Description of a quiz at school about winter. Quiz “Winter-winter” material (preparatory group) on the topic. December, January and February

Gaming and educational entertainment
Goal: to create an atmosphere of competition and unity among children.
Objectives: summarize children’s knowledge about winter, promote the development of coherent speech, enrich active and passive vocabulary, develop logical thinking, auditory attention and memory.
Equipment: drawing material (sheets of whatman paper, gouache, brushes), pictures of wintering birds, pictures of wild animals, certificates and prizes.
Progress of the quiz game
The quiz involves 2 teams with their support groups. Using a draw, the order of each team's answers is determined: No. 1, No. 2. The teams are seated at tables. The composition of the jury is announced. The jury carefully monitors the completion of tasks and gives 1 point for the correct answer (basket with snowballs, whoever collects the most snowballs).
The presenter reads the poem “Do you recognize winter?”
There are deep snows all around,
Wherever I look,
A blizzard sweeps and swirls
Do you recognize winter?
The rivers fell asleep under the ice,
Frozen, motionless.
The snowdrifts are burning like silver.
Do you recognize winter?
We race down the mountain on skis,
The wind is at our back.
There is no more fun time than that!
Do you recognize winter?
We brought a thick spruce
For the holiday our favorite.
We'll hang the beads on it.

Do you recognize winter?
Reading a poem (Karina):
Comes in a white fur coat
Winter beauty
Walks like a queen
The hat has fringe.
Decorated with snowflakes
Sparkling outfit
She will wave her handkerchief -
Snowflakes will fly.
Host: Guys, today you will participate in the quiz game “How to recognize winter?”
Now you will form teams.
1 team: “Snowmen”
Team 2: “Snowflakes”
For correct answers you will be given a snowball in your basket.
Presentation to the jury

Task No. 1. "Name the signs of winter"

Presenter: Each team takes turns listing the signs of winter. (By what signs do we recognize winter?)

*Winter has the shortest days and longest nights.

*The sun is high and provides little warmth.

*The sky is often gray.

*In winter there are blizzards, blizzards, and snowfall.

*Rivers and lakes are covered with ice.

*The frost draws fancy patterns on the windows.

*Trees and bushes stand without leaves.

*All the insects hid in the cracks of the bark, under the leaves and in the ground.

*Only wintering birds remain.

*The bunny and the squirrel changed their fur coats.

*The bear, badger, and hedgehog have accumulated a thick layer of fat over the summer and autumn and sleep in dens and burrows.

*Children have winter fun - skiing, skating and sledding.

*Snow retention is being done in the fields.

*People wear winter clothes, etc.

Task No. 2. "Tell a Poem"

Presenter: Winter, with its beauty, inspires artists to paint pictures, composers to write music, poets to write poetry. It’s not for nothing that winter is called “the sorceress, the sorceress, the lacemaker, the beauty.”
Kirill: What kind of guest came to us?
Brought the smell of pine needles
And on it there are lights, garlands,
How elegant they are!
Bogdan: Hello, forest Christmas tree,
Silvery, thick!
You grew up under the sun
And she came to us for the holiday.
Vitya: You came to the joy of the children,
We will celebrate the New Year with you
Let's start a song together,
Let's dance merrily!

The presenter invites each team to recite poems about winter and the Christmas tree. At this time, the support group draws a “Christmas tree”.

Host: Guys, here is our Christmas tree, but it’s not elegant, it’s sad, let’s decorate it. The teams decorate the Christmas tree together.

Musical break round dance: “Christmas tree” (children, accompanied by musical accompaniment, imitate movements, correlating them with the text of the song)
Everything around was messed up
Blizzard chaos
Winter captivated me with its beauty - winter
We are carrying a Christmas tree from a fairy forest
Let's all sing a song together merrily
Frost lace on your needles
Our Christmas tree will be the most beautiful
We'll shower you with silver rain
Our Christmas tree will become absolutely magical!
Magic will happen soon
Just wait
Catch him in your hands and don't let him go
Soon the Christmas tree will light up bright garlands
And Christmas will come to us with a merry song and dance!
Task No. 3. "Choose a word"

Each team selects attribute words for the given words.

1 team. The given word “WINTER” is cold, harsh, frosty, blizzard, long, etc.

2nd team. The given word “SNOW” is white, fluffy, soft, falling, silver, clean, sparkling, etc.

Zhenya: The snowball is fluttering and spinning
It's white outside
And puddles turned
Into cold glass
Where the finches sang in summer,
Today - look!
Like pink apples
There are bullfinches on the branches!

Task No. 4. "Name the Bird"

Presenter: In the fall, migratory birds flew south, but we still have wintering birds, the task for the teams is:

a) list the wintering birds one by one,

b) recognize the wintering birds in the pictures and name them.

Task No. 5. "Say the Word"

a) The leader of each team reads the sentence, but not completely; the children must add the last word:

1 team. - The hare is white in winter, and in summer...

The squirrel lives in a hollow, and the hedgehog...

The fox has a long tail, and the hare...

2nd team. - The hare is fluffy, and the hedgehog...

The squirrel is gray in winter, but in summer...

The fox lives in a hole, and the wolf...

b) Presenter: We moved on to wild animals. I suggest you recognize the wild animals in the pictures and name them.

c) Presenter: I call the word a sign, and you must determine which animal or bird it refers to, for example: wise - owl.

1 team. Cowardly... (hare)

Hungry wolf)

2nd team. Sly Fox)

Clubfoot... (bear)

Task No. 6. "Puzzles"

Host: The most enjoyable and easiest task is solving riddles. The cheerleader can help their team.

1. The cold weather has arrived

The water turned to ice,

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (winter)

2. Who whitens the clearings with white.

And writes on their backs with chalk.

Sews down feather beds,

Have you decorated all the windows? (winter)

3. Guess who the gray-haired housewife is?

Will the feather dusters shake - over the world of fluff? (winter-winter)

4. I wasn't raised

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

Eyes - corners

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big,

Who am I? (snow woman)

5. I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by the rope (sleigh)

6. Wooden horses

They run through the snow,

And skis don’t fall into the snow

7. I have two horses, two horses,

They take me across the ice

And the ice is hard, stone (skates)

8. Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter? (wind)

9. Like across the sky from the north

A gray swan swam.

The well-fed swan swam,

Threw down - poured

To the fields, lakes

White fluff and feathers (snow cloud)

10. It froze yesterday

A midge flew in.

And from this midge

Yards turned white (snow)

Task No. 7. “Word game” (Can be done while standing near the tables).

Presenter: You need to clap your hands when you hear a word that matches the given word. For example: the given word is wolf. I list the words, and you have to clap your hands if you hear a word that fits a wolf - “fluffy” doesn’t fit, “den” doesn’t fit either, “hungry” does, so you need to clap your hands.

Command 1: The given word is “fox”.

Red (clap), jumps, prickly, howls, wolf cub, fluffy (clap), hole (clap), little fox (clap), cunning (clap), etc.

Team 2: The given word is “hedgehog”.

Small (clap), long-eared, prickly (clap), bear cub, snorts (clap), clubfoot, hedgehog (clap), etc.

3 team. The given word is "hare".

White (clap), predator, strong, bunny (clap), runs (clap), den, clumsy, jumps (clap), etc.

Host: The tasks are over. The teams completed their tasks. The jury is tallying the results, and I want to end our quiz with a poem.

The cold winter will pass,

The days of spring will come.

The sun will melt with warmth

The snow is fluffy like wax.

Emerald leaves

The forests are shaking

And together with the velvet grass

Fragrant flowers will spring up!

The jury announces the results and the award ceremony begins

Winter-winter stays in Russia for a long time. And he will let the snowstorms show their temper and will not spare the snow, and will allow the cold wind to run wild. Today we will talk in more detail about winter. Do we know everything about her? All questions in the Winter quiz have been answered.

1. Daylight in winter...
Short +

2. The earth receives heat in winter...
A lot of
Little +
Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little

3. What kind of precipitation usually occurs in winter?
Snow +

4. How do we speak?
The snow is singing
The snow creaks +
The snow is chirping

5. What determines the speed at which snowflakes fall to the ground?
From the mass of snowflakes +
Snowflake shapes +
Snowflake size +

6. Mark the correct examples of winter phenomena in inanimate nature:
Frost +
Blizzard +

7. Why don’t plant seeds freeze over the winter?
Because under the snow the temperature is higher than on bare ground +
Because the seeds are hardened
Because the seeds seem to be “sleeping”

8. How do animals prepare for winter?
Make food supplies +
Insulate their burrows +
Accumulate fat layer +

9. Indicate the correct statements:
In winter, the skin of a hare is white +
In winter, the squirrel's coat is warmer +
The hedgehog changes its spines in winter

10. Is it possible to see green herbaceous plants under the snow in winter?
Yes +
Depends on the weather

11. What animal sleeps in winter?
Bear +
Hedgehog +

12. Which statements are true?
“For winter, moose are preparing a permanent home for themselves.”
“Hamsters belong to the type of most thrifty animals” +
"Bears sing a quiet song in winter"

13. It will be frosty if
The cat sings songs
The cat curled up in a ball +
The cat hides its face

14. At what temperatures does it snow and rain?
At temperatures close to zero +
At a temperature of minus 5
At a temperature of minus 10

Extracurricular activity: Quiz "Winter - winter" carried out with the aim of broadening the horizons of children; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students. It arouses in the student the desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. It allows you to activate students, develops creative initiative and creative abilities of younger schoolchildren, gives children the right to choose, develops visual and auditory memory of students, promotes the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of schoolchildren.



Extracurricular activity

Quiz for primary school students



Extracurricular activity:Quiz "Winter - winter"carried out with the aim of broadening the horizons of children; development of cognitive activity and individual abilities of students. It arouses in the student the desire for new knowledge, curiosity and inquisitiveness to learn new things. It allows you to activate students, develops creative initiative and creative abilities of younger schoolchildren, gives children the right to choose, develops visual and auditory memory of students, promotes the activation of initiative and creative self-expression of schoolchildren.

Goals and objectives:

Summarize children's knowledge about winter; talk about winter in an entertaining way;

Develop students' creative abilities;

Foster feelings of camaraderie and respect for each other;

To cultivate love for animals and respect for our native nature;

Develop students' individual abilities; interest in reading, in searching for new things.

Progress of the event:

Leading: - Hello, guys and dear adults. Today we all gathered together to hold a quiz. And what it is dedicated to, you will find out if you guess my riddle.


Name it guys

Who is the owner of the riddle?

It stings your ears, it stings your nose,

Frost creeps into felt boots.

If you splash water, it will fall,

Not water anymore, but ice.

Not even a bird can fly

The bird is freezing from the frost.

Snow is falling in bags from the sky

And there are snowdrifts around.

Snowfalls and blizzards

They attacked our Slavyansk.

Yard in the snow. White at home.

Came to visit us... (Winter)

Slide 1

Leading: - Two teams will take part in our quiz. (Introduction of teams and jury)

So, are the teams ready for the competition? Begin!

Slide 2

1 task: "Signs of Winter"

Select only the signs of winter:

(icicles, falling leaves, frost, thunderstorm, snow, rain, frost, hail)

What signs of winter do we see in Kuban?

Task 2: “Name the winter months”

- Select only winter months from these month names:

(November, February, August, December, March, September, January, July)

Game "Baba Yaga"

Task 3: “Proverbs”

Slide 3

The names of which winter months are missing in these proverbs:

... a month of snowfalls, angry blizzards and the first warm sun. (February)

... the year ends, winter begins. (December)

... the beginning of the year, the middle of winter. (January)

Arrange the names of the winter months in the order of their occurrence in nature.


Guys, children and adults love winter very much. Can you tell me why?

Slide 4

Physical exercise: “Winter fun”


2. Snowball fight.

3. Let's make a snowman.


The snow woman was made to perfection:

For the joy of all the children, for your own amusement.

We played snowballs, rolled in the snow,

They were skiing and laughing loudly.


Guys, but with the arrival of winter, not everyone has fun. Who do you think has a hard time in winter? Why do you think so? Can we, people, somehow help “our little brothers”? (Children's answers)

Slide 5


Feed the birds in winter
So that from all over

They flocked to you like home
Flocks on the porch.

Their food is not rich
One handful is needed.
One handful is not scary

It will be winter for them.

Task 4: Wintering birds"

From the given names of birds, select only those that stay with us for the winter:

(starling, bullfinch, swallow, magpie, rook, dove, swift, crow, woodpecker, sparrow)

Leading: - Guys, do you think all animals hibernate in winter? ( Children's answers ). But we will find out who else you can meet in a forest clearing in winter by solving riddles.

Game "Who will collect more balls"

5 task : Riddle competition “Forest Dwellers”

Slide 6

*You and I will recognize the animal

According to two such signs:

He's wearing a fur coat in the gray winter,

And in a red fur coat - in the summer. (Squirrel)

*Cunning cheat,

Red head.

The fluffy tail is beautiful!

And her name is... (Fox)

*Hump-nosed, long-legged,

Branch-horned giant.

Eats grass, bush shoots,

It's hard to compete with him in running.

If this happened

Meet, know, this is... (Moose)

*Took off his gray fur coat,

I put on white for winter.

Jump - and there’s a lawn behind,

Hid from the wolf... (Bunny)

*Who is the gray robber in the forest?

Who clicks and clicks his teeth?

Of course you guessed it:

This is a feisty, scary... (Wolf)

*The owner of the forest wakes up in the spring,

And in winter, under the blizzard howl

He sleeps in a snow hut. (Bear)

Guys, winter is not so terrible for everyone. As we have already said, children and adults love winter very much. They also love winter because in winter we celebrate many fun and joyful holidays.

Slide 7

Task 6: - Name the winter holidays.

(New Year, Christmas, Christmastide, Kolyada)

Slide 8

Leading: - At all times, in all countries, artists, photographers, musicians, writers, poets in their works of art tried to convey the unique beauty of winter, its enchanting magic.

Guys, what do you think artists do to show us all the beauty of the Russian winter? (Children's answers)

What do composers do for this?

How do photographers depict winter?

What do writers do? Remember what stories about winter you

Have you read it?

Now, let's listen to how poets describe winter in their


Task 7: Poetry competition about winter.

Task 8: Crossword "Winter-winter".

1. They are knitted and embroidered on clothes. (Patterns)

2. It flew like a star in the sky,

It became a drop on my palm. (Snowflake)

3. Cold treat. (Ice cream)

4. Neither pass nor pass -

Lots of snow on the way. (Snowdrift)

5. Warm, fluffy protection from frost. (Fur coat)

6. Grows in winter, not summer

And from top to bottom at the same time. (Icicle)

7. What a beauty

Stands, sparkling brightly,

How magnificently decorated...

Tell me, who is she? (Christmas tree)

8. New Year's decoration on the top of the tree. (Star)

9. And not snow, and not ice,

And with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)

10. Which artist applied this to the glass?

And leaves, and grass and thickets of roses? (Freezing)

11. From here the sleigh moves on its own. (Slide)

Task 9: “Tongue Twisters”

* Egorka played with Igorka -

He rolled down the hill head over heels.

* Takes Sanya to the hill

Sleigh behind you.

Driving down the hill Sanya

And on Sanya there is a sleigh.

* Bought Egorka

slides for slides,

All winter, Egorka,

Ride the slide.


And in conclusion, I invite you to play the game “What do we do in winter?”

What do we do in winter
Give me the answer, my friend.
Listen carefully,
Answering “yes” or “no”.
Do we play snowballs with our friends?
Do we collect mushrooms in the forest ourselves?
Are we sledding down the hill?
Are we swimming in the village river?
Are we wandering through the forest on skis?
Do we find many flowers?
Are we digging beds in our garden?
And we dance with Santa Claus?

Well, well done, friends!


Elena Antonova

Compiled by the teacher of multi-age group No. 6 “Swallows” of the MDOU Irkutsk District Municipal Educational Institution “Kindergarten of a combined type “Swifts”

Antonova Elena Olegovna

Target: summarize children's knowledge about winter.

Tasks: create a joyful mood,

enrich vocabulary on the topic “Winter”,

develop the ability to act in a team, a sense of collectivism.

Materials and equipment: pictures on the theme “Winter”, pictures with images of birds and animals, easels with sheets of paper, felt-tip pens, scarves (blindfolds, hockey sticks, pucks, skittles, medals for awards.

Two teams of 6 children each participate in the quiz.

The quiz is conducted by a teacher and a psychologist in the image of “Zimushka-Winter”.

The quiz is evaluated by a jury from the teaching staff of the kindergarten. Each jury member receives a score sheet.

The hall is decorated with children's drawings and applications on a winter theme.

Quiz progress:

The teacher welcomes the children, guests and jury.

Educator: “Today we have a thematic quiz. And you will find out the topic when you guess the riddle-poem.”

A child reads a poem.

Comes in a white fur coat

Winter beauty

Walks like a queen

The hat has fringe.

Decorated with snowflakes

Sparkling outfit

She will wave her handkerchief -

Snowflakes will fly.

Children guess: “Winter!”

The appearance of the character “Zimushka-Winter”. Her greeting to the children.

Zimushka-Winter invites children to randomly pull out of a basket cards with the names of two teams “Snowflakes” and “Snowmen” (whoever pulls out which card will be a member of this team).

Zimushka-Winter announces the start of the quiz. For each competition won, Zimushka-Zima gives the team a “victory ball.”


1) Competition “Do you know winter?”

The teacher asks questions about winter to each team in turn (6 questions each). The team that answers the most questions wins.

Examples of questions:

a) What are the winter months? (December January February)

b) What are the winter holidays? (New Year, Christmas, Defender of the Fatherland Day, baptism)

a) The most famous New Year's round dance song? (The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree)

b) Which tree is a symbol of the New Year? (spruce)

a) Name the very first month of the year? (January)

b) What is the shortest winter month? (February)

a) What does a bear do in winter? (sleeping)

b) Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on a tree for the winter? (squirrel)

a) Who has a carrot instead of a nose? (at the snowman)

b) What is the name of Grandfather Frost's granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

a) What winter fun do you know? (snowballs, skis, skates and sleds)

b) Who draws winter patterns on the window? (freezing)

2) “Name the bird”

Presenter: In the fall, migratory birds flew south, but we still had wintering birds. The task for the teams was to select wintering birds in the picture and place them on a branch.

With the fans, while the players are choosing birds, the game “Say the Word” is played.

3) Physical education lesson “Funny Hockey Players”

Sports competition. A row of pins is placed in front of each team. A child with a stick in his hand must pass the puck past the pin, after which he returns to the team and passes the stick to the next player.

4) "Puzzles"

Assignment: you need to put together an 8-piece puzzle on the topic “Winter Sports”. Each team completes the task at a separate table.

5) "Riddles"

Host: The most enjoyable and easiest task is solving riddles. The cheerleader can help their team.

1. The cold weather has arrived

The water turned to ice,

Long-eared gray bunny

Turned into a white bunny.

Who's to say, who knows

When does this happen? (winter)

2. Who whitens the clearings with white.

And writes on their backs with chalk.

Sews down feather beds,

Have you decorated all the windows? (winter)

3. Guess who the gray-haired housewife is?

Will the feather dusters shake - over the world of fluff? (winter-winter)

4. I wasn't raised

Made from snow.

Instead of a nose cleverly

Inserted a carrot.

Eyes - corners

Hands are bitches.

Cold, big,

Who am I? (snow woman)

5. I ride it until evening,

But my lazy horse only carries me down the mountain.

And I always walk up the hill myself,

And I lead my horse by the rope (sleigh)

6. Wooden horses

They run through the snow,

And skis don’t fall into the snow

7. I have two horses, two horses,

They take me across the ice

And the ice is hard, stone (skates)

8. Who is buzzing in the chimney in winter? (wind)

9. Like across the sky from the north

A gray swan swam.

The well-fed swan swam,

Threw down - poured

To the fields, lakes

White fluff and feathers (snow cloud)

10. It froze yesterday

A midge flew in.

And from this midge

The yards became white (snow).

6) “Young Artists”

Opposite each team is an easel with a sheet of paper. Children are blindfolded and given markers. Assignment: Each team must draw a snowman. One by one, the children approach the easel. Each child draws a certain part of the snowman: 1st - the bottom ball, 2nd - the middle ball, 3rd - the top ball, 4th - the bucket on the head, 5th - the broom, 6th - the carrot (and eyes , mouth). After finishing their work, the children take off their bandages and, together with the jury, cheerfully evaluate their work.


The jury announces the results. Players of the winning team are awarded medals. Regardless of the results, all participants receive sweet prizes.

Used sources:

Winter sports: Visual and didactic manual of the Federal State Educational Standard. - Publisher: Mozaika, 2016. - Series: Stories from pictures.

Set of cards "Wintering and migratory birds": 14 pcs. - Publisher: World of Congratulations, 2014.

Stepanov V. New Year's riddles. - Publisher: Makhaon, 2013. Internet portal “Poems. ru" / author Elena Shalamonova

Publications on the topic:

Open music lesson with elements of health-saving technologies for older preschoolers “Zimushka-winter”“Sorceress Winter” Children to the song “Winter” by music. I. P. Ponomarev, run into the hall and stop in a semicircle. Musical director: Look.

Scenario for a traffic rules event (quiz) for older preschoolers. (The music “Road signs” plays, children enter the hall and sit down.

Speech therapy lesson-quiz using ICT “Zimushka-winter” Open lesson by speech therapist Elena Gennadievna Mashentseva Topic: “Winter-winter. Winter fun for children." Preparatory class Lesson type:.

Quiz for children of senior preschool age “Winter-Winter” Quiz for children of senior preschool age “Winter-Winter” Purpose: generalization of ideas about winter. Tasks: generalize.

Name: Intellectual quiz “What do we know about winter”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, quizzes, Preparatory group

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten "Yolochka"
Location: Kudymkar, Komi-Permyak Autonomous Okrug, Perm Territory

Quiz “What do we know about winter” in the preparatory group.

Target: To develop children’s ability to cooperate and cooperate in team play.


To consolidate children's knowledge about winter, natural phenomena, and folk signs.

Develop thinking, attention, memory.

Activate vocabulary, form a culture of speech.

Cultivate interest in the world around us and respect for nature.

Preliminary work: observing nature, guessing riddles about winter natural phenomena, getting acquainted with proverbs and folk signs, listening to musical works “Blizzard”, “December”, “January”, “On Troika”.

Progress of the lesson:

The quiz participants, children from the preparatory group, are divided into teams in advance and choose a captain. By lot, the team chooses a theme from 3 proposed ones - “Signs of winter”, “Animals and birds”, “Fairytale winter”. The jury evaluates the teams' answers and awards 1 point for each correct answer. The team that came up with the most adjectives for the word “winter” (snowy, angry, blizzard, etc.) starts first.

Theme “Signs of Winter”

1.Which month ends the year and begins winter? (December)

2. Name the winter months in calendar order (December, January, February)

3. What old flies appear in nature in winter? (snow)

4. How many rays does a snowflake have? (6)

5. Which ruler came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year in Russia in winter? (Peter 1)

6. Which month was popularly called “studen”, “section” and “prosinets”? (January)

7. Complete the proverb “In December the day died, and in January ...” (resurrected)

8. Finish the saying “A lot of snow - a lot of ...” (bread)

9. What month do they say: sows, blows, stirs, twists, tears and sweeps? (February)

10. What holidays are celebrated in winter? (New Year, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day)

Theme "Animals and Birds"

  1. How is a bear similar to a hedgehog in winter? (both hibernate)
  2. What does a brown bear store for the winter? (subcutaneous fat)
  3. Which forest animal sheds its antlers every winter? (elk)
  4. Which bird hatches chicks in February? (crossbill)
  5. What does a hare eat in winter? (twigs and tree bark)
  6. Which forest dweller can loop? (hare)
  7. Which forest dweller mouses? (Fox)
  8. What reserves does a squirrel make for the winter? (nuts, mushrooms, berries)
  9. What animals change color for the winter? (hare)
  10. What bird swallows pebbles to grind up rough food? (grouse)

Theme “Winter in Fairy Tales”

  1. Name the author of the poem “White Birch” (S. Yesenin)
  2. Which work by H. H. Andersen describes the mistress of snow and ice who kidnapped a boy? (The Snow Queen)
  3. In which fairy tale does the action take place in winter: Teremok, At the command of the pike, Geese-swans? (At the command of the pike)
  4. In what fairy tale did the wolf catch fish in an ice hole with his tail? (Fox and wolf)
  5. What animals made their winter quarters? (Bull, ram, pig, goose, rooster)
  6. Who had an ice hut? (fox)
  7. Which girl turned into a cloud during Russian folk fun? (Snow Maiden)
  8. What is the birthplace of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug)
  9. Who does K. Choliev compare winter trees with in the poem “The Trees Are Sleeping” (trees sleep just like people)
  10. Name the author of the fairy tale “Moroz Ivanovich”? (Vladimir Odoevsky)

Result: The number of points for each team is calculated and the winner is determined. Pre-prepared certificates and sweet prizes are awarded.

What else to read