Decorating a New Year's photo zone at home. New Year's photo zones, an opportunity to make the New Year brighter and more creative. Organizational ideas for creating a photo zone

Decorators at weddings usually worry about a photo zone, but I decided that for all other family events a beautiful place for photography would not hurt.

We try so hard to arrange an interesting children's birthday, anniversary or wedding anniversary, but at the same time we persistently take pictures against the backdrop of wallpaper, cabinets, curtains and a table with scraps :-). Enough!

Some of what I will offer now can be made using improvised materials; many blanks are available in holiday online stores. There are also elements that can only be made to order. In any case, you will get inspiration and be able to create an unusual photo zone for the celebration.

Immediately in the frame

A well-known technique, which, however, always enjoys success. To take photographs in the room, we simply ask guests to hold the frame in their hands; if the holiday is outdoors, we hang round and rectangular baguettes from tree branches.

This is perhaps the fastest way to design a photo zone in nature. People tend to pose much more interestingly, trying to fit into a composition limited by a frame.

You can buy baguettes at any chain supermarket that sells goods for home and comfort; there are both pompous and simple ones, which are more suitable for the holiday theme.

Fantas and other paper decorations

To be honest, this decorative element is called differently everywhere. This is simply a decorative fan folded from a long strip of paper. With phantoms you can very quickly cover a fairly large surface of the most inconspicuous wooden or plastic shield that you decide to turn into a photo zone.

There are quite a lot of master classes on the Internet that contain step-by-step instructions for making such a forfeit, and you can buy ready-made ones in “Everything for the Holiday” stores. Fant is also called a “decoration fan.”

Themed fence

This photo zone is usually set up on the street. If there is no real fence, a separate fragment is built, which is decorated with artificial flowers, wardrobe items, fake clouds, etc. In a nautical theme we will hang an anchor and fish, for pirates - a black flag with a skull, palm trees and treasure chests.

Summer cafes often provide the very basis for such a photo zone, so all you have to do is place a few thematic elements.

Photo zone with ribbons

In order for such a background to appear, you only need a horizontal bar at a height of 2-2.5 meters. It can be mounted on the door or placed between cabinets of the same length. Once we decorated the wall bars in the children’s room and the horizontal bar in the corridor with ribbons. Why not a photo zone?

Of course, ribbon decor will look good in nature. You will be photographed against the backdrop of a festive tree, and a light breeze will help you :-).

Paper plastic

It just seems that any of us can easily turn white sheets of paper into fantastic flowers. In fact, this work requires quite a lot of skill and patience. Of course, there are companies that specialize in making such decor, but you can make simple elements yourself.

If you also think about original lighting in soft colors, the flowers will come to life and turn every photo into a masterpiece. A great idea for a photo zone for a woman’s anniversary or wedding anniversary. Paper wedding :-).

I photographed such beauty at a recent exhibition.

Garlands on strings

Surprisingly simple and amazingly beautiful at the same time. What’s even nicer is that such a photo zone can certainly be decorated according to the theme of the holiday. Who's stopping you from stringing... or even paper soccer balls? Hearts, flowers, birds, even simple triangular colored patches, and the background for photography looks great.

Instead of garlands, you can use Hawaiian beads, which are simply hung vertically next to each other. Very good!

Everything ready-made is now sold - Hawaiian beads and paper garlands.


Helium balloons can fill the space against which your guests will pose. You can make several helium chains one above the other or put fountains of balloons on the floor (these are bundles of balloons on ropes of different lengths with a weight on the floor).

I don’t recommend making balloons that are too bright for the photo zone, as guests in colored clothes will get lost. Delicate colors (shades of green, gold, pink) or even balls of the same color will be very helpful in this case.

Cardboard plates

Killer material for decoration for any holiday theme.

You can attach the plates to the wall with easily removable mounting “chewing gum”, which does not spoil the surface of the wall, unless there is paper wallpaper.

You can lay out some kind of shape from the plates (circle-square-capital letter of the name) or simply hang it in a checkerboard pattern.

Ready photo props on sticks

All these accessories can be placed in vases next to the photo zone. Guests can borrow and pose with the hat mustaches.

By the way, at one holiday the photo zone itself was decorated with these items. These elegant pictures were simply attached with double-sided tape in a chaotic order on a white background. Very good! The cost is low, the design of such a photo zone is quite cheap, and it looks original.

Ready-made sets can contain from 4 to 30 items; you can find them based on a holiday theme or simply “about a birthday.” The photographs always turn out spectacular, since guests behave more relaxed with their accessories. Apparently, it seems to them that they have somehow covered themselves up)).

Thematic banner (press wall) or tantamaresque

A wonderful thing for a photo zone. For family holidays, such a banner can be ordered and installed in a restaurant or even at home. A great way to take memorable photos of a wedding anniversary or anniversary.

Press wall can also be thematic. You can print anything, even decorations for your celebration.

The word just means the same banner, only it has slits for faces. They can be made small to fit only the face, or large rectangular. If a pompous border is printed around the rectangles, the effect is cheerful.


At first it may seem that such a background can only be in a school or other educational institution (by the way, in a design sense this idea is rarely used there). Of course, the decorator must write and draw on this board for a holiday photo shoot, otherwise the whole point is lost.

If you decide to make a custom chalkboard, search the Internet for “chalk surface production.” They will make boards of any color and shape. Even an apple and an angel.

Chroma key background

I'm telling you. This background is used even in video shooting, and is generally ideal for photographs. The point is that this shade of green can be easily cut out of the photo and replaced with any other. In other words, you can then hand out photographs to your guests, even with a cosmic landscape.

Photo booth

This, of course, is in case of a large and crowded holiday, but you need to remember the existence of such a booth. You can rent it (there is a stand for taking finished photographs, a background, and the necessary inscriptions on the photographs).

When, by luck, a child’s birthday falls on a summer day, there are many opportunities to celebrate it outside the premises.
To organize a holiday in nature, a park located not far from home is quite suitable. Moreover, the number of guests invited to the holiday is not limited to the spaces of your own apartment or a specially adapted children's room in the entertainment center. And the budget for such a holiday will be minimal.


There are no special tips for choosing a place. A few days before the expected event, it is worth visiting the park with the whole family and, during a walk, determine where the holiday would be best. If there are trees on the site, this will provide additional opportunities for decorating the space.

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    Is there such a person in the world who would not like colorful balls? They always imply celebration and fun, so if you want to create such a mood at the holiday so that the guests experience joy and positivity, you need to think about just such a holiday design.

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    Miracles to order

    The easiest way to arrange a beautiful evening is to invite professional actors and decorators. And although you will have to pay a certain amount for their services, the colorful spectacle is worth it. All that remains is to take care of the technical aspects of the issue, in particular, choosing a suitable site for organizing the celebration. This capacity can be served by a restaurant or a country complex; other options are also possible depending on the number of invited guests, the scale of the celebration and the special wishes of the customer.

  • New Years corporate party

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    Successful companies and companies focused on dynamic development can use the unique mood to their advantage, occurring en masse every year at the end of December. To do this, you need to organize a colorful and impressive New Year’s corporate party for your employees. Invite business partners and major clients to it. Such corporate events bring the team together, and it has long been known that the atmosphere at work affects productivity no less than salary. In addition, it is directly proportional to staff turnover - the more friendly the team, the less staff turnover. Most companies understand that it is much more expensive to train a new employee than to retain an old one.

  • What is a New Year's photo zone? This is a special place that attracts everyone who wants to take beautiful and funny photos as a souvenir of the holiday. They design a New Year's photo zone both independently in houses and apartments, and with the help of experienced designers in offices, cafes, restaurants, shopping, entertainment and business centers.

    Rent a New Year's photo zone

    How to quickly resolve the issue of setting up a location for a photo shoot? We offer our clients to use such a service as renting a New Year's photo zone. The undoubted advantage of this solution is that the customer does not have to think every time about where to store accessories, what place to choose for photography, how to decorate it, and then remove it.

    The client of our company himself chooses from the samples offered on our website the one that best suits him in style, design, design and price. Places an order. After this, our specialists arrive within the specified period and carry out professional installation and installation of all elements. Within the specified period, specialists come again, quickly dismantle and take away the previously rented New Year's photo zone.

    This service allows you not only to save money on storing and updating accessories for a photo shoot, but also to receive completely new samples every year at an affordable price.

    Photo zone for the New Year

    When designing a place for photography in apartments and houses, most often they choose the most spacious and bright room in which they usually celebrate the New Year. For decoration, a variety of New Year's accessories and attributes are used: tinsel, LED garlands and ribbons, bright and vintage toys, paper decorations, etc. The main role in a holiday photo shoot is often given to the beautifully decorated hero of the occasion - the New Year tree. It is important that when you independently design such a place in the interior, it looks cute, natural and New Year’s-like.

    If you need to design a photo zone for the New Year in any institution, office space, restaurant or cafe, shopping, entertainment or business center, you should use the help of professional designers. What may look cute and casual at home will look awkward and inappropriate in such places. Lack of professionalism in this matter is an unaffordable luxury, because it can negatively affect the company’s reputation.

    Make your New Year's photo zone the best backdrop for bright, romantic, fun and unforgettable photos, give joy to those around you!

    Holiday decoration has become a form of modern art. Companies that help with anniversaries, weddings, and other family and corporate celebrations cooperate with psychologists and have professional artists and designers on their staff. Taking an individual approach to each order, we offer a range of services or individual design elements. One of the important holiday locations is photo zone. Here guests take pictures as families, couples, alone, or as a group, taking memories of shared entertainment into the future. This corner can be decorated in the spirit of corporate minimalism - one or two branded elements for memorable photos. Or be a themed corner, stylized as an event using many elements.

    On the eve of the winter holidays, the New Year's photo zone becomes especially relevant. It can be arranged in a restaurant, at home, in an office and outdoors. To decorate this location, our designers use banners with thematic photographs; the photo database contains photographs in different styles - nostalgic retro, modern romance, good classics.

    A modern urban landscape will be decorated with a photo corner made simply and creatively: a snow-white Christmas tree with golden balls, modern lanterns - an indispensable attribute of a city street. You can sit comfortably for a casual photo on rectangular hay bales. An addition that adds volume to the composition is a snow-white metal barrel.

    A retro car loaded with elegant gift boxes, decorated with a Christmas wreath made of fir branches, located against the backdrop of a snow-covered forest landscape - a fabulous and nostalgic composition that brings back the childhood expectation of a New Year's miracle for every guest. No one can resist the desire to take a memorable photo in such surroundings.

    For lovers of home comfort, there is another design option - a fireplace portal, next to it there is a Christmas tree surrounded by gift boxes, a step-ladder shelf with books and photo frames. The warmth and comfort of the home is symbolized by images of firewood in the portal and a comfortable chair with knitted seat cushions.

    An elegant fir tree near a cozy fireplace portal, surrounded by many boxes and boxes with gifts - a real family corner, frozen in anticipation of the holiday and numerous guests.

    The atmosphere of a fairy-tale theater is embodied by a photo zone with fabric drapery and an extraordinary Christmas tree, as if transported from a magical forest. Additional fabulous decor - horses, stars and fluffy imitation snow.

    The anticipation of a festive miracle is embodied by the reproduction of the interior of a cozy room in a country house. Here a fir tree, a fireplace portal and a comfortable chair stood waiting.

    The atmospheric background for a group photo is the snow-covered porch of a village house, the facade and the front door decorated for the holiday.

    Another festive sketch in a rustic style - Christmas decor against the background of a log house of a well. There is fluffy snow, spruce, gifts and a cozy blanket, bright cocoa cups with an airy dessert.

    Mobile photo zone-screen, simple but incredibly effective. Vintage wooden door panels decorated with garland. Podium steps, glowing lanterns and gift boxes enhance the atmosphere of anticipation of a magical holiday.

    Bright sleighs against the backdrop of a stylized winter landscape are a convenient and beautiful location for a holiday photo.

    Memorable photos from the holiday are not only the skill of the photographer; a beautiful thematic photo zone lifts your spirits and creates the right atmosphere. You can choose any ready-made option from our catalog or order a design to embody your own idea. Our company has been working in the holiday decoration market for many years, with dozens of successful projects in its portfolio. Clients come to us for a special professional decoration and enjoy a brilliant holiday. We give you the opportunity to save time and energy on decoration, spending it on joy and communication.

    More photo zone ideas:

    It is one of the most beloved holidays by Russians. It is not surprising that the main calendar holiday of the year is rightfully loved by both adults and children. After all, as is commonly believed, only on New Year’s Day will all the wishes made during the chiming clock definitely come true.

    The whole New Year's atmosphere is permeated with good magic. Is not it? How many positive emotions surround us at this time. At home, on the way to work, on the street in the park, in a cafe, in a store, and even in various government institutions - everywhere at this time you can feel the magical pre-New Year bustle.

    Someone is in a hurry to buy clothes, or for gifts, or perhaps for new decorations for the Christmas tree or for the house, while all people are united in one impulse - to give joy and be happy.

    Also at this time, celebrations dedicated to the New Year are held everywhere. And it doesn’t matter that it should come only in a few days - everyone can’t wait to plunge into this extravaganza of everyone’s favorite holiday.

    Everywhere there are:

    • children's matinees,
    • school evenings,
    • corporate events,

    dedicated to the main holiday of the country.The halls of cafes and restaurants are pre-decorated according to New Year's style.

    Photo as a souvenir with a fairytale background

    Perhaps, as the practice of publishing photographs of users of all ages on various social networks shows, it is during these pre-New Year days that people take many photographs, demonstrating their readiness to celebrate the New Year, as well as showing how the process of celebrating it goes.

    Often, sadly, the pictures turn out crumpled and, alas, not interesting. Agree, no one will be interested in looking at photographs with a boring and blurry background.

    The company offers you a specially designated corner or area in the style of the New Year as a decoration for the New Year in the form of a photo zone.

    Here you can take memorable photos in person or surrounded by family and friends that will decorate your social networks.

    Our New Year's photo zones, created from other attributes of this celebration, will give you an indescribable feeling of magic and take you to a New Year's fairy tale.

    Your photographs taken against the backdrop of such a photo zone will evoke a lot of positive emotions both in you and in those with whom you share them.

    Also, our photo zones will be an excellent decoration for public areas; they will attract new clients and visitors, which is also not unimportant, given the pre-New Year competition and the fight for each client.

    So if you are still thinking about this: whether to install a photo zone or not, stop thinking about it and take care of installing it as soon as possible. Be one of the first to pleasantly surprise others and give joy and anticipation of a miracle on the eve of the New Year!

    Call now, we will place your order in a minute.

    We offer you balloons with delivery or pickup, whichever is more convenient for you:

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