Why are people given tests? The most difficult trials are given to the strongest people. Temptations and sorrows by God's permission

On the subtle plane there are always Higher Beings who protect you and to whom you can turn for help.

To become wiser. This is the most obvious answer that comes to mind.

Why do we need wisdom?

To be aware of what we are doing and why.

What is this for?

So that everything superficial leaves us, because this is how we begin to shine with our true light.

Why do we need this?

And this is needed not so much by our personality (read, ego), but by our soul.

What does the soul strive for?

To express ourselves in the world through our personality based on pleasure, flight, joy, happiness. These feelings are inherent in the Higher Self. But our Ego spoils all the aspirations of the soul, plunging the personality into experiences of duality.

Duality is a unity divided into two halves or, in other words, a pair of opposites.

Everything that happens to us happens as living, and then studying, duality through a reaction to it. The soul longs to be freed from the duality of perception. The ego clings.

How does this learning happen? Here are simple examples.

You were the executioner. Then you live the fate of the victim.

You were a rapist. Then they inflict violence on you.

You were a taskmaster. Then the whip is passed along your back.

You were a commander, a warrior, you loved war. Now you fight it, describing its horrors as a journalist.

You didn't want the truth to be known about what you did, you thought if that happened, you would escape punishment. In another life, this happens, but this secret weighs heavily on your soul, and you would be glad to tell and free yourself, but here another duality takes over - the fear of losing the respect of your family and the desire to be proud of you.

Imagine the irony - those who now actively and furiously attack gays may be gay in one of their next lives. The more rage, the greater the likelihood of such an outcome. Nothing disappears without a trace.

Moreover, the return of unlearned lessons from past lives does not proceed linearly, but as if in a spiral. Imagine the turns of a spiral, mark a point on one turn, and a point parallel to it on the other. There may be several lives in between that have no lessons associated with those lives.

The duality being studied can be, at first glance, cruel (executioner - victim), or can be quite harmless, without physical manifestations of the lesson (pride - humiliation). It may be different in each specific case.

Duality is experienced and explored when you get to the very edge of it. This is where you experience strong emotions. And where there is no equal relationship, duality appears. The bell is ringing - we need to restore balance. And they return it by giving you the opportunity to experience the other extreme. You are always given situations where you, for example, experience humiliation. Because pride is born from humiliation and vice versa. But being in pride, you close your eyes and do not realize that it was born from your fear of humiliation. And until you understand how it was born in you, it will be difficult to find balance. The task is to free yourself from the hook, from the duality of perception of the same thing.

By the way, forgiveness is one of the tools for such liberation. Forgiveness brings your energy back. However, if you are constantly angry, then instead of constantly forgiving, first figure out what is behind your anger.

So, freedom appears when the duality of perception disappears.

You calm down and the topic stops bothering you. Energy is no longer spent there and can be directed to creating something useful to you.

Thus, by freeing yourself from the duality of perception, you cleanse your energy field. Your vibrations are rising.

Why all these increases in vibrations?

Have you watched movies or read about the post-apocalypse? Like “I Am Legend” or “The Book of Eli.”

How do most people behave there, remember? Exclusively lower vibrations are involved, namely instincts - survival, sex and power. 1,2 and 3 chakras.

The upper world, namely the manifestation of the 4-7 chakras, is a big question.

I gave the example of the post-apocalypse because of its clarity. But in our world, many live exclusively on the manifestation of the first three chakras. These are lower vibrations.

The higher the vibrations, the more beauty around a person notices, the more his heart is open, the more he follows the dictates of the soul, high thoughts and spiritual truths. The more love he has, and the more love he carries around.
Then the world becomes more joyful, cheerful and happier. People do more good things in it. And this does not mean that the manifestations of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras disappear. It’s just that their manifestations are spiritualized through the manifestations of the upper chakras.

This is what we are striving for.

Your soul progresses towards mastery through trials. Trials in life help you, as a person, moderate your reactions and develop higher spiritual qualities, presenting themselves in the form of incentives, disappointments, betrayals, frustrations, mistakes, losses, and even illnesses and injuries.

It is easy to believe that you are a Divine Immortal Being when everything goes as you want and desire. However, it is much more difficult to remember the purpose and power of your Inner Being and remainor concentrated on it when life makes its harsh demands on you. Only if you perceive all situations patiently, compassionately and with love can you gain strength and ultimate freedom and develop your ability to live in harmony with your Higher Consciousness.

Challenges in life are not meant to wear you down, but to push you toward soul mastery. They help you measure your spiritual understanding and mark the level of progress you have made. For example, in order to move from one class to another in a regular school, you must pass exams. Your knowledge is assessed in a similar way when obtaining a driver's license: for the sake of your own safety and the safety of others, you must demonstrate your ability to cope with various situations on the road. In these situations, practice tests are not given to you to torture or hurt you, but to make sure that you have not missed anything important in the learning process. They are for your own benefit.

So it is on the path of knowledge. As you move from one class of life to another, you will have to endure a number of tests designed to expand your Inner Wisdom. They are not given to threaten you, although they certainly can be perceived as such, especially if you are in the midst of them. These tests are nothing more than neutral help to make sure of your own spiritual progress and achieve your goal. In this case, you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of your soul and begin to work on developing those areas of life that need further growth.

Whatever happens, accept it into your life and consider it as part of the Divine schedule drawn up for the development of your soul. When you are in the midst of life's storms, everything is perceived as personally affecting you. However, with the proper distance and objectivity, you will begin to see more clearly and distinctly that trials only shape your soul.

A difficult experience or episode in your life does not mean that you failed the “exam” or deserved what happened to you. This idea arises from the false belief that somewhere out there, no one knows where, there is an angry Almighty God who is ready to punish you the very minute you make a mistake. This is just a vestige of patriarchal confusion and there is not a grain of truth in it.

God is love and only love, and you are always at the very center of it. The Creator will never abandon or condemn you - you leave and criticize yourself. You are like children playing hide and seek with God, believing that you can always walk away and get rid of His Holy Presence, when in fact you cannot. You are always surrounded and protected by the Infinite Spirit.

Trials in your life is not divine retribution from a jealous Creator who doesn't like you or something you've done. They simply indicate that you are actively moving along the path of life lessons. You should not view difficulties as punishment, but as something that you attract to yourself as you reach the next level of understanding of your sacred nature.

May your actions towards others - including yourself - always be filled with love and respect. The great teacher and avatar Jesus Christ expressed this best when he said: “Whatever you do to the least of your brothers, you do to Me.”

When you treat another person harshly, you not only deprive and hurt his Inner Being, but you also harm and humiliate your own Being. When you blaspheme someone or treat yourself with contempt, it seems to you that you can always run away and get off easily, especially if Nobody sees you, but you thereby compromise your honesty and sacrifice your mercy and dignity for the sake of someone unknown.

Every person has a shadow side - for example, a “thief”, “tyrant”, “manipulator”, “rapist” - which manifests itself when a person communicates with those whom he regards as higher or lower than himself. At the soul level, there is no hierarchy of ranks: all spirits are equal. Any other idea is wrong and limits you. When you are tempted to judge or criticize another, consider this as a targeted test given to you by your Higher Self as an opportunity to expand your awareness and perception of those with whom you share the same Divine Spirit.

This exam can take a variety of forms: for example, a drunk homeless person who lives on selling empty bottles comes up to you and asks for money; or you are cut off on the road by a young reckless driver quickly rushing past; or the salesperson in the store is rude to you; or the delivery guy delivers the wrong order to you and demands more money.

How do you face these mental exams? Are you patient, kind and tolerant? Or impatient, rude and cruel? It doesn't matter whether anyone is watching you or not. You yourself know the truth.

Each of these situations is given to you along the path of life as a chance to practice even greater love and tenderness. Some of these challenges are easier to bear than others. But the more difficult they are, the faster your soul approaches the next level. Accept all annoying moments with mercy and dignity, knowing that they are tests and gifts of God.

When faced with an unpleasant situation, do not resist, do not resent or allow fear into your heart, but simply recognize that this is evidence that your soul is preparing to take another step in its development. Face any challenge with courage and remember that you are never given something for which you are not yet ready. Moreover, never go through them alone. Call upon your spirit guides, angels and Higher Self - they will help you cope with any difficulty that arises. Ask them for help and be open to accept it, for it can be given to you at any moment.

Trials big and small come your way every day. You can cope with some, but not with others, at least at first. Don't be annoyed as there will be other spiritual exams and other opportunities for soul growth. Their flow is non-stop. It is for this reason that you came to the earthly plane. There is no better way than this to become the master of your soul and realize its goals. It is not the trials that are important, but the goodwill with which you accept and perceive them. This is the main thing.

Now you can put this lesson into practice.

  • If you perceive any test in life or any trouble encountered, personally at your own expense; if you are afraid that you fully deserve what is happening to you; if you behave appropriately only when people are looking at you; if you allow your shadow qualities to control your life; If you are irritated and impatient most of the time, then you are new to this lesson.
  • If you overreact, panic, or get angry when faced with challenges; if you become frozen with fear or act in retaliation when things don’t go as you planned; if you ask: “Why did this happen to me?” - when the Universe throws you the wrong ball; If you dwell on negative events for too long, it means you are a student.
  • If you accept events as they are and calmly react to situations when they go wrong; if you see a correspondence between what you preach and how you act, and strive to bring them into harmony; if you do good deeds, even when no one sees it; If you accept that what matters is not what happened to you, but how you react to it, then you are a journeyman.
  • If you view all events - both good and bad - as a gift from God to help develop your spirit; if you perceive every difficult situation as a sign that your soul is entering the next path of knowledge and experience; if you are calm about difficulties; If you monitor your emotions and keep them under control, even when subjected to a sensitive test, then you are on the path to mastery of this lesson.

If you are a beginner:

  • Before reacting to trouble or a challenge from fate, pause and take a few deep breaths.
  • Don’t take everything that happens to you personally, even if it seems to you that someone or something is specifically targeting you.
  • Think of each problem as an exam or test.
  • Remember that you are prepared for the exam you are facing.

If you are a student:

  • Every morning, surrender your life to your Higher Self and ask it to be with you all day.
  • Focus on staying grounded and remaining calm when faced with any emotional, physical or mental challenges by doing deep breathing techniques, exercises or prayer.
  • Find the silver lining in the difficult trials of the past and look for the positive aspects in the trials of the present.
  • Practice meditation and non-attachment daily so that when something difficult happens, you can remain calm.

If you are an apprentice:

  • See trials as evidence that your soul is evolving.
  • Look for opportunities in every difficult situation or crisis.
  • Ask God that every day, at any moment, He will not leave you with His mercy.
  • Remind yourself that no matter how gloomy or dark the moment may be, it too will pass, like everything in life.

If you are on the path to mastery and complete mastery of this lesson:

  • Count how many times a day you and your spirit are tested.
  • Strive to pass each subsequent soul exam with greater calm and spiritual generosity than the previous one.
  • Pray to the Creator to give you strength, clarity, patience and love so that you can face new challenges with courage and dignity.

Soul Lesson:

Through trials in life, the soul rises to the heights of mastery.

Soul Purpose:

Respond calmly, creatively, with dignity and favorably to all life's challenges.

based on materials from the book: Sonya Choquette - “The Soul, Its Lessons and Purpose.”

Do you like challenges? Are you eager to get another dose to test your faith? You are confident in your faith - then expect trials!

First, let's understand the concept of "test".
From Greek (δοκίμιον) - test, check. In the passive voice, this word conveys the idea: "approved after examination", "tested for approval", "authentic" (Cleon L. Rogers, Jr., New linguistic and exegetical key to the Greek text of the New Testament, 843). The purpose of the tests is good. Trials show the authenticity of our faith.

A trial is a test to test our faith. It is a process or means for determining the authenticity of something, testing, testing means (BDAG, 265). The essence of the test is to test our faith for authenticity.
The parable of the sower well illustrates the essence of trials: if a person’s confidence in his salvation is a consequence of false faith, then any future trials will show on what basis his adherence to the Christian faith is built.
In trials, God uses any means. And at the same time, it is important to understand that God does not test with sin (James 1:13-16), He does not tempt anyone.

1. Trials as a means of testing our faith

The verses below provide a good argument for the value of trials for our faith. Naturally, our flesh will resist them. We will rebel against

to eradicate even the slightest sin, but the Lord in His grace patiently works on us and sends all the necessary means to cleanse everything that defames His glorious name.

"Count it all joy, my brothers, when you fall into various temptations, Knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance; and But let patience have its perfect work, so that you may be complete and complete, lacking nothing. " (James 1:2-4)

"In this you rejoice, having now grieved a little, if necessary, from various temptations,so that the tested faith of your faith, more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and honor and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ.. " (1 Peter 1:6,7)

2. Trials as a means to display God's glory.

Rarely do we think about this aspect of testing. More often, some people think that God has no right to use man to display his glory. The clay begins to dictate to the potter based on its illusory rights. But of course! Obviously, such an instrument for displaying the glory of God sounds cruel to our ears, but this is only because we do not fully understand God’s nature and do not know the plans of His “heart.” Our selfishness and sense of self-importance fuels our sense of self-preservation.

"And as he passed, he saw a man blind from birth.His disciples asked Him: Rabbi! Who sinned, he or his parents, that he was born blind? Jesus answered: neither he nor his parents sinned, but [this was] so that the works of God might be revealed in him. " (John 9:1-3)

3. Tests as a way to punish.

It is this aspect of trials that many Christians gossip about when something bad happens to their neighbor: “Oh, God punished him!” A person fell ill with an incurable disease - God punished him, a loved one died - God punished him, and so on. Perhaps so, but not a fact, since we see that there are several reasons for testing. And only God fully knows why He allows trials.
And through punishment God tests our faith.
"The Lord punished me severely, but did not put me to death." (Ps. 118:18)

"I know, Lord, that Your judgments are righteous and You punished me with justice." (Ps. 119:75)

4. “Tests” as a consequence of our stupid actions.
This point is not so much a test as it is what we often think of as a test, but is not one in the biblical sense of the word. When we do stupid things, we rarely think about their consequences. For example, we take out a loan from a bank to buy a car, a certain time passes and we understand that we will not be able to pay the money for the car. And the sophisticated human mind immediately begins to justify itself, placing responsibility for its actions on God, saying: “The Lord is testing me.” But this is not so. Undoubtedly, through such circumstances our character qualities are revealed, but the problem that we cannot give money for a car lies in our inability to adequately assess our financial capabilities. And nothing more. It is possible that God also uses our weaknesses to test our faith.

God calls us to rejoice in trials. The reason for such joy is not masochism; we do not like to subject ourselves to suffering. We are joyful because we know the ultimate goal of the trials - transformation into the image of Jesus Christ.

In the life of every person there are difficulties and trials. Naturally, the obstacles one faces are different from what the other endures. But the fact that there are difficulties along the path of life remains the same for every person. What also remains unchanged is the fact that we practically cannot influence at what point trials come into our lives; we cannot do anything to completely avoid them. The only thing that remains in our power is to change the attitude with which we meet those very difficulties.

Trials give us experience

The Lord sent us to this earth so that we could be tested. He gave us free will, thanks to which we can make our own decisions. We are able to distinguish good from evil and make a choice in favor of one or the other. Thanks to this opportunity, a person can become more and more like the Lord by following His commandments and instructions.

The experiences we gain on this earth will remain with us forever. When faced with challenges, we can always learn important lessons that will definitely be useful in the future. If you think about what you have had to face up to this point, you will realize that without these difficulties you would be a completely different person. The Lord knows what lies ahead for us. He loves his children and will not send them trials that they do not have the strength to cope with.

Trials teach us important principles

As stated earlier, trials give us precious experience that we cannot gain in any other way. How we cope with life's difficulties shows who we are, what principles we adhere to, what sources we turn to in search of advice, solutions or support.

I would especially like to note that in times of trial we can be patient and obedient as never before. Everything in our lives happens for a reason. We may not now understand why the Lord has placed us in such difficult circumstances, but He has a special plan for each of us. It is very important for us to trust God, it is important to show that we are ready to follow His will. Mormon apostle Robert D. Hales said, “Hope and trust in the Lord require faith, patience, humility, submission, long-suffering, commandment-keeping, and endurance to the end.”

Trials Strengthen Our Faith

Probably, each of us has repeatedly asked the question: “Why did this happen to me?” Indeed, trials often visit righteous people. The presence or absence of difficulties is not an indicator of a person’s worth in the eyes of God. Absolutely everyone, every person who has lived, is living, or will ever live on this earth, is learning the lessons prepared by the Lord. They look different for everyone. For one it may be financial difficulties, for another it may be a serious illness, for a third one has to go through everything at once; a striking example from the Bible is the story of Job. This does not mean that God loves one person more than another. It’s just that each of us has our own path to the house of our Heavenly Father, and we must go through it with faith.

Another leader of the Mormon Church, Quentin L. Cook, said: “Among the questions most often asked are: Why does a just God allow bad things to happen, especially to good people? Why are those who are righteous and serve the Lord not immune from tragedy?” "While we don't know all the answers," said Quentin Cook, "we do know some important principles that allow us to face tragedy with faith and confidence that a bright future awaits each of us."

Despite the fact that each person has to face completely different trials, one thing remains unchanged for everyone - the Lord is always there, He holds our hand in difficult moments, and when the going gets toughest, He will carry us in His arms, as it is said in one famous Christian parable.

The Parable of the Footprints in the Sand

“Once a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along a sandy shore, and the Lord was next to him. Pictures from his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.

When the last picture of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And he saw that often along his life’s path there was only one chain of traces. He also noted that these were the most difficult and unhappy times in his life. He became very sad and began to ask the Lord:

Wasn’t it You who told me: if I follow Your path, You will not leave me. But I noticed that during the most difficult times of my life, only one chain of footprints stretched across the sand. Why did You abandon me when I needed You most?

The Lord answered:

My sweet, sweet child. I love you and will never leave you. When there were sorrows and trials in your life, only one chain of footprints stretched along the road. Because in those days I carried you in my arms.”

May our hearts always be filled with love for the Lord, may the words of the Savior always ring in our hearts in difficult times: “Not my will, but yours be done” (Luke 22:42).

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Your soul progresses towards mastery through trials. They help you, as a person, moderate your reactions and develop higher spiritual qualities, presenting themselves in the form of incentives, disappointments, betrayals, frustrations, mistakes, losses, and even illnesses and injuries.

It is easy to believe that you are a Divine Immortal Being when everything goes as you want and desire. However, it is much more difficult to remember the purpose and power of your Inner Being and remain connected or focused on your Higher Self when life makes its harsh demands on you. Only if you perceive all situations patiently, compassionately and with love can you gain strength and ultimate freedom and develop your ability to live in harmony with your Higher Consciousness.

Challenges are not given to wear you down, but to push you towards soul mastery. They help you measure your spiritual understanding and mark the level of progress you have made. For example, in order to move from one class to another in a regular school, you must pass exams. Your knowledge is assessed in a similar way when obtaining a driver's license: for the sake of your own safety and the safety of others, you must demonstrate your ability to cope with various situations on the road. In these situations, practice tests are not given to you to torture or hurt you, but to make sure that you have not missed anything important in the learning process. They are for your own benefit.

So it is on the path of knowledge. As you move from one class of life to another, you will have to endure a number of tests designed to expand your Inner Wisdom. They are not given to threaten you, although they certainly can be perceived as such, especially if you are in the midst of them. These tests are nothing more than neutral help to make sure of your own spiritual progress and achieve your goal. In this case, you can understand the strengths and weaknesses of your soul and begin to work on developing those areas of life that need further growth.

Whatever happens, accept it into your life and consider it as part of the Divine schedule drawn up for the development of your soul. When you are in the midst of life's storms, everything is perceived as personally affecting you. However, with the proper distance and objectivity, you will begin to see more clearly and distinctly that trials only shape your soul.

A difficult experience or episode in your life does not mean that you failed the “exam” or deserved what happened to you. This idea arises from the false belief that somewhere out there, no one knows where, there is an angry Almighty God who is ready to punish you the very minute you make a mistake. This is just a vestige of patriarchal confusion and there is not a grain of truth in it.

God is love and only love, and you are always at the very center of it. The Creator will never abandon or condemn you - you leave and criticize yourself. You are like children playing hide and seek with God, believing that you can always walk away and get rid of His Holy Presence, when in fact you cannot. You are always surrounded and protected by the Infinite Spirit.

Trials in your life are not divine retribution from a jealous Creator who doesn't like you or something you've done. They simply indicate that you are actively moving along the path of life lessons. You should not view difficulties as punishment, but as something that you attract to yourself as you reach the next level of understanding of your sacred nature.

May your actions towards others - including yourself - always be filled with love and respect. The great teacher and avatar Jesus Christ expressed this best when he said: “Whatever you do to the least of your brothers, you do to Me.”

When you treat another person harshly, you not only deprive and hurt his Inner Being, but you also harm and humiliate your own Being. When you blaspheme someone or treat yourself with contempt, it seems to you that you can always run away and get off easily, especially if Nobody sees you, but you thereby compromise your honesty and sacrifice your mercy and dignity for the sake of someone unknown.

Every person has a shadow side - for example, a “thief”, “tyrant”, “manipulator”, “rapist” - which manifests itself when a person communicates with those whom he regards as higher or lower than himself. At the soul level, there is no hierarchy of ranks: all spirits are equal. Any other idea is wrong and limits you. When you are tempted to judge or criticize another, consider this as a targeted test given to you by your Higher Self as an opportunity to expand your awareness and perception of those with whom you share the same Divine Spirit.

This exam can take a variety of forms: for example, a drunk homeless person who lives on selling empty bottles comes up to you and asks for money; or you are cut off on the road by a young reckless driver quickly rushing past; or the salesperson in the store is rude to you; or the delivery guy delivers the wrong order to you and demands more money.

How do you face these mental exams? Are you patient, kind and tolerant? Or impatient, rude and cruel? It doesn't matter whether anyone is watching you or not. You yourself know the truth.

Each of these situations is given to you along the path of life as a chance to practice even greater love and tenderness. Some of these challenges are easier to bear than others. But the more difficult they are, the faster your soul approaches the next level. Accept all annoying moments with mercy and dignity, knowing that they are tests and gifts of God.

When faced with an unpleasant situation, do not resist, do not resent or allow fear into your heart, but simply recognize that this is evidence that your soul is preparing to take another step in its development. Face any challenge with courage and remember that you are never given something for which you are not yet ready. Moreover, never go through them alone. Call upon your spirit guides, angels and Higher Self - they will help you cope with any difficulty that arises. Ask for their help and be open to receive it, for it can be given to you at any time.

Trials big and small come your way every day. You can cope with some, but not with others, at least at first. Don't be annoyed as there will be other spiritual exams and other opportunities for soul growth. Their flow is non-stop. It is for this reason that you came to the earthly plane. There is no better way than this to become the master of your soul and realize its goals. It is not the trials that are important, but the goodwill with which you accept and perceive them. This is the main thing.

Now you can put this lesson into practice.
If you take any challenge or any adversity you encounter personally; if you are afraid that you fully deserve what is happening to you; if you behave appropriately only when people are looking at you; if you allow your shadow qualities to control your life; If you are irritated and impatient most of the time, then you are new to this lesson.
If you overreact, panic, or get angry when faced with challenges; if you become frozen with fear or act in retaliation when things don’t go as you planned; if you ask: “Why did this happen to me?” - when the Universe throws you the wrong ball; If you dwell on negative events for too long, it means you are a student.
If you accept events as they are and calmly react to situations when they go wrong; if you see a correspondence between what you preach and how you act, and strive to bring them into harmony; if you do good deeds, even when no one sees it; If you accept that what matters is not what happened to you, but how you react to it, then you are a journeyman.
If you view all events - both good and bad - as a gift from God to help develop your spirit; if you perceive every difficult situation as a sign that your soul is entering the next path of knowledge and experience; if you are calm about difficulties; If you monitor your emotions and keep them under control, even when subjected to a sensitive test, then you are on the path to mastery of this lesson.

If you are a beginner:
Before reacting to trouble or a challenge from fate, pause and take a few deep breaths.
Don’t take everything that happens to you personally, even if it seems to you that someone or something is specifically targeting you.
Think of each problem as an exam or test.
Remember that you are prepared for the exam you are facing.

If you are a student:
Every morning, surrender your life to your Higher Self and ask it to be with you all day.
Focus on staying grounded and remaining calm when faced with any emotional, physical or mental challenges by doing deep breathing techniques, exercises or prayer.
Find the silver lining in the hardships of the past and look for the positive aspects in the trials of the present.
Practice meditation and non-attachment daily so that when something difficult happens, you can remain calm.

If you are an apprentice:
See trials as evidence that your soul is evolving.
Look for opportunities in every difficult situation or crisis.
Ask God that every day, at any moment, He will not leave you with His mercy.
Remind yourself that no matter how gloomy or dark the moment may be, it too will pass, like everything in life.

If you are on the path to mastery and complete mastery of this lesson:
Count how many times a day you and your spirit are tested.
Strive to pass each subsequent soul exam with greater calm and spiritual generosity than the previous one.
Pray to the Creator to give you strength, clarity, patience and love so that you can face new challenges with courage and dignity.

Soul Lesson:

Through trials, the soul rises to the heights of mastery.

Soul Purpose:

Respond calmly, creatively, with dignity and favorably to all life's challenges.

based on materials from the book: Sonya Choquette - “The Soul, Its Lessons and Purpose.”

What else to read