Education is something that remains after that. Ten life lessons from Albert Einstein. A man who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new

Life lessons from Albert Einstein that you can use in your daily life

“I always think that my inner and outer lives are based on the works and thoughts of other people, living and dead, and that I must expand myself to give to the world as much as I have received and continue to receive now” - Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was an excellent physicist. He discovered many physical laws and was ahead of many scientists of his time. But people call him a genius not only for this. Professor Einstein was a philosopher who clearly understood laws of success, and explained them as well as his equations. Here are ten quotes from a huge list of his wonderful sayings.

Here ten life lessons from Albert Einstein that you can use in your daily life:

1. A person who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new.

Most people don't try anything new because they are afraid of failure. But there is no need to be afraid of this. Often a person who fails learns more about how to win than someone who succeeds immediately.

2. Education is what remains after you forget everything you learned at school.

In 30 years, you will absolutely forget everything you had to study in school. You will only remember what you have learned yourself.

3. In my imagination, I am free to draw like an artist. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination covers the whole world

When you realize how far humanity has come since cave times, the power of imagination is felt on a full scale. What we have now was achieved with the help of the imagination of our forefathers. What we will have in the future will be built with the help of our imagination.

4. The secret of creativity is the ability to hide the sources of your inspiration.

The uniqueness of your work often depends on how well you can hide your sources. You may be inspired by other great people, but if you are in a position where the whole world is looking at you, your ideas need to be seen as unique.

5. A person's worth should be determined by what he gives, not by what he is able to achieve. Try to become not a successful person, but a valuable person

If you look at world famous people, you can see that each of them gave something to this world. You have to give in order to be able to take. When your goal is to add value to the world, you will rise to the next level of life.

6. There are two ways to live: you can live as if miracles do not happen and you can live as if everything in this world is a miracle.

If you live as if nothing in this world is a miracle, then you will be able to do whatever you want and you will not have obstacles. If you live as if everything is a miracle, then you will be able to enjoy even the smallest manifestations of beauty in this world. If you live both ways at the same time, your life will be happy and productive.

7. As I study myself and my way of thinking, I come to the conclusion that the gift of imagination and fantasy meant more to me than any ability for abstract thinking.

Dreaming about everything you could achieve in life is an important element of a positive life. Let your imagination wander freely and create a world in which you would like to live.

8. To become a perfect member of the flock of sheep, you must first be a sheep.

If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, you need to start doing business now. Wanting to start but being afraid of the consequences will get you nowhere. This is true in other areas of life: to win, you first need to play.

9. You need to learn the rules of the game. And then you need to start playing better than everyone else

Learn the rules and play the best. Simple, like everything ingenious.

10. It is very important not to stop asking questions. Curiosity is not given to man by chance

Smart people always ask questions. Ask yourself and other people to find a solution. This will allow you to learn new things and analyze your own growth.

Some quotes from Albert Einstein

  • Only the Universe and human stupidity are infinite, and I have doubts about the infinity of the first of them.
  • Opportunity lurks amid difficulties and problems.
  • In my youth I discovered that my big toe would eventually make a hole in my sock. So I stopped wearing socks.
  • Imagination is more important than knowledge.
  • It is impossible to solve a problem at the same level at which it arose. You need to rise above this problem by rising to the next level.
  • Education is what remains after everything we were taught is forgotten.

The funniest

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family of mother, son and father without legs,

Early morning in the village, an ordinary family of mother, son and father without legs, which they lost in the war. The son is getting ready to hunt, takes a gun and a cartridge, then his dad crawls up to him and says:
- Son, take me hunting, I really want to!
- Dad, how can I take you, you don’t have legs, what good are you?
- And you, son, put me in a backpack behind your back, and if we suddenly see a bear, you shoot at it - you won’t hit it, you turn your back, and I’ll kill it with one shot, you know it yourself - I shoot a squirrel in the eye from 100 meters! So we’ll bring the loot home, so we’ll have something to eat in the winter.
The son thought and thought and said, “Okay, dad, let’s go.”
They are walking through the forest, the father is sitting in a backpack, and then a bear meets them. The son shoots, misses, shoots again - misses again, turns his back, dad shoots - also waves, again - misses again. The bear is already rushing towards them, well, the son will give it a try, and meanwhile the father is shouting - they say, quickly, they will catch up! They’ve been running for an hour, they don’t have the strength, the son understands that he and his dad won’t run that far - they’ll both be lost, so he decided to throw off his backpack and runs on.
He comes running home all out of breath and says to his mother:
- Mother, we no longer have a father... - with tears in his eyes.
His mother calmly puts down the frying pan, turns to him and says:
- How did you fuck me with your desire, then my dad came running 10 minutes ago in his arms and said that we no longer have a son!

They invited a guy at work to a corporate party and allowed him to come

They invited a man at work to a corporate party, they allowed him to come with his wives, the corporate party was themed - a masquerade, you had to come in costumes, with masks. No sooner said than done, they got ready before going out, and his wife had a headache, she said, “Go without me, and I’ll lie down at home for now,” and she herself came up with a cunning plan - to follow the man, how he would behave at the masquerade, to pester Zinka from accounting or even get drunk. Before going out, she changed her costume, came and saw her hubby - first dancing with one, then twirling the other, guard! She decided to check how far he would go, invited him to dance, they danced and whispered in his ear: - Maybe we can retire...
They retired, did their business, and the wife quickly went home. Her husband arrived a little later, she decided to ask him:
F - Well? How do you like your corporate party?!
M - Yes, gray boredom, the men and I decided to go play poker, and before that Petrovich, our boss asked him to exchange suits, since he had dirty his, so he was lucky, can you imagine, some woman in the ass gave!

The son comes up to his father and asks: - Dad, what is it?

The son approaches his father and asks:
- Dad, what is virtual reality?
Dad, after thinking a little, says to his son:
- Son, to give you an answer to this question, go to your mother, grandparents, and ask them if they could sleep with an African for 1 million dollars. He approaches his mother and asks:
- Mom, could you sleep with an African for 1 million dollars?
- Well, son, it’s not a tricky matter, and we need money, of course I could!
Then he approaches his grandmother with the same question, and the grandmother answers him:
- Of course, grandson! If I had a million dollars, I would live the same number of years!!!
It's grandfather's turn, grandfather answers:
- Well, actually, once doesn’t count, so of course - yes, with this million we would build a house by the sea, and finally leave my grandmother!
The son returns to his father with the results, and the father says to him:
- You see, son, in virtual reality we have three million dollars, but in real reality - 2 simple #tuts and one faggot!

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And

The girl invited the guy to visit, romantic, that's all. And at that moment his stomach began to twist, he simply had no strength to endure it anymore. They come into her apartment and the girl says:
- Come in, don’t be shy, go into the room, and now I’ll go to the bathroom and powder my nose...
It was somehow awkward for the guy to ask her ahead of her, so he decided to be patient, although he no longer had the strength to endure it. He walks into the room and looks - there’s a big dog sitting there. He took it and piled it in the room, and thinks that he will then blame everything on the dog, while he, contentedly, goes to the kitchen to drink tea.
The girl with the bath comes out and asks him:
D: Why don’t you go into the room?
P: There’s a big dog there, I’m afraid of it.
D: I found someone to be scared of, she’s plush...
P: Wow, she gave a shit like a real one!

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, everyone has gathered

Perestroika, collective farms are slowly dying out, all the animals have gathered in the barnyard and are discussing their future fate.
The bulls came out first and said: We must leave here while the hooves are still intact. The roof of the hangar is already leaking, it’s not raining, so we’re swimming like ducks. Next come the pigs: they haven’t eaten normal food for 100 years, the straw is all rotten, they give water once every three days. It’s impossible to live like this, you need to get out. All the other animals supported: Yes, yes, stop putting up with this and let’s go. One Sharik sits still, everyone asks him:
- Sharik, why are you sitting?! Come with us!
Sharik answers:
- No, I won’t go with you, I have a prospect!
- What is the prospect? You'll die of hunger here!
- No, guys, I have a prospect here!
- Well, what prospects do you have here, you’ll get sick, catch fleas and die alone here!
- No guys, I have a prospect...
- What kind of prospect is that?!?!?!
- I heard here that the landlady told the owner “... if things continue like this, then we’ll suck Sharik all winter...”

New jokes

The husband runs home and says to his wife - WIFE, urgently, we have

The husband runs home and says to his wife - WIFE, urgently, we will have guests in half an hour, I called our boss to our house! Wife:
- Are you crazy?! We have nothing to eat!
- Well, figure something out, you definitely need to do something, because tomorrow they will distribute the money, whose salary will be increased!
- So we have nothing except soup and a can of peas!
- So, listen carefully! When he comes to us, I’ll tell him that you made an awesome steak and peas, and in the meantime I’ll treat him to some of my moonshine. And then you accidentally break a plate in the kitchen and shout that you dropped the steak and now it’s in the trash, you’ll only have to serve peas, nothing can be done.
We agreed, the boss came. The husband treats him to moonshine, then yells to his wife:
- Wife! Get the steak!
Plates are falling in the kitchen, there's a crash!
- Well, what are you doing there? Did she really drop the steak in the trash?!
From the kitchen sobs:
- No, peas!

"Am I really a genius?"

We are all eternal students in the Universe, and if the learning process stops, the brain undergoes changes. So, “When Einstein was once asked what the speed of sound is, he replied: “I don’t know. I don’t overload my memory with data that can be easily found in a reference book.” Contrary to numerous myths, Not all great geniuses are walking encyclopedias. However, they know where to find what they need, when they need it. I call this quality meta-ability- the fundamental skill on which all others are based. Albert Einstein also seemed like a flawed child as a child, partly because dyslexia, manifested in difficulties in speaking and reading.

“He developed more slowly than usual as a child,” recalls his sister Maya Winteler-Einstein. - He had such problems with speech that those around him were afraid whether he would learn to speak at all... Every phrase that he was preparing to utter, even the simplest, he repeated to himself for a long time, moving his lips. He continued this habit until he was seven years old.” The Greek language was so difficult for young Einstein that his teacher, unable to resist, once exclaimed: “You will never achieve anything...”. Einstein was later expelled from school and failed the college entrance exam.

Finally, finishing his thesis for a bachelor's degree, he was unable to obtain either a place in a scientific institution or recommendations from his professors. Forced to accept a low-paying job at the Swiss patent office, Einstein, at twenty-five, seemed doomed to a life of mediocrity. But in his twenty-sixth year, Einstein did the unexpected. In the summer of 1905, he published his special theory of relativity, which contained the famous formula E = mc2. Sixteen years later he won the Nobel Prize and gained worldwide fame. Even today, 40 years after the death of the scientist, his inspired look, bushy mustache and head of gray hair remain the quintessential image for all of us, and his name is synonymous with an outstanding mind.

What types of mental exercises can be offered to a person as an analogue to swings, ladders and “squirrel wheels” in rat cages? Einstein himself had some thoughts on this matter. He believed that it was possible to stimulate the emergence of deep and original thoughts by giving complete freedom to one's imagination, without limiting it by traditional conventional prohibitions. Einstein attributes the discovery of the theory of relativity not to his special talent, but, on the contrary, to his own so-called “arrested” development.“A normal adult will never be bothered by problems of space and time,” Einstein reasoned. - There are things that you only think about when you are a child. But my intellectual development was delayed, as a result of which I began to think about space and time when I was far from young.”

In his last autobiographical notes, Einstein recalls the insight that led him to the creation of the special theory of relativity. It came unexpectedly when, as a sixteen-year-old boy, he was simply dreaming about something. “What if...” he thought then, “fly next to a beam of light at its own speed?” Normal adults, as Einstein reasonably noted, usually suppress such questions within themselves, and if they do arise, they quickly forget about them. Apparently, this is exactly what Winston Churchill meant when he said that “many people stumble over great discoveries, but most of them simply step over and move on.” Einstein was an exception. Without a clear idea of ​​where this question would lead him, he pondered it for ten years. And the more he thought, the more questions arose before him. Finding the answer to each new question, he moved step by step closer to the truth.

Many years of research have led me to the final conclusion that geniuses are not much different from ordinary people, namely in that they are able to expand the channels of their attention, guided by their own vague, subconscious sensations. As a rule, they develop this skill at such an early age that over time they simply forget its secret. Everything happens automatically, and therefore geniuses, just like mere mortals, are prone to the most mystical ideas about how they managed to achieve such outstanding results.

“Education,” Einstein once remarked, “is what remains when you have forgotten everything you learned at school.” Who among us has not at least once looked back with regret on years of cramming such incomprehensible subjects as physics, chemistry, trigonometry, history, French and Spanish? Who hasn’t been struck by the thought that once upon a time we actually knew how to read Mendeleev’s Periodic Table of Elements, how to solve quadratic equations, calculate the trajectories of falling bodies, could name the dates of historical battles of the War of 1812 and conjugate French verbs, and then instantly forgot everything ? By the time we start working, most people, at best, only remember the multiplication tables. We look at anyone who is able to carry on a conversation in a foreign language with awe. Our desks are littered with unread magazines, computer manuals, messages and books of all sorts, yet few of us can escape the nagging feeling of deja vu1. At work, as at school, we feel overloaded with information that significantly exceeds our memory capacity.

Today, many people think that the education system is in the business of cramming information into the heads of students. However, the Latin word educare literally means “to draw out.” After all, in ancient times, the work of a teacher consisted of drawing out from students their own premonitions and insights. The English word educate comes from the Latin educare,
“pull out.” In ancient times, people believed that the source of wisdom was located inside a person. In Athens, great teachers “pulled” their students’ subtle insights using the Socratic questioning system. Education then followed the Socratic method. Although he was not its author, he nevertheless actively popularized it. In the Socratic method, the teacher simply poses a series of pointed questions, forcing students to test, defend, and describe their perceptions of the problem and emerging ideas for solving it. The fact that students discover the answers themselves, using their own hunches and insights, and then learn to express them in their own words, is one of the greatest strengths of the method, but by no means the only one. The Socratic method, called the method of self-knowledge, benefits both the student and the teacher. The ancient Greeks created schools both for the benefit of academic teachers and for the benefit of their students. While teaching, the leading minds of classical Greece - the Sophists - could be sure that they would always find an appreciative audience to present their new ideas and discoveries. And the payment for the honor given to them was to “stretch” the perception of listeners or students with the help of Socratic questions. Both sides benefited from the resulting feedback loop, which stimulated their intellect and broadened their horizons. The remnants of this educational system have survived to this day in the form of the aphorism “If you want to learn a subject, start teaching it.”

Socrates' method allowed Athens, a city of less than 100,000 people, to reach unprecedented heights of culture and education that still inspire awe 2,400 years later. This method formed the basis of Western pedagogy until the mid-nineteenth century.

Then the overwhelming numbers of students flooding American public schools forced educators to abandon the Socratic approach. Faced with classes of forty or even sixty children with boundless energy, teachers could no longer find a free moment to ask Socratic-style questions to at least one or two students during class. It was at this point that teaching stopped and learning began.

Today's didactic methods are based on the fact that every student is an “empty pot” that must be filled during the learning process. Only today are we beginning to understand the price we paid when we abandoned teaching in favor of learning. Therefore, Einstein’s remark quoted above, “Education is what remains when you forget everything you taught at school,” takes on a new bitter meaning for modern teachers.

Book by V. Wenger and R. Pou “Am I a Genius?”

Download book: 540KB

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