Reply to comments on Instagram android. How to reply to comments on Instagram? From mobile version

Comments on Instagram are the main method of communication that allows absolutely all users of this social network to communicate with each other.

Today we will tell you how to write comments on Instagram, respond to specific people, and how you can delete comments you have written.

How to comment on Instagram?

In order to leave a comment under a specific photo in the Instagram application, you need to click on the message icon located under the publication.
Then type the text, click the “Publish” button and your comment will appear under the desired photo.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram for a specific person?

Sometimes it becomes necessary for your comment to be addressed not to everyone, but to an individual, so that he can definitely see it. To do this, you need to write the account of the user you are contacting. How to send a message like this:

1. If a person has already written something in the comments, then just click on the “Reply” button under his message, the account name will appear in the reply field, after which you can type a comment and click the “Publish” button. The user to whom the comment is addressed will see it in notifications.

2. If the person you want to write to in the comments has not yet checked in there, then simply type the @ icon first, and then the name of his account, for example, like this: @ivanpetrov and then the text of the message.

If you need to leave a comment on Instagram and tag not one person, but several at once, you must put the @ icon in front of each person’s login.

How to add emoticons in comments on Instagram?

How to delete a comment?

There is currently no way to edit comments on Instagram, and therefore you often need to delete a comment in order to write a new one. How to do it?
Swipe the comment from right to left; a red button will appear; clicking on it will delete the message.

How to write comments on Instagram from a computer?

In the browser version, you can respond to a comment on Instagram in the same way: to leave a comment, you need to write some text and press the Enter button. How to write a comment to a specific user: first enter his login in this format @ivanivanov, and then add the necessary text and press Enter.

To delete a comment, you need to hover your mouse over it and click on the cross that appears on the right.

Now you can easily add a comment on Instagram under your favorite post or take part in a discussion, both in the application and from your computer!

For a long time, VKontakte and Facebook remained at the top of popularity. According to the principle of operation, these two resources are not much different. They allowed you to correspond with other users, listen to audio recordings, videos, join or create communities of interest, and, of course, post photos. However, with the advent of Instagram, many photography lovers switched to it. Today we will take a closer look at this network and find out

Why Instagram?

While the developers of popular social networks were thinking about what other function to “shove” into their “brainchild,” the creators of Instagram, on the contrary, simplified viewing photos to a minimum. And the network itself is more like a large electronic photo album where you can post your favorite photos and short videos. In order to view a photo of a person you are interested in, just visit her profile. Of course, provided that the account is open. Otherwise, you will have to send a subscription request. You can carry out the same manipulations with your account, as well as subscribe to friends or, for example, world-famous stars, who also did not bypass Instagram, publishing interesting shots from life and work for their subscribers day after day.

Correspondence in Direct

Instagram also has built-in mail called Direct. Here you can correspond with your subscribers, as well as share posts that interest you. Let's say you are sent a regular text message. How to reply on Instagram? Swipe from right to left and you will see your entire conversation history. Tap on the user you are going to reply to and enter a message in the field located at the bottom of the screen. Here you can attach an additional photo and send it to the selected user. We figured out how to respond to a person on Instagram, but what to do with comments?

Instagram comments

As in any other social network, here you can rate other people's photos by clicking on the “heart”, and also comment on posts. If we take the profile of a famous person as an example, then under each new photo you can see thousands of comments. But what can we say about celebrities, if even in an inconspicuous profile a group of friends can arrange a discussion of this or that topic. If you have encountered a similar situation, then you probably have a question about how to respond to a comment on Instagram to a specific person. After all, you want him to understand that your reasoning is an answer to him, and not to another user.

How to reply to a user on Instagram?

The developers of this social network foresaw this outcome of events. Now it is absolutely not necessary to write an introduction about who your message is dedicated to. And your opponent will not need to constantly monitor whether they answered him or not. In order to mention a specific person in the comments, just contact him by writing the @ sign before the comment and immediately after it indicating the nickname of this person. For example, you want to answer (or simply contact) Vanya Ivanov under the nickname ivanovvanechka and tell him that he is wrong. Then your comment should look something like this: "@ivanovvanechka, you're wrong." Of course, quotes are not needed. Then this person will receive a notification that they have been answered.

There immediately arises a lot of indignation from users about the fact that they need to manually enter a nickname every time. But this can also be avoided.

How to reply on Instagram (Android) without entering a nickname manually?

This is possible if this person has already participated in the comments under a certain post. To do this, open the entire resulting dialogue, click on the selected user and do not rush to release your finger. The “Reply” function will immediately appear, when you click on it, a nickname with the corresponding sign will appear automatically, and you will only have to add your thought addressed to him. If the user did not appear in the comments, you will have to write the nickname by hand, but even here Instagram will offer its help by presenting options from your subscriptions.

Instagram version for PC

Not many users know that Instagram is not only a mobile application, it also has a web version, but its capabilities are much more limited. As for comments, you can also send them, but you will not be able to view the entire dialogue, and you will have to type a nickname, because there will no longer be an address reply function.

That's all you need to know about how to respond to a comment on Instagram. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this. Have a nice chat with your friends and subscribers!

Good time, friends! And today’s article will be about how to respond to a comment on Instagram. We will consider the method from a computer and phone, as well as a standard application. Go?

It's no secret that in most cases the process of communication on Instagram occurs under published photographs, in the comments. However, in order for the user with whom you are corresponding to receive notifications of new messages from you, you need to know how to respond to him.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram from your phone?

All you have to do is write your answer and then click on the function "Publish".

The user will be shown a comment that was sent personally to him. By the way, you can also type your login manually, if this is more familiar to you.

We answer several interlocutors

If you want to address one message to several people, you will need to click the button "Answer" next to the nicknames of all selected users. As a result, the recipients' nicknames will be displayed in the message entry window, after which you can start typing the message.

Reply via the web version of Instagram

The web version of the service allows you to visit your profile, search for other users and, of course, leave comments under pictures.

In the next second, the user who was tagged will receive a notification regarding a new comment, which he will have the opportunity to view.

Thus, there is absolutely nothing difficult in the procedure of responding to a specific person on the Instagram network. I am always ready to help you, just write your questions in the comments. I wish you all good health and peace!

Communication on Instagram occurs mainly under user photos. If correspondence is carried out under the photo of the author of the created post, he will receive system notifications about the arrival of a new message. Many people have a question: how to respond to a comment from a specific interlocutor on Instagram? Everything is very simple. In order for the interlocutor to see it, you need to specify the addressee.

Comments on Instagram are the most important component of business.

Instagram provides endless opportunities for business promotion. With a little effort you can become a successful entrepreneur.

In order for the business to develop and make a profit, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • After creating a page on Instagram, at first use the profile as a blog (first you need to promote the page a little). Write interesting articles, upload photos related to your business. By these actions you will increase the number of subscribers and potential clients.
  • Design your profile with real, good quality photographs. Write a description under each image. The text should be written in simple words of small volume. Come up with hashtags and place them in the descriptions (see “ “).
  • Create new posts daily.
  • Hold prize draws and competitions. This way, you will attract the attention of new subscribers and they will be more active than usual.

People really like to try their luck

  • Leave likes and reviews under other users' posts.
  • You shouldn’t devote all your posts to promoting your business. Publish work photos from the office, write funny stories and anecdotes. Such pages are much more pleasant to browse.

The most important point of all of the above is writing comments. With this action, you encourage the author of the post to visit your page.

If you want to promote your page in the shortest possible time, you can use:, Doinsta and promotion services and.

Instructions on how to reply to a comment from your phone

To reply to a specific person, below their post, click the “Reply” button. In the line that appears, the @ sign and the user's nickname will be visible. Here you need to write your message and click the “Publish” button.

In the comments it will look like this

A system letter will be sent to the recipient. In this way, you can send a message to several users at the same time. To do this, click “Reply” next to everyone you want to send a message to.

There are times when it is necessary to delete a comment on Instagram. To do this, you need to open all discussions of a particular post and swipe your finger over the desired phrase. In the additional menu, a trash can sign will appear, which you need to click on.

How to reply to a comment from a computer?

There are several ways to reply to messages:

How to close comments from an annoying user?

In order to close comments on Instagram from a computer, you need to go to your own profile and click “Edit Profile”, then click “Comments” and check the box next to “Hide inappropriate comments”, enter keywords. Finally, click the “Submit” button.

To close comments on Instagram from your phone, you need to open the Instagram application and go to settings. Select "Comments". Enter the keywords and save the changes made by clicking on the checkmark.

With this method, only part of the unwanted messages is blocked. To completely close all publications, you need to find the “Account” item in the application and make the “Closed Account” section active.


Instagram is a social network with which you can communicate, learn something new and promote your business. A timely like or review on your part on other users’ posts builds the reputation of your Instagram account.

At the moment, Instagram is the largest and most developing social network. Each time it is improved by adding new functions. But people who have recently registered in it have to face some problems related to functionality. This article will cover the most frequently asked questions in detail.

How to answer questions in Instagram stories?

How to answer them:

Please note that you can also see who answered your question through the news or events tab (in the form of a heart at the bottom of the application screen)

How to reply to a story on Instagram?

How to answer a question on Instagram with a photo?

We have already figured out how to simply answer the question, but we have to figure out how to answer a question on Instagram with a picture.

If you are a happy owner of the iOS platform, then changing the background is not difficult; this is done in the same way as when creating a regular story.

The only catch is that you can only upload those pictures or photos that are on the device as a background.

If you want a plain background, then in your case you will have to download it from the Internet.

With the Android platform things are a little different. The background with the answer has a standard pink gradient. It is impossible to change it somehow. This feature is not available yet, but should be available soon.

How to reply to a comment on Instagram: ways?

It's nice to post photos and receive numerous likes in return. But it’s even nicer to receive comments. There are two ways to answer them:

You can not respond to a specific person, but address everyone. To do this, open the publication and click on the icon in the form of a dialog bubble under it.

It is located between the heart-shaped buttons and the paper airplane.

Only recipients will not receive notifications.

How to reply to a specific person on Instagram?

This question arises when a huge number of people write in the comments to one post. To conduct a dialogue independently of other participants, your interlocutor should be mentioned in the text of the comment. Then both he and you will receive notifications about messages.

How to reply to several people on Instagram?

The scheme operates on the same principle, only in addition to the nickname of one person, you add the nicknames of the other people with whom you communicate

Please note that the name of any user must begin with the “dog” symbol – “@”

How to reply on Instagram from a computer?

It often happens that there is no access to Instagram through a phone or tablet. Don't rush to get upset. This social network has made sure that users can access it via PC.

However, unfortunately, you cannot enjoy all the functions from this device. In this case, you become only observers.

That is, you can watch other people’s stories and publications, but not post your own.

The only function that will remind you of your activity is the ability to put and comment on any posts (even your own) where you are open

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