Exchange of household appliances under the recycling program. How to get rid of small household appliances and make a profit. Reception and recycling points for household appliances

A person is surrounded on all sides by technology and various devices. Each of us has a microwave oven, a washing machine, an electric kettle and much more at home. No matter how long the service life is promised by manufacturers, everything breaks and becomes obsolete. We know how to use working household appliances, but what to do with them after they break down and you need to get rid of them?

Why a landfill is not the place for old equipment

All modern devices are made from hazardous materials that can have a negative impact on the environment:

  • Metals. During the process of oxidation and decomposition, it releases toxic substances into the soil and water, which poisons plants and animals.
  • Electronics. Circuits and other parts are created from low-quality plastic alloys. These components also emit toxic substances and do not decompose.
  • Plastic and polyethylene. They have a long decay period. Dangerous for nature and human health.
  • Wiring. It consists of rubber, plastic and metals, the joint decomposition of which contributes to the appearance of combined toxic substances.
  • Rubber. Practically does not decompose. Pollutes the soil and air.

Thus, one electric kettle thrown into the trash can harm not only the environment, but also cause dangerous diseases in humans. Therefore, under no circumstances throw the devices into a landfill.

All old and unnecessary small equipment must be properly disposed of. There are many simple and accessible ways to do this.

What falls under the concept of “small household appliances”

Small-sized household appliances are the widest class of equipment and electronics, which includes devices for the home, kitchen or personal care. This:

  • air fryers;
  • blenders;
  • pancake makers;
  • yogurt makers;
  • coffee makers and coffee machines;
  • kitchen scales;
  • Food processors;
  • kitchen machines;
  • mixers;
  • mini ovens;
  • ice cream makers;
  • multicookers;
  • meat grinders;
  • steamers
  • curling iron;
  • juicers;
  • toasters;
  • irons
  • deep fryers;
  • bread machines;
  • teapots;
  • sewing machines;
  • electric grills.

We sell equipment for scrap metal

You can get rid of unnecessary small-sized appliances by handing them over to a scrap metal collection point. As mentioned above, all devices are made of metal that can be recycled. This way you will not only solve the problem with the device taking up space, but you will also be able to earn a monetary reward and take care of the environment.

You can recycle absolutely any equipment that you no longer need for one reason or another at a scrap collection point. If you have problems with transportation, in this case there are removal services at each recycling collection point.

How to find a scrap collection point

In order to find a suitable collection point, you can use the search engine on our website. On the main page, in the top menu bar, find Collection Points, and then Scrap Metal. On the page that opens, indicate your city. In the list that appears, you will find all the recycling collection points in your city, you will be able to see prices, addresses and telephone numbers, and based on this, choose the collection that suits you best.

Everyday life of household appliances recycling

Other ways to recycle equipment

A collection point is not the only way to dispose of small-sized equipment.


You can take your old appliances to one of the household appliance repair shops. They often buy still working devices for parts.

Disassembly of household appliances


You can sell your unwanted microwave or coffee maker at a pawn shop. Such organizations will gladly accept your equipment for money. But keep in mind that the device must only be in working condition.


If a device that you no longer need is working properly, it makes sense to sell it on one of the classifieds sites. Usually a buyer is found within one day.

Household appliance recycling company

In some cities there are special organizations for recycling household equipment. Employees themselves remove old equipment and send it for recycling.

Exchange in hypermarkets

Hypermarkets specializing in the sale of appliances and electronics have also come out to protect the environment from the impact of discarded household appliances. They annually hold promotions to exchange old devices for new ones with a small surcharge. Similar promotions are offered by Eldorado, Tekhnosila, M-Video, and DNS.


After disposal, all household appliances go to recycling plants, where they undergo a recycling process:

  1. Sorting. Appliances are divided into groups: kettles, microwaves, food processors, etc.
  2. Analysis into details. Each device is disassembled, and all components are divided by type of material into metal, plastic, etc.
  3. The metal is pressed and melted, and the plastic is crushed into granules. The result is a new material for the production of devices.

Household Appliance Recycling Line

Unfortunately, the lifespan of household appliances is far from unlimited. Usually, people rarely use a TV or washing machine for more than ten years - after all, over time, the equipment not only breaks down, but also simply becomes outdated. Modern technologies, having become an integral part of our lives, have led to the fact that consumers are increasingly buying new equipment for their home, not when it is no longer repairable, but because they simply want their equipment to meet the requirements of the time. And this means that for a faulty TV or low-power system unit you will need one, which you can always order from us.

Order recycling of household appliances from our company

By ordering such a service from us as , you can be completely sure that it will take place according to all the necessary procedures, which guarantees the absence of any harm to the environment and compliance with all necessary standards established by law. After you call us and order this service, our employees will come and pick up the equipment you do not need at any time convenient for you. Regardless of the size of the equipment to be disposed of and the floor from which it needs to be removed, we will quickly rid you of its presence, thanks to which you will free up space in your apartment for new modern equipment with more powerful functionality.

Recycling of household appliances in Moscow proceeds as follows: the brought equipment is disassembled into components according to the type of materials predominant in it:

  • plastic,
  • cables,
  • ferrous and non-ferrous metals

Then they sort out what can be recycled and what needs to be destroyed. As a rule, most of the dismantled parts and components in the form of metal are subsequently used in the manufacture of new elements of household and computer equipment.

Rules for recycling old household appliances

In order to comply with all the rules and without harm to the environment, you must follow certain rules regulated by current legislation. Since many components of household appliances contain electronic circuit boards with a certain amount of rare earth metals, they are subject to disassembly and subsequent recycling. If this is not possible, such elements are crushed using special equipment or destroyed in a waste incineration plant. The remaining parts of household appliances sent for recycling undergo a sorting process: plastic, ferrous and non-ferrous metals, power cables are sorted and sent for further processing.

The following service will save you from the problems of removing a bulky old refrigerator or faulty TV from the floor. , which is provided to everyone by EKO Recycling LLC. In order to order the removal and disposal of a faulty washing machine, a broken food processor or a rusty refrigerator, you just need to dial our phone number. After agreeing on a date and time, our employees will come and remove unnecessary old household appliances for disposal.


Ecology of consumption. Science and technology: Unrecycled waste from old equipment causes irreparable harm to the environment. Materials contained in electronics can be used as recyclable materials.

It is advisable to recycle even electronics that do not contain hazardous substances. The plastic from which the bodies of vacuum cleaners, refrigerators and kettles are made takes about 50 years to decompose in nature. The steel soles of irons and metal heating coils retain their shape for several centuries.

Professional recycling of household appliances includes the extraction of secondary raw materials, which are then re-entered into economic circulation. Recycling is cost-effective, reduces resource consumption and helps preserve the environment. At the same time, scrap metal collection points rarely want to accept broken household appliances. This is due to the fact that the cases are composed mainly of plastics and plastics. And to reduce the cost of production of equipment, not pure metals, but their alloys are used. Such alloys are of no value to those who accept ferrous and non-ferrous metals.

What do you need to submit?

Computer and electronic equipment;

Telephones and mobile phones;

Air conditioners, fans and heaters;

Electronic consumables (circuits, boards, cartridges from set-top boxes).

This is dangerous for the environment!

Metal– substances caused by the process of oxidation and decay also negatively affect the soil and living organisms.

Electronics– the circuits are created from low-quality plastic alloys and various waste materials; during the decay process, they release a huge amount of toxic substances into the soil, the list of which comprises almost the entire periodic table.

Plastic and polyethylene- have a long decay period, a regular bag decomposes within 1-2 years, plastic containers for food products - 15-20 years, larger plastic items practically do not decompose.

Wiring– consists mainly of rubber, plastic and metals, the combined decomposition of which, in addition to separation from the main series, contributes to the appearance of combined toxic substances.

Rubber- another product created from waste materials, which practically does not decompose, but in addition pollutes the soil and air.

In Russia, separate waste collection and professional disposal of old equipment have not yet become widespread. For example, in Japan, workers servicing the garbage truck ensure that everything is sorted correctly. A garbage collection vehicle, including household appliances, arrives on certain days. There is no such system in Russia yet, so you can hand over household appliances to retail chains. Similar promotions are often held in Eldorado, M.Video and BytHall stores. published

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