On the creation of special conditions for gia. Participants with disabilities. What documents do you need to collect when applying to a university?

Features of the State Examination of Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities, disabled children and people with disabilities can take the GIA in the form of the State Final Examination - GVE. In this case, the State Examination is carried out in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, tasks and tickets. GVE, at their request, in all academic subjects can be carried out orally. These students have the opportunity, if they wish, to take individual academic subjects in the manner prescribed for everyone - in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

A student with disabilities is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological-medical-pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without the creation of special conditions.

Children with disabilities may qualify for special conditions when taking exams, including the right to choose the form of the main state exam in all or individual academic subjects, which are indicated by the GIA participant in the application that he submits to the educational organization before March 1.

When submitting an application to take the GIA, students with disabilities must provide a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Disabled children and disabled students must provide the original or a certified copy of a certificate of disability issued by a medical and social examination.

For students who have medical indications for studying at home and the corresponding recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, GIA is organized at home.

What conditions should be created when conducting state testing for students with disabilities?

Special conditions for students with disabilities

  • for students studying at home due to health reasons, the duration of the main state exam is increased by 1.5 hours;
  • the educational organization is equipped taking into account the individual characteristics of such students;
  • the material and technical conditions of the examination ensure the possibility of unimpeded access for such students to the classroom, toilets and other premises, as well as their stay in these premises (the presence of ramps, handrails, widened doorways, elevators; in the absence of elevators, the classroom is located on the ground floor; the presence of special chairs and other devices).

These requirements apply to both current students and graduates of previous years.

For students and graduates of previous years with disabilities, children with disabilities and people with disabilities, as well as those who studied at home for health reasons, the GIA is organized in conditions that take into account their state of health and characteristics of psychophysical development.

During the examination, assistants are present to provide the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual capabilities, helping to take a workplace, move around, and read the task.

These students and graduates of previous years, taking into account their individual capabilities, use the technical means they need in the process of passing the exam.

GVE in all academic subjects, at their request, is carried out orally.

Special conditions for the hearing impaired

For hearing-impaired examinees, exam rooms are equipped with sound-amplifying equipment for both collective and individual use. For deaf and hard of hearing examinees, if necessary, an assistant sign language interpreter is involved.

For blind examinees:

  • examination materials are prepared in embossed dotted Braille or in the form of an electronic document accessible via a computer;
  • written examination work is performed in embossed dotted Braille or on a computer;
  • A sufficient number of special accessories are provided for preparing answers in embossed dotted Braille, and a computer.

Special conditions for the visually impaired

For visually impaired examinees, examination materials are copied in an enlarged size; exam rooms are equipped with magnifying devices and individual uniform lighting of at least 300 lux. Copying of examination materials occurs on the day of the examination in the presence of the head of the PPE and members of the State Examination Committee.

When passing the State Examination in the form of the Unified State Exam, answers to examination tasks completed by blind and visually impaired examinees in specially provided notebooks and oversized forms, as well as examination papers completed on a computer, in the presence of members of the State Examination Committee, are transferred by assistants to the Unified State Exam forms.

Special conditions for students with musculoskeletal disorders

For students and examinees with musculoskeletal disorders, the written examination work is performed on a computer with specialized software.

During the examination, meals and breaks are provided to carry out the necessary therapeutic and preventive measures.

For persons who have medical indications for studying at home and the corresponding recommendations of the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission, the exam is organized at home.

GCSEs are difficult for all students, and even more difficult for children with disabilities or significant health problems. The Law “On Education” and departmental acts of the Ministry of Education and Science oblige certification organizers to create at examination points a special, most comfortable environment for conducting the OGE for children with disabilities: install the necessary additional technical equipment, allocate more time for preparation and answer, give participants the right to choose the form of certification .

Categories of OGE participants

The educational standards in force since the fall of 2016 (Federal State Educational Standards for Disabilities and Educational Institutions) define disabilities as significant medical problems:

  • with vision or hearing (partial or complete loss);
  • with speech (serious cases of dysfunction of the speech apparatus);
  • with the musculoskeletal system;
  • with mental development (including diagnosed autistic disorders).

The conclusion about the presence of health problems is given by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. The document confirming the disability is advisory in nature: the student can undergo certification on a general basis or take advantage of preferential conditions and additional rights granted by law. If the second option is chosen, then an application must be submitted to the examination point (usually PETs are arranged in educational organizations where GIA participants study), indicating the special conditions required for the child, and attach a copy of the commission’s conclusion.

Features of State Examination for participants with disabilities

Depending on their further educational plans, graduates with disabilities and disabilities can, if they wish, take only compulsory mathematics and the Russian language, completely abandoning certification in additional subjects or reducing their number.

The specific features of conducting state testing for participants with disabilities stipulated by the regulatory framework can be divided into two categories:

  1. Organizational and technical- an educational institution must provide children with disabilities with comfortable access to classrooms, bathrooms, and elevators (if the examination reception point (PPE) is not located on the first floor). Classrooms are equipped with additional audiovisual equipment appropriate to the nature of the disease, or students are allowed to use their own aids.
  2. Methodical- control and measurement examination materials are developed based on the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the level of knowledge of graduates, but taking into account the characteristics of the health status of different categories of participants in the OGE.

Forms of certification

In what form students with disabilities can take the GIA is decided by the students, their parents or guardians. If you wish, instead of the standard state final certification, you can choose an oral exam with traditional tickets or one of the written formats: essay, presentation, dictation. The main thing is to indicate in advance in the application for passing the OGE exactly how the graduate intends to pass the GIA.

Exams can be taken both orally and in writing. Those who, for health reasons, cannot write by hand do the work on the computer.

Forms for conducting the OGE for different categories of graduates with disabilities in accordance with the methodological recommendations of FIPI.


The preferential additional examination time limit for OGE participants with disabilities is one and a half hours. These 90 minutes are added to the standard subject standards. For example, the OGE for children with disabilities in mathematics may last not 235 minutes, but 325.

Duration of the OGE in subjects of your choice.

Duration of the OGE in compulsory subjects.

In addition, half an hour is added for oral response in foreign language exams. The “Speaking” test must be recorded on audio media.

Special conditions

For graduates who cannot come to the PPE, examiners with the necessary equipment go to their homes. For those who take the OGE in an educational institution for more than 4 hours, a break is organized to eat and perform mandatory medical procedures. Otherwise, the specifics of the examination process depend on the specific disability of the students.

Organizational specificity of OGE according to the nature of the disease

Limiting factors Additional equipment/organizational measures
  • audio equipment that amplifies sound;
  • there is a sign language interpreter;
  • for complex hearing and speech problems, the work is done in writing.
  • the room illumination level is not lower than 300 lux;
  • magnifying devices available;
  • assignments are printed in large print;
  • assignments written in Braille are prepared for blind students; examinees write in the same way on prepared special paper.
Musculoskeletal or upper limb dysfunction only
  • written answers are typed on a computer with appropriate software;
  • An assistant helps the student enter the classroom, go out for a break, and sit down at his desk.

As with the standard OGE exam, video surveillance is carried out without an Internet connection.

Demo versions and training tasks for children with disabilities

Specialists (FIPI) will help you understand the requirements for a particular certification format and hone the skills necessary to successfully pass the OGE. Participants with disabilities perform tasks of the same level of complexity as other graduates, but compiled and designed taking into account the health capabilities of special children.


In terms of the scope of testing the studied material, versions of the OGE in mathematics for children with disabilities do not differ from ordinary ones. The questions cover the main sections of the curriculum for grades 5-9: arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability and statistics.

During the oral exam, the student must solve one of the tasks proposed in each of the five sections of the ticket and give a short or detailed answer, explaining the calculations or justifying the order of mathematical operations, etc.

You are given at least 60 minutes to prepare your answer.

The specification of test materials for the oral OGE in mathematics will help you get an idea of ​​the type and complexity of the questions.

In the EM (examination materials) for the written GIA-9 there are tasks:

  • with a choice of answer options;
  • to establish compliance;
  • for a complete solution.

The level of difficulty of tasks in the oral and written formats of the OGE does not differ:

You can familiarize yourself with the assessment criteria and task options for the written OGE in mathematics for children with disabilities in the EM specification.

Russian language

OGE tasks in the Russian language for children with disabilities are compiled taking into account the specifics of diseases or special health conditions of graduates. For oral certification, tickets with texts and tasks are used to test logical thinking skills, knowledge of grammatical, punctuation, and spelling rules. The written examination is carried out in the form of:

  • essays;
  • presentation with a creative part;
  • Dictation is a special form of assessment for children with autistic disorders.

Examination materials are compiled taking into account various types of diseases:

  • marked with the letters “A” and “C” are designed for students with poor hearing, vision, and musculoskeletal problems;
  • The letter “K” marks tasks for deaf children, graduates with severe speech disorders or mental retardation.

Criteria for evaluating answers, a list of topics and rules, the knowledge of which is tested on the OGE for graduates with disabilities, as well as samples of EM are presented in the specifications for the materials of oral and written exams.

Today, everything possible is being done to ensure that difficulties associated with disabilities do not affect the educational and career ambitions of young people. By taking advantage of the additional rights granted by law at the OGE, participants with disabilities can receive fair scores on the exam that will not spoil the certificate.

Disabled children and their families are entitled to various benefits and allowances.

All types of state support at the federal and regional levels are designed to provide a disabled child with the most necessary things, maintain health, promote his social adaptation, and create opportunities for a full life.

Support is also provided to parents and carers. What benefits are provided for disabled children and their parents in 2018?

Grounds for assigning disabled status to a child

For children under 18 years of age, there is no gradation of disability by group.

If a child has a pronounced disorder of body functions, based on the results of a medical and social commission, he is assigned the status of a disabled child, as a result of which he and his family acquire the right to certain benefits and privileges.

The conditions for recognizing a child as disabled are approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 95 of February 20, 2006. We list these conditions:

  • Severe pathologies of body functions caused by congenital or acquired defects, injuries or diseases.
  • Complete or partial lack of ability to live independently.
  • Officially established need for social protection measures.

To obtain disability status, all of the above grounds must be present. A health disorder in itself, which does not interfere with normal life activities, does not give such a right.

For example, a child suffering from diabetes will not receive disabled status if there is a high probability of decompensation of the disease and the absence of significant complications (diabetic encephalopathy, renal failure, etc.).

The list of defects and pathologies that give grounds for establishing the status of a “disabled child” is given in the appendix to the Rules approved by the above Government Resolution.

It contains 23 names of pathologies, including musculoskeletal diseases, malignant tumors, absence of various organs, etc.

Benefits for disabled children in 2018

The state helps disabled children in the form of various benefits and cash payments. Let's look at them by category.

Pension benefit

According to Art. 18 Federal Law No. 166, disabled children are assigned a monthly social pension. The size of the pension of a disabled child in 2018, taking into account indexation of 4.1%, is 12,082 rubles.

Adult citizens with the status “disabled from childhood” also receive disability pensions. Here there are already 3 groups of disabilities.

The amount of benefits for them in 2018 is:

  • 1 gr. - 12,082 rubles;
  • 2 gr. - 10,068 rub.;
  • 3 gr. - 4279 rub.

The pension amount may increase based on regional regulations.

For example, in St. Petersburg, 6,223 rubles are paid in addition to the pension. for a disabled child and 14,021 rub. for a disabled child with special needs.

Benefits are transferred monthly to a special social card, from which it is impossible to withdraw cash. This card can only be used to pay in children's stores to purchase items and products.

In Moscow, since the beginning of 2018, families in which there is a disabled person from childhood receive an additional 12,000 rubles to their pension.

EDV for disabled children

In accordance with Presidential Decree No. 175, children with disabled status are paid a monthly cash allowance.

Note! Payments are made without filing applications, but the pension files of disabled children must contain all relevant documents.

The amount of this payment for the current year is:

  • RUR 2,974 (for I group);
  • RUR 2,123 (for disabled children and persons with childhood disabilities of the 2nd group);
  • 1,700 rub. (for disabled people III group).

Medical benefits

Art. 9 Federal Law No. 181 guarantees persons with disabilities the right to rehabilitation, provision of them by the state with technical means and services within the framework of the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation No. 2347-r dated December 30, 2005.

The list includes 26 items of funds, services, devices and rehabilitation measures, such as:

  • prostheses;
  • wheelchairs;
  • dentures, etc.

In addition, disabled children, at the expense of the federal budget, receive free medical care of almost any level of complexity, including therapeutic, surgical, sanatorium and resort treatment, as well as:

  • vouchers to a sanatorium;
  • travel to a medical facility by any type of transport, except taxi, and not only for a disabled child, but also for the parent accompanying him.

Transport benefits

Disabled children have every right to use any type of city or suburban public transport free of charge (with the exception of taxis):

  • by tram;
  • metro;
  • by bus;
  • trolleybus, etc.

This benefit applies to parents, as well as guardians and social workers who care for disabled children.

Are there any discounts for disabled children on air tickets? Disabled children are given a 50% discount on the fare on intercity transport:

  • air;
  • railway;
  • automobile;
  • river

Benefits for entering a college or university

If a disabled child or a disabled child has passed the entrance examination to a secondary specialized or higher educational institution, he must be admitted without competition without taking into account the certificate data.

But this privilege is valid only on the condition that education in the institution where the disabled child is admitted is not contraindicated for him according to the results of the medical examination.

When entering a university, a person with any degree of disability is provided with the following benefits:

  • the possibility of admission to the budget without entrance exams;
  • admission within the quota upon successful passing of exams;
  • preferential right to enrollment;
  • training at the preparatory department free of charge.

Note! The listed benefits can only be used once, so you should choose an educational institution very carefully.

Benefits for education and training

Disabled children can count on different types of assistance as part of their education and upbringing, namely:

  • priority admission of preschoolers to kindergartens;
  • free visits to kindergartens;
  • possibility of studying at home;
  • free meals in the school canteen;
  • gentle regime for passing the Unified State Exam;
  • help from a psychologist.

Corrective educational institutions or classes have been created for children with developmental disabilities, in which they have the right to be raised and educated.

Correctional schools were created for the purpose of social adaptation and integration of children with special needs into society (Federal Law of the Russian Federation-No. 12, Article 10.). The categories of pupils and pupils sent to these educational institutions are determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Children and adolescents are sent to such institutions only with the consent of their parents or legal representatives based on the conclusion of the medical-pedagogical and psychological-pedagogical commissions.

Benefits for parents of disabled children in 2018

A person caring for a disabled child is assigned a monthly allowance in the amount of 60% of the minimum salary fixed in the region.

If a parent (adoptive parent, guardian) takes care of a child who requires constant supervision and therefore does not work, he is entitled to a special monthly allowance in the amount of 5,500 rubles. If another person is caring for a disabled person, then the benefit is only 1200 rubles.

Note! This benefit is not paid for a child after 18 years of age and is not subject to annual indexation.

In addition, parents of a person with a disability are entitled to the following types of pension privileges:

  • the right to retirement at the age of 50 for women and 55 for men (with an insurance period of at least 15 and 20 years);
  • taking into account the period of child care in the total insurance or work experience.

Tax benefits

In Art. 218 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation states that parents (guardians) supporting minor children with disabilities are provided with a monthly tax deduction in the amount of 3,000 rubles.

This benefit can be extended until the child reaches 24 years of age if he is a full-time student and has a disability of group I or II.

The amount of the specified tax deduction can be increased by 2 times if the parent (guardian) raising the child, one or the other parent, has written a refusal of this type of benefit.

What are the benefits at work if the child is disabled?

The norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provide the following labor guarantees for a working parent (guardian) of a disabled child:

  • the right to 4 additional days off every month with salary retention (Article 262 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to paid leave at any time of the year (Article 262.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to additional leave without pay in the amount of 14 days (Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), if this right is granted by the employment contract;
  • the right to a shortened working day (Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to refuse to work at night, overtime, on weekends and holidays (Article 259 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation);
  • the right to refuse a business trip to another region.

To exercise your right to additional leave or weekends, you must provide the employer with a certificate confirming that the second parent did not use this benefit during this year.

Benefits for families with a disabled child

In 2018, the state provides several types of benefits to families of disabled children. Let's consider them further.

Housing benefits and guarantees

According to Art. 17 Federal Law No. 181 of November 24, 1995, families raising a disabled child receive the following housing guarantees:

  • Providing housing at public expense (as part of the waiting list).
  • Benefits for paying for housing and utilities in the form of a 50% discount.
  • Free provision of plots of land for housing construction or gardening.
  • 50% discount for using radio and telephone.

In the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and individual municipalities, additional housing benefits may be provided.

Benefit for the use of maternity capital

This year it is allowed to use maternity capital for the adaptation and integration of disabled children.

These funds can be spent on paying for services and purchasing goods aimed at social adaptation and integration into society of a disabled child.

Note! It is not allowed to spend maternity capital funds on rehabilitation, payment for medical services and purchase of medicines.

Other privileges

A family member of a disabled child of military age is granted a deferment from conscription for military service if the children are raised by only one parent.

Cash payments are made on request through:

  • branches of the Pension Fund;

Applicants will be required to submit a package of documents, including a certificate confirming the child’s disability status.

With the help of benefits and benefits, the state tries to support families raising a disabled child.

Of course, today cash payments are still meager, but it is worth taking advantage of all the other privileges that are offered at the federal and regional levels.

Video: Benefits for disabled children. Rights and benefits for parents of disabled children


According to a report from the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016–2017, 19.5 thousand people with disabilities studied at Russian universities. They make up less than 1% of the total number of all students. Unfortunately, not all citizens have complete information about their rights and benefits. But we will correct this situation. Today we will talk in detail about how an applicant with a disability can enroll in a university.

Not everyone knows about their rights and benefits

Interesting fact! Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Doctor of Psychology, first lost his sight in childhood, and a little later his hearing. But this did not stop him from becoming the author of a large number of scientific papers, as well as developing several unique methods for working with deaf-blind people.

Who is entitled to benefits and privileges

You have the right to special conditions for admission, passing the Unified State Exam and entrance exams if you:

  • disability of I and II groups;
  • disability since childhood;
  • disability received during military operations or military service.

People with varying degrees of disability are provided with the same rights and benefits.

Features of passing the Unified State Exam

You must apply for registration no later than February 1st. Later, this can only be done if there are valid reasons, documented (but no later than two weeks before the start of the exams). The application must indicate what special conditions are required for passing the Unified State Exam, taking into account your state of health and characteristics of psychophysical development.

Supporting documents must be attached to the application:

  • a copy of the recommendations of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission if you have limited physical capabilities;
  • a certificate or a certified copy thereof confirming disability.

You have the right to increase the duration of the exam by 1.5 hours, as well as meal breaks.

Assistants must be present during the exams, who will provide the necessary assistance depending on your individual characteristics: they will take you to your workplace, read the task, etc. You have the right to use the necessary technical means to ensure your own comfort.

Features of the Unified State Examination and entrance tests for persons with different types of disabilities

For the blind:

  • Examination materials must be written in raised dot Braille or in the form of an electronic document on a computer, or read by an assistant.
  • The written examination work is also completed by the applicant in raised-dot Braille or using a special program on a computer. In another case, it can be dictated to an assistant.
  • All necessary writing materials, paper for writing in Braille, and a computer with a specialized program are provided.

For the visually impaired:

  • Uniform individual lighting of at least 300 lux is provided.
  • A magnifying device is provided. You can use yours.
  • All assignments must be printed in large font.

For the deaf and hard of hearing:

  • The availability of sound amplification equipment for collective or individual use is ensured.
  • Sign language interpreter services are provided.

For the deaf-blind, the services of a sign language interpreter are provided.

Persons with severe disabilities and speech impediments may take written oral examinations.

People with mobility problems or missing limbs can take written exams on a computer with special programs or dictate answers to an assistant. They also have the right to take these exams orally.

Assistants can help people with disabilities during exams

What are the benefits for admission?

The following types of benefits are available to you:

  • The right to admission without entrance examinations or passing another examination.
  • Admission to the budget under a quota is subject to successful passing of entrance examinations.
  • Advantage for admission if you have the same scores as other applicants.

Information about benefits can be found on the university website in the sections “Special rights and benefits for enrollment” and “Quota”. There you will also find lists of entrance tests and their dates.

How to choose a university

In accordance with the Education Law No. 273, all educational institutions must create special conditions for the education of persons with disabilities. But in practice, not all universities are properly equipped. Before submitting documents, find out whether the necessary conditions are available at the university of your choice. This can be done on the website or by calling the admissions office.

The StudFond Foundation for Social Assistance to Students has created a map of university accessibility on its website. There you will find information about which institutions have a ramp, elevators, signs, specially equipped toilets and the ability to call an attendant. The inclusive education portal will also help you choose a university.

For example, MSUPE has good experience working with people with disabilities. They have all the information available on their website. They provide a special bus for blind students. The university has arranged for them to be accompanied by other students. The university also provides 100% employment for its graduates with disabilities.

Interesting fact! About 25% of space developments were created by deaf-mute engineers, graduates of Baumanka.

Educational institutions must have an accessibility passport

Requirements for equipment and staffing levels

The university building should have:

  • At least one expanded entrance for students with mobility impairments, ramps, lifting platforms and elevators.
  • In the classrooms, there are allocated special seats in the first row closer to the entrance.
  • For visually impaired and blind people, a pass with a guide dog is provided or a person is assigned to accompany them.

The staff should also include people responsible for working with people with disabilities: tutors, social pedagogues, psychologists, sign language interpreters, and typhoid teachers.

Requirements for the availability of special means for training, depending on the disease

For persons with musculoskeletal disorders, computers equipped with:

  • a special keyboard (virtual; with large buttons and overlays separating the keys; touch);
  • head or foot mouse;
  • remote buttons;
  • joystick or rollerball.

For the visually impaired and blind:

  • computer equipment and textbooks with the Braille system (dot-relief font);
  • sound reproduction of materials;
  • screen enlargement program.

For the hearing impaired:

  • sound amplification equipment;
  • wireless audio transmission technologies (FM systems);
  • multimedia projector or TV;
  • electronic board;
  • document camera.

The university must have employees who will work with special students

Distance learning opportunity

If you belong to the low-mobility group of people with disabilities, you can choose online training. It is not available at all universities.

During distance learning, an individual training plan is drawn up and all necessary materials are provided. You will be able to receive online consultations from teachers and communicate with other students via chat. Online learning is a paid service, but most universities provide discounts for people with disabilities. For example, MOSI gives a 40% discount.

What documents do you need to collect when applying to a university?

For now, on preferential terms, you can enroll in only one university and one specialty. However, this year it is planned to adopt a new law according to which people with disabilities will be able to submit documents for the budget to five universities and three specialties.

For admission you need to provide:

  • passport and copies of the first pages and place of registration, page 13 if there is military duty;
  • certificate;
  • 2 photos 3 x 4;
  • military ID (for those liable for military service);
  • certificate of completion of a medical examination (if required);
  • a document confirming health limitations, a certificate of disability.

Please note that since 2018, providing a medical and social examination report on the absence of contraindications for training is not required (Federal Law No. 93 of 05/01/2017). It is illegal for universities to require such certificates.

Distance education can be obtained without leaving home

Don't be afraid to assert your rights. Believe in yourself and get the profession of your dreams.

State final certification has begun in Russian schools. More than 731 thousand people will take the Unified State Exam this year. Among them are 6,500 children with disabilities. How will they do this?

On a general basis, but with special conditions

First of all, it should be clarified: high school students with disabilities have a choice. Unlike ordinary graduates, they can refuse the Unified State Exam (Unified State Exam) and take the State Final Exam (GVE).

What is the difference? In form, the GVE is more similar to the exams of the last century - it is conducted on tickets, and not in the form of tests like the Unified State Exam. According to experts, this option for taking exams is the most comfortable, especially for children with increased anxiety. However, the GVE has a big disadvantage: the results of this exam are not counted when entering universities (unlike the Unified State Exam). That is, entrance exams will have to be taken separately.

Another rule that applies to all disabled graduates: for them, the duration of the Unified State Exam is increased by one and a half hours. And the exam in a foreign language (in the “Speaking” section) is for another 30 minutes.

During the Unified State Exam, participants with disabilities are also provided with meals and breaks “to carry out the necessary therapeutic and preventive measures.”

As for the remaining special conditions for passing the unified state exam, they depend on the nature of the graduate’s illness. Thus, for hearing-impaired Unified State Examination participants, the auditorium where the exam is taking place is equipped with sound-amplifying equipment, and for completely deaf children, a sign language interpreter is invited.

Unified State Exam organizers must provide unhindered access to classrooms, restrooms and other premises for disabled people. Examination points (PPE) must have ramps, handrails, widened doorways, and elevators. If there is no elevator, the auditorium is located on the ground floor.

By the way, about the exam points. According to Rosobrnadzor, 5,576 PES were organized this year, 66 of them abroad. For USE participants with disabilities, another 14 such points have been organized in medical institutions and more than 300 PES at home.

Braille method and electronic magnifier

We asked Pavel Suvorov, director of the specialized (correctional) general education boarding school No. 2 in Moscow, to tell us how visually impaired people pass the Unified State Exam:

- I'll start with innovation. In December last year, a joint coordination council was held at our school on the organization of state final certification for children with disabilities. This council includes the relevant State Duma committee on education, the leadership of Rosobranadzor, the Moscow Department of Education, heads of a number of specialized scientific institutions in the field of defectology and, of course, experts from schools in some regions of Russia. The issues of conducting the Unified State Exam for visually impaired children were discussed. In particular, a number of details of the state final certification were clarified.

One of the results of that meeting concerns children who have recently become blind and have not yet mastered the raised-dot tactile Braille. Rosobrnadzor listened to the opinions voiced at the council and issued updated methodological instructions for conducting state final certification for children with disabilities.

For example, visually impaired people are now allowed to use a computer with a speech synthesizer during the exam.

At the same meeting, the issue of additional lighting was also clarified. In particular, there was a conversation that these must be modern LED lamps. Moreover, the lamps may have dynamic lighting changes, which is important for some categories of people. Because there is photophobia and some other specific things that are quite difficult for non-specialists in this field to take into account.

It must be borne in mind that if a person is visually impaired, it is not at all necessary to give him scaled test material (CMM). We are talking about forms with enlarged font that are distributed to our graduates.

However, some find it convenient to write on small material, that is, on a regular form like other children, but at the same time use an electronic magnifying device. This is a monitor onto which an image is projected from an electronic magnifier installed directly in front of the text.

Such devices must be present in the training center where visually impaired children take exams. It is also necessary to have an assistant present at the exam, who must help such a Unified State Examination participant fill out all the forms.

As for blind high school students, all test and measurement material is translated into embossed dot tactile Braille. When passing the exam, a so-called typhlocommission is formed. This commission consists of specialists who speak Braille. And they convert forms from embossed dotted Braille to regular form, to graphic.

In principle, Rosobrnadzor went all the way and even organized the release of test and measurement materials for the Unified State Examination. That is, they produce some of the materials for the Unified State Exam in embossed dotted Braille.

This is a unique thing! The school does not translate on its own - they do it.

Rosobranadzor, as well as Mosobrnadzor, very seriously monitor the issues of passing the unified state exam for children with disabilities, which, of course, generally helps to reduce the segregation of people with disabilities in society as a whole.

Not all children are left-hemisphere auditory learners

Ekaterina Men. Photo: Deacon Andrey Radkevich

The president of the Center for Autism Problems, Ekaterina Men, is less optimistic:

– On the one hand, it is indeed possible through the PMPK (psychological, medical and pedagogical commission – edit.), get quite large concessions in purely spatial, organizational terms, get some kind of flexibility. That is, flexibility that allows, say, a child with autism, to somehow be alone. Or keep tutoring with him, so that the tutor (assistant) does not interfere in the process of passing the exam, but helps in some everyday matters. That is, to create conditions for such a disabled person that would disturb him to the least extent.

But the problem is that didactics itself, that is, the testing and measuring materials themselves, are not particularly flexible. I’m talking about the lack of variability in terms of content... Well, okay, let’s say you create conditions for minimizing pure exam stress in the child. But if the material involves an appeal to some aspects of the student...

The point is not even in his academic abilities, but precisely in the content of the text - one that requires a special, typical perception. Or the complex content of the task. That is, for example, in mathematics we check not only mathematical operations, namely: from some problem we isolate the setting of goals, what needs to be solved in order to get the correct answer. This whole context, relatively speaking, is difficult for an autistic person; the meaning that is proposed in this task is incomprehensible to him.

The summary is expected to be written by hand. But in the case of an autistic child, these may be two different tasks.

He may be delayed, for example, in writing function, and then he will not be able to write a summary because he lacks motor writing functions. And we will conclude that the child did not understand the text and was unable to write a summary based on it. But a child with autism can write well on a computer...

There are no options when some high-tech means of presenting what a child can do are used. That is, flexibility is required - specifically didactic, specifically substantive, so that the child has all possible options for presenting his knowledge and skills. This also applies to children with, say, motor limitations. That is, so that children can use the maximum number of devices, the maximum number of some modern devices... They can type a sentence on a computer, on a tablet. These things don't exist!

And further. We want to check how the child understood the meaning of the text. That is, our task is to understand how he masters internal speech, because external speech in children with autism always lags behind internal speech.

If we don’t give a large number of options, then how can he present what he can do? It will be very difficult for the child to do this. We really won’t know what he mastered there, what he thinks. Well, that is, it is very difficult for us to evaluate his knowledge and the degree of his training in the subjects that we test.

Therefore, on the one hand, there is some progress; it is indeed possible, for example, to agree on the terms. On the other hand, in these conditions, disabled children should still be like ordinary children.

Even if time is added to them, the tasks themselves do not change - they are the same as for other children. That is, didactically, internally, according to their cognitive content logic, they do not change in any way. This means they don’t take into account how this child thinks.

There are quite well-known studies that there are many learning modalities. There are auditory learners, there are visual learners, and there are kinesthetic learners. And when they teach adults, everyone knows about it. When you go to some training or learn a foreign language, all these characteristics of yours are taken into account. It takes into account the fact that modality exists, that there is a leading channel for the perception of information.

Oddly enough, school curricula do not take into account who has a left-hemisphere dominant and who has a right-hemisphere dominant. And research says that the entire typical school, typical program is focused on left-hemisphere auditory children. If a child is auditory (according to his leading modality), if he is left-hemisphere, then he is most likely to be a good student. Therefore, children who are lucky (they are left-hemispheric and they perceive well through the auditory channel) pass tests well and the Unified State Examination.

Few people think about this when we talk about neurotypical children, and in the case of mentalists this is exacerbated. There are very few auditory people among autistic people; they are either visual or kinesthetic. And when we teach them, we take these things into account. We have programs, we actually teach them through other approaches, through reliance on other sensory channels, on other types. And then they take the Unified State Exam...

It is very difficult for them to pass, because these tests are also predominantly for left-hemisphere auditory learners. The program does not take these features into account.

There should be many packages, many more CMM options

“The whole world is talking about this, we need to take into account the data of cognitive sciences, neurophysiological ones, about how the brain learns, how long it can hold attention,” continues Ekaterina Men. – Where does tutoring come from? The tutor also works with smart children. That is, for some reason the school does not provide enough education for a smart child, and the tutor (a good tutor) simply individualizes the approach.

In other words, the school fails not because it is bad or because the teachers are bad, but because there is a standard that does not take into account the diversity of perceptive mechanisms (neurosensory, etc.).

We are not only talking about mentally retarded children or intellectual disabilities, we are talking about children who have pronounced characteristics of the cognitive model. They think differently. There is nothing for them at all. And they, like a magnifying glass, highlight it all, enlarge it. Therefore, there is such a phenomenon: good children from a good family for some reason show poor results in school.

In my opinion, the emergence of the mentally disabled has highlighted most clearly what needs to be done. And a lot needs to be done. For example, in control and measurement materials (CMM), it is necessary to achieve flexibility not only at the level of quantitative adaptation: not five tasks, but three, not three hours to solve, but four and a half. This is just one of the criteria. Content flexibility is needed.

There must be many packages. There should be many more CMM options. Now there are few of them. And there are few of them precisely at the didactic level, at the level of the substantive approach. This is what we are talking about.

Conditions can be created. But under these conditions, the child will still write what is intended for people who think differently. Do you understand? He doesn't think so.

It is necessary to achieve such flexibility in CIMs so that we can assume the greatest variety in both the presentation of tasks and the ways in which the child expresses his answer.

For example, we have a non-verbal child. All children write an essay “How I spent my summer,” and this child makes a presentation. He is good at PowerPoint and has it on his computer. With the help of this program, the student prepares a presentation with photographs that he took on his phone or on his mother’s, and writes something. That is, he is allowed to make a visual report of his summer. And this is accepted. And this is already a reliance on his strengths. He understands the computer well, he can put together a presentation, he can sign it in short sentences.

It’s hard to write an essay, because he basically has a hard time writing, he’s not good at writing... Well, he doesn’t have enough motor skills in writing, etc.

We can do this within the framework of our school, but when he takes the exam, he does not have such options. No one offers him a computer on which he could make a presentation on a specific assignment. That is, make a project, show the project. And thus, it would be accepted as his exam assignment. That's what we're talking about.

Mental disability is not only associated with intellectual deficiency. It is also associated with the peculiarities of thinking, perception, and information processing. This is what mental characteristics are. Intelligence by itself cannot solve anything.

And if you do not provide enough means of expressing knowledge (or what the child has understood), you are driving him into an extremely narrow system. You are building a barrier - the child cannot fully present himself, show what he is capable of. And that's the problem.

“A spoonful of honey” in support of the Unified State Exam

In order not to end this material on a minor note, let’s return to the conversation with Pavel Suvorov, the director of the school where children with visual impairments study.

– Everyone has a very different attitude towards the Unified State Examination. Some criticize this format of exams, saying there is a lot of test material. Although over time the Unified State Examination changes. I believe that the Unified State Exam is a benefit for our children.

There were situations when our children came to college, passed their certificates, where it was written: “special (correctional) school,” and then they were subjected to segregation. For example, they were not allowed to take entrance exams at some universities. Now, having the results of the Unified State Examination, the child can go where he sees fit.

The Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI) published training collections of examination tasks on its website to prepare for the state final exam (GVE-9 and GVE-11) for students with disabilities (HH), disabled children and people with disabilities.

Collections of assignments cover 11 subjects: Russian language, mathematics, literature, English, history, social studies, geography, biology, chemistry, physics and computer science.

Students with disabilities, people with disabilities and disabled children have the right to voluntarily choose in what form they will undergo state final certification - in the form of the main state exam (OGE), the unified state exam (USE), or the state final exam (GVE).

Unlike the OGE and the Unified State Exam, the state final exam is conducted in the form of written and oral exams using texts, topics, assignments and tickets.

For participants with disabilities, special conditions for passing exams are provided, including the assistance of assistants and the use of special technical means. Examination points for them are organized not only in schools, but also in hospitals and at home.

The Federal Service for Supervision of Education and Science has prepared a video about the organization of the unified state exam for participants with disabilities, people with disabilities and disabled children.

Students with disabilities have the right to voluntarily choose in what form they will undergo state final certification - in the form of a unified state exam (USE) or a state final exam (GVE).

Meanwhile, from year to year, more and more participants with health problems do not choose the simplified form of the exam, but want to take the Unified State Exam. In 2016, almost 6 thousand persons with disabilities took the unified state exam. “Rosobrnadzor is constantly working to create comfortable conditions for passing the final certification for graduates with disabilities.

For many of them, studying becomes a good stimulus for life, allowing them to fill it with something interesting, searching for knowledge, and studying the world around them. It is important for us that such children feel like full members of society and have the same opportunities to study and pass exams as their healthy peers,” said Sergei Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor.

The video explains what conditions are created when taking the Unified State Exam for persons with visual impairments, hearing impairments, wheelchair users and other categories of students with disabilities, what additional rights they have, how to apply for participation in the Unified State Exam if a graduate has health problems, how the examination station should be equipped and what you can take with you to the exam.

You can watch the video

For parents of graduates with disabilities, including disabled children

Graduates with disabilities, including children with disabilities, people with disabilities can also choose the OGE as a form of state final certification in accordance with the Procedure for conducting the State Examination for educational programs of secondary general education (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 24, 2013 No. 1400).

Who are graduates with disabilities?

According to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 “A student with disabilities is an individual who has deficiencies in physical and (or) psychological development, confirmed by a psychological, medical and pedagogical commission and preventing them from receiving education without creating special conditions." Thus, a graduate with disabilities, in order to obtain the right to choose the form of state final certification (OGE or GVE), must contact the territorial (district) PMPK.

After receiving the appropriate PMPK conclusion, your child receives the right to choose the form of state final certification and, together with you, determines which exams he will take and in what format (OGE or GVE). Please note that neither the school where your child is studying nor the PMPK have the right to determine the form of the state final certification of your child without you or for you. The school is obliged to accept your application with a list of subjects and the chosen form of delivery, and the PMPK determines whether or not the graduate has disabilities.

We remind you that you must submit an application to the school with a list of exams and forms for passing them no later than March 1 of the current year. In order to understand whether your child has the right to choose between the OGE and the GVE and decide on the form of taking the exams, you need to obtain the appropriate conclusion from the PMPC.

Don’t put off contacting the PMPK until the last few days!

Features of the OGE for graduates with disabilities

State final certification is carried out taking into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, individual capabilities and health status of graduates with disabilities.

This means that during the final certification, depending on the graduate’s limited health capabilities, the following are provided: smaller classroom occupancy, increased exam duration, the presence of assistants, the presence of special equipment, etc. Detailed information on the requirements for the classroom and equipment at reception points exams are contained in the methodological recommendations of Rosobrnadzor.

The state final exam is usually held on the basis of an educational organization.

Based on the conclusion of the PMPK, in agreement with parents (legal representatives), an educational organization can organize a state final exam for a graduate with disabilities at home.

When conducting the state final exam for graduates with disabilities, the following is provided: an increase in the duration of the state final exam by 1.5 hours; the presence in the classroom of an assistant who provides graduates with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics, in particular, helping the graduate to find a workplace, move around, read and complete an assignment, and communicate with the examiner; the ability to use the necessary technical means.

The duration of the state final exam does not include breaks for carrying out the necessary medical and preventive procedures for graduates with disabilities.

Regulatory documents

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1394 of December 25, 2013 “On approval of the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education” -DOWNLOAD

Order No. 10 of January 16, 2015 “On amendments to the Procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2013 No. 1394” -DOWNLOAD

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 46 dated 02/03/2015 “On approval of the unified schedule and duration of the main state examination in each academic subject, the list of teaching and educational means used in its conduct in 2015”

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