Timati's first love. Timati's new girlfriend. (8 photos). Timati and Anastasia Reshetova: a secret romance known to everyone

Celebrities always attract public attention with their creativity. Very often, the personal life of stars remains a mystery, as they try to hide details from prying eyes. Brutal rapper Timati is an interesting object of Russian show business. Most of all fans are interested in Timati's children.

Who is Timati?

Timur Ildarovich Yunusov is the real name of the famous performer. He was born on August 15, 1983 in Moscow. His parents (Ildar and Simone) are very wealthy people, since his father has been involved in business all his life. As children, Timur and his younger brother Artem, who is 3.5 years younger, did not need for anything. They had a very beautiful house and the best toys, but their father raised them to be real, unspoiled men. At the age of 13, young Tim moved to Los Angeles. The parents made this decision in order to develop a desire for learning in their son. But besides hip-hop, the purposeful guy was not interested in anything, except perhaps older girls. Therefore, studies quickly faded into the background, and all the time was devoted to fashionable parties and nightclubs.

Carier start

Life in America prompted Timur to take serious action. He decided to do what he loved no matter what. For this purpose, the group VIP77 was created in 1998, which did not receive worldwide fame, but helped the young talent to prove himself as a performer.

"Star Factory" and love on display

In 2004, the 4th season of “Star Factory” started on Channel One, where Timati and other guys won the love of the audience by performing songs and demonstrating their creative talents. On the project (under the leadership of the best vocal and dance teachers), Timati, Ratmir and Dominic Joker decided to create their own group called “Gang”. The audience simply adored the heroes of the project, so they automatically became very popular. At that time, for Timati, family and children were something very distant. But it was at the “Star Factory” that a bright relationship happened between Timati and Alexa. Millions of people followed the development of the couple’s relationship, since even after the end of the project they appeared together everywhere. But in 2007, the couple finally broke up.

Serious relationship

Timur had a relationship with Mila Volchek, a student at the VGIK directing department. The affair lasted 5 years, but did not end with a wedding. The couple's serious intentions were evident from their posts on social networks, where they shared sweet photos with clear overtones of readiness for a family. Timati has always been interested in children. He usually said that Mila was his woman, from whom he wanted to have heirs. He treats all children with special care. But the family didn’t work out, and the mother of the child, Timati, is a completely different woman. Little is known about the detailed details of the separation, but this does not matter, since everyone’s life continues in a better way.

The role of Alena Shishkova in the life of Timati

Alena Shishkova is a young 24-year-old successful model from Tyumen. Lives in Moscow for a long time. She won prizes at regional beauty contests in her hometown. Before conquering the capital, she corrected her appearance by having rhinoplasty and increasing the volume of her lips. Natural beauty, personal charm and professional work of plastic surgeons led her to second place in the Miss Russia 2012 competition. After this, the girl’s life changed dramatically. She was noticed by eligible bachelors, and modeling agencies offered her expensive contracts. Timati had to give Alena a lot of bouquets of flowers and worthy gifts so that she would pay her attention to him. They met at the end of 2012 during the filming of a video. In the spring of 2013, Shishkova gave up and admitted that she was in love.

Child of Alena and Timati

Despite the touching relationship, there was no wedding. But on March 9, 2014, a daughter was born, and Alena Shishkova became her mother. Timati, whose child was born weighing 4 kg and 53 centimeters tall, was immensely happy. Hiding from prying eyes, pregnant Alena spent the entire period before giving birth in the Dominican Republic. Timati's mother Simona Yakovlevna was always with her. It seemed that Timati's children would be dark-haired, like dad. However, the newborn daughter Alice turned out to be a natural blonde. She adopted amazing facial expressions from her father. Finally, the intrigue is revealed. Timati's children are his one and only daughter, Alice.

Who does Alice live with?

During the birth in the Dominican Republic, Timur and Simone were next to Alena. The baby spent almost the entire first year of her life with her mother and grandmother on the seashore. Alena very quickly got into shape after the birth of her daughter and went to her favorite job. The girl spent most of her time with her grandmother Simona, since her parents’ tour schedule does not allow them to spend a lot of time with the baby. Timur and Alena no longer live as a family, each has their own life. But for the sake of their daughter, they maintain friendly relations and celebrate the baby’s birthdays together. In a Moscow apartment, Alice is looked after by her grandmother, but the parents spend all their free time from work with their daughter.

Raising Alice

Child Timati, whose photo is presented above, is precocious for his years. And all because grandmother Simona pays great attention to raising the baby, raising her to be a real housewife. She maintains her account on Instagram, which has almost 2 million subscribers. Many people ask the modern granny to write a book about raising children, since game methods of learning and development are really interesting to many mothers. She shares different stories from her life that leave no one indifferent. He believes that despite the amount of money, a girl should be able to cope with household chores and have a good education.

Over the entire period of his fame, the bully Timati did not have many novels (at least those that the public found out about). But what kind! We remembered 5 beauties who managed to win the heart of Timur Yunusov.


The romance between the hooligan and the 16-year-old heiress of a Ukrainian millionaire began in 2004 at Star Factory-4. Whether this relationship was the intention of the producers or a bright youthful feeling is unknown. What we know for sure is that although the “manufacturers” went their separate ways almost immediately after the completion of the project, they remained on good terms. However, the rapper is generally famous for his ability to maintain warmth when communicating with his ex-girlfriends. In a word, a gentleman.

Ksenia Sobchak

Love on camera and hate in life: famous film couples who didn’t get along
After a touching affair with the tender Alexa, Timati apparently decided to cheer up. He no longer wanted to play his first love and for his new party he was looking for one that would share his youthful enthusiasm. The hooligan and badass Ksenia Sobchak was ideal for the role of the companion of the matured Timati. In 2007, the video “Dance with me” was released, in which the allegedly stolen home video of Timur and Ksenia was embedded. The couple begins to go out together and openly talk about their relationship, until the audience gradually gets tired of believing in the hyped story.

Milana Volchek

The rapper's romance with Mila Volchek is still shrouded in mystery and speculation. In 2011, Timati and Mila announced their marriage, but later none of the couple commented on the information about the secret wedding. But a few months before, the rapper gave an interview to Hello! magazine, where he told how he met Mila. They first ran into each other at a shopping center dry cleaner and exchanged a few words. Later, having met the star in a nightclub, Mila decided to come up and remind him of herself, but then the musician was not in the mood to communicate with fans. And yet Mila continued to look for meetings with Timati, as if randomly appearing in restaurants and clubs where he liked to spend time. As a result, Timur finally spoke to the beauty, whose face had already become familiar to him. The couple made serious plans for the future, but, as we already know, Tim’s first child was given not by Mila, but by model Alena Shishkova.

Alena Shishkova

Not many people remember that the beautiful Alena Shishkova is not only Timati’s former lover and the mother of his daughter Alisa, but also a finalist of the Miss Russia 2012 contest. Then Alena was an unknown 19-year-old girl from Tyumen. Shishkova failed to receive the crown and title: the blonde was surpassed by Elizaveta Golovanova from the Smolensk region. Only now Lisa’s finest hour has long passed, and the whole country started talking about Alena, after she gave birth to Timati’s daughter. Timati admitted that Shishkova attracted him because of her inaccessibility: when they met on the set in November 2013, she behaved modestly and unobtrusively, unlike her colleagues, who tried with all their might to attract the attention of Black Star. Meeting Shishkova after working together turned out to be difficult: Alena was constantly involved in filming in Moscow, Milan and New York. When the heroes finally managed to meet, passion flared up instantly. After several months of romance, the beauty became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter, Alice, in March 2014. This came as a surprise to many, because the young people almost never shared photos together, and Shishkova spent her entire pregnancy with the artist’s mother in the Dominican Republic. The couple was in no hurry to get married, but the idyll without a stamp did not last long. Returning to her homeland, the young mother turned her attention to Dynamo goalkeeper Anton Shunin and left Timati.

Anastasia Reshetova

The abandoned man did not allow himself a single sarcastic word addressed to his former common-law wife. For the sake of their daughter, Timati and Shishkova maintained friendly relations; they both spend a lot of time with the child. In Timati’s personal life, everything is also going well. The rapper began a relationship with Vice-Miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Reshetova. At the end of January this year, Reshetova turned 20 years old. The model celebrated her birthday in Miami in the company of Timur. The musician spared no expense on the gift for his beloved and presented Nastya with a ring from the Graff jewelry house. According to experts, the decoration can cost from $50 to 300 thousand (from 4 to 24 million rubles).

As in the case of Alena Shishkova, immediately after the confirmation of the affair with Timati, Nastya’s army of fans and critics increased significantly. Now the girl is not only inundated with virtual compliments, but also accused of anorexia, abuse of plastic surgery, copying the style of Kim Kardashian, and publishing too candid photos, but all this does not prevent Reshetova from enjoying her relationship with Timati.

Many people have probably seen on television and in newspapers the development of relations between such famous people as rapper Timati and singer Alexa. Their love story was incredibly romantic, because such different people complemented each other so much. According to witnesses of that relationship: “It was heading towards a wedding!” But, unfortunately, due to the influence of various circumstances, the stars are no longer together. Why did Alexa and Timati break up? This article will tell you about this.

Meeting Timati and Alexa

Why did Alexa and Timati break up? Let's start from the beginning. This couple met at the casting of the show “Star Factory 4” in 2004. Timati was 21 years old at that time, but Alexa was only 16 years old. The guys immediately found a common language, and their romance began to develop so rapidly that doubts involuntarily arose about the sincerity of their feelings.

It is worth paying attention to the process of conquering Alexa, because it was very romantic. Timati, not embarrassed by those around him, gave Alexa tender kisses, showered her with a huge number of flowers, and supported the girl during her appearances on stage.

Alexa’s father was very worried about the couple’s relationship, since the guy, who had a lot of tattoos and a desire to become famous, did not inspire confidence. Alexa also had constant conflicts with her mother, since she argued that even on the show you need to maintain decency, and kissing is not included in this concept.

Timati - Alexa: relationship after the end of the show “Star Factory 4”

After the end of the “Star Factory 4” project, all participants in the show went on a tour around the country. It was at that moment that the relationship between Alexa and Timati began to deteriorate.

After the end of the tour, a very strong quarrel arose between the couple, as a result of which the young people decided to break up, and Alexa returned to her hometown - Donetsk.

After a certain time, Timati went for Alexa (having disrupted her wedding) and their relationship lasted another year. In general, the couple was together from 2004 to 2007, not taking into account breaks. So why did Alexa and Timati break up? And what prompted the man to disrupt such an important event in the girl’s life? Was there love?

Did Timati really ruin Alexa's wedding?

After the couple’s first separation and Alexa’s return to her hometown, her parents decided to speed up the process of “forgetting” Timati, and introduced the singer to a young coal oligarch. Their relationship led to an engagement, and Alexa's father insisted that the wedding take place as quickly as possible.

Alexa was not in love with the man who was to become her husband, but she did not oppose the will of her parents. In turn, when Timati found out about Alexa’s engagement, his world was shaken. At one point he realized that he was unable to live without this girl.

After realizing the above fact, Timati decided to go to Donetsk. In the dark, he snuck into Alexa’s house and woke her up with a kiss. The young people seriously discussed their relationship and came to the conclusion that they should be together.

In a matter of minutes, having collected all the necessary things, Alexa and Timati got into a taxi, which was already waiting for the couple around the corner of the house. And half an hour later they were on a plane to Moscow.

After this situation, Alexa had to try hard to get her parents’ forgiveness.

This story was heard from all the journalists. There were no denials from the star couple, they only smiled mysteriously, so it is impossible to answer for sure whether this was true.

Gift idea from Timati for Alexa on her coming of age

A memorable moment in the couple’s relationship was the gift that Timati wanted to give the girl for her coming of age.

Since Timati had been drawing sketches for creating men's jewelry for a long time, it was not difficult for him to make a sketch for a women's ring. The rapper was also interested in studying various precious stones, but in the ring for Alexa he decided not to invent anything and opted for the classics - diamonds.

The ring was created in Italy by one of the fairly famous jewelers. It is made of white gold, with diamonds and a monogram (until now unknown, since Timati kept it a secret). In addition, the ring has a special secret: only Alexa can open it and, accordingly, put it on.

Initially, this gift was supposed to be presented along with a marriage proposal, but something did not work out.

Renewal of relationships: Alexa and Timati

Why they broke up then is not entirely clear. But after that their relationship resumed for some time. In 2010, both stars were invited to Yalta to the famous children's competition “New Wave”. Even during the flight, the couple took several photographs in which Alexa was sitting in Timati’s arms.

During the competition, the young people did not leave each other and constantly held hands. In the evenings, the couple could be seen in various romantically decorated restaurants in Yalta.

Unfortunately, this relationship lasted no more than a few months. So why did Alexa and Timati break up if everything was so beautiful?

The reason for the final separation of Alexa and Timati

Why did Timati break up with Alexa? He has his own opinion on this matter. According to Timati, he is the type of person who prefers to constantly be in the spotlight, and for this he needs to attend various parties and meetings every day. And Alexa, in turn, is one of those who would prefer to spend the evening at home. Due to such differences in character, the couple broke up. The rapper stated that he was unable to change himself, and Alexa was not obliged to tolerate this state of affairs, so the best option for them would be if Timati let the girl out of his life.

Did Timati really leave Alexa? The girl also has her own version. According to Alexa, things were a little different. Timati constantly went to various parties, and Alexa stayed at home. For the girl, although this situation was unpleasant, she was ready to put up with it. But the end of her patience came exactly at the moment when she saw the singer Yulia Volkova wearing the pendant that Timati always wore without taking it off. Timati then justified himself by saying that with Alexa they had love, but with Volkova they had passion, and these are completely different things. For Alexa, this was not an argument and she, having collected her things, left Timati.

Whatever it was, there is no longer anyone like Timati-Alexa. They broke up back in 2010, but the echoes of this beautiful love story can still be heard. Only the two of them know the true reason for the breakup.

How Alexa survived the breakup with Timati

Did Timati and Alexa love each other? The history of the relationship of this beautiful couple worries all fans. But only they know the answers to all the questions, everything else is versions and guesses. One thing is for sure: parting with Timati was quite a strong blow for Alexa. For several weeks, the singer fell into depression, from which her father, who always supported Alexa and was initially against her relationship with Timati, helped her get out of it.

Further, the young singer decided to completely immerse herself in her work, and the girl embodied all her pain and experiences in the famous song “My Vendetta.” As the singer later said, with this song she put an end to their relationship.

Alexa's personal life for 2016

For several years now, Alexa has been the happy wife of hip-hop artist Andrei Popov. The singer is five years older than her chosen one, and at the time they met, the performer was not even of age yet.

The couple met during the filming of a video for the beginning music group La La by Babes, in which Alexa starred as Andrei Popov’s lover.

In addition to the love of music, young people are connected by the fortune of their parents. Popov, like Alexa, is the child of a fairly wealthy person.

According to some reports, the couple is expecting a child.

Timati's personal life for 2016

After breaking up with Alexa, the rapper had many different girls, some of them stayed in his life for several years, and some, for example, Alena Shishkova, left a huge contribution to his life (daughter Alisa).

Timati dated Alena Shishkova for several years, the fruit of their love was their daughter Alisa. But, unfortunately, the couple broke up. The initiator of the breakup was Alena Shishkova, because she fell in love with football player Anton Shunin. Today, the couple maintains good relations and even celebrated their daughter’s birthday together in the Dominican Republic (Alice was 2 years old).

Timati’s latest romance is with “Vice Miss Russia” Anastasia Reshetova. The couple has an age difference of 13 years, but this does not interfere with their relationship at all.

It is likely that this girl will become Timati’s official wife, since she is already telling the public that she dreams of having children in a few years, and their birth without a stamp in the passport is unacceptable for her. And knowing Timati’s attitude towards children, he may not be able to resist the beauty’s pressure.

Having analyzed the lives of Alexa and Timati at the present stage, we can confidently say that “everything is for the better.” Alexa is a happy wife, and perhaps already a mother, and Timati can attend parties, develop as a rapper and, of course, raise his beloved daughter Alisa.

This is how Timati and Alexa live today. The love story of this couple was incredibly romantic, especially the moment when Timati took Alexa away from the wedding, but even that faded away, leaving behind only memories. Or perhaps this love did not exist at all; no one can be completely sure of this. According to some sources, the couple's feelings were real, but according to others, this was a perfectly acted story that should have hooked the audience. Whatever the truth, this couple will forever remain in the hearts of those people who watched the development of their relationship.

Details Created: 08/28/2016 14:54 Updated: 10/07/2017 20:23

Timati is one of the brightest representatives of show business, a well-known performer, actor, producer and successful entrepreneur. In this article you will find detailed information about how the celebrity lives today and what his life path was like.


According to sources, a talented boy was born August 15, 1983 in the city of Moscow. According to the horoscope - Leo, just as strong, powerful and courageous. Nationality is Russian, although it has many other roots (Tatar and Jewish). The real name given at birth is Timur Ildarovich Yunusov.

Yunusov in childhood

The singer’s family is small and consisted of four people: dad Ildar, mom Simona, younger brother Artem and Timur. The boy was born into a very wealthy family of a businessman and did not need anything. But his parents never indulged him in luxury and tried to raise him correctly so that he could independently achieve something in life. Timur remembered his father's school and became a famous person in the world.

The adult brothers still maintain close and warm relationships with each other, and help each other through life.

With brother and mother

Early years

Timur was a very active and capable boy. Since childhood, his parents began to develop their son’s creative talents, and sent him to study at a music school (he learned to play the violin for 4 years). But in high school, he gradually began to abandon his studies. Like most teenagers of his age, the singer became more interested in music, girls and parties.


According to sources, after graduating from school, on the advice of his parents, he submitted documents to Higher School of Economics(Moscow). But after six months he realized that economic business was not his element and abandoned his studies. Then, the father decides to send his son abroad (to the USA, Los Angeles) in order to change the situation and regain interest in studying. But in the end, Timur withdrew even more from his studies and began to visit nightclubs more, studied local hip-hop culture and dreamed of connecting his life with show business.

Timati and Decl


As soon as the guy returned to his homeland, he began to actively engage in creativity. First, he tries himself as a break dancer, and then at the age of 15, together with his friend Pasha, they create their own group called “VIP77”, which performs rap compositions. Famous songs of the group are “Fiesta” and “ I need you alone"(after its publication they remained on the top steps of the popular charts for a very long time). The group existed for 6 years, and then broke up in 2004. A year later, the team resumed its activities with a completely new line-up, and a year later (2006) it broke up completely.


In parallel, he works with other famous performers. In 2000, he starred in the video for rapper Decl - “Party”.


And a few years later he auditions for the TV project “Star Factory” and becomes a participant in it. Here, many young talents honed their skills and became favorites of television viewers. During this period, the talented guy creates a new group called “Gang,” which includes project participants (one of them is Anastasia Kochetkova).

And although the guys from the group did not become winners of the “Star Factory”, they managed to please the producers. Thanks to this, they shoot a video clip “Heaven is Crying”, and record a studio album “New People” (the group broke up after the tragic death of member Ratmir Shishkov).

Video clip for the song "Heaven is Crying"


Then the young talent began creating his solo creation - “Black Star” (2006, first album). After great success and popularity, he recorded the following albums: "The Boss" (2009), "SWAGG" (2012), "13" (2013), "Reload" and "Audio Capsule EP" (2014), "Olympus" (2016 ).

Timati was remembered by television viewers and as a talented actor, he successfully starred in several films. Films with his participation:

2005 year - " Men's season: Velvet Revolution";

2006 - "Heat" and "Yuppie in a Pickup Truck";


2007 - television series " Love is not show business";

2008 - television series "Daddy's Daughters", film "Hitler Kaput!";

2009 - “Little Red Riding Hood”;

2010 - “Like the Cossacks...”;

2013 - "Odnoklassniki.ru: Call for luck";

"Odnoklassniki.ru: Call for luck"

2014 - "Capsule ";

2015 - "Zero ";

2016 - "Russian Hip Hop Beef".

Trailer "Russian Hip Hop Beef"

Interesting Facts

His height is approximately 175 centimeters, and weight is about 70 kilograms. The rapper has his own Instagram page, where he constantly shares new photos with fans.

Timur, in addition to his career as a musician, is trying himself in another field of activity. He owns clothing line for hip-hop youth called “Black Star by TIMATI”. He also releases a game (“Black Star Runner”, 2015), which can be played on a mobile phone and opens a network of night clubs (for example, one of them is “Black club”). Like most men, Yunusov loves expensive cars and his collection includes exclusive models.

Personal life

According to the media, in addition to the fact that the young and attractive showman is popular with millions of women, only two of his long and sensual novels are known. Timati's first lover was a graduate of the "Star Factory" - a girl named Alexa. At first there were rumors that their relationship was just a PR campaign for producers. But then the truth came out - the guys have true love, because they are constantly together and act in joint videos (the romantic compositions “Where are you” and “When you are near”).

Yunusov and Alexa

But, like all lovers, they had a serious quarrel, after which the couple broke up for a while. According to sources, Timur could not stand the separation and returned his beloved, stealing her from under the aisle with another man. This act, of course, can be called romantic, but if there is already a serious crack in the relationship, it is very difficult to hold on to it or somehow mend it. This is what happened in their case; in 2007, the couple separated for good.

"Where are you"

Also, for some time he was credited with a relationship with a young singer Nastya Kochetkova and the unknown beauty Mila Volchek.

with Nastya Kochetkova

with Mila Volchek

The second passionate affair was with model Alena Shishkova in 2012. As you know, she is 9 years younger than Timati and took an honorable second place in the Miss Russia competition. The singer first met Alena on the set of his video and immediately fell in love.

Alena Shishkova

The rapper had to put in a lot of effort to get the girl's attention. After all, she was very modest and did not pursue wealth and famous personalities. They appeared in public together at the “Song of the Year” concert, where the blonde accompanied her lover. The blond beauty never became the rapper’s legal wife, but remained in civil status. Two years after they met, they gave birth to a charming baby, the same blonde as her mother, they named her Alice.

Timur with his daughter Alisa

Rumor has it that the caring father was at the joint birth and cut the umbilical cord himself. Although today, according to sources, the couple has separated, the star father takes an active part in raising his baby. There are rumors that Alena fell in love with another man (football player Anton Shunin) and this was the reason for her separation from Timati.

Timati and Alena Shishkova with their daughter photo

Rumor has it that now the rapper has a new lover - model Anastasia Reshetova, they were allegedly spotted together at many parties.

with Anastasia Reshetova


The most important women in Timati's life.

Anastasia Kochetkova

The fighting girlfriend from the group “Banda” is not included in Timati’s list of love victories, but she proves that friendship between a man and a woman exists.

Nadezhda Igoshina (angina)

Another graduate of “Star Factory 4” did not become Timati’s companion, but, according to rumors, she was in love with a young man. During the project they had warm and friendly relations.


“Star Factory 4” gave us a beautiful love story between Timati and young Alexa. Timur starred in the girl’s debut video, “Where Are You?”, and then they recorded the duet “When You’re Near.” Soon after this, the young people separated, and each began to build their own careers.

Keti Topuria

Timati has many friends in Russian show business. One of them is singer Keti Topuria, lead singer of the group A-Studio. By the way, it was the rapper who accidentally let slip about the sex of Katie’s unborn child on Instagram.

Ksenia Sobchak

The scandal surrounding the “Dance with Me” video is hard to forget – bed scenes with Timati and Ksenia Sobchak, and then a joint music video, appeared on the Internet. PR or real romance - who knows.

Victoria Bonya

Immediately after the release of the “Don’t Go Crazy” video, Victoria Bonya was dubbed the rapper’s new girlfriend. True, they were seen together only a few times.

Mila Volchek

I settled down, everything was decided. News regularly appeared in the press about the upcoming star wedding, but the couple unexpectedly broke up. After the breakup, the girl dedicated a touching video to the rapper, but this did not save their relationship.

Alena Shishkova

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