Are children conceived by IVF different from ordinary ones, and what consequences may arise in the future? All about children Eco children have tougher energy

How do you like the title? Indeed, many people sincerely believe that IVF babies without a soul. Or, as one "widely known in narrow circles" personality wrote, "IVF children are children of hell." I don’t remember the name of this person, although I can easily find it - but I don’t want to advertise anti-scientific blogs.

Among the opponents of IVF, who are not related to science and medicine, opinions differ. Either they think that such children are some kind of “gray souls”, or they are initially without a soul at all - because they were born “from a test tube” and their parents did not put part of their souls into them at the moment of conception ..

Regarding the latter, I have 2 questions:

1. What do these people mean by "investing the soul of the parents"? When youngsters fuck in the stairwell, and then give birth at the age of 14, do they put their soul into it? Or is there a soul invested when a woman tricks a man into coming inside her by saying she's on pills? Or pierces a condom. A lot of soul when, drunk, unfamiliar people had sex, after which the man merged and forgot, and the woman became a single mother, breaking down on a child? Is there a soul when a woman asks a man to "give" her a child, promising that he will not demand anything in return, or when a mistress gives birth to a married man? Or, perhaps, the abyss of spirituality was in the old days, when the king came to the queen on certain days, which the doctor indicated, did his job and went to numerous mistresses?

2. What do you think, what is more “soul” in the above examples or when a man and a woman who are not able to conceive naturally, consciously and with all responsibility go to IVF, looking forward to a baby to whom they are ready to give all their love?

Let's look at it from an esoteric point of view. About " IVF babies without a soul” and “children of hell” I have already mentioned - in my opinion, paragraph 1 is enough to forget about these statements forever. As an alternative, I can offer an answer received by the method of channeling. Who does not know - this is telepathic communication with any kind of out-of-body consciousness. I don’t really believe in this, but I’ll tell you especially for you. So, in the course of communication with a certain “contactee”, psychics asked questions about IVF children, what kind of souls they were, what their purpose and intention was. There was nothing criminal in the answer of the "higher minds". At the most, they said that they were “zero souls” that had no foundations, so they did not know the concept of good and evil and absorbed everything in a row. But it all depends on the parents - and what they will teach their child, what they will focus on more. That is, there is no particular difference with ordinary children - who also absorb everything from their parents.

The following is the opinion of the Church. For me, she is not a special authority, but for people who like to talk about souls, her view may seem interesting. So, most of all, in the matter of IVF, the Church is concerned about the moment of destruction of “extra” embryos. Let me remind you that in the process of in vitro fertilization, for reliability, several embryos are implanted in a woman, then the most viable ones are left. And most of all, the priests are concerned about the “abortion” of the rest. Regarding the procedure itself, they speak quite neutrally. Some people say that if IVF just means additional medical assistance for conception, using the husband's sperm, then there is nothing "sinful" about it. The Church has a negative attitude towards surrogate motherhood or an embryo from a donor who is not the husband of the future mother. Because there is interference in the family. If it is the husband and wife who participate in IVF, then there is no entry into the family.

As for interference in God's will - that if God does not give children, then there is no need to go against it - there is no consensus. The wife of one priest discusses this topic as follows - resuscitation can also be considered as an intervention in the divine will, because the time has come for a person, but the doctors do not let him go. If you think in this vein, then any medical action is contrary to the Highest plan. IVF is an ambiguous issue, but we can consider God's will in whether the procedure will be successful or not, because it does not give 100% of the result. “Once I asked father Mikhail Boyko how to relate to resuscitation. And he replied that if there was no will of the Lord, not a single resuscitation would succeed. If we shift this to IVF, then I will say the same thing. The question is in accepting what is sent by God and believing that nothing happens without the Lord.”

Let's return to the sinful earth, that is, to medicine. Opponents of IVF love to talk about the pathologies and morbidity of children born in this way. Despite the fact that the first child born thanks to IVF turned 40 this year, and she naturally became the mother of two children, no studies have yet appeared that speak exactly about the negative consequences. In addition, IVF children are considered by many, on the contrary, to be healthier and more developed - after all, they were “selected” as the best embryos of all. So I don't know how IVF babies without a soul live on our land, but, apparently, no worse than the rest.

The Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church approved the rules for the baptism of children born as a result of surrogate motherhood technologies. Those. babies who were born either with the help of a surrogate mother or “from a test tube” can be baptized, but only if their biological and adoptive parents come to church and repent. If this does not happen, then we must wait until the child grows up and decides to be baptized himself. But the baby is not to blame for anything ... When a child is born in an ordinary family, he is immediately baptized, and what's worse - does he have a soul, or does the Lord not breathe a soul into such children? Then who are they, these kids - the living dead, subhuman? And what about the words of Christ: “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them, for of such is the Kingdom of God” (Mark 10:14). The Grand Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Theology, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Chairman of the Council of the Orthodox Intelligentsia Priest Alexy Moroz reflects.

We, as the Bible says, are the continuation of our parents, flesh from flesh and bone from their bones. And everything that parents carry in themselves is reflected in the child to one degree or another. If a child is conceived with the help of sinful unnatural technology, which is contrary to the spirit of its Christianity, then there is an imprint of sin on the child. And in order to somehow reduce it, it is necessary for the “parents” to understand the sinfulness of the deed and repentance of the Church. And if they appeared on television or in newspapers, praised these technologies and urged them to follow their example, then, as they used to praise, now they must publicly explain the inadmissibility of such a phenomenon. And when the confession of sin and renunciation of it takes place, then the baby can be baptized.

However, the Church allows the baptism of an infant "from a test tube" if he is ill or in mortal danger.

God is Love, and the baby is not to blame for being born in this way. And if there is a danger that he may die and stand before the Judgment of God, then it is good that he be at least covered by the grace of God, that he be baptized. So that God accepts him as an innocent victim, and he can enter into eternal life and the joy of fellowship with God. Outside of Baptism, outside the Church, there is no salvation. The Lord, having mercy on this unfortunate creature, allows his baptism.

Or - wait until the child grows up and expresses a desire to be baptized. But he may not live to a conscious age.

People die at different ages - everything is in the hands of God. Baptism in itself does not guarantee entry into eternal life. How many baptized but sinful people go to hell! Baptism is a seed planted in the soul, which can bear the fruit of eternal life.


In the world since July 1978, when the first test-tube baby, Louise Brown, was born, many such children have been born. In terms of the number of artificial insemination procedures per population, Israel ranks first with 1,657 artificial insemination procedures per 1 million inhabitants annually. Until the age of 54, a woman has the opportunity, at the expense of the state, to continue trying to have a child with the help of donor eggs. At the same time, the birth of not one, but two children is financed. In Israel, childbearing is the main function in a woman's life. This is connected both with the canons of Judaism and with the need to strengthen the Jewish state.

Father, maybe this is a way out for Russia, where the state-forming Russian population is rapidly dying out?

Artificially sculpt Russian? Fascist Germany has already tried to go this way - to create a man of the future - the right appearance, possessing the necessary qualities. That way you can go far. For example, to create an ideal soldier - a killing machine, not a person. Now in some American laboratories you can order the child you want: choose the gender, the color of the eyes and hair, and other features. Any child will be modeled for you. But will it be your child? Whose genes will he inherit? Think about it, the concept of genus will be destroyed, the connection between generations will be interrupted - genes are inherited not only from parents, but from the whole genus. And will such children be Russian in essence?.. And the deplorable demographic situation in Russia today is in MUCH the result of the decisions of the Cairo Conference in 1994 to reduce the population in all countries. How to achieve this? Drug addiction, drunkenness, AIDS, propaganda of homosexuality, the sermon that a normal family and many children are bad, but it’s better not to have a family at all, to cohabit to meet needs, even better - same-sex marriages were used. All of these are links in the same chain. Add to this the use of GMO products, as a result of which people become infertile, hermaphrodites are born who are not capable of childbearing (in Russia, about 25% of married couples cannot have children). At the same time, in 2014 in Russia it was allowed to grow genetically modified corn, beets, potatoes and wheat, which, by the way, was implanted with the scorpion gene, which increases resistance to droughts. Why is Russia, where there are so few people?! According to D. Mendeleev's calculations, by 2020 there should be more than 900 million in Russia, and now there are only 140 million, and 90 million of them are Russians. Russians, Slavs are dying out. Our land is freed for aliens. Therefore, it is important for us to cling to our folk traditions, our faith, not to succumb to satanic innovations. This is the only way to survive and keep the nation healthy.

As for surrogate motherhood, it carries a deep demonic charm. Believers know that a Christian surrenders to the will of God. If God wants me to have children, I will have them. If you don't want it, then that's my lot. I can become a monk, I can adopt and lovingly raise orphaned or abandoned children. It often happens that the Lord sends his own children to spouses who have adopted an orphan. Barren people, but who want to have children, can prayerfully ask the Heavenly Father about it. We know that the Lord responds to such requests if people lead a pure life. So it was with the righteous parents of the Most Holy Theotokos, Sts. Joachim and Anna, and the parents of John the Baptist, Sts. Zechariah and Elisabeth, who endured the reproach of childlessness. In addition, the merciful God has given us doctors so that a person can be healed if he cannot conceive a child. But a person is free to heal himself, and not to create children in an artificial or sinful way. Such actions are a challenge to God: You did not give me children, but I will get them anyway, because I want to. I myself will take what the Heavenly Father denies me. But a rebellion against God, a rebellion of pride always ends badly. For Satan, it ended in a fall, for people following his path -
defeat and death of the soul.

Can a test tube baby become a saint?

Is there anything impossible for God? But read the lives of the saints - many had holy or pious parents. It is more difficult for a child whose parents are alcoholics, drug addicts, criminals to reach spiritual heights, because he carries in himself a disposition to sin. Genetic predetermination is 70% of the character and mental traits of a person. However, a person has the right to choose whether to give in to a sinful inclination or to live keeping the Commandments of God. But growing a saint in a test tube is sacrilege.

It is also important to know that surrogate motherhood is accompanied by the killing of embryos: 12-15 of them are harvested, two or three are planted (often one takes root), the rest are destroyed or frozen ... just in case. All this even sounds blasphemous! Another slippery moment: not only the seed and egg of biological parents are used - often the mother's egg is taken, but the sperm of an unknown person, fertilization takes place in a test tube, and then transferred to the body of a female incubator. An even more terrible thing is when a woman herself cannot give birth (due to advanced age or infertility), and a woman is hired, into whose egg the seed of the “father” is implanted. The parents of this child, in fact, are the biological "father" and the female incubator - after all, it was you who carried and gave birth to him, it was her flesh and blood that went to build the baby's body. And a childless woman, as she was a barren fig tree, so she will remain.

About 70% of children conceived in vitro are more likely to suffer from physical (oncology, asthma, etc.) and mental disorders.

In order for the body of a surrogate mother to accept someone else's fertilized egg, so that rejection and miscarriage do not occur, she is pumped with hormones. But the most important thing is that the human soul is born at the moment of intercourse between a man and a woman. And what can be the relationship with the test tube? And the attitude to the surrogate mother is just like to an incubator. Where is love, where are emotions, where is the living spark of human relationships? There is simply a connection of sex cells.

Father, but does God still give the baby a soul or not?

He has something, if he was born and lives. But what is this soul? Is he a complete person? To what extent is he defective, how will this affect his later life and his children, if any? Such a child is likely to inherit paternal infertility.

In this case, if the personality of such a child is still physically and spiritually flawed, will it be considered murder if the surrogate mother decides to have an abortion?

Yes. Not only has she already committed a sin - she went against the will of God, decided on surrogate motherhood, but now she will also kill the child carried under her heart. After all, we do not know what plans the Lord has for this baby ...

Between mother and child there is a close connection - the spiritual umbilical cord, and the mother's thoughts and feelings are transmitted to the baby. It is not for nothing that desired children are born healthy, and unwanted ones - with mental damage, distrust of the world, increased aggression and hatred - often on a subconscious level - for their parents. Just like children born after an abortion do not trust their mothers, hate them, thus avenging their brothers and sisters killed in the womb. But a new danger is already brewing: scientists have learned to produce children not even from sex, but from stem cells. And in Japan, they invented mechanical-synthetic wombs (simulating the environment of a female womb), where conditions are created for the growth and development of an embryo obtained in a test tube. And what would that creature be? Human? Biorobot? Scientists also say that in the future, biochips will be implanted into the brain of a child at birth, which will allow him to download the necessary information directly into the brain. Right in the brain, he will have the ability to access the Internet. It will already be a cyborg. And what is the cyborg's conscience, compassion, moral qualities, spiritual growth? It will be a terrible creature, a product of the Antichrist, cruelly prudent, intelligent, but inhuman, immoral, ruthless. How will this affect humanity? Will they begin to destroy ordinary people? By the way, many scientists refuse to work in this direction, perhaps understanding who they work for.

Questions were asked by Irina RUBTSOVA

In our time, test-tube babies are no longer someone from the world of fantasy.

Children born with the help of IVF are a reality that has become everyday and accessible to almost everyone.

But do we all know about it? Today I want to touch on very important aspects of this issue.

Let's start with very subtle matters, invisible to the human eye.

Let me remind you that a person has 7 subtle bodies. After the physical body, comes the ethereal, which is the carrier and conductor of the life force.

The etheric field of a child who is conceived naturally is very different from that of a child conceived in a laboratory.

The "natural" etheric field is usually dense and dark. This means that the field is filled with generic programs. These programs are both protection and instructions for the future descendant.

The "artificial" ethereal field is translucent with visible cracks. This means that the child is outside the Genus and in his "ether" there are no breeding programs and birth programs.

Unfortunately, children from a test tube are children without a Family, without the support and help of their ancestors.

Why did Rod shut down his test-tube baby programs?

Usually Rod closes his programs because of sins. Here the reason is different. The clan does not let unknown souls in, as there is a possibility of a “revolution” of the established foundations.

Why are the souls "unknown"? - you ask.

Basically, "artificially" conceived children are born without a soul.

This is due to the fact that souls do not occupy such bodies in which adjustments to life programs can be made from the outside and without prior notice or consent.

After all, each soul has its own specific path, which it must go through in order to reunite with God.

Consequently, the Family, for security reasons, closes its "massive doors" in front of a descendant who will not give the continuation of the Family, with other people's programs and an unknown soul. Otherwise, the Genus will simply cease to exist.

So it turns out that a person without a soul and without the possibility of reproduction is, excuse me, an android!

A far from joyful picture is emerging and, for sure, the question arises of how this can be changed.

Let's start with ourselves!

Many childless couples go to church and ask the Saints - Matrona of Moscow and Seraphim of Sarov for help. It is these Saints who take care of the children. Ask and Faith will be rewarded!

Ask for a blessing from the priest and he will explain to you that each person is destined by God to have his own path, even if we do not know about it.

It is worth stopping and thinking about your life, reconsidering your actions, repenting of your deeds, asking for forgiveness and trying to choose the right path - who needs humility and help people, who needs the adoption of abandoned children from an orphanage. To each his own!

According to statistics, there are many cases when a family adopted (adopted) a child and they had their own children. No good deed goes unrewarded!

Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism, Islam do not recognize the IVF procedure due to the fact that children are ordered as goods in a store: of a certain gender, with the right eye color and genetic programs. And this is not according to Divine laws.

If, nevertheless, IVF could not be avoided, and the child has already been born, it is necessary to carry out very difficult work to introduce the child into the Genus.

Then the child will stand under the protection of the Family and the construction of all vital programs will take place. Including the extension of the Family.

Only a specialist in this field can carry out such delicate work.

We wish everyone the preservation of their Family!

"The day before yesterday we knew nothing about
electricity; yesterday we knew nothing about
huge reserves of energy contained in
atomic nucleus. What do we not know about today?

Louis de Braille.

Why is a huge part of thinking humanity rebels against the artificial creation of man? It's not about the "religious prejudices" of church leaders or underestimation"greatness of science" in the mass consciousness, as some of the most zealous experimenters argue. Here, we can rather talk about self-preservation instinct of the human community, about the inner voice, oh the voice of the soul which warns of a huge danger similar activities for humanity. People who have saved ability to listen this inner voice, called conscience, has always stood as a barrier on the path of evil. But, in this case, they not always enough convincing argument based on in-depth knowledge of hidden human nature, his divine essence.

All information available to modern man about his true nature focused, mainly around the study of gross material dense human body, i.e. "carcasses". Good that recent times such a concept as a human aura is also freely accepted. Just a few years ago, in our European society, it was, at best, a condescending grin. Today, there are already devices that make a bioelectrographic scheme of the human aura based on the Kirlian effect. But this is not yet photographing the aura with full display its true quality.
Gradually, naturally enters consciousness people and understanding of the Subtle World and its interaction with a person. Yes, actually myself true man- "a person (mind, consciousness) living for centuries" - and eat invisible with a simple eye energy structure.
We urge skeptics not to rush to conclusions about the mental adequacy of the authors letters. Think first of Giordano Bruno, only 500 years ago burnt for "heresy against God." And in India and Tibet, 5 thousand years before this event, the sages of the East calmly talked about the heliocentric system. The main place of the Wise Men of the East in the creation of the great Mystery of the Universe assigned to Man.
Man is different from everything around him. living world, which is the constantly reincarnating higher ego, and the body is only biological animal the form corresponding to requirements this immortal ego, created from dense matter for execution proper functions in a dense world, wherein passes another earthly life this ego.
We knowingly brought example with D. Bruno and referred to the wise men of the East. It is from the East that knowledge comes to people that Europeans are not yet aware of or little known. But they are! Exactly these sources of knowledge about the true Man, if those who are so zealously engaged in experiments on IVF were familiar with them, they would protect humanity from those troubles that will surely come, like effects such ignorantirresponsibility.
Full-fledged, let's call it like this: Man, is created during intercourse two living realof people, right at this moment in the womb (power system) women included ready for next incarnation Ego. For conception of a full-fledged spiritualized person needed exactly alive a couple of real people. About various deviations at the time of conception, we still we don't speak is very large and disturbing topic. So far, we are concerned specifically with children created by extracorporeal(ECO) fertilization, "test-tube" children and cloning human.
What is going on at the time of fertilization eggs in vitro? Is there a parental energy here?, creating consonant yourself onquality energy field, which is entrance gate for incarnating essence True Human? Of course, nothing of the kind is out of the question with artificial insemination.
So what is created in a test tube and then hatched(raised) by a woman, awaited with great awe of love by future parents, and then born? As terrible as it sounds, animal form person. You can object - but he is talking, looks and acting like a human
But first, he created based on the genetic base a person, and secondly - mental development depends from the structure of the brain, which is often due to genetic inheritance and conditions into which the person enters. And the parents of these expected and "dear" children, of course, nothing in terms of their development do not deprive. Parents simply don’t go to such trials and expenses, and in their view, these are simply “priceless” children whom They love selflessly. Them, of course you can understand...
But the emerging the problem is too serious to talk about the danger of a possible insults parental feelings. The question arises: in addition to what the doctors noted good physical and mental development these children, will they be followed further observations, at least in terms of psychological testing on the subject empathy skills in grief to other people, responsiveness and donation abilities own interests for the benefit of others, gentleness and kindness of heart? How will they behave in later life? relationships with the outside world, how they will feel beauty and subtle spiritual Aspects human relationships? Probably already now traits of character, which may alert observant and sensitive parents? Something not in judgments in behavior child? Most likely, it will be selfishness, claims to leadershipat any cost, cold observation- for example, how a butterfly will behave if it has tear off the wings?
You can object - well, where they turned! Yes, in modern society and among naturally conceived more than half of these pathological showers! Agree. But why are they do artificially in addition to those who are already scourge for those around you? Why deceive people so thirsty for motherhood and fatherhood? Are you sure they know about the true consequences of such experiments would agree to such a child?
It is interesting to know whether there have been long-term observations of such children, for example, for several decades? How they implement people from test tubes in the parental field, how self-sufficient and self-critical they themselves and their children, what is their percentage of development, compared with averages, psychological deviations, including the extreme degree - drug addiction, alcoholism, mania? Who observed the long-term consequences of the appearance of such people in society?
Structure these beings in human form is such that subsequent reincarnation for them impossible, due to the fact that they don't have immortal, reincarnating ego, which, in fact, is a true human. Why create human for one life, like a toy, and very unpredictable?
Of course, not everyone who conducts these in vitro fertilization experiments does so. for selfish reasons although it costs a lot of money. Among them are people with a true thirst for knowledge burning with desire make childless spouses happy. But it's them in no way does not justify and does not absolve from the consequences such an action, even if committed out of ignorance (ignorance). The discovery of nuclear energy led to the creation of nuclear weapons, dangerous energy carriers. How can you call their creators - great scientists or great destroyers? Their powerful intellect was not backed up high bright spirit, and all the power of this intellect was aimed at destruction.
And in this case we create ourselves such creatures. Such modern "azazeli"(as in Akunin's famous novel of the same name). Undoubtedly, experiments to create artificial life will be held and perhaps even to some extent they are necessary. But not withpeople! After all, to such animal form can be instilled with any qualities, nested any vices - no spiritual barrier. It's scary that from the TV screen with shining eyes ignorant in this matter, doctors and scientists are broadcasting to us about the "success of experiments" that carry in its potential a great danger to humanity.
From the point of view of unprejudiced researchers, legislators - this issue has not been thought out at all, not studied due to absence deep knowledge about the true nature of Man.

Some time ago, we became interested - what happens during artificial (test-tube) insemination for the purpose of giving birth to a child?
Once we happened to observe a child conceived in a test tube (an acquaintance of a pediatric neurologist showed), she had such a patient in her area. It was a 9 month old girl.
Her aura was transparent like a soap bubble, spots floated in it ugly colors - from brown, marsh brown to dark burgundy and black. We have scanned straight-knowledge these spots - it was a whole bunch of negative qualities inherent, as a rule, an unpleasant person. Here there was a sense of presence capriciousness, selfish and evil, the coldness of a predator, like a snake watching its future victim - extremely unpleasant sensations were from this child. We believe that energy spots in the aura of ugly, impure colors are negative elementals - destroyers.
In infants at this age aura milky white, saturated from the inside around the entire perimeter even glow not yet colored by emotion-qualities, and the children themselves are perceived as if sleeping in it, from them breathes peace, no matter how screamers they really weren't. This same child "looked" screaming, with bulging eyes, the aura from the inside was absolutely transparent, empty, if ignore those spots, which we talked about above. The doctor told us that the girl was very noisy, and screaming she always not in a baby voice, and rough - literally "yelling".
Expectant mother during pregnancy felt bad she seemed to be carries in himselfalien creature . Although she and her husband both passionately wanted a child. Of course, here you can speculate about the "peculiarities of the psyche of a pregnant woman", but something to think about, truth?

Thinking through ( looking through on a subtle level) then this situation, we realized that on the aura of the future baby like ink on a blotter imprinted spiritual qualities those who carry out the action, i.e. all participants in the process artificial insemination of the egg and "planting" of the fertilized egg in the womb of the expectant mother.
If a would this process artificial conception was carried out (let's say this in our view) extremely high people morality and in places with the cleanest energy, and not in a modern city, then perhaps the creature would have turned out with nobler qualities animal soul. For example, how does a horse differ in its noble qualities from a rat, but this creature oninner essence still wouldn't be man!
We also saw the mother, who herself was "from a test tube", but gave birth to a child, having conceived it naturally. She had quite cool attitude to the girl, and the child - monster, the embodiment of such a merzoid that its extremely unpleasant was to feel browse). Considering that along the spiritual line incarnation for the human ego is lining upmother child, it is clear that nothing good will not be able to come to such a family...

Renowned journalist and writer active propagandist ideas of the Living Ethics Teaching by L.P. Dmitriev in his book "Messenger of the Morning Star Christ and his Teaching in the light Secret Teachings of Shambhala", book 7, in the chapter "Is it always "the living dead" become during life? Or it happens that such are already embodied?" and further in other chapters of this work very accessible and weighty explains the most pressing issues of this topic.
For a more detailed acquaintance, we advise everyone who is interested in this topic to read this book by L.P. Dmitrieva.
We also use just some words of the author for reinforcements those finds, which we have implemented themselves in the course of work over the topic"obsession of man".
As subsequent research showed, the topic "obsession" failed to limit, to show all "hellness" of our present ignorant and thoughtless existence.
The faster we moved In order to exhaust the topic of "obsession" in the quality of study that turned out to be available to us, the stronger and more clearly another, no less "hot" topic appeared - the living dead. Ability see the possessed "automatically" led to capabilities recognize ZhM.
Them number of people not that it's huge, it's terrifying.

In the above texts, all words in bold italics were underlined with a fiery line when editing. The authors highlighted them in a special font.
The author's highlights in the texts of L.P. Dmitrieva are left as they are placed in the book by the author himself - bold type and simple italics.

L.P. Dmitrieva writes: "...Despite the fact that the population of the Earth increases at the end of the Dark Cycle, its quality deteriorates very quickly and unspeakably. souls That is why the Great Teacher said that in the 20th century, at the junction of cycles, larvae conquer the planet of people!
Of course, the future of such creatures is terrible. But the life of mankind is also terrible in the presence of these terrible creatures in its midst, which often have a strong intellect. When the "power of darkness", such people even reach the heights of power, and then society sees how power grows together with crime!"

H. P. Blavatsky writes: “There are wholly evil and vicious people who, nevertheless, are just as highly intellectual and deeply spiritual in evil (their evil is not as gross as that of primitive minds, it is refined, i.e. more terrible - ed.) as well as those who are spiritual in good. Their (lower) egos can avoid the law of final destruction, or annihilation, for all eternity ...
Such people develop cunning to the extreme, and no one, except those who are familiar with this doctrine, will suspect the absence of a soul in them, for neither religion nor science has the slightest idea that such a fact really exists in nature.
("Instructions for Inner Group Students").

Such embodied elementaries, having only a quaternary, animal nature, the Teachers call "two-legged", "tailed".

L.P. Dmitrieva: “A person who has extinguished the fire of higher psychic energy, says the Teacher, becomes a living corpse during his lifetime - a “living dead”.
Despite the integrity of the physical body, the subtle body of such people begins to decompose already during their lifetime. When the death of the physical body comes, such a disembodied one passes into Kamaloka, but he will never again transcend its highest limits - he will not pass into Devachan!
Such a creature can still reincarnate, and immediately. And it becomes, as Blavatsky says, a scourge for mankind: "Let Jack the Ripper serve as a typical example."
We will be surprised to learn that at the end of the cycle, the "living dead" have penetrated all strata of society - from the bottom to the very top. And among them there are many seemingly even successful people. Such bipeds are full of animal magnetism, and this gives them the power to be devilishly active.
When the "power of darkness" - these most dangerous individuals unite in clans, the so-called families - they make their way into all power structures, into religious organizations, into science, education, art, etc.
Such "living dead" even have their own ideal of happiness, to which they direct all their astro-mental forces.
Soulless people by the end of the Kali Yuga (Dark Age) cycle prevail on Earth, according to the prophecies of the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata.

H. P. Blavatsky, "Secret Knowledge":
"The relentless pursuit of wealth, for the amusements and pleasures of social life, the cultivation of elegance in manners, tastes in dress, or the advancement of one's position in society, scientific fame, intoxicates and captures these living dead ...
A high development of the intellectual faculties does not presuppose a spiritual or true life... many of our greatest scientists are but living corpses."
"Black magicians or criminals who show no hope of correction - says H. P. Blavatsky in The Key to Theosophy, criminals who have been such for a long series of lives are also the living dead. For the luminous thread that binds the spirit and the body, or the human soul with the animal soul, is forcibly torn apart.
"Except for those who sincerely reject the possibility of conscious life, apart from any form of matter and brain substance are also dead units."

Dead units are subject to karmic destruction.

L.P. Dmitrieva: “After the death of a personality, from which the human soul has now renounced forever in the earthly life that has just ended, all the atoms and psychic vibrations that made up the nature of such a personality are rejected by the higher soul - “are expelled from the consciousness of Individuality”, but not In the lower planes of the Subtle World, the entire personality finds itself, only without the former physical body. Since the path to Devachan is closed to such entities, their rather tenacious nature, in order to continue their existence on Earth, immediately again rushes behind the physical shell. Such entities incarnate after earthly death immediately, but only now in a more miserable creature.
Thus, in this case, on Earth, in the human body, the elementary is actually incarnated - the gross material lower kama-manas.
Can such a being incarnate again and again?
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky says: maybe many more times!
And every time the incarnation will follow immediately after death.
What is the reason for these multiple incarnations of the lower Manas?
In that, explains H. P. Blavatsky, that "the impulse animal life too strong: he cannot freeze in just one or two lifetimes."
The meaning of the life of the lower manas, rejected by the higher soul, is to persist in evil.
As a result, such an animal man intensifies his criminal activity in humanity. If conditions favor him, he further strengthens his coarse psychic and astral particles (vibrations). In earthly conditions, such a devastated soul during the next earthly life is strengthened by material elements.
Getting into Kamaloka for a very short time, she returns to Earth again as soon as she finds a human body suitable for vibrations. "(End of texts from the book of L.P. Dmitrieva)

The question becomes quite reasonable - what must be physical parents to provide such a body similar element? How society must become in order to create in a huge mass favorable conditions to implement such creatures?

Congenital dementia, idiocy, physical deformities - are often the extreme degree of expression of the decay of the former human being. At the end of our Dark Age, the number of such creatures especially increased - and this is evidence that the degradation of humanity is rapidly progressing.
People never understood what was said by the ancient sages "if God wants to punish a person, he takes away his mind." If a person lives in violation of the Laws of Life, the Divine Being leaves him, his Light Essence, who once inhabited him so that the unconscious and unreasonable human-animal becomes a rational Human.

Let's finish this chapter with the words of the Lord of Shambhala.

Brotherhood, 178. (zip-archive 164 KB) "That's right: the number of madmen is monstrous. Not only must they be treated, but the reason for their reproduction must be found. And dementia also needs supervision. Madness is contagious. Childish dementia indicates the abnormality of all life. People agree that the conditions of life are unhealthy, and yet every advice about health will be taken with hostility. This is the horror of the shock of the Foundations.

For many infertile couples, in vitro fertilization is the only way to become parents. Mankind has been trying to implement IVF for more than 40 years, but the first successful result was achieved only in the recent 1978. Since then, hundreds and thousands of children are born every year, conceived in a laboratory. Test-tube babies are a huge breakthrough in medicine. Science has created and realized the dream of becoming a mother for women who do not have the physical ability to do so.

About what kind of IVF children are born and the consequences for them in the future are burning topics for discussion. The debate continues to this day. Among scientists, doctors, priests and ordinary people who have little understanding of the essence of medical manipulations, two camps have taken shape: supporters and opponents.

A group that opposes assisted reproductive technologies believes that IVF children are different from ordinary ones: they get sick more often, have mental and psychological abnormalities, develop worse and cannot give birth to their offspring. They say that in vitro fertilization is unnatural and therefore not pleasing to God. Proponents of in vitro fertilization refute these arguments. They say that there are no grounds for such statements.

Risks for "eco" babies during gestation

The in vitro fertilization procedure includes several stages. Previously, a woman and a man are examined for possible pathologies and infections of the genital tract. This point is important and reasonable, since in the presence of an infection, the embryo may not take root or interrupt its development ahead of schedule.

Parents of children conceived naturally do not always undergo a preliminary examination. And to be completely honest, they usually do not undergo any diagnostics. This increases the risk of possible problems during pregnancy. From this we can conclude that "eco" children are more protected from the possible negative influence of internal factors.

And yet, if you look at a pregnancy that took place using assisted reproductive technologies, then it somehow has more risks than natural conception. This hypothesis is explained by the readiness of the maternal organism for gestation in the latter case and its absence in the former. The main risks that can arise during an "eco" pregnancy include:

  • ovarian hyperstimulation (in this case, embryo transfer is postponed indefinitely, and the woman is sent for treatment);
  • increased blood pressure (threatening premature birth and placental abruption);
  • infection (may occur during the transfer of embryos to the uterus and affect their development);
  • the need for reduction, that is, "cutting out" of "unsuccessful" embryos (this procedure threatens the death of all, even "good" accustomed embryos);
  • inefficiency of the procedure (transferred embryos may simply not take root);
  • intrauterine growth retardation. After all, the younger and healthier the girl, the better her reproductive organs work. And not the youngest and healthiest women decide on IVF;
  • asphyxia (suffocation) at birth. That is why doctors prefer to caesarean "ekoshnits";
  • low birth weight.

Often, IVF children differ from the usual ones in that they are born in pairs. During the manipulation, 2-3 embryos are transferred at once, which increases the risk of a successful outcome. If everyone takes root, then twins or triplets will be born. Judging by the reviews of parents, such babies have less weight than "single" children. If a woman's infertility is of hormonal origin, then the risk of termination remains throughout the pregnancy.

What is the difference between IVF children and ordinary children

Outwardly, it is impossible to distinguish a child conceived with the help of assisted reproductive technologies. Children have the same eyes, nose, body parts and body systems. No obvious differences can be found. In addition, it should be remembered that each person is individual and has his own characteristics. What kind of children are born after IVF directly depends on the parents. Babies acquire a genetic set from mom and dad, so they look like them. If donor material is used, then it inevitably contributes to the genotype and phenotype of the unborn child.

ICSI children also do not differ in appearance. There is an opinion that children conceived in this way are more capable, smart and have high intelligence, since the best germ cells of their parents are selected for their reproduction.

The ICSI technique involves more than just in vitro fertilization. The procedure involves selecting the best sperm and introducing it into the egg under a microscope.

Is it true that they are more likely to have genetic abnormalities and serious diseases?

It is believed that IVF children are more likely to develop intrauterine pathologies and acquire birth defects. The evidence is backed up by research that has found the following:

  • the risk of developing a cleft palate in children conceived artificially is 2.4 times higher;
  • the likelihood of heart pathologies in such babies is twice as high (defects of the interventricular septum and atrium are formed);
  • about 4.5 times more often children after IVF are born with esophageal atresia and 3.7 times more often in rectal atresia;
  • about a third of these children have vision problems;
  • IVF children often have neurological pathologies;
  • some children lag behind in physical and mental development from their peers.

Frightening statistics regarding the health of children was even given in his report in 2009 by Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Baranov - at that time the chief pediatrician of Russia. However, IVF supporters quickly “threw him with hats” - they cited other statistics just in favor of IVF. And they accused the official of distorting the facts in order to reduce state funding for assisted reproductive technology programs.

It is not surprising that such data scares future parents who want to resort to the method of reproductive technologies. However, studies that ostensibly confirm a high risk of deviations do not really stand up to serious criticism. After all, the number of children who participated in the study (and there are only dozens of them) is too small to make such global conclusions. Most of these studies were carried out in the 90s of the last century, and since then medicine has come a long way. Modern science refutes the conjectures and arguments of opponents of IVF.

Doctors who deal with artificial insemination on a daily basis say that the latest technologies have been introduced relatively recently. To date, it is impossible to talk about any conclusions and statistics. Modern children conceived with the help of IVF are not monitored throughout their lives. In order to talk about the consequences of in vitro fertilization on the part of genetics, it is necessary to wait for several generations.

If the parents of the unborn child suffer from any diseases that are inherited, then the risk of their preservation in the unborn baby always remains. But this is the risk of any conception, even natural.

To increase the likelihood of a successful outcome, several embryos are implanted in a woman. There is a risk of multiple pregnancy in all cases, including natural conception. There is an opinion that under such a combination of circumstances, one embryo will develop at the expense of the other. It is impossible to call this hypothesis groundless. However, statistics show that test-tube babies are less likely to have various syndromes. This is because pathologies are detected even at the stage of processing in vitro. Sick embryos are simply not implanted in a woman.

To dispel the myth about genetic abnormalities in IVF children, it should be said: the genetic material of the father and mother is taken for fertilization, the difference is only in the place of conception - in vitro.

Is it true that they get sick more often

It is impossible to say that sick children are born as a result of artificial insemination. Each embryo is carefully examined and checked for some congenital pathologies before replanting. This kind of check allows you to minimize the risk of disability of the baby after birth.

The health of children still in the womb is carefully monitored with the help of regular examinations of the mother: testing, ultrasound monitoring. Medical practice shows that after the use of assisted reproductive technologies, childbirth is more often carried out by caesarean section. If we turn to statistics, we can find out that children born naturally have stronger immunity. However, these are just general factors. The main role will be played by lifestyle, eating style and caring for the baby in the early years. Families with twins and triplets tend to have more childhood illnesses, as one constantly infects the other. However, frequent colds do not depend on the fact that in this case the method of assisted reproductive technologies was used.

- Children after IVF are the same as children conceived in the usual way, - says the gynecologist-reproductologist (Chelyabinsk clinic "Repromed"). - Often they develop and grow better, as they receive more attention, especially if the IVF + ICSI program was carried out only for the male factor. However, taking into account the diseases of the parents, which lead to the need to use IVF and the need for hormonal support for pregnancy, one can think about the likelihood of a higher risk of a number of diseases in the child (research is underway). But almost always this is compensated by the care and attention that parents pay to such a long-awaited child. Regarding immunity: a pregnancy obtained and endured “contrary to” nature (immunological factor, genetic disorders in parents) can indeed lead to the birth of a child that is weaker in terms of resistance to external factors.

Children after IVF, like babies conceived naturally, suffer from colds, viral and bacterial diseases. This process is inevitable for anyone and is absolutely normal, because during contact with the pathogen, children's immunity is formed.

The version that babies after IVF often suffer from pathologies of the digestive tract has also fallen apart. A tendency to such a disease can only be if it is inherited from one of the parents. Of course, there are pathologies that have appeared in a child during his life. Often their cause is malnutrition, poor ecology and bad habits. However, no one is immune from such diseases.

“My girl was conceived in a test tube,” 39-year-old Irina told the site. - At birth, she weighed 2700, but scored two eights on the Abgar scale. We were discharged on the fifth day, as well as the neighbors in the ward.

In the first months, we had the usual infantile problems - colic, gas, teeth ... She grew well, put on weight, went to a year old, spoke in time. Neurologists (as well as other doctors, by the way) had no claims against us. Normally developed child. Of the acquaintances who were not privy to our family affairs, no one guessed that our daughter was an "eco".

She is now seven. Observed by an ophthalmologist, may have gone to me (I have poor eyesight). He is engaged in singing, loves to be in the spotlight and is eager to take the stage. Learns English, prepares for school. And I can't imagine my life without our girl...

Read a detailed story of Irina, her husband and daughter in our exclusive material about.

Is it true that babies born after IVF are infertile?

A couple who decide to resort to assisted reproductive technologies is always afraid that IVF children are infertile. This myth is firmly planted in the head of patients who cannot conceive a child naturally. They worry that the same fate awaits their future children. Fearing that they will doom their offspring to a barren life, women often refuse in vitro fertilization, and this is a big mistake.

In the vast majority of cases, tubal infertility becomes an indication for the IVF procedure. If for some reason the fallopian tubes are impassable or completely absent, then the woman will not be able to get pregnant. This feature is not congenital and is not inherited. Therefore, it is foolish to believe that the future daughter will not be able to have her own children due to the mother's tubal infertility.

Decreased fertility in a man, as one of the indications for ICSI, is also not hereditary. There is an opinion that fathers with poor spermogram give birth to sons with reduced sperm motility. This opinion is not scientifically confirmed, but still has the right to exist.

Test-tube babies will be infertile if their parents' lack of pregnancy is caused by genetic factors. Being inherited, they can be the reason that people born with the help of IVF cannot have their own offspring.

The first newborns conceived through assisted reproductive technologies have a chance of natural conception. For example, the first "eco" girl - Louise Brown - became a mother at the age of 28, two years after her marriage. Louise was conceived through IVF in 1977 and was the first child born through in vitro fertilization. Her parents could not conceive a baby for 9 years, so they agreed to a frightening experiment and did not regret it a bit.

Psychological differences

In certain sections of society, there is an opinion that IVF children are without a soul. The Church is at the forefront of this hypothesis. According to faith, spiritualization occurs at the moment of the fusion of two sexual gametes: male and female. From this point on, the embryo is no longer considered a set of cells, but a person. It would seem that there is nothing sinful in this, and the church should have accepted and recognized the latest possibilities of medicine, but not everything is so simple.

If you delve into the church charter, you can find out that in 2000 a concept was adopted according to which, from the Orthodox point of view, any manipulations with harvested embryos become morally unacceptable: conservation, destruction, destruction. It turns out that already at the very early stage of embryonic development, future children renounce the Lord with the help of their parents and doctors.

The Church believes that a woman to whom God does not give a child has a different fate. The main life task of the barren is different. However, a woman, in pursuit of her desire, violates what is written for her kind. Committing a great sin, she not only opposes fate, but also encourages doctors to destroy their own children.

As statistics show, the majority of infertile women resorting to the IVF procedure despaired and lost any faith, because numerous pleas for the gift of a child were unsuccessful.

And if you delve into the essence of the problem, it becomes unclear where is the line that separates the "permitted" medical care from the "sinful". For example, Orthodox priests are not opposed to my mother having an operation to restore the patency of the fallopian tubes. They do not object to hormonal drugs for infertility. So why is this complex treatment not considered an interference with God's providence, and IVF is included in the list of sins?

The Church says that not all embryos are implanted, part of the “biomaterial” (and in fact, unborn children) doctors “dispose of” (in fact, they kill). However, modern technologies make it possible to produce the right, and not an excessive number of embryos.

Features of the development of children born after IVF do not differ spiritually from their peers. The main role in this process is played by the family: its religion, faith, honesty and observance of customs. Babies who were born with the help of conception in a test tube can go through the traditional rite of baptism and in the future receive communion, attend church. The further spiritual destiny and psychological state of the child will depend solely on education.

Louise Brown - the first girl born from IVF, survived attacks from peers and adults. As a child, she received a serious psychological trauma, subsequently describing her experiences in an autobiographical book. According to Louise, her peers saw her clear differences from them. The girl's family was threatened and harassed. Fortunately, in today's world, this does not happen often. Now many children and even close relatives do not know that a woman underwent an in vitro fertilization procedure in order to feel the happiness of motherhood.

So, it is impossible to say unequivocally that only sick or only healthy children are born during the IVF procedure. The statistics are too small to unambiguously answer this question. There are numerous examples of the birth of beautiful strong babies. And there are examples when the IVF procedure led to the birth of a disabled person. Alas, there can be no 100% guarantee. However, absolutely the same can be said about natural conception.

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