Photo processing in Photoshop. Course "Photoshop for a photographer - quick start"

The course is intended for anyone who wants to short time study and learn how to use basic tools for photo correction.

No preliminary preparation is required, we train from scratch.

Training is conducted on the basis of the programs "Adobe Phtoshop" or " Adobe Photoshop Elements"
Free assistance in installing a licensed program with a one-month trial period.

To study on the course, you will need your own laptop with installed program. (It is possible to rent a laptop for the duration of classes, the number is limited).

The acquired knowledge and skills will be enough for you to carry out most photo correction operations:

correcting geometric distortions, incorrect balance of colors and light, replacing some colors with others, removing unnecessary objects and adding necessary ones, beautifully signing photographs, removing flaws in portraits, correctly preparing photographs for printing and much more that may not yet be clear to you, and hidden behind the simple points of the course outline.

The ratio of theory to practice: 30:70.

Brief outline of the course "Photoshop for the photographer."

1. Introduction to the work area.
2. Frame geometry correction tools.
3. Selection tools.
4. Layers and masks. Light and color correction using new layers and masks.
5. Layers and masks. Manually assembling an image from several photographs.
6. Photo retouching.
7. Noise reduction, sharpening.
8. Professional photo processing in RAW format.
9. Consolidation of acquired knowledge on specific examples.
10. Preparing photographs for printing.

The course consists of lessons, each of which contains tasks, the quality of which is controlled and reviewed by the teacher, good Feedback guaranteed.
We are responsible for the quality of the service provided; if you don’t like it, we will refund your tuition fee.
Upon completion of the course, a certificate is issued.

Total duration of the course: 6 lessons of 3 academic hours.
Also, you can take this course online or choose mixed face-to-face + online training.

Course content Standard Advanced VIP Individually
Basic photography course of 6 lessons of 3 academic hours + + + +
Access to the full online version of the course - + + +
Additional, remote work with a teacher according to the full online course program "Photoshop for the Photographer" - 2 months 6 months 6 months
Number of students in the group 4 4 4 1
Start date Scheduled Scheduled Scheduled Anytime
Cost, rub 12500 15000 19000 28000
Special conditions for regular customers + + + +

* A regular client is considered to be a client who has previously completed any of the photography school courses or taken part in 5 master classes.

** Online training takes place on a specialized website of a photography school for online training, according to a program developed for photographers with full consulting support from the teacher. Online training lasts 6 months. Training is based on the Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Photoshop Elements program.

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  • Good day to all. Well, it recently ended and those who managed to take advantage of the offer, well done. And who doesn’t... Don’t be upset, soon New Year and there will still be discounts, I guarantee you that. And now, I would like to “give” you one useful video course that is ideal for all beginning photographers, and half of my audience consists of such people.

    This is not the first course that I recommend downloading. Free courses that you can already download from my blog:

    And not the last, I assure you.

    So, in this course, my partner Evgeniy Kartashov will tell you about the basics of Photoshop for photographers. Namely: he will tell you a little about the interface, about working with, retouching, processing landscapes and toning. In general, everything that a person who just bought a DSLR needs.

    2.Program settings
    3.Color management system settings
    4.Opening images
    5.Saving images
    6.Advantages of RAW format
    7.Developing RAW for a portrait
    8. RAW development for landscape
    9. Landscape processing in Photoshop
    10.Skin retouching in Photoshop
    11.Sharpening for a full-size photo
    12.Preparing photos for posting on the Internet
    13.Batch processing
    14. Converting the image to monochrome

    In this tutorial you will learn how to smooth out skin and change the light and shadow pattern using the Dodge and Burn technique, which means lightening and darkening. We will find out what methods of image processing there are with this technique, and in practice we will look at one of them - this is work in which filters with different contrasts are applied.

    Lesson 32. Black and white drawing

    In this tutorial we will continue to retouch the model's skin using the Dodge and Burn technique. And in this part we will deal with light and shadow drawing, namely, we will work on areas by lightening or darkening. Thus, the object in the frame becomes three-dimensional and all contours are more clearly visible.

    Lesson 33. Skin color retouching

    In this tutorial we will continue to process our model image and learn how to reduce the impact of Dodge and Burn in some places where it looks unnatural. We will also learn how to add color to a photograph so that the picture gets a soft, pleasant shade.

    Lesson 34. Method of “Frequency Decomposition”

    With this lesson we begin to learn another more advanced method of photo retouching, such as the “Frequency Decomposition” method. But before you start learning a new method, you must be thoroughly familiar with all previous Dodge and Burn lessons. To understand what "Frequency Decomposition Method" is, we will start learning from spatial frequency information. And let's look at the simplest techniques for decomposing an image into frequencies.

    Lesson 35. Selecting the radius of the brush

    In this lesson we will learn what disadvantages the first processing method we studied has and we will see this in practice. And we will learn how to correctly select the radius of the Gaussian Blur filter, and also use the “External Channel” command to obtain the high-frequency component.

    Lesson 36. Working with low frequency

    In this lesson we will begin processing a photograph that has already been decomposed into two spatial frequencies. And we will work with a low frequency, at which color information remains, black and white drawing and various medium-sized irregularities.

    Lesson 37. Working with high frequency

    In this lesson we will continue processing a photograph that has already been decomposed into two spatial frequencies. And we will work with high frequency, on which the texture of our image remains.

    Lesson 38. Retouching at three frequencies. Part 1

    In this lesson you will learn about more in a complicated way frequency decomposition, which uses three spatial frequencies: high, medium and low frequency. Let's consider how to work correctly with this type of decomposition and what are the nuances of this processing.

    Lesson 39. Retouching at three frequencies. Part 2

    In this video tutorial we will look at various techniques for quick retouching that can be used with the three-frequency decomposition method. In general, these will be the same methods and nuances of processing that we considered with the method of decomposition into two frequencies, but you will learn how to work correctly with the mid-frequency block.

    Lesson 40. Retouching at three frequencies. Part 3

    Let's continue working with the picture, which is decomposed into three frequencies, and practice processing the high-frequency block.

    Lesson 41. Simplified frequency decomposition method

    In this tutorial we will introduce the simplified decomposition technique, which gives an acceptable result if the photo needs to be processed quickly. With the previous processing methods that we have already studied, the result will be of higher quality, but such methods take much longer.

    Lesson 42. Smoothing out wrinkles on clothes

    In this tutorial, we'll look at how frequency decomposition can be used to smooth out uneven surfaces on a model's clothing and make a photo more pleasing to view. In this lesson we will use the frequency decomposition panel for speed and ease of processing.

    Lesson 43. Processing leather items

    In this lesson we will look at the processing of leather products using the example of a photograph of a wallet. Let's learn the secrets of processing such objects and the nuances that need to be remembered to preserve the texture.

    Lesson 44. Some processing tricks

    From this lesson you will learn what tricks photographers go to in order to get the desired image with minimal time. You will learn how you can optimize your work when shooting so that you spend very little time and effort during processing for a good final result.

    Lesson 45. Bottle retouching

    In this tutorial we will be retouching a photo of a bottle we combined to make it look more attractive and smooth.

    Lesson 46. Let's start processing the clock

    In this tutorial we will once again practice image retouching and this time we will process a photo of a watch. Thus, we will once again consolidate our knowledge in a new photo to gain experience.

    Lesson 47. Removing scratches on the body

    We continue processing the watch image and will do detailed retouching of the metal parts of the case. You will see how you can easily remove scratches and smooth out small irregularities.

    Lesson 48. Finish processing the clock snapshot

    In this lesson we will finish processing the clock image and bring it to the final high-quality result. As a result, we will get a good photo that can be displayed in an online store.

    Lesson 49. Learning blending modes

    With this video tutorial we begin to study the topic of layering in PhotoShop. And let's start our acquaintance with the normal blending mode. Let's find out how to use it and what it is needed for.

    Lesson 50. Screen and Multiply overlays

    In this tutorial we continue to look at different blending modes and in practice we will try to work with two of them - these are the “Screen” and “Multiply” modes. These two modes have the same algorithms, but they work exactly the opposite. One works for the white dot and the other for the black dot.

    Lesson 51. Overlay and Soft Light Overlays

    In this video tutorial we will look at the most popular blending modes that are used when processing photographs, these are the “Overlay” and “Soft Light” modes. Let's look at their work first on a prepared gradient picture, and then on a portrait of a girl.

    Lesson 52. Overlays “Brightness” and “Chroma”

    In this tutorial we will look at two more popular blending modes that are often used in image processing - Brightness and Color. Let's consider their application in practice and learn about the tricks of the job.

    Lesson 53. Complex application of modes

    In this tutorial we'll look at the complex use of blending modes and smart objects. You'll learn how to create grayscale maps to enhance local contrast in colors when Camera Raw is unable to do so.

    Lesson 54. Monochrome images

    Black and white photographs are still in fashion and every photographer should be able to work with them, so we have prepared a series of lessons in this area. In this lesson we will start learning how to process black and white photographs and briefly consider the main methods of converting images from color to monochrome.

    Lesson 55. Mixing image channels

    In this lesson we will look at another way to form monochrome images, this is mixing image channels. Let's consider practical application and configuration methods.

    Lesson 56. Team “Black and white”

    In this tutorial we will look at using the Black and White command. After completing this lesson, you will learn some of the secrets of processing using this method to get the best results.

    Lesson 57. Filter for monochrome images

    We continue to look at ways to convert images to monochrome and in this tutorial we will look at how to use the “Camera Raw Filter”. We will also find out how this method differs from the previous one.

    Lesson 58. Process automation

    In this tutorial we will begin to look at the topic of automating routine operations in PhotoShop. Automation is most often performed using macro commands or so-called actions. You will learn where they can be found in the program and how to use them.

    Lesson 59. Basic operations with actions

    In this video tutorial we will look at the basic operations with actions, namely: copying individual commands, loading actions into PhotoShop and deleting them. After completing this lesson, you will learn how to do all this in practice.

    Lesson 60. Methods for recording actions

    In this video tutorial you will learn the basic techniques that are used to record macro commands or actions. We will consider this using the example of an action for the method of recording frequency decomposition.

    Lesson 61. Editing an action

    In this lesson we will edit an already recorded action, change some commands in it, namely, replace the “Gaussian Blur” command with “Surface Blur”. We’ll also add turning on and off the high-frequency layer and learn about the nuances that you might encounter when working like this.

    Lesson 62. Batch processing of images with actions

    In this tutorial, you'll learn how to include actions in your workflow when processing images in batches. Let's consider working with such a Photoshop command as “Image Processor”.

    Lesson 63

    In this tutorial, we'll record an action to enhance color variations in an image using a modernized Mars method. Also in this lesson we will repeat the material from the previous lesson, namely how to translate color space in LAB and work with it.

    Lesson 64. Preparing for publication on the Internet

    In this lesson you will learn how to prepare images for publication on the Internet, namely how to reduce and optimize the image without losing the quality and sharpness of the photo.

    Lesson 65. Sharpening the full image

    In this video tutorial we'll look at how to sharpen a full-size image. The technique for sharpening such photographs is slightly different from processed photographs.

    What else to read