won't cheat.
I'm with the forest hares
I'd rather play.
And in honor of the holiday
A gift from me to you.
The fox gives the children bunny hats.
Leading: There were guys here
And all the bunnies became.
Come on, bunnies, come out
And dance at the Christmas tree.

Dance-game “The Fox and the Hares” music by Filippenko

Fox: Don't be scared, bunnies,
I won't eat you
I'm kind today,
Quite kind.
You clap your hands
I'll dance a little.

Dance "Fox Dance" Russian folk melody

Fox: And now it's time for me
Goodbye, kids.
Lisa leaves.
Snow Maiden: Let's continue the holiday
And invite guests.
Ding-dam, ding-dam!
Come visit us.
The Snowman enters the hall.
Snowman: Hello, here I am!
Happy New Year to you friends!
I'm not an ordinary snowman
Curious, mischievous.
I want to know what guys
Do you exercise in winter?
Leading: One two three four five
We love to play snowballs
Snowman: To you in honor of the holiday
There is a gift from me.
This red bag
Full of little snowballs.
Come on guys, come over
Grab the snow quickly.
One two three four five.
We'll play in the snow.

Dance-game “Snowball Game” music by Vikhareva.

Snowman: One two Three
Collect snowballs in a bag.
Children put snowballs in a bag.
Snowman: Aren't you afraid of frost?
Children: No.
Leading: We are not afraid of threats.
And we are not afraid of frost.
If it's cold to walk.
Let's dance merrily.
We'll warm your hands and feet.
So we will become warmer.

Dance “We are not afraid of frost” music by Smirnova

Snowman: That's how nicely we danced,
Oh, I'm afraid I'll melt now.
Apparently it's time for me
Goodbye, kids!
The snowman leaves.
Snow Maiden: We had a blast
And for this Santa Claus
A lot of gifts have been sent to you.
The presenter opens the curtain, and there is a sleigh with boxes.
Snow Maiden: We'll look into the boxes
And we'll get the gifts
Distribution of gifts.

Here comes the New Year's holiday
It's time for us to finish.
Snow Maiden:
We wish you good health
We wish it, kids.
Leading: Don't be sick, smile
Always listen to your mother.
Snow Maiden: And so cheerful
Stay forever.
Together: Happy New Year!

(The scenario is intended for holding a holiday in an apartment for 6-7 children. Active participation of adults is implied!!!)

(speech lasts 1 hour)

- Christmas tree (it’s better to put it in the center so that you can dance in a circle);
- Father Frost
- Snow Maiden
- Festive masks for children and it’s better if there are the same characters for parents
The presence of a Snowman (an adult) is welcome; he must complete the task of concentrating the children's attention at the very beginning. But in our case, for example, we haven’t chosen a snowman yet, so the most active parent will play the role of leader.

PARENTS: Who came to us? Let's get a look?
The door opens and a SNOWMAN enters
(If there is no Snowman, do a round dance around the Christmas tree with children and parents, and the words of the Snowman are spoken by one of the Parents or several - depending on the situation)

SNOWMAN: Hello, hello!!! Is this where I came? Is New Year celebrated here?
PARENTS: Here, here. Look kids, this is a real SNOWMAN!!!

\\If there is no SNOWMAN, you can replace it with the words:
\\ “What holiday is it today, guys?” (if there is no answer, the parent himself explains “New Year”)
\\"What happens on New Year's Day?" (Santa Claus gives gifts)
\\ “What is the main New Year tree? Look how beautiful our Christmas tree is!

SNOWMAN: Let's do a round dance around the Christmas tree and sing a song about it!
(Parents and Snowman sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”, the backing track of the song plays)
SNOWMAN: Do you know who else will come to visit you today?
(If the snowman does not wait after several answers for the words “Santa Claus” and “Snow Maiden”, he calls himself)

The doorbell rings and the Snow Maiden enters
SNOWMAN: Guys, who came to us? (if children do not answer, parents answer)
SNOW MAIDEN (sings a song or you can just walk along to this song):

Lyrics of the song "Song of the Snow Maiden"
Snowflakes are spinning,
A round dance of snowflakes is spinning.
On an old clock,
The old clock strikes midnight.
And winter will color,
And winter will color the sky
White paint.
Someone will knock
Someone will knock outside the window.
The Christmas tree will light up
The Christmas tree will light up with magic.
And it will be transformed,
And everything around will be transformed
A winter's tale.
And he will rise behind the forest.
And the Snow Maiden from the forest,
Like a snow princess
It will float.
And the bird three will rush in,
And so many children will come running.
And it will only happen
Happy New Year!

SNOW Maiden: Hello guys! What a beautiful Christmas tree you have! And what beautiful costumes (masks) you have! Let's get to know our animals!
(In our version there will be animals)

Then there is more improvisation, because... Children's responses are unpredictable. Here are some questions for the Snow Maiden:
- What is the name of this wonderful little bear?
- Let's walk around the Christmas tree so everyone can see how beautiful you are.
(Here, if the mother is also a bear, it will be great, because she will be the one who will lead the child around the Christmas tree. The mother can tell the child to waddle)
- Will you show me how you can growl?
- What a great fellow you and your mother are!
- Let's meet the next inhabitant of the forest.
etc. all children

SNOW Maiden: Now let's dance
(we turn on any dynamic music. In my case, I played music without words so as not to distract the children)

- Catching snowflakes (grasping movement with hands forward)
- On right
- Left
- Let's shake off the snow from our mittens
- Let's shake off the snow from our feet
- we go skiing (imitate the movements of our legs)
- we jump so as not to freeze
And you can repeat it in a circle several times

SNOW MAID: Now let's draw a snowflake.
(Children are given paper, a felt-tip pen, to draw while sitting on the floor, just first show a pre-drawn sample, maybe a few snowflakes, even a Christmas tree nearby - who already knows how.
You can make blank Christmas trees and offer to paint them, etc. what is your imagination enough for?)

SNOW Maiden: What wonderful snowflakes you made!
Now let's sing my favorite song about the good old beetle
/The soundtrack of the song “Stand up, children, stand in a circle” from the film “Cinderella” sounds/
/All participants dance "Polka"/

Stand up, children, stand in a circle, \\SNUGUROCHKA: Let's clap our hands

Stand up, children, stand in a circle, \\ SNOW MAIDEN: And now the round dance
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle!
You are my friend and I am your friend
Old faithful friend!
We fell in love with the beetle -
Good old man
The soul is very light
He's a funny guy.

Stand up, children, stand in a circle, \\SNUGUROCHKA: Now let’s clap our hands again
Stand in a circle, stand in a circle! \\ (clap)
Once upon a time there lived a kind beetle, \\ SNOW Maiden: Let’s jump over
Good old friend. \\ (throw out the right and left legs alternately, arms can
He never grumbled about his belt)
Didn't scream, didn't squeak, \\ neither
The wings cracked loudly, \\ too
He strictly forbade quarrels. \\we shake our fingers

SNOW Maiden: Let's clap, what a great fellow you are!
For some reason Grandfather Frost is not coming to us, let's call him.
(The Snow Maiden calls Santa Claus on his cell phone)
- Grandfather, we’ve been waiting for you! Will you come soon?
The Snow Maiden pretends that Grandfather is giving her a task (accompanying her with the words “I see,” “We’ll do everything”)
If Santa Claus is especially artistic, then you can turn on the speakerphone so that Grandfather himself voices the task)

SNOW MAIDEN: Soon Grandfather Frost will come with gifts, but for now he gave the task: What is winter without a snowman? We need to build a snowman.

(Children are given three pieces of white plasticine - for balls, a carrot can be made from half of painted matches, hands - two matches, eyes, buttons, mouth - drawn with a felt-tip pen)
Hold a competition with the active participation of parents

SNOW MAIDEN: So we have completed the task of Santa Claus!

The doorbell rings and Santa Claus enters
In our version, grandfather will enter to the song “Song of Santa Claus”, just playing the first verse is enough
Two cheerful kind eyes, a beard and a red nose.
We recognized him immediately - this is Grandfather Frost.
Who gives funny answers to any question?
Who is the kindest in the world? This is Grandfather Frost.

SANTA CLAUS: Hello guys!!! We've been waiting for gifts! Has everyone behaved well this year?
If the children are silent, the parents answer.

SANTA CLAUS: Show me what you have learned this year? Who wants to please the old man by telling him a poem?
(Parents and children “learn” the simplest quatrain in advance and if the child is shy, the mother recites the rhyme)
SANTA CLAUS: How well told! Keep your gift! Etc.
(Gifts must be the same)
SNOW Maiden: It was good with you, but it’s time for us to congratulate the guys further! You are all great, come on, parents, let’s clap for our children!
SANTA CLAUS: Happy New Year! Goodbye!
(SANTA CLAUS, SNOW MAIDEN and SNOWMAN (if there was one) leave)

End of the holiday
Children are given 15-20 minutes for a snack (juice and cookies), after which the parents announce to the children that everyone is getting dressed and going to release firecrackers (confetti) on the street.

What else to read