Stumps of giant trees. The legacy of silicon life. Why silicon could be the basis of life

On planet Earth, simultaneously with the protein form, a silicon life form lives and flourishes, which I called the cray.

As you know, there is no method in the world by which one can prove what is living or non-living. My method is a combination of similar features of protein and silicon forms of life. This, first of all, applies to such a basic sign of life as reproduction.

The conducted research does not pretend to fully cover all types of grain and all its characteristics compatible with protein forms. It is known that there are several million forms of biological living beings (species) on Earth, and the number of silicon forms cannot be specified.

The objective of this research was to prove new forms of life - a new natural phenomenon, previously unknown. The silicon life form in this study is represented only by agates. Over a long period of research, we have discovered a number of signs of silicon life that are compatible with biological forms:
- plant form of silicon organisms, which we called cro;
- seizure of living space;
- variety of species;
- clearly defined anatomy of the cros: skin (spiral, multilayered), crystalline body, striatum, bottom-mirror;
- way of eating;
- skin shedding;
- skin regeneration;
- healing of wounds, chips, cracks;
- presence of floors. Agates are bisexual organisms: the striatum is a male body, the crystalline body is a female body;
- crystals of the female body - agate genes;
- propagation by seeds (generation of seeds in the parent agate body; exit of seeds from the parent body);
- cave method of seed generation; complex structure of cave-wells; channel - a road that forms a path for seeds to exit;
- reproduction of agate by budding;
- reproduction by division; formation of separation centers;
- mosaic division of agate;
- reproduction by natural cloning;
- reproduction by cryots (embryos) in basalt: the origin of cryots in basalt; development of embryos (embryos have no seeds, no budding occurs, and there is no bottom-mirror); birth of baby agate; transformation of cryots into organisms; formation of spherical structures around the embryos; death of cryotes in basalt (zygotes and round cryotes);
- the presence of left and right in Cro;
- development and preservation of complex forms in dynamics;
- agate diseases and the fight against them.

Agate has a clearly defined anatomy: visible skin, striatum, crystalline body ( photo 1-3), and on photo 4 the bottom-mirror is visible.

Photo 1

Photo 2

All living beings, from single-celled organisms to humans, have an outer shell. All the variety of shells can be called one term - skin.

Photo 3

Photo 4

We also called the shell of silicon organisms skin. Kro absorbs all the necessary substances from the earth, but not with the roots, but with the entire surface of the skin. To increase the area of ​​nutrition on the surface of the skin of some breeds there are clearly defined dimples: some are small, others are large, and others are combined, i.e. very large, in which there are small ( photo 5, a, c, d).
Eating the entire surface of the body is the oldest and most primitive way of nutrition.

Photo 5

The skin of most agates ( photo 1) has a structural oddity. It is designed in such a way that on the left side it begins as a thin layer and towards the right edge it gradually increases in thickness and in the number of layers in a spiral manner. The spiral-shaped structure is characteristic of shells of living organisms. Like protein organisms, the skin of cros can be thin, thick, multi-layered ( photo 1 -3, 5).

Photo 6

Some protein organisms molt during their lives - shedding old hair or skin. Some rabbits also shed and gradually shed their old skin, revealing young, shiny skin with clearly visible dimples underneath ( photo 5, b). When agate is propagated by seeds, part of the mass leaves along with the seeds. At the site where the seeds emerge, depressions remain, on the surface of which the skin gradually regenerates ( photo 5, in).

A very interesting sample is where a piece of skin appeared on the chip ( photo 6, a).
Agates heal chipped wounds in much the same way as pine; spruce fills wounds with resin; The chips in the cros are, as it were, melted by a crystalline striated body, the entire surface is melted, the chips are healed, and the skin with characteristic dimples is restored in this place.

Photo 7

An interesting sample has a circular crack and a chip ( photo 7). This crack has healed and the agate is a single piece. How bones fuse in living organisms.

Photo 8

Photo 9

Some types of kro have a strange and inexplicable bottom-mirror formation. In the embryonic state there is no such bottom, and even at the stage of the “baby organism” there is no bottom ( photo 8-11). The mirror bottom is clearly visible in individuals who left the parental body and lived independently for some time ( photo 12).

Photo 10

Photo 11

The presence of sexes in biological beings is beyond doubt. I have determined the presence of genders in the region with sufficient certainty. Agates are bisexual organisms and reproduce in two ways - by seeds and budding, similar to plants, and by the emergence and development of an embryo inside a silicon organism, similar to animals. But there is a method of reproduction of agates that has no analogue in biology: the emergence and development of the embryo occurs outside the agate, in monolithic basalt.

Photo 12

Based on the fact that the emergence and development of agate embryos occurs only in the crystalline body and never in the striped body, the author came to the conclusion that the crystalline body is the female body, and the striped body is the male body, which means that the cro are bisexual organisms.

Photo 13

It is assumed that there is a biofield around the egg, like other biological structures. One of the types of biofield is a laser field that can emit not only light, but also sound. The cell superimposes genetic information on acoustic vibrations, which can carry out parthenogenesis.

Photo 14

Nothing other than the transfer of genetic information by sound can explain the appearance of embryos of silicon organisms inside a complete and monolithic piece of basalt.

Photo 15

Silicon organisms reproduce by seeds ( photo 12- 17, 18, b). Seed shape, size and color vary widely. Seeds arise mainly in the crystalline body, but sometimes in the striatum. The most amazing thing is that the grain originates inside the parent body ( photo 13, a) and comes to the surface through a channel of natural origin ( photo 12,13, b).

The nucleation of agate seeds in agates is clearly visible in photo 14- the grains began to form into independent formations. At the moment, the crystal-grain has been freed from the parent body by 70%, and the one next to it - by 40%, and it is clear that they form a single whole with the parent body, and are not inclusions, as some scientists claim.

Photo 16

Photo 17

Let us consider the germination of seeds ( photo 13-17). In most agates, seeds germinate just below the surface or along with the surface. All this can be seen in cross sections ( photo 16, c, d). The nucleation of a grain began at the very surface and formed a hemisphere, the surface of which tends downward, closing the sphere. In this area the seed will ripen. On the surface of the agate two hexagonal grains are visible. On photo 16, a a cross section of one of the grains is visible. On photo 17, g it is clear that one of the grains is ripe and will soon leave the parent body. The grains are clearly visible on the surface, and in the photo 16, d you can see that they are already ready to leave the parent body. On photo 17, in mature grains emerge from the channel in diametrically opposite directions.

Photo 18

Basically, there is a random release of seeds, i.e. from different places, from different depths. But there is also an orderly exit of seeds from one place. The author called this exit "cave". In this case, the grains are formed side by side, one to one, at a depth equal to the thickness of their body. After maturation, they leave the parent body. This goes on for quite a long time, and eventually a “cave” is formed ( photo 18, b).

On photo 13, b in the crystalline body a “well” lined with a four-layer “log house” is clearly visible. This “log house” is a product of agate’s vital activity. The ordered arrangement of crystals around the “well” is clearly visible. All of them are located strictly perpendicular to the radius of curvature and the walls of the “well”. It can be assumed that the “well” system and the crystalline part around it work on the principle of peristalsis, i.e. they push and push the grain out.

The origin of seeds is interesting, but also the origin, the formation of a “road” - an exit route for the seeds - is also interesting. Seeds originate at different depths from the surface of the agate. In order to mature and leave the parent body, the seed itself creates a path for exit. Depending on the profile of the grain, an output of the same profile is formed (for example, a grain with a triangular profile forms a triangular output). On photo 19, a The torch shape of the grain outlet is clearly visible. It can be assumed that the grain has a certain biofield and this biofield carries information for creating a “road” of the appropriate profile

Photo 19

Interesting sample on photo 18, b. It is clearly visible from the outside how the division process is going on. A constriction groove is formed, which over time will tighten the agate so much that a minimal connection of the daughter agate with the parent body remains and soon chipping occurs - separation. The samples are amazingly interesting (see. photos 2 and 18, and), in longitudinal sections of which the division process is fully visible.

On photo 18, a At the top, an insignificant groove is visible on the surface of the agate, but inside, under the groove, dividing centers are formed. A dark brown oblong dividing center is clearly visible, and below it are two round ones, which will subsequently unite with the upper one and continue to separate the daughter forms. In photo 20, the formation of separation centers can be seen on the surface of the agates; a separation groove runs from them to the center of the agate ( photo 20, a-c). The dynamics of separation are clearly visible. The process of separation is an ancient process and has an analogue in biological organisms.

Photo 20

The process of budding, presented in photo 2. The crystalline (female) body flows in a wave similar to a sine wave into the daughter agate, which already contains the striped (male) body. Separating grooves-constrictions were formed on the sides.

In the photographs not included in this publication, you can see that two daughter agates grew in the parent body - one, having matured, broke off, the other is ripening. The sequence of developed twins is a remarkable property of the breed. In a number of cases, one can observe how some daughter organisms begin to break off - cracks are visible between the daughter cros and the parent cros from which they budded, i.e. daughter cros broke away.

Mosaic agate (from Godovikov’s book “Agates”), having reached maturity, begins to divide into many agates by the appearance along the boundaries of the agates of many dividing centers, which are hollow tubes, which, appearing next to each other, form dividing planes, cutting the parent crown into many daughter ones forms
It can be assumed that these cuts are made according to a genetic program.
Reproduction by internal development of embryos

The amazing phenomenon of conception, development and birth of an agathic baby can be seen on photo 3, b, 19, a. These are the most amazing examples for demonstrating the origin and development of a new organism inside the parent body and the storage of genetic information. On photo 19, b it is clearly visible how a new young agate has developed in the center of the adult cro
Photo 3- an excellent example for showing a embryo that has developed inside the parent body to adulthood, next to it is a younger embryo that does not yet have a crystalline body.

On photo 19, b the birth of the baby agate from the parent's body is visible.
The origin of the outer shell - the skin - occurs on the edges of the crystal and initially has the form of pointed peaks placed side by side ( photo 3). At this stage of development, the skin has one layer ( photo 6- the same agate, only on the reverse side). Two developing embryos of different ages are visible. The elder's skin is already multi-layered, it has three layers. The pointed peaks are already being smoothed out. In all samples, it can be seen that the crystalline structure located inside the perimeter of the skin consists of small crystals, while on the outside of the skin there are large crystals.

The peculiarity of the nucleation and development of embryos in silicon organisms is that one cell can contain several embryos at different stages of development.

It is known that a fertilized egg-zygote divides repeatedly, forming a blastula and gaining mass to a certain limit, after which the formation of various organs and systems begins: internal organs, skin, fins, etc. appear.
A very similar process occurs in cryota. A small crystal that has taken on life and turned into cryota begins to grow, sucking out everything it needs from the basalt, increasing its mass and volume and creating pressure around itself. After the cryota has reached a critical size - 2-5 mm in diameter, its life can take one of two paths. The first way is the release of a new organism ( photo 4, 8, 9, 11, a, b). If the cryota has reached 3-5 mm in diameter, while being close to the surface of the stone or rock, it creates pressure, which leads to the appearance of a crack. Water, air, and light spread through these cracks, without which there is no life, both protein and silicon. The cryota, having received water, air, light, begins to transform into an organism ( photo 9, g-e), skin, striatum, crystalline body appear - a silicon organism appears.

The second way leads to the death of the embryo ( photo 10, 11, in). If the cryota reached 3-5 mm in diameter and was far from the surface of the stone or rock, and pressure arose in it, which did not lead to the creation of cracks, then it dies.

During the development of cryots in basalt, a new phenomenon was discovered, previously unknown - a spherical structure ( photo 10, a-c; 11, a-c). In the initial stage of cryot development, these structures are not detected; they appear after the death of cryots and in cryots that have completed their embryonic development.

It can be assumed that the agate creates an intermediary for itself - a spherical structure surrounding it on all sides. The outer area of ​​the spherical structure is several times larger than the area of ​​the agate embryo, which makes it possible to increase the flow of necessary substances for the growth of the agate ( photo 10, 11, a-c).

Cryotes and embryos do not have budding ( photo 4, 8-12).

It is known that the bodies of living organisms (proteins) consist of cells. Each cell contains a set of genes that are used to build the entire organism. Artificial cloning is known. In some agates, the entire surface consists of developing embryos (there is a photo in the author’s collection, not presented in the article). Having filled the entire surface of the skin and continuing to grow, increasing in volume, the embryos are squeezed out of the parent body, bounce off, exposing the crystalline body.
Preservation of complex forms of blood in dynamics.

Photo 21

It is almost impossible to trace the dynamics of the development of a particular breed from embryo to adulthood, since this development lasts perhaps more than one million years. But we managed to collect samples of the same species at different age stages.
For clarity, so as not to be confused with any other species, the author chose the “hump” type, a complex external shape that has three humps - two horizontal and one vertical. On photos 21 and 22 The dynamics developed from infancy to adulthood can be traced. Cro species "humpbacks" have a feature that other species do not have - they are left and right.

Photo 22

But Cray does not have absolute immortality.

When breeding, the entire crop is spent either on seeds, or on babies, or it is simply divided, divided, and during budding. Thus, the cro avoids natural dying from aging.

Death occurs when a Cro is attacked by an incurable disease that it cannot defeat. The attack of microbes or viruses sometimes occurs over the entire surface, the manifestation of the disease and death begin from the periphery. In the author’s collection there are samples where it is clear that along the edges of the crust there are no signs of crystals, one continuous dense mass, then there is a layer of small crystals and only in the center there are large crystals - an “island” of life.

It is known that people sometimes give birth to conjoined twins. Kray also sometimes experiences a similar phenomenon. The author's collection contains one specimen of fused embryos.

It is impossible to say how many species the cray has. The small fraction of various agates presented in the collection gives an idea of ​​the diversity of the world of silicon life forms.

The Krei also have a plant life form, but this is more of a term. More precisely, this life can be called “stationary”. This property coincides with motionless, mainly plant life.

Photo 23

If agates, having originated in basalt or in the parent agate body, eventually emerge from them, then the motionless form, like trees, strives only to capture living space - signs inherent in all living things. Image on photo 23, indeed, very similar to a tree - there is a trunk and branches. The other species are not similar to trees, but the desire to capture living space is clearly visible ( photo 24).

Photo 24

When collecting and studying agates, an amazing fact was discovered. It turned out that many stones that are not agates also have seeds.
The author is far from thinking that all these stones are living, but considers them to be something like a bed of earth on which everything grows, in particular, the seeds of other living stones grow on it.
Bokovikov Albert Arkadevich, Kemerovo

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Anticipating the question that I will be asked 500 times after publishing this chapter:

How to determine which stone was alive and which was not?- I inform you that

in the silicon world there were no stones at all!!!

So, absolutely any cobblestone that you can find

on Earth - this is a broken piece from some creature of the silicon era!

So, the occupiers took away all the silicon flora and fauna, and the question arises:

Where did such a mind-boggling volume of stone go?

Maybe he was taken outside the Earth, as many believe?No guys! Nobody took anything out. The stone was needed inside the planet for the construction of the century. What can be built from such a quantity of stone? Bases? Fortresses? Cities?

Leave these petty thoughts, they are at the human level. If you want to understand the intentions of the Gods, then you need to think like the Gods, and I once again ask you to think with planetary consciousness, and oddly enough, the fairy tale Kolobok will help us with this!

Here we are again, sailing to fairy tales! Where would we be without them?

AND or there was an old man and an old woman.

So the old man says to the old woman:

Go ahead, old woman, scrape the box, mark the bottom, see if you can scrape some flour into a bun.

The old woman took the wing, scraped it along the box, swept it along the bottom and scraped up two handfuls of flour.

She kneaded the flour with sour cream, made a bun, fried it in oil and put it on the window to cool.

Recently, another version of this tale was discovered, more similar to the truth, as it explains who Kolobok is.

P asked Tarkh Perunovich Jiva - create a bun. And She scraped the bottom of the barrel of Svarog, swept the devil’s barns, made a bun, and placed it on the window of the Palace of the Rada. And the bun shone and rolled along Perun’s Path. But he didn’t roll for long, he rolled into the Boar’s Hall, bit off the Boar’s side of the kolobok, but didn’t bite off the whole thing, but a tiny bit. The bun rolled further and reached the Swan's Hall, and the Swan pecked off a piece, and in the Raven's Hall, the Raven pecked off a piece, in the Bear's Hall, the Bear crushed the side of the bun.

The wolf in his Hall gnawed almost half of the bun, and when the bun rolled to the Fox's Hall, the Fox ate it.

This tale is a figurative description of the astronomical observation of the Ancestors over the movement of the Moon across the sky, from full moon to full moon. In the Halls of Tarkh and Jiva, on the Svarog Circle, a full moon occurs, and after the Hall of the Fox there comes a new moon.

So, as the second version of the fairy tale shows, Kolobok is the Month. This is so convincing and logical that it leaves no doubt, isn’t it? But there is another hidden moment in this story...

I don’t know about you, but the phrase has bothered me since childhood“I scraped the bottom of the barrel.”When I hear it, it feels like they are scraping my back with a rake. And not in vain, as it turned out, such intuitive rejection. And now

billion dollar question:

What kinds of bottoms was the grandmother scraping on?

Do not know?

Well, how?

To youWakeUpHumanwritten in Russian

and even showed pictures!

And here the hostess is cooling her Kolobok on the windowsill. But here’s the problem: after all, the Moon is the size of an average city, and besides, it’s hollow, and the stones were scraped off from the entire planet! Where did the lion's share of the stone go?

Q: There are no forests in Russia older than 200-300 years. Those. there was some kind of war on a global scale, as we understand... What happened here?
O2: Some kind of shift in the layers of reality. It’s as if the old plan was completely erased and destroyed, and a new one was brought in.

Q: They wanted to show us the trees. What exactly did they want to show us, what happened to the trees?
O1: Everything says the same thing - find old trees and you will find history.
O2: I ask the Atlantean to show the trees they had. And they seemed to be completely different. Those. every tree is conscious, every tree is consciousness, every tree is a conductor. Such a hefty, light creature, I would say... And they were fully involved in the entire energy system. And they were treated accordingly, they were taken care of, they were helped if necessary. We interacted with them and communicated. And now…

Now, as they show me, the tree works at 10-20 percent. It’s so gray and faded, there aren’t these luminous streams in it like they were before. If earlier there was such a spiral of light around it... around this tree, around the trunk, now only the very central flow in the trunk is more or less working. That's all. And they no longer retain knowledge as much as they once could. They cannot carry out the energy work that they previously did.

Q: What happened? How did this happen? What made trees change their functionality, and people too? Is it just this vibrational descent that we examined, or the quality of reality itself? Like there was HD reality, but here we have analog reality?

O2: As I see it, after the decrease in vibrations and the collapse of several branches of reality in different places, people themselves began to gradually forget about their true essence... And about their true functions. And they gradually stopped interacting with the trees, and the sky, and in general with the entire environment. Those. plunged into a kind of primitivism. And when a tree does not receive nourishment, i.e., there is no one for it to interact with, then, in fact, why?

Q: The spirit comes out...
O2: It’s not even that the spirit leaves, it’s just that these functions themselves die off as unnecessary. Because no one uses them and they are not in demand, so they are gradually being deprived of them. Here the chain was more likely from a person to a tree, rather than vice versa.

Q: What actually happened to the forests? Were they burned out? Was it a war, a cataclysm, a flood? Moving from branch to branch in which the old trees simply did not take root, or all of it combined?
O1: I see it as a cataclysm, like some kind of explosion... Which is heard in different places, different hearths, acid rain... Because I merged my consciousness with one tree and climbed out there. And I see how this tree suffers from the rains... that is, they die in physics, not just another branch of reality... I really see the impact on physics... I clearly see it as some kind of nuclear explosion. Moreover, nuclear explosions are not like in 1945, but many times stronger, of a different quality... I’m not sure that these were nuclear explosions caused by the civilization that lived on earth at that time. Perhaps it was like something from above... I could be wrong.

What happened in the artist's depiction. From here

Q: What flies in, what explodes? Rocket, fireball, meteorite...
O1: Like some kind of energy ball charged...With a certain program. This is not a rocket, not a car, nothing. This is energy charged for a specific job, and there are several points where this energy hits. Such points were not only in Europe. For some reason I am drawn to South America, like Argentina or something like that. North America too... Somewhere in the north.

Q: What year is this approximately?
O1: About 1800... Even a little earlier
O2: Earlier, yes...

Why are there no trees older than two hundred years in Siberia in the Chelyabinsk, Perm, Kirov regions, in Nizhny Novgorod and up to Moscow? What happened two hundred years ago?

S: There was a geomagnetic cataclysm that overwrote the memory. The so-called terrestrial internal memory, the terrestrial memory of the Earth matrix. Exactly what concerns plants, and by the way, some animals have also disappeared. And this memory was carried, indeed, from Baikal to the Urals. This matrix was written inside the Earth, and a geomagnetic cataclysm occurred. Events similar to the reversal of poles, geomagnetic poles, but there was a glitch. At this moment, the connections between the magnetic points located in this area and the plant community were rewritten. Therefore, after this rewriting, destruction occurred, and these plants left the planet, left with what they could not, they did not restore their status after this short outbreak. Not even flashes, it turns out there was some kind of geomagnetic thing there. The fields seemed to curl up, and then turned back, but at that moment a failure occurred precisely in this territory. This didn't just happen here. In America there were also such short flashes, but not at such a great distance. And some of the plants also left, and some of the animals died, a lot at that moment. And animals were reborn through migration. Therefore, the plants could not recover. And the plant community still has the memory. By the way, you can communicate with anyone who is in this region, you can communicate with plants and trees that are quite old, and they themselves will directly tell you what happened. It will be both colorful and useful. Plants show pictures and provide an opportunity to look at these pictures.****

It is not for nothing that the word antiquity has a common root with tree. Now there are not many giants left that preserve the history of the planet, mainly baobabs and sequoias in Africa, Tasmania and America, and the rest of the planet is small:

The rest were mercilessly cut down not so long ago:

Can you imagine the height of these creatures? If today oak trees grow on average 40-50 meters, and some sequoias reach 115 m* (almost a 40-story skyscraper!), then these could easily reach 150-200 m!

Are such dimensions possible in today's atmospheric density?

*Hyperion is a specimen of the evergreen redwood (Sequoia sempervirens) growing in Redwood National Park in northern California, USA. It is the tallest tree on Earth. The height of Hyperion is (2015) 115.61 m, the diameter at chest level (1.4 m) is more than 4.84 meters. Estimated age: 700-800 years. Vicky

In the picture below, if you compare the thickness of the trunk with the height of people (even 170 cm) and approximately estimate the diameter, it turns out to be at least 7 meters:

Today there is a popular theory circulating on the Internet that these are also trees. Moreover, the author claims that ALL the mountains of the world are the stumps of ancient plants:


Stone is a mineral form of life that also knows how to grow. Here's a stone forest, for example:

Here are the growing trovant stones:

Even with flowers for exotic lovers:

There are many types of appearance and distribution of stone and mountains made from it. In general, on Earth and in physical space there are a lot of life forms - silicon, carbon, crystalline, plasma, field, etc. - about which we know nothing (well, we know, but they are not very photogenic). Some of the mountains mentioned above actually grew, this is a normal process that we will talk about later.

But to claim that ALL the mountains of the world are the remains of silicon forests with branches and roots, leaves and buds, rings and bark... Excuse me

but, as I already said, everyone believes in what is closer to him)

PS: about the holographic dome and the refraction of space above the ground has long been known: website/386375.h tml

After the publication of the last part of the article “Orthodoxy is not Christianity,” there were many comments like: “the author got carried away, he slipped into mysticism, but he started off so well.” On the portal at the end of the article they even made a disclaimer for the first time: “Site portal team may not share the point of view of the authors of the materials posted on the site,” which I have not seen in any of the articles posted on the portal that I have read over the past year and a half, including also very controversial and ambiguous ones. As they wrote to me in the comments: “you clearly went too far regarding intelligent planets and stars.” Well, let’s try to understand this topic more thoughtfully. Obviously, the concept I expressed requires additional detailed comments and explanations so that it does not look like just another raving of a madman, of which there are now a large number on the Internet. LINKS TO ALL PART BELOW For those who do not like to read long and abstruse texts, I can immediately say that this material is not for you. This is not entertaining reading and not another sensational exposé article from the “everything is lying to us” series. This article is for those people who think about how the World works, how and why certain processes occur in this World. For those who are not bothered by the need to think about what they read. For those who are not afraid of the possibility that the new information received may turn out to be such that they will have to revise their worldview, that is, their internal understanding of the World around us. Once again I want to emphasize that in my articles I express my personal opinion, I’m trying to show my vision of the world around me, which does not at all pretend to be “the ultimate truth.” I myself still have many questions to which I do not have answers. At the same time, I realize that not all the answers that I have already found are correct. In many ways, this is why publication and constructive discussion of certain theories is necessary in order to identify weak points in them. To the best of my ability and ability, I am trying to show the thinking reader another point of view on the world around me. To accept it or not is a personal matter for everyone. I don't need anyone to just take my word for it. Check, compare, find your answers to questions. What is true is what really works and helps solve one or another of our problems; everything else is from the “Evil One.” At the same time, problems mean not only “what to fill the stomach with,” but also how to ensure the survival and long-term sustainable development of Humanity. Modern science estimates the age of our Universe at 13.7 billion years. Dimensions, according to various methods, from 46 to 156 billion light years (a light year is approximately 9.5x15 meters). To imagine the relationship between the sizes of the macro- and microcosmos, you can take a look at the wonderful presentation “Scale of the Universe”. Most of us can easily repeat such numbers, perceiving them as some kind of abstract concepts, but with great difficulty can really comprehend such scales of time and space. We simply have nothing to compare it with. The world of most people in space is limited not even by the size of the planet, but by the city where they live. Our lifespan is measured in several tens of years, so we hardly understand what a thousand years are, and millions and billions of years are no longer a conscious abstraction. The age of the Earth is estimated at 4.54 billion years, the time of the origin of life, which today is called by official science, is about 1.5 billion years, and the appearance of Homo sapiens is only about 200 thousand years ago. The temperature range in the Universe is also quite large, from 2.7 degrees K of the cosmic microwave background radiation to 70 thousand degrees K on the surface of blue stars and, according to some theories, up to a million degrees K inside (the surface temperature of our Sun is estimated at 5780 degrees K). The protein form of life based on carbon compounds, to which we belong, is actually very capricious and demanding of environmental conditions. Biochemical reactions occur normally within a very narrow temperature range. For warm-blooded animals, the temperature optimum lies in the range of 36-42 degrees C. At temperatures above 45 C, the processes of thermal denaturation (destruction) of protein molecules begin. At temperatures close to zero, biochemical reactions proceed very slowly, and at temperatures below 0 C, water freezes and reactions stop altogether, and many cells are completely destroyed when frozen. In other words, for the emergence and maintenance of organic life, it is necessary to maintain a very narrow temperature range of approximately 30-40 degrees, which is thousandths of a percent of the total temperature range that occurs in the Universe. For all other physical parameters that are necessary for the emergence and development of protein organisms, including the mandatory presence of water, the composition of the atmosphere, its pressure and humidity, the conditions are no less stringent. The probability of the random appearance of all the necessary conditions on one planet is close to zero; it is precisely because official “scientists” are still arguing on the topic “is there life in the Universe,” implying that they mean exactly the same protein form of life as we . On the other hand, to begin the formation of self-organization of plasma and the formation of stable structures in it, the plasma itself, high pressure and temperature above 2000 K are required. Similar structures are observed in large numbers on the Sun. Even the red, “coldest” stars have a surface temperature of 2000 K - 3500 K. All stars have high pressure, as a result of their large mass, and consist entirely of plasma. That is, in the Universe we observe, the presence of conditions for the emergence of self-organizing living plasma organisms is almost 100%. The presence of conditions for the emergence of protein life is currently reliably known only on one planet Earth. I don’t know about everyone else, but it is personally obvious to me that the probability that over billions of years the internal structures of stars could reach a complexity sufficient for the emergence of Intelligence is billions of times higher than the probability of the random emergence of a protein form of life on Earth, not to mention that she accidentally developed to the level of Homo sapiens. In our Universe, the protein form of life is secondary. The primary life is Stars - giant plasma Intelligent living organisms. Today from Earth we can observe about 1 million 600 thousand galaxies, this is a photograph taken using a special technique at a wavelength of 2 microns

In his new article, Dmitry Mylnikov talks about things that rarely occur to people of modern civilization, who almost never raise their eyes to the stars. What do we not pay attention to when we look for traces of a former highly developed civilization on our planet?

Recently, quite a lot of interesting publications have appeared, including on the website, in which their authors talk about the discrepancy between the official version of history that we are taught at school and college and the facts that we can observe around us. At the same time, many of them talk about lost super technologies and a higher level of development of the previous civilization. But when you begin to delve into what they mean by “super-technologies”, it turns out that they mean some unknown to us methods of processing materials or constructing grandiose, so-called “megalithic” buildings and structures.

The second type of publications, which also abound, belongs to the class of pseudo-esotericism or neo-Slavism, when conversations begin about “our great ancestors”, about some “universal truths” and “secret knowledge”, which in fact turn out to be either another scam of suckers for money, or another remake on the theme of Abrahamic religions, but using old Slavic paraphernalia. But in essence, what our ancestors were great at, we can’t get anything from them. Lots of talk about magic, wizardry and the correct worship of the “Gods” or “Spirits of Nature” that will help.

And finally, the third, largest group consists of people who are completely brainwashed by the “official point of view”, and they do not want to hear anything about the fact that a more advanced civilization could have existed on Earth before us. All their objections ultimately boil down to the fact that there are no serious traces of the life activity of this supposedly highly developed civilization, no traces of cities, no traces of a global transport system, no remains of ancient complex machines and mechanisms that would be comparable to modern complex technology, we don't observe.

If there was a highly developed civilization, then why don’t we observe massive and large-scale traces of its life activity?

This may be a little harsh, but I want to tell you all that you are blind people who look but do not see!

We see millions and billions of evidence that a highly developed Civilization existed on this Planet before us every day, every hour, every minute around us! This is confirmed by the most complex, stunning, diverse, self-regulating Living World around us! And only because of ignorance and inability or unwillingness to use their brain for its intended purpose, most people do not notice this.

The previous Civilization on our Planet was not technogenic, like ours, but biogenic. They did not create machines and mechanisms, like us, but created Life and billions of various living beings, which this Life supported and served. That is why we do not find those machines and mechanisms that remained after it. They had gone much further and they simply did not need such dead devices. The living system that was created by our ancestors is much more perfect than what you and I are creating today.

What are the most advanced areas in modern science today, where billions of dollars are being invested? These are biotechnology and nanotechnology.

Biotechnology is ultimately based on the ability to program DNA in order to produce living organisms with the properties and qualities we need.

Nanotechnology does not actually mean making materials from elements with microscopic structural elements, such as hydrocarbon tubes. This is only the first, most primitive stage. The main goal of the development of nanotechnology is to learn to manipulate matter at the level of atoms and molecules. To create subminiature mechanisms that could, according to a given program, assemble molecules of the necessary substances or construct large bodies from many atoms and molecules of raw materials, or change the properties of existing materials and objects by adjusting their atomic or molecular structure, including in medicine, for example, to restore damaged tissue or to selectively destroy cancer cells based on their distorted DNA code.

And now the uncontrollable imagination of science fiction writers begins to flow in full swing. They paint us a wonderful new world, which should soon come, as soon as we master another frontier in the control of matter and billions of nanorobots begin to reshape the world around us at the whim of man.

Now let’s look at what an ordinary living cell, from which all living organisms around are composed, essentially is, if you look at it from the point of view of modern knowledge, and not from the ideas of the 18th century, which the “education” system still teaches us.

A living cell is a nanofactory where nanorobots called RNA synthesize the necessary substances and materials according to a program written at the molecular level in DNA. That is, what we are trying so hard to invent was actually invented many millions of years ago! I don’t want to delve into the jungle of philosophy now and discuss the question of who it was, God, the Ancestors, the mysterious Great Aliens, it’s not important now. It is important to understand that the Civilization that created the unique Living World, of which each of us is a part, since the same cells function in our bodies, had knowledge about the properties of Matter and the chemistry of internal processes occurring in the Universe, which is several orders of magnitude greater than our current knowledge.

Animation of current scientific knowledge about processes in mitochondria (from the series “Life inside the cell”):

Our computers today are based on a binary system, where only zero and one appear as symbols. DNA is a carrier of information with an ultra-high recording density, where four nucleotides are used as signs, which gives us not a binary, but a quaternary number system, only due to this, the density of information recording is 2 times higher under the same other conditions. Add to this the fact that one nucleotide is several atoms in size, which is many times smaller than the memory elements we use now.

The second important difference is that the unique system of connecting nucleotides into double chains, when each nucleotide can be connected in a chain in any sequence, and between chains only in pairs, provides not only a reliable system for copying information, but also adds an additional level of error protection when copying.

On the one hand, each living cell is a unique autonomous system that constantly exchanges matter and energy with the external environment. It is capable of independently reproducing its copy, producing all the necessary complex organic compounds for this. We don’t yet fully understand how this whole system functions, let alone be able to replicate something like this ourselves.

On the other hand, when many of these cells unite together, where different cells receive different specializations, they begin to function as a single organism, where each cell, performing its function, works in the interests of the entire community, that is, the organism as a whole.

Moreover, all living organisms, in turn, do not function on their own, but are united into a single Biosphere, a complex ecological system with many connections and dependencies. The ecosystem of any region has the properties of self-regulation and self-healing, where every living creature, from a giant tree to the smallest microbe, performs a specific function. Go out into the nearest forest and just look around how smoothly and reliably this natural mechanism functions, even despite the fact that modern wild man is constantly striving to destroy it. The number of relationships between various living organisms on the lawn under your window is in the tens of thousands, some of which affect you as well.

Let's look at an ordinary coniferous tree in the forest. At the beginning, a tiny seed falls into the ground, in which there is already a complete development program for the entire complex system, according to which, step by step, living nanofactories will reproduce a gigantic organism consisting of millions, if not billions of cells, which, moreover, will differ in their purpose. Some of them, located in the needles, will be responsible for providing the entire body with energy and the synthesis of basic organic compounds due to the effect of photosynthesis. The efficiency of solar energy utilization in the process of photosynthesis is 38%, which is greater than that of the most modern solar batteries created by modern technogenic civilization, which is only 30% (for serial ones 18-20%). Next, these substances enter the trunk epithelial cells, where from them nanofactories with other functional purposes will synthesize substances for building the trunk and bark of a tree. And in the end we get, for example, a pine log, an excellent building material. Yes, it takes at least 70-80 years for the entire process to be completed, but, on the other hand, the costs on the part of humans to carry it out are minimal. A tree grows on its own, receives all the necessary substances from the soil and air, and is a self-regulating, self-healing and self-reproducing system.

But a tree does not grow on its own. To serve it, other living organisms have been created, insects, birds, mushrooms, and other plants, which will provide the synthesis of those substances that are not synthesized by the tree itself, but may be needed by it in the process of life. And when a tree is damaged or dies, the environment itself takes care of its disposal and the return of the substance that has already been formed by the tree, and the utilization of the energy stored by it back into the cycle of Life. In the natural environment there are no problems with garbage or disposal of hazardous waste. All this was thought out in advance by those who created it all.

Many flowers and herbs are not just beautiful flowers or just biomass for herbivores. Most of them are small self-regulating, self-healing and self-reproducing chemical synthesis plants, whose nanofactory cells synthesize complex chemical compounds that are medicinal or stimulating substances for animals and humans. At the same time, the quality of work of these mini-factories is much higher than modern chemical production plants made of metal, glass and plastic.

One of the most important problems of chemical synthesis is not how to actually synthesize the required compound, but how to separate it from the initial raw material from which the compound is synthesized, as well as the possible “defect” when instead of the compound we need, a similar but different one is formed. This is especially critical for so-called polymorphic compounds, which will have the same chemical composition, but a different spatial structure of the molecule, which, as it turns out, can very significantly affect the properties of the resulting substance. It can take more time and effort to create an effective filtration system than to develop the actual process for synthesizing the compound. But a nanofactory called a living cell does not have such a problem. Its nanorobots synthesize exactly the compound that is included in the program. For this reason, by the way, vitamins obtained from natural plant materials are healthier and safer than those synthesized artificially, although they are more expensive. And if you start studying the topic of the production of medicines, it turns out that most of them still use natural raw materials as a basis, that is, those substances that were synthesized by nanorobots of living cells in certain plants or animals.

If the Creator, who created Matter, the Universe and the first Living World, wanted to look at his creation from the inside, then He had to create for himself something through which he could perceive his creation from the inside. And this something, this super sensor, is the Human body. As the scripture says, “He created Him in His own image and likeness.” Isn’t that what we do now when we create our own electronic virtual worlds? Don’t we create “avatars” for ourselves through which we can interact with this virtual creation of ours, which ultimately is just a set of zeros and ones, electronic impulses in the computer’s memory?

But when we find ourselves alone in the virtual world we have created, after a while we become bored. And we either create artificial entities that play the role of other people, carrying out the programs embedded in them, or we invite our friends and acquaintances to join us in our virtual world. In the first case, all these artificial characters will be very different from the main player, who for them will seem like God almighty (we always have the “save” and “load” commands for this). In the second case, if we do not have enough living players, we will also add artificial ones, for variety, who will also differ from us, the almighty Gods, but here problems of interpersonal relations between the Gods already arise, which are fraught with both strong and fruitful alliances, and that’s all destructive conflicts.

The cosmogony of our Universe is very different from what modern “science” tells us about it. Our Creator did not create anything dead. All stars and planets are living beings, only they are other inorganic life forms. And like all living beings, planets and stars can give birth to their own kind, develop and die.

When the Rod that lives on one of the planets grows, they create a new planet, which is put into orbit around the mother planet, where that part of the people who wished to separate and begin to create and develop their own World moves. If there are too many planets around a star, or someone wants to separate, then a new Star will be born, which will be put into orbit around the mother Star, and planets whose inhabitants want to form a new system will fly to it. As more and more new planets and stars are born, they all begin to enter orbit around the first Progenitor Star, and the older ones move further and further from the center. As a result, we begin to form a spiral galaxy. But for each new Star this process does not stop; new planets and stars are gradually born around it, as a result of which new spirals appear, embedded in the central common one. And so this process continues endlessly.

There is not and never has been the notorious “Big Bang”, thanks to which the Universe supposedly came into being. An explosion is a destructive entity; it cannot create anything. This theory was invented for us as a substitute in order to hide the Truth from us. That Truth, which was well known to our ancestors, since they schematically depicted how the Universe works in the form of a swastika, for example this one.

In the universe, all galaxies can be divided into two main classes, spiral and elliptical. The first ones are Living, they are constantly undergoing the process of generating new matter, the birth of new Stars and Planets, so they are constantly expanding in a spiral. Secondly, elliptical, the process of generating matter and the birth of new Stars and Planets stopped for some reason. Accordingly, the process of their expansion stopped.

In our Solar System, we can also observe such unfinished systems around Jupiter, which over time was supposed to become a new Star, and around Saturn, and around the Earth, if you believe the legends, there once were already three of its satellites.

Our Milky Way galaxy, in which our solar system is located, is one of the largest in the visible Universe (only the Andromeda galaxy is larger). According to various estimates, there are from 200 to 400 billion stars in it. How accurate these estimates are, like many other parameters that official science now gives, is a separate question, but in any case, there are a great many Stars, and therefore different Worlds, in our Galaxy. Moreover, the Sun, together with its planetary system, is not at all the center of the Universe, as was believed in the Middle Ages. We are closer to the edge of the Galaxy, and even on the side of the main disk. In other words, our star system, by galactic standards, is a remote province somewhere far in the outskirts.

And this is precisely what explains the fact that Civilization, which lived and developed in our Solar System and was much further than us in terms of development and ability to manage Matter and Energy, was attacked from the outside and was almost completely destroyed. But more on that in the next part.

To be continued…

Dmitry Mylnikov

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