Hole in the ground in Yamal. Scientists told Russian Planet about the origin of the Yamal funnel. Scientists study the Yamal "black hole"

The night before, scientists returned from the Yamal Peninsula, who, on behalf of the Head of the region, were sent to the site of formation of the Yamal “black hole” - mysterious phenomenon near the Bovanenkovskoye field - to conduct initial scientific research and collect data for subsequent detailed study unusual phenomenon.

Let us remind you that a mysterious huge funnel in the tundra attracted public attention late last week when a video of a flight over it appeared on the Internet. For several days, scientists from all over the country voiced their versions of the origin of the Yamal “black hole” (formation sinkhole, the fall of a meteorite, the formation of a heaving mound, the explosion of “underground champagne”, the release of shale gas, etc.), however, all of them were based only on a visual conclusion made after watching the video.

But perhaps soon we will be able to get reasoned answers to the questions: what led to the formation of the sinkhole and what is the likelihood of similar failures appearing in the future? Primary data has already appeared at the disposal of scientists. They were collected by Marina Leibman, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of the Earth’s Cryosphere of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and Sr. Researcher GKU YNAO " Science Center studying the Arctic" Andrey Plekhanov.

Arriving at the site of the failure, the first thing scientists did was measure the level of radiation and negative substances. The instruments did not show any dangerous deviations from the norm near the funnel. The researchers then measured the approximate diameter of the hole. According to Andrei Plekhanov, the diameter of the crater along the inner edge is approximately 40 meters, along the outer edge - 60, fragments of the ejection are scattered over a distance of up to 120 meters. Plekhanov notes that it was not possible to measure the depth of the crater; this requires specialists with serious climbing equipment, since the edges of the embankment are constantly collapsing.

On this moment scientists who visited the funnel are inclined to believe that the failure is the result of a certain natural phenomenon, the nature of which has yet to be clarified. The fact that this is not the result of a meteorite fall is indicated by the absence of traces of charring; there were also no traces of the presence of humans or equipment, so there is no talk of a man-made impact.

“This is a purely mechanical release, which most likely occurred due to an increase in pressure during freezing and a change in the volume of a certain cavity in which there were reserves of swamp gas. Apparently there was water all around, there are traces of streams,” The press service of the Governor of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug reports the words of Marina Leibman.

Scientists also measured the depth of the permafrost layer in the vicinity of the eruption. This information will help to more or less accurately determine the date when the sinkhole began to form. Maximum depth thawing amounted to 73 centimeters. Significant deformation of the funnel walls is not expected in the near future.

The data collected during the initial expedition will be carefully studied.

"Many Quaternary geology scientists would like to study the vertical wall of the crater. I note that in the scientific literature there is a theory that round lakes in Yamal are formed due to the release of swamp gas, but deep lakes may simply be a consequence of the thermokarst process. Observing what is happening today, I see that the theory may well have a deep meaning,”

In 2014, the whole world was alarmed by the discovery of huge holes on the Yamal Peninsula, the so-called “craters” or “craters”. Until now, three holes were known, the largest and most studied of which was located near the village of Bovanenkovo.

But recently, Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky, head. branch of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Oil and Gas Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, discovered at satellite images Yamal has several more new holes, including one huge hole (from 50 to 100 meters in diameter), already filled with water, but surrounded by a scattering of smaller holes. The Siberian Times writes about this.

- Now we know about seven large craters, instead of the three discovered earlier. Five of them are directly on the peninsula, one is in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and one in the north Krasnoyarsk Territory, near Taimyr.

Bogoyavlensky is alarmed by his discovery and asks to investigate the appearance of new craters in order to prevent a possible catastrophe in the future.

Satellite images taken at an unspecified period of time show how first small holes appeared in this place, and then a huge hole that immediately filled with water.

According to scientists who studied previous holes in Yamal, their appearance was a consequence of the release of methane from the melted permafrost, most likely as a result of global warming. The appearance of new holes indicates that this process continues and each new release of methane can lead to a series of explosions that can lead to a fire. Locals have previously reported seeing strong flashes of light.

New craters are marked in red

This photo shows a lake in Yamal with traces of methane emissions on the surface

Craters discovered earlier and now being studied by scientists.

On the Yamal Peninsula there are huge holes, the so-called “craters” or “craters”. Until now, three holes were known, the largest and most studied of which was located near the village of Bovanenkovo.

But recently Professor Vasily Bogoyavlensky, manager branch of the Department of Geology at the Institute of Oil and Gas Engineering of the Russian Academy of Sciences, discovered several more on satellite images of Yamal new holes, including one huge hole (50 to 100 meters in diameter), already filled with water, but surrounded by a scattering of smaller holes. The Siberian Times writes about this.

We now know of seven large craters, instead of the three previously discovered. Five of them are directly on the peninsula, one in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and one in the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near Taimyr.

Bogoyavlensky is alarmed by his discovery and asks to investigate the appearance of new craters in order to prevent a possible catastrophe in the future.

Satellite images taken at an unspecified period of time show how first small holes appeared in this place, and then a huge hole that immediately filled with water.

According to scientists who studied previous holes in Yamal, their appearance was a consequence of the release of methane from thawed permafrost, most likely as a result of global warming. The appearance of new holes indicates that this process continues and each new release of methane can lead to a series of explosions that can lead to a fire. Local residents have previously reported seeing strong flashes of light.

New craters are marked in red

This photo shows a lake in Yamal with traces of methane emissions on the surface

Craters discovered earlier and now being studied by scientists.

The capabilities of the Internet can hardly be overestimated. The video of a huge hole in the Yamal land interested and even alarmed the population of the district. Our neighbors in the Greater Urals did not remain indifferent either.

For several days after the footage of the hole in the ground appeared, people were desperately wondering: what is it? Various versions have been put forward: from science fiction to everyday life. The district authorities also became interested in the origin of the giant hole.

A minute-long video shot on a mobile phone by reindeer herders reached Lyudmila Lipatova last fall. The nomads claimed that the hole appeared exactly then - it was not there yet in the spring. The approximate location of the facility is 30 kilometers from the Bovanenkovskoye field. Lyudmila Fedorovna showed that video recording to many, but it did not arouse much interest. This Yamal phenomenon attracted everyone’s attention only after it appeared on the Internet. On various resources, videos with a huge hole in the tundra are breaking viewing records. The response from the virtual community was immediate. The comments are full of guesses of all kinds. Some people think it's just a prank. Someone suspects aliens. There are also “down-to-earth” versions. Looking at the Yamal crater, many draw parallels with last year’s Chelyabinsk meteorite.

An asteroid with a diameter of about 17 meters and a mass of 10 thousand tons entered the Earth's atmosphere at a speed of approximately 18 kilometers per second. At an altitude of 15-26 km from the surface of the earth in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk, the superbolite exploded. Of all celestial bodies, which fell on our planet for last centuries, Chelyabinsk meteorite was one of the most outstanding. In size it would be second only to the mysterious Tunguska meteorite.

Ivan Nestorov, professor Tyumen University oil and gas has great experience in geology. Looking at an amateur video of the Yamal tundra, it suggests that such a crater could have been left by a so-called “silent” meteorite.

Another failure earth's surface occurred in the Krasnoyarsk region. In April last year, a local hunter contacted the administration of the village of Nosok, who discovered the crater and took several photographs against its background. Local scientists, gas workers and geologists urgently gathered for an emergency meeting, thinking and wondering where the hole in Noska came from? Various hypotheses have been put forward.

The Yamal failure was no less intriguing. Employees of the Siberian Institute of the Cryosphere went in search of answers. A mini-expedition to the Yamal Peninsula was organized on the initiative of the District Governor. The group is led by Marina Leibman, an experienced permafrost specialist. This is not her first time on Yamal soil. There is no hurry to draw conclusions before departure. “When we look, we process what we have collected, then we will somehow comment,” said Marina Leibman, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Chief Researcher at the Institute of the Earth’s Cryosphere of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The first versions of what happened were voiced by employees of the Siberian Institute of the Earth's Cryosphere immediately after the landing. Instruments showed: there are no flammable gases here, the radiation level is normal. According to preliminary data, there was no explosion here. The same as a meteorite. The sinkhole was formed by a mechanical release of swamp gas. It accumulates in the permafrost, shallow from the surface, in so-called non-freezing lenses.

This is the first time that permafrost scientists have encountered this phenomenon. But so far they have the only version with methane emissions. No traces of human or equipment presence were found near the object. The diameter of the funnel along the inner edge is about 40 meters, along the outer edge - 60. It is not possible to determine the exact depth - this requires special climbing equipment. While they are interested in fragments of the ejection, they can tell what strength it was.

Samples of soil, air and water taken for research will help to understand in detail the nature of the phenomenon. Chemists, biologists and scientists involved in Quaternary geology will work with them. The data obtained will explain a lot. But now, with a high probability, we can say: human activity has nothing to do with it. Similar funnels are found all over the world. Very picturesque and original jewelry the surface of the earth in the form of sinkholes, lakes and depressions has long become a place of pilgrimage for tourists and business card places where they are located. It is possible that the Yamal pit will in the future become a picturesque tundra lake.

A scientific expedition of the Russian Center for Arctic Development, led by Vladimir Pushkarev, descended to the bottom, the depth of which is 200 meters.

Descent into the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)

According to the expedition, the walls of this amazing cone-shaped funnel consist of ice with the inclusion of small particles of rock. At the time of descent, the bottom of the funnel was the frozen surface of a lake formed as a result of the accumulation of rainwater. It is expected that next year rainwater will fill the funnel completely.

Descent to the bottom of the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Descent to the bottom of the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)

The expedition did not discover the presence of any toxic gases at the bottom of the crater. Selected rock samples from the Yamal funnel will be subjected to laboratory analysis.

At the bottom of the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Yamal funnel. View from the bottom. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
Sampling in the Yamal funnel. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)
One of the samples. Photo by: Vladimir Pushkarev (NP “Russian Center for Arctic Development”)

Some scientists (RAS Academician Vladimir Melnikov) believe that the cause of the formation of the sinkhole is global warming.

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