Honorary builder of Russia. Alexander Vakhmistrov leaves the board of directors of LSR We will work off the developers’ money


Job title: First Vice-President of the National Association of Builders (NOSTROY), Member of the NOSTROY Council, General Director, Chairman of the Board of OJSC LSR Group, President of the Union of Construction Organizations and Associations (USOO), Chairman of the Public Council for Coordinating the Activities of SROs in St. Petersburg in the Field construction under the Government of St. Petersburg

Quote:"The ongoing commercialization of self-regulation creates a real threat of discrediting the entire institution of self-regulation"

An active supporter of the idea of ​​self-regulation, being the vice-governor of the Government of St. Petersburg, he initiated the establishment of the Public Council for the coordination of the activities of self-regulatory organizations in St. Petersburg in the field of construction under the Government of St. Petersburg. Only a few years after the appearance of the Public Council on the coordination of SRO activities in St. Petersburg, similar councils appeared in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation under the executive bodies of state power.
He is a supporter of the active fight against unscrupulous self-regulatory organizations and intermediary structures that discredit the idea of ​​self-regulation.

Place of Birth: Stavropol, USSR

Parents: Father is a civil engineer, mother is an economic engineer.

In 1981 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers. Specialty - "Industrial and civil construction", Leningrad;
Later he graduated from the St. Petersburg State University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a degree in Jurisprudence.

Labor activity:
1975-1978 - worked as a designer at SKB Indikator.
Since 1979 - site foreman at construction plant No. 3 of Magadanselstroy, later carpenter, foreman, site manager at trust No. 36 of Glavzapstroy.
1985-1987 - head of SU No. 339 of Glavzapstroy, then - secretary of the party committee of the association.
Since 1989 - General Director of the joint construction venture "Filco" and Director of Construction of the "Alby" concern.
Since 1994, he worked in the Construction Committee of the City Administration. Director of the State Institution “Investment Management” of the Construction Department of the St. Petersburg City Hall.
Since 1996 - General Director of the State Institution "Center for Work with Bank Loans".
From 2000 to 2003, Chairman of the Construction Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, Vice-Governor of St. Petersburg.
From 2002 to 2009, President of the Union of Construction Organizations and Associations (USOO). SSOO was created on the initiative of Vakhmistrov A.I., with the aim of establishing effective contacts between construction organizations, the legislative and executive authorities of St. Petersburg.
Since 2003, member of the Government of St. Petersburg.
Since 2009, Chairman of the Public Council for Coordinating the Activities of Self-Regulatory Organizations in St. Petersburg in the Construction Sphere under the Government of St. Petersburg.
2009-2010 - Head of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg. Vice-Governor of the Government of St. Petersburg
Since 2010, General Director, Chairman of the Board of OJSC LSR Group.
Since 2010, member of the Council (NOSTROY), First Vice-President of NOSTROY.
In 2011, he was elected co-chairman of the Board of Trustees of SPbGASU.

Scientific activity:
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) of the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. He is an academician of the International Academy of Investment and Construction Economics and a corresponding member of a number of academies. Has scientific publications.

Awards and honorary titles:
Honorary Builder of Russia, Honored Builder of Russia. He was awarded the Order of “Friendship”, “For Services to the Fatherland IV degree”, the Order of “Honor” (06/26/2010), is a holder of spiritual awards: the Silver Medal of the Holy Supreme Apostle Peter and the Sign of St. George, the medal “Participant in the Elimination of Consequences of Emergency” and “For difference in service."
Has official commendations from the President of the Russian Federation. Awarded a Certificate of Honor from the Governor of St. Petersburg. Laureate of the public award “Order of Creation”.

Collects books on art, fishing, and auto tourism. I drove all over Europe.

Family status:
Married. The wife is a physicist, has been involved in floristry and landscape design for more than 10 years, and has received international awards.

Alexander Vakhmistrov will not join the new council. On March 6, the LSR Board of Directors approved the list of candidates for the Board of Directors to be included on the agenda of the annual meeting of shareholders; Vakhmistrov is not on it.

The main shareholder and CEO of LSR, Andrey Molchanov, nominated nine candidates to the board of directors, including his own. Also among the candidates are his deputies Vasily Kostritsa, Evgeny Yatsyshin, deputy chairman of the board of directors Dmitry Goncharov, head of the group's representative office in Moscow Olga Sheikina and three independent directors - Alexey Makhnev, Vitaly Podolsky and Alexander Prisyazhnyuk. They all serve on the current board of directors. The only new face is Elena Tumanova, she will replace Vakhmistrov. From 2000 to 2011, Tumanova was financial director, and from 2011 to 2013, executive director of LSR.

Vakhmistrov said that he resigned from the board of directors on his own initiative. “The board should have more independent directors who do not work for the company, so I proposed not to include my candidacy,” Vakhmistrov explained. He added that his term on the board of directors expires in June, after which he will continue to work as first deputy general director of the LSR group.

Vakhmistrov is 62 years old. He is the president of the SRO “Association of Builders of St. Petersburg”. In 2003–2010 was the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, and from 2010 to 2015 – general director of LSR. In May 2015, Molchanov became the general director of the company, and Vakhmistrov became his first deputy. Vakhmistrov “fully completed the tasks assigned to him” and will concentrate on the construction direction of the business and development in St. Petersburg, the press service reported then. In 2016, Vakhmistrov became chairman of the board of directors of LSR. According to company data as of December, Vakhmistrov owns 0.019% of LSR shares. Molchanov controls about 60% of LSR, with 32% of shares in free float.

The law does not exclude dependent directors in the management of the company, and Vakhmistrov’s explanation may mean that rotational changes are expected in LSR and he may return to the group, says Kirill Saskov, partner at the Kachkin and Partners law office. According to him, as a rule, people leave administrative and managerial work in companies when they become officials, which is also possible in Vakhmistrov’s case.

Under Vakhmistrov, LSR achieved good results, the management structure seriously changed, he introduced market-leading solutions, says one of the participants in the St. Petersburg construction market. In addition, Vakhmistrov is a well-connected lobbyist, Vedomosti’s interlocutor added.

In 2016, LSR entered into new contracts for the sale of real estate in three regions of presence (St. Petersburg, Moscow and Yekaterinburg) for 70.6 billion rubles, an increase by 2015 of 29%. 681,000 sq.m. were sold. m (growth compared to last year – 11%).


He received his first higher education at the Leningrad Institute of Railway Transport Engineers named after. Academician V.N. Obraztsov, who graduated in 1981 with a degree in Industrial and Civil Construction.

In 2000, he completed his studies at the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a degree in Jurisprudence.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University.

Labor activity

Since 1975, he has worked for almost 20 years at various enterprises in the construction industry. He started as an ordinary specialist, and over the years he rose to the rank of general director.

He headed the construction department No. 339 of LPSMO Glavzapstroy as a chief, and was also the production director of the joint Soviet-Finnish engineering contracting company Lentek, and the general director of the joint Soviet-Finnish construction enterprise Filko.

Since 1994, he held the post of General Director of the State Institution “Investment Management” of the Construction Committee of St. Petersburg, from 1996 - the State Institution “Center for Working with Bank Loans” (until 2000).

From 2003, for seven years, he was the vice-governor of St. Petersburg, responsible for resolving issues of capital construction and reconstruction of real estate, road construction, architecture and urban planning, land policy of St. Petersburg for the purpose of capital construction.

Since 2010, he worked for about seven years at LSR Group. Until May 2015, he served as CEO and Chairman of the Board, then until June 2017, he was First Deputy General Director, and since April 2016, also Chairman of the Board of Directors.

Since July 2015 - President of the Association of Builders of St. Petersburg.

Since January 2017 - coordinator of the “National Association of Builders” in St. Petersburg.

Since June 2017 - Advisor to the President of Bank St. Petersburg.


He collects books on art, loves and knows a lot about fishing - he was one of the initiators of the creation of the St. Petersburg Club of Fishing Lovers. He was fond of auto tourism and admits that he drove all over Europe.


Honorary builder of Russia. Honored Builder of the Russian Federation.

He was awarded two official commendations from the President of the Russian Federation, as well as a prize from the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology.

Awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, Friendship and Honor.

Family status

Alexander Ivanovich Vakhmistrov was born on April 17, 1954 in the city of Stavropol. In 1981 he graduated from LIIZhT with a degree in Industrial and Civil Construction, and in 2000 from St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with a degree in Jurisprudence. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg State Pedagogical University.

Alexander Ivanovich Vakhmistrov has been working in construction since 1975. He worked his way up from a carpenter and designer to the general director of a joint construction enterprise, and subsequently to the vice-governor in charge of the construction industry of St. Petersburg. In public service since 1994. Initiated the creation and headed the Investment Directorate. In 1996, he headed the State Institution “Center for Working with Bank Loans.” The management was supposed to develop the territories using borrowed funds. From 2000 to 2003 headed the Construction Committee of the Government of St. Petersburg, being also the vice-governor of St. Petersburg. Since 2003 - member of the city government. In the same year, he headed the working group to create a general plan for St. Petersburg. While remaining vice-governor, in February 2009 he was invited to a new post as head of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg.

In June 2010, Alexander Ivanovich Vakhmistrov took the position of General Director and Chairman of the Board of OJSC LSR Group, the largest Russian construction holding company, uniting enterprises in the field of development, construction and production of building materials.

On the initiative of A.I. Vakhmistrov, the Union of Construction Organizations and Associations (USOO) was created in St. Petersburg in 2002. The main activity of the Union is aimed at establishing effective contacts between construction organizations, enterprises of the construction complex and the legislative and executive authorities, residents of the city. Today it is the largest professional public organization in the Northwestern Federal District. SSOO is a member of the Russian Union of Builders (RSU), a member of the RSU Council. Until December 2009, A.I. Vakhmistrov was the president of the SSOO.

A. I. Vakhmistrov, while still in the position of vice-governor of St. Petersburg, supported the transition of the construction industry to self-regulation and, being his supporter, in 2009 proposed the establishment of a Public Council on the coordination of the activities of self-regulatory organizations in St. Petersburg in the construction sector under Government of St. Petersburg. The purpose of the Public Council is to create a system of self-regulation in St. Petersburg.

Occupying the post of Chairman of the Public Council, Alexander Ivanovich takes an active part in the development of self-regulation in construction. Possessing, on the one hand, extensive production, managerial and administrative experience, and, on the other, being a Doctor of Economic Sciences, a professor at the State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering and the St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, an academician of the International Academy of Investment and Construction Economics and a corresponding member of a number of academies, advocates the immediate development of new technical regulations and improvement of regulatory regulation of the construction industry in the Russian Federation.

Alexander Ivanovich Vakhmistrov is an honorary builder of Russia, Honored Builder of the Russian Federation, awarded the Order of Friendship, “For Services to the Fatherland, IV degree”, received two official commendations from the President of the Russian Federation and a prize from the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology. Vakhmistrov is a holder of the highest spiritual awards: the Silver Medal of the Holy Supreme Apostle Peter and the Badge of St. George.

On June 26, 2010, the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev signed a Decree awarding A. I. Vakhmistrov with the Order of Honor for his labor successes and many years of conscientious work.

On June 9, 2017, Alexander Vakhmistrov left LSR Group, where he worked for more than 7 years. He will continue to work as an adviser to the president of Bank St. Petersburg and head of the regional branch of the National Association of Builders (NOSTROY).

As experts suggest, in 2016, Mr. Vakhmistrov made several systemic errors in his work, which did not please the founder of LSR Group, Mr. Molchanov.



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