General meaning and interpretation of the Eight of Swords tarot card. Number magic 8 of swords reversed relationships

In the tarot deck, the eight of swords symbolizes manager of suppressed energy. It indicates an inability to cope with feelings of depression, a reluctance to take any steps to solve one's problems, and a craving for conflict. In the astrological influence of the map, Saturn is clearly pronounced in the fourth house of the horoscope, indicating the internal contradictions of a person.

Map symbol

Traditionally, the Eight of Swords has a negative meaning. The card symbolizes futility and complex, confusing situations. You should be prepared for the fact that many events will turn out far differently than you expected.

There is a risk of being a victim of other people's intrigues, and of feeling unable to influence certain circumstances in life. Arkan indicates that your freedom during this period of time may be severely limited. All your desires and interests will have to be compared with the interests of others, so as not to add fuel to the fire.

The card may be a warning that a difficult period is coming in your life. To stay afloat, you have to be extremely focused and pay a lot of attention to the behavior of close friends and relatives. There is a possibility that, unexpectedly for yourself, you will find yourself drawn into someone else's conflict.

Avoid hasty conclusions. This is not the best time to listen to your own intuition, trust logical and rational thinking.

The Eight of Swords is a symbol of limited opportunities in the current period of life. She points out that a person may feel helpless when finding himself in a particular situation. Perhaps at this time you are not living the way you want.

Are you experiencing lack of funds, you can’t afford to relax even for a minute due to overly intense work. This lasso can appear in a reading if a person is under pressure from the outside. When making any decision, try to be guided only by your own opinion and life experience.

Meaning in relationships

Those around you will try to tie you hand and foot with their demands, attempts to force a quarrel or someone else's point of view. The Eight of Swords indicates that at this moment in your life, you allow strangers to lead it.

Easily agree with everything that is offered to you, do not refuse help to anyone, follow your friends' lead and colleagues. The lasso can denote a person’s need to sacrifice their own interests for the sake of relatives and even unfamiliar people. In combination with other arcana, the card does not lose its negative meaning.

Your interactions with people will be tense and difficult. You may feel hostility and even unjustified aggression from others. Try not to make the situation worse. Now your energy balance is at risk.

Trust your life experience more. Avoid misunderstandings when communicating with strangers. If you feel that this or that situation is about to develop into a full-fledged conflict, just leave. Quarreling and exposing your own thoughts and feelings are now categorically contraindicated for you.

You can become victim of someone's gossip or blackmail. Finding a way out of a sticky situation will not be easy; you will have to turn to a close, reliable person for help.

Do not take part in other people's scams and do not take risks, no matter how justified they may seem to you. It's better to allow yourself to wait it out for a while, avoiding increased activity in your social life.

The Eight of Swords says that now you should not take on several tasks at the same time; you may not have enough strength to complete each of them.

  • Structure your actions.
  • Try not to let your emotions and personal life affect your work.
  • Be patient with manifestations of intemperance and mistrust on the part of your loved one.
  • Don’t give up on pre-planned trips if circumstances don’t turn out well at the last minute. Now rest and change of scenery– just what you need.
  • Don't panic if things don't go as you planned. Everything will definitely work out, you just have to put in a little more effort than you expected.
  • In any situation, no matter how difficult it may be for you, first of all be yourself. You should not try to appear better in order to gain the sympathy of another person. If you are destined to continue communication, this will happen without your pretense.

In love

Eight of Swords is a sign crisis in family relationships. You have been walking on the edge of a knife for some time now, playing on the nerves of your loved one, inadvertently trying to tease him and provoke him into an open display of emotions. Calm down. At the moment, any quarrel may be your last.

Inattention and inconsistency in certain actions can leave an unpleasant feeling in your soul, that you or your partner are interfering with each other’s personal growth and development. Maybe, separation is inevitable, since neither of you is able to make at least some concessions in relation to your loved one.

Your significant other will try to isolate you from the outside world due to jealousy and mistrust. There is no way you can change this now, no matter what you do or say. Try to wait out this unfavorable period of your own life.

In time everything will calm down and you will start again enjoy communication with each other But you shouldn’t provoke your loved one. There is a risk of suffering from his sudden aggression and temper. Be understanding of his feelings and emotions. The mistrust in your relationship will disappear very soon.

Also, the Eight of Swords may indicate a complete breakdown in relationships due to the interference of outsiders. Perhaps it will be the betrayal of one of the partners, annoying attention from relatives and inappropriate comments from close friends.

Don't pay attention to what you hear from others and don't take anyone's word for it. Hide your personal life behind seven locks and you will be able to maintain a strong, harmonious relationship with your loved one.

Yes or no

In tarot fortune telling for desire, the upright position of the lasso indicates a positive solution to the issue, and the inverted position indicates a negative one.

In any case, the eight of swords indicates that now not the best moment to change something in your own life. Any of your actions can lead to a result completely opposite from what was expected.

  • Direct position - the answer is “yes”. You are too obsessed with your own idea. You spend almost all your energy just trying to achieve what you want as quickly as possible, without considering what exactly it will take. Thanks to your own persistence, you will achieve your goal, but in addition to it you will receive a huge number of conflicts and insults from others whose interests you may have offended. Consider whether it might be better to postpone this issue for a more favorable time.
  • Inverted position – the answer is “no”. All your attempts and efforts will not bring success in your wish. The effect will be completely opposite. Not only will you not see any positive results, but you will also create new problems for yourself. Thus, fate is trying to say that you are not yet ready for any changes in your own life.


If you get an inverted Eight of Swords in a tarot reading, its meaning can be interpreted in different ways. For example, it indicates complete freedom of action and new opportunities in a person’s life.

It is likely that all your fears and doubts will turn out to be completely groundless. Fate will present pleasant surprises, relationships with your life partner will bring joy and pleasure.

Another meaning of the lasso suggests that in the very recent past you have experienced the betrayal of a loved one, undeserved criticism at work, and felt unable to cope with the pressure of unpleasant circumstances.

In personal life, a reversed card could indicate an acute dependence on a partner, lack of own desires and interests.



Saturn in the 4th house as a symbol of internal barriers.

Straight position:

The Eight of Swords is one of the most critical cards in the layout, symbolizing crises, conflicts, and overcoming inert passive matter.

Reverse position:

Reversed card means: betrayal, depression, anxiety, accident, inability to act. May indicate fatal factors.

Eight of Swords

Card name: Lord of Tamed Strength.

Correspondences – earth of air; letter Xe (final); Sephira Glory

Explanation (general meaning): stiffness, restrictions.

Event: finding yourself in a difficult situation from which there is no way out or this way out is not obvious.

1. No development or very little development; there is no possibility of expansion or change. Small profits or even losses.

2. The state of health is such that it does not allow the person to be free (dependence on medications, such as insulin). Serious chronic diseases.

3. Interdependence or dependence of one partner on the other. Rigid boundaries in relationships; Orthodox family.

4. Modest, constrained, shy. Complex. Afraid to take an extra step.

5. Advice: act little by little, look for a way out of the situation.

Warning: Inaction is dangerous.

6. The answer is no. It is difficult to find a way out, but it is necessary to look. A period of inactivity and lack of freedom.

Additionally: The image on the card symbolizes Masonic initiation.


Explanation (general meaning): a hopeless situation.

Event: panicky desire to escape, constant efforts to improve the situation (not timid steps, as in the direct card, but efforts, but not giving zero results).

1. Unpromising business. Work in subordination.

2. Desperate but unsuccessful struggle for health. Infertility.

3. Very difficult relationships. There is no way to free yourself from dependence, a subordinate position (they will find you, catch you up, return you).

4. Fighting with all his might, not giving up until the last.

5. Advice: fight with all your might, try to save yourself, hold on.

Warning: Your struggle may be fruitless.

6. There is very little chance of finding a way out.

General value:

The Eight of Swords shows that we ourselves suppress some part of our personality. Often these are internal barriers or prohibitions that we usually set for ourselves, but we prefer to find their cause in the environment. This is the typical “Yes, but...” attitude, as Reverend Ike describes it: “I would love to do such-and-such, but...”, “I would really like to have such-and-such- this, but..., “I would be glad to become such and such, but...”. At the same time, the only obstacle on the way of our “I” to these beautiful things is actually only our own “but”. This card shows us that those restrictions, difficulties and prohibitions that we feel as obstacles do not belong to the outside world, but only reflect our own fears and barriers. In any case, the Eight of Swords warns that we are suppressing something within ourselves. Although sometimes we can only talk about a temporary refusal of something or a voluntary restriction based on completely reliable information.


Our work does not allow certain aspects of our personality to be revealed, so we have to suppress them. If we know that due to circumstances we are now forced to accept such a restriction, then we can agree with it. If the card indicates a situation that has no end, then it should be taken as advice to urgently grant yourself personal freedom, and, in extreme cases, change jobs.


At this level, a card can have two meanings. It can mean the icy tyranny of reason, with the help of which we suppress the most important impulses and feelings, believing that this means “keeping control” of our desires, drives and dreams. Or - awareness of this tyranny, and thereby the first step towards liberating our internal prisoner.

Personal relationships:

Here too these are mainly barriers. We hide some aspects of our personality because we are afraid to show them to our partner. Or this card describes a union in which some part of the personality is not received - again because we are afraid of disapproval or other negative reaction from our partner. In any case, the card recommends changing this situation as soon as possible, because suppression of some part of our “I” will sooner or later inevitably lead to the collapse of the union. However, the card can also describe the feeling of loneliness when we live without a partner. Then it means our inner unwillingness to open up to another person, to accept in advance all the joys and sorrows associated with this, and advises us to first create in ourselves all the necessary prerequisites for this, and then the meeting with him will happen by itself.

Eight of Swords in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - problems of growing up.

With the “Mage” card there are limited possibilities.

With the “High Priestess” card there are prejudices.

With the Empress card - limited results.

With the Emperor card there are prohibitions and strict restrictions.

With the “Hierophant” card - restrictions imposed by morality.

With the “Lovers” card, you are in captivity of relationships.

With the Chariot card - to be captured by circumstances.

With the “Strength” card - powerlessness; loss of energy.

With the Hermit card - limit yourself.

With the Wheel of Fortune card there are limited possibilities.

With the “Justice” card - punish or condemn yourself.

With the Hanged Man card there is uncertainty.

With the “Death” card - the restrictions that life imposes.

With the “Moderation” card - worries.

With the “Devil” card - become addicted.

With the “Tower” card - imprisonment; sharpen yourself from the inside.

With the “Star” card, you can get out of the dead end step by step.

With the “Moon” card you will get even more confused.

With the Sun card - add clarity.

With the “Court” card, start getting out of the crisis.

With the “Peace” card there is a way out of a trap or crisis.


With the Ace of Wands card - the beginning of insight.

With the “Two of Wands” card you get even more confused.

With the Three of Wands card there is a gradual way out of the crisis.

With the Four of Wands card - signing an agreement, regulations.

With the Five of Wands card, going beyond what is permitted provokes a conflict.

With the Six of Wands card there is a way out of a difficult situation.

With the Seven of Wands card - suppression of interference.

With the Eight of Wands card - a way out of the trap; open your eyes.

With the Nine of Wands card, expect the worst.

With the Ten of Wands card - a depressed emotional state; impotence.

With the “Page of Wands” card - an attempt to sensibly assess the situation.

There is a gap with the “Knight of Wands” card.

With the Queen of Wands card - break your own limitations.

With the “King of Wands” card - show willpower; gain confidence.

Some arcana just by their appearance cause internal anxiety in novice tarot readers. Such a card, for example, is the 8 Swords of the tarot, the meaning of which can be seen literally in the picture. However, you should not trust only the image. For a more complete analysis, it is worth analyzing the interpretation of the lasso in all areas of life.

The card depicts a girl standing tied up, blindfolded, surrounded by eight swords, the tips of which are stuck into the ground. Many tarot readers say that the situation on the card symbolizes the hopelessness of the situation. However, the nuances of interpreting the lasso in each situation should be considered separately.

Astrological correspondence

Astrologically, the card corresponds to the zodiacs of Pisces and Sagittarius, and planetarily it is closest to Saturn.

General meaning of the 8 Swords tarot arcana

Straight position

In a straight position, this lasso symbolizes the difficulties and obstacles that arise on a person’s path. A person who is under the influence of the lasso feels some kind of social pressure and is confident that there is no way out of the current situation. If you pay attention to the girl’s shackled legs, it becomes clear that the person was shackled by fear due to possible previous failures. The negative influence of society is also possible.

The key words when describing the lasso are:

  • blackmail;
  • manipulation;
  • hopelessness;
  • depression.

Inverted position

It is interesting that there is still debate about the meaning of the 8 Swords arcana of the tarot in an inverted position, since with this position its meaning becomes more positive. A person gains a certain self-confidence and the ability to think more broadly and creatively.

Some tarologists believe that the meaning of the inverted lasso is close to the interpretation of the upright card, but an aspect is added such as blackmail from loved ones, which prevents a person from achieving his plans. The key words in this case are the following:

  • a chance to make the right step, choice;
  • the end of the depressive period;
  • possible manipulation by relatives.

This unusual lasso takes on no less interesting meaning in the decks of Manara and Thoth.

Meaning in Tarot Manara

In the Manara deck, the lasso indicates that a person is inclined to exaggerate existing risks. The card recommends learning to overcome your own fears, then the influence of society will be indifferent to the person.

Meaning of the 8 of Swords in the Thoth Tarot

In the Thoth tarot there is an indication of a person’s lack of perseverance in the fight against existing obstacles. He needs to think bigger if he wants to get good results.

The meaning of the card in love

When interpreting the lasso in the love sphere, its psychological influence on the couple is observed, and not in the best way.

Straight position

The card symbolizes a crisis for the couple. She says that the relationship is already in the balance, and if one of the partners takes the wrong step, then a breakup is inevitable.

The arcan clearly describes a situation in which one partner is a kind of puppet in the hands of the other. The card also often shows a person’s unpreparedness for a serious relationship or problems in the intimate area.

Inverted position

The meaning of the inverted lasso is influenced by the opinion of the specialist making the layout. Some tarot readers see relationships that have traumatized a person in the past. It is because of this error that the questioner cannot enter into a new union.

Some believe that a person is not only not ready for a relationship - he is afraid to trust the opposite sex.

Eight of Swords tarot - meaning in health readings

Direct position

The direct position of the lasso indicates a situation where a person’s physical condition has literally shackled his arms and legs. Often the lasso speaks of a person’s fear of returning to the rhythm of life of a patient after a recent recovery. The influence of stress and various phobias is visible. Often the card warns of the risk of injury requiring dressing.

Reversed position

The inverted meaning of the card is a symbol of the fight against an existing illness, sometimes not to the death. In general, the meaning of the card is more positive, but it is worth looking at the neighboring arcana for interpretation.

Interpretation in the context of personality psychology

Direct card position

The Eight of Swords card shows a person who is used to limiting himself. It also symbolizes a personality that is highly dependent on the opinions of others. Without their approval, she cannot take a single step. The presence of energy blocks and mental bindings prevents you from acting of your own free will.

The meaning of the inverted lasso

The reversed 8 of Swords predicts a period in which the questioner will take off his rose-colored glasses and learn to see the world in its true light. Some questions that previously tormented the fortuneteller can be resolved by themselves with a more sober look at them. The lasso symbolizes a quick way out of crisis and difficult situations.

Fortune telling about the situation

Straight position

When reading a situation, the lasso states that the situation has frozen in one place, and the questioner himself is to blame for this. The person does not see ways to solve the problem, feels in danger, has the wrong attitude towards what is happening, which is why he cannot get the problem off the ground.

Decisive steps are needed to resolve the issue, but the person is shackled by his powerlessness. For the sake of the result, he may need to sacrifice his beliefs and principles, which leads him to confusion.

Reversed card

The inverted lasso says that the situation, which remained in the same position for a long time, has begun to be resolved. The fortuneteller was able to obtain some information, thanks to which he could act more correctly. However, the problem will be difficult to solve. Perhaps this process will involve minor losses for the questioner.

Eight of Swords tarot - meaning in a financial reading

Interpretation of the lasso in a straight position

Significant obstacles await the questioner in his career. It’s difficult to say right away what exactly the obstacles will be related to; you need to analyze the influence of neighboring lassos. Sometimes it is the person himself, and sometimes the card speaks of the overwhelming influence of the organization or environment on career growth and, consequently, on the quality of life of the individual.

There are often conflict situations in the team and a lack of teamwork results. Sometimes a person feels like a slave and internally wants to break free from the constraining influence of the system.

The meaning of the lasso in an inverted position

The reversed position has a more positive meaning. A person will be able to take a break from difficulties; sooner or later they will resolve themselves.

Tarot card combination

Combinations with high cards

  • combination with the Jester speaks of a person’s madness in a negative way;
  • combination with Justice shows the risk of problems with the law;
  • with the Chariot - recommends submitting to the will of the circumstances that have arisen.

Combination with the minor arcana

  • combination with 4 Posokhov speaks of the risk of signing a contract that limits the will;
  • the layout with the Five of Cups advises you to distance yourself from a specific situation;
  • the alignment with the Nine of Swords is a possible play by the environment on the guilt of the questioner.

8 of Swords Tarot – meaning of the card of the day

On this day, restrictions may begin to be imposed on a person from all sides, and strong moral pressure will be felt. All that remains is to pull yourself together and get through the day, succumbing to outside influence as little as possible. The complexes that will haunt the questioner today may well become the basis for further introspection and development.

Reversed Card of the Day The Eight of Swords says that today many secrets will become clear. Perhaps the fortuneteller will be stressed or unpleasantly surprised.

General advice of the arcana

Multitasking is no use now. You need to at least plan your actions a little and set a time frame. Only with an adequate plan can the influence of manipulation and suppression be avoided, and obstacles become easily predictable and, therefore, surmountable.


What questions should you ask if this card comes out?

  1. What's holding me down inside?
  2. What restrictions does the environment provide?
  3. How dependent am I on the opinion of society?

With the help of a map, you can learn not only to resist the influence of your environment, but also to take off your rose-colored glasses in a timely manner and see non-standard moves in difficult situations.

Straight position

Arkan characterizes a person by his inconstancy, some doubts. The Eight of Swords signifies both external and internal factors that indicate a problem. These can be objective misunderstandings and those that come from the person himself.

The card may speak of some kind of predicament, helplessness, capriciousness, limitations, a thorny path to one’s goal, or being driven into a dead end. It turns out that the card has a lot of meanings. It should also be taken as a warning that unforeseen circumstances are coming that cannot be avoided.

A person under the influence of this Arcanum is not free and is dependent on circumstances. He has deprived himself of freedom, and is ready to obey someone’s rules and demands, paying for his mistakes, admitting and atonement for his guilt. He is a fairly wise person, so he can approach his problems philosophically.
Inverted position

There is a saying: “There is a fly in the ointment.” So the inverted Eight of Swords card is a fly in the ointment. It turns out that a person sees a little positive in a huge mass of negativity. This may be due to past betrayal, difficulties, hard work, depression and unexpected situations. But there are, of course, bright sides that give a person hope.

In a period of complete helplessness and hopelessness, he can count on the end of such restrictions. And even though positive changes will not solve all problems, you can at least count on the fact that some of them are already a thing of the past. And thanks to this, a person begins to believe in himself, his success.

Problems that seemed so global are actually not so terrible. At the same time, freedom of action appears, there is no more fear, and all restrictions are coming to an end.

Eight of Swords: Meaning in Love and Relationships

Straight position

There is a problem in a relationship between two people. What matters here is the destructive influence on a person’s feelings and the obvious inconsistency of characters. Moreover, in a relationship, both partners do not want to give in to each other. A marriage can end in tears because the relationship has already outlived its usefulness.

Perhaps a person voluntarily distances himself from his partner when he is simply unable to maintain the relationship and behaves in an infantile manner. In other words, a crisis occurs in the relationship. They are literally hanging on by a thread. And this situation cannot be resolved, since one of the partners does not want to maintain the union.

Is it possible to keep two people together if they do not experience sincere feelings, joy and love for each other? In such a family, quarrels, misunderstandings, and mutual attacks occur more and more often.

Inverted position

The Arcanum indicates reconciliation when a person strives for this and tries to find a common language with a loved one. And, indeed, the situation cannot be called a dead end; everything can be resolved if you want it.

The card can also describe the fact that one of the partners is clearly pulling the blanket over himself, and is ready to make decisions for both. There is negativity in relationships, as depression, unnecessary emotions, and anxiety manifest themselves.

A person with an inverted Eight of Swords can behave differently: he is biased towards a loved one, he is too honest with himself, and this prevents him from building a relationship with his partner (after all, you want not only to love yourself, but also to be loved too).

Eight of Swords: Meaning in Situation and Question

Straight position

A person faces certain difficulties in life, and his responsibilities have not yet been clearly defined. His job responsibilities will not be easy for him; experience and competence will not be enough. Perhaps he himself will be very critical of himself due to inexperience, and thereby further aggravate the problem.

There may be a situation with litigation, financial losses, bad news related to money issues. The situation will be a dead end, as if your hands are tied, and nothing more can be done.
Inverted position

The card speaks of troubles that have taken place. This may be related to professional activities, and to other situations too.

These problems greatly spoil the overall picture of a person, but are not fatal. A person has entered a boring period in life, which is distinguished by its monotony. But this is just a very difficult period. Of course, he will get out of this story, but this will happen very slowly - step by step.

If you manage material resources wisely, use your foresight and foresight, then success will definitely come.

Eight of Swords: The meaning of the card of the day

Today fate will confront a person with a ban. He will feel squeezed and constrained, and completely different restrictions may occur.

You need to pull yourself together, take a step, and try to learn to overcome this stage. If it seems that this constrained state has not gone away, then you will have to find another way. Just don’t turn your fears into an endless series of problems. You just need to gather your courage.

Perhaps on this day a person will behave with a complex; he will tend to be modest and shy. But if he fights with all his might, overcoming his fears, then it will be much easier for him to live in this world among people.

It is not recommended to take on several tasks at once. You need to show a little patience and plan the sequence of your actions. Even if the situation is critical, you should not lose face, panic and fuss.

The card may indicate financial losses, bad news and other misfortunes, but this is not a reason to panic. The slowness and inconsistency of a person, the inconsistency of his actions and the influence of the people around him may be to blame for such a combination of circumstances.

It may happen that a person, due to his financial means, will not be able to afford what he dreams of. But he has the opportunity to save up for an expensive purchase, so don’t lose hope.

Eight of Swords: Combination with other cards

Major Arcana Wands Cups Swords Pentacles

problems growing up

Ace of Wands

the beginning of an epiphany

Ace of Cups

obsessive feelings

Ace of Swords

woe from mind

Ace of Pentacles

financial dependence

limited opportunities

King of Wands

show willpower; gain confidence

King of Cups

play on feelings

King of Swords


King of Pentacles

dependence on financial success


Queen of Wands

break your own limitations

Queen of Cups

lack of understanding

Queen of Swords


Queen of Pentacles

lack of practicality


limited result

Knight of Wands

Knight of Cups

insincerity; lack of trust

Knight of Swords

restrictions imposed by rivalry

Knight of Pentacles


prohibitions; limited powers

Page of Wands

an attempt to sensibly assess the situation

Page of Cups

blocked feelings

Page of Swords

Page of Pentacles

lack of education

shame; pangs of conscience

Two of Wands

get even more confused

Two of Cups

bind oneself to a promise; constraining relationship

Two of Swords

holding back emotions

Two of Pentacles

lack of flexibility


being in a relationship

Three of Wands

gradual recovery from the crisis

Three of Cups

addiction to alcohol and idle lifestyle

Three of Swords

Three of Pentacles

ability dependency


get caught up in circumstances

Four of Wands

signing an agreement, regulations

Four of Cups


Four of Swords


Four of Pentacles

dependence on one's beliefs

impotence; loss of energy

Five of Wands

going beyond what is permitted provokes conflict

Five of Cups

put a damper on the relationship; detachment

Five of Swords

injured pride

Five of Pentacles

limited opportunities


fear of loneliness; vow

Six of Wands

way out of a predicament

Six of Cups

old fears

Six of Swords

inability to get out of a problematic situation; tightening the knot

Eight of Swords – Minor Arcana

From an astrological perspective, the Eight of Swords corresponds to Saturn in the Fourth House, which symbolizes internal fears, blocks, and barriers.

This is Gemini in the First Decan. They are ruled by Mercury. This means that under the decade there is a change in thinking, a search for new possibilities, which can occur through internal visions, through the development of mental imagination.

Other names for the Eight of Swords: Eight Sabers, Eight Daggers, Eight Blades.

Brief description of Arcana: Internal barriers, Fear and indecision, Hidden obstacles, Inner blindness.

Description of the Eight of Swords

The classic Eight of Swords is a blindfolded woman with her hands tied, standing in the middle of a path located in a mountainous area. There are 5 swords left behind the woman, but there are 3 more ahead, they have to go through, but it’s quite difficult to do it with your eyes closed and your hands tied.

In the Age of Aquarius Tarot on the Eight of Swords we see a strong young man who is entangled in a serpent. He has a weapon - 8 swords, but he cannot use them: the snake completely constrained his movements. The young man is trying to resist him, destroy him, kill him, as they say, with his bare hands.

The sacred meaning of the Eight of Swords

The sacred meaning of the Arcana is clearly visible in the image: a woman in a luxurious red robe stands with her hands tied and blindfolded. She cannot take a step because she does not see where to go. The woman was able to overcome some obstacles in the form of swords with difficulty, but it was very difficult for her: internal fears formed due to the fact that she does not see the path, but only stumbles upon swords, each time going through it empirically - through certain traumas.

Isn’t it also true that a person’s life with its trials gives rise to fears of even greater trials. And the fact that even more serious obstacles lie ahead is indicated by tied hands: because of this, our heroine cannot remove the obstacles that arise in her path. But if you look closely at the image, you can see that the ropes are not very tight; she could easily get out of them and finally remove the blindfold in order to look at the road with open eyes.

She could take it off, but she doesn’t do it because inside she is also bound, but by her fears. This situation makes her helpless in life. She just has to stop and wait for some traveler to come along and help her overcome obstacles. She has found herself in a labyrinth of limitations, including her own, and now she needs a kind of Ariadne's thread that will lead her out of this labyrinth.

The map also shows that the heroine is completely defenseless in front of the outside world. She cannot defend herself, and anyone can throw a stone at her, which means that she is powerless against slander, slander, and attacks. She is in a pillory.

Metaphysically, the Arcanum shows that even with a blindfold you can walk the path, as was already done with the five swords, but for this you need to learn to “see” with your inner gaze. Salvation can come in the form of intuition, but it also needs to be freed from the labyrinths of fear.

Mythological correspondence of the Eight of Swords

In mythology, the Eight of Swords can be compared to the story of the Minotaur's labyrinth, built for this terrible beast by the architect Daedalus. Moreover, the Minotaur here symbolizes the internal barriers of a person and the fear that devours him from the inside, just as the Minotaur devoured his victims. Working on yourself is akin to the victorious battle of Theseus with the Minotaur.

The meaning of the straight Eight of Swords in the layout

The Eight of Swords is a very unpleasant card. It says that a person finds himself in a rather difficult situation, and he does not see a real way out, while he understands that the surrounding circumstances are against him. He senses danger, cannot understand where it really comes from, and therefore cannot take preventive measures. As a result of this, he cannot move forward, do anything, he stands still.

In many ways, the reason for the situation may be internal barriers and restrictions that prevent one from taking actions that a person considers to be the only correct ones. He is limited by his own understanding of what is happening, limited by moral and ethical principles, limited by the rules that were previously established. In fact, he becomes hostage to restrictions and internal barriers. In which direction these restrictions apply is suggested by the nearby Arcana in the layout.

Quite often a person has to surrender himself into the hands of someone who will bring him out of this state. A kind of guide for the blind. But the man himself is not blind, he could well take off the blindfold, however, internal barriers do not allow him to understand that he himself is the creator of his own happiness and misfortune too. By surrendering into the hands of a guide, a person again binds himself, but with obligations to this guide. He becomes dependent on him, and of his own free will. Or lack of will - that would most likely be more correct.

The Eight of Swords also indicates a restriction of freedom, often in the literal sense - by arrest. Here it should be taken into account that before this we had the Seven of Swords with its theft and dishonest actions, so the imprisonment of the Eight is very logical. But freedom is inherent not only in physical existence, but also in mental existence. This refers to the inability to openly express one’s thoughts, the need to agree with what is unacceptable.

The Arcanum should always be considered from the perspective of forced limitation. It can be expressed in varying degrees - from standing in a queue that cannot be left, to freedom of expression.

Also, the Eight of Swords shows a person who finds himself in the pillory: people express indignation at him, they are dissatisfied with him, they insult him, criticize him, and sometimes slander him, but he cannot answer anything in his own defense.

In some cases, Arkan says that a person is in a karmic situation in which he cannot change anything. He is a prisoner of this situation, and it will end only when the karma is worked out.

The meaning of the inverted Eight of Swords in the reading

The Reversed Eight of Swords is also not an easy card. On the one hand, it indicates the acquisition of freedom. But in what way? A man takes off the blindfold from his eyes, he looks at the world. And what does he see? And he begins to notice the danger that surrounds him everywhere - eight swords. Swords are sharp, they always hurt. And now, in order to break free, he needs to remove these swords. He is in danger of getting hurt every minute. The fact that she is hanging like a sword of Damocles is also indicated by the next card - the Nine of Swords, meaning illness.

The positivism of the inverted Arcanum is that a person finally sees where to go and here everything will depend on the correctness of his steps. He can go his way quite successfully, bypassing swords (dangers) or getting rid of them without shedding a drop of blood. But he might get hurt when he gets out.

Here it is very important to look at the neighboring Arcana, because surrounded by negative Eight of Swords shows freedom at too great a cost. You can leave a prison cell at the end of your sentence, through an amnesty, or posthumously. The layout cards will help eliminate the last option.

The Eight of Swords in reverse also shows difficulties, dangerous situations, a painful state of mind after a betrayal to which one’s eyes were opened (consequences of the Seven of Swords), an accident.


In work scenarios, the Eight of Swords speaks of a rather difficult situation in the professional field. The card says that it is not easy for a person to fulfill his official duties due to the fact that he constantly has to overcome some obstacles. An important element of these obstacles is his internal state - these are internal barriers and restrictions that do not allow development; there may be an insufficient professional level, which makes a person a weak worker.

In addition to internal barriers, obstacles can be various restrictions on the part of management, constant “clipping of wings”, a huge number of rules and instructions. This Arcan also speaks of a poorly organized business.

In team scenarios, Arkan points to confrontation between colleagues, constant conflict situations, various insults and slander. Sometimes this can mean that the entire team has taken up arms against a person and is “harassing” him from all sides.

People who conduct business using less than honest methods need to be careful with this Arcanum. For them, the Eight of Swords can mean arrests and trials.

As for the attitude towards work, here we can safely say that work does not bring pleasure, there are no prospects for professional development and career growth.

The card may indicate a dead end situation in which a person’s hands are tied - these are complex financial obligations, various enslaving contracts, obligations to business partners that have already become burdensome, but it is impossible to break away from them.

Inverted, the Eight of Swords indicates that the person previously had some troubles, which still have resonance at the moment. These are most likely serious problems that have affected a person’s business image. They haven't completely denigrated him, but they cause a lot of unpleasant moments.

In terms of business, some prospects are beginning to unfold, but a lot will have to be overcome to achieve them. So far there is only a more or less clear picture of where and how to move, but in order to take some steps, it is necessary to prepare the ground and remove obstacles standing in the way.

If we are talking about a matter that has been in a stagnant state for some time, then the Eight of Swords predicts a way out of this state and, finally, movement forward.

Direction of self-development

In the direction of self-development, the Eight of Swords is perhaps a card aimed at the esoteric side of the path. It is very important here to overcome your internal fears and blocks in order to release your intuition, imprisoned by your consciousness in a labyrinth. The inner gaze, or intuition, will become a kind of Ariadne’s thread on a person’s path, but you need to try very hard to get this thread.

The inverted Arcanum teaches you to look at life with wide open eyes, accept it as it is, see the essence and not be afraid of what appears before your eyes. It is also necessary to overcome the confusion that inevitably arises when a person begins to see not only the beautiful shell, but also the inner content that does not always correspond to it.

Personal relationships

The Eight of Swords does not bode well for personal relationships. In them, at the moment, a person is confused, has reached a state of crisis, and there is a constant threat of conflict. The partners have already begun to interfere with each other, as if standing in the way. They cannot agree, they hide their feelings from each other, pushing themselves from the inside.

At the same time, each of the partners hopes that he will not have to look for a way out, but that the other one will decide for him, which irritates and makes life unbearable. And both of them think so. Partners are afraid to look for a way out, since the most likely thing is divorce, and they are very tied to the relationship. Internal barriers do not allow you to divorce or leave. A person begins to hide behind obligations that are supposedly simply impossible to move - money, children, real estate.

In an alliance, partners deliberately deprived themselves of freedom due to fear of taking a decisive step and due to the lack of visible prospects.

If we are talking about one of the partners, then he can be said to be a hostage of the relationship: his freedom is limited, he cannot take a step on his own, he is afraid to be left alone, he is afraid of not being able to cope in life on his own. There may also be fears of what others will think. Such a partner is in a hopeless situation, but he is driving himself there: he has the opportunity to change everything, albeit through pain, but he is blind and does not want to see anything around him. At the same time, such a partner feels abandoned and unhappy. Internally, he would rather feel like a victim than risk doing something.

If the layout is made for a person who is currently in search of a partner, then here we can draw an analogy with a sleeping princess who does nothing to find her prince, but waits for him to come and kiss him, awakening her from her dream. sleep. This applies to men equally. Moreover, instead of going to places where you can meet people, this sleeping princess leads a reclusive lifestyle and avoids society.

The arcan indicates sexual inhibition, fear of doing some shameful act, excessive modesty, behind which internal barriers are hidden.

The Reversed Eight of Swords indicates that attempts at reconciliation are being made in the relationship, problems that made the relationship unbearable have been revealed. Partners are trying to find a common language. The relationship cannot be called rosy, but at least it does not look dead-end and hopeless. Although with such a card, the environment of the Arcana in the layout is important.

The fact is that removing the blindfold forces you to look at your partner and the relationship with wide eyes, to see a way out, but it may not always be positive. A lot has been passed, a lot has been said during the quarrels, and now it suddenly became clear that you need to either completely change your attitude towards your partner, correcting your mistakes, or get a divorce completely. In any case, divorce is also a way out; it will bring its own experiences and pain, but it will also give freedom.

The neighboring Arcana will tell you exactly which path the relationship will take.

Personality characteristics

A person under the influence of the Eight of Swords is a person who is in a depressed state, the cause of which is internal fears and barriers, one’s own limitations, indecision, and powerlessness. It cannot develop because this process is hampered by the fear of making unforgivable mistakes and fear of the consequences of decisions made. He constantly requires someone's advice, or even a “guide” through life.

The Eight of Swords person is often in a state of disagreement between desires and possibilities, and he simply does not look for opportunities. He only dreams of doing it, but he always finds an “iron”, in his opinion, reason not to do it. Internal barriers and limitations force you to look for reasons from the outside, create imaginary difficulties for yourself, and actually pull situations by the ears. Fears play a huge role here.

The Eight of Swords person turns a minor problem into almost a disaster, becoming timid and indecisive. He tries to retire more, isolates himself from society, driven by the fear of falling under everyone's attention. At the same time, he begins to experience a feeling of abandonment.

We can definitely say that this is a weak-willed person who prefers to climb into his “shell” and not allow anyone to pull him out of there. He doesn't trust anyone, not even himself.

The inverted Eight of Swords shows a person with a very unstable psyche, suffering from nervous disorders and constantly changing mood. This is a person who has a pronounced internal rebellion: he is contradictory, never knows for sure what he wants, and constantly rushes about in his desires.

The big problem for him is the lack of ability to concentrate, he is “scattered about plans,” not collected, and fussy. They create the illusion of continuous movement and chaos around themselves. People see him as a noisy person, about whom they say “there are so many of him!”

Layout for the situation

In situational scenarios, the Eight of Swords indicates that the situation has stopped at a certain stage and cannot be moved, and the person himself is to blame for what is happening. He does not see any development, is constrained by circumstances and his own attitude to everything that is happening, feels danger, which is why he simply tries to run away from resolving the issue. The situation requires a decisive step, but a person cannot take it because of his own powerlessness. In addition, a person is not free in his actions.

If the situation involves some kind of risk, especially if it is associated with various violations of the law, then the Eight of Swords predicts a disastrous outcome: there is a high probability of being subject to restriction of freedom. This may involve either restriction of possible actions or detention by law enforcement agencies.

Arkan also indicates that having to sacrifice some of your benefits and principles for the sake of results, which leads a person to a painful state, is perceived negatively by him. The situation is resolved, but at the same time the person receives serious stress.

Another interpretation in the situational scenario is that the situation is nothing more than karmic working off, which means that it is simply impossible to solve it on your own. Whatever actions are taken, the situation will go as predetermined. This interpretation will be prompted by the presence of the Ten of Swords in the layout.

The inverted Arcanum indicates that the stuck situation is beginning to be resolved somehow. This is not the end yet, but there are already some glimpses of a way out of the situation. Its hidden sides have been revealed, which allow us to take more correct steps. At the same time, the person sees perfectly well that the resolution of the situation will take place with certain difficulties, and even, possibly, with minor losses.

The main thing here is to overcome indecision and begin to remove obstacles from your path. By clearing the situation of negativity and danger, you can easily get the desired result. If we decipher this within the framework of the Arcana image, then we can say that the blindfold has come off, but it is still very difficult to see the horizon through the swords. By removing swords from the path, a person will open up room for maneuver.


A serious card when describing health. It indicates that a person is very limited, and this may simply be a restriction in freedom - strict bed rest or a hospital ward, or it may also be limited in movement - serious injuries or even paralysis.

The Eight of Swords indicates diseases associated with the application of bandages: injuries, inflammatory processes. The card may also indicate deterioration of vision.

In addition, there may still be a mental problem - phobias, obsessive states, internal blocks.

The inverted Eight of Swords speaks of correct diagnosis and timely detection of the disease, as well as the beginning of treatment, which may at first be accompanied by an exacerbation of the disease, and then improvement. This card also indicates homeopathy: treatment in small doses and, as homeopaths themselves say, like like.

Card of the day

A day of complete isolation. This can happen either of your own free will, for example, you just wanted to take a day off from all your work, or under the influence of circumstances. The Eight of Swords warns that on this day you will have to experience fear.

The reversed card suggests that on this day masks will be torn off and much will become clear. You will be unpleasantly surprised and even stressed because of your experience.

Card of the Year

The Year of the Eight of Swords is a year of internal experiences, indecision, timidity and lack of strong-willed decisions. It will be accompanied by hopeless situations and fear of changing anything. The card is very temporary, so eventually there will be an opportunity to correct this year's problems.

Inverted, the Arcanum promises light at the end of the tunnel of a hopeless situation. The path has opened and all that remains is to take a decisive step, but you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to make your way to the stars through thorns. The most important thing is that the goal has already appeared.

Arcana Council

The Eight of Swords advises to approach everything with humility, maybe even sacrifice something, but at the same time reach the goal. Sometimes you can lose a battle to finally win a war. The main thing is not to be afraid. At the moment, internal barriers do not allow development, but their presence shows the vector of work on oneself. If you manage to change yourself, you will be able to change your life.

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